One thing that I have noticed as a regular citizen is that we have all been trained to almost completely ignore any warnings or information on the inserts about adverse reactions of any medication or injection. I suspect it’s because of the endless commercials for prescription medications that show happy, smiling, healthy people with upbeat music doing fun things while a kind sounding voice discretely says that “death may occur”. I don’t think our minds are able to grasp such a shocking message while fun music and happy people are dancing around the tv screen. It’s a true PSY-OP every time someone turns on their tv.
In Europe I see that the covid19 crime against humanity doesn't have a paper insert. I went to the pharmacy to ask to see it. The pharmacist told me that there wasn't one but that there was a 50 page document on line regarding the aforementioned pharmaceutical crime against humanity. I asked him if that document had a list of ingredients. He confirmed my suspicion that no, there was no list of ingredients. I asked him how it would be possible for anybody to give their informed consent to inject the pharmaceutical crime against humanity into their body. He began to mutter about "people who don't want to get vaccinated".
I have sympathy for this fellow. He was born smart, but he's now been turned into an unreasoning automaton. He's still able to take pleasure from the money and the respect that he gets from people with no brains to speak of, but he's lost his humanity.
he is now a serial murderer. And we live in a society which rewards serial murderers and punishes whistleblowers who point out that our government's main business is serial murder.
Right, like who gives an injection without an ingredients list? Especially to pregnant women, infants, and children?! I wouldn’t even eat food without an ingredients list or without knowing what was in it, let alone inject it into my bloodstream , especially when it was designed to pass through membranes and the blood brain barrier. I stopped eating foods with PEG in it about a decade ago and people are getting it injected without question. And the PEG is one of many alarming ingredients. The brainwashing is strong.
While I do think that many people deserve the title serial murderer throughout this “pandemic”, I’m very conflicted about the average medical person. I know many people who work in the medical field and they are generally good people just doing what they were taught to do. Whoever is running this debacle has been brainwashing average people for a very long time and has made complete compliance the only successful avenue for people to become practitioners of “medicine”. It’s the deepest and most complicated mess that I could ever imagine with layers and layers of corruption and false, religious-like beliefs. Who is the victim and who is the villain when it comes to the medical community? What is their awareness? Intent? Responsibility? If they were never taught to think critically, ca they be blamed? Or should the medical schools be held accountable? Clearly top public health agencies are villains but the rank and file…?
I don’t know the answer but I will say that it would be a very rare case indeed for me to ever trust a medical professional in our current system. Thankfully, I was skeptical before the pandemic’s due to having health issue and realizing that allopathic medicine merely masks symptoms and often causes more harm down the road. There is no money in helping people become healthy and often, the public doesn’t want that as the answer anyway. There is blame to go all around.
RE: "brainwashed medicos" = when someone is addicted to a drug - say meth.
The things that they do on the meth = is not really them, it's the drug.
The brainwashing is a layer like this - and while, I'm not saying people shouldn't be held responsible, at the emotional level, they know not what they do. It's the brainwashing - not the person.
Doesn't make for a good criminal defence: "I was brainwashed, your honour." And we've learned from Nuremburg that "I was doing what I was told" is not a good legal defence.
But on an emotional level, understand - that brainwashing is like a drug. They don't realise how much so. They are still humans.
It is important that we don't dehumanize humans. That is *their* weapon, not ours.
Yeah, it’s complicated. The CIA (and probably many other vested entities) has spent decades conducting unethical experiments and learning how to manipulate people into doing what they want them to do. It’s not like the medical community just woke up one day and said, ‘let’s take out the elderly and infirm and destroy pregnancies and infants’. It was a long drawn out process of manipulation and mind control, that culminated in a “pandemic” which lead to a panic frenzy. You literally cannot access the logical part of your brain when you are in panic mode.
But, at the same time, all the ethics of medicine were broken in one fell swoop. And after four years now, people should have figured things out. I’m very torn as to what should happen next. Not pursuing justice doesn’t seem wise. Hanging everyone doesn’t seem wise.
Ugh, what a terrible place we find society in. The most recent estimate that I have heard is 17 million excess deaths worldwide. And that doesn’t include malpractice deaths for Covid protocols or vax injuries. That’s a big deal.
Agree. And they are going to make it increasingly difficult to say no to all those so hopefully we prepare somewhat ahead of time and hopes we can build strong local networks so that we are prepared when the pushes come to shoves.
Oh Absolutely... it has been a very emotional roller coaster . I am struggling with how the sanctity of the medical profession has become so compromised /under regulatory capture . Many innocent patients are often misinformed by their often well intentioned but misinformed/ mistaught doctors and healthcare workers. That to me is the pandemic and don’t get me started on the whole information control and fear tactics to get people to do things they would not have done in a stable disposition without fear. I could go on but I will stop there.
Like Midwestern Doc, I've been watching this for decades before the COVID shot came out. It's good to see (as horrible as they are) that the jabs are waking up others.
Yeah, I learned it a while ago, but before that I was like most people saying things like "That stuff doesn't really happen, they just have to write it to cover themselves if they are sued." and "The Government wouldn't approve it if it was unsafe." Ha! (Sometimes tbh I long for the days when ignorance was bliss.
Yes I have brought this up to the doctor about the warnings. He will say not to pay attention - it's just that they have to mention every possible side effect to protect themselves. That all meds have some side effects on some people, but they are not common! So, no worries!
I hear you. My sister was put on SSRIs and told that they aren’t addictive and that they aren’t harmful. All the problems that she has had over the years, she attributes to her mental illness but they are actually all the side effects listed in the warnings.
What I have personally come to understand about pharmaceuticals is that toxic things cause harm and different people will show signs of harm (aka side effects) in different ways. If a medication is causing side effects, it is because it is toxic and while not everyone will have the same side effects, the toxicity is still there, even if it is silent. So I personally avoid all pharmaceuticals.
I have also learned that whatever the package insert says the possible side effects are, it is probably a gross under representation of what they actually are in reality because they do not test most medications as long as people take them and they also manipulate the studies to hide side effects. This is clearly evident by all the pharmaceuticals that are eventually taken off the market due to safety issues. We also saw this through the roll out of the mRNA injections.
And, pharmaceutical companies also misrepresent how effective medications are, again, by manipulating their studies. People who peer review studies do not have access to all the raw data in a study.
Also, when they perform a study for a new medication, they do not have to disclose the results. If they don’t like the results, they can redesign the study and run it again without showing data from previous studies.
Most doctors either do not know this because I assume they were brainwashed in medical school or they were won over through their interactions with pharmaceutical companies through their career. Pharmaceutical companies donate to medical schools. Definitely a conflict of interest.
Also, medical journals are controlled by pharmaceutical companies due to the high percentages of revenue the medical journals receive from advertisements and doctors wrongfully trust medical journals.
Butchered by Healthcare is an excellent book about some of the inherent problems in medicine. There are many others.
Ultimately, most people usually need diet and lifestyle modifications to treat the majority of their illnesses but not only are those not profitable for the medical and pharmaceutical industry, most people are not interested or willing to follow diet and lifestyle modifications so it’s a very difficult situation for both doctors and patients to be in. I think doctors just find it easiest to write out a prescription and most patients accept this form of medical care.
One book that I read but can’t remember the name of said that new medications are never tested against the current standard of care medications nor diet and lifestyle modifications so people cannot possibly know if there are better options available after a new medication is studied. I thought it was a very profound idea.
I will say this…I might have a temper…I literally fell in Love with Patients who became Friends (more gifts than You can imagine). Quid Pro Quo. Gringo con Pello Largo. Do NOT mess with Me when it comes to Individuals that are in need of care. You might see a side of Me you don’t want to see. Sorry, I will destroy you and put it on paper. Ed
I am one of those that always has side effects and always read the package inserts (and ingredients) on everything. I am off pharma now but the doctors still try and push crap like BP meds or statins. No thank you is usually my polite response. I can handle my health just fine with what is natural and nature given. I so rarely see a medical doctor nowadays and hope I do not have to any time soon. Pharma is just downright scary bad.
We are kindred spirits! Although I did let them inject my babies with toxic vaccines many years ago. The internet was not around then to be able to research things out easily. I now know better and have warned my children. And, I now try to eat like my life depends on it because I’m not leaving it to big pharma. “Scary bad” is right!
Unfortunately, I have to remain on anti-hypertensive “drugs”…not happy but; better than 220/110. 🙃 Ed. First stupid doctor in uk 110/70…Your blood pressure is low…Do you read/study? That is the “new” normal”. I wanted to throw her under the bus. Got 3 mountain bikes…You wanna go ride? 105 lb. Akita, you are welcome to walk/run him…helmet recommended for you. 🤣
from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing."
This is from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment."
I was fortunate in that my parents stayed away from them entirely, but they were in their 50s before the huge push in the '90s began with the ban on TV advertising lifted, and we were all told to "ask your doctor about...".
I took SSRIs on two occasions, and they drove me up the wall. Docs said to keep with it and try different cocktails, but I just went off them and sought natural remedies.
At 34 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol for a physical to get "insured" (scammed). Was given two scrips and told I'd be on them for life. I tossed the scrips, probably dodged major organ damage, still kickin' strong 20+ years later.
Thanks for your testimony. You're doing a great service by getting the word out, as is the good doctor.
At some point, as we all become more informed of what is actually going on in “medicine”, we will reach critical mass and things will change on a societal level. Until then, we all have to keep spreading the word and protecting ourselves and our loved ones the best that we can. I do feel like the silver lining of the pandemic response is that it has increased awareness of the corruption and malfeasance. So, something positive in the midst of such horribleness.
I was first prescribed Prozac while I was in dental hygiene school in Idaho. I was suffering from SAD, being from So. Cal. I had left family and friends to live far away and school was demanding. I wish I had never taken it though it did help me at the time.
I ended up taking various SSRI, SNRI and bupropion for 32 years straight because of the rebound depression I would experience every time I tried to quit them. I also had “brain zaps”.
I was finally able to get off all antidepressants thanks to a therapist who is highly skilled in neurofeedback.
It wasn’t easy but I was determined.
It’s been 3 years and I still get occasional brain zaps. I feel that my moods are much steadier, not as much low or high. I no longer have episodes of hopelessness where I want to die.
I have been patiently getting to know who I really am because I was medicated for so long. I am more introverted. I feel that I may have some permanent damage to my brain or my hypothalamic pituitary axis. I don’t get enjoyment from things like I used to but maybe this is partly due to age? I’m 61.
Overall, life is better though and I’m so glad to be free of dependence on a medication.
There is hope! Our bodies can heal but it takes time. I hope someone finds this helpful.
I find some type of exercise/meditation/Dogs/photography help. True Friends as well; however, that is a hunt. My demon is anxiety. I Wish You the Very Best, Ed
Yes, true friends rare! I like all your suggestions. Time spent in nature always helps too. I’m looking for a good hypnotist for anxiety, I had a good one years ago but he retired.
Thank you for your encouragement and well wishes, I wish you the best also! Tracy
It has taken me quite a few years to get my health right. It took me years to get of Requip for restless legs - a dopamine agonist. It was so very tough but i did it and have been medication free for about 4 years now. In my mid 60s and finally feeling good. My dogs help so very much and have gotten me through some tough times. I will never go back to a medicated life - nope, will not do it. Things will keep getting better I bet :-)
Thank you. I've wanted to hear more about the "restless legs" drugs - because many cases of "restless legs" are caused by akathisia from SSRI's/SNRI's/"antipsychotics" - and then - they prescribe Requip (or one of those GABA drugs) for "restless legs" instead of removing the offending drug.
Yes, that's exactly what my daughter's consultant said when I asked about the listed side effects on her chemo drugs, particularly the one that said may cause cancer.
Couldn’t agree more. Commercials are intentionally designed to have happy people and uplifting music to distract viewer from list of adverse harms. I have spent my entire career in advertising too. After my husband died of Zoloft induced suicide I advocated to get off air but at minimum the ads should be held to a different standard than other consumer products. Our
Industry business journal covered my testimony at FDA hearing on direct to consumer advertising in 2005. I have been trying to fight this for long time. We need all the help we can get.
I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. That is a tragedy of epic proportions. Thank your for standing up to the corrupt system.
We haven’t lost family members but we have seen the devastation in their wake (ongoing).
We actually got rid of our television years ago because I couldn’t stand the junk food commercials followed by commercials for medication that the medical community uses to treat diseases often caused by said junk food. It was literally driving me crazy. And that ended our “programming” from propaganda and advertisements on tv.
Fast forward to 2020, and I was so confused about why people were behaving so irrationally during the “pandemic”. But then I would be somewhere that I could catch a glimpse of tv and suddenly I could feel and understand why people were living in an irrational state brought about by fear and panic coming from their tv. Tv is more dangerous than any virus, in my opinion. It’s used to shape people’s politics, trick them into consuming things that aren’t good for them, make them live in a state of fear and worry… society is really struggling. I wish we could just get rid of destructive things but it’s not that easy. Freedom is messy and corruption is widespread.
I haven't watched mainstream TV in years and I agree about what you said about being so surprised at what was on TV. I saw it a friend's house and could not believe the BS that was on the screen. That crazy score board of infections and death - what the hell?? And the it is just scary bad (my go to saying for stuff like that). I find it amazing people actually fall for all the advertising. I am a bit strange though (hopefully in a good way).
We just spent a little time visiting family and it they talked about how they love watching the morning news to catch up each day. They of course took the injections. (It’s not my side of the family and they are elderly so I just smiled and nodded. We have never talked politics or about anything controversial.) It’s so sad but what can you do? Trying to tell someone that they are being programmed by tv through the “news” and advertisements sounds like complete lunacy to people who regularly consume.
Just for the record, I did try to warn my side of the family. Some agreed with me, some didn’t. We all still love each other.
Few if any people realized that the paper inserts for the Covid vaccines were totally blank. Obviously they didn't want people to see what the potential side effects might be.
True. And, the gene therapies never were actually required to complete an actual trial before they were released on the world. They only did a brief demonstration for two months, which demonstrations did not adhere to any of the normal standards for vaccine testing (which is a much lower standard than a gene therapy would have been held to, but they changed the definition of vaccines to include gene therapies) so they didn’t actually have any completed information to provide. It’s mind blowing.
My husband will watch movies over and over too. I always tease him that he already knows the ending. 😂
Seriously though, we don’t actually have regular tv anymore because the commercials for junk food, followed by pharmaceutical advertisements for medication needed after consumer eats said junk food was literally more than I could handle.
I read the inserts. To what end? Do I tell my doctor I'm not taking whatever, say in the case of avoiding cancer return? That's the real problem, IMO. Other treatments are unproven for a variety of reasons--not that I am not using many alternatives that appear to help.
It was traumatic enough to tell my oncologist I was refusing the jab. But at least there I had some good information. And yes, the insert was correct. So now I deal with those consequences. Many cancer treatments aren't all that effective either, though. And I can't swear my alternatives aren't really the ones keeping me cancer free. Seems we are screwed either way.
It’s a very, very complicated situation. I completely empathize with you. My husband has been battling cancer and had chemo therapy that was completely useless pushed on him. He was so scared of not listening to the doctors that he took the chemotherapy after several pushes, even though I shared my opinion that there was no research supporting the proposed chemo. Turns out my research was correct but how could my husband have known? (The oncologist did know but it’s “standard of care” so they can push unproven toxins as long as it’s acceptable practice for the field) It was a very hard decision for him with lots of pressure. They also pressured him to have the injection but thankfully, he chose not to get that.
After a person becomes ill, their options are often limited and this is a terrible situation to be in. And the doctor’s treatment plans are limited so it’s not an easy place for either of them. It often takes years for a body to become ill and even if it’s primarily rooted in diet or lifestyle issues, that doesn’t mean diet and lifestyle can turn the disease back easily or quickly. Sometimes it can. Sometimes it can’t. The good news is that most diet and lifestyle modifications will help to some degree, even if it’s just to help to heal after a surgery, or to help the body avoid secondary infections.
My husband had chemotherapy in his early 20s and lost all his hair and was horribly sick from it. When he had cancer the second time, mid-40s, he finally decided to eat really well before and through his treatments and he didn’t loose his hair the second time. (We listen to the audio book Anti-Cancer: a New Way To Live and other inspiring books) He also did not become as ill from the chemotherapy this time around. It was a good testament to both of us that nutrition matters, even if it’s not able to reverse all disease.
I’ve talked with my children to the point of being annoying about it but the real trick to avoiding the medical system, in my opinion, is for a parent to eat really well before, during and after pregnancy and then to feed the child well from the start (and of course avoid childhood vaccines and other toxic medications and environmental toxins in general). This will give the child the best chance and ability to maintain good health through their whole life if they choose to keep up the healthy habits after they leave home. It’s difficult for parents to give this gift to their child(ren) because our culture works against healthy lifestyles, but it just makes more sense than what our society currently does, which is waiting until late in life to eat clean and do other important lifestyle modifications. It’s never too late to adopt healthy diet and lifestyle habits but it is too late to reap all the rewards from starting in infancy if we wait until adulthood to begin making healthy changes.
Sorry to ramble on. I just have this huge desire to help people avoid all the pain and suffering our family has gone through. My husbands family gave him kool-aid in his bottle as a baby and he grew up eating very poorly, which he carried into his personal habits in his adult life. If only his parents had known how much he would end up suffering from this. Many people are becoming more aware of this dilemma and are trying to change things for themselves, their children, and their grandchildren so that is somewhat hopeful.
I wish you the very best in your journey and hope that you keep winning! We are fighting the good fight against cancer best we can here too.
Thanks. I agree. I eat mostly organic and (usually) follow good health habits. My parents were into good nutrition, though advice in my youth was not as good as today. My cancer I believe was partly caused by the type of radiation emitted from an electronic device and appeared shortly after my profound grief after a death. The cancer was only where the device was near my body. Grief depresses the immune system according to one of my doctors. Keep your fit bits, cell phones, and other electronics away from your body. Also, look into "dirty electricity." I have installed filters for it and noticed an improvement in how I feel. Way back, I recall the lies that this stuff was safe, only to see now more and more studies showing they definately are not. Good luck to you and your husband.
Thank you. My husbands second cancer was appendix cancer, which is very close to the place that he carries his cell phone (back pocket). I suspect it was a factor, along with poor diet, prior chemotherapy, and a personality that doesn’t handle stress well while working at a high stress job. We live in a toxic soup. Very hard to escape but better to try than not to try so we just keep doing the best that we can, right?
Exactly. The dirty electricity filters may help. If he has to carry the cell, there are covers to stop the radiation, but they can affect updates. He may also respond well to earthing.
I built my own earthing device. They can be made cheaply. One of my doctors sleeps with an earthing blanket. CBD was later recommended by this doctor for stress of the cancer, which is funny because I knew about it before.
I sleep on an earthing mat and my wrist has an earthing bracelet on it as we speak, plugged into the grounding wires of our home electrical outlets. My husband thinks I’m a little nutty (but who gets all the cancer in the family I always tease him with? Haha! I have to laugh to keep from crying some days). I can only push him so far into healthy habits so I have to pick and choose my battles. But mostly, I just try to love and accept him. Trying to force him into my idea of healthy living was not successful or good for our marriage. He does adopt some ideas that I offer him but definitely not most. Thanks for the tips. I’m always loving to learn new health hacks.
Check into the Fenbedazole Can Cure Cancer website, as well as websites that discuss how chlorine dioxide can eradicate cancer and other pathogens. These are relatively easy cures to try and many have had success with them.
Thanks I will add that to my information. I am, however, a 7 year survivor. My relationship with the oncologist's followups is nearly over. You might be interested in Budwig center.
You have my sympathy and understanding. A friend of mine battled Stage 4 cancer for years. Chemo and radiation did not do a thing to stop it, and in desperation, she turned to B-17. The cancer went away, and she was thrilled. She thought she was cured, so she stopped taking it--and the cancer returned. Once again, chemo and radiation did nothing, so she went back on the B-17. And--the cancer went away again.
She didn't like being on the B-17. She kept looking for alternatives that she hoped would genuinely cure her. Sadly, she never found anything that worked for her quite like the B-17. Eventually, the B-17 stopped working too, but by then she'd had 20+ more years with her family, and had been able to raise her kids to adulthood. May she rest in peace.
I had an anomalous mammogram, which frightened me. After much research I started CBD. The next mammogram was normal. So I stopped thinking it was nothing. The one after that was cancer. Did the CBD halt it? Can't say but I take CBD every day along with other things. I did research into B17 some time ago. Just eating apple seeds along with the apple as people did long ago gets a little into the body without taking too much. As I age, I notice I have to change my supplements and other actions to stay in concert with the changes. Seems I am always behind on that curve.
It's not the advertising that has disabled the public but promotion of trust in authority of most of America's lifespan is what has done this. The public has untl covid been disarmed of being cautous because we've been feed decades of propaganda that Capitalism = Bad, Government = Good and so when it came to government authorities they were SUPPOSED to be the watchdogs but have been bought off just like politicians. It's smarter money to purchase a bureaucrat then a politician.
I think there were multiple ways that we have been brainwashed and lulled out of thinking rationally.
What you are explaining is certainly an issue. I agree.
However, what I was explaining is a slightly different issue, which is that the side effects of a medication can be clearly described and they can be very serious and no one ever registers them as being problematic, despite clear evidence that they are a very serious issue for some people.
And I wasn't aguing that the commercial/advertising itself isn't what has cuased citizens to stop being weary of what government does. The commercial and marketing for any drug is done like any other product. It triggers the minds natural curisosity, I see X drug bringing joy to this man/womans life so maybe it can do the same for me. That however isn't what disarms one's "hesitency" as they liked calling it during the covid wars. That came from multiple generations of conditioning.
We definitely mostly agree. I guess my comment was geared towards the topic of this particular article, which is exploring the lead up to the Covid “vaccine” roll out. The marketing that pharmaceutical companies have put out in all major corporate media for decades has definitely made it into the subconscious of anyone who spends time consuming any corporate media.
I see the issue of desensitizing the public to harmful effects of pharmaceuticals as one of the (many) preparatory/predatory steps that was taken to prepare the public for anything pharmaceutical companies wanted to sell to the public. Most Americans were on multiple medications with a very long list of serious adverse events possible before the pandemic.
People who generally regard pharmaceuticals as toxic before the “pandemic”, I’m pretty sure, were less likely to fall for the “safe and effective” propaganda for the mRNA gene therapies.
I literally got rid of tv in my home because I couldn’t stand the constant pattern of advertising junk food, followed by advertising medications to deal with the chronic diseases caused by consuming junk food. If people had not been so desensitized to toxic prescriptions for decades leading up to the “pandemic”, they wouldn’t have so easily fallen for such utter nonsense of the “miracle Covid cure” that turned out to be a dangerous gene therapy. That was my point.
The constant brainwashing pharmaceutical commercials is a big part of the “generations of conditioning” that you mention, in my opinion. It’s definitely not the only factor but I think it’s significant enough to highlight.
There are many things that are real that we cannot see. Bacteria, fungus, parasites, archaea, electrons, etc. Are viruses something that we cannot see but are real? I think they probably are but since they are microscopic, it’s easy to take advantage of the public and say whatever nonsense about them the people in power want to say.
Virus question aside, microbes in general are very real. Toxins are also very real. I personally believe that one can believe in both germ theory and terrain theory and integrate them for the best possible outcome for health. It leaves one with a more nuanced understanding of life, health and disease.
Microbes are super important in breaking down material so that that material can be reused for new life. If someone has an abundance of toxins built up in their system, it is the perfect breeding ground for microbes as a fuel, which the growth of the microbes breaking down old material can then cause even more toxins in a persons system, thus a spiraling worsening state of disease.
I think viruses also probably play this roll, which is to help rid the body of old and decaying cells by causing them to die off rapidly. Like a cleansing process. If the body has too many old and decaying cells that die off too rapidly, this will lead to secondary bacterial or fungal infections (pneumonia, candida, ear infections, nasal infection, etc). But in a healthy, low toxin body, a person probably hardly even notices a virus while it’s cleansing. That’s my personal theory.
One way to treat disease is to kill off the microbes. Another way is to get rid of the toxins. If you are in a late stage of disease, the microbes often do need to be killed before healing can occur. If a person is in early stage of the disease (before or during early symptoms surface), one can just reduce the toxicity (or meet the nutritional needs of the disease caused by a nutritional deficiency).
People who want to cling to only one theory of disease will miss out on many viable treatments that may be necessary to preserve life.
Ultimately, I personally do believe that viruses exist, but I think they are probably very misunderstood and also exploited for power and money. I also personally believe that terrain theory is the best way to live as to avoid having to kill off microbes because there is almost always collateral damage when antibiotics and other similar invasive treatments are used. But, if antibiotics were going to save my life, I wouldn’t cling to my terrain strategy to my detriment.
Having said that, I am open to the possibility that viruses do not exist as we have been told they do. I have read and watched many interviews that cast doubt on the existence of viruses and they make a compelling argument. Maybe they will change my mind someday. Until then, I think the evidence that I have seen and heard and experienced, leads me to believe that they do exist. I respect people who don’t think they exist. We have been lied to by public figures and the medical industry about so many things that nothing would surprise me anymore.
I’m not going to argue with you. I am not a virus expert. I don’t have notes on the things that I have watched and my personal anecdotal experience will mean nothing to you. My belief is just that because I do not think there is enough evidence to prove to me enough to know factually that they do or do not exist. It’s very difficult to prove that something does not exist. You can only claim that there is no proof and I am clearly not equipped to have a good debate with someone who is hell bent on insulting anyone who is open minded about them existing.
There are people who are experts who might be interested in debating you. I would definitely watch the debate. Please let me know if you debate someone who is an expert.
You can come to your own conclusions and I respect that. Maybe you are right. I don’t even think it’s important for my life to know because you don’t have to have proof of viruses to know that vaccines are a complete scam.
You are wrong that I want to believe things that are comfortable to me. I am very open minded and happy to change my mind when better evidence shows that I am wrong. I’m sorry that you need to insult me. I’m not sure why that’s important to you but good luck with whatever it is you are trying to do.
And just an additional question and thought… not everything a pharmaceutical rep says is false, as you incorrectly state. They say bacteria exists. They say fungus exists. These are true statements. So your logic that states everything a pharmaceutical company says is false is fine to say as an exaggerated insult but it’s far from proving that viruses don’t exist simple because they state that they do.
You are a real ray of sunshine aren’t you. The insults just keep flowing from you to me even though I’m being very rational and respectful. If you stopped trying to bully me into accepting your view, we could probably have a decent conversation and I imagine anyone reading this would be more inclined to listen to what you have to say.
Can you verify that viruses do not exist? Can you prove that God does not exist? Can you prove that aliens do not exist? The answer to all of these is no, of course.
So while I may not be expert enough to prove that they do exist (nor do I claim to even be trying to- you can believe whatever you want as far as I care), you cannot claim to know that they do not exist, only that they do not exist as we have been told. Hopefully you can grasp the gravity of what I just said there.
Btw, Steve kirsch invited Andrew Kauffman, Bailey and a few of the others to have a debate about the existence of viruses but they refused to attend. Those people have some amazing things to say and I respect their opinion but it’s quite suspicious that they wouldn’t show up for the debate. Maybe you should offer to debate Steve. Inquiring minds would love to see that. Maybe someone’s other than Kirsch would be availability if he doesn’t respond.
Also, you seem to presume that Koch’s postulates is the only standard for studying and isolating viruses but what if that may not be the latest development in understanding viruses? They are not bacteria or fungi or anything else so perhaps they cannot be isolated or grown in the same way that other microbes can be. And Koch’s postulates are fairly old so, are you open minded enough to debate an actual expert to see if you might learn something? I literally would love this debate. Please reach out to kirsch and try and make this happen. After this or any other debate that you have with an expert on viruses, if I am notified of it, I will gladly give you a full review of your performance in the debate and give you feedback as to weather or not you have convinced me that viruses do not exist in any sense that we have been told they exist.
What’s kind of tragic about this conversation is that you and I probably agree on many things but you are treating me like an enemy and I can’t even imagine why. This is not helpful for people to learn and grow. If you want to help people grow, you might try a different approach. My advice is free. You’re welcome. 😂
I’ll be waiting with anticipation to hear back from you if you are successful at setting up a debate with anyone who is an expert in virology. Seriously.
Our government agencies like the FDA were created to protect Americans from snakeoil salesmen and tainted goods peddlers. These agencies are now in bed with said snakeoil salesmen and tainted goods peddlers and protected from whistleblowers and people brave enough to speak up by the complicit Corporate/Social Media censorship complex who are getting rich from the Snakeoil and Tainted Goods advertising.
My maternal great-grandfather was a "snake oil" manufacturer and distributor, had his own line of remedies. Mostly herbal, laudanum, cannabis tinctures - which would cause FAR LESS HARM than FDA approved remedies.
SSRI antidepressants are placebos. They don't do anything except cause withdrawal when you quit. Okay, sexual dysfunction, and some of them like fluoxetine, head and gut ache. (Apparently heart damage from fenfluramine.) They were intended as appetite suppressants. "Antidepressant" is a total ruse. Atypical antipsychotics, OTOH...
Actually someone, (maybe our own MWDoc?) Recently proposed the hypothesis that they are brain metabolic-habit "disruptors" which work, to the extent they do (and they did in my case) by essentially shaking everything up and counting on the natural tendency of complex metabolic systems to seek to rebuild new "habits" or biochemical homeostasis... A very crude hammer indeed to use on a mind. Perhaps someone here can find that article and provide A link?
In medicine, there is thing called the Placebo Effect. We called our Patients frequently. We had a pretty good Darn track record. The Staff and Physicians were taught. Ed
Edit - If You are a neurosurgeon, I don’t care about your “bedside skills” just do a Damn fine job. We’ll take care of the rest.🏴☠️
Many (all) recent genocides were preceded by a disarmament campaign of the targeted population group. Having handy mass shootings makes the disarmament process go smoother.
I know quite a few people who take SSRIs. I tried a few when I was treated for ptsd while getting care in the VA system. Always quit each of them after a short while because they made me feel weird. All the psychiatrists recommended them. I just knew these drugs were not for me.
Now, thanks to you, I have a deeper understanding of why. It's all about money.
And it didn't work out very well for me with the jab. I've learned the hard way.
Well said. There is a basic concept that runs through all these drugs that have high side effects and are ignored. It’s called risk benefit ratio good example is Vioxx. The manufacturer knows that financial penalties are the only ultimate cost! A young physician working for Merck kept telling top management that they had to take the drug off the market and they did not listen! Inturn she resign, because she will not be party to the harm that was being created! The longer Vioxx was on the market, the profitability from the drug would pay for future fines! It is no accident that Alex Azar was appointed to run HHS! Bush was instrumental in having the US government run a $30 million research study called WIF. Woman’s health initiative.! It was designed to discredit estrogen and promote Lilly’s osteoporosis drug, which is a targeted chemo drug! Richard Durbin has expressed to me, his sincere defense of the FDA and their values in regards to the injections, and the way they are being managed! Speaks volumes about why we continue to go down this road of RNA injections, which re-programs the blueprint of life without any regard to the negative impact on humans who are now seen as lab rats!
Durbin, my senator? If so, he’s been there way too long and carrying water for big PHarma and the FDA. I delete his boilerplate so called answers to constituents. Hope he loses in the next election too. Duckworth needs to go home as well. Dem ejits.
"The manufacturer knows that financial penalties are the only ultimate cost!" Same perverse incentive as in the financial arena. An investment bank gets charged with a blatant SEC violation, pays several million in fines while the bank made hundreds of millions off the scam. No one goes to jail and everyone keeps their job, including year end bonuses. Only recourse if you got burned is a class action suit, and those can take years with no guarantee of success, by which time the authors of the scam are long gone.
I already know a lot of this from Mad in America" by Robert Whitaker, but reading it still makes me physically sick. When a teenager in the 80's, my sister had a traumatic event which led to her being put on SSRI's, and they changed her almost overnight. She spent the next decade and a half most institutionalized and on more and more similar drugs, until a state hospital gave her too much of one and killed her. At the time I knew the answer was to get her off them, but there was *nobody* in the medical profession who wasn't drinking the Kool-Aid.
I used his book for part of this series. The whole thing is really sad. Maybe you can send this series to your family (at least pt 2 and 3) since its a lot shorter to read than a book.
My "little sister" saved my life by being the sacrifice. She went that way, and when I saw what happened, and my own life upset - I drew a firm line at hospital. Hospital made everything so much worse. Watching her decline, helped keep me sane. What a price to pay. There but for the Grace of God go I.
I was in a treatment center recently where the attending physician put every single person on cymbalta. Including me. I took it for three days b/c I was essentially blackmailed into it. Most ppl believe their medical team wants to help them when in fact this man is running a pill mill. Desperate people come in for treatment and end up leaving addicted to prescriptions. Most were started on 4-6 meds. I was very vocal about this during my stay and encouraged a few to "pocket their meds". I asked for printouts of the crap they "prescribed" me and shared with others. Therapists asked me why I would ask for this information? Why wouldn't everyone? When I left an experienced nurse said, "look at you leaving on no meds! Congratulations!" If I hadn't read this SS and others I may have ended up not questioning that man and his staff. Thank you!
One of the peer-reviewed and published studies I was involved in was on Fibromyalgia. It can be wicked. We spent tons of hours with patients. “One” of the common denominators was processed foods. Ed
Dang…I am frankly speechless. Race On!!!! Go!!! I have been Preaching some sort ofl exercise and outdoor activities especially for the elderly and lonely.. Very Best, Ed
Edit - i’m more Kenpo Karate…”I come to to You with Open Hands”.
It’s almost certainly emotional trauma that hasn’t been properly dealt with and so it manifests itself as physical pain. I’m a massage therapist and the more I talk to people, the more I think it’s specifically related to holding bitterness or unexpressed sadness/grief.
There is this element. Midwestern Doc writes about Zeta potential, damaged by stress. In Qigong, we speak of "flow" so that - yes, grief & strong events can cause blockages in that flow. But there are also things which damage the entire potential, as Doc has written.
As we live & breathe & swim in toxins - each individual story is different. Was it the PCB's in the water? Dioxins in the air (a growing concern)? Birth control & antidepressants & fluoride in the water? (that last one is huge: look to a lot of thyroid issues here). We have no idea what glyphosate in the food supply is doing (other than damaging gut health). Pharmaceuticals, processed foods, altered plants. What the heck do we breathe?
So . . . Yes, there is an emotional component. But there is a physical component, too. It is an overload - whether it is stress or toxins or trauma or the whole ball of wax.
In my own symptoms, it feels like a bowl. I can be going along just fine, getting through the day, getting it done - but an extra phone call, or a change in schedule, missing a vital part of my health routine, or just the wrong thing at the wrong time can throw it all off.
I can and do take on stressors. I face them. But I watch my bowl, and when - wrong food, wrong step, broken toe, too much stress - and the bowl starts to fill. It's up to me to manage it.
Learning about zeta potential is helping me learn how to expand the bowl. So that it's bigger, and I can do better.
Yes, there are blockages in my flow. And this can be interpreted as trauma every day (after what we've been through? yeah.) But it can be managed. Maybe I'm just lucky, I've heard of more crippling manifestations.
thank you for your post on our insane ''medical'' system. one thing, could we not use the word ''meds''. it's like baby talk. they are medications and most of them are deadly. it's a pet peeve but i've been watching words get shortened to long. merch, celeb, meds, etc....
I had a kid from out of town in my pharmacy (late 90’s). He had run out of Paxil and was in agony. Abdominal cramps, sweating, nausea— looking at him I thought he was in opioid withdrawal. He begged me to call his doctor to authorize a refill. I called, it took forever to get to doc, who promptly reamed me out for thinking that Paxil had a withdrawal syndrome. I had just read about such a syndrome, told him he was in error, and even if I was wrong, what harm would it do to take care of his patient? He finally allowed me to fill 10 Paxil and I thanked him. I gave one to the kid while I filled it. Twenty minutes later he was in tears, thanking me for my (unpaid) time and effort because his discomfort was relieved. I immediately started researching how to discontinue SSRI’s safely.
Wow, this is such thorough research, so much to digest. You're the second person I know that has put together the possible Nazi/Bush correlation. Thank you for sharing the 2004 Guardian article as well.
Oh gosh if you do any research at all about the Nazi/Bush connection you will be overwhelmed with info....and more dot connecting....lots of rabbit holes to go down there!
That and Union Bank was well known in Delaware where I worked for ICIA, predecessor to AstraZeneca. Not a secret; just a local concern. (Yet they foisted Joe Biden on us!)
Wish I could. I just red articles (25+ years ago!) in the Wilmington News-Journal about Union Bank and the Bush family with passing interest.
The company computer system mentioned SSRIs for weight control; nothing about them supposedly being antidepressants. (I'm not convinced they are, save for a neighbor who had some malady doctors couldn't diagnose. They gave him Prozac. He said it did nothing for the malady, but made him feel better about it. And a cousin, who said I needed to take it longer than the 3 weeks when its adverse effects caused me to quit taking it. If it work at all, it's apparently due to the brain expressing fewer serotonin receptors to deal with the higher concentration of serotonin. I've no idea how that should help. I also tried Celexa; no head or gut ache. Noticed nothing except flu-like symptoms for a couple days after I quit. SAM-e and SMM (S-methylmethionine - produces less homocysteine) do help.)
My understanding is that after receiving a literal FLOOD of direct evidence that Thalidomide was causing babies to be born without limbs, the FDA continued fighting (viciously) for 10 years MORE in defense of the "safety" of their "approved" drug. Nothing they do from here surprises me.
The only thing that would surprise me, is if the FDA stopped fighting their endless war to ban any and all substances and treatments that ARE truly "safe and effective." If something has the FDA's "approval" you can bet it's going to maim you and severely shorten your life. The FDA doesn't "approve" of the public having access to anything else.
No; Frances Kelsey, a reviewer at the FDA, prevented thalidomide's entry into the US market. It was however distributed in large quantity for "testing". Don't make things sound worse than they were!
It WAS approved as a medication in the US market, and was used "off label" for morning sickness with ZERO warnings to ANY pregnant women. Given the stark evidence which was already before the FDA at the time, the drug should have been BANNED outright, completely, and certainly for pregnant women. It took the FDA 10 years (after the first kids in the US began being born without limbs) before they specifically BANNED it for use in pregnant women, thus ending their little "test" on the American population.
Just like the FDA "approved" of using the ENTIRE American population as lab rats with the warp speed covid jabs, they ALSO "APPROVED" of Thalidomide to be "tested" on pregnant women in the US. Just because they left it to the doctors to poison these pregnant women under a "test" doesn't mean they didn't APPROVE of this "test."
Your idea that the FDA has NOT attempted to rewrite the true history here, is a bit obtuse. I lived through much of this, and I'm telling you, doctors in the US were writing prescriptions for this drug like it was candy.
Trusting Wikipedia to tell the whole truth is unwise. The FDA is pure evil, and so is Wikipedia these days. Learn who started that shitty propaganda feed, and who funds it today.
You are utterly wrong, ma’am. The thalidomide disaster is the greatest example in the FDA’s history of the FDA protecting Americans from unsafe drugs, against tremendous financial and political pressure from pharmaceutical companies. And it was an American physician, Helen Taussig, whose efforts led to thalidomide being banned worldwide in the 1960s.
Again, rewritten history. The FDA refused to ban Thalidomide for 10 years AFTER they KNEW it was hurting people in America. And the propping up of an FDA "hero" (who purportedly saved America from being experimented on) is what led to the "abbreviated" drug application which only made it EASIER to continue experimenting on Americans with new drugs WITHOUT informed consent.
But hey, if you think defending the reputation of the FDA is the best use of your time, go for it. Others beg to differ. Since you trust the FDA, I'm sure you've gotten all of your boosters and the rest of their vaccine schedule? After all, the FDA is STILL saying all of the vaccines are perfectly safe, and very effective.
I once met a girl with only half an arm, the daughter of the owner of the motel where we stayed on vacation in 1965. I was 10. She was 12. My mom explained what happened to her. Could just as easily have been me. Such a nice girl too. We played ping-pong and she easily beat me with her one good arm. Later when I knew more about it I realized she was one of the lucky ones.
She can thank the FDA for her deformity. They KNEW. Just like they knew the new jabs were slaughtering us BEFORE they went on to also approve the covid jabs for new BABIES. Anyone STILL trying to defend the FDA is a moron or a shill.
That's interesting if doctors wrote prescriptions for a drug that hadn't entered the US market, and pharmacists filled them. Do you have a link to approval (as opposed to "testing") documents?
Wickedpedia often covers up and omits facts, but rarely outright lies. (Except in accusing people of "misinformation".)
Oh, and this is ALSO the wrong feed to use as a place to defend Wikipedia.
You trust the FDA and Wikipedia. Good luck with that. BOTH are STILL saying the covid jabs are "Safe and Effective" WHILE they claim that "anti-vaxxers" are nut jobs who never had ANY valid HEALTH CONCERNS as reason to refuse the jabs.
You go on trusting these "sources" and don't forget to fall asleep to CNN, and the like too. They'll guide you on the right path, because the government, the MSM, the CDC, & the FDA love you so much.
No. He didn't ask for sources. He quoted the Wikipedia fantasy story about an FDA "hero" who was propped up to recover the FDA's reputation after they allowed so many babies to be destroyed in the US. Just like Fauci has been propped up as the hero who saved us from covid.
When a doctor hands a patient a drug to take, it is the act of PRESCRIBING that drug for their patient. And at the time, the doctors were handing them out like CANDY.
This is probably the wrong feed to use as a place to defend the FDA after what they just did to the ENTIRE AMERICAN POPULATION when they "approved" of an experimental drug that ended up being MANADATED. The FDA simply "waives" our right to informed consent whenever they feel like it, which is typically whenever pharma BRIBES them to do so.
Why don't you waste a little bit of your criticism on the people who just maimed and even murdered MILLIONS of Americans instead of getting into a semantics game in an effort to defend the FDA?
The FDA of 60 years ago isn't necessarily today's FDA.
What experimental drug is that? Remdesivir? (Also EUA.) Despite your and my nephew's assertions, those Covid jabs weren't "approved". Comirnaty, maybe, but just try to get some. And they weren't "experimental". That is impossible for an EUA countermeasure. Did everyone you know who got them file experimental results reports in some publicly accessible database? Prosecute them if they failed to file! Did the prescribing doctors file FAERS reports on every use of remdesivir?
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. (And has trashed whatever credibility she may have had.) Don't pretend to tell me what I "trust". Sell your HDTV.
Although Remdisivir is yet another shining example of the FDA's abuses, I was referring to the covid mRNA injections. I guess you missed the "warp speed" COVID death jabs? You actually believe those were NOT experimental? The 4th phase of the "trial" was carried out ON THE GENERAL PUBLIC, and they did this under a EUA by simply "waiving" our right to INFORMED CONSENT, on premise that it was an "emergency." And the FDA has been completely IGNORING the fact these things have produced more death than all vaccines combined for the past 30 years. The FDA is STILL claiming the covid jabs AND Remdisivir are perfectly SAFE. They refuse to even INVESTIGATE any of the deaths that are happening.
Me either, I think it's particularly sad because the negative karma you create from it vastly outweighs any benefit from getting more money/karma than you need.
Thank you for this. Wow. I've long been suspicious of SSRIs because I always had the sense that the brain and mind (and other nonmaterial anatomy) are not fully understood by our "scientists" (ever since covid, with counted exceptions, I'm giving them all quotation marks), and it therefore struck me as naive in the extreme that emotional issues, by their nature complex and unique to the individual, could be fixed with a pill, or any combination thereof. Add in addictiveness, and to that big profits to be had by prescribing these things, and to that the usual behind-the-scenes legislative and regulatory chicanery and there's a recipe for disaster. Again, my thanks to you for explaining and documenting this.
Another damning indictment involves the premature removal of L-tryptophan as a dietary supplement (suspected cause of EMS) just two years after Prozac got approved.
The FDA kept tryptophan off the market until 4 years after Eli Lilly's patent on Prozac expired -- even though it had been proven 15 years earlier that a single manufacturer in Japan, Showa Denko, was entirely responsible for the EMS outbreak.
They knew the true cause of EMS for 15 full years before allowing tryptophan back on the market. Without tryptophan supplements to compete against, sales of Prozac skyrocketed.
Though we may never find out, a disturbing possibility is that advocates for Eli Lilly may have helped to convince Showa Denko to abruptly alter their tryptophan manufacturing process in the spring/summer of 1989 -- with foreknowledge about the consequential EMS risk.
If true, then the 36 people in the US who died from the EMS outbreak would be "blood on their hands" -- not to mention the thousands who suffered to some degree because one manufacturer altered one or two processes.
I was trusting of the FDA and other government agencies until I hurt my back around 2019. I thought I was going to need surgery but my wife got me the book, Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery by Cathryn Ramin. She described how bad the FDA was when it came to approving medical treatments (opioids, medical devices, etc.) but, thinking back, I don’t think she charged their wrong doing enough. Luckily, I recovered by taking it easy and following the advice from another book by Stuart McGill which included no drugs. Reagan said “trust but verify.” That’s wrong just like his signature on the 1986 Vaccine Act. It should just be “never trust our government” or the media or the medical journals or the medical boards or ...
thanks to your articles I started looking into dog jabs and now my dog will be jab free for the remainder of her life. If you ever come to Georgia she will thank you in person
unfortunately, most of my sources were here on Substack. Several people wrote me, that the jabs for animals contain nerve-damaging stuff. I read several reports of mostly dogs, who died within hours or days of the jab. In August mine was up for another rabies shot, when we got a message that the region had been sprayed for it. The vet also told me, and I read that too, that the one year jab (which is the same as the 3 year jab except for the price) lasts at least several years longer - the article I read mentioned 7 or more years. I guess the same happens with animals shots, that happens with human jabs. The govt holds lots of patents on jabs and wants the money.
what is even worse - american vets don't know about the life long oral protection we had back in Belgium. My cat had that. They used to put it out as bait, but wild animals will come back for the bait, of course, and since it was pricey, they stopped doing that years ago
It seems like they're planning to move away from SSRIs, now that MDMA and psychedelics are being studied with much better results than traditional antidepressants.
BTW, there's a new anti depressant out that is hilarious. They took dextromethorphan which is in cough syrup, a disassociative and combined it with the ingredient in Wellbutrin.
I'm convinced the combining was just to make it under a new patent, as the dextromethorphan alone has been known to help a lot with depression as it works on the nmda system just like ketamine, another potent antidepressant.
They do that all the time (messing with something so it can be patented).
I don't think they're planning to move away; rather the people trying to do MDMA/psychadellics have been at it for years and are gradually passing the tipping point on evidence.
The FDA was loathe to approve combination drugs when I worked in the industry. MDMA is a concealed hydroquinone likely to cause brain damage. What's wrong with LSD and psilocybin, or even ayahuasca (DMT and a MAOI), for that matter?
One thing that I have noticed as a regular citizen is that we have all been trained to almost completely ignore any warnings or information on the inserts about adverse reactions of any medication or injection. I suspect it’s because of the endless commercials for prescription medications that show happy, smiling, healthy people with upbeat music doing fun things while a kind sounding voice discretely says that “death may occur”. I don’t think our minds are able to grasp such a shocking message while fun music and happy people are dancing around the tv screen. It’s a true PSY-OP every time someone turns on their tv.
Great comment; pinning it.
In Europe I see that the covid19 crime against humanity doesn't have a paper insert. I went to the pharmacy to ask to see it. The pharmacist told me that there wasn't one but that there was a 50 page document on line regarding the aforementioned pharmaceutical crime against humanity. I asked him if that document had a list of ingredients. He confirmed my suspicion that no, there was no list of ingredients. I asked him how it would be possible for anybody to give their informed consent to inject the pharmaceutical crime against humanity into their body. He began to mutter about "people who don't want to get vaccinated".
I have sympathy for this fellow. He was born smart, but he's now been turned into an unreasoning automaton. He's still able to take pleasure from the money and the respect that he gets from people with no brains to speak of, but he's lost his humanity.
he is now a serial murderer. And we live in a society which rewards serial murderers and punishes whistleblowers who point out that our government's main business is serial murder.
Right, like who gives an injection without an ingredients list? Especially to pregnant women, infants, and children?! I wouldn’t even eat food without an ingredients list or without knowing what was in it, let alone inject it into my bloodstream , especially when it was designed to pass through membranes and the blood brain barrier. I stopped eating foods with PEG in it about a decade ago and people are getting it injected without question. And the PEG is one of many alarming ingredients. The brainwashing is strong.
While I do think that many people deserve the title serial murderer throughout this “pandemic”, I’m very conflicted about the average medical person. I know many people who work in the medical field and they are generally good people just doing what they were taught to do. Whoever is running this debacle has been brainwashing average people for a very long time and has made complete compliance the only successful avenue for people to become practitioners of “medicine”. It’s the deepest and most complicated mess that I could ever imagine with layers and layers of corruption and false, religious-like beliefs. Who is the victim and who is the villain when it comes to the medical community? What is their awareness? Intent? Responsibility? If they were never taught to think critically, ca they be blamed? Or should the medical schools be held accountable? Clearly top public health agencies are villains but the rank and file…?
I don’t know the answer but I will say that it would be a very rare case indeed for me to ever trust a medical professional in our current system. Thankfully, I was skeptical before the pandemic’s due to having health issue and realizing that allopathic medicine merely masks symptoms and often causes more harm down the road. There is no money in helping people become healthy and often, the public doesn’t want that as the answer anyway. There is blame to go all around.
RE: "brainwashed medicos" = when someone is addicted to a drug - say meth.
The things that they do on the meth = is not really them, it's the drug.
The brainwashing is a layer like this - and while, I'm not saying people shouldn't be held responsible, at the emotional level, they know not what they do. It's the brainwashing - not the person.
Doesn't make for a good criminal defence: "I was brainwashed, your honour." And we've learned from Nuremburg that "I was doing what I was told" is not a good legal defence.
But on an emotional level, understand - that brainwashing is like a drug. They don't realise how much so. They are still humans.
It is important that we don't dehumanize humans. That is *their* weapon, not ours.
Yeah, it’s complicated. The CIA (and probably many other vested entities) has spent decades conducting unethical experiments and learning how to manipulate people into doing what they want them to do. It’s not like the medical community just woke up one day and said, ‘let’s take out the elderly and infirm and destroy pregnancies and infants’. It was a long drawn out process of manipulation and mind control, that culminated in a “pandemic” which lead to a panic frenzy. You literally cannot access the logical part of your brain when you are in panic mode.
But, at the same time, all the ethics of medicine were broken in one fell swoop. And after four years now, people should have figured things out. I’m very torn as to what should happen next. Not pursuing justice doesn’t seem wise. Hanging everyone doesn’t seem wise.
Ugh, what a terrible place we find society in. The most recent estimate that I have heard is 17 million excess deaths worldwide. And that doesn’t include malpractice deaths for Covid protocols or vax injuries. That’s a big deal.
All we can do is say NO.
No to medical interventions.
No to CDBC.
No to 15 minute cities.
No to bugs.
No to factory foods.
No to mutilating children (also a "medical intervention.")
That's just a few.
Agree. And they are going to make it increasingly difficult to say no to all those so hopefully we prepare somewhat ahead of time and hopes we can build strong local networks so that we are prepared when the pushes come to shoves.
Excellent discussion points . You seem like a very balanced human being. God bless you .
Thank you. I’m sure most of us can relate to being all over the place emotionally through all that has happened over the last three years.
Oh Absolutely... it has been a very emotional roller coaster . I am struggling with how the sanctity of the medical profession has become so compromised /under regulatory capture . Many innocent patients are often misinformed by their often well intentioned but misinformed/ mistaught doctors and healthcare workers. That to me is the pandemic and don’t get me started on the whole information control and fear tactics to get people to do things they would not have done in a stable disposition without fear. I could go on but I will stop there.
I hear you and understand completely. It’s been a lot like watching a slow motion train wreck - a train wreck that is never ending.
Like Midwestern Doc, I've been watching this for decades before the COVID shot came out. It's good to see (as horrible as they are) that the jabs are waking up others.
I cannot like this post as I have seen too much. i could ramble on but will not. I Wish You All The Very Best, Ed
Yeah, I learned it a while ago, but before that I was like most people saying things like "That stuff doesn't really happen, they just have to write it to cover themselves if they are sued." and "The Government wouldn't approve it if it was unsafe." Ha! (Sometimes tbh I long for the days when ignorance was bliss.
I relate to this so much. There’s an up and a downside to knowing more.
True That, Ed
Musical interlude:
The more you learn, the more you hide.
Yes I have brought this up to the doctor about the warnings. He will say not to pay attention - it's just that they have to mention every possible side effect to protect themselves. That all meds have some side effects on some people, but they are not common! So, no worries!
I hear you. My sister was put on SSRIs and told that they aren’t addictive and that they aren’t harmful. All the problems that she has had over the years, she attributes to her mental illness but they are actually all the side effects listed in the warnings.
What I have personally come to understand about pharmaceuticals is that toxic things cause harm and different people will show signs of harm (aka side effects) in different ways. If a medication is causing side effects, it is because it is toxic and while not everyone will have the same side effects, the toxicity is still there, even if it is silent. So I personally avoid all pharmaceuticals.
I have also learned that whatever the package insert says the possible side effects are, it is probably a gross under representation of what they actually are in reality because they do not test most medications as long as people take them and they also manipulate the studies to hide side effects. This is clearly evident by all the pharmaceuticals that are eventually taken off the market due to safety issues. We also saw this through the roll out of the mRNA injections.
And, pharmaceutical companies also misrepresent how effective medications are, again, by manipulating their studies. People who peer review studies do not have access to all the raw data in a study.
Also, when they perform a study for a new medication, they do not have to disclose the results. If they don’t like the results, they can redesign the study and run it again without showing data from previous studies.
Most doctors either do not know this because I assume they were brainwashed in medical school or they were won over through their interactions with pharmaceutical companies through their career. Pharmaceutical companies donate to medical schools. Definitely a conflict of interest.
Also, medical journals are controlled by pharmaceutical companies due to the high percentages of revenue the medical journals receive from advertisements and doctors wrongfully trust medical journals.
Butchered by Healthcare is an excellent book about some of the inherent problems in medicine. There are many others.
Ultimately, most people usually need diet and lifestyle modifications to treat the majority of their illnesses but not only are those not profitable for the medical and pharmaceutical industry, most people are not interested or willing to follow diet and lifestyle modifications so it’s a very difficult situation for both doctors and patients to be in. I think doctors just find it easiest to write out a prescription and most patients accept this form of medical care.
One book that I read but can’t remember the name of said that new medications are never tested against the current standard of care medications nor diet and lifestyle modifications so people cannot possibly know if there are better options available after a new medication is studied. I thought it was a very profound idea.
Also a great comment!
Thank you. I always appreciate your posts so much. I have learned so much from you and other contributors.
I will say this…I might have a temper…I literally fell in Love with Patients who became Friends (more gifts than You can imagine). Quid Pro Quo. Gringo con Pello Largo. Do NOT mess with Me when it comes to Individuals that are in need of care. You might see a side of Me you don’t want to see. Sorry, I will destroy you and put it on paper. Ed
I am one of those that always has side effects and always read the package inserts (and ingredients) on everything. I am off pharma now but the doctors still try and push crap like BP meds or statins. No thank you is usually my polite response. I can handle my health just fine with what is natural and nature given. I so rarely see a medical doctor nowadays and hope I do not have to any time soon. Pharma is just downright scary bad.
We are kindred spirits! Although I did let them inject my babies with toxic vaccines many years ago. The internet was not around then to be able to research things out easily. I now know better and have warned my children. And, I now try to eat like my life depends on it because I’m not leaving it to big pharma. “Scary bad” is right!
Unfortunately, I have to remain on anti-hypertensive “drugs”…not happy but; better than 220/110. 🙃 Ed. First stupid doctor in uk 110/70…Your blood pressure is low…Do you read/study? That is the “new” normal”. I wanted to throw her under the bus. Got 3 mountain bikes…You wanna go ride? 105 lb. Akita, you are welcome to walk/run him…helmet recommended for you. 🤣
pharmacy (n.)
Origin and meaning of pharmacy
from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing."
This is from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment."
We all should have caught on much earlier.
I was fortunate in that my parents stayed away from them entirely, but they were in their 50s before the huge push in the '90s began with the ban on TV advertising lifted, and we were all told to "ask your doctor about...".
I took SSRIs on two occasions, and they drove me up the wall. Docs said to keep with it and try different cocktails, but I just went off them and sought natural remedies.
At 34 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol for a physical to get "insured" (scammed). Was given two scrips and told I'd be on them for life. I tossed the scrips, probably dodged major organ damage, still kickin' strong 20+ years later.
Thanks for your testimony. You're doing a great service by getting the word out, as is the good doctor.
At some point, as we all become more informed of what is actually going on in “medicine”, we will reach critical mass and things will change on a societal level. Until then, we all have to keep spreading the word and protecting ourselves and our loved ones the best that we can. I do feel like the silver lining of the pandemic response is that it has increased awareness of the corruption and malfeasance. So, something positive in the midst of such horribleness.
Absolutely - what we put in our mouth 3 times a day (or more!) has a huge impact on overall health.
Yes, and our sleep habits, stress management, human connections, environmental toxic exposure, level of activity… There’s so many things we can do.
I see this in a lot of medical specialities. Gøtzche also repeatedly emphasized this in his book.
I was first prescribed Prozac while I was in dental hygiene school in Idaho. I was suffering from SAD, being from So. Cal. I had left family and friends to live far away and school was demanding. I wish I had never taken it though it did help me at the time.
I ended up taking various SSRI, SNRI and bupropion for 32 years straight because of the rebound depression I would experience every time I tried to quit them. I also had “brain zaps”.
I was finally able to get off all antidepressants thanks to a therapist who is highly skilled in neurofeedback.
It wasn’t easy but I was determined.
It’s been 3 years and I still get occasional brain zaps. I feel that my moods are much steadier, not as much low or high. I no longer have episodes of hopelessness where I want to die.
I have been patiently getting to know who I really am because I was medicated for so long. I am more introverted. I feel that I may have some permanent damage to my brain or my hypothalamic pituitary axis. I don’t get enjoyment from things like I used to but maybe this is partly due to age? I’m 61.
Overall, life is better though and I’m so glad to be free of dependence on a medication.
There is hope! Our bodies can heal but it takes time. I hope someone finds this helpful.
I find some type of exercise/meditation/Dogs/photography help. True Friends as well; however, that is a hunt. My demon is anxiety. I Wish You the Very Best, Ed
Yes, true friends rare! I like all your suggestions. Time spent in nature always helps too. I’m looking for a good hypnotist for anxiety, I had a good one years ago but he retired.
Thank you for your encouragement and well wishes, I wish you the best also! Tracy
“Desiderata”. Search, You will find it. Ed
I came up with it among other “things”. “Free Your Mind”. Very Best, Ed
It has taken me quite a few years to get my health right. It took me years to get of Requip for restless legs - a dopamine agonist. It was so very tough but i did it and have been medication free for about 4 years now. In my mid 60s and finally feeling good. My dogs help so very much and have gotten me through some tough times. I will never go back to a medicated life - nope, will not do it. Things will keep getting better I bet :-)
Thank you. I've wanted to hear more about the "restless legs" drugs - because many cases of "restless legs" are caused by akathisia from SSRI's/SNRI's/"antipsychotics" - and then - they prescribe Requip (or one of those GABA drugs) for "restless legs" instead of removing the offending drug.
Thank you for sharing! That gives me hope for my loved ones.
Yes, that's exactly what my daughter's consultant said when I asked about the listed side effects on her chemo drugs, particularly the one that said may cause cancer.
Couldn’t agree more. Commercials are intentionally designed to have happy people and uplifting music to distract viewer from list of adverse harms. I have spent my entire career in advertising too. After my husband died of Zoloft induced suicide I advocated to get off air but at minimum the ads should be held to a different standard than other consumer products. Our
Industry business journal covered my testimony at FDA hearing on direct to consumer advertising in 2005. I have been trying to fight this for long time. We need all the help we can get.
I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. That is a tragedy of epic proportions. Thank your for standing up to the corrupt system.
We haven’t lost family members but we have seen the devastation in their wake (ongoing).
We actually got rid of our television years ago because I couldn’t stand the junk food commercials followed by commercials for medication that the medical community uses to treat diseases often caused by said junk food. It was literally driving me crazy. And that ended our “programming” from propaganda and advertisements on tv.
Fast forward to 2020, and I was so confused about why people were behaving so irrationally during the “pandemic”. But then I would be somewhere that I could catch a glimpse of tv and suddenly I could feel and understand why people were living in an irrational state brought about by fear and panic coming from their tv. Tv is more dangerous than any virus, in my opinion. It’s used to shape people’s politics, trick them into consuming things that aren’t good for them, make them live in a state of fear and worry… society is really struggling. I wish we could just get rid of destructive things but it’s not that easy. Freedom is messy and corruption is widespread.
I haven't watched mainstream TV in years and I agree about what you said about being so surprised at what was on TV. I saw it a friend's house and could not believe the BS that was on the screen. That crazy score board of infections and death - what the hell?? And the it is just scary bad (my go to saying for stuff like that). I find it amazing people actually fall for all the advertising. I am a bit strange though (hopefully in a good way).
We just spent a little time visiting family and it they talked about how they love watching the morning news to catch up each day. They of course took the injections. (It’s not my side of the family and they are elderly so I just smiled and nodded. We have never talked politics or about anything controversial.) It’s so sad but what can you do? Trying to tell someone that they are being programmed by tv through the “news” and advertisements sounds like complete lunacy to people who regularly consume.
Just for the record, I did try to warn my side of the family. Some agreed with me, some didn’t. We all still love each other.
You and I are strange together!
We are on the same wavelength that is for sure and it is so nice to see! :-)
Tell-a-vision. Working exactly as originally intended.
Few if any people realized that the paper inserts for the Covid vaccines were totally blank. Obviously they didn't want people to see what the potential side effects might be.
True. And, the gene therapies never were actually required to complete an actual trial before they were released on the world. They only did a brief demonstration for two months, which demonstrations did not adhere to any of the normal standards for vaccine testing (which is a much lower standard than a gene therapy would have been held to, but they changed the definition of vaccines to include gene therapies) so they didn’t actually have any completed information to provide. It’s mind blowing.
My wife thinks I’m nuts…I watch Reacher over and over; but, that’s about it 😂Ed
My husband will watch movies over and over too. I always tease him that he already knows the ending. 😂
Seriously though, we don’t actually have regular tv anymore because the commercials for junk food, followed by pharmaceutical advertisements for medication needed after consumer eats said junk food was literally more than I could handle.
I read the inserts. To what end? Do I tell my doctor I'm not taking whatever, say in the case of avoiding cancer return? That's the real problem, IMO. Other treatments are unproven for a variety of reasons--not that I am not using many alternatives that appear to help.
It was traumatic enough to tell my oncologist I was refusing the jab. But at least there I had some good information. And yes, the insert was correct. So now I deal with those consequences. Many cancer treatments aren't all that effective either, though. And I can't swear my alternatives aren't really the ones keeping me cancer free. Seems we are screwed either way.
It’s a very, very complicated situation. I completely empathize with you. My husband has been battling cancer and had chemo therapy that was completely useless pushed on him. He was so scared of not listening to the doctors that he took the chemotherapy after several pushes, even though I shared my opinion that there was no research supporting the proposed chemo. Turns out my research was correct but how could my husband have known? (The oncologist did know but it’s “standard of care” so they can push unproven toxins as long as it’s acceptable practice for the field) It was a very hard decision for him with lots of pressure. They also pressured him to have the injection but thankfully, he chose not to get that.
After a person becomes ill, their options are often limited and this is a terrible situation to be in. And the doctor’s treatment plans are limited so it’s not an easy place for either of them. It often takes years for a body to become ill and even if it’s primarily rooted in diet or lifestyle issues, that doesn’t mean diet and lifestyle can turn the disease back easily or quickly. Sometimes it can. Sometimes it can’t. The good news is that most diet and lifestyle modifications will help to some degree, even if it’s just to help to heal after a surgery, or to help the body avoid secondary infections.
My husband had chemotherapy in his early 20s and lost all his hair and was horribly sick from it. When he had cancer the second time, mid-40s, he finally decided to eat really well before and through his treatments and he didn’t loose his hair the second time. (We listen to the audio book Anti-Cancer: a New Way To Live and other inspiring books) He also did not become as ill from the chemotherapy this time around. It was a good testament to both of us that nutrition matters, even if it’s not able to reverse all disease.
I’ve talked with my children to the point of being annoying about it but the real trick to avoiding the medical system, in my opinion, is for a parent to eat really well before, during and after pregnancy and then to feed the child well from the start (and of course avoid childhood vaccines and other toxic medications and environmental toxins in general). This will give the child the best chance and ability to maintain good health through their whole life if they choose to keep up the healthy habits after they leave home. It’s difficult for parents to give this gift to their child(ren) because our culture works against healthy lifestyles, but it just makes more sense than what our society currently does, which is waiting until late in life to eat clean and do other important lifestyle modifications. It’s never too late to adopt healthy diet and lifestyle habits but it is too late to reap all the rewards from starting in infancy if we wait until adulthood to begin making healthy changes.
Sorry to ramble on. I just have this huge desire to help people avoid all the pain and suffering our family has gone through. My husbands family gave him kool-aid in his bottle as a baby and he grew up eating very poorly, which he carried into his personal habits in his adult life. If only his parents had known how much he would end up suffering from this. Many people are becoming more aware of this dilemma and are trying to change things for themselves, their children, and their grandchildren so that is somewhat hopeful.
I wish you the very best in your journey and hope that you keep winning! We are fighting the good fight against cancer best we can here too.
Thanks. I agree. I eat mostly organic and (usually) follow good health habits. My parents were into good nutrition, though advice in my youth was not as good as today. My cancer I believe was partly caused by the type of radiation emitted from an electronic device and appeared shortly after my profound grief after a death. The cancer was only where the device was near my body. Grief depresses the immune system according to one of my doctors. Keep your fit bits, cell phones, and other electronics away from your body. Also, look into "dirty electricity." I have installed filters for it and noticed an improvement in how I feel. Way back, I recall the lies that this stuff was safe, only to see now more and more studies showing they definately are not. Good luck to you and your husband.
Thank you. My husbands second cancer was appendix cancer, which is very close to the place that he carries his cell phone (back pocket). I suspect it was a factor, along with poor diet, prior chemotherapy, and a personality that doesn’t handle stress well while working at a high stress job. We live in a toxic soup. Very hard to escape but better to try than not to try so we just keep doing the best that we can, right?
Exactly. The dirty electricity filters may help. If he has to carry the cell, there are covers to stop the radiation, but they can affect updates. He may also respond well to earthing.
I built my own earthing device. They can be made cheaply. One of my doctors sleeps with an earthing blanket. CBD was later recommended by this doctor for stress of the cancer, which is funny because I knew about it before.
I sleep on an earthing mat and my wrist has an earthing bracelet on it as we speak, plugged into the grounding wires of our home electrical outlets. My husband thinks I’m a little nutty (but who gets all the cancer in the family I always tease him with? Haha! I have to laugh to keep from crying some days). I can only push him so far into healthy habits so I have to pick and choose my battles. But mostly, I just try to love and accept him. Trying to force him into my idea of healthy living was not successful or good for our marriage. He does adopt some ideas that I offer him but definitely not most. Thanks for the tips. I’m always loving to learn new health hacks.
Check into the Fenbedazole Can Cure Cancer website, as well as websites that discuss how chlorine dioxide can eradicate cancer and other pathogens. These are relatively easy cures to try and many have had success with them.
Thanks I will add that to my information. I am, however, a 7 year survivor. My relationship with the oncologist's followups is nearly over. You might be interested in Budwig center.
You have my sympathy and understanding. A friend of mine battled Stage 4 cancer for years. Chemo and radiation did not do a thing to stop it, and in desperation, she turned to B-17. The cancer went away, and she was thrilled. She thought she was cured, so she stopped taking it--and the cancer returned. Once again, chemo and radiation did nothing, so she went back on the B-17. And--the cancer went away again.
She didn't like being on the B-17. She kept looking for alternatives that she hoped would genuinely cure her. Sadly, she never found anything that worked for her quite like the B-17. Eventually, the B-17 stopped working too, but by then she'd had 20+ more years with her family, and had been able to raise her kids to adulthood. May she rest in peace.
I had an anomalous mammogram, which frightened me. After much research I started CBD. The next mammogram was normal. So I stopped thinking it was nothing. The one after that was cancer. Did the CBD halt it? Can't say but I take CBD every day along with other things. I did research into B17 some time ago. Just eating apple seeds along with the apple as people did long ago gets a little into the body without taking too much. As I age, I notice I have to change my supplements and other actions to stay in concert with the changes. Seems I am always behind on that curve.
It's not the advertising that has disabled the public but promotion of trust in authority of most of America's lifespan is what has done this. The public has untl covid been disarmed of being cautous because we've been feed decades of propaganda that Capitalism = Bad, Government = Good and so when it came to government authorities they were SUPPOSED to be the watchdogs but have been bought off just like politicians. It's smarter money to purchase a bureaucrat then a politician.
I think there were multiple ways that we have been brainwashed and lulled out of thinking rationally.
What you are explaining is certainly an issue. I agree.
However, what I was explaining is a slightly different issue, which is that the side effects of a medication can be clearly described and they can be very serious and no one ever registers them as being problematic, despite clear evidence that they are a very serious issue for some people.
And I wasn't aguing that the commercial/advertising itself isn't what has cuased citizens to stop being weary of what government does. The commercial and marketing for any drug is done like any other product. It triggers the minds natural curisosity, I see X drug bringing joy to this man/womans life so maybe it can do the same for me. That however isn't what disarms one's "hesitency" as they liked calling it during the covid wars. That came from multiple generations of conditioning.
We definitely mostly agree. I guess my comment was geared towards the topic of this particular article, which is exploring the lead up to the Covid “vaccine” roll out. The marketing that pharmaceutical companies have put out in all major corporate media for decades has definitely made it into the subconscious of anyone who spends time consuming any corporate media.
I see the issue of desensitizing the public to harmful effects of pharmaceuticals as one of the (many) preparatory/predatory steps that was taken to prepare the public for anything pharmaceutical companies wanted to sell to the public. Most Americans were on multiple medications with a very long list of serious adverse events possible before the pandemic.
People who generally regard pharmaceuticals as toxic before the “pandemic”, I’m pretty sure, were less likely to fall for the “safe and effective” propaganda for the mRNA gene therapies.
I literally got rid of tv in my home because I couldn’t stand the constant pattern of advertising junk food, followed by advertising medications to deal with the chronic diseases caused by consuming junk food. If people had not been so desensitized to toxic prescriptions for decades leading up to the “pandemic”, they wouldn’t have so easily fallen for such utter nonsense of the “miracle Covid cure” that turned out to be a dangerous gene therapy. That was my point.
The constant brainwashing pharmaceutical commercials is a big part of the “generations of conditioning” that you mention, in my opinion. It’s definitely not the only factor but I think it’s significant enough to highlight.
There are many things that are real that we cannot see. Bacteria, fungus, parasites, archaea, electrons, etc. Are viruses something that we cannot see but are real? I think they probably are but since they are microscopic, it’s easy to take advantage of the public and say whatever nonsense about them the people in power want to say.
Virus question aside, microbes in general are very real. Toxins are also very real. I personally believe that one can believe in both germ theory and terrain theory and integrate them for the best possible outcome for health. It leaves one with a more nuanced understanding of life, health and disease.
Microbes are super important in breaking down material so that that material can be reused for new life. If someone has an abundance of toxins built up in their system, it is the perfect breeding ground for microbes as a fuel, which the growth of the microbes breaking down old material can then cause even more toxins in a persons system, thus a spiraling worsening state of disease.
I think viruses also probably play this roll, which is to help rid the body of old and decaying cells by causing them to die off rapidly. Like a cleansing process. If the body has too many old and decaying cells that die off too rapidly, this will lead to secondary bacterial or fungal infections (pneumonia, candida, ear infections, nasal infection, etc). But in a healthy, low toxin body, a person probably hardly even notices a virus while it’s cleansing. That’s my personal theory.
One way to treat disease is to kill off the microbes. Another way is to get rid of the toxins. If you are in a late stage of disease, the microbes often do need to be killed before healing can occur. If a person is in early stage of the disease (before or during early symptoms surface), one can just reduce the toxicity (or meet the nutritional needs of the disease caused by a nutritional deficiency).
People who want to cling to only one theory of disease will miss out on many viable treatments that may be necessary to preserve life.
Ultimately, I personally do believe that viruses exist, but I think they are probably very misunderstood and also exploited for power and money. I also personally believe that terrain theory is the best way to live as to avoid having to kill off microbes because there is almost always collateral damage when antibiotics and other similar invasive treatments are used. But, if antibiotics were going to save my life, I wouldn’t cling to my terrain strategy to my detriment.
Having said that, I am open to the possibility that viruses do not exist as we have been told they do. I have read and watched many interviews that cast doubt on the existence of viruses and they make a compelling argument. Maybe they will change my mind someday. Until then, I think the evidence that I have seen and heard and experienced, leads me to believe that they do exist. I respect people who don’t think they exist. We have been lied to by public figures and the medical industry about so many things that nothing would surprise me anymore.
I’m not going to argue with you. I am not a virus expert. I don’t have notes on the things that I have watched and my personal anecdotal experience will mean nothing to you. My belief is just that because I do not think there is enough evidence to prove to me enough to know factually that they do or do not exist. It’s very difficult to prove that something does not exist. You can only claim that there is no proof and I am clearly not equipped to have a good debate with someone who is hell bent on insulting anyone who is open minded about them existing.
There are people who are experts who might be interested in debating you. I would definitely watch the debate. Please let me know if you debate someone who is an expert.
You can come to your own conclusions and I respect that. Maybe you are right. I don’t even think it’s important for my life to know because you don’t have to have proof of viruses to know that vaccines are a complete scam.
You are wrong that I want to believe things that are comfortable to me. I am very open minded and happy to change my mind when better evidence shows that I am wrong. I’m sorry that you need to insult me. I’m not sure why that’s important to you but good luck with whatever it is you are trying to do.
And just an additional question and thought… not everything a pharmaceutical rep says is false, as you incorrectly state. They say bacteria exists. They say fungus exists. These are true statements. So your logic that states everything a pharmaceutical company says is false is fine to say as an exaggerated insult but it’s far from proving that viruses don’t exist simple because they state that they do.
Secondly, how do you explain chicken pox?
You are a real ray of sunshine aren’t you. The insults just keep flowing from you to me even though I’m being very rational and respectful. If you stopped trying to bully me into accepting your view, we could probably have a decent conversation and I imagine anyone reading this would be more inclined to listen to what you have to say.
Can you verify that viruses do not exist? Can you prove that God does not exist? Can you prove that aliens do not exist? The answer to all of these is no, of course.
So while I may not be expert enough to prove that they do exist (nor do I claim to even be trying to- you can believe whatever you want as far as I care), you cannot claim to know that they do not exist, only that they do not exist as we have been told. Hopefully you can grasp the gravity of what I just said there.
Btw, Steve kirsch invited Andrew Kauffman, Bailey and a few of the others to have a debate about the existence of viruses but they refused to attend. Those people have some amazing things to say and I respect their opinion but it’s quite suspicious that they wouldn’t show up for the debate. Maybe you should offer to debate Steve. Inquiring minds would love to see that. Maybe someone’s other than Kirsch would be availability if he doesn’t respond.
Also, you seem to presume that Koch’s postulates is the only standard for studying and isolating viruses but what if that may not be the latest development in understanding viruses? They are not bacteria or fungi or anything else so perhaps they cannot be isolated or grown in the same way that other microbes can be. And Koch’s postulates are fairly old so, are you open minded enough to debate an actual expert to see if you might learn something? I literally would love this debate. Please reach out to kirsch and try and make this happen. After this or any other debate that you have with an expert on viruses, if I am notified of it, I will gladly give you a full review of your performance in the debate and give you feedback as to weather or not you have convinced me that viruses do not exist in any sense that we have been told they exist.
What’s kind of tragic about this conversation is that you and I probably agree on many things but you are treating me like an enemy and I can’t even imagine why. This is not helpful for people to learn and grow. If you want to help people grow, you might try a different approach. My advice is free. You’re welcome. 😂
I’ll be waiting with anticipation to hear back from you if you are successful at setting up a debate with anyone who is an expert in virology. Seriously.
If it were just a matter of making money, they could release safe placebos.
In my opinion, they seek not only to rob us, they want to hurt and kill us. That includes our own government.
Our government agencies like the FDA were created to protect Americans from snakeoil salesmen and tainted goods peddlers. These agencies are now in bed with said snakeoil salesmen and tainted goods peddlers and protected from whistleblowers and people brave enough to speak up by the complicit Corporate/Social Media censorship complex who are getting rich from the Snakeoil and Tainted Goods advertising.
My maternal great-grandfather was a "snake oil" manufacturer and distributor, had his own line of remedies. Mostly herbal, laudanum, cannabis tinctures - which would cause FAR LESS HARM than FDA approved remedies.
SSRI antidepressants are placebos. They don't do anything except cause withdrawal when you quit. Okay, sexual dysfunction, and some of them like fluoxetine, head and gut ache. (Apparently heart damage from fenfluramine.) They were intended as appetite suppressants. "Antidepressant" is a total ruse. Atypical antipsychotics, OTOH...
They are as EFFECTIVE as placebos, but please don't think of them as such.
They have active mechanisms to cause harm. A placebo wouldn't do that.
"Atypical antipsychotics" are actually neuroleptics, which is anti-brain. No better on your neurotransmitter cascades than any of the other drugs.
Actually someone, (maybe our own MWDoc?) Recently proposed the hypothesis that they are brain metabolic-habit "disruptors" which work, to the extent they do (and they did in my case) by essentially shaking everything up and counting on the natural tendency of complex metabolic systems to seek to rebuild new "habits" or biochemical homeostasis... A very crude hammer indeed to use on a mind. Perhaps someone here can find that article and provide A link?
Please post when you find. Psychedelics appears to have that effect on the mind.
The assertion of MWD and Dr. Ann Tracy SSRIs cause psychedelic-like effects such as OBEs blows mine!
Atypical antipsychotics are metabolic wrecking balls.
In medicine, there is thing called the Placebo Effect. We called our Patients frequently. We had a pretty good Darn track record. The Staff and Physicians were taught. Ed
Edit - If You are a neurosurgeon, I don’t care about your “bedside skills” just do a Damn fine job. We’ll take care of the rest.🏴☠️
Hey they gotta defend those SSRIs or there won't be anymore mass shooters to help just justify disarmament of Americans. Can't have that right??
Many (all) recent genocides were preceded by a disarmament campaign of the targeted population group. Having handy mass shootings makes the disarmament process go smoother.
I know quite a few people who take SSRIs. I tried a few when I was treated for ptsd while getting care in the VA system. Always quit each of them after a short while because they made me feel weird. All the psychiatrists recommended them. I just knew these drugs were not for me.
Now, thanks to you, I have a deeper understanding of why. It's all about money.
And it didn't work out very well for me with the jab. I've learned the hard way.
Thanks for sharing your story. May you find the healing that is best for you.
Thank you
Did you (like my brother) take the jab to keep your VA benefits? At least, he thought he had to to maintain them; is sorry now that he took the shot.
Well said. There is a basic concept that runs through all these drugs that have high side effects and are ignored. It’s called risk benefit ratio good example is Vioxx. The manufacturer knows that financial penalties are the only ultimate cost! A young physician working for Merck kept telling top management that they had to take the drug off the market and they did not listen! Inturn she resign, because she will not be party to the harm that was being created! The longer Vioxx was on the market, the profitability from the drug would pay for future fines! It is no accident that Alex Azar was appointed to run HHS! Bush was instrumental in having the US government run a $30 million research study called WIF. Woman’s health initiative.! It was designed to discredit estrogen and promote Lilly’s osteoporosis drug, which is a targeted chemo drug! Richard Durbin has expressed to me, his sincere defense of the FDA and their values in regards to the injections, and the way they are being managed! Speaks volumes about why we continue to go down this road of RNA injections, which re-programs the blueprint of life without any regard to the negative impact on humans who are now seen as lab rats!
Great comment.
Durbin, my senator? If so, he’s been there way too long and carrying water for big PHarma and the FDA. I delete his boilerplate so called answers to constituents. Hope he loses in the next election too. Duckworth needs to go home as well. Dem ejits.
"The manufacturer knows that financial penalties are the only ultimate cost!" Same perverse incentive as in the financial arena. An investment bank gets charged with a blatant SEC violation, pays several million in fines while the bank made hundreds of millions off the scam. No one goes to jail and everyone keeps their job, including year end bonuses. Only recourse if you got burned is a class action suit, and those can take years with no guarantee of success, by which time the authors of the scam are long gone.
Ah. Systemic.
I already know a lot of this from Mad in America" by Robert Whitaker, but reading it still makes me physically sick. When a teenager in the 80's, my sister had a traumatic event which led to her being put on SSRI's, and they changed her almost overnight. She spent the next decade and a half most institutionalized and on more and more similar drugs, until a state hospital gave her too much of one and killed her. At the time I knew the answer was to get her off them, but there was *nobody* in the medical profession who wasn't drinking the Kool-Aid.
I used his book for part of this series. The whole thing is really sad. Maybe you can send this series to your family (at least pt 2 and 3) since its a lot shorter to read than a book.
Great idea.! Thanks. I have been wondering about all the mass shootings and how nobody's talking about these drugs.
A similar thing happened to our family.
I'm sorry.
My "little sister" saved my life by being the sacrifice. She went that way, and when I saw what happened, and my own life upset - I drew a firm line at hospital. Hospital made everything so much worse. Watching her decline, helped keep me sane. What a price to pay. There but for the Grace of God go I.
I was in a treatment center recently where the attending physician put every single person on cymbalta. Including me. I took it for three days b/c I was essentially blackmailed into it. Most ppl believe their medical team wants to help them when in fact this man is running a pill mill. Desperate people come in for treatment and end up leaving addicted to prescriptions. Most were started on 4-6 meds. I was very vocal about this during my stay and encouraged a few to "pocket their meds". I asked for printouts of the crap they "prescribed" me and shared with others. Therapists asked me why I would ask for this information? Why wouldn't everyone? When I left an experienced nurse said, "look at you leaving on no meds! Congratulations!" If I hadn't read this SS and others I may have ended up not questioning that man and his staff. Thank you!
Sorry that happened to you. On a semi related note the way Cymbalta is pushed on patients with fibromyalgia is really sad.
One of the peer-reviewed and published studies I was involved in was on Fibromyalgia. It can be wicked. We spent tons of hours with patients. “One” of the common denominators was processed foods. Ed
I think I'm gonna preach "no seed oils" this year.
Just that one.
See if we can get improvement in arthritis, fibro, mood, diabetes, and maybe even thyroid issues.
(I'm a tai chi teacher, I have a tiny platform - and a *lot* of students with complaints)
Dang…I am frankly speechless. Race On!!!! Go!!! I have been Preaching some sort ofl exercise and outdoor activities especially for the elderly and lonely.. Very Best, Ed
Edit - i’m more Kenpo Karate…”I come to to You with Open Hands”.
IKR? Psych drugs *gave* me fibromyalgia. Why the heck would I -
1. submit to them again? and
2. submit to that gawdawful taper again. (note: Cymbalta is likely the hardest known, so far, to come off of)
The other one they want to throw is - imipramine? or one of it's relatives. Criminal!
(excuse me for yelling)
and while you're at it, leave my immune system alone, too!
I think that's another BS diagnosis that pulls the rug over vaccine injuries. Is there a dx test for FM? Lab markers?
It’s almost certainly emotional trauma that hasn’t been properly dealt with and so it manifests itself as physical pain. I’m a massage therapist and the more I talk to people, the more I think it’s specifically related to holding bitterness or unexpressed sadness/grief.
There is this element. Midwestern Doc writes about Zeta potential, damaged by stress. In Qigong, we speak of "flow" so that - yes, grief & strong events can cause blockages in that flow. But there are also things which damage the entire potential, as Doc has written.
As we live & breathe & swim in toxins - each individual story is different. Was it the PCB's in the water? Dioxins in the air (a growing concern)? Birth control & antidepressants & fluoride in the water? (that last one is huge: look to a lot of thyroid issues here). We have no idea what glyphosate in the food supply is doing (other than damaging gut health). Pharmaceuticals, processed foods, altered plants. What the heck do we breathe?
So . . . Yes, there is an emotional component. But there is a physical component, too. It is an overload - whether it is stress or toxins or trauma or the whole ball of wax.
In my own symptoms, it feels like a bowl. I can be going along just fine, getting through the day, getting it done - but an extra phone call, or a change in schedule, missing a vital part of my health routine, or just the wrong thing at the wrong time can throw it all off.
I can and do take on stressors. I face them. But I watch my bowl, and when - wrong food, wrong step, broken toe, too much stress - and the bowl starts to fill. It's up to me to manage it.
Learning about zeta potential is helping me learn how to expand the bowl. So that it's bigger, and I can do better.
Yes, there are blockages in my flow. And this can be interpreted as trauma every day (after what we've been through? yeah.) But it can be managed. Maybe I'm just lucky, I've heard of more crippling manifestations.
thank you for your post on our insane ''medical'' system. one thing, could we not use the word ''meds''. it's like baby talk. they are medications and most of them are deadly. it's a pet peeve but i've been watching words get shortened to long. merch, celeb, meds, etc....
We call them drugs.
It's what they are.
And that's being kind (poisons & toxins come to mind)
🙄 baby talk... clearly you don't work in medicine. It makes life easier otw conversations/dictations would take eons.
I had a kid from out of town in my pharmacy (late 90’s). He had run out of Paxil and was in agony. Abdominal cramps, sweating, nausea— looking at him I thought he was in opioid withdrawal. He begged me to call his doctor to authorize a refill. I called, it took forever to get to doc, who promptly reamed me out for thinking that Paxil had a withdrawal syndrome. I had just read about such a syndrome, told him he was in error, and even if I was wrong, what harm would it do to take care of his patient? He finally allowed me to fill 10 Paxil and I thanked him. I gave one to the kid while I filled it. Twenty minutes later he was in tears, thanking me for my (unpaid) time and effort because his discomfort was relieved. I immediately started researching how to discontinue SSRI’s safely.
This is a great comment. Can I use it in the future?
Certainly, sir
Reinstatement is the best cure for withdrawal.
Wow, this is such thorough research, so much to digest. You're the second person I know that has put together the possible Nazi/Bush correlation. Thank you for sharing the 2004 Guardian article as well.
Gotta mention it was brain cancer too.
Oh gosh if you do any research at all about the Nazi/Bush connection you will be overwhelmed with info....and more dot connecting....lots of rabbit holes to go down there!
That and Union Bank was well known in Delaware where I worked for ICIA, predecessor to AstraZeneca. Not a secret; just a local concern. (Yet they foisted Joe Biden on us!)
Could you say more?
Wish I could. I just red articles (25+ years ago!) in the Wilmington News-Journal about Union Bank and the Bush family with passing interest.
The company computer system mentioned SSRIs for weight control; nothing about them supposedly being antidepressants. (I'm not convinced they are, save for a neighbor who had some malady doctors couldn't diagnose. They gave him Prozac. He said it did nothing for the malady, but made him feel better about it. And a cousin, who said I needed to take it longer than the 3 weeks when its adverse effects caused me to quit taking it. If it work at all, it's apparently due to the brain expressing fewer serotonin receptors to deal with the higher concentration of serotonin. I've no idea how that should help. I also tried Celexa; no head or gut ache. Noticed nothing except flu-like symptoms for a couple days after I quit. SAM-e and SMM (S-methylmethionine - produces less homocysteine) do help.)
My understanding is that after receiving a literal FLOOD of direct evidence that Thalidomide was causing babies to be born without limbs, the FDA continued fighting (viciously) for 10 years MORE in defense of the "safety" of their "approved" drug. Nothing they do from here surprises me.
The only thing that would surprise me, is if the FDA stopped fighting their endless war to ban any and all substances and treatments that ARE truly "safe and effective." If something has the FDA's "approval" you can bet it's going to maim you and severely shorten your life. The FDA doesn't "approve" of the public having access to anything else.
No; Frances Kelsey, a reviewer at the FDA, prevented thalidomide's entry into the US market. It was however distributed in large quantity for "testing". Don't make things sound worse than they were!
It WAS approved as a medication in the US market, and was used "off label" for morning sickness with ZERO warnings to ANY pregnant women. Given the stark evidence which was already before the FDA at the time, the drug should have been BANNED outright, completely, and certainly for pregnant women. It took the FDA 10 years (after the first kids in the US began being born without limbs) before they specifically BANNED it for use in pregnant women, thus ending their little "test" on the American population.
Just like the FDA "approved" of using the ENTIRE American population as lab rats with the warp speed covid jabs, they ALSO "APPROVED" of Thalidomide to be "tested" on pregnant women in the US. Just because they left it to the doctors to poison these pregnant women under a "test" doesn't mean they didn't APPROVE of this "test."
Your idea that the FDA has NOT attempted to rewrite the true history here, is a bit obtuse. I lived through much of this, and I'm telling you, doctors in the US were writing prescriptions for this drug like it was candy.
Trusting Wikipedia to tell the whole truth is unwise. The FDA is pure evil, and so is Wikipedia these days. Learn who started that shitty propaganda feed, and who funds it today.
You are utterly wrong, ma’am. The thalidomide disaster is the greatest example in the FDA’s history of the FDA protecting Americans from unsafe drugs, against tremendous financial and political pressure from pharmaceutical companies. And it was an American physician, Helen Taussig, whose efforts led to thalidomide being banned worldwide in the 1960s.
Again, rewritten history. The FDA refused to ban Thalidomide for 10 years AFTER they KNEW it was hurting people in America. And the propping up of an FDA "hero" (who purportedly saved America from being experimented on) is what led to the "abbreviated" drug application which only made it EASIER to continue experimenting on Americans with new drugs WITHOUT informed consent.
But hey, if you think defending the reputation of the FDA is the best use of your time, go for it. Others beg to differ. Since you trust the FDA, I'm sure you've gotten all of your boosters and the rest of their vaccine schedule? After all, the FDA is STILL saying all of the vaccines are perfectly safe, and very effective.
I once met a girl with only half an arm, the daughter of the owner of the motel where we stayed on vacation in 1965. I was 10. She was 12. My mom explained what happened to her. Could just as easily have been me. Such a nice girl too. We played ping-pong and she easily beat me with her one good arm. Later when I knew more about it I realized she was one of the lucky ones.
She can thank the FDA for her deformity. They KNEW. Just like they knew the new jabs were slaughtering us BEFORE they went on to also approve the covid jabs for new BABIES. Anyone STILL trying to defend the FDA is a moron or a shill.
That's interesting if doctors wrote prescriptions for a drug that hadn't entered the US market, and pharmacists filled them. Do you have a link to approval (as opposed to "testing") documents?
Wickedpedia often covers up and omits facts, but rarely outright lies. (Except in accusing people of "misinformation".)
Oh, and this is ALSO the wrong feed to use as a place to defend Wikipedia.
You trust the FDA and Wikipedia. Good luck with that. BOTH are STILL saying the covid jabs are "Safe and Effective" WHILE they claim that "anti-vaxxers" are nut jobs who never had ANY valid HEALTH CONCERNS as reason to refuse the jabs.
You go on trusting these "sources" and don't forget to fall asleep to CNN, and the like too. They'll guide you on the right path, because the government, the MSM, the CDC, & the FDA love you so much.
SaHiB is very reasonable; they just want sources to corroborate things they aren't sure about.
No. He didn't ask for sources. He quoted the Wikipedia fantasy story about an FDA "hero" who was propped up to recover the FDA's reputation after they allowed so many babies to be destroyed in the US. Just like Fauci has been propped up as the hero who saved us from covid.
When a doctor hands a patient a drug to take, it is the act of PRESCRIBING that drug for their patient. And at the time, the doctors were handing them out like CANDY.
This is probably the wrong feed to use as a place to defend the FDA after what they just did to the ENTIRE AMERICAN POPULATION when they "approved" of an experimental drug that ended up being MANADATED. The FDA simply "waives" our right to informed consent whenever they feel like it, which is typically whenever pharma BRIBES them to do so.
Why don't you waste a little bit of your criticism on the people who just maimed and even murdered MILLIONS of Americans instead of getting into a semantics game in an effort to defend the FDA?
The FDA of 60 years ago isn't necessarily today's FDA.
What experimental drug is that? Remdesivir? (Also EUA.) Despite your and my nephew's assertions, those Covid jabs weren't "approved". Comirnaty, maybe, but just try to get some. And they weren't "experimental". That is impossible for an EUA countermeasure. Did everyone you know who got them file experimental results reports in some publicly accessible database? Prosecute them if they failed to file! Did the prescribing doctors file FAERS reports on every use of remdesivir?
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. (And has trashed whatever credibility she may have had.) Don't pretend to tell me what I "trust". Sell your HDTV.
Although Remdisivir is yet another shining example of the FDA's abuses, I was referring to the covid mRNA injections. I guess you missed the "warp speed" COVID death jabs? You actually believe those were NOT experimental? The 4th phase of the "trial" was carried out ON THE GENERAL PUBLIC, and they did this under a EUA by simply "waiving" our right to INFORMED CONSENT, on premise that it was an "emergency." And the FDA has been completely IGNORING the fact these things have produced more death than all vaccines combined for the past 30 years. The FDA is STILL claiming the covid jabs AND Remdisivir are perfectly SAFE. They refuse to even INVESTIGATE any of the deaths that are happening.
Enjoy your fantasy that the FDA loves us and protects us. The FDA is the REASON I was vaccine injured as a child in the 60's. They were NEVER good.
Thank you for writing this article. I can never get over the corrupt lengths to which people will go for money and power.
Me either, I think it's particularly sad because the negative karma you create from it vastly outweighs any benefit from getting more money/karma than you need.
Thank you for this. Wow. I've long been suspicious of SSRIs because I always had the sense that the brain and mind (and other nonmaterial anatomy) are not fully understood by our "scientists" (ever since covid, with counted exceptions, I'm giving them all quotation marks), and it therefore struck me as naive in the extreme that emotional issues, by their nature complex and unique to the individual, could be fixed with a pill, or any combination thereof. Add in addictiveness, and to that big profits to be had by prescribing these things, and to that the usual behind-the-scenes legislative and regulatory chicanery and there's a recipe for disaster. Again, my thanks to you for explaining and documenting this.
Thank you. This one took a lot out of me to put together but I felt it needed to be done so I did.
Excellent expose'.
Another damning indictment involves the premature removal of L-tryptophan as a dietary supplement (suspected cause of EMS) just two years after Prozac got approved.
The FDA kept tryptophan off the market until 4 years after Eli Lilly's patent on Prozac expired -- even though it had been proven 15 years earlier that a single manufacturer in Japan, Showa Denko, was entirely responsible for the EMS outbreak.
They knew the true cause of EMS for 15 full years before allowing tryptophan back on the market. Without tryptophan supplements to compete against, sales of Prozac skyrocketed.
Sadly things like this are quite common
Though we may never find out, a disturbing possibility is that advocates for Eli Lilly may have helped to convince Showa Denko to abruptly alter their tryptophan manufacturing process in the spring/summer of 1989 -- with foreknowledge about the consequential EMS risk.
If true, then the 36 people in the US who died from the EMS outbreak would be "blood on their hands" -- not to mention the thousands who suffered to some degree because one manufacturer altered one or two processes.
Similar happened with NAC and COVID.
JC, FWIW, I'm about to post something about this. Thank you for alerting me to it.
Just posted, if interested, check it out: [ ]
I was trusting of the FDA and other government agencies until I hurt my back around 2019. I thought I was going to need surgery but my wife got me the book, Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery by Cathryn Ramin. She described how bad the FDA was when it came to approving medical treatments (opioids, medical devices, etc.) but, thinking back, I don’t think she charged their wrong doing enough. Luckily, I recovered by taking it easy and following the advice from another book by Stuart McGill which included no drugs. Reagan said “trust but verify.” That’s wrong just like his signature on the 1986 Vaccine Act. It should just be “never trust our government” or the media or the medical journals or the medical boards or ...
I read that book!
thanks to your articles I started looking into dog jabs and now my dog will be jab free for the remainder of her life. If you ever come to Georgia she will thank you in person
I’m now super skeptical of vaccines for pets too. Can you share some good resources?
unfortunately, most of my sources were here on Substack. Several people wrote me, that the jabs for animals contain nerve-damaging stuff. I read several reports of mostly dogs, who died within hours or days of the jab. In August mine was up for another rabies shot, when we got a message that the region had been sprayed for it. The vet also told me, and I read that too, that the one year jab (which is the same as the 3 year jab except for the price) lasts at least several years longer - the article I read mentioned 7 or more years. I guess the same happens with animals shots, that happens with human jabs. The govt holds lots of patents on jabs and wants the money.
what is even worse - american vets don't know about the life long oral protection we had back in Belgium. My cat had that. They used to put it out as bait, but wild animals will come back for the bait, of course, and since it was pricey, they stopped doing that years ago
It seems like they're planning to move away from SSRIs, now that MDMA and psychedelics are being studied with much better results than traditional antidepressants.
BTW, there's a new anti depressant out that is hilarious. They took dextromethorphan which is in cough syrup, a disassociative and combined it with the ingredient in Wellbutrin.
I'm convinced the combining was just to make it under a new patent, as the dextromethorphan alone has been known to help a lot with depression as it works on the nmda system just like ketamine, another potent antidepressant.
They do that all the time (messing with something so it can be patented).
I don't think they're planning to move away; rather the people trying to do MDMA/psychadellics have been at it for years and are gradually passing the tipping point on evidence.
The FDA was loathe to approve combination drugs when I worked in the industry. MDMA is a concealed hydroquinone likely to cause brain damage. What's wrong with LSD and psilocybin, or even ayahuasca (DMT and a MAOI), for that matter?
Don't know. I was just mentioning the drugs that are getting accepted.
The others are a far way from legalization.
"MDMA is a concealed hydroquinone likely to cause brain damage."
From what I've seen at raves, those people were brain damaged before they even started taking it (E).