I received this comment from a reader over email:

Subject: V is my all-time favorite movie as well

Body: AMD,

I love highlighting one of the last scenes in V.

When the fireworks start, and the crowd begins to take off their masks, specific individuals in the crowd are zoomed in on.

The viewer definitively saw that these were individuals that were killed or jailed earlier in the movie… yet there they are in the crowd, completely healthy, no bruises from being beaten, and very much alive.

To me, it tells the viewer that everything they just watched was first and foremost an allegory of archetypal or thematic essences that were only secondarily expressed via personified analogies.

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Either that, or it's meant to be a 'reveal' that indicates that they were collaborators whose deaths or imprisonments were faked.

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My favorite movie as well. I see the faces of the disappeared, jailed, and killed at the end of the movie as a clear message that in this situation, every subjugated and silenced citizen is a potential victim of such a regime and therefor the only way to negate that risk is to take the fight to the enemy. On a long enough timeline, we can all be individually vilified and vivisected by the vain victorious vermin.

Sadly, I feel our situation is even worse. We wouldn't even need to catch the eye of our wannabe dictator. Everyone of us right now could run afoul of a petty bureaucrat and have our life destroyed completely. Half the people in prison really are innocent and the feds just make up new ways to twist the criminal code against anyone they wish. They have their much lauded 98% conviction rate because if you don't take the plea deal they offer, you risk everything on a stacked and impossible trial.

Mandatory minimum sentences and the accounting trick of looking at any single event as a nearly infinite number of crimes means that your first arrest for something you may not have even known was frowned upon, let alone illegal, could total hundreds of years in prison if convicted.

I speak from experience. In 2012 I faced 207 years for a temporary relocation of funds totalling $5,038. That was 39 dollars into their jurisdiction and carried an automatic 207 years without a chance of parole. The offered plea deal was guilty to one count of computer fraud and if I'd bothered to sober up as they insisted during pre-sentencing, would have been 18 months on probation. Kinda extreme variance in the definition of justice served.

And please don't get me wrong. I was guilty of a crime. I hit a person I'd worked for who owed me close to $20k for services rendered, for $5k to pay a friend's rent and title loan, but the majority of people I met while in the system, weren't guilty of anything more than being at the wrong place at the wrong time or at some point in their life, crossing someone with a law enforcement connection.

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Thank you for a wonderful post! I thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on how each of those video clips entwined. You are right, the world is changing, people are more engaged, far, far more suspicious of govt than anytime in my life other than at the time of the Vietnam war protests.

I would only add that to believe the virus originated at the Wuhan lab is not accurate. We are the source of this nightmare, not China. Please allow Dr. Martin in his speech at the EU to explain (link below).

Covid, synonymous with the covid vax, is a US DoD bioweapon, our govt had it in development and planned production since the late 1960's. I believe his is one of the most important presentations of our lifetime


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Yes, I always hope Dr Martin's clip gains traction and goes viral too.

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Pray tell, are you saying the virus narrative was/is only a narrative?

That's my position, and I'll gladly and kindly defend it.

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No need :)

We are on the same page. But I think the "virus narrative" (meaning it was just a narrative) tends to ignore that there are two distinct possibilities; both of which I feel were in play.

One possibility, is that a "real" covid bioweapon was initially released with significant effect. And Two, a very short time later every worldwide sniffle, cough, flu, allergy symptom was diagnosed as covid using the thoroughly discredited "test" supported by a massive govts' messaging campaigns. All voices raised against such policies worldwide with few exceptions were crushed by state and fed alike.

Supporting One is the fact that clearly an initial "covid something" was released in key locations worldwide. Specifically: 1. There was "something" released at the International War Games in Wuhan event, not sure by whom, or what it was. 2. Earlier "something" was released (unintentionally?) around Chapel Hill. 3. There was also "something" released in Wuhan, which the Chinese govt seized on as both a health risk and as an opportunity to purge those they viewed as dissidents. and 3. "Something" was released in Iran resulting in the quick deaths of several members of senior Iranian leadership (first link). And "something" was released in Africa (second link).



Supporting Two 1. Is the fact that no "covid virus" has actually been identified to anyone of any standing's satisfaction. 2. There is clear evidence the covid "test" was worthless, notably the inventor himself saying so before he died. 3. Clear evidence of govt mandated horrific policies including clearly counterproductive measures such as; masks, isolation, distancing, respirators, Remdesivir. All pointing to a scripted, and engineered response, not a fact based one.

What occurred was IMO a DoD engineered take down of world economies including that of the US. ALL regulations that came out of this were designed to accomplish control of the US election, to force injections on the entire world, to subject world govt's to WHO regulations, along with numerous other very dark objectives.

But again, Dr. Martin sums the covid event up far better than I ever could in his address at the EU. https://rumble.com/v2ncp8w-dr-david-e.-martin-phd-covid-summit-european-union-parliament-may-2023.html

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I confess I only got halfway through this article before I had to stop, so what I share might not be pertinent, but for my family, there is no end to covid 19. My oldest son and his wife are expecting their first child (my first grandchild) in February. They are fully vaxxed (both covid and flu), and wear masks everywhere (they don’t really go anywhere except work). They have not been sick at all the past 4 years, so of course they believe they are doing the right things. They are unwilling to get together with family unless we all (who are not fully vaxxed or vaxxed at all) test and wear masks. I have no idea what the protocol will be once the baby comes. They are convinced the (CDC?) guidelines are accurate, safe, and to be followed. They don’t push their views on us and are otherwise loving and thoughtful, but I don’t know how to get through without alienating myself from them and this precious baby-to-arrive, so I don’t poke the bear. I pray continually for their health and for the truth to be made known, but so far, they are sold on the covid narrative. And last week my second oldest son was diagnosed with a blood clot. Was it the covid he got last year? Was it the vaccine booster he got well over a year ago? No one can tell us. It just breaks my heart what this entire covid debacle has done to my family.

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Oh my!!! My heart broke while reading your comments. So many of us are in the same situation. There is absolutely nothing we can do. 2 of my 3 kids have been vaxed & boosted.

How can our own flesh & blood disregard our recommendations. We love them more than anyone could.

I tried talking with one of my sons. He honestly thought we were crazy.

I’ve been driven to my knees. This has taught me trust God. Prayer has helped strengthen my faith. Maybe this is what it’s all about.

As long as my kids & their kids meet me in heaven nothing else matters.

I pray your son is ok.

God help the human race.

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Marilyn, your reply brought tears to my eyes. I ask myself the same questions. I am trusting that while the wind and waves swirl around me, Jesus is in the boat and in control. But while I wait for the storm to calm, I have times where my heart aches and I wish I knew what I’m supposed to do. Today has been one of those days. Thank you for your kindness and empathy in the midst of the chaos.

My prayers extend to you and yours as well. 🙏🏼

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My prayer life has been focused on 'deliver us from evil, protect us from tragedy and open our eyes'.

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Sad. I have this within my own family. One nephew remains hysterically attached to the narrative... Teen age sons and parents all boosted to the max. Nothing that can be done to change their path. They have made their choices and will have to live with the consequences.

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As we will be living and dealing with the consequences of their actions. There is no real respite or peace even if we are unvaxxed. Christ is my only peace giver. Without him I shudder to think where or how I would be living.

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I weep with you and pray that eyes be opened.

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I'm so sorry. There really are no words to adequately describe what has been done to you, and to all of us. If I didn't have faith in Christ, I would not have made it this far.

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Thank you this is an illuminating article. I appreciate and share your goal of busting up the mass formation psychoses, and indeed, spreading the awareness of all such collective mind manipulations, so as to render humanity immune from them.

The fact that you have gone viral cheers me immensely!

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Great piece. We will be watching V tonight. I am not as optimistic as you. Covid and its attendant lockdowns and other infringements on basic rights drove home for me what I have known for many years.

With all due reverence to the brilliant Albert Einstein who famously quipped that the greatest force on earth is compound interest, I must disagree. No, the greatest force on earth is peer pressure. We all think of peer pressure as something that ends in High School and it is something for teenagers looking for group approval do.

Nope. Peer pressure is with us our entire lives. It is why people were willing to go along with idiotic, irrational policies that they KNEW were stupid and useless. Here is one the best examples from the Covid era. I would go into a store or market or some other public place and everyone, except me, would be wearing a mask. However, after the first month or two, about 75% of those wearing the masks were wearing them below their nose or worse, as a chin strap. THAT, is proof that people weren't doing it for safety, they were doing it to not stick out.

I can't tell you how many stores I was thrown out of for not wearing a mask. And the reaction was always the same. Not fear or concern. It was RAGE!!! Folks simply couldn't abide that someone would have the temerity to think and act for himself. They were ashamed and I brought that shame to the fore.

The reason I am pessimistic about the future in the West and in the US in particular, is that we are no longer a moral and religious people. And we are not an educated, rational people. Those are qualities that our founders, specifically Adams and Jefferson respectfully, said were necessary for the success of our system of government.

We have become a stupid, immoral polity and those kind of folks are easily led by demagogues. Try this experiment. Go to the mall and ask random people if "Climate Change" is human caused. My guess is 98% would answer in the affirmative. The same would be true were you to poll the attendees of any gathering of Republicans. The brain washing and propaganda is total and complete.


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I totally agree except for the religious requirement. With all due respect, it is possible to be moral without being religious.

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Ok. Then what do you base your "morality" on? If there is no higher power setting the rules, so to speak, it is every man for himself. We all get to decide what is moral.

When the Light Bringer (Barry O) was asked what sin was, his reply was whenever I don't live up to my own values. That, right there, is a recipe for total moral relativism.

Example. What Hamas just did to those Jews and others was morally right according to their value system and the edicts in the Koran. In fact, we have video of many of the vile, evil terrorists calling home to brag that they had just killed or raped a Jew or Jews. Yet, most in the West find what they did beyond repugnant. Who is right?

Finally, need I remind you that most, if not all, of the West's (and certainly the US) laws are based on the 10 Commandments and to a much lesser extent, on Hammurabi's Code.

So, I ask again, who decides what is moral? What is right and what is wrong.

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That's the old argument that without a deity threatening eternal damnation, you're not going to behave. Nevertheless, we have a cultural understanding of what is moral and what isn't. Yes, this has a historical basis from the 10 Commandments earlier codes, as you point out.

I can be an atheist and act in a moral fashion. A lot of religious people have their religious morals, but behave in an immoral fashion. Despite having an actual book of instructions!

As for Hamas having their own morals, if what you say is accurate, I agree, that's repugnant according to *our* cultural lights; the world is a messy place, and that's one example of it. Rather than get mired in philosophical discussions, I just try to be a good person. Religious or not religious, a certain number of people are just going to be assholes to each other.

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I appreciate your civil tone, but I must point out that you didn't answer any of my arguments. You also set up a straw man and then knocked him down. That isn't nice. I didn't say a thing about "eternal damnation". I simply pointed the obvious. That without an objective truth we have nothing more to appeal to morality than what is in our own hearts. And looking around, (as well as heeding the teaching of the bible) the human heart, or feelings if you will, is the dead LAST thing I want deciding what is right or wrong.

Further, the fact that you don't acknowledge the origins of the principles of Judeo-Christian ethics that gave us all the great civilization we now enjoy, doesn't mean that you yourself are not living according to those same values. You are simply, I think if I hear you right, are just a good person who strives to do the right thing. But how do you know what is right? Go look up the Stanford Prison Experiment and then get back to me with your belief that most of us are basically good.

Finally, it is quite easy and naïve for those of us who have lived our lives in the US to think that this is the default setting for humanity. Well, it is not. Most of human history has been a life that is nasty, brutish and short, where the young, strong men ruled the women and the weak and the old.

I believe we are about to see a return to that way of life in the near future if some sort of miracle is not had. Thanks for the back and forth.

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Brother, don't use religion as a standard bearer of morality. Take a gander at the crusades, or modern day fundamentalism(of many religions). Pointing a finger at Hamas while ignoring the current (possible) genocide of thousands of civilians who are not part of that organization but being driven from their homes & starved in the name of a different particular religious bent indicates that no religion is even close to being ethical or moral. I am NOT religious and I find all religions to be amoral. YOU know what is right or wrong. It is within you.

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'Further, the fact that you don't acknowledge the origins of the principles of Judeo-Christian ethics'

But I did. I agreed with you that our cultural understanding of what is moral has its basis in the 10 Commandments, Hammurabi, and other earlier codes.

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Well said.

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I am a very ordinary 71 year old grandmother who serves an extraordinary God. My husband and I realized something was "off" when we were told that Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. We made the decision to wait a bit on taking the "vaccine." Meanwhile, we began finding the doctors and scientists with integrity, and we made the decision not to receive the shots. Substack writers such as yourself have been vital to me remaining sane. My Christian community should be the place I could find support and encouragement, but sadly, the few who realized what was happening were afraid to speak up publicly and discouraged people like myself from doing so. Just a few days ago I was told by the leader of a women's prayer group that I attended, that I should stop talking about the harms the vaccines are doing (and the larger issues) because I am making other women uncomfortable. Personally, I think it is appropriate to be uncomfortable with genocide/democide, but I will comply with the request and will attend only sporadically, if at all, in the future.

Meanwhile, as most keep their blinders on, we have a vaccinated pastor who got so sick he had to reduce his hours to part-time. One of our missionaries was so badly injured by a booster that she was never able to return to Central America, and the family is now living in the US. One of our Bible teachers asked his class to pray for her, but assured them such reactions are rare, and urged them to get boosted. I offered Dr. Peter McCullough's book to him, but he declined, saying it was divisive and he did not want to get involved. I've heard of so many sudden deaths, heart problems, cancers, asthma, etc. I've alienated family by sharing truth on Facebook, I got kicked off Nextdoor (although I could return if I would grovel and promise to be a good girl).

I suppose I am blathering on about this to let Midwestern Doctor and this community know how much you all mean to me. It's hard to act as though everything is fine. My faith assures me that, ultimately, it will be, but in the meantime, my faith requires that I speak out against evil and injustice and live not by lies. Thank you to this community that is so encouraging to me. Let's continue to do this work by whatever means we can.

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Anne, your story is similar to mine. I couldn’t understand why HCQ was panned and wanted to take a “wait and see” approach towards the vaccines. These online communities have been a lifeline. In addition to what I wrote earlier about my family, 6 months ago I was asked to leave my small group of Christian friends; we had been meeting regularly for 21 years. I was already so uncomfortable attending, so the space has been an odd blessing. But it’s another wound caused by covid policies. (I realize it’s also a result of where I live. WA state is still very captured.) I lost my job because I wouldn’t get vaxxed, but they see that as my choice and not something foundationally wrong with policy. In the past 6 months not one has contacted me. They don’t know about the new grandbaby or my son’s blood clot, or a host of other joys and concerns we used to share with one another. It just didn’t have to be this way, but somehow, they believe it’s my fault.

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I'm so sorry. It's not just covid/vaccines with me. I taught tenth grade girls for one year (at church). Believe me, they know about the gender issues, but I was censored on that issue also. It's not at all that I was getting deep into it, just warning the girls and telling them this is not scriptural. I told them that there are people who want to put a wedge between them and their parents and urged them to go to their parents if they saw this happening. A girl in the class told me I shouldn't talk about that, to stick to the Bible. I prayed about it and thought about it during the coming week and addressed it the following Sunday by simply saying that I considered what I said to be application of Bible truth. Her mother was the other teacher of the class and she talked to me privately and asked me not to talk about these things. It's not like this was my every Sunday topic, it was marginal on just a few Sundays. Previously, another girl had asked for prayer because of the pressure they face from the gender ideologues. I don't think the teacher knew much about the indoctrination and the mutilation, and that's what bothers me. Parents need to know what is going on. I was considering talking to the Next Gen pastor about having a seminar or class for the parents, but never did.

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I am sorry your Christian family failed you when they were most needed. We were blessed to live in an area and have a church family that saw through the madness and we were spared the drama and trauma most churches suffered from. I think it’s very telling the woman asked you to quit discussing such things because it was making other women uncomfortable. Perhaps an argument could have been made that a prayer group wasn’t the time or place for such discussions if they weren’t centered around specific prayers or points of prayer. But to say that such conversations made others uncomfortable seems to suggest a deeper problem. Since when has Christianity been about comfort? What part of take up your cross and follow me suggests comfort? The letters from Paul to the churches are uncomfortable now, they were extremely uncomfortable for the churches who received them. Perhaps if German Christians in the thirties and forties had more uncomfortable conversations world history would have turned out differently. All that to say that you are not alone and that I hope you are able to continue to expose the truth to your church family even if in a different way or setting

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You make a very good point about the proper time and place. The group prays for requests submitted to the church from the various classes or online. It was so hard for me to read the constant litany of health problems, some or many of which I feel are due to the vaccine, and not say anything. One lady's relative had cancer of the heart! I had just read Dr. William Makis' substack about that extremely rare (before vaccines) cancer. To your point about Germany, Eric Metaxas has written a very good book entitled, Letter to the American Church. This quote expresses how I feel: "They are in their churches singing more and more loudly to drown out the cries of those in the boxcars heading to their gruesome deaths. Sing with us, they say, and don't worry about all of those other issues out there. They don't concern us. Our job is to focus on God, and to pretend that we can do so without fighting for those He loves, whose lives and futures are being destroyed."

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Nextdoor is deadful. I was attacked when this person was complaining about Trump calling covid the China virus and I said nearly all viruses like this were named after their geographical origin such as Ebola. I refused to be a good girl. These are not people I want to associate with. Far too many Christians think they have to "be nice" or obey government, and we should, but we are also called to use discretion. You may be sad you have lost some community but IMO you are better off. It is a lonely path at times. All we can do sometimes is pray for them, but if they are stiffnecked, the problem is actually theirs.

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Nextdoor is dreadful unless you want to write about dogs, or vent about some pointless thing that no one can do anything about, such as someone who treated you rudely and does not understand what a privileged person you are.

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"V for Vendetta" truly is a masterpiece. Two things continue to surprise me about the movie. One, that it was allowed to be made in the first place. Perhaps it was made before the Censorship Industrial Complex was a thing. Two, that it still is allowed to be shown, anywhere. How much longer before it is cancelled , permanently?

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So much of what happens was previously put out there in some form of media- film, tv show, etc. It’s as though the globalists / Hollywood announced what they will do. Just look at the Simpsons.

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Probably so, but for the life of me I can't look at the Simpsons. /s

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Keep in mind the V screenplay was by the Wachowski brothers (now sisters). Their entire ouevre since Bound (foreshadowing their transitioning) has been focused on very spiritual/technological/conspiracy material. Matrix, Jupiter Ascending, Sense8. Both are very heavy gamers. I tend to now see them as part of the Manufacturing Consent factory. Jupiter Ascending in particular focuses very much on the New Age Service to Self (STS) versus Service to Others (STO) paradigm.

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They allow it, imo, because it fictionalizes the facts and gives them a chance to discredit people who speak truth to power later as "you watch too many movies" or "that's just from that one movie, this is reality". To some, movies are fiction therefore if its in a movie it can't happen in real life (unless it explicitly states it was based on a true story).

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Nov 6, 2023
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Joe bloe. Please elaborate.

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To what end, if you know?

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My clients (mostly) are blissfully unaware of what is happening in the world. They are typically more concerned with their stepchild not doing chores! It struck me the other day that there are mini wars going on in families that parallel the wars in the world. I will watch this movie and return to the article to re read! I have to admit that this surfer girl sometimes just wants to watch the Endless Summer and sequel, grab my board and disappear! Thanks again Doc for all your thoughts!

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I remember watching Endless Summer years ago. It was so good! Thanks for reminding me of it.

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Give the man his due:

Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe. . . . Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar. . . . As long as this gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind. . . .

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate.

Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

—Ronald Reagan, address at the Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987

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Doc: I have watched the movie V for Vendetta perhaps 18 times over recent years. When I started to notice the strong parallels with current events, I too wanted to understand who held the inspirational vision, and as you wrote, the graphic novel's plot and execution were quite different from the film. The movie takes another angle, like a sailboat tacking perfectly into the wind. My more intuitive conception is that the screenwriters tapped into something powerful, whether it was "in the air" who knows, but I am struck by the long years of advance plotting and preparation necessary to spring these "reset" tactics on the world populace over the last 20/50/100 years. Think Rockefeller and Flexner, IG Farben, etc., persistent forces operating largely out of sight. Many people must have secretly run those energies and nurtured the thought patterns involved in birthing so many clandestine plot threads. Did the screenwriters somehow tap into that vein of dubious consciousness as they recast the graphic novel?

For me, the most potent element of the movie is the way V works with symbols to inspire the largely peaceful shift in the consciousness of London, leading to the masked and caped crowd at the end. And having them take off their masks, and reveal characters who were both alive and dead at that juncture in the plot, pushed it to another level, visually reinforcing a key point, that freedom is a state of consciousness that lives on even after individuals in the movement die. A powerful freedom meme is V.

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It's worth noting that in the USA, "disease management" pumps about $4 trillion/yr into the economy.

"Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep their Ponzi racketeering going. Pandemics are mammoth business opportunities for the Pharma Cartel and the financiers that control the details and direction of policy.

SARS-COV-2 is an in silico “virus” entirely created on a computer. SARS-COV-2 was/is a hoax. It never existed.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible.

The “Covid Pandemic” replaced the phony “War on Terror” and another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphed into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION. Normal seasonal respiratory illnesses were all put under an umbrella with a scary code name and a massive marketing budget.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- Blackrock formulated this policy in 2019 (see beow)- "Covid-19" was the circuit breaker to put the plan in motion.

Covid-19, The Operation is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy and consolidate their control.

There is no such thing as “Covid-19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

IMF Chief K Georgieva- "Vaccine policy is economic policy."

The primary objective to the "Covid-19" epidemiological scamdemic portion of the Operation is to normalize a new Pharma market of mRNA gene modifications because the multiple patents of "blockbuster" medicines (patent cliff) are expiring and Pharma ROI has been nosediving for two decades for multiple reasons.

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow to be much bigger than Covid. The plan is to use similar mechanisms against any imagined viral pathogen in existence, get the tech to market and start going down the list with their readily "downloadable" mRNA platforms for these new "diseases" that they perpetually invent.

Suggesting many of Pharma's problems could be sidestepped BARDA's Rick Bright said the following at the Oct 2019 Milken "Furture of Health Summit", “ [If]there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”

But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that to a number of regional centers if not local."

Another significant aspect of the Covid Operation is to sanction and legalize regulatory mechanisms which will allow Pharma to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials with this new "Pharma business model" through this "new" delivery system.

The plan is to implement a subscription model for endless mRNA injections and turn us into human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

"There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines." - Melissa J. Moore, Ph.D. Chief Scientific Officer, Moderna

BlackRock Investment Institute- MACRO AND MARKET PERSPECTIVES/AUGUST 2019


The Going Direct Reset


BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan


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They have another far darker agenda than financial profit; mass murder.

For it is not merely a novel medical product, it is a bioweapon, plain and simple. Millions, if not billions will die. A world extinction level event is their business model.


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Absolutely EXCELLENT article!!!

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Another thought-provoking article. Enjoyed listening again to Tucker’s monologue about our wannabe dictator. He hit so many aspects of Biden’s horrible presidency that it could be used as a tool in the impeachment process.

The V movie hits on many levels of a wretched government. The clip of Gadaffi at UN is something I definitely don’t remember, but wow did that come around to covid, vaccines, mysterious labs in Ukraine, Fauci’s GoF, and his timely death soon afterward.

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All forms of government fail. They all become tyrannical, especially when they feel threatened or lose their influence, particularly the latter; they become unpredictable and like trapped animals. We are in that period in many parts of the world.

If any here follow Martin Armstrong's ECM model, you are pretty familiar with the date 2032 the model has chosen when the US will reach its peak and then fail. This date signifies the end of Republicism, a form of government that has proven to be the worst. Many will disagree with that last statement, but it's valid, the representatives of republics always become corrupted. That's the main problem, along with many other issues that plague republicism. We don't have any democracy at all; when was the last time you got to vote on whether we should go to war or not? Never, however, the representative did, and they usually are sponsored by a weapons manufacturer. That's just one example of the current corrupt government we are living in. We lost most of our Constitution many decades ago, and finally, citizens are acknowledging this fact, but it's too late; we are in the last days of the US as we know it. The division is far too broad to be called United any longer. The good news is that maybe we can develop a better system in the aftermath of 2032.

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Not without fighting for it. But people rather sit and wait...

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Thank you for an outstanding and thought provoking article. I'll certainly be reading through it again and sharing with others. "V for Vendetta" had been added to my must see movie list which is in truth selective and short). You have made a profound difference in my own life and those that I've shared your work with. Thank you even more for that!

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Please also consider Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

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Thanks. I will. As a bit of an aside, I first read 1984 about ten years ago. I thought that I was catching up on something I should have read when I was in HS in the 70s. What I initially thought was literature became more apparent as a "playbook" being used by "someone" in my daily experience. I'm learning much from the underlying wisdom in literature and the arts than I had ignored in the "busy days" of the past.

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Two years ago Russell Brand talked about this movie and made an interesting observation. In movies and other media we adore an underdog, someone who is countercurrent and bucking the system, fighting an evil government or an evil corporation. Yet in real life for the most part, we don't seem to recognize that a rebel might be a Good Guy or our government might be the Bad Guy.


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The more I hear and see of the former Marxist Brand, the more I appreciate him. Brilliant observation.

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