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Biden was a cognitive mess even before the clot shots. That's why he hid in his basement instead of campaigning. But I agree, he is even pitifully worse now. " Dr Jill's" motives befuddled and sicken me.

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Exactly. A cognitive mess.

If you recall, Joe announced to run for 2020 just a couple of weeks after the news Hunter was under investigation. I believed then that he decided to run because he would face prison under a second Trump presidency, now we know it likely would be prison along with his family.

I believe a deal with left-wing billionaires and supporters was made that he would not have to run much, that they would engage in changing election processes in states, and he would out Obama Obama in leftist policies. You may recall his blurting out, "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Hardly a statement made by a cognitively sharp politician. Recent studies show that Biden would not have won if there had not been massive mail-in voting. That, along with other activites, got him the presidency.

The stall on Hunter plus political power got him past some crimes because of the statute of limitations. I suspect Hunter finally had to go to trial because the pressure from the Congressional investigations became too much, along with cries of two-tiered justice. But note Hunter's trial is near the end of a presidency where Biden could pardon and leave.

That brings me to "Dr." Jill. IMO she is negotating even now to set up a mass pardon. We hear Kamala is PO'd she is not being considered as Biden's replacement in a meeting reported with OBama and others. So I think the best leverage Jill has is slack jaw Joe's refusal to leave and the support of many of his still ardent followers, though she might turn to Kamala for more leverage.

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There are no left-wing billionaires. This is neoliberalism (plus globalism) in their (I hope) death throes. In any case, when a genuine leftie pops up the same people destroy him or her. Their identity politics bullshit is mainly to divide us, though some are stupid enough to believe it.

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Biden has declined in the last 4 years yes, but he wasn’t anywhere sharp enough to be the president of the US in 2020 either. The fact that everyone is now in shock is just a script for his replacement. CNN pretending to fact check him now and be more impartial after running with all these lies, is disgusting. No one in their right mind would have thought he was capable of running this country in 2020 either. He’s just been a puppet and globalist are pulling the strings. Now we are going to end up with Michelle or the dictator Newsome as a candidate, which many of us on the “ right” have been saying was going to happen before the election. I believe we are under a deep illusion that our votes and preferences actually matter here.

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I hope that you missed the debate. From everybody that saw it, it sounded like it was awful. 🙂.

BTW - this is the debate to watch. You won’t regret that you did!


Begin at the 27 minute mark.

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I saw it and it was horrible including the part where Biden appears to have an earpiece in there; his expressions were well described by a neurosurgeon.. sad. scary too..

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Hope he can pull this off- we need a change in this country!

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I saw it. I have it on tape so I could review some parts. The Biden of 2020 was somewhat better able than the severe downward spiral we now see. One need only compare the debates.

Whether the jab hastened the decline, the pressures of performance as president (even with a reduced schedule), or it was natural is unclear.

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The policies they support are Marxist. By definition, that is left-wing. If it talks, walks, squawks, and supports those policies it is left-wing, regardless of why they do it. The identity politics and merging the sexes where there is no woman, so no family only the state is parent and protector, is straight out of Mao's handbook. All the Marxist revolutions were really about an elite gaining power. Useful tools believed it was for the masses, but that has yet to happen in every one of those revolutions. What did happen is tens of millions died, just like with the plandemic. In all cases, the majority of deaths were caused by the "elite."

Many of the policies and changes supported by those useful tools were needed, such as workplace safety in the early 1900s. But the desire to fix it all at once through revolution in nearly all cases fails because there is a contingent in the wings waiting to take control, made easier by the disruption and chaos. That is why I believe a conservative approach makes sense. By conservative I mean more gradual, considering the implications and best way to implement them. The United States is one of the few revolutions that worked, though as we have seen throughout our history, that group in the wings keeps working to take control.

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Absolutely agree. I wish people who wear their right wing identity badge with such pride could see this, but it appears to be their own mass formation blind spot!

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As long as we are locked into the binary, black/white view of politics that we are force fed by the media the same old crooks and psychopaths will continue to get their way. As someone in Scotland and on the left I find myself in agreement with many good faith conservatives (with a small 'c') these days.

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I recently saw a quote from Bob Hope stating, that one party is not enough to fool the people so we need 2. But they are like a garbage can with 2 holes in it, over 1 can... they are all the same can of garbage. You can pick out the few politicians that do not belong. You probably can count them on the fingers of one hand

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Absolutely Ingrid! So very well said thank you. ❤️🌹

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Jun 29
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Please let me know if they let this one get through. The debate begins at the 27 minute mark.

Vote for Bobby . 😁

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This link is good. It's what I watched on Thursday night and was very good!

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Video removed ~ imagine that !

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Sniffy Joe Poop Pants is brain demented from his serial decisions to choose lies over truth and evil over good. And surprise, surprise, he was just outed on CNN as a Weekend at Bernie's puppet of BHO.

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Gary - https://rumble.com/v545lnn-the-real-debate.html

Please let me know if they let this one get through. The debate begins at the 27 minute mark.

Vote for Bobby . 😁

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Hi Gary - We know that Biden is bought and paid for. We know that they ran rings around Trump last time. Bobby has been Successfully suing The government for 40 years, To clean up contaminated rivers in this country. He knows the bureaucracy and knows how to fight it

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Has it not been the "in thing" to do to sue the government or industry over the environment? My point being that this one-subject accomplishment is not proof of standing up to the deep state and certainly does not prove that RFK Jr can stand up to the daily hoaxes/lies created by the mainstream Pravda media industry. No media in the world stand against cleaning up contaminated rivers. Easy Peasy to champion that. It does not prove that Jr can stand up to media and as the links I posted show, he has already backtracked and reversed key campaign positions. Just like all the other uniparty candidates. Trump is the only true outsider with the ability to stand firm and the money to forgo the War/Pharma contributions.

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Trump gave us the toxic shots. That's not the actions of an outsider. For that one thing, he'll never get my vote. His financial backing is coming from others, not from his own bank account. I did like that he didn't start any new wars. Kennedy states he wants to end the agency and corporate capture of government. Whether he can is another thing but that one issue is a very important one. Trump was handing public lands to mining and drilling interests at bargain prices while cutting CAFE standards for autos leading to a boon in SUV/Truck building. Great for auto and oil industry but not so great for environment. I don't support EVs because of their many problems but encouraging the building of the most massive of vehicles at the expense of the now, non-existent economy car, is asinine as well.

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Trump tried to give us HCQ. Evil Fauci, scarf lady, Big Pharma scientists were all then given a daily podium by American Pravda to accept their secret jab plan. Trump, like us, was not sure it was a plandemic at that time. Nobody but Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma really knew the truth on the gain of function lab release. Trump was forced to either stick to his HCQ belief with little help from anyone or go the "science" route while the evil-doers did this to him and everyone else: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/reminder-insidious-propaganda-campaign-shame-america-jabbing

Jr. can't even refrain from kowtowing on the killing of unborn innocents, and the ridiculous reparations scam. What you said about public lands and drilling interests and the CAFE standards (don't we all know the communists posing as so-called environmentalists make up ridiculous standards?) seems like liberal talking points - where is a source on that? This country has some of the cleanest air and water in the world. The standard they now push for reduce pollution by miniscule amounts while the grid can't handle their plan. the EV, solar, wind production can't come close to what is needed so why stop our oil production and use oil from countries with far lower environmental standards?

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I'm not asking to stop oil production. I believe natural gas is an extremely efficient and clean fuel and should be a large part of our energy usage. The fuel efficiency standards weren't outrageous and didn't need rolling back as Trump did. Biden is another story. He has placed unrealistic goals of EV conversion and fuel efficiency standards that are designed to fail. Trump had the chance to ditch Fauci but chose not to. There was no gain of function release. All part of the narrative. First there needs to be a virus and I have seen no proof of that to date. As for abortion, Trump availed himself of legal abortions, I'm sure, in his past, when you consider his womanizing history. You can't stop abortion. Only legal ones. Might as well make them safe. This is what they call an evergreen issue that both sides use to raise funds. Even Trump backed off from the fundamentalist no abortion position to letting states decide. In other words, taking no stance. Passing the buck, like he did with Fauci.

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trump was going to question the vaccines and had asked RFK jr to help him, then he got a million dollars from big pharma and the whole plan fell apart. RFK jr has stood up to everything, big pharma, the 3 letter agencies, censorship and character assassination, etc. There is no stronger, more capable, clear-eyed candidate than RFK Jr.!

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That substack of 1000 followers reminds me of when TDS libs post an old photo of trump and the porn star or trump and Epstein as if it is proof that Trump did the dirty with those people...

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Never trust the former network of lying Dan Rather!

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RFK is also a big government liberal. We don't need another Kennedy in office.

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I have seen him speak in person twice about abortion. He believes "every abortion is a tragedy" and that the govt should not be involved in bodily and medical decisions, period. Which is the way it should be. That's what allows allow of us to maintain our bodily autonomy against vaccine mandates etc. He wants the govt to help reduce the number of abortions by removing the financial concerns that are involved in choosing more than 50% of the abortions that occur. He thinks the govt should support mothers and families choose life when financial issues are the concern.

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You could be right but he's the best choice we have.

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Bullpucky. RFK, Jr is a "'Christian' (nothing-but-a-counterfeit-'Christian') Zionist". (In fact, all three main candidates are Zionists.) So, you gonna vote for a Zionist who supports the genocide that "Israehell-on-Earth" is perpetuating and perpetrating in "Israehell" and Palestine for going on a year? That's really voting for the so-called "lesser" evil, that's for sure. Come out of the group think that you have to vote or you're "not a good citizen", and get red-pilled that none of us should vote for ANY evil, "lesser" or greater, whatsoever. True good citizens stand up ONLY for what's right and true, and stand against all that is false and wrong, period. We are complicit in whatever evils those we vote for commit while in office. As for me, I don't vote for any evil, and/or anyone soldout to the world who is thus an enemy of God (James 4:4). Evil can ONLY be overcome with good. Evil CANNOT be overcome with more evil of any amount.

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If all candidates are equally Zionist than who do you vote for? May I ask? At least RFK, Jr. does not want to have war with Russia and China! Isn't that a positive thing to consider regarding your own survival? The group of people that selected Biden are the ones who own the financial/military/pharma drug industry, and keep the entire world under threat - economical, military and now biosecurity. These people are the true terrorists who use the long arm of the US government overtly and covertly especially using the massively founded super terrorist, the CIA. The US has been highjacked by these globalist power player criminals for decades.

Those people are our (the people's) greatest threat for our physical survival in the US and in the World! Trump is also under their thumb, btw. It is clear with his "mistakes" by promoting the "wrong" people during and after his presidency. The final indication that he's controlled by the deep stater globalists - neocons and neoliberals representatives in the uniparty - was when he supported the last 60 billion installment to "Ukraine's" war efforts to "defend" its "democracy".

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He has soften his stance on Israel. First it was "those Palestinians have a good life" then it was "Palestine is good, Hamas is bad" and the latest is "we need a two state solution". All Biden and Trump can say is kill all the Palestinians and get this over with. And Trump and his son-in-law can not wait to get their hands on the coastal area of Palestine.

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As Plato said, and I am paraphrasing, "The problem with not getting involved in politics is that you will end up being ruled by your inferiors."

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Right on Wolf. Note to self: get t-shirts printed,

"Stop voting. It's killing you!"

Best of luck. ~~ j ~~

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Climate-crazy people blame everything on climate change.

We should not make the same mistake blaming cognitive mess only on vax. The prime example is this wolf. I guess he is not vaccinated, but crazy, nevertheless.

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So, I'm supposedly "crazy", huh? Why? Because I supposedly believe in the climate change enslavement scam? Or because I believe in Christianity, and defend it? Well, I don't believe in the climate change scam AT ALL. And you should go re-read the First Amendment, recognize that religious speech and liberty are just as "protected" as all other speech and liberty, stop being a bigot, stop unrighteously judging and condemning people just because they're into Christianity, stop throwing the baby Jesus out with the bathwater, respect peoples' rights, and freedom of belief and choice, and stop calling people "crazy" just because they're "Christianity-religious". It is (ALL of) the anti-True-Christian(ity) people, and the apostate and counterfeit "Christians", who are the crazy ones. They are part of a mass-insanity, and their rejection of God, their Maker, is making them go more and more insane, and become more and more self-centered, as they are increasingly taken over by evil. There is neither rest for the wicked and narcissistic, nor mercy for those who refuse to stop turning their back(s) on the Messiah, Jesus.

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

You, and all those like you, will end up demon possessed if you keep rejecting God the Father through Jesus the Messiah and Creator of the entire universe; unless you already are demon possessed. Besides, with even the unvaxed being "vaccinated" through shedding and the vax "witches brew" being in the environment, etc., I believe everyone is going at least a little bit crazy from what the nanotech is doing inside us, including in our brains. With all that we're all being poisoned with, how could it be otherwise? It is ONLY by the grace of God that any of us "vaxed" people keep any semblance of sanity, particularly in a world going more and more insane by the second, on an express train to absolute-hell on Earth. Turn to Him or you're screwed. Truly, fully and completely repent of ALL of your sins, including your self-righteousness and condemnation of others, and thus going against God's will, or you will be damned and completely destroyed for all of it relatively soon, no doubt about it whatsoever. "...Choose, today, who you will serve..."! [Joshua 24:15.]

"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]


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From Wolf-Steppen blog: "I don't believe it's any one person. It is the Ashkenazi(m) globalists. They are literally, and successfully, taking over the world, if they haven't already completely done so. They control the U.S. government where it counts, as well as the Western governments; they control global(ist) government (the U.N. system); they control "Israehell-on-Earth"; and they control Big Pharma; et al. "Odrona" may be the Ashkenazim front man who is ostensibly running things behind the scenes, but he's not ultimately in charge."

As Ashkenazi Khazar, where should I apply to get my share of global wealth?

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I don't think so. RFK Jr. had many members of his family come out against him and his campaign and not long after that he started reversing his positions. Just another liberal Dimcrat/RINO uniparty wannabe. Trump has character flaws but resisting the deep state war hawks, the pedo cabal in the deep state & mainstream media is not one of them. Caring about protecting all natural-born Americans is! There are enough people around Trump that know he was snookered by Fauci on the jab and I predict he will follow the REAL science, not the Big Pharma/Gates?Deep State fake science.

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Remember the sentence, "The buck stops here," from Harry Truman? Trump must accept responsibility for his appointment of Fauci and Birx. He was calling the jabs, "MY beautiful shots," even during his rallies until the crowds started booing him and then he did an about face on them. He was proud of the shots and will do the same thing again if given the chance.

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Doubtful but those are just our OPINIONS and GUESSES.

Fauci and Birx were deep state and already appointed. look it up please. 

Remember the great Winston Churchill who made a gross mistake as a young British leader mostly ruining his career but then became the lone free leader to stand against the Nazis prior to Pearl Harbor?

There are no perfect leaders who never make mistakes. But RFK is willing to allow the greater killing of unborn innocents so what else would he be willing to let slide. Here is what RFK really thinks of the conservative majority: https://slaynews.com/news/rfk-jr-red-state-people-murder-you-impregnate-teenage-daughter/

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Gary, Trump’s niece Mary Trump wrote the book: Too Much and Never Enough - how we created the world’s most dangerous man and later sued him for fraud.

The two members of Bobby’s enormous family who “spoke up” are legitimately on Biden’s payroll. Sorry - the “issues” you raised don’t DIRECTLY affect me or my family or friends. HEALTHCARE does. Trump gave us the shot PERIOD. Bobby is the only one who can fix this mess. One issue voter after the Covid fiasco here. Your mileage may vary.

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There's always one relative... but the rest?

Somehow we lived through 4 years of "the world's most dangerous man " in the White House - lol - next emotional argument?

Seems to be more than two members - practically the whole silverspoon clan and they don't mind endangering their children letting Pedo Pete kneel next to them:



"Trump gave us the shot PERIOD." Wrong PERIOD. Trump tried to give us HCQ. Big Pharma, Fauci, Gates gave us the shot PERIOD. See my earlier post which was liked by midwesterndoctor.

The links i posted reveal RFK has no integrity to a platform with major policy changes geared to try to garner more votes - Uniparty anyone?

HEALTHCARE affects everyone. Before the jab was ever mentioned, when Trump mentioned HCQ and the leftist Pravda media went ape-sh#t against it, I researched it on a non-leftist search engine and found the FLCCC who were recommending it and Ivermectin as part of their protocol. I took control of my HEALTHCARE from my PCP after he refused to prescribe Ivermectin. I took control of my HEALTHCARE by ignoring his advice to get the jab.

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Well, if he didn’t, why did he just take full credit only three months ago and brag about it?

“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!' YOU'RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!" he bragged in his Truth Social post on Thursday that has been liked more than 22,000 times.

He is so proud that he was able to skip that whole pesty “approval process.” This was three months ago!!

He bragged it was HIM - TRUMP pushed the vax - and you still can’t accept it.

Clearly, his handlers then said, “Hey Donnie, the vax was actually a major screwup. Don’t mention it again and they’ll forget all about it in a few weeks that it was YOU who gave it to them. Talk about some already born babies being aborted - that always gets them riled up and it will take their minds off this horrible vaccine blunder.”

I have two relatives who died from the VAX and at least a half dozen people close to me in my circle that are injured. I knew enough not to take it, but many I love did. And the only one speaking up against it (which means it won’t happen again if he’s president, because Trump was too weak - a big pharma lacky, to actually stop it) is RFK. And that makes me a one issue voter.

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Oh Isabel... Your TDS is showing.

Say hello to Hillary and BHO for me.

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Nice try, I understand when you’re presented with actual evidence of who is responsible for the clot-shot and the disastrous lockdowns it’s hard to accept. I have no idea what Hillary has to do with this (not a fan to say the least) but when all else fails, try, whataboutism, eh?

Trump had the chance. He blew it. Asking, “What about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine?” Is not enough! Yes, they both work. Yes, they were both effective and he knew it. And he did NOTHING about it! The Hand ringing after the fact shows how weak and ineffective he actually was, despite his bravado. He was bulldozed then, and he would be bulldozed again, be it bird flu or whatever the new agenda is put before him. It happened - accept it, and Open your eyes to a better man.

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I agree with your view 100%, and I don't understand why people around me aren't outraged and flood the streets to protest over what has been happening to us in the last four years? Why many cannot see that this is a critical issue not only in regards to our freedom, but also to the future of science and ultimately even to the survival of humanity. Having control over my bodily autonomy is the most important aspect of what it means being a free person. If I don't own my own body, having no rights to make a decision regarding what type of medical treatment the authorities can inject into me, it is a life equal to the darkest version of slavery, the likes of a biomedical totalitarianism that we have only seen in science fiction horror movies. The experience throughout the covid years reminded me of living through the movie of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It's a capital crime to force people to take unwanted medical treatments and forcing us to play Russian roulettes with our life. It's a murderous rape!

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Blaming Trump for the "Covid fiasco" would be like those who blamed Lincoln for the southern states' succession and the Civil War fiasco. Lincoln chose 3 commanding generals prior to finally getting it right by choosing Grant. Lincoln nearly lost the 2nd election to a candidate that was planning to negotiate peace with the Confederacy and therefore break-up Union and leave slavery intact in the Confederates States of America. Fortunately for the slaves, a majority of Americans had better common sense on who to blame for the Civil War...

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Trump OK-ed the last 60 billion "support" to Ukraine.

He's also controlled by the military/pharma drug industry.

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I have never heard or read about this claim. Please link your source.

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I don't have time to re-listen, but I'm pretty sure Alexander mentioned it in this episode. Also, there is a later conversation with a two other political analysis/professors

here https://rumble.com/v51q4n7-west-sleepingwalking-into-major-wars-alastair-crooke-alexander-mercouris-an.html

...where they talk about Trump's latest positioning in relation to the deep state.

Mike Johnson, promoted by Trump, should have lost his speaker position for allowing the last 60 billion installment to Ukraine and not even getting one of his demand that is border security, yet he is still in place and Trump is not talking about it. Don't you find this peculiar? I do.

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I agree Johnson is a turncoat RINO. The politics are sleasy because the house majority is razor thin and RINO's have control. They won't be putting Massie in charge...

Trump probably is staying quiet knowing that not much can be done for now - impossible to know if that is true or if trump is a deep state plant. But I cannot see that ANYONE would go through what trump has gone through since 2015 including lawfare and loss of hundreds of millions of his money and threats of jail and still be a deep stater. that would make no sense whatsoever because it wasn't like he was a McConnell or other RINO who has been a career politician getting rich off of lobbiests and insider trading like dear Nancy.

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Yes, I hear this argument from many of my MAGA friends; however, the deep state has been running a tremendous psychological operation/manipulation on the entire world for decades. Trump was not considered smart or a threat for a long time and by now to assassinate him would be too messy. He is also willing to "work" with the powerful and make a "deal". The problem is that you cannot trust these criminals would honor your deal. These criminals are needed to be dealt with force rather than "diplomacy".

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(Don't) keep dreaming.

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Not a very factual or convincing argument that you offered up there!

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Never. Climate fraud wacko. “Vaccine”wacko.

Trump should denounce the fake vaccine for sure but life was better under Trump.

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Let's see what the overt participation of BHO with campaigning for Joe is at now that the "secret" is out. I'm guessing he's a ghost, scheming for a controllable replacement.

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The 'secret' has been out for a long time yet most refuse to believe it. Biden died 2019. They all have doubles. John Fetterman is a prime example. The cognizant man who came out after his original breakdown was not him. Examining photos you see for yourself. We do have the technology and they are using it.

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You'd think if they were replacing Biden, they'd use a better (cognizant) one. Why put an even more senile person in as your replacement if the goal is to maintain power?

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I agree the Biden we see is a double or an actor in a mask. I wish that Midwestern Doctor would research and entertain this possibility.

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It's possible, I just have no way to know so I don't think it's appropriate for me to discuss it. my general rule is to avoid highly speculative things I can't back up

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in an interview with Tucker Carlson, the psychiatrist of biden's son already warned in 2012, that father Biden was having signs of dementia. But the insiders probably found him an easy to handle puppet. And certainly the jabs won't have helped.

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She shoukd be tried for elder abuse!

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Kennedy-Shanahan 24

Despite CNN's manipulative exclusion, our debate stream – The Real Debate – hit an astonishing 10 MILLION VIEWS. In less than 24 hours!

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That was brilliant….all 3 candidates views….any one who would consider anyone other than Kennedy after watching the Kennedy shanahan debate is either complicit in either the dems or the republicans corruption or not a critical thinker or perhaps not even a thinker at all.

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Amen, no one’s perfect, but I honestly believe that he is our best shot at saving this country.

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I believe he is one of the best shots to save the world.

I'm from Canada and an environmentalist and have been following

his career for over 25 years.

I believe their is a wave of humanitarians who are critical thinkers with the same courage as Kennedy emerging all over the world. (except it seems Canada)

I joked early in the pandemic wouldn't it be amazing if Kennedy ran for president and they could replace Fauci with Kory or someone similar.

"Great Spirits encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds" Albert Einstein....comes to mind every time I think of Bobby or these truth hero's.

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Elder Abuse hinges on a legal term called: “capacity.” You have heard the term: “incapacitated” for someone who is drunk or unconscious. Incapacitated means not having “capacity.”

A minor has no legal capacity. Minors can NOT enter into legal contracts. Seniors who lack capacity are not legally qualified or entitled to make legal decisions of any kind. Persons lacking capacity require a Guardian, usually a spouse or family member. Parents are inherently the Guardians of their children and make all legal decisions on their behalf. Seniors lacking capacity, who grant a formal Power of Attorney (POA), prior to their diminishment, can similarly have a Guardian. Upon presentation and inspection of the POA, the State will recognize the Guardian’s capacity to make decisions on behalf of the Senior who now lacks capacity, and will require assistance until their death.

As a younger person, when you pass a Drivers License examination, you are given a Driver’s License. You have demonstrated your capacity to operate a Motor Vehicle in alliance with the laws and expectations of the State.

Perhaps one day you need a medical diagnostic procedure, where you are given General Anesthesia. While unconscious, you will be incapacitated. While unconscious, you will lack capacity to make decisions.

Toward end of life, many Seniors lose some of their mental faculties. This makes them vulnerable to fraud and scam. Today, daily, Seniors throughout the world receive fraudulent solicitations. Perpetrators hope to prey on the Senior’s vulnerability, and to win the jackpot when they find find victims with Diminished Capacity who are more easily led into scams, some of which go on for years.

Properly functioning mental faculties and the concept of legal capacity go hand in hand.

Job ads to be a delivery person often included a requirement that the candidate be able to repetitively lift a heavy box of large size. There might have also been a corresponding in-person test. If you can’t load the truck and unload the packages as you deliver the packages, you have diminished capacity for the employer, relative to another candidate, who easily performs the box lifting test.

If any elected official, USA or elsewhere, is believed to have diminished mental faculties, the people are entitled to a properly functioning replacement, or to force cognitive tests, competently performed and reported upon, for the elected person in question.

I hope everyone can be as clear as possible where we have facts in the public’s favor, which we do, with the long legal history of capacity, and plenty of case law on elder abuse from the State of Florida. Because Florida has so many Seniors, Florida has always been a target destination for scamming vulnerable Seniors. Accordingly, Florida got out in front of Elder Abuse, re-wrote some of their Statutes, but most importantly, enforces their elder abuse law.

The staff in the District Attorney’s offices of the jurisdictions where a possibly incapacitated elected person works, or lives, have broad authority to investigate factual material they receive.

Conclusion: There are now many Americans who have personal knowledge of elder abuse involving financial or other crimes. Now as a nation with such an elderly cohort of elected representatives, the entire USA voter base needs to become as aware of capacity, and elder abuse, as they are in a Florida Sheriff’s office.

Let’s open a national conversation on elder abuse and capacity.

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Fear of loss of ________________ is an understandable factor for humans. We all have fears.

The lifelong challenge is to conquer fear with non-resistant faith. Many are simply unwilling to do this.

Personally, I can't imagine living life so fearful. That's what is blowing me away!

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My opinion, Jill is making Joe pay for his philandering and other crimes. She has zero love for him and it’s obvious.

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I could not believe that she would stand up & try to convince us that Biden is capable of running the country when he is clearly not capable of finding his own way around ❤️🥰please God help us🙏🏽

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I agree, not every natural health issue should be blamed on the shot. It just makes us look like fanatics. In summer of 2020 I was saying voters will really be choosing whoever he picks as VP due to his obvious mental decline.

The more serious cases are the early onset dementia, which normally is very rare.

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