Spot on. Nicole DeGraff, former Executive Director of Oregonians for Medical Freedom, and I compared infant deaths in Oregon over the first 6 months of 2020, to the 10 year average. There was a 42% drop in infant deaths while the lockdowns were in place and all well baby visits were canceled. Bob Snee

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I wish some people who knows how to compile the evidence and legally save it [these things often get deleted] would do the research on every state.

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Gosh I am so pleased I found this article and that you’re speaking out about it. It’s a crime against humanity. People all around are ill with adverse reactions

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Thank you.

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Epistemic violence.

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This one's very personal to me, as my son was injured at six months, it was never properly acknowledged or reported, and I had to go elsewhere to have him treated. And we were lucky - his injuries, both short and long term, were reversible, and I didn't lose him. But it was an uphill battle for awhile.

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No mother should have to deal with this! Over 100,000 mothers go this ordeal each year!

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How many worldwide? I bet millions.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Me too, as my daughter had two reactions to DTaP that were ignored by doctors before we fully woke up and said no. Our saving grace was that we had researched before and only allowed one vax per visit, spread the 'well' visits far apart, and she was still breast fed when she had the worst reaction. She is a thriving 20 year old with some health issues, but I have little doubt I'd have a severely disabled child or we would have lost her, had we gone down a different path. You are not alone.

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you were lucky, and the short of it is you believed something that is false. Safe and effective, is competing for the greatest lie ever told

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Yes, I was young and naive. I had no idea how murderous the profit motive had become for Big Pharma. The one positive that came out of it was that we knew better than to take their word for it on the spike jabs. And I am drug free at age 65 and plan to stay that way.

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Good for you. I am 73 and drug free! After year and years of taking blood pressure medication.

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Same age and not on any big pharma drugs, even baby aspirin. My life goal, for however long it lasts, is to remain free of all big pharma drugs and only use a doctor in an extreme emergency.

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almost 66 same here. doc tries to tell me I should take heart meds, blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, may be cholesterol meds, no way. Measured myself and she must have hit a bad day LOL. All is normal at home. I get so frustrated with docs I am going to skip them altogether. Insurance sent me emails 3 times a day, calls me occasionally still but I think they finally got the message.

A friend had a child injured, luckily healed, and immediately stopped jabbing. They are a family of 7 and haven't been to doc in 10+ years. Serious problems are solved with phone contacts with natural docs. Healthiest family I know.

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You must have AARP United Healthcare Advantage.😂 I got that for my now 96 year old medication free mom who was doing just fine then the assaults began. A constant barrage of wanting to send a nurse out blah blah blah. I was finally able to disenroll her and get her on the same basically small unknown medicare supplement plan I am on. No one bothers us now and and that ‘s the way it should be. We aren’t some dam money making commodities so they can support one another making money on endless tests and drugs. I am so over this crap.

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I am on a different insurance, but will ask my agent to disenroll me at the end of the year if they don't stop. Nowadays it got way better, as I blocked them from my email and will block them on the phone if it gets more than once every 2 or 3 weeks. I am enrolled on medicare because you must, otherwise the premium if you ever need it, goes up and up and up. I hate AARP, their magazine articles when I had it, were way outdated, like 20 years or more, and their benefits are for the rich (coupon on a trip that costs more than I made in a year etc). A friend wanted to donate me a subscription again and I warned her not to!

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I hate AARP too.😂 I will never do an Advantage Plan. Never. Not after what my mom went through. I just turned 73 and I am medication free too and plan to stay that way until the end when maybe I may need pain meds. Or maybe I will ask my husband to take me out in my beloved woods and just shoot an arrow through my heart. 😂 That would be a far better fate.

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My girlfriend still gets the AARP mag and it's always good for a few laughs.

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I haven't seen a medical professional except for 3 trauma events in 25 years—and one of those ended up with my getting an infection that left a permanent scar. That's 1/3rd of my life, and I haven't missed them for a minute.

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after WW2 there was a dearth of medical care available, and guess what? Stats showed a major INCREASE in health outcomes. Big P and the cartel were the problem, then as now. The diff is that now the average person knows and honest docs are coming out of the woodwork admitting the truth. Clearly we need emergency care as without it there will be chaos. That is a small percentage of the total...

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Good for you, but it isn’t just Pharma. Government agencies are tasked with preventing these problems, but have become drug pushers instead. I am ashamed of all of our government.

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Yes, the issue is that the FDA, NIH, HHS, AMA, et al are no longer watchdogs but running cover for Big Pharma. They are essentially under the same umbrella now. I believe the good doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine has written extensively about that very serious problem. Even Trump, most of our Congress critters and all of corporate media run cover for them because they are paid well to do so. Look what happened to Tucker when he started criticizing Pfizer on FOX. Shameful.

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Thank you for adding your personal testimony to this societal outrage. It always was beyond my comprehension that the pacific islanders would destroy babies when food was tight. But it’s mine boggling by comparison that we have a society where little ones are injured per profit, and it goes on and on and on without question.

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Jun 19, 2023
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There certainly were batches with noticeably worse issues than others, but overall, none of them were "safe and effective" and they knew it. We know they knew it because of the Pfizer docs, which they fought to hide for 75 years, but were forced by a court to reveal. And what a revelation it was. Especially the part about damage to female organs, pregnant women, etc, all while telling pregnant women and young women of childbearing age to take this toxic ineffective shot to stave off the possibility of an infection that was extremely unlikely to cause any serious harm. Just this by itself should subject them to a criminal tribunal, but there so much more. This is a level of evil that even surprised me, and I knew about the issues with this company and with vaccines in general.

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Jun 19, 2023
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I've long held that it most likely will not be nuclear war that destroys humanity, but scientists playing God with things they have no business doing. And we know there are many labs around the world invested in Gain of Function "research" developing these bioweapons.

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Jun 20, 2023
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I read that about red states being targeted, but my brother and his family are in NY and they got one of the more toxic batches. They all started having extreme digestive disorders, and my sister-in-law got the worst of it, having to have a bowel resection and a total of five surgeries over the last two years because her body doesn't seem able to heal itself. She's back in the hospital now, a sixth time, for an abscess and partial blockage. My brother almost ended up in the hospital next to her, but I was able to help him with some info on getting his microbiome back in working order, and over a period of about 3 months, he was finally able to function normally, but he still has to be vigilant. I didn't know about the bad batch until I was listening to Jessica Rose talk on Matthew Crawford's Rumble channel about what she was seeing with different batches. Then I asked my brother to track it down, and sure enough.... This one contained the letter E.

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My heart aches for any parent who had a child die from SIDS.

That hole in the heart will never go away.

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...And which makes me wonder about physical hole in the heart diagnoses, it really does.

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A person can actually die from a broken heart.

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I said that about those in the nursing/care homes in the UK in 2020. I was struggling with my own health at the time but it still makes me weep to think about it.

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It was deliberate murder in the care homes and the nursing homes.

It was the Nazi nurses and doctors who started murdering people in Germany. The disabled, the mentally challenged, and the elderly.

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Speaking of SADS, these are actual real headlines since the poison injections were introduced. The globalists are going all in to program us to believe that healthy children and young adults having sudden-death heart attacks is and always has been normal:


-University Student Dies of Joy After Hearing He'd Passed His Exam With Flying Colors

-Video games could trigger lethal heart attacks in kids - Is your child at risk?

-Entirely new kind of 'highly reactive' chemical is found in Earth's atmosphere, could be triggering respiratory and heart disease

-Air pollution puts children as young as FIVE at greater risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, study warns

-Hot weather: Warning that dehydration could lead to blood clots - expert

-Laughing may be early sign of fatal condition and when to visit GP

-Return to the city? Living in the country could be the worst thing for your heart

-Nutrient found in eggs linked to an enhanced risk of blood clotting

-Excercise may increase risk of heart attack - study

-Blood clots: The nation's favorite drink could make your blood sticky


More ridiculousness here: https://tritorch.com/newnormal It is amazing how stupid they think we are.

The NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and death are normalized standard expectations since the injection was rolled out.

All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles.

In case someone hasn't caught on yet: mankind is the disease they are trying to eradicate.

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My apologies, I missed that one. Life gets in the way quite often these days. Tomorrow is my day off and I will read it then. Thank you for highlighting it - as with all of your work it will be an education.

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You forgot that having sex standing up leads to heart attacks and strokes.

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And gardening, listening to music and cold showers. 😕

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Right. So don't garden, take a cold shower and then have sex standing up, or you're doomed. The vaccine you got yesterday is irrelevant.

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One can have strokes in any position. My wife gives me strokes from time to time. :)

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Good for her!

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The NHS is trying to assure people that harm and death are perfectly normal.


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Perhaps one of only positives of the Covid jabs, is that I (and millions like me) am now awake to the horrific side effects of many vaccines, the Vaccine Industrial Complex and the compromised Medical profession. Keep writing and I’ll keep learning.

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That's my hope too and a large part of why I do this.

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JP its sad that it takes tragedies for mankind to wake up. But in this case the vxx industrial complex is doubling down. This is a satanic agenda that shows what happens when fascism takes over an industry--Satan is now the CEO.

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You are doing God’s work. Please keep it up.

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Thank you.

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Spot on! SIDS was invented as a separate disease to take the spotlight off the adverse effects of vaccines! Dr. Eisenstein (RIP) of Elk Grove Illinois delivered 10,000 babies in his lifetime and didn’t believe in vaccines and none of those babies got autism. Out of New Zealand came a spin story that there was a gas reaction to baby urine reacting to the chemical foam in baby mattresses and that was the cause is SIDS. Protecting the vaccine market is top priority and they have totally tied the hands of our elected leaders in DC!

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I wrote more on the topic of syndromes being invented here:


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many lies told to cover up the truth. how much of this happens throughout history by wicked people. This might be happening with race horses today as they are dying in record numbers as Mark C Miller has pointed out in his substack. They are putting EMP monitoring devices onto race horses because many horses are dying due to heart failure due to c-vaccines just like people. So they put on them these live devices to monitor their hearts during races which he speculates is actually killing them faster due to EMP effect on their cardio system.

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Check out what else they are doing to race horses from Arthur Firstenberg:


Excerpt: This spring at Churchill Downs in Louisville, home of the Kentucky Derby, every horse was fitted with a device they had never worn before - a wireless device, shaped like an iPhone, that fits into the cloth underneath the saddle on the horse’s back.

This STRIDESafe device monitors the horse’s movements 2,400 times per second throughout the race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites. It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse’s neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race. . . . . . Horses racing at Churchill Downs began to die during races or suffer such severe injuries during races that they were euthanized. So many horses have died this spring that on June 2 it was announced that the spring meet at the Downs would be suspended as of June 10, 2023.

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Someone sent that to me. It's going to be added to my EMF article.

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Great. I have been meaning to express my appreciation for your bringing Arthur Firstenberg's work into the picture in your 2nd-part article about nutrition, food cravings, weight gain/loss, but i haven't yet had time to gather my myriad thoughts/ideas about it together yet.

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Many yrs ago, over 30, I had a friend whose ex was a Veterinarian that took care of horses at the track. Thankfully she didn't get into specifics just that the horses were treated very badly. Ever since then I've been vehemently against racing, of any kind. I see the show every year w the KY derby as a sick mockery. I used to live near Saratoga and same there. It's all part of the 'cultural conditioning'. We won't even go into polo. And of course, I'm the crazy one.

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I’ve always been of the opinion that horse racing was merely an abuse of the horses for the entertainment of humans. Same reason why I could never attend a circus. Humans have always used, and abused, animals.

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The sad fact is that those same horses would probably not be alive at all except that they good at racing.

Just as cattle exist in such numbers because they are food.

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Heartbreaking that they were/are tortured by their 'human' 'caretakers'. Thanks but that's no consolation.

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One clarification, the horses haven’t been given a Covid-19 vaccine. There aren’t any on the market. The device has nothing to do with Covid. There were similar but much lower tech devices being used at vet teaching hospitals about ten years ago. The devices themselves are what are causing the heart failure and other deaths. They started using the devices at the start of the season and it had nothing to do with cardiac deaths in horses increasing or Covid. Horses always breakdown and die on the track they were hoping these devices would help them learn why. Unfortunately they seem to have created a much bigger problem than they set out to fix.

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Luckily they have the Ivermectin.

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Horses in the US are vaccinated against a variety of diseases. My point was that these vaccines have all been in use for a decade or more and none utilize mRNA technology so there’s no reason to think that the vaccines in use for decades and all across the country are suddenly resulting in a massively increased fatality rate at a single track in the country.

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Fair enough but my point was they vaccinate horses and the same problems arise from vaccines in horses. They are poisons and harmful to horses, another big pharma scam for profit.

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Dr, I appreciate your comment about the vaccines and assume you are in the know... but as per CG's comment I was assuming they were also given the death jab like other animals. Vaccinating animals is stupid and terrifying. I was assuming that the eugenicists who devised these shots were all about killing humanity and not other life...not so sure anymore--they are consumed with hatred against God, man and life.

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Many zoo animals were vaccinated with covid vaccines and died as a result. Lions, tigers, apes, wild dogs, bears, giraffes, elephants, etc, etc, etc.

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That is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that they don’t have equine mRNA vaccines on the market in the US.

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Thanks. I was trying to remember whose substack I read that. MCM

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While I had all my children vaccinated, I was able to do research on the internet before my first grandchild was born and I warned my adult children of the dangers. My two grandchildren are always the fastest, strongest children in their play groups and they don’t have any developmental delays, which is very rare. Maybe we are lucky but I suspect the childhood vaccines are causing way more injury to almost all children than what we can even imagine. It’s a striking difference. My heart aches at how horrible the fraud of vaccines are. And it’s essentially rooted in hubris and profits. “Better Living Through Science” has become a scourge.

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There are a lot of datapoints to support your observations : /

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My brother, an avid believer in vaccines in particular and believer in science as salvation, tried to make a case for the smallpox vaccine as having been "proven" successful. Fortunately I have a library replete with all the scientific peer reviewed studies showing the opposite to be true.

I am amazed at how many still quote mainstream news lies as though they were reliable.

Knowing the facts, memorizing them, in fact, is of tremendous benefit. Always speaking in love, but never allowing hyperbole or innuendo to have the same weight as facts.

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I try very hard to do what you described in the last line.

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...rather well, from the looks of it.

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My relatives didn't listen, now complain of anxiety with chest pain episodes often. Horrible.

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It is the awful feeling of triumph, being more than right. Being horribly right.

Global thermonuclear vaccination. It was going to happen exactly as planned

We were warning them all along, recommending a good think-through before lunging, hell-bent, into the claws of Big Everything.

I mean, c'mon, jabbing every human on earth is insane, on it's face. It's the stuff of C-rated films, yet so many just can't conceive such deliberate evil exists. They refuse to even look at what is plain in front of them.

It seems the Quislings have us surrounded. This was so well thought-out, against uninformed, lazy, naive, well-fed, TV consumers.

What have we wrought..?

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like some HG Wells novel or something...

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Thank you for posting this amazing article. A lot of very useful evidence here.

I feel that it is not appropriate to call this vaccine brain damage "autism", as it only confuses matters. Autism is something people are born with. (some of them are quite functional adults with limited social skills)

Vaccine brain damage is something else. Also thank you for mentioning me - I was quite sad when I wrote the Florida article as I felt bad for the kids involved, as well as for my own, who fortunately escaped damage.

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Hi Igor-thanks for dropping in! Short answer is that I 100% believe believe autism is caused by brain damage from vaccines and I have seen so many cases that show this beyond any doubt.

That said, its more complex because:

a) other things can also cause the same issues (I'm presently writing something on this).

b) There is a wide spectrum of the severity of the issues.

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I’m happy to hear this! My son was born with Lyme disease (unknown at the time) and he very early began manifesting some autistic sensitivities. Unfortunately at around a year old, I succumbed to the pressure and he received some of the vaccines. Now I wonder if that damaged him and contributed to his ongoing problems, but I don’t know where to find a doctor to take him that’s knowledgeable about all

of these complexities.

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" a) other things that cause the same issues"

I am a DES daughter ( ie, a woman whose mother was given diethylstiboestrol while she was in utero) and was diagnosed with Asperger's in my mid 60s. I noticed that a disproportionate number of DES sons and daughters had been diagnosed with ASD. I was separated from my mother between 14 and 22 months due to her long hospitalisation to prevent pregnancy loss with my brother and on being reunited with her, she noticed profound changes in me. In her words, I was not the same child. However, I remain unsure about the DES being causal for the ASD as the separation itself may have been a contributing factor along with a traumatic birth experience and the fact my mother was on strict bedpost in hospital for 7 months. Something to consider?

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What role do vaccines taken by the mother, close to conception or while pregnant, play in a baby's health? Have you found any research into that?

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is there zero evidence that kids 'born with brain damage' have not been affected by immune globulins from the mother? Were mothers injected during pregnancy? Any other issues to note in maternal health or exposures during the pregnancy? I thought there is noted a very strong correlation with young kids getting a vax, running a fever, then being treated with tylenol. I have 4 children, the only one who got shots by the schedule is severely autistic. I used the old Japanese protocol with the others, delaying up to age 1 before any are taken, and no multiples on the same day.

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Is there any evidence Lyme disease isn’t a generational disease passed on from parental childhood immunizations?

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I have not read that it passes through the placenta

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Margaret mentioned her son was born with Lyme which seemed to suggest otherwise I thought. Anyway apologies, I wasn’t very concise. I meant to say, do prior parental immunizations set the stage for future beings to succumb to 'lime disease' due to altered inherited genetic traits. Rhetorical question really. I don’t believe any one has this information. Other than Lyme seems to be a fairly modern diagnosis occurring post vaccination era, appearing mid 70's. Change one thing change many, butterfly effect. Millions of years living at one in nature with ticks didn’t seem to produce this effect on earlier inhabitants who spent much more time living in closer contact with the 'lil mites. Though of course there are some who profess Lyme is a biological weapon release.

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Well, take a look at the map of New York/Connecticut. Plum Island, at the end of Long Island's Orient Point, is pretty close to Lyme, Connecticut. Plum Island is known to host a bioweapons lab, and reportedly past workers there have disclosed that (modern) Lyme Disease was created there. According to wikipedia, "Lyme disease was diagnosed as a separate condition for the first time in 1975 in Lyme, Connecticut".

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Well, the ticks were genetically modified as a bioweapon (to be used against a wartime enemy, they say) and released into the wild.

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Many conditions have only recently been diagnosed & named.

Lyme could be a recent mutation also.

Everything is not nefarious.

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Very complex evolution for a short term issue. As for diagnosis, have you ever seen the reams of documentation on native Indians and early settlers presenting with said symptoms?

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This book 'Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous' was drawn to my attention and was written in 1889. it asks questions about false statements and the loss of civil liberties. Ring any bells?

"The question is one which affects our personal liberty as well as the health and even the lives of thousands it therefore becomes a duty to endeavour to make the truth known to all, and especially to

those who, on the faith of false or misleading statements, have enforced the practice of vaccination by penal laws."

It can be read online at the internet archive here


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Thank you for drawing this to our attention, I was generally aware so will be able to check in more detail.

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Wow!! Thanks for this link. So cool!!

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Many of you may be interested in RFK Jr. on Joe Rogan (Spotify).

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How do we get the Childhood V Schedule changed? While this topic is getting attention now, how are pediatricians still giving and and why are schools requiring it? Conformity is killing people and especially children. Trust has been gone for a while now, but how to coalesce and help foment change?

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I think it just has to be boycotted. We had the clearest case in history against adding a vaccine to the schedule with the COVID-19 ones, and there was massive public protest but they still did. I can't see anything besides a boycott or RFK getting elected which could change this.

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Exactly, AMD. It seems this is the only answer. Whether it’s the C19 shots, or the childhood immunizations, or whatever, just don’t do it. The only solution is to stop the money train (in other words, eliminate the market demand). That’s why I like the word ‘boycott’. I try to tell people, they are buying a product (even if insurance covers the cost, it is still being sold and purchased).

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It still astounds me that they did, and I agree. But there is still fear from decades of routine (!) vaccination and I’m raising the issue whenever it arises. Even braving my own children’s ire for the safety of my grands, who received the cvd vax, and one had neuro effects afterward. This must stop. Thank you for this terrific stack; you are appreciated.

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RFK, while heroic on the Vaxx, is a believer in human-caused Climate Change, another hoax being used to enslave us.

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They are spending big bucks to manipulate state legislators!

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Do you know that Adam Schiff is a

Champion supporter of vaccines and got Amazon to delete any documentaries that were critical of the vaccine manufactures. He’s from California and it is mandated that an infant between Birth and six months old gets 25 injections! Young parents are either leaving the state or homeschooling their children to protect their children!

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Adam Schiff of Russia gate fame is on record for lying in congress and a few republicans want to fine him $16 million for doing it. He said on record that he had proof that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election from HerHeinous and then never showed any.

Pelosi wants him to take Feinstein’s seat in the Senate. I’d rather he serve time in prison. There should be consequences for lying to the American people for 4 years.

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Hanging him would be 'safe and effective'. And cheaper. I think the same for Nazi Pelosi.

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Too bad 20 RINO's voted to NOT censure Schiff. His bloodline goes back to the early banksters and Nazi Germany, BTW.

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I'm ignorant - how can they enforce that mandate at 6 months of age? I thought the childhood vax schedule was enforced by schools - thus the uptick in homeschooling .......?

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The physicians are told what to do!

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He's a complete waste of oxygen. How is he not behind bars???

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Birds of a feather flock together and their roost is DC!

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the people need to speak out to their states in numbers and frequency that can't be ignored; and they should be queried as to taking donations from pharma while representing, or running to represent, ALL the people. This is why Citizens United was bad legislation.

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Luckily, more and more people are looking at the money-trail of politicians. This has happened with Ron DeSantis. In Texas, all the Republicans who voted to impeach AG Ken Paxton received contributions (in strange amounts like $34, 561.10) from the drunken, independently wealthy Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan. It's so corrupt but money talks.

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Personally, I canceled Medium years ago, well before 2020. I was regularly encountering articles there that were fallacious and disturbing, and I sensed that certain authors -- and the algorithms -- were trying to draw me into a way of thinking in which I wanted no part. No way, and not again-- I had been down that path before.

Of course they would take down your piece, but the problem with that platform is far from new. I think it would be clearer if we knew more about the people behind the platform, and their connections.

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I fully admit my naivety on this one

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We have had different paths, leading to different "learning experiences" that now appear to converge in certain ways. You might be surprised at how much we overlap in terms of exploring matters related to spiritual paths.

I received much of my grounding in the truth through a lying, corrupt cult of a church, during middle school and high school, and on into early college. How that could have possibly worked, I don't know, but somehow it did -- a mixture of lies and truth contains truth -- and it was a good age at which to learn what I did. Not that I then stopped making bad decisions or being deceived, or anything of the kind. Far from it.

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I was only 4 when my brother died but now after all this great information has been coming out since Covid; I am speculating that he died from SIDS back in ‘66. So sad!!

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I'm sorry about your brother.

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Thank you

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