Early in the covid experience I came to realize what we were up against. In the hospital hallway one morning I saw an old friend who had been a young attending cardiologist when I was doing my fellowship years earlier. I asked how he was doing and he told me that he had felt deathly ill after taking the first covid injection ; this lasted for about two weeks. Then he told me that he felt even worse after he took the second. injection. Naturally, I asked why he went ahead with the second injection and all I got was a blank stare. This was a man I had respected and thought had good judgement. My next thought was that we were really in for trouble now.

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Reading this in black and white gave me a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. The idea of highly qualified healthcare professionals giving blank stares when faced with even their own personal healthcare decisions is quite terrifying. I recently had an "annual physical" whereby my physician seemed to take great pride in proclaiming that he has had 7 COVID shots. I asked "Why did you do that?" His only response -- "It's very safe!" 🙄

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WTF?? Even if it were true that "it's very safe", that doesn't answer the question. The question is why would you take an injection that doesn't do what it was supposed to do, why take an injection that doesn't work?

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Yes, even though my opinion of the critical thinking skills of many of my medical colleagues was quite low to begin with, I continue to be amazed by the blind conformity and sheer ignorance exhibited on the covid question.

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How about the "effective" part? 7 shots! Did he ever question why he needed 7 if they were effective? ---- On a separate note, "Safe and Effective" always reminded me of "Hope and Change." (they love their slogans)

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"Safe and Effective" was NOT a lie, it was TWO lies.

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yet the idiot cannot grasp how come he will need 7

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I’m a Texas paramedic in Austin. I carried a kid from a freestanding er to dell children’s for myocarditis a couple days after his second shot. His parents got him this second shot despite him having chest pain a few days after his FIRST SHOT! SMH!

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It's the fear.

When Yoda says in Star Wars that fear is the path to the dark side, it's not just a line in a movie. Fear makes people do things that they would ordinarily never do and would in fact disavow when not under such duress.

I have a particular family member who is very intelligent, who took two of the shots because he was afraid. He knew deep down that it was not a good idea, but his fear weakened his will.

My dad had told me he wasn't going to take them. He had been in the Marine Corps in Vietnam and injured by Agent Orange and trusted the government less than not at all - but he caved when a VA doctor told him that he would *100% definitely die* if he didn't take the shot. He had had a few health issues from the AO (diabetes and RA) but was not too bad off. After the shot he went downhill quick, developing weakness in his muscles that made it difficult to walk and Parkinson's-like shaking. He passed away approximately thirteen months after the second shot from multi-organ failure (which has to do with the failure of the endothelial layer).

A cousin of mine took the shot while pregnant. She was, from what I have been told, terrified out of her mind over the virus. She nearly lost the baby when her placenta failed. The baby was saved, but it was obvious after a while there was something wrong. The child has extreme muscle weakness, a failure to develop muscles that support walking, and the doctors can't figure out why. They did a slew of genetic tests and nothing. From what I hear she's probably cognitively impaired as well.

I'm afraid that when the truth finally shakes out here with the shot and birth defects, this is going to make Thalidomide look like a tea party.

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I suspect years of massive lawsuits followed by reprisals when the lawsuits are rejected due to government acquired vaccine company immunity. People trying to get compensation from the VARES system will never get enough from that government program. In the meantime the US medical system continues to dive into the crapper. COVID took out the experienced medical staff, either through toxic effects of the shot or exhaustion from overwork. My mom went into the hospital in 2022 for a hip fracture. She said all her nurses had about 6 months experience. 6 months later she was gone from complications. Here in Austin our hospitals and especially our er’s are always full, understaffed, and overworked. When we bring in a new pt on our ambulance it’s not uncommon to have to hold the pt on our stretcher for a half an hour or longer. FYI, thalidomide was never used until recently in the US. It was still going through fda approvals when the effects were seen in europe

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I went to grade school back in the 60s with a girl who had flipper arms from thalidomide. This was in New Orleans so some areas in the US were getting it.

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I'm about the same age group, but in the SF Bay Area and saw children like that. I remember my late parents telling me at the time that my mom's physician, who was a sole practitioner, wouldn't allow her to take thalidomide. I think it was used for morning sickness?

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Yes, for morning sickness. Your mom was lucky.

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The same thing happened to a friend of mine. She was a vibrant middle-aged lady who ended up with heart troubles and had to have a pacemaker put in and she was also diagnosed with cancer and was told to start making her final arrangements. I had previously warned her about the shot but she went ahead anyway...I never did find out why.

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Biden was a cognitive mess even before the clot shots. That's why he hid in his basement instead of campaigning. But I agree, he is even pitifully worse now. " Dr Jill's" motives befuddled and sicken me.

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Exactly. A cognitive mess.

If you recall, Joe announced to run for 2020 just a couple of weeks after the news Hunter was under investigation. I believed then that he decided to run because he would face prison under a second Trump presidency, now we know it likely would be prison along with his family.

I believe a deal with left-wing billionaires and supporters was made that he would not have to run much, that they would engage in changing election processes in states, and he would out Obama Obama in leftist policies. You may recall his blurting out, "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Hardly a statement made by a cognitively sharp politician. Recent studies show that Biden would not have won if there had not been massive mail-in voting. That, along with other activites, got him the presidency.

The stall on Hunter plus political power got him past some crimes because of the statute of limitations. I suspect Hunter finally had to go to trial because the pressure from the Congressional investigations became too much, along with cries of two-tiered justice. But note Hunter's trial is near the end of a presidency where Biden could pardon and leave.

That brings me to "Dr." Jill. IMO she is negotating even now to set up a mass pardon. We hear Kamala is PO'd she is not being considered as Biden's replacement in a meeting reported with OBama and others. So I think the best leverage Jill has is slack jaw Joe's refusal to leave and the support of many of his still ardent followers, though she might turn to Kamala for more leverage.

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There are no left-wing billionaires. This is neoliberalism (plus globalism) in their (I hope) death throes. In any case, when a genuine leftie pops up the same people destroy him or her. Their identity politics bullshit is mainly to divide us, though some are stupid enough to believe it.

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Biden has declined in the last 4 years yes, but he wasn’t anywhere sharp enough to be the president of the US in 2020 either. The fact that everyone is now in shock is just a script for his replacement. CNN pretending to fact check him now and be more impartial after running with all these lies, is disgusting. No one in their right mind would have thought he was capable of running this country in 2020 either. He’s just been a puppet and globalist are pulling the strings. Now we are going to end up with Michelle or the dictator Newsome as a candidate, which many of us on the “ right” have been saying was going to happen before the election. I believe we are under a deep illusion that our votes and preferences actually matter here.

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I hope that you missed the debate. From everybody that saw it, it sounded like it was awful. 🙂.

BTW - this is the debate to watch. You won’t regret that you did!


Begin at the 27 minute mark.

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I saw it and it was horrible including the part where Biden appears to have an earpiece in there; his expressions were well described by a neurosurgeon.. sad. scary too..

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Hope he can pull this off- we need a change in this country!

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I saw it. I have it on tape so I could review some parts. The Biden of 2020 was somewhat better able than the severe downward spiral we now see. One need only compare the debates.

Whether the jab hastened the decline, the pressures of performance as president (even with a reduced schedule), or it was natural is unclear.

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The policies they support are Marxist. By definition, that is left-wing. If it talks, walks, squawks, and supports those policies it is left-wing, regardless of why they do it. The identity politics and merging the sexes where there is no woman, so no family only the state is parent and protector, is straight out of Mao's handbook. All the Marxist revolutions were really about an elite gaining power. Useful tools believed it was for the masses, but that has yet to happen in every one of those revolutions. What did happen is tens of millions died, just like with the plandemic. In all cases, the majority of deaths were caused by the "elite."

Many of the policies and changes supported by those useful tools were needed, such as workplace safety in the early 1900s. But the desire to fix it all at once through revolution in nearly all cases fails because there is a contingent in the wings waiting to take control, made easier by the disruption and chaos. That is why I believe a conservative approach makes sense. By conservative I mean more gradual, considering the implications and best way to implement them. The United States is one of the few revolutions that worked, though as we have seen throughout our history, that group in the wings keeps working to take control.

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Absolutely agree. I wish people who wear their right wing identity badge with such pride could see this, but it appears to be their own mass formation blind spot!

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As long as we are locked into the binary, black/white view of politics that we are force fed by the media the same old crooks and psychopaths will continue to get their way. As someone in Scotland and on the left I find myself in agreement with many good faith conservatives (with a small 'c') these days.

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I recently saw a quote from Bob Hope stating, that one party is not enough to fool the people so we need 2. But they are like a garbage can with 2 holes in it, over 1 can... they are all the same can of garbage. You can pick out the few politicians that do not belong. You probably can count them on the fingers of one hand

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Absolutely Ingrid! So very well said thank you. ❤️🌹

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Please let me know if they let this one get through. The debate begins at the 27 minute mark.

Vote for Bobby . 😁

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This link is good. It's what I watched on Thursday night and was very good!

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Video removed ~ imagine that !

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Sniffy Joe Poop Pants is brain demented from his serial decisions to choose lies over truth and evil over good. And surprise, surprise, he was just outed on CNN as a Weekend at Bernie's puppet of BHO.

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Gary - https://rumble.com/v545lnn-the-real-debate.html

Please let me know if they let this one get through. The debate begins at the 27 minute mark.

Vote for Bobby . 😁

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Hi Gary - We know that Biden is bought and paid for. We know that they ran rings around Trump last time. Bobby has been Successfully suing The government for 40 years, To clean up contaminated rivers in this country. He knows the bureaucracy and knows how to fight it

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Has it not been the "in thing" to do to sue the government or industry over the environment? My point being that this one-subject accomplishment is not proof of standing up to the deep state and certainly does not prove that RFK Jr can stand up to the daily hoaxes/lies created by the mainstream Pravda media industry. No media in the world stand against cleaning up contaminated rivers. Easy Peasy to champion that. It does not prove that Jr can stand up to media and as the links I posted show, he has already backtracked and reversed key campaign positions. Just like all the other uniparty candidates. Trump is the only true outsider with the ability to stand firm and the money to forgo the War/Pharma contributions.

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Trump gave us the toxic shots. That's not the actions of an outsider. For that one thing, he'll never get my vote. His financial backing is coming from others, not from his own bank account. I did like that he didn't start any new wars. Kennedy states he wants to end the agency and corporate capture of government. Whether he can is another thing but that one issue is a very important one. Trump was handing public lands to mining and drilling interests at bargain prices while cutting CAFE standards for autos leading to a boon in SUV/Truck building. Great for auto and oil industry but not so great for environment. I don't support EVs because of their many problems but encouraging the building of the most massive of vehicles at the expense of the now, non-existent economy car, is asinine as well.

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trump was going to question the vaccines and had asked RFK jr to help him, then he got a million dollars from big pharma and the whole plan fell apart. RFK jr has stood up to everything, big pharma, the 3 letter agencies, censorship and character assassination, etc. There is no stronger, more capable, clear-eyed candidate than RFK Jr.!

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RFK is also a big government liberal. We don't need another Kennedy in office.

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I have seen him speak in person twice about abortion. He believes "every abortion is a tragedy" and that the govt should not be involved in bodily and medical decisions, period. Which is the way it should be. That's what allows allow of us to maintain our bodily autonomy against vaccine mandates etc. He wants the govt to help reduce the number of abortions by removing the financial concerns that are involved in choosing more than 50% of the abortions that occur. He thinks the govt should support mothers and families choose life when financial issues are the concern.

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You could be right but he's the best choice we have.

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Bullpucky. RFK, Jr is a "'Christian' (nothing-but-a-counterfeit-'Christian') Zionist". (In fact, all three main candidates are Zionists.) So, you gonna vote for a Zionist who supports the genocide that "Israehell-on-Earth" is perpetuating and perpetrating in "Israehell" and Palestine for going on a year? That's really voting for the so-called "lesser" evil, that's for sure. Come out of the group think that you have to vote or you're "not a good citizen", and get red-pilled that none of us should vote for ANY evil, "lesser" or greater, whatsoever. True good citizens stand up ONLY for what's right and true, and stand against all that is false and wrong, period. We are complicit in whatever evils those we vote for commit while in office. As for me, I don't vote for any evil, and/or anyone soldout to the world who is thus an enemy of God (James 4:4). Evil can ONLY be overcome with good. Evil CANNOT be overcome with more evil of any amount.

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If all candidates are equally Zionist than who do you vote for? May I ask? At least RFK, Jr. does not want to have war with Russia and China! Isn't that a positive thing to consider regarding your own survival? The group of people that selected Biden are the ones who own the financial/military/pharma drug industry, and keep the entire world under threat - economical, military and now biosecurity. These people are the true terrorists who use the long arm of the US government overtly and covertly especially using the massively founded super terrorist, the CIA. The US has been highjacked by these globalist power player criminals for decades.

Those people are our (the people's) greatest threat for our physical survival in the US and in the World! Trump is also under their thumb, btw. It is clear with his "mistakes" by promoting the "wrong" people during and after his presidency. The final indication that he's controlled by the deep stater globalists - neocons and neoliberals representatives in the uniparty - was when he supported the last 60 billion installment to "Ukraine's" war efforts to "defend" its "democracy".

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He has soften his stance on Israel. First it was "those Palestinians have a good life" then it was "Palestine is good, Hamas is bad" and the latest is "we need a two state solution". All Biden and Trump can say is kill all the Palestinians and get this over with. And Trump and his son-in-law can not wait to get their hands on the coastal area of Palestine.

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As Plato said, and I am paraphrasing, "The problem with not getting involved in politics is that you will end up being ruled by your inferiors."

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Right on Wolf. Note to self: get t-shirts printed,

"Stop voting. It's killing you!"

Best of luck. ~~ j ~~

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Climate-crazy people blame everything on climate change.

We should not make the same mistake blaming cognitive mess only on vax. The prime example is this wolf. I guess he is not vaccinated, but crazy, nevertheless.

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I don't think so. RFK Jr. had many members of his family come out against him and his campaign and not long after that he started reversing his positions. Just another liberal Dimcrat/RINO uniparty wannabe. Trump has character flaws but resisting the deep state war hawks, the pedo cabal in the deep state & mainstream media is not one of them. Caring about protecting all natural-born Americans is! There are enough people around Trump that know he was snookered by Fauci on the jab and I predict he will follow the REAL science, not the Big Pharma/Gates?Deep State fake science.

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Remember the sentence, "The buck stops here," from Harry Truman? Trump must accept responsibility for his appointment of Fauci and Birx. He was calling the jabs, "MY beautiful shots," even during his rallies until the crowds started booing him and then he did an about face on them. He was proud of the shots and will do the same thing again if given the chance.

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Gary, Trump’s niece Mary Trump wrote the book: Too Much and Never Enough - how we created the world’s most dangerous man and later sued him for fraud.

The two members of Bobby’s enormous family who “spoke up” are legitimately on Biden’s payroll. Sorry - the “issues” you raised don’t DIRECTLY affect me or my family or friends. HEALTHCARE does. Trump gave us the shot PERIOD. Bobby is the only one who can fix this mess. One issue voter after the Covid fiasco here. Your mileage may vary.

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Trump OK-ed the last 60 billion "support" to Ukraine.

He's also controlled by the military/pharma drug industry.

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(Don't) keep dreaming.

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Never. Climate fraud wacko. “Vaccine”wacko.

Trump should denounce the fake vaccine for sure but life was better under Trump.

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Let's see what the overt participation of BHO with campaigning for Joe is at now that the "secret" is out. I'm guessing he's a ghost, scheming for a controllable replacement.

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The 'secret' has been out for a long time yet most refuse to believe it. Biden died 2019. They all have doubles. John Fetterman is a prime example. The cognizant man who came out after his original breakdown was not him. Examining photos you see for yourself. We do have the technology and they are using it.

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You'd think if they were replacing Biden, they'd use a better (cognizant) one. Why put an even more senile person in as your replacement if the goal is to maintain power?

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I agree the Biden we see is a double or an actor in a mask. I wish that Midwestern Doctor would research and entertain this possibility.

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It's possible, I just have no way to know so I don't think it's appropriate for me to discuss it. my general rule is to avoid highly speculative things I can't back up

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in an interview with Tucker Carlson, the psychiatrist of biden's son already warned in 2012, that father Biden was having signs of dementia. But the insiders probably found him an easy to handle puppet. And certainly the jabs won't have helped.

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She shoukd be tried for elder abuse!

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Kennedy-Shanahan 24

Despite CNN's manipulative exclusion, our debate stream – The Real Debate – hit an astonishing 10 MILLION VIEWS. In less than 24 hours!

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That was brilliant….all 3 candidates views….any one who would consider anyone other than Kennedy after watching the Kennedy shanahan debate is either complicit in either the dems or the republicans corruption or not a critical thinker or perhaps not even a thinker at all.

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Amen, no one’s perfect, but I honestly believe that he is our best shot at saving this country.

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I believe he is one of the best shots to save the world.

I'm from Canada and an environmentalist and have been following

his career for over 25 years.

I believe their is a wave of humanitarians who are critical thinkers with the same courage as Kennedy emerging all over the world. (except it seems Canada)

I joked early in the pandemic wouldn't it be amazing if Kennedy ran for president and they could replace Fauci with Kory or someone similar.

"Great Spirits encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds" Albert Einstein....comes to mind every time I think of Bobby or these truth hero's.

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Elder Abuse hinges on a legal term called: “capacity.” You have heard the term: “incapacitated” for someone who is drunk or unconscious. Incapacitated means not having “capacity.”

A minor has no legal capacity. Minors can NOT enter into legal contracts. Seniors who lack capacity are not legally qualified or entitled to make legal decisions of any kind. Persons lacking capacity require a Guardian, usually a spouse or family member. Parents are inherently the Guardians of their children and make all legal decisions on their behalf. Seniors lacking capacity, who grant a formal Power of Attorney (POA), prior to their diminishment, can similarly have a Guardian. Upon presentation and inspection of the POA, the State will recognize the Guardian’s capacity to make decisions on behalf of the Senior who now lacks capacity, and will require assistance until their death.

As a younger person, when you pass a Drivers License examination, you are given a Driver’s License. You have demonstrated your capacity to operate a Motor Vehicle in alliance with the laws and expectations of the State.

Perhaps one day you need a medical diagnostic procedure, where you are given General Anesthesia. While unconscious, you will be incapacitated. While unconscious, you will lack capacity to make decisions.

Toward end of life, many Seniors lose some of their mental faculties. This makes them vulnerable to fraud and scam. Today, daily, Seniors throughout the world receive fraudulent solicitations. Perpetrators hope to prey on the Senior’s vulnerability, and to win the jackpot when they find find victims with Diminished Capacity who are more easily led into scams, some of which go on for years.

Properly functioning mental faculties and the concept of legal capacity go hand in hand.

Job ads to be a delivery person often included a requirement that the candidate be able to repetitively lift a heavy box of large size. There might have also been a corresponding in-person test. If you can’t load the truck and unload the packages as you deliver the packages, you have diminished capacity for the employer, relative to another candidate, who easily performs the box lifting test.

If any elected official, USA or elsewhere, is believed to have diminished mental faculties, the people are entitled to a properly functioning replacement, or to force cognitive tests, competently performed and reported upon, for the elected person in question.

I hope everyone can be as clear as possible where we have facts in the public’s favor, which we do, with the long legal history of capacity, and plenty of case law on elder abuse from the State of Florida. Because Florida has so many Seniors, Florida has always been a target destination for scamming vulnerable Seniors. Accordingly, Florida got out in front of Elder Abuse, re-wrote some of their Statutes, but most importantly, enforces their elder abuse law.

The staff in the District Attorney’s offices of the jurisdictions where a possibly incapacitated elected person works, or lives, have broad authority to investigate factual material they receive.

Conclusion: There are now many Americans who have personal knowledge of elder abuse involving financial or other crimes. Now as a nation with such an elderly cohort of elected representatives, the entire USA voter base needs to become as aware of capacity, and elder abuse, as they are in a Florida Sheriff’s office.

Let’s open a national conversation on elder abuse and capacity.

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Fear of loss of ________________ is an understandable factor for humans. We all have fears.

The lifelong challenge is to conquer fear with non-resistant faith. Many are simply unwilling to do this.

Personally, I can't imagine living life so fearful. That's what is blowing me away!

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My opinion, Jill is making Joe pay for his philandering and other crimes. She has zero love for him and it’s obvious.

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I could not believe that she would stand up & try to convince us that Biden is capable of running the country when he is clearly not capable of finding his own way around ❤️🥰please God help us🙏🏽

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I agree, not every natural health issue should be blamed on the shot. It just makes us look like fanatics. In summer of 2020 I was saying voters will really be choosing whoever he picks as VP due to his obvious mental decline.

The more serious cases are the early onset dementia, which normally is very rare.

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I do not believe that Democrats' defense of Biden is genuine. But through mass psychosis or similar Orwellian psychological phenomenon, they are not allowed to think new things until they are given permission to think new things by the regime. Because, if a Democrat does not think what the regime wants them to think, they are excoriated as racist or something. Consequently, Democrats only act in mass like a cult. The debate was planned; the media response was planned; now rank and file Democrats have the signal from the regime that it is now OK to think that Biden is incompetent. The regime needs to replace Biden on the ballot and this was the necessary prerequisite to accomplishing that.

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Wanna take any bets on the same fanatical populace clamoring to taking the next shot du jour (avian flu, SARS, penguin noodle fever, etc.)?

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I think you win the screen name contest.

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if they see hemoragic(sp?) fever and blood all over the stage, yes. see chetty latest 53m. one of the 'symptoms' once the bioweapon kicks in, ie is triggered (medical term now), or primed, or setup. (VAIDS) https://rumble.com/v544hu9-did-dr-chetty-nearly-die-from-covd.html?start=3175

one of 1000 things to rush a cure out for with more gene rape (my term for mrna and NLP's)

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It's incredible to witness this sociology in real time.

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It was my impression that the Democrats to a man/woman are in line behind Joe for him to be their next leader and President and nobody else, within the Democrats are allowed to throw their hat's into the "Presidential Circus Ring" to compete for the Presidency - which is why RFK Junior left the Democrat Circus to put his name forward as a candidate for the next Presidency - which I hope, personally, he will win over Trump and Biden, both considerably older and showing old age symptoms, which RFK does not have.

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We know that Biden is bought and paid for. We know that they ran rings around Trump last time. Bobby has been Successfully suing The government for 40 years, To clean up contaminated rivers in this country. He knows the bureaucracy and knows how to fight it.

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I checked out some pro-Biden substacks and the cuckoo cloud land among the beta boys and cat ladies is epic. I'm serious. Headlines like "Biden crushes Trump in Debate!" and "Blacks for Trump? Really?" abound. Shrinks should study these people to learn more about high functioning psychosis. Seriously, check out Jay Kuo and The Dworkin Report.

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The GOP herd is also mass-hypnotized. They look at the Dems fenced in on the plantation but can’t see the fences holding Republicans on the GOP plantation. The biggest con trick was selling the idea that a few GOP politicians are Republican In Name Only, which necessarily defines the rest as being Rock Ribbed conservatives. In truth, those RINOs are true, hardcore Republican Party stalwarts. They represent GOP party values. It’s the voters who are RINOs. Homeless vote fodder.

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Absolutely true... I escaped from the totalitarian communist Hungary 38 years ago and my greatest advantage to the native people of the USA was that I was able to retain my outsider point of view hence an independence from any political parties... and I can attest that there have been no good choices within those two groups of fanatics ever since I put a step in this beautiful country that used to be the beacon of hope to the world after WWII.

The US would need an independent, 3rd party organized by a true leader that could easily 60% of the population who are independent of the two parties and always forced to vote for the one that the media makes to appear to be the "least" evil. Yet, the emergency of a leader won't happen, because "big brother" is watching and any effort has been continuously thwarted by drastic (yet very traditional and "deadly effective") measures during the last 80 years via assassinations.

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Good points! “... Attention there is nothing in my hand.” Our peripheral vision is gone, the ability to absorb, review, and discussion opposing viewpoints is compromised. The fixation on one of two choices limits the ability to make changes in stances. What political party do you belong to if you believe in women making their own decisions about their reproductive rights and you believe in ownership of firearms?

The two party system only benefits the Democrats and the Republicans.

Who made the qualifying standards for the Debate?

There are riots in Kenya yet this is not front page news in the USA. Why??? ... because the media wants to have a readership that is uninformed. How many Americans remember that Shinzo Abe was assassinated in 2022? If anyone has to look up who he was... well, that proves my point.

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soviet people would say to the americans, at least we know our government is lying to us.

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I voted for Trump in 16 & 20, but I think the Trump supporters have devolved into a cult. Trump supports so many left wing causes and endorses the vast majority of incumbent RINO governors and senators. These talk radio clowns just double down and worship him more. It’s so frustrating and demoralizing because we had such a superior candidate in DeSantis.

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Turn off the radio. Silence is golden.

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Listen carefully, and you'll hear the leathery wings of Clinton rustling. She has an opportunity to steer her candidacy in August's convention.

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Elizabeth, I’m a Kennedy supporter but enough! Becoming a pest in comment sections doesn’t help him.

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I'm with you there. Geesh.

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I'm with you Elizabeth and come on, people! What is the big deal to see a supporter? If you are bothered by it, just skip reading.

I welcome everyone who supports RFK, Jr., because at this point of time our bodily integrity, the last bastion of freedom has been destroyed by the global, mammoth sized, criminal military/drug cartel that have been terrorizing the US lately, but has been done especially the entire world for the last 50 years.

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My husband took two of the shots that I know of. He could have taken more. I saw a decline in his cognitive and physical abilities. The local hospital system coerced me into taking one by saying I could not accompany him to his appointment without a shot, preferably two or more. I had a six-month headache after that shot reminiscent of encephalitis that I got from the yellow fever shot. It was absolutely safe, too. They still hounded me for over a year to take boosters. Not a chance.

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My parents took two (one J & J and one Pfizer). There has been a noticable decline in the cognition of both my parents, but it has been espeically prevelent in my mom.

I think I am the only member of my family and the majority of my friends who took none. I refused to comply with tyranny.

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I’m on the same island as you, the lone non jabbed in my family although I did get Covid pneumonia 9/21 and ended up in hospital 1 days and rehab 11 days. Was doing all the good things but I do believe I wouldn’t have gotten so sick if I had gotten a hold of some IVM . Regardless, I don’t have the jab toxin in me. My husband got the J&J jab. I swear he’s losing his brain. He’s always been a bit OCD but it seems to have gotten worse in the last 3 years as well as his memory. He’s 60 and maybe he has a lot on his mind, but I just think there’s been a change in his brain function. I believe he’s on the spectrum but never diagnosed or the jab has exacerbated these signs. He’s not the same man I married. It is concerning.

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My husband and I are the only two in my family who haven't been vaccinated. I retired at 60 to avoid the mandate. After retirement, I worked really hard to lose 60 pounds since I knew obesity put me at greater risk.

I caught Covid in December 2023 and by mid January 24 my blood pressure was sky high even on my normal medication, with severe anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. My heart raced, cortisol sky high every day from 2 pm until 6 pm. Lost another ten pounds in a short period of time, and looked horrible.

I think that the extreme stress of standing up to the vaccination crazies at work and dealing with my father's stage 4 large B cell lymphoma (after vaccination, he was an extremely healthy 84 year old before) caused inflammation in my body and Covid flared it into a forest fire, pushing it into my brain, also wiping out what was left of my good gut microbiome and serotonin.

I have been working with a functional medicine doctor for over a year. She ran tests and discovered that Covid reactivated mononucleosis I had at 35 - which explained my huge and painful neck nodes - and that my thyroid was also thrown out of sync with my normal dose of thyroid medication. (My internist and endocrinologist looked at my bloodwork and said there was nothing wrong with me and prescribed SSRIs, which I have not taken. I was afraid to.mask what was actually going on.)

I have improved after a lot of work learning how to handle stress, relax my body, focus instead of multitask, and accept what I can't change. Most helpful? Betaine pepsin HCL, high doses of B vitamins and magnesium, and lions mane mushroom and other adaptogens. It's been a slog, a lot of trial and error.

All that to say - don't discount the effect of the constant stress and fear mongering. I think.it affects our neurotransmitters to a greater degree than we realized. My husband, unvaccinated, has also had changes to his personality - dogmatic, extremely angry at the medical.and political system. I hope, for both of us, that some of it starts to wear off. (That is, if the powers that be ever stop trying to scare the bejesus out of us! )

Take care of yourself. It's also stressful worrying about all.of our vaccinated friends and relatives!

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Good on Ya, sister.

Pray for guidance through this minefield.


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Back at you! Just read a couple of your substacks. Interesting! Explains why my FM doc started me on NAC. I will have to restock that and nettakinase. Although here's hoping that I have developed some immunity if I get it again!

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Nattokinase is good for post-vaccine-syndrome if people still have active spike protein being created by their cells.

Long-Vax treatments here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/

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Sorry for all you went through! Don't forget that shedding is a real thing though even though we did not get the clot shots!

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Check out the brain health info on flccc, net

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God bless you for being so watchful and caring of him

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Wow, thanks for telling us your story! I’m glad to learn you seem like you are on the right path now in getting your health under control. God bless!

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Same here, only one who refused all the covid nonsense and didn't comply with any of it as far as was possible (UK). My Dad felt coerced by the rest of his family and by his lady friend of 20 years to take them and had increasing reactions to all of them. After he got blood in his faeces and urine after his second vaccine he was scanned and in the clear...waiting list for scans was long. When he bled from his eyes, penis, kidneys, bowels, ears, within days of his first booster, which was only 5 months later, he was scanned within 2 months and had stage IV kidney cancer and they told him he would die within weeks. The oncologist put on his records that he should never have any vaccine of any kind again. Well, he started listening to me, embarked on daily nutritional detox and defence, saw my homeopath and he had another 2 and a half years of enjoying life to the full and having his friends and family surround him with love and laughter before he started to decline. Even then it took him 9 months to say enough was enough, I've had a good life and am ready. He was 87 and did have a great life but I do think he would have been relatively healthy right into his 90s with his positive attitude! I worry for my nieces and nephews and their future health and fertility though...

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There were many exemptions for the 'vaccine'. Congress, staff, USPS, uh, illegals and more. Did Biden even get the shot?

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Remember that Pfizzer [sic] employees got special formulations - you think the elite cucks didn’t?

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"special formulations", you misspelled "saline".

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Some people who injected others with the vaccines said that the cartridge and needle was different on Biden's Covid injection which suggested it could have been a Saline Water injection - but who knows - well WHO probably does, but they are not telling!!

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That's why turdope was so invigorated when he got the jab

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His brain, or lack of, was injured long before the vaxx! Probably had a saline solution!

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That's a real question, isn't it? I appreciate the good doctor's reporting here, but I do wonder. Surely the President (and members of Congress) knew the shots were questionable-to-dangerous, so it's valid to question whether any of them received them. A fake White House set, a saline shot... I don't think we really know what is going on

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Has anyone heard the congressional leaders were on ivermectin or not?

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I feel like I read somewhere that Ivermectin was made available to them.

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Jun 29
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404 - video not found

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See if this gets blocked -


Please let me know if they let this one get through. The debate begins at the 27 minute mark.

Vote for Bobby . 😁

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Why are you monopolizing the comments section?

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Biden was 1) lauded for his 2024 State of the Union address (which took place in the evening/night) and 2) performed much better late in last night's debate than he did early on.

This suggests that timing of the event wasn't a big factor in his shitting of the proverbial bed, but rather that his team either unintentionally or willfully botched the timing of the amphetamines or amphetamine-like drugs he takes to power his way through public appearances.

When ALL leftist MSM sources, from CIA-front AMERICAN PRAVDA (NY Times) to small town NBC affiliates, speak as one--as they did with "the pandemic"--we know they are following a script, AKA "talking points".

Whether Slow Joe is or is not DEATHVAX™-injured, there is clearly a plan in the wings to dump Biden and replace him with Governor Gruesome, Big Mike, or someone else.

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What I thought was worst about Biden was his demeanor when he wasn't talking. He looked like a nursing home patient with advanced dementia a lot of the time, and NEVER looked like he was listening and pondering his response.

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I was wondering if they just didn’t give him any meds at all. He definitely wasn’t “amped” the way he was at the SoTU.

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You have a point. FWIW the current "spin" is that Biden had a cold and that cold meds may have impaired his mental acuity/debate performance. See:


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You just said what so many of us have been thinking. Though I did also question whether or not Biden actually took a real vaccine or not, because they must have known it could have side effects.

Or maybe not!

Either way.... great post. So detailed, thanks so much for taking the time to write this!

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Thank you.

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Remember Clinton glitching all over the place when she was running? I used to (admittedly callously, but she was SO corrupt and horrible!) joke it was, perhaps, like the F-35 issues, with Microsoft updates 'blue-screening' and crashing all over the place... only with experimental chips corroding with her corruption...

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Elle - Want change? Watch this! I hope that you missed the debate. From everybody that saw it, it sounded awful!

BTW - this is the debate to watch. You won't regret that you did!


Begin at the 27 minute mark.

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Not to mention Mitch McConnell's freezing episodes.

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I think McConnel is vaccine injured as well. However, it's much harder to get a clean sample with the Republican senators because a lot of them probably didn't vaccinate.

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That freeze was spooky. It was as if McConnell was conflicted between saying his lines and saying something else: almost a scream for help “I’m a prisoner!” Perhaps there is a star chamber in DC: you get to savor all the delights of untrammeled corruption, but you must pay the price by complying and one day by losing it all.

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But the article is about the Democr... OK

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Jun 29
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Engaging in a debate requires an entirely different level of cognitive function than reading a pre-written speech from a teleprompter. While he might be able to continue to perform the latter for months or even years longer, Biden is long-past being able to perform the former. I suspect he has not been able to engage successfully with other heads of state for almost all - if not all - of his alleged presidency.

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Jun 29Edited

Are you actually one person or a large group of people? It is amazing that you can produce these incredible and outstanding reports often with enormous detail or esoteric information which has been actually concealed for decades. It does not seem humanly possible. PS : It would be outstanding if spontaneously clinics for ultra violet blood irradiation would just start popping up all over the place .

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I'd hoped to do 3 a week, but I've realized 2 a week is pretty much my cap on how many articles I can do.

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You’re Amazing for sure. All/Everything you do and continue to do is unfathomable to this human being. You must be a 200 Watt Bulb 💡 where most of us are thankful to function at a 75-100 watt. Thank you for ALL you do Dr. Kory.

You’re the Lion leading the way for change!

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Yes! We had a Doctor who used this, but he retired. He used to call it photo luminescence. I had two instances where I was seriously ill with an infection and after a half hour session, the infection was gone, both times. He was a bit secretive about it, and you had to be a long time or trusted patient for him to use it.

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Jun 29
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You're starting to make me question your own brain functioning, Elizabeth.

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Katherine - sorry, but I’m excited about Kennedy. See him as hope, and there has been so little for so kind. Trying to delete the links that were blocked. 🙂

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Excitement can be a good thing, but not when it becomes vampiric.

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My physically very active and mentally young 83 year old father (his parents lived into their nineties) got deeply hypnotized by listening to the media, and I just could not convince him to avoid the shot. He got Pfizer injection and four days later came down with Covid. He was terribly sick for weeks on, but interestingly refused to go to the hospital, as he said "he would not leave that place alive". He eventually got better, but even he himself noticed that his physical and mental state has changed. He started showing signs of brain fog and mood change. Alarmingly, became aggressive and even delusional (!) For example, he became suspicious of people wanting to harm him such as stealing from him, or damaging his car... also, he started complaining about increasing joint and muscle pains all over his body. For 6 months after his first shot, he was just not feeling well and listened to us not to get the 2nd shot, but the doctor's office kept calling (!) him to get his 2nd shot. So, finally after 6 month, he decided to get his 2nd shot and that time there were no arguments of ours that could persuade him to stay away from it. He was convinced that what happened to him was absolutely no fault of the "vaccine" and unfortunately some were even true, so I could not bring up facts against his points. Here are his arguments: he got Covid in 4 days after the first shot, because it was not supposed to give protection for two weeks was the reason... and he got so sick with Covid, because older people were more susceptible, and then he suffered so long because he got

"long covid", and he definitely did not want to get Covid again, but he would without the 2nd shot. My argument that he survived covid and does not need the 2nd shot was countered that according to the media, natural immunity does not a thing when it comes to Covid, because it's like a "cold" virus. So, he went for his 2nd shot and after that he lived only 6 more months. He rapidly developed dementia and his aches and pain got worse and worse. One months before his death, his spouse called for an ambulance. He was found on the street by neighbors. It was a cold day in early march, he was incoherent, barefoot and waring nothing but his underwear. In the hospital, his diagnosis was rapid dementia, but they could not find anything that would explain his aches and pains in his body that became increasingly worse. His bloodwork was normal. Then, within days, he became so weak as if he was paralyzed, but he did not get a stroke. He was moved to long term care, and after laying in his bed motionless for three weeks, he develop bedsores. We complained about it, the answer was that it is hard to prevent that happening, because the hospital does not have enough help. His pain was so bad that they decided to give him morphine and four weeks after his check in, one night his heart stopped. Pfizer and the hospital killed my father, but there is no way I can prove it. Worst of all, nobody is even suspicious, because people automatically say to me when I tell them that my father passed away 6 months after the 2nd covid shot, that he lived a long life, as if saying it was time for him to die.

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Horrible!!! I'm heartbroken for you

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My life cannot return to normalcy knowing that there are bad faith actors, who will be able to live out their lives enjoying the rewards of their criminal deeds, and the thought that this terrible injustice will go unpunished will torment me for as long as I live, because I know that history is written by the winners, and that the most heinous crimes committed against humanity have gone unpunished.

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And some of those actors are our neighbors, willingly going along with the crimes. Blindly accepting that children are having heart attacks and strokes! I will never "get over" this or "move on". Every single person has been affected by this and should be standing up screaming until they can no longer scream!

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Have faith that there will be justice. It just might not be here, or soon.

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Jul 8Edited

The scales must balance. It's physics. And homeostasis.

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I am truly sorry you have had to endure such pain and heartache. Your family members too! 🥹

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Truly sad. And worse, one of very many. All part of the Plan. Always provide the countering argument for every possible thing those seeking the truth could come up with. They purposely create countering points of view so that those who do listen to the MSM narrative will have the reasons to continue to do so. Killing so many that were elderly (nursing homes and hospitals) was also part of it. You can look at lots of numbers but making a 'confirmation' of cause of death with any specific person becomes very difficult.

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There's a lot of older people who were murdered by this madness, and no, you can't prove it, because of the "background noise". I know that this shot is why my dad went downhill and died before he should have. Yes, he had some medical conditions previous to the shot, but that wasn't what killed him. I believe you.

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😔❤️I am so very sorry for you and your family, Timea. Wishing you and your family comfort, peace and justice. Bill Gates, Tedros (WHO), Fauci, et al. are all spawns of Satan as far as I am concerned.

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Remember he had brain surgery fo repair an aneurysm- that was when he developed organic brain syndrome and things just got worse from there.

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In February of 1988, he suffered two life-threatening brain aneurysms. Biden has said the experience shaped him into the “kind of man I want to be.”


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I'm thinking that the neurosurgeon left the aneurysms and did a subtotal cerebral lobotomy after the last 16 years.

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Seems like pretty ordinary dementia to me.

1988 was a long time ago, now.

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I'm just being snarky, John.

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OMG! Just exactly what a consummate politician would say.

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Most likely.

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Excellent article, as usual. The summary list from the Kansas lawsuit is particularly useful. And anecdotally, both my parents had accelerated cognitive decline after the shots -- severe in my mother, who already had dementia and has since passed away, and continuing to progress in my father, who has gotten boosters despite our begging him not to. The heartbreaking destruction of human health we see all around us is so painful, and I find it hard to fathom how many cannot seem to see the connection. (Also, two typos you may wish to fix: "ridiculous" is misspelled as "rediculous" in the Dianne Feinstein section, and "revelations" is misspelled as "revalations" right before the Conclusion section.) Thank you so, so much for the work you are doing.

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Let me fix those now!

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I’m sorry to hear of so many people dealing with the debilitating effects from these jabs, and even death. My heart breaks to hear these stories. My heart breaks even more for plans to “vaccinate” more people of all ages. We can only hope and pray people will continue your wake up. It is comforting to read and hear from so many of you who do have a clear understanding of what has been happening and continues to take place. Good to be with like minded people. Also, Dr. Kory, with the hours you’re putting in to help so many~ I can let your misspelled words slide! 🤷‍♀️💡🤷‍♀️

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We are lost I just spent a weekend with my brothers and sisters celebrating my fathers 90 th birthday. There was a total of 13 if us with the inlaws. The subject of Covid-19 came up and they all agreed that the MRNA shots were great this included 2 MD’s. Only myself and my wife think otherwise and we kept silent as to preserve the peace. They think that Fauci is eloquent and is so smart and were thankful for being science. I had to throw up in my mouth. But I realized that their news comes exclusively from places like MSNBC NPR CNN NYT etc. they have never ever been told otherwise. What is unacceptable were my sister and OB-GYN who has had too seen the effects in her patients and her husband and internist who manages their electronic medical records system. How can they not understand how dangerous the shots were????

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Just imagine what's it's been like for me to work in the medical field!

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Thankful for you and that you have been a Bull coming out of the gates from the get go!

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I can tell similar stories. This isn't going to end well.

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I KNOW! They are all being told that COVID causes the heart problems and cancer, so they are even more anxious to get the next booster. I think this is the real reason there's no identifiable control group. I used to try "It's an experimental vaccine that's never been used before, right? Has your doctor, or ANYONE ever contacted you to ask if you had any side effects? Why don't they want to know if their vaccine works long term?" Crickets.

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none so blind as those who will not see. militant ignorance. wow wow wow, it still amazes me.

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Yes I don’t know any physicians personally who have changed their mind. They believe the narrative and have given their young children the CV shot. And boosters if eligible.

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My brother in law is a general surgeon in SW Washington. He was outspoken about masking and the shots and had a massive change of heart when it comes to the medical industrial complex. There is hope!

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He made a big show of taking a booster. But, it could have been staged.

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Dude, you had me bummed out already with your friends nodding along to the new-age speech generator and peer reviewing the post-modernist speech generator gobbledygook...


This is the day 110 years ago that Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo.

Today, Everybody Knows That Everybody Knows that Joe Biden is gone-fishing forever. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/everybody-knows-that-everybody-knows

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