"Why Does the Government Hide Vaccine Injury Data and When Will This Stop?"

Bro? Really?

Most of the FDA and CDC has cheerfully been creating autistic kids or approving SSRIs ignoring an opioid pandemic, for a buck. They did it with HIV, they did it with oxytocin, they'll never stop. The government medical community are killers.

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True, but it actually does take a while to break a lifetime's conditioning of trusting bodies with names containing various psych trigger words like Health, Assistance, Service etc. As everyone here knows, most likely...

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But at the same time, everyone has seen the inexorable explosion of autism in the last 30 years. Everyone knows that most autism parents recognize that it’s caused by vaccine damage. So everyone knows that he has to either believe those whose livelihood and professional standing depend on asserting that vaccines are safe and effective preventives of numerous rampant killer diseases, or those whose lives have been ruined by vaccine damage. The best option may be to pick and choose. Like the tetanus series (without pertussis) after the age of three. Being bewitched by words like Health is silly.

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Agreed wholeheartedly but it takes time and effort for even parents of autistic kids to stop and say, "Hey, wait a sec, this is BS, my kid got this way because..." And boy do people go for the witchwords like Health...

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I think most autism families stop further vaccines for all family members. The easiest thing to do is just stop. I refused the MMR and varicella vaccines for my vaccine-damaged daughter. Refused the last dose of Hib. No more hep-B or pertussis. Or any kindergarten doses of DTaP and polio. I was very nervous at the beginning of refusing, strange to say, but I don’t know what disease I was afraid of. I told the pediatrician that I hoped she’d get measles, mumps, and rubella naturally, the way I did as a child.

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Wow, that was very brave of you. I just hate the idea of kids being hurt by that money-grubbing cabal. I hope your daughter gains resilience and gets well.

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Thank you! I was making fun of my own fears. It turned out not to be hard to just say no. I took a religious exemption for her when she was in school. I hope she gets well too. She’s an amazing girl, has had a part-time minimum wage job for over a year, but we’ve moved on to lack of responsible group homes, i.e., predatory and rapacious.

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The problem is that if you truly believe this, as a small but growing number of Americans say they do, any further discussion about the safety of vaccines, or any medicine, becomes meaningless. Why quibble about the results of clinical trials or scientific studies? The data could just be made up out of thin air by the scientists or the drug manufacturers or the government! In fact, data itself is irrelevant with this worldview, since any of it could be invented or manipulated by corrupt actors - you have no way of knowing for sure. The only source you can rely on to infer truths about the world is your own lived experiences. Everyone else is out to get you.

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There are few ways to potentially identify true studies, which I noticed during the plandemic:

1) To get a study published not supporting every wonderful thing about the jab, authors would throw in a sentence at the end saying it still helped. There was no data in the study to support this catchall we want to get published statement sentence.

2) A study not supporting the narrative would be "unpublished" because it apparently couldn't even get published with the generic bend the knee but was made available online through other means.

3) Smaller publications and journals would tend to carry unblemished studies. They were specialty journals that are rarely touched by journalists. Often they focused on a specific area that would not broadly affect the overall narrative. (But taken all together were devastating to it.)

4) Narrative supporting "studies" often used equivocal language or seemed to use talking points similar to what was used elsewhere.

5) If a study against the jab were lambasted in the media or information how to be healthy were, there was a good chance the study or information was true.

6) Studies produced before the plandemic and survived scrutiny over time tended to be accurate.

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argue with #6, spent enough time with psychiatric drugs to realise that all their trials are "massaged," all their papers are ghostwritten. This has been happening since the 80's, likely before. Very hard to challenge (so it survives "scrutiny" still widely believed), but Peter Gotzsche did an excellent job in "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime," and Ben Goldacre, in a more accessible way, in "Bad Medicine."

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Yes, I follow Dr. Breggin. I was thinking of covid and supplement investigations when I wrote this.

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Yep! I am uninterested in any vaccines or any medications. I don't trust them, and for good reason. How is that a problem? The notion that more and more medicines and vaccines are required to be "healthy" is a fallacy. Sure, there are times for medical intervention, and some medicines are worthwhile, but the "bio hack" protocol so many Americans have accepted as the path to health is crazy.

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You have to believe this. It is stupid to take the word of a doctor. It is the parent’s responsibility to research and decide. There are many, many books with good presentations and discussions of the risks and benefits of every vaccine, including many studies (most of them flawed). Most vaccines usually work to prevent the targeted disease for varying lengths of time. Most ALSO cause disabling neurological, allergic, or autoimmune disease, including autism, in a large percentage, as in over half, starting with allergic disease. It’s very important not to give any vaccine before three years old and shelter newborns at home. Very important to give the fewest vaccines possible, which comes down to the parent being well-informed on both diseases and vaccine risks at his location. I personally would give a child in my care the DT series (no pertussis ever) after three years old. The Hib and Prevnar series after two months old (not at same visit) for small children who absolutely had to be in daycare (not advisable if possible to care for child at home). The polio series IF there were any active cases of polio in the vicinity. Homeopathic nosodes are safe, effective, and available for every vaccine-preventable disease.

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True. That is empirical evidence btw. My last visit to the doctor was around 2010 to ask about a rash. I was 38 in excellent physical condition. I had been crossfitting for several years at that point. The doctor was fat. The people in the waiting room were sickly looking and out of shape. The doctor wanted to talk about health screening... (I am sure to get me on statins and blood pressure meds since I was about 40). I wanted to talk about a rash. He insisted he had to give me the sales pitch though. At the end of it I emphatically said no. He looked exasperated and asked why. I told him I'm healthy and asked about my rash again. To his credit he dropped it and we discussed it. I don't think that would happen today. I bet I would be forced to submit to health screenings or be purged form the Healthcare facility. I had a bit of an epiphany here. I just told myslef the people I work out with and talk food and nutrition with are my healthcare providers. These people I just see as fraudsters and racketeers. Another example...Were I used to work we were considered an "essential business". We were a 24/7 operation that never shutdown during the lockdowns. The first 3 months nobody got sick. We took no precautions. After that they started masking. After that they started testing anybody who got as so much as a sniffle..and anybody who was in contact with that person. People staryed testing positive and had to go out lol. I couldn't believe the scale of the fraud at this point. It was a year and half later when we got our first "covid death". An employee who had 2 previous heart attacks. One at our facility in which we carted him out unconscious. He sent a video from the hospital talking to one of our employees. He looked ok. Could talk well. Didn't look like he was having trouble breathing but did look tired. He told his friend they were intubating him. When his friend showed me that my first thought was "they decided to kill him". Sure enough. He died. I was a department head. I didn't make people mask in our space. I didn't mask in our space. I didn't care if I got fired at that point. If any of my people cared they didn't say anything to me. I just didn't talk about it. The rest of the salaried people constantly gave lectures on the importance of masking and promoted the vaccine. They almost mandated it but backed off because they have larger facilities in the South and alot of their workforce wasn't buying it anymore. I wound up quitting and am in my 50s without healthcare. I am fine with that. I feel like I should drive around with a sign on my neck if I get in a car accident. "If I am incapacitated do not take me to the hospital. Let me die in peace away from those bastards"

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One of the last things my dad said, lying on the couch he died on, "Don't call any goddam doctors or priests."

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If you went to see your PCP more than once every ten years, I suspect he would be less insistent on talking to you about extremely important health screenings. Do know why he sounded exasperated? Because he's talked to so, so, so many men just like you, and some of them died 100% preventable deaths. You aren't special. He's already seen your story, and he already knows how it too often ends.

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Lolololololol... txs for that. Good stuff.

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Btw... can I see the RCT on that? 🤣🤣🤣

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Why do you think they do not recognize anecdotal evidence? Anecdotal evidence immediately refutes their claims to "Safe and Effective".

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Empirical evidence is very important. Especially when you are faced with a large racketeering operation hiding and manipulating the data. People seem unwilling to face the corruption in our society though. They don't want to believe our civilization is deteriorating. I can understand the feeling to some extent but if you have children... yikes...where is that protective instinct?

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Agreed. My newborn daughter was given the hep-B vaccine at birth without permission. I had told her future pediatrician I didn’t want her to get it because it often caused autism. They gave it to her anyway, she reacted with screaming syndrome for four days and nights, vaccine encephalitis, and was later diagnosed with autism. The DTaP booster at 18 months erased her only two words and she was diagnosed with autism at 20 months old. Talk about a criminal racket. Huge money in every aspect of autism, but nothing useful or appropriate. No educational programs, language therapy, socialization, job training and placement, or humane housing for adults. Nothing but boredom and loneliness for my now 23 year old daughter. One of countless millions. It’s now diagnosed in one in thirty children, up from one in 10,000 in 1980.

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Your story really pisses me off. I hope you sued!

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*Oxycontin was what they put my grandmother on after chopping off her leg. She could never get off it. Oxytocin would probably have been a nicer experience.

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Oxycodone/percodan would have been a better choice, IMHO. Coupled with low dose benzodiazepine. Much easier to come off of, and in my experience with patients, does the job.. Oxycontin/MS Contin is a fight with a grizzly bear without a gun. Ed

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These drugs have their legitimate uses. My mother in 1999: terminal pancreatic cancer was given Oxy and similar drugs. When one’s life expectancy is estimated in weeks, there’s not a whole lot of worry about addiction issues.

Another inconvenient consequence of the crackdown on the "over-prescribing" of opiods in the 2000s is simply that many doctors are leery of prescribing them for any purpose. They risk getting flagged and potentially losing their licenses or even going to prison.

I know for a fact (at least a few years ago) that legitimate patients cannot get more than a ten day supply at a time from the pharmacy, in addition to the other hoops one must jump through. Fortunately in my case my controlled substance was elective (Adderall) but I can imagine that for a patient with chronic pain, who cannot transport herself, who lacks reliable transit to and from the drug store, etc. that having to physically appear to pick up her medication every ten days is a major pain in the ass.

Note that none of the above is meant to trivialize the very real addiction and OD issues. My point is that good intentions (to regulate/criminalize "abuse") have consequences of their own, to legitimate participants in the system.

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Duly noted. My point was when We were dealing with a younger patient population that We had our Eyes wide open. Terminal/chronic pain changes the whole Dang program. Very Best (More than You Know), Ed

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Certainly easier to get off of than Cymbalta or Lyrica!

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As a FYI this comment did not bother me at all.

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It was a knee-jerk, cheap shot. Sorry.

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I fear the collective actually believes the narrative. Danger! Danger!

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Desmit's curves are holding fast. 75% following. 5-10% questioning and not complying, the rest comply because, well, it's the done thing.

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It is an absolute shame what healthcare has become. I am Friends with some of the Best of the Best in the medical community… they don’t have to care what the hospitals or gubment say…They are impervious and with Great integrity, i.e. - they are worth too much money. Huh..Follow the money. Ed

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They didn't ignore an opioid t epidemic there was never one to begin with they went after the disabled and elderly chronic pain patients rather than the truth of what was killing people which is illicit street drugs not medication!!! Now they changed opioids so they don't work and they cause debilitating side effects. Good luck if you ever have surgery or an accident there's no more pain care Thanks to idiots like you who think there was an opioid epidemic to begin with when it was their illegal street drugs. They're doing this so more and more people go on street drugs as well as suffer and die and are tortured to death after surgeries etc

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Yes, good point. I'd add that to my post just above: restricted access to legal pain relief forces some unkown number of people into a search for illegal alternatives.

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May be o some research.

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And damaging inner cities. And killing native manufacturing. It has to be intentional and implemented by idiots.

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America's cities were detroyed for reasons having nothing (directly) to do with drug abuse. I agree with you one one key issue (the loss of manufacturing). But there are other factors that -- well, we're not allowed to discuss them in polite company any more.

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When they stop taking $$$ from the Medical Industrual complex.

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Because it makes every government filthy rich, it gives them control. If the Gov. said everyone has to go under lock down because diasese such and such is spreading, the ppl obey and comply with out proof. They OBEY the Gov. never standing up because everyone is paid off to obey the gov. Look at schools, they take federal grants free money but they must brainwash the kids Federa Gov. style . Hence “ dumbing down america” by Charlotte Iserbyt. This is all so deep most are just now getting it , All of what’s happening within the US Alex Jones tried warning about this is why he got demonized they wanted him shut down so the ppl wouldn’t get the “ REAL” information many are finding out how to get even if not alex. Steve and others Drs. are coming forward. Elon has helped the list is long the nation is being be murdered in every way we need to survive. EVen the beef u eat. if not beef, the food in general.

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Stumbled across your Substack just a week or so back, now gripped!

Interesting article on SSRIs. My wife was hooked on them for 25 years. Script never reviewed. In 2017 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. NHS messed the treatment up, she felt crap, so went carnivore about 4 years ago (inspired by Jordan Peterson's daughter Mikhaila). Instant results in mood and health. I followed her and found the same. Lost 20lbs in 6 weeks, all visceral fat and I wasn't overweight (6'5" and 14 stone).

Dec 2021 my wife was diagnosed with "terminal" bone cancer. Refused more chemo as we convinced the poor treatment and the chemo was the reason for the cancer metastatising. Felt so good from the carnivore, she decided to follow MP and get off SSRIs. Managed to get a liquid form of her prescription, and titrated her dose down slowly over 18 months or so, and she's now been off them for some 18 months and so much better for it.

We're both very suspicious of allopathic medicine; my wife a highly respected Acupuncturist for 25 years, and me a born sceptic. Neither of us were jabbed.

Your substack is excellent. I print your articles off as I struggle with screen reading, and sit down and read them properly of an evening. Thanks!

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Thank you! I am a big fan of the e-ink ebook readers!

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Yeah - I struggle with those as well, sadly. So, with winter bedded in here (we are in rural Somerset in England, and I'm retired) I spend a lot of time in front of the wood burner, with a large pile of large books 😊

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I'm glad you are not feeding the books to the wood burner. I had to read your prior comment. Ketogenic natural diet, vitamin-D, meditation and prayer seem to resolve some terminal cancers in people who seek, and find that path.

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😂 This bibliophile would see that as blasphemy! My wife has added ice tub bathing (I don't fit in, so do with cold showers - and our water is very cold as it's straight from the mains) to assist her well-being. I'm finding it helps me start the day buzzing!

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And water fasting. It’s the “O.G.” keto. Not to be ignored!

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My wife fasts more than I do - but we eat on this pattern; eat when hungry, stop when not. Bed at 9am, so whilst I'm up early, I've had eight hours good sleep.

As an aide to health, this is a really interesting book.

"Breath" - by James Nestor. I highly recommend it.

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Please consider taking a look at the Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer substack, sir. Read all the case studies. It appears to be able to get at the cancer stem cells that always cause certain cancers to rear their ugly heads again. I hope AMD will do an article on fenbendazole some day. Mebendazole is the human form, fenben is the animal form- almost entirely the same molecule. Mebendazole is very expensive in the USA. Fenben is not. Cheers and best of health to you both.

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I've been taking Fenben for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia since August. Blood testing after 2 months showed the lowest lymphocyte count I've had in 7 years, which is 3 years before I was even diagnosed! If it's lower again when I test next month, I'll know for sure it's working. I'm subscribed to the substack you mentioned. It's a good one!

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Oh Pepper, that is such good news! I’m hoping it works for me too. I started it end of October for uterine cancer. Fingers crossed.

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I bet it will! Best of luck to you!

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Me too Pepper & Mel. I’ve taken FB 3on 4 off since July to keep my early breast cancer from returning. I just had a blood draw for liver function and ALT & AST are very good, in the low 20’s.

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That's great! It's so good to see that people are learning about these alternative methods of healing.

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I have a neighbor who has severe skin cancer. Was getting chunks removed about every month. I gave him some research on Ivermectin applied topically. He got some from TJ. About 3 months later his skin is free of any signs of cancer. He went to his dermatologist who concurred and asked what he was doing for treatment. When told the dermatologist wasn’t surprised and replied that many of his patients were using this treatment.

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When will the Doctors recover their moral senses & treat their patients with what works, instead of creating & "treating" perpetual illness for all of humanity?

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Masaki - thank you!

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Yes, I like that one too!

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A close relative is on an SSRI for depression. He's a qualified pharmacist.

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Very best wishes to your wife- the fact that she's pulled through for 2 years after that diagnosis is a very good sign. Here are some scientific articles and other items which just might help:

Inexpensive OTC agents which have shown significant survival improvements for advanced cancer in "gold standard" randomized controlled clinical trials (referenced below) include:

curcumin https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/149/7/1133/5499032?login=true

mistletoe https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959804913005509

daily Vitamin D (modest effect) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0923753419311597

Another agent is THC:CBD "Sativex" spray (approved in UK, but apparently not US- prescription needed) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41416-021-01259-3

A few other agents supported by convincing testimonials of saving advanced cancer patients include the following (there are some published case reports and animal studies supporting the anti-cancer effectiveness of these agents, but probably no randomized clinical trials so far):

amygdalin (bitter apricot seeds), for example https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083H313VC/

graviola/soursop leaves, for example https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B0PQU3K - or probably even stronger is the extract of paw paw which is similar to graviola https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Sunshine-Cell-Reg-Acetogenins-Production/dp/B001X04STA/

the drugs mebendazole or fenbendazole (https://laurasmercantile.com/joe-tippens-protocol-products-2023/)

Dr. Justus Hope (pseudonym) wrote an excellent book about the promising results of using repurposed drug combinations to try to survive advanced cancer. Two of the most common drugs he recommends are metformin and statins- if you can't get the drugs, berberine and red yeast rice are OTC supplements with somewhat similar functions, respectively:


Chris Wark https://www.amazon.com/Chris-Beat-Cancer-Comprehensive-Naturally-dp-1401956130/dp/1401956130/ and Jane McClelland https://www.amazon.com/How-Starve-Cancer-Then-Ferroptosis/dp/B0BQPK258 have also written helpful books on their successful experiences in treating their own advanced cancers with diet and other strategies.

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Many thanks. My wife turned down chemo for the bone cancer, and has worked with diet - being carnivores, that means no carbs, no sugar, no fructose. She's taking no medication. Indeed, whilst it is interesting that Statins can help, she was an acupuncturist for 25 years, and much of her work was getting patients of prescription drugs - including statins. Indeed, her father used them, and found they impacted him cognitively. A keen chess player, he had to give up.

Till he gave up Statins.

Reading this book as well an indicator - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cancer-Metabolic-Disease-Management-Prevention/dp/0470584920

Many thanks

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Hi Praise! And I love the idea of printed it off and reading it in long format!!!

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The People That Are Wearing Masks

And Still Taking Booster Shots

Have Started To Identify

With Their Captors.


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True That. Ed

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Stockholm syndrome.

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The Chronically Vaccinated

Are Lying To Themselves.

They Can Never Be Trusted Again

About Anything.


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The pharmaceutical industry is a parasite on the back of humanity.

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Yet Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Ozempic are well on their way to becoming the best-selling drugs in the history of the world, despite the fact that you're injecting yourself with something that permanently alters your brain and endocrine system and that you'll be hooked on for life. Millions of people who swore they'd never get vaccinated are fighting to be first in line to get this other needle into their arm...

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Thank you for putting this together in the most simple and easy way to understand. I lost a 25 yr old healthy teammate and I cannot convince friends and family to stop getting the deadly arm cocktails.

Hopefully this will help. Many do not understand how bad the flu vaccine is too

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Best Friend, extremely perfect health…I was jealous; however, he took the bait… Now left ventricular heart dysfunction. Tried to warn him. Huh…wonder where that came from. Ed

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Because it was absolutely never about health.

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As your gab header says, "health freedom should have been in the Bill of Rights." That means freedom FROM government. Getting government completely out of medicine is the only way to fix this. Doing anything less will create more problems than it solves.

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And yet the UK population used to be very proud of the National Health Service. Pharma domination and corruption are the big problems.

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And it took government help to ensure that pharma and allopathic medicine dominated.

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Government corrupted by pharma and lobbying.

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Big respect for your work 🙏 thank you ❤️

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While money and property theft may drive much of what has occurred during the plandemic, ultimately one must conclude there is a larger agenda when looking at the world picture. The governments of countries with populations that hold with Western values are committing democide while replacing their populations with others. IMO race is a distraction, it is about values. Illegal migrants are not required to take the jab, at least in the USA, but the press for the existing population is to take an unapproved treatment that, if not deadly early on, has long term consequences we are only now seeing. If one finds it too hard to accept this, look at the long history of governmental democide, including the attempt to kill Americans regarding Cuba that Kennedy thankfully stopped. That and other actions probably got him assassinated.

I have a friend who I no longer try getting her to stop taking vaccines. She is fully "up to date" on everything. I want to say, why not take a gun and blow your head off, it's quicker and less painful? Now, despite taking excellent care of her health in other ways, she can barely remember words when talking and after the latest bi whatever jab, she is worse. I know my friend will die or be disabled before her time, but there is no treatment nor anything I can say at this point to stop the inevitable march to her destruction. What we face in the coming years for the entire population, IMO, is devastating. Some will say she deserved it, and I suppose in some ways she brought it on herself, but she is my friend, and it grieves me. We are all affected, unjabbed or not.

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Bravo Doc! A wonderful article. You and Steve are doing God's work.

At a recent bimonthly gathering of local GPs here in the UK, a public health Dr exhorted us to do more to encourage flu vaccinations for our patients. His argument to us was based on a UKHSA paper that suggested 25000 hospitalisations were prevented by the vaccine last Winter in England. And of course, that paper was based on modelling, not patient-level data. Our GP Surgeries have precisely the patient-level data outlined above as does UKHSA. When asked why the arguments for vaccination were not based on this, the public health Dr had no answer.

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Tragically, the same angle of propaganda is applied toward "curing" some shadow virus poised to decimate the earth's population. "The CURE is right around the corner!" The cancer "cure" had been touted in the exact same manner for how many decades now? And during this time, with all the instrumentation of modern medicine, there was a concert of quiet regarding WHAT CANCER ACTUALLY WAS, not to mention how it was able to be eliminated through proper health habits. A lifestyle condition was the culprit, and the return of a proper life-style held promise toward its reversal. Cancer was sold as an "intruder" of sorts, a genetically directed dysfunction that could only be "killed" by allopathy. To poison,, burn, cut, and radiate, have been the tools of the industry.

Let us all plant a "Victory Garden," and partake of the enzymes from the greenery grown! Avoid the non-nutritious packaged foods, and absorb some early sunshine in your garden. It's a good idea whose time has come "full circle."


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I think they may still push the shot - or a shot for something, especially since self-amplifying shots are coming which can be their "one and done" .. I know people who would still easily be talked into getting another shot if marketed as a one time deal. What a mess we live in.

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The V-safe data showed that for ten million shots there were 770,000 (7.7%) adverse events serious enough to require medical attention (doctor/urgent care visit, ER, hospitalization, etc.). As you noted the V-safe data was kept hidden until ICAN's FOIA request made it public.

I hear the V-safe program is no longer taking data.

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Correct. Government said it was no longer necessary to collect the data.

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Science cannot thrive without truth or with greed.

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Or Lies

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Sometimes I fantasize about the world with the goal to make sense of what I see before me. Recently, it’s become this idea we are not the top of the food chain, we are actually a form of cattle for some entities off camera and we’re being experimented on, managed. A few in Congress have been given the truth of what’s really happening and because of their stature, the rest follow like lemmings, signing death warrants for us all. Note, Congress did give itself an exemption.

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Poor shepherds make for unruly flocks.

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Admissions regarding the safety failures are not being made. Instead (since virtually every one of the jab-recipients wound up with a significant COVID infection), the adverse outcomes are being branded as “long COVID,” wholly consistent with the marketing sleight of hand that has characterized both the development and the rollout of these pharmaceuticals - the impacts of which are requiring (wait for it) more pharmaceuticals!

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Dec 1, 2023
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Hello again, Are you a troll?

Or just a very angry person? You can get a drug to help for that!

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Dec 1, 2023
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Ha ha! You're really funny! (But probably only to look at.) Troll!

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The troll be gone. Am just reading replies to the turd.

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Hudson, why are you here? Troll?

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