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What if none of that matters and the motive for the crime was beyond anything you can imagine? Think big here. I think that's warranted given the scale of the operation.

What's the one thing people have been searching for since time immemorial?


Well, now it's within our grasp. Not ours of course, we could never afford it, so there's your profit motive I suppose. Consider the enormous amount of data this 'vaccine' program has generated. Who cares if we kill millions as long as we can figure out what doesn't work before we try it on ourselves, "ourselves" in this case being that large club (actually quite small) that Carlin warned us about?

Think about it. How does a corpulent bastard like Kissinger live to 100? Where did Steve Jobs get his liver transplant? Not on any waiting list, that's for sure. What's the one thing you're likely to want once you're a billionaire and have everything else you could ever want? Kind of obvious isn't it? Wouldn't that explain Bill Gates' interest in something that has nothing to do with software? Even if the quest is completely delusional that wouldn't stop them from trying, especially when you consider the complete lack of any moral principles one finds among the uber-wealthy, not to mention the highly paid people that work for them.

Only a theory of course, but I think it's at least as likely as them being concerned about the future of planet earth. I mean, what use is that to a psychopath unless they themselves get to enjoy that future?

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Have you researched the no-virus issue yet? "Germ Theory" is what's really driving all of this madness. The best way to stop these "psychopaths" is to simply stop giving them money. I like your no-nonsense mentality, and you're even compelling me to look into truck driving, (as I might need to switch careers in the near future). I hope you'll take a deeper look into this ultimate hidden truth.

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I've looked into it. Not convinced at this point but I haven't dismissed it either.

Like many occupations these days, trucking's not what it used to be, at least not pay wise. The trucks are much better than when I started in the late 70's though. Most have automatic transmissions and way more power than in the before time:) Much quieter and cleaner too. If you buy a truck I'd recommend Volvo or Mac. Avoid Peterbilt. Used to be quality, but it's just a name now and you'll have problems.

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Thanks for this response and the advice. All of this talk about AI replacing truck drivers seems overly pessimistic. The few other drivers I've conversed with have said similar things. Hopefully I won't have to make a career switch, but if I do then I think trucking could be a great option. Take care bro.

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AI *might* eventually replace some drivers on long-haul between major terminals, but the last mile will always need human drivers. Same goes for regional haulers and until they design an AI system that can put chains on a truck, winter driving is obviously a non-starter.

If you do make the leap, be prepared to spend about $3-5K to get your licence. That's one of the reasons you don't see too many young guys in the industry. What young guy today has that kind of money? Also be prepared to struggle with backing up. Most driving schools don't teach that, believe it or not. Trucking is a trial by fire when you first start out. Lots of details they don't tell you about in driving school, and the on the job training in many places is sub par. Be prepared to ask lots of questions. Truckers will share what they know because they all remember what it was like to be new.

My advice is to avoid long distance hauling. When you add up the hidden costs and time away from home it really isn't worth it. Aim for a local or regional carrier. They don't pay as much but you'll be home every night and you'll get lots of experience in handling the truck. After a couple of years you can apply to a fuel hauler. Better pay, better equipment, better training and you'll be home every night. You have to be on your game to haul fuel, but you sound like someone who is, so go for it. I hauled fuel for ten years. Best years in the industry, and I've hauled everything you can imagine at one time or another. Good luck!

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This is awesome. Had to screenshoot this to save for my notes. Everything you've said makes sense and I'm inspired to keep researching. Thanks again brother.

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you're welcome:)

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Fountain of Youth - a surgery performed last week (in Melbourne? saw on tonight's MSM news) - pig kidney into human. Pig kidney got the CRISPR treatment so that the human would not reject. Kidney performed well after surgery.

Of course, Margaret Atwood saw this, and has her "pigoons" (Oryx & Crake, MadAddam) which have extra organs for just this.

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