He's talking about Grammarly a free to preminum app that does grammar, spelling, etc, works better than Microsoft's junk on your computer. And will let you dismiss or add a word. Because there are times Don't works better than Doesn't. Headlines are the worse for being wrong.
I just read an article on the Failing Economy, that had a ton o…
He's talking about Grammarly a free to preminum app that does grammar, spelling, etc, works better than Microsoft's junk on your computer. And will let you dismiss or add a word. Because there are times Don't works better than Doesn't. Headlines are the worse for being wrong.
I just read an article on the Failing Economy, that had a ton of mispelled words, gramar errors, Stats were correct. And it caught everyone. And it was supposed to have been proof read by a 'proffessional'. When did I have, become I got? My HS English teacher is rolling over in her grave, she was a stictler for diagrams, spelling, gramar, and punction. Most forget later, it creeps in as the MSM use it, public then uses it. But I realize you are talking about FB, Twitter, Instagram, and Google. I don't use them.
Plenty to chose from. Even your email does a better checking job. I'm rough on a Think Pad keyboard, and get keystroke errors. And if they are tracking I'm here a lot. Maybe they'll learn something. And If I could have a Internist as good as You, I'd love it. All I've found are Ins hacks. They don't last long. I don't think this Gastro is going to last long either. I did a ton of research on the Hiatial Hernia, Barretts, Diverticulosis, and Gastropresis. Just as I did on Meniere's after the first unexplained attack. I know their steroids damaged my hearing, and not 1 of the 2 doctors told me it would, or the next atttack I go deaf. Nearly there now. Flight Deck Level Hearing Aids.
He's talking about Grammarly a free to preminum app that does grammar, spelling, etc, works better than Microsoft's junk on your computer. And will let you dismiss or add a word. Because there are times Don't works better than Doesn't. Headlines are the worse for being wrong.
I just read an article on the Failing Economy, that had a ton of mispelled words, gramar errors, Stats were correct. And it caught everyone. And it was supposed to have been proof read by a 'proffessional'. When did I have, become I got? My HS English teacher is rolling over in her grave, she was a stictler for diagrams, spelling, gramar, and punction. Most forget later, it creeps in as the MSM use it, public then uses it. But I realize you are talking about FB, Twitter, Instagram, and Google. I don't use them.
I've avoided grammerly because it datamines you.
Plenty to chose from. Even your email does a better checking job. I'm rough on a Think Pad keyboard, and get keystroke errors. And if they are tracking I'm here a lot. Maybe they'll learn something. And If I could have a Internist as good as You, I'd love it. All I've found are Ins hacks. They don't last long. I don't think this Gastro is going to last long either. I did a ton of research on the Hiatial Hernia, Barretts, Diverticulosis, and Gastropresis. Just as I did on Meniere's after the first unexplained attack. I know their steroids damaged my hearing, and not 1 of the 2 doctors told me it would, or the next atttack I go deaf. Nearly there now. Flight Deck Level Hearing Aids.
For data prison, later on.
Haahahaahaaa!!! I gots ya! LOL! (awesome response)