May 22·edited May 22

I wrote my representative to support the House bill. He supports the WHO "treaty" as of course both Democrat senators do. I previously wrote all of them that I did not pledge allegiance to the UN/WHO flag, that I will not support a "treaty" created by an organization paid for in large part by China and Bill Gates. My own plans are, if the thing is passed, to simply refuse. I did so with the jab, and will refuse again, even if it means incarceration. Refusing before was traumatic, and I expect this would be worse. Fuck the lot of them.

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you are so misinformed! it is Germany and Bill Gates!! and USA (decreasing) China is in WHO funding just 2.5%! This is what WEstern democracies have orchestrated Germany in particularly and Bill!!

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May 22·edited May 22

In April 2020, China pledged an additional $30 million to WHO, which was announced a week after the United States halted its funding to WHO. This move was seen as an attempt by China to boost its influence over the organization and its chief, Terrible Tedros. So I include China.

China, as recent news has it, avoided using the mRNA jabs for its own population, eschewing the Pfizer poison, while being paid by our own country for gain of function research that was used against us, whether a leak or on purpose even as they used China's lockdowns as an example for the West. The whole Western world has lost its mind, so fine, include them all as well.

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Do you think this might be the Opium Wars in reverse?!

The Chinese are very patient and subtle people, they have a strong and ancient culture and they do not forget how they were humiliated in the past.

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The Chinese have long-term plans to expand power. Some of their that include loans to poor countries making them dependent. IDK if it is in retaliation, though one never knows what mix of motivations are in another.

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the moment you start cooperating with a liar and cheater over money, that's when you have sold your values, principles, and soul. This is what the USA and Germany did when started outsourcing for the value of Chinese market share! It's the corporations that have sold our values. In the end, to build a free modern, and prosperous society one has to go BEYOND just the money talk. Money is important but it was not the West that was desperate and depraved of money! Yet behaved like this and sold "know-how" and the whole society in exchange for money (Chinese market share). So many wrong people got rich, and some died (Apple), today Amazon lives entirely off of Chinese shops! and manipulates the market, when Trump wanted to reverse some of this, he stepped into HUGE money interest. There is no going back. Lies spread like a virus, they are contagious. and power is more concentrated. gini coef in the USA is of the same magnitude as in some dictatorship countries. So you have abused not only the world around you but yourself as well.

And the Chinese regime knows if they do not export communism they are in danger, now they can thrive!

Digitalization is the next step in that direction, .AI is their next big thing

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I believe you are wrong about the Chinese giving money for dependency - that is the ‘Western’ propaganda. From the brilliant economist M. Hudson: the Chinese give loans to help countries develop and those loans are repaid after 20 years when the countries are expected to have developed to the point of being able to repay. The Chinese work on Westphalian principles, not the colonial imperialism of the ‘West’.

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I see China apologists are out full force. Must have to do with the content of this article on the WHO treaty. Why so sensitive for poor China all of a sudden? LOL.

Whether you owe the bank, the loan shark, or another country, you owe them and that is always leverage that can be utilized.

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it is a myopic stance, that's all. i did not suggest that China is not corrupt, but that you are missing it big time

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May 23·edited May 23

You missed the point from the start. The letters had already been written by the time I commented here. Or would you have me write back and say, Gee, I goofed, so ignore that letter because some person says it missed some point? Which the point was, by the way, I will not bend to the UN/WHO taking over US or my sovereignty. Whether the details were perfect is irrelevant and moot.

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That's fine, it all started in the USA, this global evil, I agree . China had 0 power to become this strong without the USA's help, but you lost your sovereignty the moment you stopped thinking, this is why you have a demented person as a president, in normal circumstances, this would not be possible. And my point was to think more, and not just about the USA being so great, what is the USA-Germany connection is as important and why the USA destroyed the Europes financial system with CDOs the same as covid 19 virus, toxic stuff....that could help a lot . If you think truth is dangerous to know then just keep doing what you do, you will not win that battle, if the opponent is smarter and he is, it was not a critique but a help to broaden your view which was very incorrect in terms of who runs WHO. good luck with your letters.

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Dr. David Martin: The WHO Is A Criminal Racketeering Organization


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Thank you for that link - excellent speech by Dr Martin.

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Dr. David Martin would be more admirable if he hadn't become a victim before he became a whistleblower.

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I wasn't aware of his victim status.

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Unless I'm mistaken, he took the "vaccines" before he came out against them.

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why does that make him less "admirable"? You could argue that someone who took the vaccines and then realized the truth about the vaccines and is now working to make that truth known is even more admirable than someone who didn't take the jabs because that person has to get over his own pro-vaxx mindset in order to work to bring out the real truth about the jabs. Steven Kirsch took the jabs and he's doing amazing work in getting the truth out about not only the covid jabs but all vaccines.

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Few are as financially equipped to deal with the result of a bad decision as Steven Kirsch, whose Substack I quit when he refused responses from unpaid readers.

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I am an unpaid reader of his substack, and I can post comments and "like" other poster's comments. I just now tested it to confirm that that's true and it is. I don't understand why you can't post comments.

Regarding his "bad decision": The propaganda regarding vaccines has been incredibly successful. The covid "vaccine" has awakened many to the fact that not only were those "vaccines" poison, ALL vaccines are poison. I would much rather people wake up to their "bad decisions" than to remain asleep, and I will continue to applaud them for doing so. The only way we're going to stop the madness is if millions do what Steve has done. They should be welcomed into our community, not vilified.

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Interesting. I'll see if I can find some info on that. Thanks!

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There is way more to this than just about making money. They want total control over human beings and they want to reduce the population in order to maintain control. I needed to go back thousands of years in our history to help me to understand what is happening today. I have spent years researching this. What I found out has turned my understanding of the world upside down. We have been lied to and kept in the dark about our history and many other things. We have free will and we do not need to comply with anything they want us to do. If we stay united they cannot win. They need us (that’s why they’re so desperate to control us) not the other way around.

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Agree there is something very sinister afoot on a global level. And the spiritual component is key to our survival. Without that, we are lost.

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If You Are Reading This

You Are A Holocaust Survivor.

So Far.


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Thank you for the post. Seems like everyone just wants the whole thing to go away and not talk about it. The fact there was no "end" or evaluation about what just happened makes closure difficult. Plus we all know the WHO is up to some other scheme to unleash any day...

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May 23·edited May 23

I put up a meme recently based on a comment I saw on substack. It was a picture of two medical gloves filled with hot water tied around a patient's hand. 'When they ask why I can't just let go'.

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thank-you, feel free to she here....

hard to leave AMA (Against Medical Advice) when you are sick.

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Let’s not forget the US Bio warfare budget is 88 billion and if you create a bio weapon, you need an antidote! They believe the experimental RNA injections are the answer. Covid was a bio warfare exercise in my view. Those harmed are just collateral damage in the scheme of things to stay ahead of our enemies! I don’t see an end in sight to this nightmare!

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Mission Impossible II!!! Chimera and Baleraphone.

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this is astounding, and so horrible!

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Well Done!!

I too have contributed to THE most worthy cause. Dr Meryl Nass is a tireless heroine!

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It seems like the WHO's Pandemic Treaty signed on May 27th is inevitable, so we need a backup plan. However, at a CHD TV roundtable, Senator Ron Johnson mentioned that a new US president could potentially repeal this troubling treaty.

Out of the 3,000 Einsatzgruppen members sent to the Eastern Front and captured after World War II, only 200 were put on trial and punished. Many Nazis with high IQs (between 138-142) who were tried at Nuremberg often avoided execution.

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Luc, thanks for this callout that the treaty is inevitable. Agree with your historical fact as well that ultimately, people are going to get away unscathed, so we can't hope for anything there as well.

I agree that our strongest strategies are to 1) definitely spread awareness as mentioned in this article, 2) check out our local politicans to see where they stand on this issue. Like LA, it is possible to limit totalitarian effects (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-rebel-state). I definitely don't foresee Biden withdrawing it, but its good to know which politicans support what (as I think all/most politicians may be evil (even republicans): https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rfk-phenomenon-a-triad-of-choices)

And definitely I agree with number 3 to support those stopping these evils. However, I do caution that we should be careful with our support as there are those that may be "controlled opposition." Those in dividuals are lurking in the shadows so we must be aware of such: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-complex-roles-and-benefits-of

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- Luc

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It's inevitable for them perhaps, but what if the majority is non-compliant???? That's all it would take..

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As a social scientist, I bet on this, too!

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May 23·edited May 23

Most of those high IQ Nazis were sent to the US specifically to work for the US government.

Look up Unit 731 - the Japanese torture camps - they were given immunity by the US in exchange for “research data”.

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Absolutely right. These Japanese 'doctors' later went on to lead major pharmaceutical companies in their home country.

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The majority of Federal elected officers are funded by Big Pharma. Until we get around the funding issue we can’t make any real progress.

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I get it.

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The world is going fast with all the vax-injured and nutrient-deprived people at the top. The ones who are in power have lost their ability to think. This whole insanity would not even exist, if people had functioning brains. Big Pharma, the Medical Industry, and the WHO know nothing about health. They are all comprised of unhealthy people. People looked up to doctors thinking with all their education, they were knowledgable. Unfortunately med school did not teach doctors the information that should have been taught about the human body and how it functions. We would not be having this massive problem today, if those in charge were healthy and had the ability to think clearly. The doctors in the Medical Industry were not taught about the human body and how it works. They were not taught how the bloodstream works, the Immune System works and the Elimination System works. Without this knowledge how could they teach their patients how to stay well?? The word doctor comes from the Latin word docere...meaning to teach. This is what doctors are supposed to do. how can they teach, if they are given the wrong information in med school? The entire Medical System has to be revamped, because its lack of true knowledge has harmed the entire world!

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Back in ~ 1975 i was talking to a doctor friend born in ~ 1940. On the subject of nutrition, he nonchalantly said that in med school they had the option of taking a nutrition course, but it was obviously not considered to be of importance - i think he said he didn't take it. I was shocked at the time, but not any more. Let's face it - the allopathic model was never about health . . .

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People really should check out Hippocrate's life. He was a teacher. The word doctor means...teacher. What can we call the so called doctors today...drug dealers? I do believe that they all were vaxed as childrem...It got really bad after the National Childhood Injury act of 1986 passed...and vaxes jumped from about 9-11 up to 72 shots of BRAIN-DAMAGING elements and HEALTH-HARMING substances for every student from the tine they entered school, until they graduated. When I went to school,, I received one shot..it was smallpox. I remember my arm ached...and was sore. Study the history of the Smallpox Vax...it killed a lot of people. It wiped out 90% of the population of Leicester, England, before they stopped forcing people to take it.

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Yes Barbara, docere like you mentioned before. What a travesty medicine has become - or maybe not a travesty since 'medicine' (drugs (poisons), surgery and radiation) are their tools, none of which lead to health. It is so sad that most in the western world have been indoctrinated from infancy to believe this is health care. Of course sometimes the poisons can be applied judiciously, like an antibiotic for a bad infection, which can be miraculous. . . or perhaps surgery to set a badly broken bone. You are fortunate to have been born before the mass adoption of vaccines. I see the deleterious effects in nearly everyone, including myself. My dad, born in 1917, used to call the medical profession quacks, avoided most of their drugs and lived to be 99. I think the lack of vax is partly why they (and you?) became what is called "the greatest generation" - brave, strong, aware and resilient.

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Antibiotics have their downside...they wipe out both bad bacteria and HEALTHY bacteria. Once the healthy ones are gone...it takes a long time to establish them again. One is left with no naturl immunity. There is a herb, which I used which was great in the past for infection...Golden Seal Root. It was very effective. My daughter was so sick with a bronchial condition, she couldn't speak. Her voice came back in about 4 hours. My friend was going to put her daughter in the hospital. I told her to ask the doctor, if she could bring her in..next morning. She gave the little girl Golden Seal Root a number of times...and the next morning she was better. I believe it was Golden Seal Root was more potent in the 1970s.

seventies...it appears everything has changed today. Vitamin C is potent in high doses. Dr Frederick Klenner (check on internet) used it for many things.

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Yes, i have been using golden seal for ~ 40 years and also think it is a powerful antibiotic (at least when relatively fresh) - also Oregon Grape root can pinch hit for it. I have studied and used herbs extensively for myself and others for decades - and have studied Ayurveda with a master (Dr Vasant Lad) who taught us much about herbal usage, along with many other natural healing modalities. I agree there is a tremendous downside to allopathic antibiotics. Whenever they are taken, probiotic food should also be consumed. However i think there is a place for pharmaceutical antibiotics, and was also trying to be positive about at least some aspects of allopathy. Certainly not about their "treatment" of cancer, which is truly horrific.

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Bravo and Amen! 👍

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be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world INCLUDING YOURS..if you do sign it? be sure to reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..all platforms and alternative outlets can be used it currently has over 2,212000 signatures....for much more info about the treaty check out both the steve kirsch substack/ the james roguski substack also both rumble and bitchute

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thanks clive, just signed and sent on

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All the people of the first world need to force their legislators to write laws that make the Hippocratic Oath a international law with capital punishment options for those who violate it that are publicly and commonly carried out in the world's media. It would only take one Dr. Fauci being executed on worldwide television to make his ilk scatter like the cockroaches they are. Sadly the wealthy protect the wealthy from all the bad things they do to those who can't afford a lawyer.

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A complete withdrawal from the UN would be a good start.

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It does not take a doctoral degree or even usual intelligence to discern the W.H.O's agenda, or at least the agenda of those who are controlling Gebreysus:

1. The products recommended by the W.H.O. do not protect people from any disease

2. They are toxic and sometimes lethal.

3. Those who do not take the recommended products have better health and longer life.

4. They are subject to legal mandates, at the discretion of W.H.O.

5. Saying otherwise is to be considered socially unacceptable, or, if possible, criminal behavior under law.

6. There is an interest amongst the purveyors of W.H.O's wares to get their products inside of every human (presumably, excepting themselves), regardless of health status, regardless of medical necessity, regardless of age, and regardless of contravening medical circumstances.

7. Klaus Schwab, who has been cheering on and helping to direct the Great Reset, of which the COVID crisis was a small part, was a protege of Henry Kissinger, author of the infamous "Kissinger Report", lauding the importance of depopulation.

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If it passes we will always be in a “health emergency”.

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NSA and Five Eyes is mass surveillance! (Hi!)

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I live in Slovenia, which was part of the former Yugoslavia. Bosnia and Herzegovina was also part of it. Mirnes Ajanović lives there, a lawyer, a fighter for people and freedom, who improved a great victory for his compatriots. No more compulsory passports, nothing more mandatory vaccination. This country won in court. Since there are no English translations anywhere, here is his meeting with the German lawyer Reiner F., where he nicely explains how the fight for justice took place and how he achieved it. I know that the topic of your writing is the second, but I still think it is important to share his fight for justice. And I hope and pray that nothing bad will happen to him.I hope that you understand my broken English..

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