So, this 17 year old Cassandra was considered 'too young' to be able to refuse chemotherapy for the cancer in her body, but, a child as young as 16 is allowed to 'decide' their gender and a doctor will give them life-altering hormones.
Even worse: a minor child in the state of Oregon can be medically transitioned (hormones and surgeries) without any parent consent and Medicare will pay for all of it!
This is not just for state residents. Minors from out of state can also access this free "medical" service. This happened to a good friend of mine. She was powerless to stop the surgeries. Not a single attorney would take her case.
Oregon — one of the most scenic places in the world — has completely lost its collective mind, which is why we fled to a different state. Now we're trying to keep our new state from becoming Oregon.
Even 4 year olds can begin chem transitioning, Levine want's the males Castrated, and females have their breast and removed. A 4 year old doesn't know what they want for dinner, my 4 yr old granddaughter sure doesn't. She'll changes clothes 3-5 times till she is satisfied with what she chose. Not what was laid out for her. I raised 3 boys, they either ate what I could afford, wore the clothes I laid out for school, changed to play clothes and cheap shoes when they came home. If you chose to go hungry, I got to eat what you refused. I refused to stay with a child abuser husband. No safety nets back then, except my mom and dad. Never could convince her small children don't eat adult portions. She was the tail end of FDR's 10 years of Great Depression, flour sack bloomers, for 6 girls, shirts for 2 boys in the middle. No vaccines, no doctors, midwife delivered. They worked the truck farm, till they married off 1 by 1. Not 1 had more than 5th-8th grade educations. And grandma would take a switch to their behinds when needed. Grandpa had severe Black Lung..Minor's Asthma back then. Morals were enforced.
And kids 12 to 15 can Potentially (if bill goes through in CA) decide whether they can get a vaccine without their parents knowledge. Talk about doublespeak and contradictions!
This takes us right back to the SCOTUS ruling on R v W. The 4th and 10th Amendments, give each State, thus their electors the right to set the rules. You have choices, 1) move, 2) homeschool. I'd opt to for both move as far from a liberal state as possible. Because Disarming you comes next, and forbidding you to leave that state, a Gulag run by Rich Crooked Dictators. Look for a State that matches your beliefs. Heartbeat law States, 22 of them, 1 Total ban. Which I hope they made the exception for Tubular pregnancies, as both die. Or if the baby dies in the womb, it will rot and cause Sepsis. Both then will be dead. I was a teen, mom had 2 late life pregnancies that she miscarried by 3 months, no big deal, but the 3rd the baby lived to the 5 month mark, and died, a high catholic hospital area, would not let her doctor terminate a non-viable pregnancy. Thankfully 2 weeks later she miscarried, nearly died from blood loss. I'm the 13 yr old who found her in the bathroom passed out. No 911 back then. Neighbor called the ambulance. Doc. found a Methodist hospital and tied her Tubes, before the 6 week clearance. No more threats to her life, I had my mom another 40 years. And before you ask I'm Very Pro-LIFE, those are the 2 exceptions. And I live in a Heartbeat state, Permitless, though I have a Lifetime Permit. NO Jabs, no masks, unless you are on a Military base, or in 1 of our 4 Blue Soft on crime counties. To bad our medical is in those 4 freaking crazy counties.
It's about as nutso doublespeak as 'my body my choice' when it comes to abortion but 'not your body, the government's mandated clot-shot for you' when it comes a totally EXPERIMENTAL inoculation. So many leetle time.
I appreciate your trying to find the ethical philosophy behind commercial health care but in actuality, there isn't any. Forcing people to take procedures is just so barbaric and antiquated, it reminds me of the 14th century. Good that you mentioned circumcision, the most barbaric thing a mother can have done to her son. The medical cartel doesn't even consider the effects of what this might have. The entire medical industry is so distasteful and primitive, it is sure to fall right on its face soon and deservedly so. As with the courts and the government. These constructs are utterly olde world and need to go. What will take their place is we the people make the proposals and we vote on proposals, not on people. Changing the people in an inherently predatory structure will not change anything. The structure itself must change. I really enjoyed your article and appreciate you bringing these issues into the public space.
34 years ago, when my belly was full of baby (lol) and I didn't know the sex, I told my husband if it was a boy, no way in H-E-Double-Toothpick was I having him circumcised. It was pure motherly instinct on my part but my husband argued with me incessantly about it. His reasoning? The boy will be teased! That's IT. That was his whole line of reasoning! ARGHHHH!
Oh that is wonderful of you. I had a boy and I said what you said. My husband wanted him to get circumcised because he (husband) was. What a dumb reason. I wasn't sure then because it wasn't talked about like it is now but I told him "over my dead body" and you know what happened? My son wanted to get circumcised when he was fourteen. I had a beau friend and his son did the same. The strongest force in the universe is peer pressure. We'll all have to change the image of such a barbaric act and call it what it is. Women need to stop doing this to their boys. I feel that may also start the misogyny that is so rife is society today.
I think it does for two reasons. The first one is that it desensitizes the penis and as a result men require more aggressive and rough stimulation rather than harmonizing and gently connecting with the woman's nervous system. The second one is that it often patterns of trauma into the central nervous system which partially disconnects the mind from the body, and men in that state are much more likely to hurt the divine feminine than men who are connected.
My father was uncircumcised, He had his four sons circumcised. He must have been injured by improper hygiene. I do not know all the details but I suspect that his mother did not know how to properly care for his private parts is an infant and early childhood. This was in the 1920's. I suspect much ignorance still prevails on this issue today. Penile care and hygiene be discussed more openly. But I do not hold my breath on this one.
One of the problems that parents of intact boys encounter is poor advice from their pediatrician. The foreskin is normally adherent to the head of the penis in infants. This protects the sensitive glans from infections while wearing diapers. A pediatrician who advises forcibly retracting the foreskin is giving faulty advice that could lead to infections, scarring, and abnormal adhesions. The foreskin normally retracts spontaneously when the child himself starts manipulating it, and later when he starts getting erections. If an older child complains of a tight foreskin (a condition called phimosis), often some repeated applications of a mild hydrocortisone cream will thin the foreskin and allow it to stretch.
Makes sense, my ex only cared for his few minutes of pleasure, never if I had any. But I wasn't as educated back then. It was like a form of rape, daily. But my 2nd husband circumcised, had a different mind set. I came first. I learned to enjoy sex then, with the give and take that was needed.
My husband is a thoughtful, warm lover, and circumcised vs my first boyfriend who was uncircumcised, completely self-absorbed, and never gave me an orgasm, so your theory already has contrary evidence...
Yeah, that peer pressure is toxic [trans-toxic is the new peer pressure it seems] and now young women want 'porn vaginas' by having their 'ugly labia' butchered er... 'trimmed' via 'labiaplasty'. There goes all kinds of nerve endings never to be felt again! *shudder*
Some days I just want to phone home to the mother ship and get off of this planet! ACK!
It really is like living in an all too real episode of The Twilight Zone. At least those of us who are red-pilled haven't been cut off from the INTERNET [.........yet].
Thank you. Pure gold for readers. I will distribute the article widely. This clearly outlines and explains medicine in a digestible format. Please keep going forward and bless you for your help.
"Cassandra was removed from her home, placed under guard in the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, and forcefully administered chemotherapy until she turned 18. "
This story about Cassandra is unbelievable. I am curious, does this happen only if you go to the hospital for treatment and then refuse? What if you never went and decided to choose alternative therapies out the outset?
It gets a bit trickier because normally people don't realize they have these cancers until they get blood work to try and understand unusual or complex symptoms they are having (for example leukemia is very easy to catch with a complete blood count and that is something that is frequently done for weird symptoms people have like fatigue and easy bruising). Once the cancer has been detected through that diagnostic process, the parents are expected to follow up with the oncologist, and will likely be tracked down if they do not.
I know a lot of people feel very passionately about circumcision but I never really thought about it until I was pregnant with my son. I always want to absolutely minimize the pain my babies feel, I’ve had unmedicated births-one home birth- and don’t allow vitamin K shots or Hep B shots on day 1 of life so I was already on board with not circumcising but this video An Elephant in the Hospital convinced my husband and I not to circumcise our son he’s such a cute happy guy now almost a year old and I’m so glad we didn’t circumcise him
Also re: baby killer, yes my perfectly healthy completely unvaccinated children have been accused of killing hypothetical children with imaginary measles.
Mostly online people are that brazen. I’m part of a “crunchy” moms group and the one unifying thing is that you do not vaccinate your kids. You stop or never have vaccinated them. So anyway from day 1 of COVID most of us knew it was BS so even in the deepest darkest lockdown time we’d get together and have a picnic in the park. Some moms knew us and what our beliefs were and went apoplectic! How dare we!
My normie MD dad also went insane when he asked about my 4 month old at the time how her shots went, weird thing to ask but I said she’s never had shots he went insane! So now I just say my kids have all the shots they need which is true (0)
Also one time I was going to put my oldest in a Mother’s Day out and during the tour the director said the next step was immunization records , I said I would submit the exemption and she was outraged. Needless to say we did not go to that MDO program
MwD... Excellent essay. Fascism, I discovered years ago, is the sole possession of neither "right" nor "left". Indeed, the worst fascists walking the earth today consider themselves "liberal" or "progressive" when they are "neo-' and "pseudo-" in reality. Thanks for speaking out on this. Dead on the money...
In at least my personal experience, Hep-B vaccine induces SIDS. It's the first vaccine given newborns, contains adjuvants, and thus induces allergy to milk protein the hospital gives them at the same time.
The Disney outbreak spread vaccine variety!
These individuals are NOT avidly anti-Nazi; as far as I can tell, most of them are Ukrop cheerleaders. Have you seen pictures of the Azov battalion? They're all in favor of killing Russians in the Donbass, and even in Russia proper.
So, no rubella parties because they're too risky for unborn fetuses?
"acquainted" should be "equated".
You're right; medical insurance presents perverse incentives. I suspect it's really only justified for trauma. Cancer can be just as costly, but I see no way to avoid the perverse incentives there. Maybe for things like long-term dialysis.
CT scans? Those were used early in the covid event to detect bronchitis. What; doctors don't believe patient reports, nor know how to use a stethoscope, so instead use expensive, high radiation dose CT?
Circumcising a child, regardless of gender, is a violation of body sovereignty. Refusing women the right to abortion is a violation of body sovereignty. Forced vaccination is a violation of body sovereignty. If I had to find a silver lining in this whole mess it is that it has drawn a stark light on the inconsistency in peoples declared beliefs. You know you are truly standing by what you believe when you don’t like someone’s choice but will defend their right to make that choice. I personally believe that plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons is ridiculous and culturally harmful.... however your body your choice.
Of course, and this is the volley that could go back and forth (and has for decades) and would keep us distracted forever so that we do not unite and stand up for body sovereignty. It’s so often said that a baby that can survive outside it’s mother body should have sovereignty as well. And perhaps so. But the VAST majority of babies aborted beyond this time are aborted precisely because they will not be able to survive without extreme medical intervention. Intervention which may be painful, invasive and which ultimately they have no ability to give consent for, putting the right to give consent right back in the hands of the mother. Therefore all this arguing and interference with womens body sovereignty is afflicted upon a majority for the sake of a tiny minority in a worse case scenario. Why are we making laws for exceptions to rules? I have an answer for this… it’s because it’s really easy to stir the pot and distract us with this tactic. It is exactly what was used to create an enemy out of the non vaccinated. Think about how media and government vilify the UV. We are selfish, don’t care about grandma, uneducated, conspiracy minded, racist, misogynistic, right wing extremists, anti science…. And the list goes on. I live in an area of Canada with one of the lowest rates of vaccination. I do not know a single person who ticks any of these boxes. Most are left leaning, compassionate, consider them self anti-racist feminists, are educated and consider their health to be their own responsibility. I know of course that there are people who are UV who do indeed tick the previous boxes but they are a minority. So why were the mandates in Canada so heinous? Why were we detained until 6 days ago? Why did we loose our jobs? Because governments (who are run by corporatism) know that they can use propaganda and their control over the MSM to blow out of proportion a tiny minority and get the masses to buy into laws or mandates which in truth control a larger portion of society. In the case of abortion this is all women, though I can’t say with certainty to what end. With the UV I believe it was to quietly usher in digital ID in order to gain more control over borders and all that comes along with it. So what is my point? How about we don’t let ourselves be distracted and propagandized? How about we keep our eye on the prize which is body sovereignty?
In the US, virtually everyone upset at Roe vs Wade cancellation supports jab mandates. They are not kind, whatever they may think of themselves and they are too blind to see outside influences at work. They want to kill their babies undisturbed and force me and mine to get jabbed...
Victoria do you think perhaps you may be as ridged as they are? Do you really believe that those who are upset really “want to kill their babies”? We can not stand united if we can not put down our stones. I am upset about Roe vs Wade this does not mean I want to kill my babies, it means I stand for body sovereignty.
I am not upset by the ruling even though I support abortion in the first trimester. It was a nonsensical ruling which weakened states' rights. My point was most of these hysterical women do not support my bodily autonomy just as most of them will not admit that the aborted fetus is a developing human child that arguably has a constitutional right to life. Regrettably most of them are not viable allies in the fight against the Great Reset because they are selfish, illogical, uncurious dummies.
Veterinary medicine is quite similar and vaccinations fund the business and harm pets. Fortunately for animals, abortion would be considered horrific torture and abuse, and never allowed, by animal rights' activists.
I did the same with my beloved standard poodle, who got every single shot the vet recommended. She died at age four from lymphoma. I thought I was doing the right thing.
I gave mine the best life I could. Living life on this earth of fun filled adventure love, loss,pain and joy is not for the faint with little hearts~~~.
In the 1990's, I was excited to find a vet who would put the injection/vaccine in the scruff of the cat instead of (I can't even remember where - hindquarter?) - saying that it was less likely to cause problems there.
LOOKING BACK, this tells me that even the most conscientious of vets (I loved that guy, he really did wonderful things for my cats) know that there is harm in the shots.
After examining the nanotech/hydrogels and even mRNA in veterinary products - I'm considering a 2 hour drive for my beloved pets to visit a "holistic" vet, just to see what my options are.
Another excellent piece. I lost a child at 20 weeks due to a cornual ectopic pregnancy. That changed my view on abortion forever. Yes, every woman has the right to determine whether or not she has a child. At some point along the way though, we need to acknowledge that the clump of cells that started out has in fact become a human being who should have rights as well. I think 12 weeks to decide should be ample time and that barring unforeseen circumstances that endanger a woman's life abortion should not be considered. My personal opinion.
I agree. The one compounding problem here is that many people are so disconnected from their bodies they often do not realize they are pregnant until much later in their cycle. There is actually a reality show called "I can't believe I was pregnant "and every now I run into a Doctor Who had a patient who presented to the emergency room in labor and did not realize even at that point but she was pregnant.
But these mamas can at least have the compassion to birth their children and place them for adoption.
There is no reason to kill them.
Now, preterm induction or delivery to preserve the life of the mother (or sometimes the infant, for instance in cases of severe growth restriction or something) has always been and will always be allowed. But the distinction here is that the intention is to save both lives, when possible, and if not possible to save the premature infant, to allow the baby to be born (vs dismembering it or scorching it’s skin and lungs with concentrated saline or sucking it brains out) and to utilize neonatal hospice as appropriate. Always to a knowledge and honor the humanity and personhood of both mama and unborn infant.
1. This boils down to "healthcare for profit"; I was born in an East-block country and I had exactly ZERO unnecessary medical procedures/ vaccines. The profit motive corrupts everything.
2. That cartoon with the left is wrong; the dems are not a left wing party; they at this time at the right of the republicans. Left parties care for workers and their rights - no side of the American duopoly cares about us (and that is also for financial gain).
In the end, the problem is the FIAT monetary system, which allows the "creation" out of thin air of huge "fortunes" (bits in a computer); if the financial resources would be anchored in the physical world (say the commodity market), that would not be possible.
Please, don't create a tender Left that does not exist. The best governments rein in the worst human flaws in its leadership: greed for money, desire for power and apathy toward suffering.
Oh, to have had such wisdom in my 20's when I had children. I'm sorry (to my son), and both of them of the vaccinations. Thankful, they both seem strong and healthy, now in their 30's, having children of their own and easy access to more information.
I'm gainfully employed and have to pay for insurance that I don't/can't use, as now have more access to information by this little computer to make informed decisions. Thank You Lord.
Thank you for explaining The Forgotten Side of Medicine.
This was a disturbing, but excellent, piece with a perfect description of the democratic sheep: "Many of their political positions are spoon-fed to them by corporate oligarchs and do not in any way represent their actual values." Spot-on.
I teach meditation. 90% of thought is repetitive. You've had that thought before.
Of the 10% remaining, 90% of that was put there by someone else (and this also circulates into the 90% squirrel wheel of repetitive thought.)
This means that 1% of most people's thinking is actually creative. The point of meditation is not to stop thought - but to clean up all that repetitive, non-original thought, so that you can access creative thinking.
Most people don't know how to cherish and nurture that beautiful creative thought, preferring instead to run around the squirrel-wheel with other people's (including MSM) ideas. And wondering why they are miserable.
It is too easy for the average squirrel to pick up on the dominant zeitgeist and run with it.
This part really Peed me off:
So, this 17 year old Cassandra was considered 'too young' to be able to refuse chemotherapy for the cancer in her body, but, a child as young as 16 is allowed to 'decide' their gender and a doctor will give them life-altering hormones.
Yep. Clown world.
Oh that's a good point I forgot to mention let me add that in.
Even worse: a minor child in the state of Oregon can be medically transitioned (hormones and surgeries) without any parent consent and Medicare will pay for all of it!
This is not just for state residents. Minors from out of state can also access this free "medical" service. This happened to a good friend of mine. She was powerless to stop the surgeries. Not a single attorney would take her case.
It's so sad…
Oregon — one of the most scenic places in the world — has completely lost its collective mind, which is why we fled to a different state. Now we're trying to keep our new state from becoming Oregon.
I live in WA state and we're reaching defcon California crazy train racing on tracks made of slippery slope bat guano enhanced bananas.
I love your comment, AND your avatar, BigE.
Even 4 year olds can begin chem transitioning, Levine want's the males Castrated, and females have their breast and removed. A 4 year old doesn't know what they want for dinner, my 4 yr old granddaughter sure doesn't. She'll changes clothes 3-5 times till she is satisfied with what she chose. Not what was laid out for her. I raised 3 boys, they either ate what I could afford, wore the clothes I laid out for school, changed to play clothes and cheap shoes when they came home. If you chose to go hungry, I got to eat what you refused. I refused to stay with a child abuser husband. No safety nets back then, except my mom and dad. Never could convince her small children don't eat adult portions. She was the tail end of FDR's 10 years of Great Depression, flour sack bloomers, for 6 girls, shirts for 2 boys in the middle. No vaccines, no doctors, midwife delivered. They worked the truck farm, till they married off 1 by 1. Not 1 had more than 5th-8th grade educations. And grandma would take a switch to their behinds when needed. Grandpa had severe Black Lung..Minor's Asthma back then. Morals were enforced.
Thank you for sharing a part of your family history Gail ❤️
And kids 12 to 15 can Potentially (if bill goes through in CA) decide whether they can get a vaccine without their parents knowledge. Talk about doublespeak and contradictions!
This takes us right back to the SCOTUS ruling on R v W. The 4th and 10th Amendments, give each State, thus their electors the right to set the rules. You have choices, 1) move, 2) homeschool. I'd opt to for both move as far from a liberal state as possible. Because Disarming you comes next, and forbidding you to leave that state, a Gulag run by Rich Crooked Dictators. Look for a State that matches your beliefs. Heartbeat law States, 22 of them, 1 Total ban. Which I hope they made the exception for Tubular pregnancies, as both die. Or if the baby dies in the womb, it will rot and cause Sepsis. Both then will be dead. I was a teen, mom had 2 late life pregnancies that she miscarried by 3 months, no big deal, but the 3rd the baby lived to the 5 month mark, and died, a high catholic hospital area, would not let her doctor terminate a non-viable pregnancy. Thankfully 2 weeks later she miscarried, nearly died from blood loss. I'm the 13 yr old who found her in the bathroom passed out. No 911 back then. Neighbor called the ambulance. Doc. found a Methodist hospital and tied her Tubes, before the 6 week clearance. No more threats to her life, I had my mom another 40 years. And before you ask I'm Very Pro-LIFE, those are the 2 exceptions. And I live in a Heartbeat state, Permitless, though I have a Lifetime Permit. NO Jabs, no masks, unless you are on a Military base, or in 1 of our 4 Blue Soft on crime counties. To bad our medical is in those 4 freaking crazy counties.
removing an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion. Same with inducing labor when the baby dies in utero
I know that, but Catholic hospitals back then considered them abortions. D & C's were used long before R v W. Ins. paid for them.
A fetus demised at 5 months would probably not be removed via a D&C. Too big. Sorry for your mother having to through all of that.
I'm just glad I had her another 40 years. D & C were 1st Trimesters viable babies.
So much Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Ugh.
It's about as nutso doublespeak as 'my body my choice' when it comes to abortion but 'not your body, the government's mandated clot-shot for you' when it comes a totally EXPERIMENTAL inoculation. So many leetle time.
I appreciate your trying to find the ethical philosophy behind commercial health care but in actuality, there isn't any. Forcing people to take procedures is just so barbaric and antiquated, it reminds me of the 14th century. Good that you mentioned circumcision, the most barbaric thing a mother can have done to her son. The medical cartel doesn't even consider the effects of what this might have. The entire medical industry is so distasteful and primitive, it is sure to fall right on its face soon and deservedly so. As with the courts and the government. These constructs are utterly olde world and need to go. What will take their place is we the people make the proposals and we vote on proposals, not on people. Changing the people in an inherently predatory structure will not change anything. The structure itself must change. I really enjoyed your article and appreciate you bringing these issues into the public space.
34 years ago, when my belly was full of baby (lol) and I didn't know the sex, I told my husband if it was a boy, no way in H-E-Double-Toothpick was I having him circumcised. It was pure motherly instinct on my part but my husband argued with me incessantly about it. His reasoning? The boy will be teased! That's IT. That was his whole line of reasoning! ARGHHHH!
Was so relieved when we had a girl.
Oh that is wonderful of you. I had a boy and I said what you said. My husband wanted him to get circumcised because he (husband) was. What a dumb reason. I wasn't sure then because it wasn't talked about like it is now but I told him "over my dead body" and you know what happened? My son wanted to get circumcised when he was fourteen. I had a beau friend and his son did the same. The strongest force in the universe is peer pressure. We'll all have to change the image of such a barbaric act and call it what it is. Women need to stop doing this to their boys. I feel that may also start the misogyny that is so rife is society today.
I think it does for two reasons. The first one is that it desensitizes the penis and as a result men require more aggressive and rough stimulation rather than harmonizing and gently connecting with the woman's nervous system. The second one is that it often patterns of trauma into the central nervous system which partially disconnects the mind from the body, and men in that state are much more likely to hurt the divine feminine than men who are connected.
That is right on.
My father was uncircumcised, He had his four sons circumcised. He must have been injured by improper hygiene. I do not know all the details but I suspect that his mother did not know how to properly care for his private parts is an infant and early childhood. This was in the 1920's. I suspect much ignorance still prevails on this issue today. Penile care and hygiene be discussed more openly. But I do not hold my breath on this one.
One of the problems that parents of intact boys encounter is poor advice from their pediatrician. The foreskin is normally adherent to the head of the penis in infants. This protects the sensitive glans from infections while wearing diapers. A pediatrician who advises forcibly retracting the foreskin is giving faulty advice that could lead to infections, scarring, and abnormal adhesions. The foreskin normally retracts spontaneously when the child himself starts manipulating it, and later when he starts getting erections. If an older child complains of a tight foreskin (a condition called phimosis), often some repeated applications of a mild hydrocortisone cream will thin the foreskin and allow it to stretch.
This is really interesting, I did not know that. Thank you for sharing
Makes sense, my ex only cared for his few minutes of pleasure, never if I had any. But I wasn't as educated back then. It was like a form of rape, daily. But my 2nd husband circumcised, had a different mind set. I came first. I learned to enjoy sex then, with the give and take that was needed.
My husband is a thoughtful, warm lover, and circumcised vs my first boyfriend who was uncircumcised, completely self-absorbed, and never gave me an orgasm, so your theory already has contrary evidence...
Bless you for stickin' to your guns, mama cub!
Yeah, that peer pressure is toxic [trans-toxic is the new peer pressure it seems] and now young women want 'porn vaginas' by having their 'ugly labia' butchered er... 'trimmed' via 'labiaplasty'. There goes all kinds of nerve endings never to be felt again! *shudder*
Some days I just want to phone home to the mother ship and get off of this planet! ACK!
Same here, searching for that phone number more and more often these days. "Crazy" doesn't cut it, more like
absurdly deranged denial of any logic.
It really is like living in an all too real episode of The Twilight Zone. At least those of us who are red-pilled haven't been cut off from the INTERNET [.........yet].
Same here. Very relieved that we had two daughters.
Excellent read.
Thank you. Pure gold for readers. I will distribute the article widely. This clearly outlines and explains medicine in a digestible format. Please keep going forward and bless you for your help.
Great article, Doc.
"Cassandra was removed from her home, placed under guard in the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, and forcefully administered chemotherapy until she turned 18. "
This story about Cassandra is unbelievable. I am curious, does this happen only if you go to the hospital for treatment and then refuse? What if you never went and decided to choose alternative therapies out the outset?
It gets a bit trickier because normally people don't realize they have these cancers until they get blood work to try and understand unusual or complex symptoms they are having (for example leukemia is very easy to catch with a complete blood count and that is something that is frequently done for weird symptoms people have like fatigue and easy bruising). Once the cancer has been detected through that diagnostic process, the parents are expected to follow up with the oncologist, and will likely be tracked down if they do not.
I know a lot of people feel very passionately about circumcision but I never really thought about it until I was pregnant with my son. I always want to absolutely minimize the pain my babies feel, I’ve had unmedicated births-one home birth- and don’t allow vitamin K shots or Hep B shots on day 1 of life so I was already on board with not circumcising but this video An Elephant in the Hospital convinced my husband and I not to circumcise our son he’s such a cute happy guy now almost a year old and I’m so glad we didn’t circumcise him
Also re: baby killer, yes my perfectly healthy completely unvaccinated children have been accused of killing hypothetical children with imaginary measles.
Obscene. People [some] have lost their ever lovin' minds!
Mostly online people are that brazen. I’m part of a “crunchy” moms group and the one unifying thing is that you do not vaccinate your kids. You stop or never have vaccinated them. So anyway from day 1 of COVID most of us knew it was BS so even in the deepest darkest lockdown time we’d get together and have a picnic in the park. Some moms knew us and what our beliefs were and went apoplectic! How dare we!
My normie MD dad also went insane when he asked about my 4 month old at the time how her shots went, weird thing to ask but I said she’s never had shots he went insane! So now I just say my kids have all the shots they need which is true (0)
Also one time I was going to put my oldest in a Mother’s Day out and during the tour the director said the next step was immunization records , I said I would submit the exemption and she was outraged. Needless to say we did not go to that MDO program
You or your son can always decide later to take it off, but once done, you can never put it back!
MwD... Excellent essay. Fascism, I discovered years ago, is the sole possession of neither "right" nor "left". Indeed, the worst fascists walking the earth today consider themselves "liberal" or "progressive" when they are "neo-' and "pseudo-" in reality. Thanks for speaking out on this. Dead on the money...
Too many topics!
In at least my personal experience, Hep-B vaccine induces SIDS. It's the first vaccine given newborns, contains adjuvants, and thus induces allergy to milk protein the hospital gives them at the same time.
The Disney outbreak spread vaccine variety!
These individuals are NOT avidly anti-Nazi; as far as I can tell, most of them are Ukrop cheerleaders. Have you seen pictures of the Azov battalion? They're all in favor of killing Russians in the Donbass, and even in Russia proper.
So, no rubella parties because they're too risky for unborn fetuses?
"acquainted" should be "equated".
You're right; medical insurance presents perverse incentives. I suspect it's really only justified for trauma. Cancer can be just as costly, but I see no way to avoid the perverse incentives there. Maybe for things like long-term dialysis.
CT scans? Those were used early in the covid event to detect bronchitis. What; doctors don't believe patient reports, nor know how to use a stethoscope, so instead use expensive, high radiation dose CT?
Thanks for the catch. My opinion is that TDP is the number one cause and Hep-B is the number to cause of SIDS.
TDP caused my baby to be hospitalized. The pediatrician said no more vaccines.
Sad thing is nowadays they would probably not consider this a contraindication to vaccination.
Circumcising a child, regardless of gender, is a violation of body sovereignty. Refusing women the right to abortion is a violation of body sovereignty. Forced vaccination is a violation of body sovereignty. If I had to find a silver lining in this whole mess it is that it has drawn a stark light on the inconsistency in peoples declared beliefs. You know you are truly standing by what you believe when you don’t like someone’s choice but will defend their right to make that choice. I personally believe that plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons is ridiculous and culturally harmful.... however your body your choice.
Except that the body sovereignty of the yet-to-be-born child makes abortion more philosophically complicated, I agree with you.
Of course, and this is the volley that could go back and forth (and has for decades) and would keep us distracted forever so that we do not unite and stand up for body sovereignty. It’s so often said that a baby that can survive outside it’s mother body should have sovereignty as well. And perhaps so. But the VAST majority of babies aborted beyond this time are aborted precisely because they will not be able to survive without extreme medical intervention. Intervention which may be painful, invasive and which ultimately they have no ability to give consent for, putting the right to give consent right back in the hands of the mother. Therefore all this arguing and interference with womens body sovereignty is afflicted upon a majority for the sake of a tiny minority in a worse case scenario. Why are we making laws for exceptions to rules? I have an answer for this… it’s because it’s really easy to stir the pot and distract us with this tactic. It is exactly what was used to create an enemy out of the non vaccinated. Think about how media and government vilify the UV. We are selfish, don’t care about grandma, uneducated, conspiracy minded, racist, misogynistic, right wing extremists, anti science…. And the list goes on. I live in an area of Canada with one of the lowest rates of vaccination. I do not know a single person who ticks any of these boxes. Most are left leaning, compassionate, consider them self anti-racist feminists, are educated and consider their health to be their own responsibility. I know of course that there are people who are UV who do indeed tick the previous boxes but they are a minority. So why were the mandates in Canada so heinous? Why were we detained until 6 days ago? Why did we loose our jobs? Because governments (who are run by corporatism) know that they can use propaganda and their control over the MSM to blow out of proportion a tiny minority and get the masses to buy into laws or mandates which in truth control a larger portion of society. In the case of abortion this is all women, though I can’t say with certainty to what end. With the UV I believe it was to quietly usher in digital ID in order to gain more control over borders and all that comes along with it. So what is my point? How about we don’t let ourselves be distracted and propagandized? How about we keep our eye on the prize which is body sovereignty?
In the US, virtually everyone upset at Roe vs Wade cancellation supports jab mandates. They are not kind, whatever they may think of themselves and they are too blind to see outside influences at work. They want to kill their babies undisturbed and force me and mine to get jabbed...
Victoria do you think perhaps you may be as ridged as they are? Do you really believe that those who are upset really “want to kill their babies”? We can not stand united if we can not put down our stones. I am upset about Roe vs Wade this does not mean I want to kill my babies, it means I stand for body sovereignty.
I am not upset by the ruling even though I support abortion in the first trimester. It was a nonsensical ruling which weakened states' rights. My point was most of these hysterical women do not support my bodily autonomy just as most of them will not admit that the aborted fetus is a developing human child that arguably has a constitutional right to life. Regrettably most of them are not viable allies in the fight against the Great Reset because they are selfish, illogical, uncurious dummies.
Veterinary medicine is quite similar and vaccinations fund the business and harm pets. Fortunately for animals, abortion would be considered horrific torture and abuse, and never allowed, by animal rights' activists.
Correct. Also a lot of pets are severely harmed by vaccinations.
I am sure all the vaccines my dogs received contributed to their cushings later on in their life.( my instincts later )
Every time I received a card in the mail, I had them there for their appointment, thinking I was doing the right thing.
Better to learn late than never - we did what we thought was best with the information we were given.
I did the same with my beloved standard poodle, who got every single shot the vet recommended. She died at age four from lymphoma. I thought I was doing the right thing.
I gave mine the best life I could. Living life on this earth of fun filled adventure love, loss,pain and joy is not for the faint with little hearts~~~.
Lots of cancers. I wonder if there is a veterinary VAERS....
In the 1990's, I was excited to find a vet who would put the injection/vaccine in the scruff of the cat instead of (I can't even remember where - hindquarter?) - saying that it was less likely to cause problems there.
LOOKING BACK, this tells me that even the most conscientious of vets (I loved that guy, he really did wonderful things for my cats) know that there is harm in the shots.
After examining the nanotech/hydrogels and even mRNA in veterinary products - I'm considering a 2 hour drive for my beloved pets to visit a "holistic" vet, just to see what my options are.
Another excellent piece. I lost a child at 20 weeks due to a cornual ectopic pregnancy. That changed my view on abortion forever. Yes, every woman has the right to determine whether or not she has a child. At some point along the way though, we need to acknowledge that the clump of cells that started out has in fact become a human being who should have rights as well. I think 12 weeks to decide should be ample time and that barring unforeseen circumstances that endanger a woman's life abortion should not be considered. My personal opinion.
I agree. The one compounding problem here is that many people are so disconnected from their bodies they often do not realize they are pregnant until much later in their cycle. There is actually a reality show called "I can't believe I was pregnant "and every now I run into a Doctor Who had a patient who presented to the emergency room in labor and did not realize even at that point but she was pregnant.
But these mamas can at least have the compassion to birth their children and place them for adoption.
There is no reason to kill them.
Now, preterm induction or delivery to preserve the life of the mother (or sometimes the infant, for instance in cases of severe growth restriction or something) has always been and will always be allowed. But the distinction here is that the intention is to save both lives, when possible, and if not possible to save the premature infant, to allow the baby to be born (vs dismembering it or scorching it’s skin and lungs with concentrated saline or sucking it brains out) and to utilize neonatal hospice as appropriate. Always to a knowledge and honor the humanity and personhood of both mama and unborn infant.
1. This boils down to "healthcare for profit"; I was born in an East-block country and I had exactly ZERO unnecessary medical procedures/ vaccines. The profit motive corrupts everything.
2. That cartoon with the left is wrong; the dems are not a left wing party; they at this time at the right of the republicans. Left parties care for workers and their rights - no side of the American duopoly cares about us (and that is also for financial gain).
In the end, the problem is the FIAT monetary system, which allows the "creation" out of thin air of huge "fortunes" (bits in a computer); if the financial resources would be anchored in the physical world (say the commodity market), that would not be possible.
Please, don't create a tender Left that does not exist. The best governments rein in the worst human flaws in its leadership: greed for money, desire for power and apathy toward suffering.
"APATHY toward suffering"? I thought they get a kick out of this :P!
Excellent points!
Very interesting
Thanks! I always post these and edit them for a bit before I send them out.
I see! Very well written. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you 🙏 for bringing some sanity into an insane world🤪🌍!
Thank you 🙏 for referencing Naomi Wolf's article: Together, your perspectives illuminate and elevate the discussion.
Finally, thank you 🙏 so much for living by and talking about The Golden Rule. If everyone would stick to that one concept, we all would be fine.
Appreciate you too!
Oh, to have had such wisdom in my 20's when I had children. I'm sorry (to my son), and both of them of the vaccinations. Thankful, they both seem strong and healthy, now in their 30's, having children of their own and easy access to more information.
I'm gainfully employed and have to pay for insurance that I don't/can't use, as now have more access to information by this little computer to make informed decisions. Thank You Lord.
Thank you for explaining The Forgotten Side of Medicine.
This was a disturbing, but excellent, piece with a perfect description of the democratic sheep: "Many of their political positions are spoon-fed to them by corporate oligarchs and do not in any way represent their actual values." Spot-on.
I teach meditation. 90% of thought is repetitive. You've had that thought before.
Of the 10% remaining, 90% of that was put there by someone else (and this also circulates into the 90% squirrel wheel of repetitive thought.)
This means that 1% of most people's thinking is actually creative. The point of meditation is not to stop thought - but to clean up all that repetitive, non-original thought, so that you can access creative thinking.
Most people don't know how to cherish and nurture that beautiful creative thought, preferring instead to run around the squirrel-wheel with other people's (including MSM) ideas. And wondering why they are miserable.
It is too easy for the average squirrel to pick up on the dominant zeitgeist and run with it.
Great comment. Don't forget that a lot of the repetitive thoughts were also put there by someone else!