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Do you think this might be the Opium Wars in reverse?!

The Chinese are very patient and subtle people, they have a strong and ancient culture and they do not forget how they were humiliated in the past.

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The Chinese have long-term plans to expand power. Some of their that include loans to poor countries making them dependent. IDK if it is in retaliation, though one never knows what mix of motivations are in another.

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the moment you start cooperating with a liar and cheater over money, that's when you have sold your values, principles, and soul. This is what the USA and Germany did when started outsourcing for the value of Chinese market share! It's the corporations that have sold our values. In the end, to build a free modern, and prosperous society one has to go BEYOND just the money talk. Money is important but it was not the West that was desperate and depraved of money! Yet behaved like this and sold "know-how" and the whole society in exchange for money (Chinese market share). So many wrong people got rich, and some died (Apple), today Amazon lives entirely off of Chinese shops! and manipulates the market, when Trump wanted to reverse some of this, he stepped into HUGE money interest. There is no going back. Lies spread like a virus, they are contagious. and power is more concentrated. gini coef in the USA is of the same magnitude as in some dictatorship countries. So you have abused not only the world around you but yourself as well.

And the Chinese regime knows if they do not export communism they are in danger, now they can thrive!

Digitalization is the next step in that direction, .AI is their next big thing

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I believe you are wrong about the Chinese giving money for dependency - that is the тАШWesternтАЩ propaganda. From the brilliant economist M. Hudson: the Chinese give loans to help countries develop and those loans are repaid after 20 years when the countries are expected to have developed to the point of being able to repay. The Chinese work on Westphalian principles, not the colonial imperialism of the тАШWestтАЩ.

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I see China apologists are out full force. Must have to do with the content of this article on the WHO treaty. Why so sensitive for poor China all of a sudden? LOL.

Whether you owe the bank, the loan shark, or another country, you owe them and that is always leverage that can be utilized.

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No, no youтАЩve go it all wrong - IтАЩm not a China apologist, IтАЩm a Putin apologist in disguise.

Have a fun day!

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Although somewhat late, I wanted to let you know for future reference that I avoid engaging with anyone who resorts to ad hominem remarks. Farewell!

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