At the start of covid, I thought my husband was crazy for thinking that the government was complicit in the harm of its citizens. Since then, it's just been one long, escalating red-pill journey for me. But this past week's horrific events push me into a brand new place; I am dumbfounded to know that help to those suffering is being ACTIVELY BLOCKED. It breaks my heart, boils my blood, and yes, strengthens my resolve to keep telling the truth to anyone who will listen.

Thank you, MWD.

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Yes, now let's point out this treachery to the people who still believe whatever the news tells them to believe.

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Like my friend, who takes every innoculation they make, including the extra strong ones because she is retired, they are slowly dying out. It grieves me, but that is the fact.

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Understood. My whole family got their jabs. Yet, they had the free-will

choice and made it.

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Thank you MWD!!!

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The more we awaken, the higher we rise.

Thank you MWD!

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Thank you MWD! Holistically Hacking, how moral of you!

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Mary do you know a brand of DSMO to purchase?

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AMD’s second article in the DMSO series included three product recommendations.

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Is that behind a paywall?

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I don’t think so. But it will take several hours to read both DMSO articles.


But if you just want to know the recommendation, the one I remember (because I bought it) was the 99.995% pure product from The DMSO Store on Amazon.


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Or if you prefer not to support Amazon, go direct to the DMSO store.

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I use that one! 😊

Did you check with that company to ask if they sell to Amazon?

I recently had a rude reminder that many, if not most, of the quality supplement companies do not sell to Amazon. 😣

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24 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Many companies don't sell on Amazon for good reason. I looked to sell a book I made and would have been lucky to get a little less than 2 cents on what should be a $25 book--and that was before the stocking fees. They either get enough when there are massive purchases, unlikely with DMSO, or post there for advertising. You notice if you purchase many products are then sent by the actual company to avoid Amazon's brutal charges and are just using it for advertising and reviews. Amazon is a great place to check products out on the reviews, but then go to the actual company listed to give them a fair price.

(EDIT: Amazon charges for the order referral and tracking, etc, just to be clear.]

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I think so.

Most of it was available, but the end was behind a paywall. I understand why, but I am still crawling out of the big pharma hole and I pay for it all out of pocket since I got off the allopathic/medicare pays model train! I am healthier than I have ever been & as I get healthier and I can afford anything outside of this I would highly recommend we all pay for the subscription!

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Sticking it behind a paywall is B.S.

DMSO can obtained in many forms at an Equestrian supply store or live stock supplier or vet supplies, many health food stores carry it too.


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I picked the one MWD recommended that is sold on Amazon.

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Your sentiments are not in vain and are well accompanied. Keep speaking up and pushing forward!

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And now Biden and Harris are telling Americans that they are responsible for funding aid and reconstruction for these devastated citizens and communities. All while funding Ukrainian pensions, healthcare and border protection…

IMO Hurricane Helene was, like Ian, Lahaina, and too many other ‘natural’ disasters, including forest fires in the US & Canada and worldwide, another geo-engineered event.

It is becoming more and more obvious that we no longer have weather, but rather, the befouling of ourselves and our planet for the reasons so well stated in this brilliant post.

Thank you, AMD.

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Isn't it great--we're funding Ukrainian pensions while being told that Social Security will run out or at least come up short of money in 9 years. Make it make sense.

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It is senseless all around. I keep telling myself I shouldn’t be surprised with this disaster any more than the last. I keep praying we continue to unite our abilities, skills and basic necessities to in the least help each other. It’s obvious that our governments have abandoned its people and are striking at will.

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Thank you, agreed. The important thing is to work together for common goals and help each other. United we stand. The Government sadly abandoned us many years ago. Take care.

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Absurd. We cannot take care of the world and the Ukraine is not being honest with its aid and distribution of such. so stop the flow of money there and take care of our country first.

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Ukraine is a major child trafficking and biolab area. Biden crime family were cashing in on these investments. Russia invaded Ukraine to free the children.

Biden/Harris are evil traitors in every way. They are not what they seem to be. Take care.

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14 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

I have never seen such a traitorous and evil presidential administration in this country as the one we have now .

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In order to Defeat the evil we must Name it. Thank you for your post.

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Sorry, I’ve never been able to make sense of either communism or its acolytes, except when viewed through the lens of the politics of envy.

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This disaster is an opportunity to point out that the government is not for the people, and that by implication the Harris/Walz machine is just more of the same incompetence and warmongering and an educational system that cares more about gender than critical thinking.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Quite so.

Indeed, Western governments are at war against their citizens. Although one may demur on ‘incompetence’ in favour of intentional malevolence. The latter has been on full display since the advent of 0bama.

Eliminating the DoE and withdrawing public funding of our institutions of higher indoctrination is of paramount importance, and it is to be hoped that this will be effected over the next four years - if sanity prevails and the election does turn out to be too big to rig.

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I agree with the topic of geoengineering you bring up. For this particular storm, do you have anything concrete to point to that there was manipulation, or is it just to be assumed now?

If this was manipulated. Why now, right before to election? The ruling fed response only seems to hurt their chances in the upcoming election...

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Radar pings showed they steered the hurricane. Which they can do, the patents are readily found. Of interest-that particular part of the mountains is the highest amount of Lithium in the US, as well as Quartz. Lithium for EV batteries, quartz for AI storage. A contract was signed Sept 24 to mine the lithium. Just needed the people out of the way? Diabolical.

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Excellent information, thank you. WHO signed the contract?, just curious. Weather manipulation is real. Lahaina was DEW weapons used.

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Well the lithium mining in question is not in the area where the storm hit.

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It’s just so clear. The storm went rough mostly red areas of these states. Conservative voting communities. Destroy and displace those people so it’s nearly impossible for them to get out and vote in November. Study geoengineering. There are over 100 patents on record for it. It’s been going on for decades.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Linked below is a short video from GeoengineeringWatch.org mapping Helene’s guided path via Nexrad’s weather transmission towers. One of the three gov’t agencies running Nexrad is the DoD - not good considering the past five years. Other than GW’s post others are more speculative.

I agree the timing seems odd, but the existence of several other developing (man made?) storm systems heading for the Gulf of Mexico makes me wonder if Texas and all of Florida may be the next red states to be targeted in time to affect election turnout. But that’s just me speculating!

The reported lithium deposits in NC would appear to be less relevant re timing unless the Dims think they have their 2024 election cheat sewn up.


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Just maybe they want to use these storms to delay the Election.

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Thanks that's what I was looking for

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Weather disasters are created. Just as the Covid psy-op and covid jabs were.

Florida tropical storm AND hurricane in 2022 within a few weeks of each other,

deliberately created to destroy west florida, it did, I live here. All of these events are

aimed and planned. Insurance companies screwed florida residents who had

extensive home damage. Homeowners received checks for maybe 10% of damage

needing repair. Take care. https://www.bitchute.com/video/phncii3LCITF

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The Feds still think they're in control of the narrative. They show how they are taking care of these people devastated by the storm, but we can now see through alternate sources how they only make it worse.

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The "geoengineering" mythologies come from the same place as the FBI school shooters but not in the way you think. The federal government wants guns banned so they groom these shooters to kill and then immediately try to get legislation in place to do it.

All of this nonsense about geoengineering is designed to frame up the Internet as a place for disinformation and 'crazies' to the point where the government can take it over and destroy free speech. These are psyops. People amplifying "weather weapons" are either bots, feds or people who have been suckered into this ridiculous cult of belief.

NO, there is no technology capable of manipulating a storm. The amount of energy needed to do so is so astronomical that to even suggest it to a someone with the most basic scientific understanding is risking the listener death from laughing uncontrollably. One single hurricane releases more energy than the entire human population generates in a single year. One.

Stop looking at natural events as something the government can control. That's exactly what they want you to believe. We are so close to throwing virgins back into the volcanoes it isn't even funny. Sometimes it is mind-boggling how little our species has progressed in two thousand years.

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There IS technology to create and seed storms. It is a part of the same evil

agenda of Covid and the jabs, and, the spraying of the skies. If you choose

not to believe either, you must have gotten your jabs because they were "safe

and effective".

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I mean....the climate-changing experiments are right out there for everybody to read. You might not think they're CAPABLE of it, but they're certainly TRYING to change the weather.


Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere

A solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco could lead to brighter clouds that reflect sunlight. The risks are numerous

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It was a small experiment, to see what would happen. It's not anywhere close to redirecting a hurricane ... any more than a flea can steer an elephant.

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And this is only the first instance that popped into my head.

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That these technologies exist is a matter of public record. Cloud seeding was used in the Vietnam War 50 years ago.

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Apparently you are not aware of just HOW powerful Nicola Tesla's HAARP technology is. Research what you believe is "nonsense". Start with www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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Geoengineering is NOT nonsense. Weather can be manipulated. Watch this interesting video which also has clips about the "hurricane" and how it was

accelerated. Once again, it is very strange that you are open to SOME information yet doubt the rest. Perhaps you still believe in the "lone gunman", or the tooth fairy. Perhaps you believe in "bird flu", and that banana flu and cat flu will be next???.


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They don’t care about the election. They stole the last one they can steal this one.

Even if they don’t win the election, 99% of the federal government is unelected.

See what’s been happening in Europe. As right wing parties win elections they simply change the rules retroactively to deny them a seat at the table.

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This is a terrific video that also includes radar of the "hurricane" being stimulated.

This also happened during other "hurricanes" in the past several years. They steer

the storms, like they steered Covid, jabs, and "bird" flu. Evil evil stuff. Understand

that everything we have bee told is A LIE. They "create" events of all kinds to create

problems, fear, division, hatred.


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That's one reason Dr. Peck entitled his book, "People of the Lie".

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Over the past three years I have given up on donating to Red Cross and Cancer society. Red Cross has only a 50% share going to disaster relief, the rest being eaten up by administration costs. Cancer Society has had over 100 years to solve cancer and recently I have found more information from substack authors than I ever found from the alopathic medical groups (present company excepted).

I donated directly to Desantis relief charity for Ian and recently to Trumps Go Fund Me. I hope the money helps those in need.

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Oh and both Red Cross and Cancer societies supported the "Get Vaxed for Covid Crap". They lost me right there and then. Thank goodness my wife and her BFF figured out that the vax was crap in the spring of 21 and we avoided that disaster.

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The large charities are all corrupt. I never give them anything. Small local charities are usually best. If in doubt, write to the charity and ask how much senior staff are paid (including their fringe benefits). If no reply, you'll know they're corrupt and not worthy of your attention.

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Samaritan’s Purse—which is headquartered in Boone NC, hit hard by Helene flooding—is an outstanding and effective relief organization. Even though they are impacted they are still doing amazing work in NC, TN, and FL right now. Anyone looking for a reputable charity can find them online. They rely heavily on volunteers the donations can get directly to the people in need.

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Thank you! My heart breaks seeing all this devastation. Sending love and (soon) money from Canada.

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I hear you and totally agree. Cancer Society benefits from not finding a cure: If cancer is cured or totally preventable, they are out of business.

An organization that I used to donate to but now I find completely disgusting is ACLU. Their mission is to protect the civil liberties of Americans. So what did they do when Biden imposed the vaccine mandates, the most egregious violation of civil liberties in American history? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not a word, not a peep, complete silence. It's obvious that they are owned by Pharma and the "elites".

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Absolutely true. Be careful who you donate to. Especially any Federal agencies. The government has never been good or honest in their endeavors. Samaritan’s purse is a good organization. Red Cross is not and most disease research foundations put very little in research. Think Biden’s cancer cure. Can’t think of anyone I would trust less than that man. .

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CANCER IS A BUSINE$$. They have NO desire to 'find a cure". Imagine all of the

executives, oncologists, and chemo pharma companies who would lose their incomes.

They care nothing about human lives, its about MONEY. Many humans go bankrupt paying for their medical poisons, believing what the doctors tell them.

There are many remedies they have hidden, including B17 laetrile, natural herbs, essential oils, mind-body healing, forgiveness, etcetera. They have asassinated many scientists and doctors who came up with cures as well.

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The cure for cancer was found long ago but suppressed so Big Pharma could make its billions off the suffering of the people they 'claim' they help. The Red Cross has no integrity. Thank you for giving up on donating to them.

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Trump organizations often use a chunk of their money to fund Trump. I'd much rather find a reputable charity directly, rather than going through political party or candidate. I trust Lutheran Disaster Response. Lots of denominations do great disaster relief work.

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From Eastern NC here and I can tell you that no one waited for the Feds. We learned long ago, but certainly after Florence and then Dorian, that FEMA, SBA, and flood insurance (required by mortgage companies) were all a joke. The only people who got money in 2018 and 2019 were those who hired independent adjustors. Most got 10 cents on the dollar and a year+ after the fact.

So from the day of the storm, NC has mobilized itself. For better or worse, the expanse of the damage and the terrain mean the govt can’t stop the aid. People have hiked in, used mules and horses, every town has sent FD, Rescue, and Swift Water Rescue teams. Dozens of private helicopters are flying despite the government in most cases. Linemen, ambulances, and virtually every grading and asphalt company in the state has sent people. Local organizations like Samaritan’s Purse (based in Boone) had semi trucks with oxygen stationed where they could because so many have run out of oxygen (and meds). My very small town has sent dozens of trucks and trailers of food and supplies since Saturday - most of us have family up there and private aid has gotten to the people.

Biden approved FEMA for only 25 of the 38 counties requested - and Buncombe and Watauga were in there, the two most liberal and with two of the biggest (liberal) towns: Asheville and Boone. Harris said yesterday not to worry - everyone will get $750 from FEMA. They won’t get insurance, of course, since homeowners doesn’t cover flood and I doubt anyone up there has flood… which is a govt program and barely pays anything anyway. But they’ll get $750 so be happy, peasants.

Follow North Carolina’s Weather Authority on Facebook (or ncwx_authority on Instagram). He’s got it all including the small towns no one will show you. He’s a college kid who started his page in 7th grade and has been hands down the best on this storm and on many others. The photos will keep you up at night but people are sharing hand written lists of survivors, needs, etc and it’s been an invaluable resource.

As bad as Asheville is there are towns that are gone, towns that still haven’t been accessed, probably hundreds where they haven’t even begun to recover bodies as they try to find survivors.

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This is the most comprehensive report on the aftermath of Helene I have seen. Thank you MWD for taking the time and spending the extraordinary effort...I was also quite amazed at how far FEMA has gone in harming those they claim to protect. Thanks for warning us about FEMA. On the bright side Doc, I see you did add those comments to your article on DMSO, as you said you would...thank you also for that...you keep your word...I am grateful. Coincidentally, I have another report on DMSO you may take note of...my wife fell, two days ago... after forgetting about the two steps down from the kitchen into the living room...in the dark...and seriously injured her back. She could not walk. I took her to the Chiropractor, who could do nothing for her, it was so bad. I took her home, and got out the DMSO, CUT IT TO 75% with distilled water, and applied it with a cotton swab held in a plastic forceps. After 36 hours, and two treatments, she still was in severe pain, and I took her to the hospital, where they drugged her with Torodal, making her nauseous, and then injected anti-nausea meds, took x-rays and CAT scan while she vomited. The doctor reported there were no fractures found, there were some disc bulge showing. He wanted to admit her to hospital, and she refused...she is a Registered Nurse, retired, and would rather take her chances at home with me. She told me later, on the way home, that her back had "clicked" while they were moving her into the CT SCAN...so...the DMSO had done the job for her that it did for me, so many times. A fall, causing a vertebral subluxation, stuck out of place, impinging some nerve(s), due to intense inflammation from the injury and insult...has been rectified by a huge metric...she can walk...is now in bed resting with another (3rd) treatment of 75% DMSO, and will see the Chiropractor in the morning, who will now be able to fine tune the lower thoracic vertebrae back into their sweet spot. THIS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT DMSO. (Experience, over many years). This injury, treated with mainstream protocols would have stretched for out for six months or more...I was previously injured in a Fire Fighting accident, and suffered for three years, without DMSO. The revelation today, by the Emergency Room Physician, was telling...by my wife refusing to be hospitalized for weeks, awaiting an M.R.I. of the thoracic spine, an M.R.I. is now being not allowed...the doctor said..."you can't expect us to allow you to receive half of our treatment, and refuse the rest"...so...in other words, for spite, they refuse to perform the M.R.I. needed to identify the areas of disc protrusion. I see,... it all makes sense now....thousands of dollars for "treatment' that sickens my wife, subjects her to terrible protocols than extend the for her the misery over months, removes her from actual care, and possibly results in infection, addiction, death or amputation of something...it all puts money into the coffers of the hospital. DMSO has saved the taxpayer (me) thousands of dollars by avoiding harmful, unnecessary and wasteful medical procedures. I cannot express strongly enough how much I appreciate you Doc, (and DMSO). God bless you.

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My goodness! The lengths they have reached is incomprehensible!! I’m so glad you both know better now and have applied the better treatments instead of the bs they’re STILL pushing. May you both be well and continue to heal.

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Thank you Adriana...yes, while the hospitals and doctors regress into the dark ages, at my house improvements are happening daily, even by the hour...my wife has no pain now while laid out flat, and has enjoyed resting for a change...while I chain-sawed a monstrous stack of firewood, at my neighbour's place...they were struck by a tornado three weeks ago, and unable to do the restoration work; the fallen trees made it impossible to even enter their driveway. I've been there helping out for three weeks now...and doctoring my wife for the last three days...I think she will be fine after the tissue injuries heal up...good nutrition, DMSO, and prayer...Lord willing. Thank you for caring Adriana, God bless you.

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Not sure where your located David.....Look into finding a practitioner who uses prolozone https://www.advancedrejuvenation.us/ozone-prolozone/

Also one who does neural therapy https://rahavwellness.com/understanding-neural-therapy-the-benefits-how-it-works/

Hopefully it's the same person!

At very least ozone....https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10095297/

All the years of being an R.N. lifting and pulling Pt's, being on her feet, ect... takes a toll.

It's the occupational hazard that no one talks about.

Careful with Chiro's (speaking from experience) no offense to any out there.

DMSO is a wonderful, no doubt.

Side note..... Many years ago a NY governor passed a law that firemen, cops and EMT's could get compensation for back injuries. But he excluded R.N.'s from the benefit. Stating that R.N.'s don't do heavy lifting.....

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"I expect a major issue in the years to come will be the remaining buildings becoming uninhabitable due to water damage (creating mold)"...

I very clearly recall how 1 disaster company CLEARED the mold in NOLA houses after the levees failed. 100%. (I'm old but I REMEMBER important data.)

They wrapped the affected houses in plastic and pumped in chlorine dioxide gas.

Saved the buildings. (I saw the "before" the mitigation treatment & the AFTER photos.)


Hmmm... Chlorine Dioxide eh? Wonder who's been talking about that stuff? (For at least 15 years now. But ssshhh.)

Hint: examples to be found but you can make your own for every day use...


The "forgotten" aka the SUPPRESSED side of medicine.

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I was going to write about that later on and cite that story!

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I don't know anything about chemistry but the chemical plant that just blew up in Georgia was the chlorine manufacturer. Wonder if T.P.T.B. planned that so that the cost and expediency of the treatment you suggest would make it very difficult.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

I've used topical DMSO for prostate issues and aches and pains with success. Can't advise this, but ingesting it reduced my abdominal distension in the upper GI. It's a double-edged sword and can be irritating and relieving at the same time if too strong. It seems to be useful for painful cancerous tumors, and given its anticancer properties and IV use in cancer treatment, I believe topical DMSO is a good add-on cancer treatment. It can also be instilled into the bladder or urethra for interstitial cystitis or prostate issue, and there is in fact a method of doing this without a catheter. Prostate can also be targeted with rectal DMSO. DMSO and magnesium oil (magnesium chloride) make a killer combo topical. Hyaluronic acid powder can be used to add viscosity and turn it into a gel. Hyaluronic acid takes a day to gel in water, but it instantly disperses in pure DMSO. Then if you add water, it immediately forms a usable gel, albeit not yet perfect. Topical DMSO is tolerated without skin side effects usually up to 70%. There is some literature on systemic reactions, so I would always do a sensitivity test before diving in. There is a supplier of low-odor DMSO which I have found does in fact smell less.

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I've just read about DMSO and bought some for some endometrial cancer I'm having removed in a couple of weeks, I'm told this stuff will be needed for recovery. Thanks to the Midwestern Doc!!!

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I had DMSO treatment for IC years ago.

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Where can you find info on instilling into bladder without catheter?

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Look up Urodapter.

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What supplier is that? Thanks.

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DMSO Store.

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The extent of the rot in our society is unfathomable. Thank you for writing this. The things that I have heard just in the last few hours, as a mother, are chilling. There are reports of children wandering alone, crying out for their parents. May God have mercy on us.

AMD- you mentioned in a prior article, and this one, that DMSO is in your medical ‘go bag’. Can you elaborate what else you include?

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God that breaks my heart! Such unscrupulous behavior and criminal at that. I can’t even imagine anything good coming from these agencies, which are supposed to be the ones helping. They only help themselves. There’s no more proof necessary.

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I was in Asheville last Friday.

I flew out of Asheville at 4:30pm on the last flight ✈️ out to

Denver.When the plane took

Off. I could see the city was starting to flood.

I left Avery county at 12pm and drove to the airport for the 4:30pm flight.

I was one of the last people to navigate the roads to Asheville before they washed out permanently.

It’s hard to believe it’s gone.

This is the 3rd directed storm that’s affected my family and I. Hurricane Michael took out a home I had in Florida. It was on the historical registry.

There’s no doubt in my mind with much evidence to cite. This is directed energy weather warfare.

NASA is Not




My Nieghbors father worked with a weather program

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Wow. How fast was the wind at ground level?

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When I left that morning.

The roads had flooded the night before so there was rocks ,mud and tree limbs in the road otw to the airport.

The winds were vacillating 20-40mph but we flew out as scheduled.

I had been in Land harbor since the 20th.

The rain started around the 23rd and didn’t stop.

My family has 3 houses there to get out of Florida heat in the summer. Their houses are still there but the roads and infrastructure are gone.

My family went back to Florida until power and roads are back.

What a mess for so many people.

It was like Mayberry still in some of those small mountain towns.

Less than 1% of those affected had flood insurance.

It’s an uninsured disaster!!

The nwo will build back better 15 min cities 🌆 stealing the land for pennies on the dollar or through eminent domain.

Asheville already was signed on as a future 15 min city

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Asheville was sinking into demise for just this reason… overpopulated, a huge amount of homeless, water problems for years… now black rock can swoop in .. it’s disgusting. I can’t hate Them enough

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Absolutely. This is an interesting video with "hurricane" radar near the end.


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When FEMA and local government effectively block blatantly obvious aid, that is all I need to know, to realize a nefarious event took place. And now with Covid, Lahaina and East Palestine in recent memory, there is a pattern to the lack of common sense aid and transparency (government and media). Now, those of us who are Awake, “Question Everything”.

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THE gOVERNMENT! They are not your “friend”.

Damn, my fellow human beings!

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There's another substack whose writer always ends his posts with "They want you dead. Do not comply!"

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Oct 3Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you for writing about this. I live in NC, about four hours east of Asheville. While the federal government's response (or lack of) has been shameful, it has been inspiring to see so many stepping up to help in whatever way they can. Governor DeSantis has provided help, including, 7500 feet of temporary bridges.

Still, it is overwhelming and heartbreaking. I'm hearing horrific stories of bodies being seen, but unrecovered because there are more immediate priorities for life, and too few people to help.

My husband and I have been making 211 calls, following up on previous requests for assistance, in order to help rescuers reach the most desperate. So far, all those I have called responded with good news of people found and needs met, but we have been prepared for inevitable stories of loss.

Covid taught us that we have no help other than our fellow Americans (and faith in God, of course). It's a horribly broken world and I am trying to focus on the good within so many of us (including the liberal school board candidate who was making calls at the same time we were. I still won't vote for her, however.) I'm afraid there will be many who, like in Lahaina, East Palestine, etc. will never be made whole, but I pray I am wrong.

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Disasters have the positive side, where humans help each other and thats' what its'

all about....

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The devastation in this area is not without precedent, the main difference being the increased population and infrastructure in the area which makes the damage seem much more catastrophic. Read Dr. Robert Malone’s substack article:


I also suggest people read Jeff Childer’s Coffee and Covid substack article from Wednesday, October 2 to learn of the underreported Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption and its effects on weather.

I live in the northeast section of the United States approximately 30 miles inland from the Atlantic coast. I remember as a child in the 1950’s the real estate along the coastline was considered undesirable because people at the time were well aware of the coast’s vulnerability to storms, whether hurricanes or winter “nor-easter”s. A couple of decades of relatively calm weather tend to cause people to forget and consequently real estate along the coastline has skyrocketed in the number of units built and the price. It’s just a matter of time before nature will once again do what it occasionally does and wipe out much of the now prime real estate. On a grander scale I’m also well aware of the hazard of living anywhere in the northeast. ThIs section of the country produces very little of its own food. We are totally dependent upon one easily sabotaged commodity. Without an abundant supply of diesel fuel to fuel the trucks daily delivering food we would all soon starve here in the northeast. People need to be aware of the risks associated with life, particularly where they choose to live. If you live near a stream, river, below a dam or along a coastline be prepared to deal with the potential consequences and don’t trust government will bail you out when your boat becomes inundated with water. If you live in an area where you cannot produce a sufficient quantity of your own food, don’t be surprised when the store shelves are empty. And most of all don’t be dependent on government for anything - to feed you, to protect you, to educate you, to heal you or to restore your failed position.

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Helping people become independent medically is the main reason I follow you! I moved into the functional medicine world in 2012 and cleaned up my cleaners, personal products and food. I had two forms of skin cancer, biopsied for uterine cancer three times, headaches 3-4 a week, bursitis in hip and Hashimoto's in 2012. I haven't had cancer in 12 years, headaches disappeared with EFT, bursitis was fixed with homeopathy. In Sept 2019 my husband had a cardiac arrest after playing tennis. His last therapy was a week before we shut down for Covid. I researched continually to know how to keep him safe. Gathered all the treatments I could...ozone generator, nebulizer, bought Ivermectin, homeopathy remedies etc. We got through Delta well. I even had DMSO before your article. PLEASE keep them coming. I am doing all I can to be independent so I can help us and others. We have food and water storage too. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Is there a nebulizer you can recommend? I just threw away (only used once) the one I had, because of the recall due to carcinogenic foam. I also worry about the plastic the masks are made of.

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We have the InnoSpire by Respironics with a mask that covers nose and mouth. We use it rarely so I don't go there with the plastic. Dr. Mercola teaches how to nebulize food grade hydrogen peroxide and saline water.

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That's the one I threw out. The company doesn't sell them anymore

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Excellent piece on the Hurricane relief issues. I learned a lot that I had not seen elsewhere.

More: Coming from different sources: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1841636020187431216

Here's how FEMA operates....it is about $$$:


Aerial Recovery says they desperately NEED helicopters.


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Thank you for posting the link to Chris Martenson’s X post. His report on Chimney Rock is a forcible reminder of the attempt to cover up atrocities in concentration camps at the end of WW II. How this could be contemplated, still less proposed, in America today, defies belief. An absolute horror.

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Thanks - saw that on Vigilant Fox too, and that pilot is one of many being threatened with arrest if they continue to try and help., whether by air, water or land.

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Big thanks for this link - what great people. Warms the spirit, unlike the corrupt leeches running, or rather ruining, FEMA these many years.

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So glad you brought these three links here—exactly the ones I was thinking of. Just mind blowing what’s going on.

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Regarding the anonymous X post: haven’t eaten or drank for 6 days. You’d likely be dead from not having water after 3 days. Not disagreeing with what’s being said or what’s happening. I know there is evil working there.

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Look up dry fasting, it's a fasting technique without food or water, and they don't die after 3 days

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I'm no expert, but believe me, my mom lasted 2 weeks without food and water while on "hospice care", which was actually starvation.

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Oct 3Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Excellent as always. Thank you.

Note that North Carolina was also devastated by the flood of 1916, which gives the lie to the idea that it's all about "climate change." https://www.ourstate.com/flood-of-1916/

You wrote two things I'd like to highlight:

"Too many view human tragedies as an opportunity for personal gain rather than a call to do the right thing and sacrifice themselves to help their fellow human beings (or other aspects of the world around us). As a result, we have too many in positions of power (e.g., in business or the government) who view their subjects as tools to exploit rather than actually caring about their wellbeing."

I believe most people are good and don't fall in the "too many" who care about gain rather than compassion. But then again many good people are captured by the power structures that compel them to obey their superiors in order to keep their jobs, etc.

You also say, "... in the perilous future we are moving into, a local decentralized model of support is the only thing we can rely upon ...." I agree wholeheartedly, and not only in regard to medicine but in regard to political governance as well. We can take care of ourselves, and we can govern ourselves provided we have an educational system that emphasizes the worth of individuals to solve problems and to gain their own unique understanding of the world based on their experiences and inclinations. Radical independence does not mean, however, selfishness, as compassion has always been a core part of being human.

This means that we need to move toward an idea not of political subsidiarity, which originally meant leaving local matters to locals but has been bastardized to meaning that higher authorities will always "help" more local authorities, but to an idea of non-interference: individual self-determination takes precedence and higher authorities leave local political frameworks alone. This is essentially a "night watchman" theory of government.

Of course this means that the bureaucratic state has to be dismantled, something that the (millions?) sucking on the government teat won't like. But we as a people who naturally desire to work in harmony and trust can do great things, if the power of the authoritarians can be checked and put back into the bottle, and if we understand that above all, we really are a good people and can take care of ourselves.

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