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Right on Doc. The one-size fits all isn't working for the good of all in medicine. I don't think it ever did. As I heard one doctor state around 2010. One man's medicine is another man's poison. Re covid vaccines. They are every man's poison from what I see, read and hear. Even the non-mRNA vaccines are loaded with toxins and nothing that belongs in any living human, plant or animal.

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I tend to notice patterns and trends quickly, then investigating them to see if data and facts backs them. The more I've read about holistic medicine from doctors with 2+ decades of experience in it, the more I hear "each patient is different, each responds differently."

Even my lifelong antidotal data backs that... hard to believe physicians trained for a decade or more find that irrelevant.

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"One man's medicine is another man's poison" reminded me of one of the properties in mRNA injections - the added component which is there to suppress the inflammation (=immune reaction) by "putting the guardian cells to sleep".

- One man's lower inflammation is another man's wrecked immune system... So welcome tumors and opportunistic pathogens, the doors are open!

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