Direct hit, sir. I kept my own son from taking all but the very first Hep B shot( I was pressured into it, but afterward always refused) and was blessed with a strong, brilliant,and thoughtful child who grew into adulthood.
In his early 20s , he wanted to finish his education at state University,and pressed by his girlfriend, became u…
Direct hit, sir. I kept my own son from taking all but the very first Hep B shot( I was pressured into it, but afterward always refused) and was blessed with a strong, brilliant,and thoughtful child who grew into adulthood.
In his early 20s , he wanted to finish his education at state University,and pressed by his girlfriend, became up-to-date on his vaccines in s very short period.
There followed depression. Then a diagnosis for ADHD , from which he never previously shown signs.
Mid 2022 he and his new wide ( same multi year gf) get covid shots.
Less than a year later, at 26...he's decided he's Trans and he's a girl. She agrees, because she thinks she's non binary.
They both live with me now and I can daily see the personality changes that weren't part of his psychology at age 22.
All this I'd claimed to his dad a couple months ago.
I had hopes that a couple years might see him heal.
That's why I do this. I really want to help people so I try to get the things out that can help them. This week was a bit hard on me because I slept a lot less than I would have liked to get this one done.
Far, far more likely that returning to university and being surrounded by constant peer pressure to "be trans", aka brainwashing into a cult, is the true culprit here. When these cult members begin to self-reinforce with social media and, worse, with a partner, they can play out the role "trans" to feel important much like someone who delves deep into a church. In other words, you don't need a medical or chemical explanation for something we've seen for thousands of years. Research any cult - there are many excellent videos out there documenting what happens and who joins - and you'll quickly see that people will go along with just about anything to fit into a "community".
The jabs have enough real dangers to be worried about and, I have to say, this push by people like the Midwestern Doctor and Steve Kirsch to attribute very fringe, mildly correlated phenomena to the jabs is very, very dangerous to the overall mission of taking them off the market for their obvious causal links to cancer, blood clots and heart attacks. If I were a pro-jab person I would highlight daily the "nut job conspiracy theorists saying the jabs turn you gay". Very, very dangerous to keep pushing this. You all have been warned.
Altjpugh this plays a part- no doubt-If you were to see How my son's mental state changed? How he processes? No, I appreciate your thoughts, but you haven't been at his side for 27yrs.
My son is also 26 and also a strong, brilliant and thoughtful child. He had all the damnable vaccines and, against my wishes, the Covid garbage. I seem to be the only one who notices the changes in him. I wish to God I had never given him ANY vaccines and that he had never taken the Covid vax. So thankful to Midwestern Doctor for exposing this stuff in such a thorough way.
Mine also hid the fact…I told him the only thing I wanted for a Mother’s Day gift was for him to NOT get the vax. It was only then that he came clean. My heart broke. It’s still broken. How to we help our beautiful sons? How do we help our loved ones heal? You’re right…there HAS to be something on the horizon. I hope your son heals too!!!
I cried for hours when my son had his one J&J and his wife two Moderna’s 😞. They held off until his dad (my husband) was hospitalized with Covid and it scared them so badly they ran out and got vaccinated. Now his dad is 100% fine and he and his wife are ticking time bombs. She’s had covid at least three times. He twice. I’m actually glad they don’t have kids.
Doggone... I'm so sorry! At least ours have someone out there who is looking out for them and will choose to sift through information and studies. Actively search and advocate for them. I'll do so even as mine thinks the world should be woke and I'm wrong for thinking it should just be sane...
I disagree with what you are saying, there needs to be more open conversations about this subject and research into it. People have been speaking out against the vaccines and the side effects for decades and been labelled extremists and a danger to society. The only reason that happens is because those who control the narrative and the products are intentionally obfuscating the dangers among other things and do not want anyone asking questions, let alone driving people away from what they want.
But just last week, my neighbour - a super yobbo welder, pig hunting, martial artist manly man (aged 40's) neighbour proudly showed me his new breasts, and at the cost of his wife & child (wife calls him her "new best friend"), his job (he works for his father, who no longer has work for "her"), and his best mate of 27 years ("Freak, I ain't talking to you.").
What blows me away about talking to him (at least he's adult about it, says, "call me what you see") is that - this drive for "identity" seems to override healthy sex. You know that evolutionary drive to reproduce? Yeah, he's let that go, don't' know where he will get it now. How can this happen, that "identity" is more vital to his being than evolution & sex drive?
(Aside: this happened to friends of mine in the 90's, when he started to transition, she couldn't bear having sex with a man with hairy pendulous breasts, destroyed the marriage.)
So - this is a country bloke. He's always outside - again - a manly man, with his tractors & diggers & dogs. University & education couldn't have gotten to him - so what did? TeeVee?
Or was it that effing jab? (it's getting really hard to parse cultural trends from chemical ones!)
Thx for putting it out there. Yes, brainwashing is real, and yes, it's been going on for 1,000s of years. We all know that the Military Industrial Complex and many religions prey upon young/still impressionable adults who are looking for social/moral/financial solutions to their lives.
At the same time, in a 'sane' society, embargoes against studies that might ferret out some of the answers to the very real questions we are asking can't be ignored.
Why, as the Dr. indicates, have studies been blocked/ended/outlawed/biased/tainted over the last 30 years? Why do these studies have to occur in foreign countries where there is no massive Pharma capture of MSM/FDA/CDC/NIAID, Government at large?
Young people are angry today for all these prior misdeeds of hiding truths and ignoring asking the questions that naturally should have been asked/studies that should have been done (I'm speaking of 'natural' and unbiased/non Pharma funded) due to trust but not verifying of the last two generations (pre-war babies and baby boomers).
I believe the young will get this work done, even if the system has to collapse for a bit to get there.
Keep faith in them. They are our future and they deserve truths and natural answers.
Anyone studying this phenomenon of "the tranny vax" is going to have to climb two (or more) monumental mountains. The first is method of action. How can a concoction of chemicals or a foreign protein alter something as complex as gender identification and expression? I think most people have zero comprehension of what it means to "be female" or "be male" and act as such. Both hemispheres of the brain are involved. The entire value system of an individual is affected. The ego. The super-ego. The id. Everything. A shot did this? That is going to take some serious explaining.
Secondly, repetition. Why hasn't it affected everyone? Where's the repetition of the phenomenon even within the same batches of the shot?
Third is treatment. Right now the West has almost completely obliterated high-quality psychotherapy. The lessons of Jung, Freud and more have been completely thrown into the fireplace and set ablaze. If we as a society still supported proper diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoria what would we likely find in all of the "tranny vaxxed" individuals? In other words, blaming the vaxx is happening inside a vacuum of any sort of proper mental health framework.
My last point if fifth generation warfare, i.e. information warfare aka propaganda. This doesn't always happen inorganically due to alphabet agencies and political activism. Oftentimes a careless or innocent observation of, say, correlation will pop up (such as "tranny vaxx") and it just lays a golden egg for the propagandists. If I were a psyops guy and I wanted to take down anti-vaxxers, I would latch onto Kirsch's careless correlation, amplify it through anecdotes such as we see in this comments section, and then broadcast it far and wide on mainstream media, fully attaching it to my enemies.
As a doctor myself, and with over 2,000 hours of reading and research on this topic, I'm ever amazed at the myriad ways that vaccines have ravaged the physiology of humanity.
I believe this will offer some insight into exactly how they are creating so many trans identifiers among humans. By utilizing IVF technology.
"A True Hermaphrodite Chimera Resulting from Embryo Amalgamation after in Vitro Fertilization"
If we then take license with creative thinking and imagine them using this in vaccines (possibly for several decades now is what I posit) en masse. Of course psychopathic bigpharma organizations are not going to list all of the ingredients on the package insert, are they...? We'd be beyond naive to think that they would, in fact.
Surely if any truth exists to the idea that male/female HEK or other cell lines for vaccine culturing, have persisted into the shots as contaminants and managed to DNA integrate, somehow causing leaning of one sex to the other, or at least leanings to bi-sexuality/homosexuality or transgenderism transitioning, we should be able to gene test people and detect the integration of the vaxx cell lines KNOWN DNA, within the jabbed humans priorly OWN DNA?
Excellent point, especially in light of the past thirty-plus years of research into finding the "gay gene" and coming up empty. Mechanism of action, or lack thereof, is consistently the Achilles heel of every alternative theory to explain what appear as body phenomena (terrain theory of disease, anti-viral theory and "body imbalances", etc).
Brainwashing via social media is clearly the mechanism of action most likely causing self-identification of homosexuality and transsexualism this time around because history is littered with times this has happened to societies, far preceding any ability of medical causation. The conditions are pretty well know that bring it about and they involve long periods of a culture being successful and unchallenged. Political and societal advantages incentivize the behavior and peer pressure fuels the fire.
Well you raise an great issue of social conditioning too. Say like Wiemar Republics hedonism* at one time, or the "claimed" homosexuality and acceptance of pedophillia in the Greco and Spartan era.
The latter being a False construct of modern times fixation, with pushing a societal acceptance, of especially the latter examples +P aspect. Lots of people have demolished the latter arguments, as historical falsehood, which is now being attempted to pass off, as real Greek/Spartan history**/***, via a dangerous element, within the LGBTQ infiltrated movement.
Which really should be shown to impressionable kids/teens, to show they are being duped and groomed essentially imhho.
We have the return of NAMBA, PIE via Peter Tatchell finally being more honest, and at least UK pushes in the past by Theresa May and Harriot Harman as but two examples, of a relentless push, backed off on, then pushed harder again, of an agenda to normalise pedophillia, as some kind of acceptable sexual orientation, rather than a predatory VILE crime of the worst kind. MAPs etc, all to try to tone down the real crimes here.
Huw Edwards TV presenter of BBC, also walked free despite Cat A material, whilst today, literally just now, a Top UK MET OFFICER, that was uploading images of kids as young as 8 years old, from his "Police Station computers", has also just walked off on suspended sentence!! (from Daily Mail Online reports today!)
Returning to "the jabs cause Gender Issues", I am glad you think perhaps gene-screening, maybe a start point to define the "gay gene", that as you say, has proved illusive. I personally care not anyones sexual choices, aslong as it is consensual via adults only and not animals as per Eric Gill the GILL SANS signwriter, whose BBC Statue of Ariel and Prospero, still remains, made by an incestuous Pedophile and bestiality adherent!
"Mechanism of action, or lack thereof, is consistently the Achilles heel of every alternative theory to explain what appear as body phenomena (terrain theory of disease, anti-viral theory and "body imbalances", etc)."
I happen to now subsribe to Terrain Theory and think Virology is bunkum, and happen to think Imbalances of the body are indeed a vital covered up key. As the work of G W Carey and Wilhelm Schuessler and the Mineral Tissue Salt System of the Zodiac Salts of Salvation, as popularised in recent times by Steve Falconer of SPACEBUSTERS channels.
I have personally experienced far better health, as have people I have passed this to, via such a simple system. All side effect free of modern allopathic pharma poisons.
Whatever standards of evidence virology fails to meet, remember that we need to hold all other theories (hypothesis) to the same standards. It will do society no good to replace one flawed system with another, especially if the replacement requires even lower standards of evidence.
I understand why some do not like the theory of viruses and transmittable pathogens - the human laboratory testing has typically been inconclusive or non-conclusive and the entire field has been co-opted by nefarious, predatory people - but this does not render the underlying scientific principles moot and invalid. That's not how science works.
Solid, but wrong, theories MUST get replaced by better ones with evidence so compelling that it totally destroys the old way of thinking. Terrain and "balance" theory has come nowhere near virology yet and people that subscribe to it, I believe, are doing it out of a few understandable but flawed reasons: Anger toward the abuses of people like Fauci and Bourda (?) of Pfizer, secrecy around experimental data, cult-like behavior of doctors and skyrocketing costs of "healthcare" to name a few.
But terrain people have to stop being lazy. Make a prediction, run experiments and demonstrate how to make someone sick intentionally using the theory. Show the mechanism of action. Without this it can never be taken seriously. It will be like flat-earth nonsensers who would never get in a rocket and go up and see for themselves for fear of what they would see (or send a model rocket up themselves with a camera and properly interpret the images). Or perhaps they would go up and then come back and lie about it to become the messiah of their own sect. We've certain seen no shortage lately of "accuse the other side of doing what you are doing to confuse your enemy".
What logical tests outside of "medicine" (I use in quotes due to vaccines largely failing the tests of what constitutes medicine) might we construct to see if what you are saying is true about vaccines creating transvestites? Or hermaphrodites? These two terms mean very different things. The first is behavioral and the second is physiological.
If you would like, I can add some first but I wanted to give you the "honors on the first tee" since it is your position as a medical doctor.
Brain inflammation and subsequent damage. The brain is the seat of the soul. Now the soul cannot interreact with the it's material foundation. This could have a large constellation of various states of dis-ease. The confusion that arises from the variability of symptoms is built into the injections so as to keep us from consensus and arguing forever. I have 2 verified vaccine injured children.
Thank you Dr. for your taking these 'deep dives' into discovering these answers.
One more future concern/consideration, that being "HEK 293 and PER.C6 are two cell lines that have been genetically altered to include the part of the adenovirus instructions that trigger replication of adenoviruses. This allows the production of a large amount of the final vaccination product and allows the removal of the adenoviral replication instructions in the vaccine.
HEK 293 cells are a cell line derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture. They are useful for many transfection experiments, particularly the propagation of adenoviral-based and retroviral-based vectors.
PER.C6 cells, on the other hand, are a cell line developed from human embryonic retinal cells. They were transformed by adenovirus type 5 and are able to complement the growth of defective Ad5 vectors which have been “crippled” by deletion of E1.
Both HEK 293 and PER.C6 cell lines have been used in the development of various vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines. The University of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine ChAdOX1 nCoV-19 is developed in the HEK 293 cell line, while the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine Adenovirus 26 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S is developed in the PER.C6 cell line. However, the final products do not contain fetal cells."
Studies will never be funded in this Country, but what's the possibility of looking at these cell lines to see if DNA fragments might have had a chromosomal lineage that promoted gene bias towards one gender or another?
I feel this is indeed a valid path, however I doubt chimp or human adeno strains, as virology has seemingly failed to show such properly exists. Instead they are playing with toxins. The inclusion of human cell cultures of one gender or another, into the opposite genders, coupled with potential DNA integration, does seem a perfectly valid Hypothesis that needs further study, which as you say, will never be funded or allowed. It logically however makes sense.
I have not read the article to its end, and therefore I'm unable to draw an opinion, but consider that 'something' is bringing on neurological changes (if we all agree that diversity of sexuality(ies) is an actual neurologically driven force).
I'll circle back and we can see if any learning comes from this.
"You’d think that such a phenomenon of souls being switched into the wrong bodies would happen in a geographically isolated location. But instead, it’s happened in every democracy country, while avoiding every non-democracy country."
What is it about Democracy that causes neurological changes/disorder?
More Hmm??
And the "Non-Democratic" countries somehow survived this onslaught.
What do they NOT HAVE that democratic countries do??
Hi, not yet had time for the article but I would posit, that if the author is blaming Democracies, then they are hinting, that non-such countries rules/societal cultures, perhaps have stauncher less liberal views and perhaps religious adherence which forbid, or shun, such sexual orientations. Such cultures will still have diverse sexualities but officially it will be supressed to out of sight, for fear of reprisals. So their societies will not be openly pushing such.
Would that be logical?
Seems a weak argument of the author though but I shall have to read it to comment more.
If you saw the underwear options of gay men, you might take pause. It's trans genderism on steroids. The war against nature which is none other than God's lesson book ,started with the celebration of same sex ideology. Once you breach the wall, anything can get in. Open link with caution and a wide bowl.
OMG, so sorry your adult son agreed to get all those vaccines as a young man. I understand that the brain is not fully formed until the age of 27. Now his personality has changed forever because his brain has been damaged from vaxxine induced inflammation.
This belies the belief that delaying vaccines ameliorates harm. It might ameliorate some harm, in the forming, growing child - but it shows that - even a fully formed brain, immune system, respiratory system - is vulnerable to these shots.
Glad he survived the Hep B, anyhow. Mine suffered imminent SIDS several times because of it, though we always managed to revive him. (Then shifted his formula to no milk.)
Omigosh I'm so sorry, but glad he survived! He iscwell now??
Mine only got his very first- then I asked them how Hep B is acquired...
Me:" He already shows signs of being a willful child at 3 months, but I believe I can steer him away from intervenous drug use and prostitutes during his childhood ..." I know my instant mouth is what then made for years of adversarial pediatric visits.( and probably why he told me " Oh, I probably should have sat him up to listen to his heart " after hearing I'd changed from single to family insurance, and that they now considered his PDA not covered... and we had to pay for every dime of the surgery )
Mostly. He grew out of the milk allergy, but has worse allergies than I do, and had tubes put in when he flunked the school's hearing test. (He had pretty much the full modern schedule, though not Covid. "DTP" seems to be most at fault for that.)
Was patent ductus arteriosus considered a "preexisting condition"?
It pre-existed my change within the same BCBS system, and because it was expected to close and my Ped " didn't hear anything " at his 1 month check up... I went ahead and switched from single to family... only to be told by 2 months he was Failing to Thrive and by 4 .. " Oops...his PDA is there, and worst than we thought. "
My son had a md egg allergy that I used as his excuse to forgo all the rest, which I did manage to wean him out of.
You've done well for him, and I wish your beloved son all the best. Feel free to touch base with me at any time?
Direct hit, sir. I kept my own son from taking all but the very first Hep B shot( I was pressured into it, but afterward always refused) and was blessed with a strong, brilliant,and thoughtful child who grew into adulthood.
In his early 20s , he wanted to finish his education at state University,and pressed by his girlfriend, became up-to-date on his vaccines in s very short period.
There followed depression. Then a diagnosis for ADHD , from which he never previously shown signs.
Mid 2022 he and his new wide ( same multi year gf) get covid shots.
Less than a year later, at 26...he's decided he's Trans and he's a girl. She agrees, because she thinks she's non binary.
They both live with me now and I can daily see the personality changes that weren't part of his psychology at age 22.
All this I'd claimed to his dad a couple months ago.
I had hopes that a couple years might see him heal.
Steve Kirsch may want to interview you.
I have the same X pseudonym, and y'all are welcome to contact.
Can I just say , again, that I'm ever so grateful for your work and your fortitude?
That's why I do this. I really want to help people so I try to get the things out that can help them. This week was a bit hard on me because I slept a lot less than I would have liked to get this one done.
Also, I sent you a DM about that.
Lack of sleep- at least it was for a worthy cause. Please be extra mindful going about your business if the kick was severe. ( sorry...the mom in me)
Far, far more likely that returning to university and being surrounded by constant peer pressure to "be trans", aka brainwashing into a cult, is the true culprit here. When these cult members begin to self-reinforce with social media and, worse, with a partner, they can play out the role "trans" to feel important much like someone who delves deep into a church. In other words, you don't need a medical or chemical explanation for something we've seen for thousands of years. Research any cult - there are many excellent videos out there documenting what happens and who joins - and you'll quickly see that people will go along with just about anything to fit into a "community".
The jabs have enough real dangers to be worried about and, I have to say, this push by people like the Midwestern Doctor and Steve Kirsch to attribute very fringe, mildly correlated phenomena to the jabs is very, very dangerous to the overall mission of taking them off the market for their obvious causal links to cancer, blood clots and heart attacks. If I were a pro-jab person I would highlight daily the "nut job conspiracy theorists saying the jabs turn you gay". Very, very dangerous to keep pushing this. You all have been warned.
That was a large part of why I didn't touch this for a while and why I was very careful with how I handled this.
Altjpugh this plays a part- no doubt-If you were to see How my son's mental state changed? How he processes? No, I appreciate your thoughts, but you haven't been at his side for 27yrs.
My son is also 26 and also a strong, brilliant and thoughtful child. He had all the damnable vaccines and, against my wishes, the Covid garbage. I seem to be the only one who notices the changes in him. I wish to God I had never given him ANY vaccines and that he had never taken the Covid vax. So thankful to Midwestern Doctor for exposing this stuff in such a thorough way.
Mine hid the fact gor 2 months, knowing I'd be furious.
I hope your son heals. Surely there's something on the horizon that can hell the body mend it's cellular damage and restore it to health.
Mine also hid the fact…I told him the only thing I wanted for a Mother’s Day gift was for him to NOT get the vax. It was only then that he came clean. My heart broke. It’s still broken. How to we help our beautiful sons? How do we help our loved ones heal? You’re right…there HAS to be something on the horizon. I hope your son heals too!!!
I cried for hours when my son had his one J&J and his wife two Moderna’s 😞. They held off until his dad (my husband) was hospitalized with Covid and it scared them so badly they ran out and got vaccinated. Now his dad is 100% fine and he and his wife are ticking time bombs. She’s had covid at least three times. He twice. I’m actually glad they don’t have kids.
Have you looked at Dr McCullough's base spike detox program?
Doggone... I'm so sorry! At least ours have someone out there who is looking out for them and will choose to sift through information and studies. Actively search and advocate for them. I'll do so even as mine thinks the world should be woke and I'm wrong for thinking it should just be sane...
I disagree with what you are saying, there needs to be more open conversations about this subject and research into it. People have been speaking out against the vaccines and the side effects for decades and been labelled extremists and a danger to society. The only reason that happens is because those who control the narrative and the products are intentionally obfuscating the dangers among other things and do not want anyone asking questions, let alone driving people away from what they want.
Yes, there are social factors!
But just last week, my neighbour - a super yobbo welder, pig hunting, martial artist manly man (aged 40's) neighbour proudly showed me his new breasts, and at the cost of his wife & child (wife calls him her "new best friend"), his job (he works for his father, who no longer has work for "her"), and his best mate of 27 years ("Freak, I ain't talking to you.").
What blows me away about talking to him (at least he's adult about it, says, "call me what you see") is that - this drive for "identity" seems to override healthy sex. You know that evolutionary drive to reproduce? Yeah, he's let that go, don't' know where he will get it now. How can this happen, that "identity" is more vital to his being than evolution & sex drive?
(Aside: this happened to friends of mine in the 90's, when he started to transition, she couldn't bear having sex with a man with hairy pendulous breasts, destroyed the marriage.)
So - this is a country bloke. He's always outside - again - a manly man, with his tractors & diggers & dogs. University & education couldn't have gotten to him - so what did? TeeVee?
Or was it that effing jab? (it's getting really hard to parse cultural trends from chemical ones!)
Thx for putting it out there. Yes, brainwashing is real, and yes, it's been going on for 1,000s of years. We all know that the Military Industrial Complex and many religions prey upon young/still impressionable adults who are looking for social/moral/financial solutions to their lives.
At the same time, in a 'sane' society, embargoes against studies that might ferret out some of the answers to the very real questions we are asking can't be ignored.
Why, as the Dr. indicates, have studies been blocked/ended/outlawed/biased/tainted over the last 30 years? Why do these studies have to occur in foreign countries where there is no massive Pharma capture of MSM/FDA/CDC/NIAID, Government at large?
Young people are angry today for all these prior misdeeds of hiding truths and ignoring asking the questions that naturally should have been asked/studies that should have been done (I'm speaking of 'natural' and unbiased/non Pharma funded) due to trust but not verifying of the last two generations (pre-war babies and baby boomers).
I believe the young will get this work done, even if the system has to collapse for a bit to get there.
Keep faith in them. They are our future and they deserve truths and natural answers.
Anyone studying this phenomenon of "the tranny vax" is going to have to climb two (or more) monumental mountains. The first is method of action. How can a concoction of chemicals or a foreign protein alter something as complex as gender identification and expression? I think most people have zero comprehension of what it means to "be female" or "be male" and act as such. Both hemispheres of the brain are involved. The entire value system of an individual is affected. The ego. The super-ego. The id. Everything. A shot did this? That is going to take some serious explaining.
Secondly, repetition. Why hasn't it affected everyone? Where's the repetition of the phenomenon even within the same batches of the shot?
Third is treatment. Right now the West has almost completely obliterated high-quality psychotherapy. The lessons of Jung, Freud and more have been completely thrown into the fireplace and set ablaze. If we as a society still supported proper diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoria what would we likely find in all of the "tranny vaxxed" individuals? In other words, blaming the vaxx is happening inside a vacuum of any sort of proper mental health framework.
My last point if fifth generation warfare, i.e. information warfare aka propaganda. This doesn't always happen inorganically due to alphabet agencies and political activism. Oftentimes a careless or innocent observation of, say, correlation will pop up (such as "tranny vaxx") and it just lays a golden egg for the propagandists. If I were a psyops guy and I wanted to take down anti-vaxxers, I would latch onto Kirsch's careless correlation, amplify it through anecdotes such as we see in this comments section, and then broadcast it far and wide on mainstream media, fully attaching it to my enemies.
As a doctor myself, and with over 2,000 hours of reading and research on this topic, I'm ever amazed at the myriad ways that vaccines have ravaged the physiology of humanity.
I believe this will offer some insight into exactly how they are creating so many trans identifiers among humans. By utilizing IVF technology.
"A True Hermaphrodite Chimera Resulting from Embryo Amalgamation after in Vitro Fertilization"
Have a read here -
If we then take license with creative thinking and imagine them using this in vaccines (possibly for several decades now is what I posit) en masse. Of course psychopathic bigpharma organizations are not going to list all of the ingredients on the package insert, are they...? We'd be beyond naive to think that they would, in fact.
Have you had time to think of how we can set up a proper hypothesis and test it yet?
Surely if any truth exists to the idea that male/female HEK or other cell lines for vaccine culturing, have persisted into the shots as contaminants and managed to DNA integrate, somehow causing leaning of one sex to the other, or at least leanings to bi-sexuality/homosexuality or transgenderism transitioning, we should be able to gene test people and detect the integration of the vaxx cell lines KNOWN DNA, within the jabbed humans priorly OWN DNA?
Is that not a logical start place?
Excellent point, especially in light of the past thirty-plus years of research into finding the "gay gene" and coming up empty. Mechanism of action, or lack thereof, is consistently the Achilles heel of every alternative theory to explain what appear as body phenomena (terrain theory of disease, anti-viral theory and "body imbalances", etc).
Brainwashing via social media is clearly the mechanism of action most likely causing self-identification of homosexuality and transsexualism this time around because history is littered with times this has happened to societies, far preceding any ability of medical causation. The conditions are pretty well know that bring it about and they involve long periods of a culture being successful and unchallenged. Political and societal advantages incentivize the behavior and peer pressure fuels the fire.
That too.
Well you raise an great issue of social conditioning too. Say like Wiemar Republics hedonism* at one time, or the "claimed" homosexuality and acceptance of pedophillia in the Greco and Spartan era.
The latter being a False construct of modern times fixation, with pushing a societal acceptance, of especially the latter examples +P aspect. Lots of people have demolished the latter arguments, as historical falsehood, which is now being attempted to pass off, as real Greek/Spartan history**/***, via a dangerous element, within the LGBTQ infiltrated movement.
Francis Aaron here demolishes the Transitioning arguments in this excellent song CLOWNFISH:
Which really should be shown to impressionable kids/teens, to show they are being duped and groomed essentially imhho.
We have the return of NAMBA, PIE via Peter Tatchell finally being more honest, and at least UK pushes in the past by Theresa May and Harriot Harman as but two examples, of a relentless push, backed off on, then pushed harder again, of an agenda to normalise pedophillia, as some kind of acceptable sexual orientation, rather than a predatory VILE crime of the worst kind. MAPs etc, all to try to tone down the real crimes here.
Recently UK had 30 Pedos let off in 2 weeks from any jail time, despite Category A imagery/videos of the sickness stuff known.
Huw Edwards TV presenter of BBC, also walked free despite Cat A material, whilst today, literally just now, a Top UK MET OFFICER, that was uploading images of kids as young as 8 years old, from his "Police Station computers", has also just walked off on suspended sentence!! (from Daily Mail Online reports today!)
* Weimar
Returning to "the jabs cause Gender Issues", I am glad you think perhaps gene-screening, maybe a start point to define the "gay gene", that as you say, has proved illusive. I personally care not anyones sexual choices, aslong as it is consensual via adults only and not animals as per Eric Gill the GILL SANS signwriter, whose BBC Statue of Ariel and Prospero, still remains, made by an incestuous Pedophile and bestiality adherent!
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark to coin a phrase and nothing personal against Denmark. It's a lovely place. When they are hiring "Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkeys" to read to pre school children!! I kid you not!!
Now you mentioned Ruth:
"Mechanism of action, or lack thereof, is consistently the Achilles heel of every alternative theory to explain what appear as body phenomena (terrain theory of disease, anti-viral theory and "body imbalances", etc)."
I happen to now subsribe to Terrain Theory and think Virology is bunkum, and happen to think Imbalances of the body are indeed a vital covered up key. As the work of G W Carey and Wilhelm Schuessler and the Mineral Tissue Salt System of the Zodiac Salts of Salvation, as popularised in recent times by Steve Falconer of SPACEBUSTERS channels. (12 Critical Biochemical Components we NEED to stay alive) 1 hour overview.
I have personally experienced far better health, as have people I have passed this to, via such a simple system. All side effect free of modern allopathic pharma poisons.
Namaste & Inlak'ech
Whatever standards of evidence virology fails to meet, remember that we need to hold all other theories (hypothesis) to the same standards. It will do society no good to replace one flawed system with another, especially if the replacement requires even lower standards of evidence.
I understand why some do not like the theory of viruses and transmittable pathogens - the human laboratory testing has typically been inconclusive or non-conclusive and the entire field has been co-opted by nefarious, predatory people - but this does not render the underlying scientific principles moot and invalid. That's not how science works.
Solid, but wrong, theories MUST get replaced by better ones with evidence so compelling that it totally destroys the old way of thinking. Terrain and "balance" theory has come nowhere near virology yet and people that subscribe to it, I believe, are doing it out of a few understandable but flawed reasons: Anger toward the abuses of people like Fauci and Bourda (?) of Pfizer, secrecy around experimental data, cult-like behavior of doctors and skyrocketing costs of "healthcare" to name a few.
But terrain people have to stop being lazy. Make a prediction, run experiments and demonstrate how to make someone sick intentionally using the theory. Show the mechanism of action. Without this it can never be taken seriously. It will be like flat-earth nonsensers who would never get in a rocket and go up and see for themselves for fear of what they would see (or send a model rocket up themselves with a camera and properly interpret the images). Or perhaps they would go up and then come back and lie about it to become the messiah of their own sect. We've certain seen no shortage lately of "accuse the other side of doing what you are doing to confuse your enemy".
What logical tests outside of "medicine" (I use in quotes due to vaccines largely failing the tests of what constitutes medicine) might we construct to see if what you are saying is true about vaccines creating transvestites? Or hermaphrodites? These two terms mean very different things. The first is behavioral and the second is physiological.
If you would like, I can add some first but I wanted to give you the "honors on the first tee" since it is your position as a medical doctor.
Brain inflammation and subsequent damage. The brain is the seat of the soul. Now the soul cannot interreact with the it's material foundation. This could have a large constellation of various states of dis-ease. The confusion that arises from the variability of symptoms is built into the injections so as to keep us from consensus and arguing forever. I have 2 verified vaccine injured children.
have you seen this?
Added that to the conversion therapy of the article.
Thank you Dr. for your taking these 'deep dives' into discovering these answers.
One more future concern/consideration, that being "HEK 293 and PER.C6 are two cell lines that have been genetically altered to include the part of the adenovirus instructions that trigger replication of adenoviruses. This allows the production of a large amount of the final vaccination product and allows the removal of the adenoviral replication instructions in the vaccine.
HEK 293 cells are a cell line derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture. They are useful for many transfection experiments, particularly the propagation of adenoviral-based and retroviral-based vectors.
PER.C6 cells, on the other hand, are a cell line developed from human embryonic retinal cells. They were transformed by adenovirus type 5 and are able to complement the growth of defective Ad5 vectors which have been “crippled” by deletion of E1.
Both HEK 293 and PER.C6 cell lines have been used in the development of various vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines. The University of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine ChAdOX1 nCoV-19 is developed in the HEK 293 cell line, while the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine Adenovirus 26 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S is developed in the PER.C6 cell line. However, the final products do not contain fetal cells."
Studies will never be funded in this Country, but what's the possibility of looking at these cell lines to see if DNA fragments might have had a chromosomal lineage that promoted gene bias towards one gender or another?
I feel this is indeed a valid path, however I doubt chimp or human adeno strains, as virology has seemingly failed to show such properly exists. Instead they are playing with toxins. The inclusion of human cell cultures of one gender or another, into the opposite genders, coupled with potential DNA integration, does seem a perfectly valid Hypothesis that needs further study, which as you say, will never be funded or allowed. It logically however makes sense.
I like the concept, and the logic.
Here's another angle:
I have not read the article to its end, and therefore I'm unable to draw an opinion, but consider that 'something' is bringing on neurological changes (if we all agree that diversity of sexuality(ies) is an actual neurologically driven force).
I'll circle back and we can see if any learning comes from this.
OK, finally read the article.
Author(s) blame it on "Democracy".
"You’d think that such a phenomenon of souls being switched into the wrong bodies would happen in a geographically isolated location. But instead, it’s happened in every democracy country, while avoiding every non-democracy country."
What is it about Democracy that causes neurological changes/disorder?
More Hmm??
And the "Non-Democratic" countries somehow survived this onslaught.
What do they NOT HAVE that democratic countries do??
Hi, not yet had time for the article but I would posit, that if the author is blaming Democracies, then they are hinting, that non-such countries rules/societal cultures, perhaps have stauncher less liberal views and perhaps religious adherence which forbid, or shun, such sexual orientations. Such cultures will still have diverse sexualities but officially it will be supressed to out of sight, for fear of reprisals. So their societies will not be openly pushing such.
Would that be logical?
Seems a weak argument of the author though but I shall have to read it to comment more.
I hadn't ( I've let 80% of my stacks get away from me) but I follow Gays Against Groomers on X. They're doing good work.
If you saw the underwear options of gay men, you might take pause. It's trans genderism on steroids. The war against nature which is none other than God's lesson book ,started with the celebration of same sex ideology. Once you breach the wall, anything can get in. Open link with caution and a wide bowl.
Please give references. Interested to watch
OMG, so sorry your adult son agreed to get all those vaccines as a young man. I understand that the brain is not fully formed until the age of 27. Now his personality has changed forever because his brain has been damaged from vaxxine induced inflammation.
This belies the belief that delaying vaccines ameliorates harm. It might ameliorate some harm, in the forming, growing child - but it shows that - even a fully formed brain, immune system, respiratory system - is vulnerable to these shots.
this is frightening, and reminds us to EDUCATION thoroughly to our children
the dangers of va$$ines!!!!
You can bring a horse to water...
Believe me- I tried. Mom's information did not stand up to woke gf's wishes.
We spent over $30k in attorney fees to keep our 1st grand daughter unvaxxed.
She is 12 years old, she knows all about vax, refused to wear a mask, she's a fighter.
Im a certified health nut for over 40 years, and it has rubbed off on my 3 children,
so I want to believe my grandchildren will not vax when they are adults.
Worst case scenario, I will bribe them.
I wish you the best of luck and health.
Glad he survived the Hep B, anyhow. Mine suffered imminent SIDS several times because of it, though we always managed to revive him. (Then shifted his formula to no milk.)
Omigosh I'm so sorry, but glad he survived! He iscwell now??
Mine only got his very first- then I asked them how Hep B is acquired...
Me:" He already shows signs of being a willful child at 3 months, but I believe I can steer him away from intervenous drug use and prostitutes during his childhood ..." I know my instant mouth is what then made for years of adversarial pediatric visits.( and probably why he told me " Oh, I probably should have sat him up to listen to his heart " after hearing I'd changed from single to family insurance, and that they now considered his PDA not covered... and we had to pay for every dime of the surgery )
Mostly. He grew out of the milk allergy, but has worse allergies than I do, and had tubes put in when he flunked the school's hearing test. (He had pretty much the full modern schedule, though not Covid. "DTP" seems to be most at fault for that.)
Was patent ductus arteriosus considered a "preexisting condition"?
It pre-existed my change within the same BCBS system, and because it was expected to close and my Ped " didn't hear anything " at his 1 month check up... I went ahead and switched from single to family... only to be told by 2 months he was Failing to Thrive and by 4 .. " Oops...his PDA is there, and worst than we thought. "
My son had a md egg allergy that I used as his excuse to forgo all the rest, which I did manage to wean him out of.
You've done well for him, and I wish your beloved son all the best. Feel free to touch base with me at any time?