Look at Katherine Watt at Bailiwicknews.substack.com. She documents how the states in the US have slowly in the past 40-60 years been adding legal but UNLAWFUL laws in order for this takeover to occur. Also, the US congress has been doing the SAME. She gives you the laws that she is referring to.

Apparently, many in the US government and states are OWNED by this cartel of criminals. (As well as the medical apparatus.)

Besides defunding and EXITING the UN and WHO, we need to rescind the pertinent laws, changing them back to what they once were.

I have been in the medical field for over 50 years. I see a need to do a complete reboot of the funding, the education, and the implementation. It is horrifying that our field is blind to and have bowed down to corrupt killer maniacs, becoming a religion rather than a science. We CANNOT just allow these killers to say "we made a mistake." They must have consequences.

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I have also been around..for 40 years, minus a few years in social work. I have also used our "healthcare" systems for that long. Right now, I avoid them at all costs. It is the medical industrial complex we hear about. Go to the Dr once and they find so many things wrong w you that you need this life saving thing and that lifesaving thing. Each appt gets you 8 more. Every visit generates several bills- who can keep track?

Then, the life altering mistakes. The PATIENT pays a high price for them. Hard to sue the industry for wrongdoing.

And the secrets they keep..

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Myself as well almost as long. The Medical Cartel is just that. The very very few honest docs are trying to stay afloat in very high seas paying very high consequential tariffs.

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"Right now, I avoid them at all costs."

Bingo. This is the most effective way to fight back against the medical establishment.

"And the secrets they keep.."

Yeah. Here's the ultimate "secret": There is no such thing as contagious disease and "viruses" do NOT exist! "COVID" was 100% theatre. There was NO "pandemic".

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What you write is true. The Constitution is still the Supreme Law of the US.

Public Serpents are owned and it is a cartel. You are exactly right to include well over 95% of the medical cartel. As you say their must be consequences. Defund the ABC agencies, the only way forward.

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There is no constitution. It is a deception, they have made you believe that there is democracy, and there is not.

In the European Union there are two bodies, one of which is useless, the European Parliament. There, no political measures are taken or anything approved, but people vote for those people, making you believe that there is democracy.

The other body is the European Commission, the members are hand-picked: The commission is the one that makes all political decisions around the world, not just in Europe. That's where the snake's nest is. The president is Ursula, put there by someone. The policies that are being taken now in the Commission are those that the rest of the countries in the world are adopting. But above the Commission there are others who are in charge, they do not show their faces.

We have people involved in the Commission and we know what they talk about in the hallways. They have us all fooled.

And you can verify all this just by looking at a microscope. As ? see my substack.

The 2030 Agenda is being carried out faithfully. They may take a little longer in some points, but in the end it will be done, whatever the cost. For them, human beings not are important . Have you read or seen Harari's statements? He says that human beings should be exterminated. To which I wonder if with these statements he is human or not.

The first level of this agenda has been established, you just need to look at the blood of the majority of the population who have had an interface introduced without their consent.

The next level will be to remove physical money, in order to control yourself much better. If you don't get your vaccine, you don't eat. The time will come when everything you have will be taken from you, not even your house will be yours. And I'm not inventing anything, it is written in the Davos Forum.

But people continue to ignore it, thinking that politics is going to solve this, when they control politics. It doesn't matter which side it is, left or right, they obey their master. DON'T you get the vaccine? It doesn't matter, they've already put it in somewhere else. In this new normal, whoever does not wake up will be quickly annihilated.

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Do you know what usurps the constitution? That would be a treaty. These people are very calculated if this passes and the treaty goes through the WHO can declare a gun violence pandemic and your second amendment rights go poof.

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Good start exiting the UN and WHO. I would also include all federal and state "health" agencies. While we're at it, how about eliminating all US treaties with other countries that are basically mechanisms for funneling taxpayer money to US defense and armament manufacturers in the name of an endless number of useless wars.

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You can bet one of your few remaining (and increasingly worthless) bottom dollars that the Philanthropaths are driving the globalization laws. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/beware-philanthropaths

As for the consequences trials, a simple 1, 2, 3 trial is a very good start: Billiboy Gates, George Soros, Klauss Schwab.

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And Mr. James Roguski of Canada, having followed the WHO'S machinations for many years, is acknowledged as the world's expert on the WHO Treaty and IHR Amendments.

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"we need to rescind the pertinent laws, changing them back to what they once were."

Good luck with that. The Medical Establishment, (including all of its corrupt lawyers), will never let this happen. However, humanity CAN successfully fight back from the opposite direction! Here's "What You REALLY Can Do To Help: There are three major things each of you can do to help stop this in its tracks:"

1. Stop taking ALL "vaccines".

2. Stop going to the "doctor", (with the exception of injury/poisonings/emergency care).

3. Most importantly, stop being afraid of your fellow humans! There's nothing to fear!

There is no such thing as contagious disease and "viruses" do NOT exist! "COVID" was 100% theatre. There was NO "pandemic". Give your sick mother a hug! Give your sick child a hug! They need it! You can't "catch" the cleansing process that their bodies are going through, just like you can't "catch" acne from kissing your pimple-face girlfriend!

The vast majority of all Covid19 "deaths" were fraudulently created by using a simple name-changing scheme. At the onset of the "pandemic" in March of 2020, millions of elderly people who were already normally dying from common “old people medical conditions” were suddenly reclassified into "COVID19 victims" instead. Hospitals and nursing homes were simply given extra money, (with no questions asked), if "Covid19" was cited on medical records or death certificates. These massive "Covid Death Counts" were additionally spiked in places like New York City because hospitals were essentially bribed to kill their own patients using ventilators and toxic drug cocktails, so long as those patients were "diagnosed" with "Covid19" first. ($13K for "COVID" hospitalizations and an extra $39K if patients were put on a ventilator).

The "Lab Leak Theory", "Gain of Function", "Bio-weapons", "5G", and "vaccine shedding" are all fake stories to cover for the originally debunked "Virus Came from a Bat Theory". These new false narratives have been specifically designed to keep us distracted and led astray, as there is ZERO evidence or scientific experiments to support any of them.

If you are still unaware of our No Virus Reality, then please check out Dr Sam Bailey on Substack. You're going to love her! More and more people are awakening to this most powerful hidden truth. There's no going back once you understand how the big scam really works! The medical establishment swindles 10 Trillion per year from humanity, and it's all based on fraudulent "germ theory". The Midwestern Doctor still refuses to address this elephant in the room. Thankfully he still allows open debate in his comment sections. Please do your own research in order to make your own informed decision.

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Let’s make a little comment right at the start. No, the WHO won’t enshrine “a promotion” of the vaccines, as we saw during COVID. As a Canadian, I saw and am still seeing a coercion, a “mandating or else” of the vaccines. Under the WHO treaty and/or approval to the International Health Regulations, it will be worse: a documented requirement to participate in society and travel. Later, once CBCDs are added to the mix, it will be shots for food and shelter, and maybe even for the right to hang on to your kids (better get them up to date on those 120 new mRNA shots). How about let’s stop with the cautionary language off the bat.

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I think you're right on the money, Pat. When they release "Disease X" or whatever other GOF virus they're currently "researching," they will make everyone take the new "safe and effective" sacred miracle elixir or face even more dire consequences for not complying. Fear is their primary weapon. When people don't succumb to their fear tactics, they use coercion as we saw with the Covid vaccine "mandates." They saw how quickly people comply. I think they were delighted with the results of their first test run.

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Don't be too sure it will be a virus next time. That could be a red herring.

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Or a green tuna. In either case you wouldn't want to eat them:)

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Stay brave, stay free.

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mass resistance is the obvious solution

they can not "make" anyone do anything

They have convince weak minds that they must comply, in the age of compliance

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Agreed. But the masses have to agree first. Not in Canada. They then will 'make' others make us.

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You saw the number of trucks that converged on Ottawa. Now imagine if all those trucks were parked and their drivers just stayed home.

Change occurs at the margin, and credible studies have suggested that when about 16% of any cohort - truckers, scientists, doctors, or just Walmart employees decide they've had enough, things will grind to a halt. This is due to the complex nature of the systems needed to maintain a functioning society, and once that threshold is passed, all bets are off.

I drive part-time delivering groceries to major chains. Things are so tight in the industry right now that the company that bought out the one I worked for made a special exception for me to continue as a contractor simply because they had no one willing to work weekends. Puzzle that out. It's a sellers market for truckers right now, and if you want to hire one you better give him or her weekends off, or they'll just go work somewhere else.

The software industry lost me a long time ago. I made my money and got out, which is why I drive a truck. No one pushes me around, threatens me or tells me what to do. If they do, I just walk away. That didn't have much effect in the past, but we're not living in the past anymore. People are fed up and are taking steps, such as acquiring the means to just walk away the next time they try this BS, and it won't take a huge number to have an effect. What that effect may be is anyone's guess, but it won't be a continuation of "the way thing are" because that's just not acceptable anymore.

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The UK?

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There’s literally nothing they could do to get me or my family to take any vaccine ever. If you’re determined this is a non issue.

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Until they own your purchasing power and refuse you to buy food. What then? Or they come for your kids. What then? Or they take away your jobs, or don't let you see a doctor or dentist. Once they have your money, they have you.

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Pat I’m fortunate- My kids are adults. I’m retired and own my home outright. I also live in the country with lots of farmers to supplement whatever I can not grow. I have a surplus of healing herbs and even antibiotics, thanks to The Wellness Co. Doctors and dentists are overrated. But I currently have one of each who did not cave to the nonsense of the past 4 years. And I have faith that good will prevail. Worrying is an enormous waste of time and energy. So I enjoy each day.

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Sounds like a nice country. Wish it were mine. Mine is about to sign that WHO agreement+ which will mean international NGOs will rule our country, punish our farmers out of existence (for 'climate change'), regulate our health professionals of all trades out of their licenses with vax mandates.

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When all purchases are digital and your funds are electronically cut off until you put out your arm for the next fake disease injection, what then?

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A mate of mine in Indiana used to say, "Security is the ability to be productive."

Whether that's assets or labour. Parallel society, anyone? Desmit says that's the way out of authoritarianism (though nobody has experienced this type before).

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I think not. We’ll see.

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You clearly understand the issue.

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I was lucky enough to watch my father die slowly over 16 years in misery after saving a fool's life at work. The spinal damage ruined his health. I would rather starve than risk that. So I get your position. People without the benefit of this life experience fixate on dropping dead and take the gamble, but they conveniently (and it is for convenience) forget the more likely scenario of health failure from auto immune disease. After all, the immune system reacting to the injections is exactly how it is supposed to work.

But even if I'm in the ideal situation (I'm not) informed, independent and prepared, I must act for my less intellectually fortunate fellow humans. I have a duty to try to save them and the fact is, once they've got everyone else they will come for you. The only ethical position in my mind is to learn to stay free like you have and teach others, attempt to work with the broken system and be ready for when it becomes clear to everyone else that it doesn't work.

That's the purpose of the laborious breaking down of each factor. Working with the people who claim to believe 'the science'.

Who fantasise we make decisions logically. LOL.

But I don't think you'd be here if you genuinely believed this to be a non issue. I think it's possible to know that people are actively attempting to kill you without having to diminish the problem in order to live with it. After all, they've been doing it a long time. In the last century they've never not been trying to kill you one way or another. It speaks to our resilience and general reluctance to go around murdering each other that we're still around today, fighting this fight.

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Hasn’t just the opposite happened? The creation of COVID vaccines - one of the greatest scientific achievements of my lifetime - has devastated vaccination efforts around the world. Immunization of children has fallen to record lows. Cases of measles are growing. In the U.S., dozens of states have passed vaccination mandate bans. If COVID was a “test run” to increase vaccine uptake, it was a failure of incomprehensible proportions.

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I think that result illustrates that they were not as smart as they thought they were and that the industry is more focused on short term profits than long term benefits.

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What if none of that matters and the motive for the crime was beyond anything you can imagine? Think big here. I think that's warranted given the scale of the operation.

What's the one thing people have been searching for since time immemorial?


Well, now it's within our grasp. Not ours of course, we could never afford it, so there's your profit motive I suppose. Consider the enormous amount of data this 'vaccine' program has generated. Who cares if we kill millions as long as we can figure out what doesn't work before we try it on ourselves, "ourselves" in this case being that large club (actually quite small) that Carlin warned us about?

Think about it. How does a corpulent bastard like Kissinger live to 100? Where did Steve Jobs get his liver transplant? Not on any waiting list, that's for sure. What's the one thing you're likely to want once you're a billionaire and have everything else you could ever want? Kind of obvious isn't it? Wouldn't that explain Bill Gates' interest in something that has nothing to do with software? Even if the quest is completely delusional that wouldn't stop them from trying, especially when you consider the complete lack of any moral principles one finds among the uber-wealthy, not to mention the highly paid people that work for them.

Only a theory of course, but I think it's at least as likely as them being concerned about the future of planet earth. I mean, what use is that to a psychopath unless they themselves get to enjoy that future?

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Have you researched the no-virus issue yet? "Germ Theory" is what's really driving all of this madness. The best way to stop these "psychopaths" is to simply stop giving them money. I like your no-nonsense mentality, and you're even compelling me to look into truck driving, (as I might need to switch careers in the near future). I hope you'll take a deeper look into this ultimate hidden truth.

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I've looked into it. Not convinced at this point but I haven't dismissed it either.

Like many occupations these days, trucking's not what it used to be, at least not pay wise. The trucks are much better than when I started in the late 70's though. Most have automatic transmissions and way more power than in the before time:) Much quieter and cleaner too. If you buy a truck I'd recommend Volvo or Mac. Avoid Peterbilt. Used to be quality, but it's just a name now and you'll have problems.

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Fountain of Youth - a surgery performed last week (in Melbourne? saw on tonight's MSM news) - pig kidney into human. Pig kidney got the CRISPR treatment so that the human would not reject. Kidney performed well after surgery.

Of course, Margaret Atwood saw this, and has her "pigoons" (Oryx & Crake, MadAddam) which have extra organs for just this.

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Nah, covid vaccines weren't the greatest achievements of your lifetime unless genocide is a great achievement. Measles are not growing and there is nothing to fear from measles anyway....besides the MMR shot is garbage.

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I also agree the C-19 "vaccine" was a spectacular failure ~ but not for the reason you've suggested:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/90aa0b2fc8a2

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There's no "Disease X" and there's no "GOF viruses" either. It's all an illusion designed to keep you in fear from your fellow humans. "Germ theory" is the greatest deception of all time.

You can't "catch" anything from anyone, including "COVID19" or "HIV" or acne. (Acne is the only one of those 3 examples which actually exists).

If you're still brand new to understanding our no-virus reality, then I'd suggest you check out Dr Sam Bailey on Substack. You'll never look back once you come to realize this most powerful hidden truth!

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You are absolutely right. I am amazed that people don't seem to notice that our God-given, [NOT state-given], freedoms are being taken so quickly. The grip the global elite have on us is tightening FAST!

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Also, President Trump has committed publicly that he "will exit the WHO upon taking office."

RFK, Jr. has refused several times to exit the WHO, should he become President. He said, "I'm not going to commit to exiting the WHO, because what people are saying about the Treaty and IHR's is really unbelievable, and also because the WHO helps many poor people."

Clearly a bleeding heart liberal, with that, and his recent statement that he does believe in Climate Change.

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Unless we can really expose what's happened with the WHO, I think Trump is the only person who is in a position where they could exit the WHO.

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But Trump doesn't keep his promises.

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Could you provide a link to that? One of the biggest adversaries to the WHO and IHR Amendments is Meryl Nass - who is a prominent contributor in The Children's Health Defense, which is RFK's organization. Sooo,...link?

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Her doing work with Kennedy's organization doesn't mean that a President Kennedy will change his mind about staying in the WHO or come to believe that there is no Climate Change. He's his own man, like Trump is. Meryl and a number of other Health Freedon advocates have asked Kennedy several times to switch his position. But he's stuck with what he believes and values. Good fir him to be true to himself, but it's not the best thing for America (by far.)

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Do you have a link for that? About Nass trying to change his mind?

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She said that in one of her Substack writings, and that if he gets in, he will learn more about the WHO and "will do the right thing" when it comes to making that decision as President. He stated he wasn't going to exit the WHO because the "WHO helps poor countries" in a video discussion/interview by JJ Couey with Mikki Willis, Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Ten Penney. He also said he would not exit the WHO during a one on one video interview at a later time. I don't have the cites for these but you might be able to locate the first one by searching for "JJ Couey."

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I can't believe that - their shift from clean water, simple medicines & professional care - to their vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate policy - would be something he could approve of.

He's got so much right, but that could be a deal killer.

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Yes, sure, she's involved with CHD. They also pay some of her legal expenses. She's certainly well-familiar with the issues concerning the WHO IHR Amendments and the Treaty, and she gives talk, and that's very good, indeed. But she doesn't have what James Roguski has -- i.e., the ability to thoroughly decipher and ANALYZE the meaning and intent of legal language without a lawyer

(CHD?) or paralegal guiding her. Many, many, may of us are also adversaries. I just think James Roguski, who has worked on this for many years, should get his due. He may not feel is time is worth it to jet around the world. He may be working full-time, he may not have the money to give talks overseas, I don't know, but I do know that in terms of analyzing these WHO legal documents, there is no one that even comes close to him.

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I don't care for Roguski's style of speaking. He is thorough, that's for sure, but he kind of drone's on and I don't find I can share his videos easily. On the other hand, Nass' presentations have been stellar. Have you heard her in Europe or in Romania at the ICS4? Wow. I guess what I'm saying is that everyone has their strengths. It's a team effort.

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All I'm saying is that James Roguski deserves his "due" and should be acknowledged for his years of work. One person's droning is another person's detail.

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Sounds like he's feeling left out. How do you think his "due" should look like? What should it entail?

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RFK Jr. says "show me where I'm wrong", so there's always hope with him. And climate change is very real, as you will know quite soon.

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I'm not voting for hope + abortion + Climate Change.

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The w e f is on record saying they’ll push their agenda under the guise of environmental activism. Climate change is nothing more than a money scheme that has been quite lucrative for the nefarious.

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Yes. Climate Change is a hoax.

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You don't vote for climate change, silly. It's already happening. It doesn't care about your politics, or the fact that there are people using it for nefarious purposes.

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Feb 14, 2024
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Why are you arguing with "a bot"?

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Feb 14, 2024
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Beep. Beep.

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Feb 11, 2024
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This is an intelligence test, and too many people are failing it- the genetic injections don't prevent infection or transmission, they contain genetic instructions to produce mass quantities of a highly toxic spike protien, wrapped up in toxic lipid nanoparticles which cross every membrane in the human body, & the nasties are contaminated with Plasmid DNA & SV 40 promoter which also causes cancer.

People are dropping like flies, the famous, the young, athletes & royals.

And women have been horrifically impacted. Miscarriages, dying malformed babies, damaged, autistic kids, infertility.

So, if you miss all this, you aren't very smart. Sorry.


Heart Attacks.


Immune System Disorders.

Neurological Problems.


And lots, lots more.

Time to jump ship folks, Pharma is going down.

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Feb 12, 2024
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Yes. But that's also turning out to be both a Spiritual & an Intelligence test as well.

Sadly, at 35, and again at 39, I failed both through Physician, Pharmaceutical, & Private School pressure to vaccinate my only child, a girl, once at 6 weeks of age, (which created issues for her & I,) and then repeatedly at 4 years of age- being erroneously told that "she would never go to school in the State of Florida if she did not recieve the full, CDC Reccommended Schedule of Childhood Vaccines!"

This at Grace Episcopalian private Christian School on Ocala Florida.

I was still "young & dumb," imho, and believed their out and out lies, or misinf

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It damn near killed my girl. Not instantly, but she became severely ill after every set. I think it took 4 to "catch her up."

Sigh. What a tragedy & what a catastrophe!

So, I do get it when people fall for the lies, the propaganda, the pressure & the misinformation.

But, Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000, to 1 in 200, (circa the year 2000, when there was actual effort in Congress to tackle the subject, shut down by pHarma's minions,) to the one in 25 boys we are seeing now in some parts of America.

Anyone with children, or about to have children, needs to look at this topic carefully.

When I was young there wasn't much information available- today there are mountains of it! People need to look around and ask themselves "why are Americans so much sicker than other developed nations?!"

"Why do we have the highest Autism rates on Earth!?"

"Why do we inject more toxins in babies, than anywhere else on Earth?!"

Do the math- more vaccines, more damaged kids!

More Glysophate, more sick humans. On and on.

Our toxic chemical & pharmaceutical corporations are killing us. It's that simple.

But the Gene Therapies mislabeled vaccines?

That's total insanity, imho, and more people should have seen through it.

I am very sad that they did not, or that they submitted to the criminal pressure placed on them to be injected with a dangerous, experimental and toxic product which stopped neither transmission or infection.

That is pure insanity.

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This is similar to the real tears I saw in Shanahan's eyes when she spoke about the crime done to her daughter.

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They can pass whatever they want and the US can agree to whatever it wants, but when it comes down to forcing anything medical on us again, we will not comply, and will forcefully defend our right to bodily autonomy, full stop.

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you have it exactly right, never ever again for many, for some of us never the first round

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Or you can do what a woman I met from Hong Kong did. She just pretended not to be home. They can't come to every house, apartment to get everyone. The only worry is if your neighbor is a snitch.

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How often during the recent pandemic festivities have you been told “stay safe”? How often has someone replied “stay free” or “stay brave”, or even better, “stay brave, stay free?” Why not? People were quite fearful at the time, so it would seem to be vital to remind others as well as oneself of the importance of not succumbing to fear. I encourage all to respond to “ stay safe” with “ stay brave, stay free”. What makes it so important? Acting and speaking as though you are not afraid will actually make you less so, and saying “stay brave, stay free” may help the other person retain his courage. The words themselves remind us that being fearful is part of the road to serfdom. Also, a fearful people may not speak the truth when confronted with the lies of the powerful.


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A very good point. "Stay safe" is one of those meaningless, virtue-signalling phrases so much in vogue currently. Furthermore, as you indicate, the constant repetition of the word "safe" is a form of subtly programming people to value safety above all else.

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I have had so many people say that to me.

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Thank you, Daisy!

This has been driving me crazy for a good while now. I would encourage people to just try to pay attention to the use of the word "safe" and its derivatives. Especially if you watch any "news" on TV.

It's so obvious that is has become a part of the indoctrination intended to make everyone afraid of "something" at all times.

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isn't that the truth, here are two analogous statements that are actually propaganda

Safe and Effective, Safe and Most Secure (the first for the Vaxs, Quaxs, the second for the elections. Clueless peeps repeat these talking points attempting to sound informed and intelligent and failing miserably at both...

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'Pandemic festivities' LOL

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Thank you for supporting Dr. Nass. She is a true hero.

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List of diseases matches list of lab leaks matches list of vaccines and gene therapies.


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Demand this treaty be treaty as such and require ⅔ majority of the Senate to approve it. Demand that the Senate pass a resolution so the President cannot implement the treaty via executive fiat…

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I wish I could afford paid but am so especially grateful you share what you do without recompense. There is an unraveling afoot that is effecting change in numerous countries. Change against globalism, change against diktats and decrees on a population, and a resurgence of not just nationalism but individualism. These are good changes in my opinion and I'm hopeful we'll see ever more. And there is, more than just an antagonism to vaccines and mandates, a massive distrust in authority after the COVID-19 fiasco. Let's say, worst case scenario, the W.H.O.'s proposals pass and are adopted. Are there not enough people who have learned and are willing now (even if they were loathe to do so during COVID) to ignore the rules and continue to live their lives as free people? Are there not enough now willing to act, en masse, to counter mass inoculation, vaccination, and shutdowns? I think there are. And there will be more as the unraveling continues. Thank you again for such an incredibly informative piece. Be well, stay safe.

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Thank you.

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Always appreciate an optimistic perspective on current events. Thank you, Pappy.

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What an amazing article .. I'll get it posted to coffee and covid, Mark Crispin Miller etc ... thank you for all you do.

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That would be very appreciated. This was one of the most time consuming articles I've put together on here.

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And also one of the best, I might add! 🙏👍

I've already added it to my "red pill" library in multiple locations:

> Library: BeyondC19.org

> Recent Additions: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/59a3029ce5e1

If you're curious, here's how you can see the various locations of this article within the library:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/b7e856449046

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Your reputation is stellar amongst the readers of those stacks. Every hero has a moment in time... yours is now, as is Dr. Nass and the others. Each has found the role most natural where the impact is the most powerful.

We are all deeply indebted to your wisdom, sacrifice, and leadership.

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I as well am very grateful for the depth & clarity of this piece- and have been sending it on to friends, elected representatives, & posted it on Social Media also.

It has been difficult to explain what exactly the Globalist Cabal, in WHO, UN & US forms, have been preparing for all Humanity, but your article covers it beautifully!

Also, as an FYI, Meryl Nass's Website- Door To Freedom, has excellent one pagers you can print out and share. I am doing this as well.

If everyone who knows shares this information with as many others as they can, it will spread like Wildfire, and hopefully with a little help from above, we can step out of the "kill box" described so perfectly by Katherine Watt of Baliwick News, that has been devised for all of us.

May God Bless all the Truth-Tellers, and may the deeds done in darkness be expose to the Light!

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The WHO were required to disclose their draft of the agreement by late January in order to vote on it in May. They failed to do so. See James Roguski's work on this subject. Make the politicians aware of this breach.

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There will be great turmoil if this passes and is put in place. There are enough people now to have a truckers protest times 10 thousand.

At least we had better hope for such reaction.

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Thank you for helping us to better understanding what the WHO treaty would subject us to. I have been sending information about this to my legislators in Washington, DC, but they are all Democrats (MI) and I know they will vote the way of their overlords!! I have sent messages to my Republican state legislators and the message I got back was that the decision was up to the federal government. Now I see that states may be able to opt out of the treaty. Unfortunately, we have a Democratic legislature and Governor so I have little hope for our state. I will again send you article to my state legislators in hopes that it might help.

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Thank you.

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I completely know what you're going through. This whole state is annexed to pharma and the phony green grift and DIE and CRT. And the WEF has "chosen" Detroit as a Center for Urban Transformation. The large street near me has a billboard trying to recruit for clinical trials for some horrifying new drug. I just think of Maddie de Garay. I was so hopeful about Rashida Tlaib, when I contacted her after Dr. Kory went on Dark Horse about repurposed drugs, as she'd climbed a fence in the middle of the night to get a sample of a corporate pollutant leaking into the Detroit River, but every single one I contacted ignored me or sent me propaganda. Gary Pfizer Peters, total lackey, is one of my representatives. It is as bad as California here, though at least California is beautiful and sunny and the air is clean lol.

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The Deep State is very very deep. Exposure is almost concluded. Hang on...

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No need to say "deep." It's just The State. The Globocorp State.

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at this late date they are DemonRats and beyond helping, RINO's are often even worse

DJT has a plan, has massive energy, and is a visionary

Not trying to suggest anything more or less. Hang on, it will be a very rocky road.

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Thanks for this article. I am so impressed with Meryl Nass and had no idea how much she has done to stop the WHO pandemic treaty. It is so obviously a ruse to tyrannically force vaccines on people in order to provide liability free profits to big Pharma! Just sickening that any politician would vote for this.

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After I found that out, I felt I had to write this.

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I'm sure Meryl has made nice contributions, but it is a Mr. James Roguski, of Canada, who should be recognized for his work with the "Lion's Share" of the credit. He is known worldwide as the go-to expert on the WHO Treaty and IHR's, and has worked tirelessly for years on it. I've seen his work. It's online for anyone to see. I'm an attorney, and I can say that he understands, and has written and discussed subtleties about the Treaty and

the IH Regulation Amendments that a physician would not be able to pick out. (No offense to our good doctors.) James should be clearly recognized by Meryl in her speaking and writing, for the immense amount of research and analysis that he has performed, and made easily available on his website, without a paywall, for all to read for free.

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It's amazing to me, just how much people LOVE to be conned......LOVE to be lied to.....LOVE to commit suicide! It is MORE than OBVIOUS that Bret Weinstein is, in fact, 'on the Globalists payroll'!! Yet, people keep falling for the CON GAMES (aka PsyOps).....over and over and over, again!

And then we have these same individual 'begging for crumbs' from the likes of the WHO, WEF, UN, ect. These CRIMINAL Globalist Entities have ZERO AUTHORITY over ANY HUMAN and ANY COUNTRY on this planet!! We, The People (World-wide) did NOT ELECT these pieces of shit! And Our CRIMINAL politicians have ZERO AUTHORITY to enter ANY OF US into ANY kind of 'treaty'! PERIOD! And what I've just stated, should be THEE ONLY thing that we should be telling ALL of these CRIMINAL individuals.......along with......'GO PHUCK YOURSELVES!'. :) Keep it 'SHORT AND SWEET!'. lol

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Please explain how Weinstein is “on the globalist payroll” … it’s not OBVIOUS to me, but undoubtedly you’re much smarter!

I do agree with you that no one has the right to enter me into a treaty against my will, buuuut we all live in the world of governments who have power and use it😳

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Just look at this Khazarians' history. It SHOULD tell you all you need to know.

Just because someone comes along and 'Sweet Talks' (tells people what the want to hear) everyone, does NOT make them legit! *MY* 'high bar' is......lets see your HISTORY, on whatever it is they are speaking about. All of these 'Johnny Come Lately' individuals, popping up everywhere......people NEED to be HIGHLY SKEPTIC of them! Because A LOT of them ARE on the Globalists' payroll. I was 'Red Pilled' more than 30 years ago; so I have a good 'Bullshit Meter'.....and I'm usually correct about someone. To me, the PsyOps are OBVIOUS.

Your last sentence IS the problem (the way MOST people think)! 'THEY' only have 'power' unless WE GIVE IT TO 'THEM'!! THEE most POWERFUL word on the planet, is.......NO!!!!! Take the power BACK, by stating, NO! I am NOT your slave! I will NOT play along with your CRIMINAL ACTIONS!

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I think you've told us all we need to know about your baseless prejudice.

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I'm totally lost here, have no idea what he's talking about, nor how his response proves Weinstein is on the globalist payroll :-\

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Typical! When someone is correct/speaks truth......the Social Engineering BUZZWORDS ('prejudice') come out! Nice try, though! You should have thrown in MORE buzzwords, like, 'racist', 'anti-semite', and so! I don't cave to psycho bullshit! Thanks for playing, though! ;)

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For it to be true demonstrate that with evidence, something you have not done. You did what very other "Leftist, communist, fascist" does when asked to substantiate. You attacked and ranted. Stump up evidence to prove Wienstien is a globalist, leave the religion, race, origin out of it. Because we don't care what someones background is, a dickhead is a dickhead regardless of race, religion, background or other characteristics that have no bearing on the question that was asked.

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Your comprehension skills are at ZERO! It is NOT MY JOB to do the RESEARCH FOR YOU! I am NOT YOUR MOMMY!!!! YOU go and spend the HOURS looking things up, for YOURSELF!! It's called BEING AN ADULT! BE an ADULT.....grow the fuck up!

*I* have already DONE THE WORK (research); HOURS and HOURS of it! YOUR TURN!!

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So you you have nothing.

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You can say that again.

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Was it the K word??

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It's obviously his or her pet obsession.

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So, "...look at this Khazarians' history" is all you got? You cannot remember a single fact? Nothing?

And, BTW, "a good "Bullshit Meter" isn't fact.

But of course you know that. How do I know you know? You vanished into the wind as soon as we requested facts.

Bring data or get laughed off the stage. We didn't arrive here b/c we listen to the charlatans. We got here because the data didn't sync with the bullshit. Just like you don't sync.

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Please include the link on Weinstein; I haven’t been able to find it and I’d very much like to read it for myself.

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you are making the case for knowledge, wisdom, and finally some discernment

Many believe they can bypass knowledge and arrive at Wisdom. I have seen exactly no evidence that this can be true...

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{...It is MORE than OBVIOUS that Bret Weinstein is, in fact, 'on the Globalists payroll...} ????

Can you elaborate with further details ?? Please

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No; I cannot! Are you an ADULT?? If so, do the damned WORK (research) yourself, and stop expecting the adults to wipe your ass for you.

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Unlike yourself the OP demonstrates a collegiate and adult response. You on the other hand demonstrate a need to grow up.

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Now we all know why you cover your face in the avatar ...

My last word was "Please" and your reply includes "damned work, wipe yr. *ss, etc.".

Even Dawnie may not be your real name but KAREN !!

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No one should for a second forget, it was Donald Trump that removed The US from the WHO.

As usual he knew what it meant long before it was a topic. Think about that!

Now that Bidenista has undone this, we are at the thresh hold again and Tedros is currently trembling and desperate. There are many who (no pun) have worked diligently in this regard, James Roguski is at or near the front of the line. Those political Wannbees who are not crystal clear on this issue and several others are not fit for dog catcher. The UniParty has been outed.

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But then he fed us to the Globalists Cabal w/


School Closures.

Medical Nihilism

No Early Treatment

Remdesivir & Ventilators

The TOXIC Gene Therapy mislabeled a vaccine!

All on Trump's watch, bankrupting, killing & disabling millions.

If DeSantis was smart enough to figure it out, and strong enough to do something about it, why couldn't Trump?

I've yet to hear a decent reason. "He was fooled by Fouci," does not fly for me.

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I recall Trump talkking about HCQ and got shot down. He isn't a doctor, and with all the law suits and other actions against him, I wonder how he functioned at all. DeSantis took a long time to figure it out. I remember people alone on the beach being arrested. Trump had a lot more on his plate, a cabal working against him, while DeSantis had a nice legislature of Republicans supporting him. Yes, Trump needed to do better, but the comparing two is uneven at best.

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I know he tried, a little. But it just wasn't good enough.

The whole murderous Lockdown insanity.

The medical Nihilism.

The suppression of early treatments.

The school closures.

The Lethal Covid Jabs.

Deadly all. He did not stand against it- even if it was unwilling, he went along with it all....

Not good enough for me!

Millions died unnecessarily, worldwide, and we likely have contaminated the genetics of humanity...

Not good enough!

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Millions died worldwide and you blame Trump for that? How many people believed and followed the medical profession and journals (still do) and you blame Trump for that as well? Get real.

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unfortunately there is some monovision, the person asking the best questions gets the best answers, over time

Covidiocy has been exposed.

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My friend detests Trump. I asked her why and she couldn't verbalize it. Seems when someone tries they throw the kitchen sink at him. Monovision--good explanation.

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I read recently that the head of the Moderna covid research team got a call in February before lockdowns (2020?) that DoD had declared covid a national security risk. And remember, this was a DoD bioweapons operation using a virus created by Ralf Baric at UNC, including the SV40 monkey virus cancer gene sequence (and a bit of the HIV strand).

Somewhere between Feb and mid-March, Trump completely changed his willingness to go along. Would not surprise me to find out DoD finally briefed him as a means to shut him down.

In any case, I don't really care. All heroes are flawed. He is the flawed destroyer we need at this moment in history. Cut him loose and let him destroy it all.

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This was leaked audio, which I believe Sasha published roughly first week of February (2024 - for those reading in a year or more).

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Which Sasha?

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Sasha Latypova.

Scott Atlas reported on this, too. His advice was ignored after DoD meeting.

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of course, and that assumes that the virus hui, is credible at all when exactly none have ever been isolated according to Koch's postulates. The greater the lie, the easier it is to get educated people to believe it...

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Trump had to authorise the transfer of power to the DOD to do what they did. The DOD can't just take over without that authority.

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Yes, James Roguski of Canada is the Frontline expert throughout the world on the WHO Treaty and IHR Amendments. He's worked literally for years on them.

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Before this article, my so-called representative in his regular email announced his support of the WHO treaty. I wrote back saying the WHO did not manage the covid pandemic well and added this at the end:

"I did not pledge allegiance to the UN flag, and it will be a cold day in hell when I let some unelected bureaucrat from another country, paid in large part by China and Bill Gates, to dictate anything in the USA. I am sorry and sad you do not see it the same and I wonder, frankly, what you thought your duties were when you took the oath of office."

I will happily support Door To Freedom. And now we hear also, that the WEF wants to stop home gardening because it supposedly creates more CO2 than industrial farming. I am so tired of their horse shit.

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