The medicine I believe in stemmed from Hippocrates: the Father of Medicine...it was simple, but true. "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity." This has been replaced with... "Wherever the art of money is loved, enter the profession of medicine." It appears that many doctors today go into the profession of medicine, because of the money. It was not this way years ago. There was a real doctor-patient relationship. The cost of the education, the government paperwork, and other things turned the whole field into this fiasco today. The core of the problem: People have lost the balast they need to remain stable. Trusting in man and not seeking guidance from our Creator.

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I agree, although I think the larger issue is not that the doctors can make a massive amount of money, but rather than the medical system has been engineered so that the industry itself can profit immensely off of it.

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Drs are not the one profiting. Private equity firms bought up public medicine. The admins make over 500k a year. More than any doc. The ins companies make the money. Pharma makes the money. Dme companies make the money. I think you have more to learn if you think it’s the Drs. They are puppets today. Spend 1 min. With pt. If they go over they can get fired. Mandated to push certain drugs and vaccines or they lose their job. They don’t make the cash. They are salary.

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The focus today in every field...is the money to be obtained.. People should really put their attention on there 'calling' .The special ability or talent that would make them happy...and the money will be there. As a child, we had absolutely nothing materially, but life was good, because of the people in my life. When I lost someone, it was devastating. Today, children are just waiting for 'their' inheritance. Look at what is occurring in the world today...people are not important at all. Get rid of them! How did this lack of feeling occur?

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But Big Mac combos went from 2.99$ in the 90's to over 12$. In 1990 average rent was $447 and now it's $1,180. We're not waiting for inheritance, we're waiting for a chance to even begin.

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Keep the faith! Its a total struggle. Great Depression..nothing my first 12 years...nothing. Then my next 35 years...I did not handlemoney. My mother and then my husband paid the bills. When I left my husband I had $14. He supported me for awhile...and then I was on my own for the next 40 years.. Life is a struggle...and one either gives up or one will eventually succeed. Somehow, I made it to 90 on my own. I was speaking about some of my own children who did the inheritance bit with me!

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"It appears that many doctors today go into the profession of medicine, because of the money. It was not this way years ago." Bullshit.

In the early 1970s, I worked for Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc. They did a survey of the doctors subscribing to medical journals, asking, among other things, why the doctors went into medicine. The top two answers were Money and Sex.

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David....I am talking about times...back in the thirties and forties. It was different. Doctors worked out of their homes. Their wives assisted them. They did not have to do government paperwork or hire accountants, etc. If you needed a doctor, they came right to your home. If you had no money, they would accept food. Many doctors were there to help women in childbirth, even if they were not paid. It was a far different caring society. This Drug-Oriented Sexual Revolution in the 1960s turned society upside down.

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Sorry, you should have said the 1930s & 1940s instead of "years ago." 1970s was years ago, also, over half a century.

In the 1950s & early 1960s, my doctor was old-style, mostly came to the house instead of office visits, and functioned as the School Physician. However, he, too, was doing it for the money, still working into his 70s because of losses in the market.

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Everybody needs money..its just many people today are taking advantage of people who don't have knowledge. People are paying for future problems, when they are prescribed drugs or eat most processed foods. Drugs have side effects and the wrong foods ditto... They break down the internal organs. Our mouths were created to eat specie-specific foods designed for the human species. We are a species, just like every other one.

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Amen Barbara🤗♥️

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An incredible, impactful essay. You've covered every corner of the current Amerkan dilemma. I have experienced most of them. If we had a real free media, this essay should be everywhere.

Education, for the last 50 years, it has eroded to a state of complete irrelevance.

It has been helped by the mindless captured MSM in all its different disguises. A pillar of a Republic, Education is injured and recovery will be tough.

Urban warfare is brutal. The history of it has a repeating pattern. The attacker and the defender both take innocent civilian lives who have been caught within the struggle. Sometimes, when the defenders do not wear military uniforms, it's quite difficult for the attacker to know who is who! History is full of examples.

Thank you for all you do. You are amazing.

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Thank you too! My personal opinion is that the root cause of most of the issues we are facing is the educational system.

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AMD…I agree. And it’s starting earlier than before with the push to get children into daycare and preschool! How did our Founding Fathers get to be so smart and creative without Public School? Also, the rate of literacy was much higher then than it is now. I believe in access to education for all but that doesn’t mean it must come in the form of send one’s precious loved one off to an institution to be indoctrinated. Community, that’s how we learn best! Thank you John Taylor Gatto to opening my eyes. I only wish I would’ve pulled my kids from the System and allow them to self-direct their education sooner as it takes time to “deschool” and gain back one’s natural curiosity for learning.

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Agreed … Community is key … REAL community … which we have mostly forgotten the true nature of via colonization … and need to relearn … We need to DEcolonize.

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And what is ‘the educational system’ when u break it down?

A reflection of all/much that u have described in this very thorough article.

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Are you aware of Khazarian Mafia that you call jews? Talmud and Torah or just ignorant?

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I used to be very convinced about the form of government I favored. But after doing Vipassana meditation (dhamma.org), it became clear to me that any form of government is only as good as the people who inhabit the government and the society it governs. Ashok the Terrible was the cruel warrior king of a large portion of India. When he discovered Buddhism (while the Buddha's enlightenment practice was still extant) he renounced violence. His country went through a period of enlightenment. Same form of monarchical government, but different leadership and a flowering of the society.

The USA government and society has been infiltrated by anti-democratic, say fascistic, amoral psychopathic elements who use the trappings of democracy with no intent to fullfill the spirit. The results of our democracy will only change when the people change, either replaced or internally changed.

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Yea that’s call s the Jews at the UN

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That is a pretty limited view. In The Secret Team, Prouty called out the CIA for having over-stepped its mandate and infiltrated all of government, the military and the major institutions of society and being responsible for the JFK coup d'etat. We know about Operation Mockingbird putting CIA plants in media. The CIA has its own independent sources of funding, including theft from the government. In CIA as Organized Crime, Valentine shows how the CIA rolled out its Phoenix program of extra-judicial murder and torture, world-wide. The Fusion Centers they created in the USA allow police to illegally access information collected by the intelligence agencies.

Then of course we have the neo-cons who have pushed us into every war. They created PNAC which told us that we needed a New Pearl Harbor to galvanize the USA, not long before 911, which was given that title.

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You do realize the controllers. Own all the media. Therefore everything you think you know is controlled opposition. Think bigger. Sounds like you have a pretty limited view of you believ everything you see on TV. Do some deep research and apply some critical thought you’ll see I’m right.

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I do believe everything I see on "TV" cuz I dont watch TV, so that means zero.

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Sadly it looks like we'll have to wait until the vultures in the US government die before anything changes. It's the same in the medical industry and science and military, why not here?

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Many of these problems could be lessened by people working to improve their personal courage. That would make it more difficult for evil and corruption to prosper. Easier said than done, but worrying more about God than man helps. Also, if you take the cowardly path you become cowardly. If you take the courageous path you become courageous.

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Writing about courage (and where it comes from) is one of the topics that has been on the backburner here for a while.

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One does not write about courage. You have it or not. You write about someone else who has /had courage.

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Amen. I discovered those that are merely 8yrs younger than me are not courageous and captured! I'm 50!

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I commend you on having the time, energy, and research skills to write such important and lengthy essays while still supporting what I imagine is a busy practice!

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Highly thoughtful article. I agree with many ideas here and I’m a huge fan of the Doc! He’s carefully trying to balance sensitive topics. I would like to expand on some of the economic and political ideas here.

First a couple definitions. A capitalist, or “free market,” system is one in which the prices of goods and services are determined by consumers and the open market, in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government, price-setting monopoly, or other authority.

Max Weber’s definition of the state is “an entity that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force within a given geographical area.” This can mislead people into thinking that the state is the only or even the primary reason for security and order.

The "state" is by its very nature aggression. It can’t exist without out (for example, it has to tax directly or indirectly to exist and grow). It extracts and redistributes. It doesn’t produce.

There is a common mistake underlying almost all political discourse - a constant focus on the misleading reference to "left" and "right." There is no left and right. They are arbitrary and ever changing definitions of the political spectrum and should be completely ignored. All the "isms" being categorized into the "left" and "right" spectrum create confusion and obfuscate the true nature of politics and government. It's actually simple. The state (defined as a non-voluntary government) cannot exist without aggression / violence. It doesn't produce anything and therefore it cannot trade voluntarily for resources. It extracts through taxation (which is coercion, which is a form of aggression). The spectrum that should be applied in analyzing human interaction (and therefor politics - which is governance involving the state) is one that measures the amount of aggression applied in an interaction between individuals or entities. The spectrum spans from extreme statism to pure individual freedom. All the "isms" are just various forms and amounts of state aggression against individuals. For example, Anarcho-capitalism and Libertarianism fall on the individual freedom side of the spectrum (none to a little statism). Dictatorship, monarchy and communism fall on the other end of the spectrum - extreme statism (a few people use aggression / violence to control others). Fascism is when the state and private sector collaborate (see the Twitter files). We need to stop talking about the "left and right" and start identifying acts of aggression. If it's not a voluntary trade or act, then aggression is involved (e.g., force, coercion, violence, theft, etc). For example, drafting someone into the army is an act of state aggression. We are taught as children to not steal and be respectful of one another (e.g., don't take your sister's toy without asking politely) and we expect to treat each other as individuals and neighbors in the same manner. However, it's incredible that we don't hold the state to the same standard! We willingly allow the state to coerce us into confiscating our wealth. We allow the state to tax, fine, incarcerate, threaten and pillage individuals in order to maintain the power of the state. If we had all the taxes we paid over decades, we could have individually used that wealth and voluntarily directed it to those we each determined need it. There is no need for the state, but politicians constantly preach how they are going to "protect" you and "help" others. It's all a con. The state is just people like the rest of us, but with special powers. Everyone in this country needs to learn about the true nature of the state and stop using "left" and "right" to categorize and defend positions. We need to identify the specific acts of aggression and stand against them. Until we do, the state will continue to grow unabated and wreak havoc on this country. We are moving from individual freedom toward more statism. We are not necessarily "socialist," but there are many government entities and policies that are "socialist" in nature. But forget the term "socialism" and focus on the acts of aggression. For example, printing money is a state monopoly power that dilutes our purchasing power. The state has the power to print money and spend it wastefully. We as individuals are thrown in jail if we print money (it's called counterfeiting when free people do it). This is why the state is going after Trump so hard. The state sees that he's an anti-statist (especially against the military industrial complex), so the state is using its legal power (aggression) to defend itself against his freedom movement. The CIA and FBI are doing the same thing as they are powerful divisions of the state. I'm not defending Trump (he's also a statist on some issues). It's just an example of the state's power and how it uses it to control others. Julian Assange is a better example. He reported on the state's evil aggressions and the state went after him aggressively. He hasn't had a fair trial and has been in jail for over 10 years. I highly recommend this book for everyone in the country: https://mises.org/library/anatomy-state. The state does not represent the people. The state no longer follows the Constitution and does not defend individual freedom. The state doesn’t lead to violence; the state is the manifestation of institutionalized violence (aggression). Allow me to anticipate what you will be told when you explain this to those who don't understand this concept. They will say, "Ah ha! I got you. If there is no state, there will be anarchy!" The response is simple. First, anarchy is not violence. Anarchy is a latin term that means "denial of the state." Don't let anyone trick you and associate anarchy with violence. Anyone who argues that statelessness leads to violence is self-defeating if the proposed solution is to establish the state. That is the logic few in this country understand. Anarcho-capitalists do not claim that a truly free and voluntary market will not include aggression. There will always be bad actors in a free market. But to argue that we need to form a monopoly state as a solution is ludicrous. This is explained in this article by Robert Higgs, "If Men We're Angels, The Basic Analytics of the State versus Self-government": https://www.independent.org/publications/article.asp?id=1982. The summary of this logical position is that there will be less aggression in a stateless society than in one controlled by the state (especially over time as the state grows). So the conclusion we all need to come to is that we need to shrink the state. Think about the extremes. Do you want a king or dictator telling us all what to do? Do you want a small group of people running a Communist system (BTW the communist leaders were rich) telling us what to do? Or do you want pure, individual freedom and then deal with any aggression voluntarily in a collaborative manner where you will at least have a choice? The more individual freedom we have, the more choices we have at our disposal to flourish and to defend ourselves from the aggression of others.

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Healthy government is an oxymoron. Many think that the system would be fine if we just had the right people in office. Hasn't history sufficiently shown that is a hopeless form of optimism? Government is coercion and force and attracts those with a pathological need to control others. Democracy is certainly not the answer. Our founding fathers recognized the fact that it leads to mob rule and tried to prevent this through a system of "checks and balances". I don't believe one can find the word democracy in any of the founding documents---the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, or even the constitution. I recommend the book "Democracy: The God that Failed" by Hans Herman Hoppe. An optimal society would be grounded in individual freedom and rights of private property---little or no government required. The practice of medicine would benefit from following the same principles.

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Thank you, AMD, for your continued writings on your thoughts. There is so much in this article! NAPman discussed something that I believe is incredibly important that I would like to reinforce. People identify themselves as "Republican,", "Democrat," "Independent," etc. I have thought for a long time that if more people can start discussing issues and how we are ALL being manipulated, and to discuss that at some times in history the "Republicans" were the biggest liars, and other times it is the "Democrats." Let's try to help people understand who really are the bad guys and the point is to seek Truth, not argue to support our position. In my opinion, most of these "elected" officials start out or end up being puppets for the Deep State/Globalist/Tyrants. Maybe, if we try to help people understand this, we can move the bar a little. Maybe. It is difficult when social media is being used to brain wash the public. I don't know if it is proven, but I believe the brain's system can be trained and changed and effectively re-wired. I believe that is what is happening. I am wondering if AI is not just done with a chip. It is being done all the time, through this manipulation. Many people are now, shall we say, artificial intelligence. This would explain the stupidity we are seeing. People have literally been re-wired and cannot see the hypocrisy they promote. "My body, my choice!" shouted by the same people who then said "you must take the Covid jab!" It seems they have been so re-wired that they cannot see how this makes no sense. Seems like the old horror movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."

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A lot to think about! The apparent solution to the Gaza condition is to push it into the sea. Musk I believe wants to use X as an educational tool. Medicine ignores the root causes of the compounding health issues generated By Big Agra, Big Food, and Big Chemo. They benefit with ever expanding demands on a closed allopathic medicine model that discredits any other form of treatment. The subterfuge, miss direction and manipulation of medical science to create the Covid con demonstrates that the informational systems have been corrupted. We need to exit from the road being traveled. I pray Musk is leading the way.

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Musk is CIA. He works for these demonic phonetian families. Wake up. Guess you never had a good friend Stan you in the back. Bc that’s what he’s doing. Ffs you’d think people would see the con at this point. Trump did it. Elon wants to put chips in your brain. What will make you people wake up? You can not trust anyone in the media. Period.

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Hope you are wrong! Otherwise humanity is lost! Central control of human activity will be complete!

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Nope I’m not humanity is lost. I’m

Not one to give hope. I’m

Sure at some point it may turn around but people need to

Pull their head of their ass first. Research bio digital convergence. Everything Elise is a circus to keep you distracted.

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The concept that every form of government has it's pros and cons is important. And a good government design tends to become corrupted over time. We humans are doomed to "cycles".

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So in other words you need to be controlled and led. So you like picking your slave master. Check.

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As opposed to what?

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BTW BIG THANKS as always to one of my eternal heroes, AMD!

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Both Jews and Palestinians can united over their love of the land and the human need to have equal rights of all the people living there. Right now, Israel is still in a phase of colonisation which means that Palestinians have lesser rights. An unbearable situation for them. Israel does not value the lives of their citizens in all situations. The Hannibal directive says that the IDF will rather kill Jewish Israelis when captured by Palestinians than negotiate. Many families of hostages are protesting their own government's lack of willingness to prioritize the freeing of the hostages. The IDF is so trigger happy in Gaza that they killed three Israeli hostages who were freed and were walking towards IDF soldiers speaking Hebrew. Maybe this behavior is a consequence of the total disregard shown towards Palestinians.

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I don't believe this is accurate, because Israel has consistently been willing to make extremely disadvantageous trades for the lives of its citizens (e.g., hostages).

For example, after one Israeli soldier was captured 2006:

"The Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange, followed a 2011 agreement between Israel and Hamas to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners — almost all Palestinians and Arab-Israelis. Two hundred and eighty of these had been sentenced to life in prison for planning and perpetrating various attacks against Israeli targets, Israel released."

I do not know of any other government which will do things like that.

Hamas in turn prioritizes capturing Israelis alive because of the incredibly high value Israel places on the lives of its citizens--which is what makes what they've done with the vaccine mandates so incredible to behold.

The general consensus with people I've asked was that Hamas miscalculated and took too many prisoners this time and Israel realized it was a lost cause to rescue them or be able to meet the terms of the hostage release, especially since some of those released previously in 2011 participated in the October 7th attack. Because of this, Israel chose to prioritize the military operation over rescuing the hostages and only would agree to exchanges when Hamas provided less stringent terms.

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Israel is hamas. Lmao. Hanas was created by moussad. Dig deeper

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Many Palestinians are held in Israeli prisons on administrative detention, no trial, no sentence, just waiting for eventual release. They are often just political activists in the West Bank and are transferred against the Geneva Conventions to an Israeli jail. Many go before a military court, a kangaroo court (Bet'selem) that punishes men, women and children for violating the rules of the military occupation. Most of the Palestinians release during the Shalit deal were arrested again. If I were a family member of a hostage, I would not agree to the arguments that sacrifice my beloved son or daughter to state reasons. Justice will bring peace.

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Thanks for taking the time to address this important subject, and for your thoughtful observations. I think the analogy between socialism (or any control-based social system) and modern medicine is a good one, but actually both socialism and industrial capitalism are systems built on separation from the cosmos, nature and each other. Both have an element of truth in them, yet both, when applied in a pure fashion, tend to destroy the society in which they are employed.

I believe that the future if we want to evolve healthier forms of government is, as you say, to rebuild the 'soil' of society, rather than trying to devise perfect systems and impose them on the populace. Increasing community and social connection, strengthening individual autonomy and responsibility, empowering local communities, promoting civility (M. Scott Peck has a great book on this), and promoting nuanced, respectful dialogue to achieve solutions (what is known in Game Theory as the Game B approach) are all important parts of this.

However there is also a form of social structure that I believe represents an enlightened synthesis of the best parts of capitalism and socialism/communism. It is called Social Threefolding, and was introduced by Austrian visionary mystic, philosopher and educationalist Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th Century. In this approach, society is seen as comprised of 3 spheres that are independent yet interlinked: the spiritual/cultural sphere, the political/rights sphere and the economic sphere. Steiner was at pains to emphasise that this wasn't another abstract system, but a picture of the social organism that humanity was evolving towards, and that was gradually emerging, albeit with resistance from various regressive forces and powers.

In a society based on social threefolding, the cultural sphere is guided by the principle of liberty - people must be free to choose for themselves what to think, say, learn and believe. The censorship of the past 4 years is anathema to this approach. On the other hand, the rights/legal sphere is guided by the principle of equality - all citizens are valued and respected for their inherent humanity, and none is given special powers or privileges. Finally, the economic sphere is guided by the principle of fraternity or co-operation. People flourish best when they can collaborate to meet their material needs, but this must be a free collaboration and should not be controlled by the state. Thus decentralised economic systems such as farmers markets, community supported agriculture, LETS and community co-operatives are all very much in alignment with this approach. So it can be seen that social threefolding is based on the principles of the French Revolution: liberty, equality and fraternity, and each has its place in a flourishing community and society. The problem comes when the spheres are mixed together, or one sphere is allowed to dominate the others. In the USA and many Western countries, it is the economic sphere that has become dominant, to the detriment of the other spheres.

The beauty of social threefolding is that it can be begun at a small scale: in a business, school or community organisation. It can start at the grassroots, rather than having to be imposed from above. And for many - certainly for me - it makes intuitive sense.

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Wrong. It is the provenance of the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859. Sovereign men and women with our progeny on the land and soil without ruler or subject. Sovereign (Bouvier 1856) only all of us and Monarchs and other countries. You should read those three documents. There is no substitute for freedom. Just as in aviation there is no substitute for altitude. Another anon educated idiot. I yield.

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Perhaps you are misunderstanding me. I believe freedom is an essential foundation for a good society and community, but it’s not the only one. How do we resolve a conflict between your freedom and mine when they come into conflict? We need rights for that, unless you want to live in a society ruled by the law of the jungle, eg Mad Max style. And rights are founded on equality before the law (and under God).

Also a world where everyone is only thinking of themselves would be a pretty miserable one, and also very inefficient, so brotherhood is the third principle, (founded on Christ’s teaching of loving your neighbour as yourself); but this must be freely chosen, not enforced from above. This is a natural working principle in most small communities.

Re the US Constitution, I admit I’m not an expert, but then I am an Australian citizen, not American. I’m guessing your knowledge of our political system is probably similarly limited.

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Thank you for this highly original and richly thought-provoking essay.

You mentioned the Israeli documentary about the jab injured. It is indeed a very important documentary, it was made early on, and then heavily, very heavily censored.


AVITAL LIVNY is the initiator of the testimony Project, Israel

Watch: The Testimonies Project (Israel)


[NOTE: Transcriber B's update April 12, 2024: The website for the documentary is looking very glitchy. Here is an alternative to watch it on rumble:


Avital Livny Giving Evidence About Testimony Project In Israel To Grand Jury Day 6 02/26/22




AVITAL LIVNY: When the vaccinating— so-called vaccinating, sorry, that's the terminology that I'm using because I'm dealing with people that use it and I have to talk to them even though I don't think of it as vaccines anymore— but when it started in Israel, soon after, I think, two months or three months after, I already started hearing about people experiencing side effects, people that I know around me. The numbers went up as time went by. And I also started noticing people on FaceBook posting posts telling about what happened to them after getting the shots. And the dozens became hundreds, and yet in the Israeli media there was nothing. Everything is perfect, no side effects.

And also I noticed that whenever somebody posted a post telling about what he experienced, the side effects he experienced, he immediately got comments like "Fake News," "Lies of Unvaccinated People," "Anti-Vaxx People," and I knew right away that the only way to stop this, and to bring the truth out, is only with video testimonies because once you see the person's face, speaking from his heart about his tragedy, in your guts you know when it's not fake. You know.

But all the organizations that were involved at the time with the testimonies and with collecting the details and the data, when I contacted them they told me that it was impossible to get people to testify on camera since they were afraid. So I waited. I was hoping that somebody will do it. But eventually when I saw that the Israeli government is not stopping, that they're not going to investigate any of those reports and, on the contrary, they went full power ahead and started giving the shots to the 16 and 18 year-old teenagers, as a mother of two, I decided that I have to try and do it myself.

I went inside private groups on FaceBook of people who got injured from the vaccine, this was the title of the groups, and started going over, there were already thousands of testimonies there, posts, comments. I went over thousands of them and contacted hundreds of them though Messenger, introducing myself and telling them about the project that I was going to do. But almost all of them didn't want to do it, they were too afraid to come out with their stories.

And Ilana [Ilana Rachel Daniel, previous speaker https://rappeh.org.il/en/biography-ilana-rachel-daniel/ ] mentioned it before, you have to understand that the atmosphere in Israel since the so-called vaccination started is so violent, so toxic. A lot of hate, fear. Families are falling apart, getting divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and no wonder since, as Ilana told you our own prime minister, the incitement against the unvaccinated is unbelievable. And he was caught on camera saying, at the beginning of his being prime minister, he was saying that the unvaccinated people are like people going on the street with a machine gun spraying a deadly virus all over. And as she said, he was saying, when they started giving the shots to children in schools, "I want the parents of the vaccinated children to fight with the parents of the unvaccinated children."

So, no wonder people were afraid for their jobs, of what their colleagues and friends would say, and they didn't want to come out with their stories. So in order to give them a sense of confidence and safety, I gave them my word that I will not publish anything before I have at least 40 testimonies.

Three and half months later, the project was ready. It became a heartbreaking documentary of an hour and seven minutes. It was released five months ago, already translated to 15 different languages. Only in our website it was, it got more than 2 million views. And still, on the Israeli media, nothing. The majority of the Israeli people never heard of the testimonies project. You get the feeling that they want to shut it down, they want no one to know of the side effects.

As Ilana said, there was this post of the Israeli Minister of Health, they deleted thousands of comments of people saying what happened to them, instead of reaching out to them and checking the information.

Not a lot of people know but in Israel, there is no normal system, until not long ago, there was no normal effective system to collect data and reports of side effects, unlike the American VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. People who, most of the people don't even know that they should or are supposed to report. And the people from my project when they tried to send in a report they told me it was impossible At the time you had limitation of words, and you could only choose from several side effects. So if you had something different you couldn't put in the report. And the most important thing, no transparency. So you have no idea what happened to your report, you cannot see other reports and compare data. The whole idea of transparency in the American system, the VAERS, is that researchers, doctors, scientists, they can go inside the data, they can do their statistics and see if there are patterns. In some of the side effects indicate, that this is probably this is from the vaccination, from the shot. In Israel, we are the laboratory of the world but we don't have a system like that.

And in the American VAERS it's mostly doctors who send in the reports. In Israel, a woman in my project, her name is Esty, she got heart problems, she asked her doctor, "Are you going to report this?" he told her, "It's not my job to report. If you want, go ahead and report it." Most of the doctors are not willing even to write on the same page on the injury, where they're supposed to put the data, that that this person two days ago had also he got the Pfizer shot. They're not willing to write it down. So as I said, you have the feeling that they try to shut it down.



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Thank you.

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I just added an update>

[NOTE: Transcriber B's update April 12, 2024: The website for the documentary is looking very glitchy. Here is an alternative to watch it on rumble:


Of course you can also watch the entire documentary right here, embedded within A Midwestern Doctor's post.

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Wonderful article, as always.

We need to get rid of the 'representative' part of our democracy, as that is the weak point in the system, concentration of power in any form corrupts.

Direct democracy is the answer, and the same way the internet has transformed the spread of ideas, so it could catalyse the spread of a pure, party-free government of the people.

The Reps are reduced to managers, and will attract less sociopaths and more polymaths to those roles.

Issue based internet voting is just a database from a logical perspective. What it needs is an informed populus and the government run education system is diametrically opposed to that.

Building a self sustainable governmental decision making system is child's play, convincing humanity to live without training wheels much harder

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I've always thought more citizen ballot propositions/laws would be immensely beneficial for the country and that we need to have ballot propositions be national rather than just statewide.

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Civic involvement is only useful if citizens are involved — few are these days and very few have the time or the inclination to do the reading to evaluate ballot proposals. I’m sure you are aware, but it is a mistake to term American government a “democracy”; we have significant guardrails in our constitutional republic to offset the tyranny of the majority. Perhaps we should return to the original practice of state governors appointing senators, and we must resist efforts to eliminate the electoral college.

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My previous implementations included the ability for the voter to propose topics/questions and the ability to vote on the next periods topic, ministry by ministry. I also allowed wiki style for= and against previews voters could read/comment on, before voting. Voters are able to change their mind as voting closes at a set time. If you chose not to vote, then you vote would count towards the majority.

Right now the majority, who don't vote, are excluded, despite them essentially having withdrawn their consent to be governed.

If only 50% didn't vote the system would have no legitimacy

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There are many examples of the complete and utter failure of "direct democracy" It flat out doesn't work. Ends up mob rule

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As an interesting thought-experiment, I wonder what would happen if, rather than being 'elected' in long, expensive and complex conflicted processes, members of legislatures were selected at random from the electorate. In theory, that's how juries work (the theory being undermined by complex processes to ensure that the 'right' people are selected). A thought experiment only, of course, but one way to increase he extent to which law-making bodies reflected the populace instead of those who had paid to ensure they were 'elected'.

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Those who want to be in power should be excluded from doing so...


"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." ~ Emma Goldman

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I get the logic but it can be done with juries because of the temporary nature. I'd rather they be voted in on technical competency than at random (Dr.s for the Health Ministry etc,)

Hiring for a Ministry Manager would be one of the things you get to vote on.

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Then the real power will reside in the bureaucracy because they will lie and mislead the appointment representatives. So it’s a big fat no to that idea.

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But isn’t that already the case?

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Jase: The real answer is to dust off National Socialism. A multi-kulti society can never be democratic, because each group is always looking out for its own interests.

I'm living in Cambodia, and *everybody* here is happy because it's ethnically homogenous (muslims are a tiny minority and mostly keep to themselves). Everybody likes everybody because they're all basically similar.

Canada used to be like that until... you know... Tikun Olam.

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Socialism is never the answer but there is something to be said for either reducing multiculturalism or making assimilation mandatory for citizenship.

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Some cannot assimilate. Such as Muslims in Islam infidels either convert. pay a fee, or be killed. No exceptions. They cannot lawfully be on our land and soil. Read Article IV Section 4 and McCarran Walters Act 1952.

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Wrong. An anon Nazi.

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Dear AMD

Here is a piece written in 1993 (31 years ago ) with how the medical system in the United States Evolved and why it is so broken today from the financial side. I believe it will be of help to you.


love your pieces.

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Thank you

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Good article, but it elides the 'AIDS' hoax. That was really the turning point. I'm not sure if MidWestern is aware of the hoax. RFK wrote extensively about it. And people like Celia Farber (former 'Spin' journalist) are scarred for life because if it.

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