If the fire wasn’t nefarious

And If the intentions weren’t nefarious

The response would be entirely different!

All of this- was and is- the intended outcome

I am stunned sometimes by man’s inability to accept the most logical answer to something… mainly because the truth is extremely painful.

They mean to harm the native Hawaiians and steal their land… and move the poor working class of Maui off that land and rebuilt it into the first smart city in the US …

In 2024… in this ridiculous alleged era of diversity equity and inclusion …. That is what they’re doing

It’s much more than incompetence

It’s all intentional.

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"It's all intentional."

Of course it is. With the declared goal of "reducing the global population to a sustainable level" hovering over our heads, nothing can be seen without this agenda employed.

Because, given that this agenda is real, then, helping people that are victims of this agenda is totally redundant. Unfortunately and well visible to some (likely Autistic people), there is a history of creating events and with these events so many contradicting aspects, that nobody will ever be able to find out what really happened. The one thing that everybody can be certain about is, that a crime was perpetrated, with the perpetrators being criminals. Just memorize them all and look for the parallels. Why would you short airline stocks - if you don't know that their prices would drop to nothing? And what did you know, to make these transactions?

People that look for excuses to pacify their minds and keep their heads in the sand, are in for the rudest awakening.

After having lived over 22 years on Maui and Hawai'i Island, I can attest from my last attempt to move back to my home on the Big Island, that "Aloha" has been converted to a "membership only" principle, with the 'club' being Kanaka Maole. Haoles may not enter. To make it clear: after what I have learned from living with Kanaka Maole for decades, they have every right to withdraw their hospitality, to reinstate the Kingdom of Hawai'i and kick out predatory capitalism and its peddlers, henchmen and willful agents in all parts of governance. Why is it so difficult to look back at Queen Lili-uokalani's ethics and priorities? Having the wellbeing of her people at the top of her list?

One of the greatest German statesmen, Willy Brandt ones said (paraphrased): Those politics - that for whatever reason - don't have the wellbeing of its constituents as a priority, can go to hell.

Aloha pumehana from a ex-Haole.

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Definitely intentional. Hawaii has bitumen raods which did not melt during the 'fire' and yet cast Ali wheels melted and ran onto the bitumen and caused no damage to it. Metals were liquified in the 'fire' (did not melt due to high temperature) same as what happened in California, on 911 and in many other places where 'weird' fires have occurred. I'm surprised this article did not touch on this as well as the blue-coloured items that remained unscathed.

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And then there were the plastic green garbage containers which should have melted for sure, but were not, and in turn, collected by trucks to remove the strange evidence. There were pictures of wooden posts, that were virtually unscathed by fire, yet the metal hinges and latches attached, were surrounded by seriously burned and charred wood from the heat that the metal attracted, I'm assuming. That makes no sense to me. Further, and just as peculiar, were trees which had burned from the inside out! Hollow, and still on fire, yet the bark and outside of the trees were showing no signs of being subjected to flames from without. I seem to recall that certain trees were much more prone than others to the effects of forest fire invasion. Yet these more prone trees, such as conifers, were the least of the tree-types effected.

I've often said that the technology which has been most likely involved in these strange occurrences, i.e. particle beam or directed energy weapons, have come to some degree of generic fruition, even a couple decades ago! And I doubt that the technicians have been sitting on their hands in the interim between then and now. I'll bet the "bad guys" get wind of these weapons, and think, "How can we use this new technology to our advantage heading into the NWO?" I could be wrong. They might be the sole culprits, supplying funding for their evil machinations until science and technology creates these things.

Brilliant scientists of old have posited the concept of nuclear fission. It was developed into the "bomb" and the rest is history. It's doubtful that the scientists were without govt funding. The "good guys" had commendable ideas eg. a readily tap-able energy source for mankind, but The "bad guys" were at the helm and had other ideas, leaning more toward conquest. And that's what solidified, not totally for the "good" intentions. That's the way it always seems to go. No coincidences. No bad luck. These things are directed and funded.

The few vids of the towers "collapsing" (tongue in cheek) in which the radio tower at the very top turns to dust and just disintegrates in mid air as it falls, is one which I will never forget. There is no further investigation needed to come to the conclusion that there MUST be some force applied in order to do such strange things. Just like the Maui fires and most likely the Paradise Calif. fire before it. I have no concrete evidence to support the claims, but with so many pictures being taken during and after events, which corroborate these strange things, one can certainly come to the conclusion that they are "strange" just like the "unexpected" deaths are strange. They do not fit into normal expectations, and with the frequency of all these things occurring, accumulating evidence from every quarter, one would have to be hell-bent on being "blue-pilled" to simply ignore the wave of apparent scientific anomalies.

Being a Christian, I cannot intentionally derail my own train. It might relieve some grief and stress, but it is a false endeavor. I'm convinced that there is a satanic element behind what goes on in this world. And likewise convinced that a heavenly, divine, intervention takes place as a means to offset the evil; to govern its intense desire to overwhelm the masses. In the end, God wins, and evil is eradicated for ever. Hell fire will destroy all wickedness, and those who condone it. Satan and his angels will be among the destroyed, and lastly hell itself will finally be extinguished so as to not become the horrid reminder of what sin brings. We will, however, have an eternal token of the cost of sin. It will be permanently preserved in the hands and feet of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. That's Truth, whether it is believed or rejected.

May God bless us!


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I believe we are in end times and Jesus our King and Lord and Savior will be returning very soon. The ac of the BOR is barry and fp is the pope. If you're interested J. Kleck has a "ministry" from God to decode the Bible for current times and Master's Voice Prophecy Blog helps us to understand true repentance and understanding of Jesus and His teachings. God bless!

Attached are 2 video links to these people. These videos can be downloaded from the new bitchute, but I don't like the format. I hope this blesses you and keeps you strong in the faith. It will get really hard for true believers esp here in the usa.



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No, I cannot embrace the doctrine stated by the young lady of the second vid. People prescribe the titles of the Rev and Dan prophecies incorrectly. There are correct, and incorrect versions of interpretations, and unless the Bible is allowed to interpret itself, we make the mistake of oversight attributing wrongly the things which God has intended to enhance our preparedness with. I don't trust anything which does not conform to Biblical sound doctrine. You might. And you have that free will to do so, should you choose, but I would warn against it.

If you would like to inspect the doctrine that the Seventh Day Adventist Church espouses, (which just so happens to be the ONLY church which can defend itself doctrinally by the Bible and the Bible alone {sola Scriptura}, and for over a century has sided with all the martyred Reformers' inspired beliefs, I would point you to the video collections of Walter Veith, Doug Bachelor, Stephen Bohr, John Lomacang, and a few other truthful leaders, for an eye-opening view and an education that will holds water spiritually speaking. Remember, Satan is in the business of deception. Misinterpreting the "Sword of the Spirit" is very likely to take you in a direction unintended. It's a "war" for the soul and there are many spies, agents, and plants to contort, mislead, and confuse.

Please give those suggested pastors mentioned a serious look-see. I did, and am glad for doing so. At least now I'm on the rails correctly. What I do with that position, is what will determine my Salvation. Knowing correct doctrine is just the beginning. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

I think that says it all.

Your brother in Christ,


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Thanks for your opinion and I have seen videos from Walter Veith. I did find his videos helpful, but I still think the revelations she has are from God. If I'm wrong and deceived, I pray the Holy Spirit corrects my understanding. She has been very helpful to me for preparing me for what I see coming to this earth. I'm far less fearful and feel closer to Jesus thru the purging of many sins I was involved in and a part of.

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Yeah, Carrie!

Thanks for the communication. I'm not qualified to direct or even suggest one thing or another regarding the works of God through the Holy Spirit upon one's heart. In time, things will become more clear, but for now, if we keep in prayer, humbly, even in the face of grave danger, temptations, and difficulties, it will show our faith, which is a HUGE thing with the God of heaven. I also think that appreciation is BIG with God. After all, what can we rightfully assume to be "ours" and take it for granted, after being informed that everything made that was made, belongs to the Creator?

In the Battle against "self" and the war on mankind for his soul,


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I totally agree. I watched all the videos (lived on Maui for 7 years in the 80s and my heart broke to hear about this) and I am convinced it was a DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) just like the similar fire in Paradise Valley, CA. And, where are the 2,000 missing children??? Were any of them accounted for? I saw investigative articles and videos on the school buses that were found in remote areas....were these kids trafficked? Apparently Maui has underground tunnels. This issue needs to be addressed by someone. And how are the plans to turn Lahaina into a 15-minute city coming along? The whole thing reeks of the Deep State/Cabal/etc.

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Exactly right! "Incompetence and bad luck" are ridiculously stupid and dishonest excuses for the evidence and reality for a human tragedy that was planned and executed by nefarious forces too evil to imagine.

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Amen to that. There is no doubt in my mind that the fires were set by directed energy weapons (DEWs). Trees that burned from the inside out, non-dense objects like a plastic piggy bank totally unharmed next to a car that even had the window glass melted, blue objects not burned. These evil, evil satanic globalists are psychopaths. Sociopaths. No conscience over killing so many, just as they did with 9/11. We have become a Sodom & Gomorrah, so I believe God is allowing us to reap what we've sown. Our nation needs to turn back to God, & ask Him to set things right & heal our land.

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Wow, BC!

In my opinion, you've said (written) a mouthful. I do agree with it all. May I suggest that you look into a "long-term plan" which incorporates all sorts of diversions in order to take the public's eye from the evil objective of Satan ie. to eliminate the concern over God's Ten Commandment Law. THEN, following many disastrous conditions, (most of which he will initiate) claim, the EXACT theme you posit lastly. That the nation (and world) needs to turn back to God so as to make things right again; to "heal the land." This mindset will be carried forward by the Roman Catholic, pagan SYSTEM of religion. It is already utilized by the "global warming" scam. It is stated by the Pope that mother Earth needs a rest, and for that, Sun-Day is designated to the cause. Only Sun-Day is a man-made institution, and is contrary to the Law of God's Fourth Commandment. The rub will, over time, ignite fierce conflict between "Those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus" and those who do not.

Then, a collaborative effort will be made by evil-induced organizations and individuals under satanic influence to "follow the Beast" obediently or suffer social reprisals. Only the steadfast followers of Christ will find it expedient to obey the Bible, and NOT the dictates of man in keeping a spurious Sabbath Day.

Why the "Sabbath Day"? Because it is the singular Commandment which identifies the one True God of Creation; the Ruler of the universe. It gives His Name, Title, and Territory.

No other Commandment does so.

Just FYI,

Your brother in Christ,


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Agree. Pre-meditated.

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You may be right about it being intentional, but not necessarily. When you know how Hawaii really, is you understand how the response could be just incompetence and greed.

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I say, Only God knows the truth today

But it certainly seems to me.. over the last 4 years… this is emerging as a central truth…

Tyrants deliberately place incompetent and compliant lackeys in high ranking positions in order to mask the true workings of power. It is a smoke screen of incompetence…


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Yeah, incompetent lackeys like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland. Or Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris...

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After Lahaina, I had to call into question the 2019 firestorm that swept Australia.

Natural? Ignited? Incompetence? Arson? (all were blamed, including the ubiquitous "climate change.") When you read the US Vietnam war guide to "using weather & fire" as a weapon, it's hard to overlook.

I've only lived in Australia 20 years, but when I talk to old-timers here, the 2019 fires were bigger, fiercer, more widespread than anything they'd seen before (including some of the famous fires).

AFTER that, the whole of Australia was softened up (we were already masking for the smoke), so that when COVID hit, it was SOOOOooooo easy to get the sheep in the corral.

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Lots of greed

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Yes. See my comment. I think that the opiate of believing the best about people is getting old. In my world what I believe about you is EARNED - not assumed just to assuage the mental discomfort of requiring proof that you are trustworthy. Interestingly, the comment " However, people I’ve talked have to, insisted this is primarily due to naïve leaders in government who do not understand the consequences of their actions " would be similar to the excuse a parent of a budding monster might say to one of his/her victims.

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Indicative of the silent Transnationals takeover of the US. They are crushing the constitution.

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I was just reading about the genocide in Ca. When awakening as a species we are seeing systems that have been used to conquer and control. Now our species viewing those collapsing system ( like that wave collapses) and all the fractals underneath to form a different system. The archetype of the feminine Mother in this new epoch is reminding us we are the ocean.

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"It’s all intentional."

Yes. As was Israel, Oct 2023

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Where is the evidence? Anomalies have occurred that make no sense. Reminds me of Spontaneous Combustion where human flesh is ignited and vaporized and the furniture they are sitting on is not consumed. Can DEW weapons do the same? Cars on the highway far from the center of the firestorm are incinerated and glass is melted. No real combustible materiel around the car. Do the Chinese balloons that have been spotted over Hawaii have DEW on board? Are we being left out of the truth? Or..is it just the stupidity of the Democratic run state.

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Sep 16Edited

DEW can come from satellite. I've seen maps of when the satellites passed over Lahaina, and some bizarre cloud formations along with flashes in the clouds which looked unusual.

This isn't my wheelhouse, so I didn't take notes (sorry).

DEW was USED on Australians at the Trucker's protest. Used on our own citizens. Here's a link I have - it may still be good: https://yournews.com/2022/02/19/2302302/report-microwave-energy-weapons-deployed-against-canberra-freedom-convoy/

You may choose not to believe. But my attitude is this: If they HAVE it (and they do) what's to keep them from USING it? Studying DARPA and military science will give you an indication of how far tech has come.

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The Zuck wants all that real estate no doubt.

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Billy G will be lining up also!

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And oprah as there was a fire in Kula same day, same time near her property. I hear there are tunnels deep underneath too. How many children are truly accounted for after they closed the schools and sent them home.

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“If the fire wasn’t nefarious

And If the intentions weren’t nefarious

The response would be entirely different!”

Not necessarily. As I finish my rather long comment to the OP, people are stupid. Groups of people are excessively stupid. Those in government are so in triplicate.

The same grotesque incompetence and ignorance lead to many more deaths than would have been form the 2011, 03, 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Their response was no better. Their preparation arguably worse. Do you think they planned the earthquake?

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I think it's worse than gross negligence. I believe they were bribed or threatened to follow the orders coming from higher places as the police chief was one in the same during the LV shooting episode. I also believe they have technology to cause earthquakes. IMHO we are in end times and things will get worse and worse as the evil grows in power and overtakes the earth til Jesus returns which I believe is very soon as the BOR plays out.

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It could be that, but it need not be. The weather conditions that day and the failing infrastructure alone could easily account for what happened. Add to these, improper training and an incompetent police chief and we have all the ingredients needed for what played out. IF someone wanted to help this along, the local ner do well could have been employed to start a fire here and there and it would ensure that things happened as they did.

As far as tech to start an earthquake, mankind has not the ability to harness and direct the amount of energy needed, but if someone did, they would be so powerful they would not need to hide it.

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This is why Tulsi Gabbard is on the no fly list.

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I did not go into that only because I didn't want to have too many tangents.

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Please! Enough of all the "tangent" and similar excuses for not completely researching things and coming to the conclusions that many "conspiracy FACTUALISTS" have come to. This avoidance that you're guilty of has kept you for TWENTY-TWO years from learning the real, as-complete-as-possible TRUTH about 9/11 having been an inside job that over 3,000(!) architects and engineers have faced and accepted, and kept you from speaking up about it. Research Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and wake up completely, Doc.

Lahaina was clearly an inside job, too; and it certainly was NOT due to incompetence, at least mostly. As in the case of 9/11, some incompetence no doubt came into play, but it was mostly due to planned intent by the deep state shadow government that actually runs the world, and their faction in national government that has infiltrated and brainwashed all pertinent departments in same, and many of their members.

Thus, the PsTB which carried it out didn't need everyone in those government departments to be in on it, just certain select people, except in the case of completely evil and vile agencies like "al CIAduh(!)", the FBI, NSA, DHS, State Department, Pentagon, et al., although most of their employees were intentionally kept in the dark for plausible deniability and to aid the extensive coverup; and because, of course, many of them would not have gone along with it, or kept their mouths shut, and there would have been whistleblowers right and left coming out of the woodwork. (If only!)



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Remember when Tulsi torpedoed Harris? Sooner or later, she was bound for that list.

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Quiet Skies SSSS, not quite the No Fly list. But yes, one more reason.

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She has only given platitudes and stated the obvious. She has called out no one directly because it is her masters who are complicit.

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What happened to the people of Lahaina? From someone that lives in Hawaii (70 years) and knows people from Lahaina, Maui, the answer is simple: they're being phucked over good and hard at the altar of big business (HECO) and the disgusting governments that NEVER accept responsibility or hold any political hack or bureaucrat to account.

For another example look at how the Secret Service is skating for the Butler travesty, blaming the local cops instead.

Criminal negligence in glaring evidence in both cases...and many others.

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Moreover, even though we live on another island the insurance creeps are either denying fire coverage or making it essentially unaffordable. We've been subjected to both cases.

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This is truly heartbreaking and difficukt to read. Thank you for researching this topic so thoroughly - shining a light in the dark places.

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I've followed this topic quite closely. You've written an excellent article summing up the true nature of these fires. No doubt exists in my mind that direct energy weapons are used to clear out financially advantageous real estate for those who, with stupendous money and power, want their ambitions realized. I think the whole agenda involves keeping people displaced and increasing homelessness. The attendant feelings which accompanies those conditions causes people to drift and remain essentially passive...as Meryl Nass' current substack describes.

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Aug 10Edited

Agreed. This is a great article and he sticks to his areas of expertise. However, the photos belie the intentional acts that show something beyond a "wildfire" from a hurricane 600 miles away and some uncut scrub brush. The cat with hair not even singed found dead under the hood of a car with a melted engine block, a frog fried in mid-jump that is petrified charcoal, a petrified dog and even (disturbingly) a petrified human caught flash fried in the frontage road totally turned into charcoal yet many trees, blue t shirts and blue umbrellas are unscathed. Then, there are the underground wire fires and the church that is only burned where the steel runs through the roof. A fire that prefers burning metals to wood. As AMD said, no real investigation by the government because there are too many questions they do not want to answer (only retired Fire Chiefs with nothing to lose will opine that this was an unnatural fire).

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Exactly true, Dan. They also, if people remember, put up huge fences with black material around the fire area. If people stopped to take pictures, local law enforcement arrived and told them to move on. The fire area was obscured because of the examples you cite above. They wanted quietly to remove overwhelming evidence that a weapon had been used which they didn't want to explain. The examples you cite have been frequently seen in the Middle East. The U.S. and Israel have both used these types of weapons. Terrorists in a car which is reduced to a microwave-oven size. The locals see the damaged "car" and give witness testimony. The U.S. military shows up and buries the microwave-oven car. Or scenes of blackened bodies in a car with melted wheels. Or seas so boiling that cooked, dead fish float on top for days.

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Ayn Rand foretold weapons like that in "Atlas Shrugged.". Also invented the financial gimmick used in "The Producers" long before Mel Brooks, in "The Fountainhead."

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The locals were very upset by people stopping and taking pictures and many did not want tourists around. People come here on vacation and were snapping pictures for social media of other people’s tragedy. So many people suffering trama while tourists are vacationing around them. You have to live here to understand.

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That's is understandable given the tragedy. My question is why did the investigators not want to take pictures and left it up to some brave locals to document the forensic evidence of this highly unusual fire?

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Louder! Too many things never added up. Sadly everyday is another crisis where things don't add up and we can't collectively put up an effort to point out those oddities. TOO MUCH HAPPENING EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME....

Sadly it's the Hawaiian people that are on the losing end of this one. Their blue govt has killed the islands.

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As they have been used in California over the years--Paradise is an excellent example.

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Yes, our current administration (one of the most corrupt)and all their incompetent officials want us dependent on their services that they can cut off and on at political whim. Vote every socialist Democrat out.

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Aug 16
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Because of the peculiarities in burning. If you watch some of the videos on-line from former fire marshals and fire investigators, they'll show how a normal fire burns and what results contrasted to how these fires burn and their results.

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We should be taking care of our people here in the United States first before giving so much money to other countries such as Ukraine. Makes me sick how much money is being spent but people here are hurting.

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When the Reichstag burned in 1933, many Germans suspected that it was the Nazis that lit the fire at the capital. Hitler's crew said it was an accident, then pointed to an insane communist. Accusations of conspiracy flew in every conceivable direction.

So, who does history tell us was to blame for the fire? History has taught us that it didn't matter who set the fire. It was just a building.

What mattered was that the Nazis used the apparent emergency to pass an "enabling act" effectively making Hitler dictator and legally clearing the way for all the hideous barbarism of the third reich.

How many Reichstag fires have we seen since then? How many in the last two decades?

History don't repeat but it sure do rhyme...

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From Wikipedia

"The day after the fire, at Hitler's request, President Hindenburg signed the Reichstag Fire Decree into law by using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. The Reichstag Fire Decree suspended most civil liberties in Germany, including habeas corpus, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, the right of free association and public assembly, and the secrecy of the post and telephone. These rights were not reinstated during Nazi reign. The decree was used by the Nazis to ban publications not considered friendly to the Nazi cause. Despite the fact that Marinus van der Lubbe claimed to have acted alone in the Reichstag fire, Hitler, after having obtained his emergency powers, announced that it was the start of a wider communist effort to take over Germany. Nazi Party newspapers then published this fabricated story."

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History is rhyming all over the place these days...

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This event is eerily similar to the recent assassination attempt on President Trump. Lack of accountability, recklessness, finger pointing and all along a sinking feeling of corruption and a coordinated effort to deny culpability of any sort. Big brother is poking people firmly in the middle of the chest and daring them to fight back - they should be careful what they ask for

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Laihina is the perfect example of when globalists want the land, they'll use the weather as a weapon to get it and guess who pays the ultimate price? YOU DO.

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They will use the weather and energetic weaponry.

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I know, we had a small enclave of homes completely destroyed ten minutes away from us in a subdivision city the eye of Beryl went through and the area around it completely untouched.

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If it WAS the weather...

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Having lived in Hawaii I can tell you the corruption runs deep and is at every level from the condo associations to the local government. The former police chief and his wife are in jail and it is only because the feds came in otherwise that scandal would have continued unabated. I blew the whistle on the lies and COVID corruption at the Department of Health with the help of Tulsi Gabbard and was summarily discharged from my position (read all about it in my book Pandemic in Paradise: An Insiders view of COVID corruption in Hawaii). Without a job it was no longer financial sustainable to live there so have since relocated to the mainland. That's what the corrupt insiders in Hawaii want. They want as many people to leave the islands so they can turn it into a playground for the rich and elites. Those who are left behind and can't leave become slaves to those rich enough to visit the islands. The sad things is most of the locals there have been slaves for a very long time working two and three jobs just to barely scrape by. People really need to pay attention to what is happening in Hawaii because it is a proving ground for the policies that the tyrannical despots want to institute with the "new world order." They are trying to ban 2A, they wanted to eliminate Good Friday as a holiday and replace it with a UN holiday "world peace day", they have voted to allow CBDC, they had one of the only "vaccine passports" and "green pass" to allow the serfs to travel and visit businesses during the pandemic. Sadly the people are isolated and cannot see that there is a better way. There is strength in numbers and if people unite and stand up the tyrants can be defeated.

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The word I was trying to think of as I wrote the conclusion was "proving ground." Thank you.

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MwD... Thank you for keeping a spotlight on this tragedy. It is a perfect example supporting my thesis that Humankind is infested/contaminated/oppressed by a multi-generational (many centuries) self-selected and inbred segment of the population that are genetically malignant narcissists with a preponderance of psychopaths. IMO, this group is around 7-8% of the population. This element has been concentrated over the years: (especially in the West where culture is based on an every-man-for himself pirate corporatism - your "feudalism" on steroids). As the manifestation of psychopathy has become more evident, their incompetence has also increased. These people tend to be very bright (not smart, but clever and devious), BUT they are arrogant and self-centered - devoid of self-awareness, empathy and sympathy.

Consequently, they inevitably begin to act irrationally and erratically. It is not, IMO, that they are necessarily incompetent first, but rather physically (genetically) flawed individuals who manifest their inner firmware programming. Of course, simply carrying a gene code for cancer or some other disease does NOT necessarily mean that will be expressed. Life experience and epi-genetic influencers (such as, family, diet, societal stress, religion, environmental toxins) are involved in how our genetic codes express.

It is no accident that royals marry royals, billionaires marry billionaires, and politicians and corporatists marry their own. This has been going on for many centuries and we have finally reached a point in history where the Ruling Elite is composed of vast numbers of these people who are basically anti-Humankind.

These people genuinely believe that they are superior beings, that 90% of the population needs to be eliminated and that they can re-create the Universe in their own image. They genuinely believe that they will merge with their own machines and become gods themselves. They are, in fact, insane.

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Yes, we need to cull them.

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After reading and digging into events (thanks to work done by citizen journalists like yourself), I’m beginning to think Hanlon’s razor (never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity) was a clever platitude created as a front. As is often said, there’s too much stupidity these days for it not to be on purpose.

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After reading the three possibilities at the top of the article I would say all of the above. And most all of the blame can be traced to government.

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As usual, this is a well constructed argument from AMD, and 4 years ago, I would have likely agreed with option 3. I have 24 years of experience working in government, and can attest to the various levels of incompetence. However, I'm actually surprised you still see it this way, especially given the volume of photos and testimonials that absolutely do not coincide with a natural fire.

There is another feature of this tragedy that has not been discussed. At least, from what I have seen, and deserves investigation. Where was the military? Every installation has a rotating quick reaction force, usually battalion size (500+) tabbed for rapid response missions. Assets from 25th Infantry Division, which include air, sea, and extraction capabilities, could have easily been on scene within hours, or earlier. We're talking just over 100 miles. We used similar units in Katrina for humanitarian means. Why not Lahaina?

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That's a great point.

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I am not so sure that they are being ignored. The FAA prohibits drone flights over the destruction. If only they were ignored, they might have already begun rebuilding. Mini homes and land to place them being donated but blocked by bureaucracy, they are not being ignored, rather getting attention they no not need nor deserve, IMHO.

This destruction of local businesses during covid is by no means an US only phenomenon. That same continues to happen in Japan where I live. I have read that similar has and continues in other countries tries too, though no specifics come immediately to mind other than the many I know of in Japan. This leads me to believe that at the very least, there is a high level of coordination on the various methods of destroying local businesses to make room for “chain stores” as they are known here in Japan.

On the three different perspectives common to all these events, cannot more than one coexists? I lean to either 2 or three or both 2 and 3. For the Lahaina fire, I am currently thinking that both 2 & 3 played apart. As you point out in air disasters (I think it was you, anyway.) I have found that all a disasters, great and small, are a series of poor decisions, many of which are made knowing full well the disastrous consequences of them should bad luck trigger events before the decision maker/s are retired. At least one engineer warned against launching the Space Shuttle Challenger on such a cold day. He was bullied into signing off and has written of his regret multiple times since. Wild fires in the US have long been known to be caused in large part by the mismanagement of our woodlands by bureaucrats who ignore advice by those whom know to allow for the clearing of under brush and floor litter. Here in Japan, two natural disasters were made far worse by governmental criminal negligence. One was an earthquake that killed few but at least one that should not have been. She was a young girl, 6 years old as I recall, who was crushed to death by an incorrectly constructed wall on her way to school. For many years, local tradesmen who know or thing or two, reported the accident waiting to happen to city hall who ignored them. Now that a young girl’s life was sacrificed for whatever gain lazy city officials got from ignoring years of repeated warnings, residents near my home have had to tear down their properly built, beautiful stone walls around their homes and rebuild them with concrete block topped with fencing. The most recent finished just 2 weeks ago despite the quake that spurred this being several years ago now.

But the big one was the needless deaths from the 2011/03/11 earthquake and tsunami. The wildfire in Hawaii tracks so closely, in my view with the 311 in Japan that I have asked those that believe that the reaction to the fires absolutely indicate government planned and set the fire if they believe that Japan’ government planned and caused the 311 quake and tsunami. To my surprises, many do in fact believe this and call me names for not believing this as they do. Many of these folks also believe that the wildfires in the US were without doubt cause by DEWs and many of these believe that these are owned and controlled by Jews and I am the biggest idiot on Earth for not realizing this.

A great many of the official disaster evacuation centers were swept away by the tsunami. At least some of these had been warned about for years by the residents who would later drown in them for being right on the shore line and just a couple of meters above sea level at high tide. Large numbers of school kids died because those in charge of their care ignored their school’s disaster policies. One kindergarten sent their bus off with some kids to take them home despite it being the policy to keep all kids at the school until a parent picked them up. The burnt out bus with the burned remains of the children and driver were found later.

In a massive fail, the principal of an elementary refused to follow his school’s evacuation procedure and a heated argument ensued between he and one of his teachers. The teacher disobeyed orders and took those kids who decided to follow to higher ground. However, the stairs up the mountain that are maintained by the city with taxpayer funds was impassable due to overgrowth and fallen trees. Drowned bodies of school children from the school were found many kilometers away.

No chain is stronger than its weakest link, and there are a hell of a lot of pitifully weak links in any and all government chains. True for all bureaucratic entities, including large companies and universities. But how about on the individual level. Little different.

On March 11, 2011 I was on the 8th floor of an office building in Kanda, Tokyo, Japan. The story is long and while it may be interesting, I will not tell it in full now. The company I was working for at the time is one you have all heard of. In the years I worked for them part time, I had witnesses several disaster drills. The very ones often highlighted by overseas journalists and held in awe by Westerners who do not live here. Like all other preventive and post accident measures practiced in Japan, they are practiced only to check off a box but never with a thought that they will ever have to carry out anything they have drilled. After the main quake subsided, we made our way down stairs, over plaster board that once made up the walls and ceiling of the stairwell and finally outside. Once the businessmen got out, they huddled next to the building puffing on theirs cigs as the building did the “S” wave dance and the ground pulsated in a manner reminiscent of the fantail of my missile cruiser at flank speed. None, not a one of the regular employees had the hard hat and evac kit provided to each desk. We part timers are not provided such. The one and only person who had theirs was a fulltime temp employee. After the tremors died down, back upstairs they all went, laughing at me for having my coat, bag and travel coffee mug with me. I remained outside and witnessed no fewer than 8 evacuations preceded by aftershocks and followed by reentries until the building manager finally refused to allow anyone back in. Those who laughed at me for grabbing my coat now scowled at me with rage for having my coat while they foolishly left theirs behind and must make their way home without it.

People are stupid. Groups of people are excessively stupid. People in government are so in triplicate.

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Why can't it be all three?

The majority are incompetent.

A minority are following orders, either explicit or implicit, to not interfere if something bad happens.

A very small number of people go out of their way to make sure that bad things happen. Sometimes on their own initiative.

We can see this structure in criminal gangs where the well informed recognise that they shouldn't go against the will of certain dangerous people or families.

It also occurs during protests and riots where some individuals use the chaos as cover for criminal activity.

Likewise, the prevalence of incompetence in the authorities serves as a plausible cover for renegade elements and provides scapegoats if issues spiral too far out of control.

Otherwise responsibility is spread out to as many as possible to prevent accountability for anyone involved.

You could call it emergent compartmentalisation.

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