Also, we are in a very difficult place in medicine. Ionnidis has shown how a tiny fraction of medical literature is reproducible (i.e the rest is a lie). I recently gave an interview discussing how I was part of a multi-institutional study that was published in the NEJM and it was total crap. There was

a predetermined outcome and when our data didn't match the predetermined outcome, our site was 're-educated' and the lead site investigator was replaced. They adjusted the data in the final version of the study to mute the obvious fraud, but the conclusions do not match the data. The real shame is that if we would've let the data speak fascinating improvements in patient care could have resulted- instead a worthless paper was produced that didn't advance medical knowledge- and everyone got their grants and promotions.

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My general shortcut for evaluating medical research is to determine what the publisher would be biased towards believing and then only taking a study seriously if either:

•It has the opposite results of what the publisher would want to publish.

•It's a topic I think is relatively neutral and there is not a political interest in its outcomes.

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"...and everyone got their grants and promotions."

And became more smug and obnoxiously arrogant than ever.

Thanks for the excellent comment.

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I used a quote from a reader of Doc's last article - who identifed "the purge of the capable" - to frame a column showing that this trend explains our draconian and surreal New Abnormal.

I use myself as an example. Despite my long career in journalism, I am now un-hirable in my chosen profession - at least at MSM newspapers and magazines. People like myself, now un-hirable, are also "collateral damage" of our Covid times.


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It was really interesting, I watched the proceedings of a COVID Summit, in the early days of the ‘purge against the capable’. An economics teacher spoke up about halfway through the discussion, saying to the group, ‘ welcome to my world, we economist that seek and speak the truth, were purged sidelined at at least 20 years ago. This is just coming to your awareness now, but it’s been going on in my professional experience for my adult lifetime.

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I immensely appreciate Midwestern Doctor's in-depth analyses that fortify much of what some of us have known for years. I always learn something new and catalog the information for future use. As for Dr. Ioannidis' work, he indeed, is unflappable, unconcerned by opinions of his stellar research. The article which I think you refer to I use when teaching nursing students: "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False" (2005), PLoS Medicine, 2(8), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124. A recent (2022) collaborative article is "Most healthcare interventions tested in Cochrane Reviews are not effective according to high quality evidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis", Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 148, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclinepi.2022.04.017 and also worth a read.

Thank you as always, Midwestern Doctor for provoking us to think and conduct our own research to understand these perplexities, apparent treacheries, and hidden truths.

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Another well written piece I have read both the Atlas and RFK jr books and you have represented what they wrote accurately and concisely. Fauci is a vile evil monster who deserves to be dealt with in a very public way with the ultimate penalty the world needs to know the lies he told and the deaths that he caused. The DC swamp dwellers need to see what will happen if they ever attempt this again.

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I spent way too long going through all the congressional transcripts to do this one (I think I read around 1000 pages of them).

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Thank you for all your hard work and God bless

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From here in the UK I suspect this little monster and his crime buddies - at least those so important to their crimes against humanity who haven't been thrown under the bus (so far) - will continue to get away with it.

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They will unless the people get bypass the global elite media and purge their countries of their deep state globalist leaders. Look to El Salvador for an inspiring example! Do NOT give up the fight.

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Very well said

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Came here to say the same - this is a great summary that can easily be passed along to others where-as a 800+ page book is a bit daunting

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It's not 800 pages. It's not even 500 pages. I do not know where the Doc came up with that.

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The PDF of it is.

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Lv you Doc, don’t sweat the little nagging bites. If only .0002% of doctors (and the rest of humans for that matter) went to .0003% of the effort that you did to actually help humanity. 😁❤️

This would be a different world . Ek

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Come on it’s only two lines up read it. He said it was the congressional testimony that went on and on and on and on and on.

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He said I’ll congressional testimony as well.

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Need a Black Cloud to send their nuclear missiles back to their origin.

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I like how knowingly or not you are talking a page out of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s playbook on subtlety: you are rightly not sullying our profession by associating his name with it, and conversely you are not letting him get away with stolen valor.

Poke a finger in his eye any chance you can.

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Sir, your profession has been damaged because only a handful of doctors refused to let the swamp bureaucrats and health"care" giants and Big Pharma dictate their care. I gave my physician, who is a teaching physician at a large medical school, the FLCCC protocol information that WAS PROVEN EFFECTIVE and yet he refused to prescribe Ivermectin for me. He told me, after I repeatedly asked for it, to go find another doctor if I did not like his decision!

To summarize, your profession has been sullied because NEARLY ALL doctors have kowtowed to their health"care" administrators and Big Pharma. The MAJORITY OF PHYSICIANS have allowed their journals to be corrupted by politically motivated ideologues who on one hand tell the public to "follow the Science" while refusing to allow debate and worse, turning their backs on their bravest colleagues.

If you doctors want to rescue your profession, then take back your profession and start by creating a shitstorm about this: https://www.city-journal.org/article/doj-indicts-doctor-who-exposed-the-barbarism-of-gender-affirming-care

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Gary, you are preaching to the choir. I joined the FLCCC as a supporter and referral resource early on, was treating with HCQ per the Zelenko protocol as soon as I became aware of it, and then IVM as I became aware of its effectiveness and was a resource to my church community outside of my practice; contested with my blue pilled (or employment constrained) doctor— but being able to prescribe & obtain both HCQ & IVM on my own didn’t rupture our 30 year relationship, spread my knowledge and practice of IVM & HCQ early treatment protocols to Ghana and Nepal, where I do short term medical missions work.

My biggest mistake was initially buying into the jabs, being jabbed in the first wave of healthcare providers in our community & initially recommending it to my high risk patients; I also took the first booster, before learning at a FLCCC conference the initial reports of vaccine injuries and understanding the limited period of time that the government could try to claim (erroneously, as it turned out) any benefit. From that point on I became a jab skeptic, particularly for young & healthy people; always opposed the jab for kids and babies. Ultimately I was forced into retirement by my employer over those stands.

I have supported the FLCCC & allied medical freedom organizations financially as well.

I have been under the radar of our medical licensing board, so they haven’t gotten back at me about that yet.

What more would you like me to do?

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Oh, and in the forum where I have a voice, I have opposed transgender mutilation and puberty blockers, etc. not to mention in my practice with my patients. I will soon be supporting Dr. Haim’s defense against the persecution / prosecution by our ‘fine’ Department of (In)Justice, which I just learned of yesterday.

I am open for any other nonviolent action that you might suggest to me.

Thank you for your consideration.

Very sincerely yours, etc.


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Dr. Kimber, it would seem that I was preaching to one of the few saints. I thank you for your courage and for taking a stand as A Midwestern Doctor and Steve Kirsch have but most physicians did not. I believe that if only 20% of this nation's doctors would have spoken out in an organized matter, it would likely have swayed opinion of those on the fence and eventually have saved hundreds of thousands from injury or death if not millions as the USA often leads other countries to adopt similar protocols. A vast majority of physicians simply did not place their Hippocratic oath higher than their careers.

I am as sorry that you were forced into retirement, and I am sure that you know other medical professionals who also lost their employment or careers. There are at least tens of thousands who lost as much in a variety of careers and I would not be surprised if it was also in the millions worldwide. Covid, the plandemic that it was, forced many into an early retirement as well.

I do have praise for your support Dr. Haim's defense every way that you can.

I do have two suggestions that occurred to me today.

1. Perhaps you can reach out to Steve Kirsch to see if he would run one of his awesome surveys to compare the injury/death rates of Ivermectin, HCQ, and the jab. Remember how Ivermectin and HCQ were demonized immediately by those in charge? (Incidentally, Trump mentioned HCQ before most people were aware it was being considered and he got pounded by the media who were beholden to Big Pharma and that snookered Trump into Big Pharma/Fauci plan for the jab. I remember looking up the HCQ manufacturer and considered a purchase of its stock and saw that it was immediately hammered which did not make sense to me at the time.) Well, let's find out the statistics of those who took Ivermectin and HCQ with no side effects or death and compare to the unsafe and defective jab. What this will do if is further frame the evilness of Fauci and the corrupt health agencies as well as further increase the needed attention upon halting the jab.

2. Has any physician organized a legal response team for those medical professionals who lost their job or career? If not, perhaps this will be your new calling and career. Big Pharma and Big Healthcare have profited obscenely from the scamdemic so recruiting an army of attorneys to harvest this litigation fruit that screams to be ripe for picking would be a good move. At the same time, it will send a message - this is what happens when you run a worldwide health scam.

Godspeed Dr. Kimber

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Not a saint, that would be one who knew the jabs were poison From the get go. And there are, were more than you are probably aware, as we had to fly under the radar or be Meryl Nass'd. I would add the FLCCC docs to your list of saints.

If you are not aware of the FLCCC (flccc.net) they have a compendium on their web site of evidence of effectiveness of HCQ and IVM that for those who are open or allowed to be open is more than enough to convince. There is a huge underground awareness of the safety and effectiveness of the IVM and HCQ that led to a spike in Rx's for IVM that led to the infamous you are not a horse FDA ad, which here in Lancaster Co, is really kind of a joke between the Amish and the show horse set there is plenty of IVM available, used regularly for their valuable horses and mules and if they think they have COVID for themselves (I don't advise such for patients, but acknowledge that it is safe for humans to use and use it myself for prophylaxis--it is easy to dose if you know grade school arithmetic).

To your point about a Kirsch survey of IVM or HCQ vs Jabs, it is a possibility, but I don't know that is would change the official line, if international professional athletes dropping dead on live TV don't wake them up ....

It is hard to get a person to see the truth, if their job depends upon them believing a lie.

In defense of my Lilly livered colleagues: The problem with the 20% goal of wake up is that 90-95% of physicians are employed and likely more than that in primary care, ER and hospitalists. They are employees ultimately, and not professionals. There is this ethical principle against the corporate practice of medicine, that somehow has been gelded, kinda like free speech and right to keep and bear arms is being gelded. I just don't see (and again as an employed physician for most of my career) how they got around that, but they have and the malpractice overhead is a lot of the reason, IMHO. Anyway, it was do as I say or hit the street--If this had happened 20--25 years ago when there were more physicians in independent practice, I don't think that things would have gone so well for the tyrants.

Still, the pressure was tremendous: I know an independent physician who would not Rx IVM for a family that is a patient of his, and she was a former colleague of mine --I talked with him and it was clear that between the business loans, his malpractice, his school loans, future college loans for his children, home mortgage, etc. he felt that he couldn't take the risk. I am sure that he is not a bad guy, he was formerly employed in the hospital system and left because he couldn't practice the way he felt he needed to ethically.

I will put it (your task to ask Steve Kirsch about the survey) on my to do list, behind supporting Dr. Haim

Regarding 2. I don't know, I have been busy with other issues and projects, and not sure that I have the insights regarding how to go about that. Without knowing the specifics of people's contracts and whether or not there was collusion amongst employers, etc. I don't know how and wouldn't know how to get a handle on it. A NP colleague of mine was let go about the same time, for similar reasons--didn't march to the boss's drum--in her case they wanted her to prescribe transgender hormone package to kids in her local school district in a school based clinic. That was a Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel to far for her, and she has found other work (and has a family business that keeps her busy and income coming. Neither she nor I would ever go back to working in that place, even if we won a wrongful termination suit.

The litigation lawyers aligned with the VSRF think that the easy pickings is in suing hospitals for care provided or not provided to patients in the hospital in the pandemic--there is likely gold in them thar hills --per a VSRF presentation of a couple weeks ago. If that freight train got rolling, it would bankrupt the current US hospital system (which needs to happen in a big way). A minority of docs who were forced out would not have the same effect, IMHO, but thanks for the support.

Godspeed, yourself, Gary.

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" I am sure that he is not a bad guy, "

He was a bad guy. As were ALL that were aware but went along anyway.

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Independent practices may be the only way to go as the Obamacare behemoth morphs into a soviet-style wasteland. At this point, physicians can still say they rank above members of Congress and the fallen fourth estate. https://x.com/CyberJourneyKs/status/1796661841357099456

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Thank you for all you do, and for posting here.

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You are welcome.

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Superb comment.

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"Until you change how money works, you change nothing."

~ Michael C. Ruppert

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Real money does not corrupt on its own; fiat money encourages if not ensures corruption.

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We do need to take back the profession. However, that is easier said than done when one's state licensing board disciplines physicians for writing more than five (total) letters for patients to opt out of the gene product, and when more dissident behavior occurred, removed licenses.

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Ain't gonna happen -- transgenderism is too lucrative and also is promoted by eugenicists.

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Is doing to him what he did to those beagles on the table?

In the name of science of course. To study his response to the stimulus of having his face eaten off by bugs. We could gain valuable information.

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That is one area where bipartisanship exists.

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I forgot to mention that this experiment on Mr. Fauci would be completed before any thought of Human trials would be considered.

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Jun 9Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Under Fraudci, NIH grants went to the loyal network of academic fools that would publish what the NIH wanted them to publish. If you were an outsider they didn't know you would never get a grant and if you published something they didn't like, such as aluminum might not be a good thing to have as an adjuvant in vaccines.... you would loose your grants.

Fraudci should have been arrested after what he did with AZT, but alas, the level of corruption has become so heavy the government will fall under this weight, and we won't have to wait long now.

There will an economic collapse by the end of the year, money to fund most of these nasty things will evaporate, the unlovely healthcare system will implode along with a lot of other nasty institutions.

I am afraind we have past the Event Horizon and there is no fixing this only rebuilding from the ashes.

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As it was written, so it shall be.

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Dr. David Martin outlines how the Congressional hearing was all a psyop. There is no accountability for the millions dead. Check it out, raise your voice to the congress critters: https://rumble.com/v506gar-dr.-david-martin-reveals-how-global-drug-cartels-control-our-military-gover.html

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Other way around; "our" (hahaha!) military controls global drug cartels. See John Coleman's "The Committee of 300". Of course, Big Finance controls "our" military!

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I suspect a lot, perhaps the majority, of substack articles are as well.

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He surely appears to be pyschopathic and very wily with it, but do we know if he was being directed from above? No doubt he was placed in this role because of his above tendencies and lack of remorse? Curious minds want to know if there was anyone pulling his strings too or was he the only mastermind?

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As bad as the covid response and all that many are still dealing with is, it is just one facet of a much larger program to remove all self determination for all individuals. In addition to the panic of the past four years, we must fight to keep men about of locker rooms and showers meant for girls. We fight and lose court battles with schools taking our kinds away over LGBTQWTFO agendas. Our currencies are losing value as prices and taxes increase. Cashless commerce spreads as the world prepares for CBDCs and the feared social credit system of China is already at work in the US as well as the rest of the world. Fauci is a pawn, though one with great power. Someone else is pulling the strings.

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Yes, it always amuses me and frustrates me when people act like they believe Sniffy Joe Poopy Pants is actually running the country.

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I think this was about Fauci, my comment certainly was; but yours is a good point.

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Currently reading "The Indoctrinated Brain," by Michael Nehls. It's assault.

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Fauci Was NOT in Charge of Covid Policy. The National Security Council Was. https://debbielerman.substack.com/p/fauci-was-not-in-charge-of-covid

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Sasha latypova has detailed this thoroughly. The congressional kabuki theatre is for the bewildered herd to bleat on about . Just like the financial crisis and many other cabal events justice will not come from a corrupted political class and captured regulatory system.

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Which suggests that there WAS a bioweapon...

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Dear Curious mind,

fauci is being directed, as are all the embodied evil on Our Earth, to work toward the establishment of the plan of evil, directed from "inner levels", for evil's total control, genetically engineered, dystopian, depopulated future ongoing for the large majority of those souls who are or come to be embodied on "that" planet earth. The plan of evil which still few, though now increasing, numbers of people across Our Earth see.

The taking of Earth for evil's purpose of draining the energy of the souls created by God, who yet have the connection to God and God's energy, into the pit of evil as a "fuel source" for evil as "they", the evil, have, long ago, cut themselves off from the sole originating and continuing source of energy, God. I will spare you, here, the details of how this is accomplished by evil.

evil's plan in its ascendancy at this time via the preemption of God's and The Ascended Master's Plan for Freedom and Opportunity for a Truely sustainable, abundant Life for all embodied on Earth to then be able to, if they choose, balance and transmute their misuse of God's energy in the past and to fulfill their Divine Purpose, Duty, Dharma, Divine Plan thereby enabling their Ascension into the Light and eternal, active, Life ongoing as an individualized self identify within God's consciousness.

This is the reality of the battle for the future of Earth - at this place in time and space.

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Not. at all. The post is saying the same as others, in different words.

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You, sir are the Koo koo, as you say. I pray that you wake up while you can.

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This Sky Fairy Pie-In-The Sky fiction garbage is indeed koo-koo.

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Jun 9Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Have read the RFK Jr book but not Atlas’s yet. I knew about Fauci’s ego from two highly respected researchers I worked with who had done NIH fellowships. He was totally lying on the distancing thing. A 1985 report of a measles outbreak in a large pediatrics practice showed aerosolized viruses could travel in the HVAC system. When Fauci declared himself to be science, I wanted to vomit! Maddening man.

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He may as well have said science is now the mandated religion and I am one of its mandated high priests.

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lol but that's exactly it

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Just remember, this monster Fauci killed Freddie Mercury. He also tortured beagles. He injected AZT into babies from low-income families and killed them even when their parents were begging to take them home (to save their lives). He laughed as millions of children suffered with masks and social distancing and zoom classes. MTG is right - he is EVIL. He should be on Death Row right now, waiting to be hanged for his crimes against humanity.

And although it's a far lesser crime, let's not forget that even during the "height" of the pandemic, he forced a Latino woman to clean his mansion every day. He is disgusting.

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Fauci also destroyed the career of Dr Peter Duesberg, who I think correctly figured that AIDS was caused by exhausted immune systems, products of all night sex in bathhouses and heavy drug use. He concluded HIV is a harmless tagalong retrovirus and Fauci and his buddies at NIAID and Wellcome couldn't have that. There was big money to be made with the failed cancer med AZT which likely killed hundreds of thousands of gays during the HIV panic. I really don't know how that evil little man sleeps at night. Is it possible to completely destroy one's conscience?

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He was the premier cancer retrovirologist I was referring to.

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Yes, and there are a multitude of examples of men without a conscience, but one should not assume that there was anything there to destroy.

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Psychopaths have no conscience

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He sleeps comfortably because his enablers at the DOD and NSA have him covered along with the PREP act.

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He was someone I followed at the time. Many of his peers also noted that HIV was a variant of Syphilis

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Isn't syphilis a bacterial disease?

I think Duesberg was kind of the opposite of Fauci, he had character and intelligence.

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Perhaps his wife Christine, esteemed bioethicist, cleans his conscience on a regular basis.

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You made me laugh!

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”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

But here is a problem - future vaccines are now as per ”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled are "forced medical treatment" and the CDC’s claim that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?” which makes all "vaccines" illegal, by definition and purpose.

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This is all really simple.

This is akin to Capone his tax evasion and Volstead Act charges... Fauci goes to prison for breaking federal record laws...not for his role in the SARSCov2 Plandemic.

Say hello to The Federal Records Act...

G.S. 132-2 declares that the official in charge of an office that holds public records is the custodian of those records... for the NIAID, thats "Dr" Fauci...

Further...Subsection (b) of 18 U.S.C. § 2071 contains a similar prohibition specifically directed at custodians of public records. Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States." While the range of acts proscribed by this subsection is somewhat narrower than subsection (a), it does provide the additional penalty of forfeiture of position with the United States.

Moreover...Electronic messages created or received in a personal account meeting the definition of a Federal record must be forwarded to an official electronic messaging account within 20 days. The statutory definition of electronic messages includes email.

Every private email Fauci has dealing with COVID that was not forwarded for federal record retention witin 20 days of creation is a $2,000 fine and 3 yrs in prison... yeah. Its got huge legal teeth.

Yeah. Its not sexy. He gets to skate for all the horrific medical and public health issues described in this substack post, BUT he is in prison none-the-less.

Now we just need a DOJ to act like a DOJ and do its taxpayer funded job.

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If that act was acted upon, then 99% of Democrats in the federal government including the current “president” and a unknown but large number of republicans would all spend the rest of their lives in jail along with most high level bureauRats. Will never happen. Thus, it is incumbent upon us to hold them to account in such a way that it will be many generations before anyone thinks of trying to set up similar again.

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As they should.... all of them.

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Yep. But the swamp is not going to go after the swamp.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 10

BHO turned the DOJ, FBI, and IRS into the Progressive Stasi Gestapo. Anyone that thinks Sniffy Joe Poopy Pants is running this shitshow is delusional. Has anyone ever seen BHO happier than this? https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/06/09/biden-obama-kamala-video-what-is-going-on-here-n2397111

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Yes! Capone his sorry ass.

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Thanks for this article, I read JFK’s book when it first came out and this was a great summary.

However I would like to add that Fraudci may be the fall guy and a distraction while there are many more who profiteered from and are complicit in this crime. I will name just one who was regularly in contact with Fraudci, Jeremy Farrar, now ex-CEO of the Wellcome Trust which is heavily involved in eugenics and is partnered with the WEF. Farrar has been appointed as Chief Scientific Officer for the WHO which is very troubling.

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Look to see a Pfizer re-org as well. It will "go down," and rise again in another form.

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Thanks, I will look out for that development.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This substack is so packed with critical information--thank you!--which thoroughly encompasses the total professional identity of Anthony Fauci beginning from his early years at NIAID to this moment.

I have to tell you that while I was carefully reading, something else strongly occurred to me related to the Bayh-Dole Act. When this act began the field of medicine changed drastically from caring about peoples' health, funded by the government, to a special interest culture of competition for corporate monetary rewards, fame and future opportunities.

Here lies the collusion of the Federal government--research grants, and the pharmaceutical industry-drugs for the market, that more often than not, hurt and can destroy our health.

This act greatly incentivized the abandon "do-no-harm" in medicine, for fascism, and is being completely reproduced by the WHO.

Now it is the norm in the US, both among the officials of the US government health agencies NIH, HHS, but mostly NIAID, and the people blindly accept it Thankfully, as time goes by, maybe our next president will encourage Congress to intervene and bring back some virtue into our extremely corrupt government health agencies.

But my curious mind wonders, even if Anthony Fauci is convicted of his horrible crimes against the American people and the American government, how can we address this corrupt greed and fascist coup of our health freedom by the director general and the WHO? An even more corrupt agency as there is absolutely no oversight what so ever!.

While drawing vastly relevant parallels to what just took place last week at the World Health Assembly--lies, corruption, greed and lots of harm--the IHR amendments defined and approved last minute, will give the WHO even more power than Anthony Fauci ever had, allowing them to pursue an even more indoctrinated and controlled take over of our health without borders or scrutiny. . . .What do we do? Any ideas?




Your readers can find more on the the IHR agreements on Dr. Meryl Nass's substack and James Roguski's substack.

Blessing to You from afar--Thank you so much for your work!

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Thank you

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Great questions!!!!

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Given the prestige and wealth associated these days with being a doctor, I wonder how many people in the profession were motivated to join by a desire for service?

(I acknowledge that's not necessarily a fair question, since most of us choose our profession by some combination of subject matter interest and expected compensation, rather than too serve, but I suspect the ratio for medicine has changed over the last few decades).

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It feels like it has. But I don't know. From what I can see, those from smaller countries, with less people becoming doctors, are more likely to have not only less competition in getting jobs, the population is likely to have more respect for the profession. This is just a speculation. Most of the sad stories I hear about doctors come from friends/students from Australia, UK, Canada and the US.

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Great article and well written exposing Fauci the rat. After I read RFK Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci, his face and voice makes me literally sick. The harms he has done regarding medical research is insurmountable. His decades of being a tyrant in charge has wasted billions and funneled billions to his select PIs. His royalties on remdesivir should be revoked along with his retirement and other benefits. Why Dems don’t call him out due to their TDS is appalling.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

I agree with you. But remember the Dems are as corrupt as Fraudci. Remember Operation Warp Speed given to you by Republican Trump. And Oligarch Bill Gates getting lots of air time promoting the bio-weapon vaccines. . . The corruption in America is ubiquitous and has zero respect for life.

The US Military Industrial Complex is right now killing tens of thousands of people in Ukraine and Palestine. The US has many bio-labs in Ukraine and now wants to use nuclear weapons (again).

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Directing an Operation is not a fault. The Operation was controlled by Herr Fauci and his buddies who have been caught about hiding their communication (see link). DJT's mistake was to naively trust too many in the Deep State. That's why they took out General Flynn at the getgo because he knew the Deep State.


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DJT cannot hide behind naiveté - the buck stops at him. The so called DeepState is an open secret and many like RFK, Reiner Fuellmich, Frontline doctors, Barrington Declaration etc were sounding the alarm against Covid. Sorry, no excuses.

Trump and Biden, TweedleDee and TweedleDummer.

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Exactly. No left right paradigm.

To paraphrase Paddy Chayevski's "Network", there are no nations, there is Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street, Wellcome Trust, Moderna, Pfizer, Merck.....

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And how are you going to vote against "Black Rock, ..."?

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I think a step in the right direction is for everyone to stop consuming more than what they need. It is the excesses and greed of consumerism that supports these big corporations.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

I give credit where credit is due, RFK wrote an accurate book about Fauci. Does that mean I agree with all his policies - a big NO (especially his support of the Israeli genocide in Palestine along with Biden and Trump). And this has nothing to do with whether I am naive or not.

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Really you don't know why Dems and others who take re-election money from Pharma dont call Fauci out-- hmmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔

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It was a rhetorical question

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Thank you for this report.

I do not have the stomach to watch the hearings. I consider them an insult. A huge insult to our intelligence and to our national character.

More importantly, and tragically, an insult to the many dead and injured from the criminality of the fake pandemic and the murderous injection.

Where were all of these Congress people over the past 4 years? Why weren't they speaking up as vociferously as the many people we all know in the medical freedom movement who put career and livelihood on the line?

Easy to sit up there now and call out Fauci. And look like heroes.

A little to late to the party in my opinion.

Nothing will happen to Fauci, or any of his crew. History has shown us that.

It is a dog and pony show.

A friend in the medical freedom movement told me that when discussing the hearings with a friend of hers her friend asked "Did you see them ganging up on poor Dr. Fauci?

Perhaps some people are beginning to question all of the lies but by and large, from my perspective and interactions, no one is connecting the dots. Most don't even see the dots. They see poor Dr. Fauci.

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Alas, I totally hear you.

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I mean to say, I know many people like this, who see nothing wrong at all with any of this criminal nonsense. I'm not so sure that nothing will happen to Fauci, however.

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