Since 2000, I have not trusted doctors, since I was almost killed by one. I also helplessly watched as many people I knew got hooked on opioids from their doctors' office--they were prescribed drugs more suitable for terminal cancer sufferers, after routine surgeries!‐ and they became junkies after they couldn't get their Rxs refilled anymore. So my trust and respect for the whole medical system is very low. Since Covid, I have nothing but utter contempt for these materialistic, mindless pill- pushers.

I have been an avid reader since you started this substack, and I have such respect for you. Though we've never met, I've come to trust you through your articles. Your moral clarity and ethics shine so brightly that it makes me feel like I could trust a doctor again-- if they were just like you.

Thank you for being such a great example and for the selfless way that you share your heart, your knowledge and your unique perspective with such a wide audience. You could have kept your thoughts to yourself, or just a select few, but you didn't, and I'm grateful. I'm very proud to recommend your work and I'm very happy to see that you are now receiving the wide- spread recognition that you deserve (I read your guest article on Mercola this morning. Wonderful, as always). Your honest voice should be amplified to counteract the myriad of lies and propaganda.

I wish that I had a doctor like you! You give me hope.

Thank you for your service.

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My hope is that I can create an example other people want to follow. I feel most of the things I feel and think are pretty reasonable and normal, so it continues to surprise me how few people state them and how rare a voice like mine is.

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Would that there were 10 million doctors like you. But-- you are one in 10 million.

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Excellent point. My elderly aunt, now deceased, was put on a myriad of pharmaceuticals, including Methadone which I always associated with Heroin withdrawal. It boggles my mind that during C19, the general public forgot about the medical industrial complex that pushed Opioids. Leopards don’t change their spots.

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The pharmaceutical industry repeatedly does atrocious things to the population and then gets blank slates for it. It has been amazing to watch this happen over and over throughout my lifetime.

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Doctors also can accused of being "pushers" and many are over cautious about providing adequate pain relief to non terminal patients for this reason.

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And many are over cautious about healing people as business will dry up.

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Chronic pain is undertreated and often, patients are looked upon as head cases

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99% of people go to med school to 'get rich' and the 99% that stay are only there for the money;

Ergo there are no good doctors, only various kinds of quacks grifting their sick customers

I have a good one, in the 1980's a women friend whose father was a doctor, advised her not to be a doctor, but go into pharma sales; In her first year she was making $300k/yr and that was 1980's, she ended up marrying the regional sales manager, and they build a $10M USD home and she was 25 by then;

So yes doctors are crooks, but even they look up to big-pharma;


When you sell pills for $100 USD a pill ( or $1,000's ), that cost one cent a pill in INDIA to be made, the profit margins are infinite;

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People forget about past crimes and abuses of Big Pharma or the medical system for at least a couple of reasons. AMD mentioned decreasing time scene changes in media; which may contribute to shorter attention span. TV commercials are a good example of this. The majority of them now are 15 seconds or less, and many feature rapidly changing scenes, some so fast one isn't sure what was shown. I believe this is done to induce a sense of confusion from sensory overload, after which a sales message is made. We learn to forget what we saw because we saw too much too fast and can't take it all in, so we focus on the takeaway message and move on. I think such commercials may condition us to accept propositions without engaging in critical thinking. There isn't time for it. The next blast of sensory information, the next commercial is now flashing, shouting, grabbing our attention.

Another reason is that Big Pharma is the major source of revenue for television during non-election years, contributing up to around 75% of revenue. It has also virtually captured the FDA, CDC, and NIH through donations, fees, and patent sharing. Big Pharma has the largest and strongest lobby on Capitol Hill.

Thus, it is extraordinary for there to be bad news about the pharmaceutical industry. And it gets buried very quickly. Most people know nothing about the Vioxx lawsuit. Vioxx was a COX-2 inhibitor marketed by Merck for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, but which also dramatically increased the risk for heart attacks, something Merck knew about and tried to hide from the FDA and the public. Internal documents showed they calculated they would still make a profit after the expected lawsuits. That is, they placed profits above human life in a premeditated, calculated manner.

Unfortunately, that isn't an anomaly but it seems to be the norm in that industry. There are many other examples of criminal conduct by the pharmaceutical industry for which they have paid hefty fines. I won't describe any more here. You get the picture.

But they also spend huge amounts of money in advertising. And TV won't bite the hand that feeds them, so you almost never see good investigative journalism into Big Pharma; instead you see pro Pharma propaganda.

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The opioids are and endless trap. Heroin used to treat morphine addiction, but being addictive itself. Methadone was then used to treat heroin addiction, but was even more addictive. Yikes.

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Sadly I know of far too many acquaintances, former coworkers, and family members that are or were addicted to opiates.

I say "were addicted" because some of them are dead now because of overdoses. It is very easy to get addicted to opiates-- especially if one is in constant, chronic pain.

I found an old article about a small pilot study that a couple of Drs conducted in January 1977. After I read about this it made me so angry. 😠

It is yet another example of how the systems of government and the medical industrial complex are NOT interested in fixing or solving the problem...only profiting from it. Some quotes from the articles I linked below:


Presented at the Western Regional Seminar of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, July 16, 1977, in San Francisco:

"Drug addictions, like cancer, are terrifying conditions to the victims because of the feelings of hopelessness and abandonment generated by the rigors and general failure of the orthodox treatments.

This joint pilot study was started in January 1977, after a series of coincidences between the authors. Both authors had been working independently on the drug abuse problem for many years.

Dr. Alfred F. Libby had been conducting occasional clinical tests on addicts since 1974 with exceedingly promising results--and Dr. Irwin Stone working on the theoretical, genetic, and biochemical background.

We heard of each other’s work in December 1976, and pooled our knowledge and experience.

Stone had been trying unsuccessfully to get some clinical research started for over a decade.

His latest and most discouraging attempt came in November 1976, when a megascorbic clinical research protocol was turned down by one of the top men in the field who said: “there is no evidence or usefulness of massive doses of vitamin C in any disorder (except scurvy) — least of all in conditions associated with heroin addiction...Massive doses of vitamin C are potentially toxic. There is no known scientific basis for thinking that vitamin C would be beneficial in methadone maintenance or detoxification."

If we had not regarded this authoritarian certitude as utter nonsense, this promising new therapy of drug addiction could have been again delayed for years. This prevailing attitude toward megascorbics, however, convinced us that the orthodox drug abuse agencies were not the proper means for starting or conducting exploratory clinical tests in drug abuse.

We also realized that getting any support for clinical work involving megascorbics, (the black sheep of orthodox funding agencies), would be next to impossible to obtain, and certainly impossible to obtain quickly.

Methadone maintenance is much more difficult to deal with than heroin addiction due to the adverse metabolic effects that methadone has on the body.

At the time this paper was written 30 out of 30 patients were successfully treated in this pilot study under the supervision of Alfred F. Libby.

This reported 100 percent rate of success is the same as that noted by Dr. Cathcart in his megascorbic therapy of the viral diseases; “it works every time-provided enough ascorbate is used."

We do not claim to be the first to suggest or use ascorbate in the addiction problem, but we do claim to be the first to use sodium ascorbate properly to get these desired results. Ascorbate injected into rats at the rate of 100 mg per kg body weight attenuated and abolished the narcotic effects of morphine (Ghione, 1958).

Ascorbate’s detoxification of a wide variety of inorganic and organic poisons was reviewed (Stone, 1972) and included Klenner’s work on the successful megascorbic treatment of barbiturate poisoning, snakebite, and Black Widow spider bites.

It was also suggested in this review that megadoses of ascorbate be used in drug addiction (Stone, pp. 157-158, 1972).

Two interesting papers appeared in 1976, one from Thailand which showed that the sleeping time induced in rabbits by 15 mg of pentobarbital could be progressively reduced by increasing amounts of ascorbate injected five minutes prior to the pentobarbital. The sleeping times in minutes for ascorbate dosages of 0, 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg were 50, 29, 27, 23 and at 1,000 mg ascorbate the rabbits did not fall asleep at all (Bejrablaya and Laumjansook, 1976).

The other paper (Scher et al., 1976) was originally presented in 1974 to the North American Congress on Alcohol and Drug Problems, by these authors from the National Council on Drug Abuse and the Methadone Maintenance Institute, and was entitled; “Massive Vitamin C as an Adjunct in Methadone Maintenance and Detoxification.” These authors realized that scurvy played a large part in the drug abuse problem, but they only saw ascorbate as a means to reduce some of the side effects of methadone administration like constipation, loss of libido, and restless sleep. For this they used about 5 g of ascorbic acid a day. It apparently never occurred to them that by switching to sodium ascorbate and increasing their dosage by a factor of 10, they could completely eliminate the ill-conceived Methadone Program with all its problems and at the same time have a simple, nontoxic, and elegant solution to the drug abuse problem."


Needless to say, our government did not endorse or finance any of the successful detox trials these two Drs did with high doses of sodium ascorbate--they used their own money to do it.

Our government apparently wasn't that interested in curing the problem, they wanted to continue the profitable methadone clinics.



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Some hospitals, doctors, and nurses greedy for gain have committed crimes and need to be held criminally liable! This is a locality based issue very likely with many good ones, but many are struggling financially and those who took whopping government money may now be struggling as they clamor for another emergency and more government blood money.

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"So much information is available now we are constantly bombarded with, that it has exceeded the processing capacity of the human mind. That is making a lot of people destabilize inside, and as the information glut increases, this problem will continue to worsen."


I think the problem isn't information overload, it's the fact that our entire "public health" industry is knowingly lying to our faces. Information is helpful when it confirms reality -- when information describes a lie, people have problems because what they hear doesn't match up with their experience.

Like when Biden tells people the economy is awesome, they just don't appreciate what he's been doing for them.

This gets even further complicated when you add in politics and the ridiculous desire to support lying politicians in order to avoid admitting you were wrong about masks, distancing, school closures, lockdowns, vaccines..........basically everything covid.

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This issue goes far beyond just medicine and public health.

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For sure! Nearly every "expert" and talking head on TV is lying about nearly everything. War, politics, crime, race relations.....it's ALL designed to push a narrative, and this disturbing feeling we're getting now is the desired result. Many people from communist countries have told me that it feels like THAT.....nobody trusts anybody and everybody's afraid to talk.

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Correct. Additionally, I'm not just talking about that type of information (any specific narrative). The media and internet expose us to so many different things at a blinding fast pace our nervous system has to think about.

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Did you mean isn't supposed to think about?

We tend to assume information to be words and ideas but it is across the whole spectrum of inner and outer sensing (If i just said sensing many would assume only the outer).

Being ourself as distinct from a tempt to become something we think we lack sets a coherence for what then resonates relevant for who and where we are now. Not then or when.

The ability to abide in and trust a seeming chaos rather than immediately seek to control it, allows life to become in us - in the way a child learns.

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Correct, I fixed that wording.

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A tool I have used for decades to focus and filter my intake of news or other info is to focus on paradigms: organizing principles, or in the case of news and world issues, the essence of an ongoing story. When something new comes up that I can't make sense of, like Antifa, or the Transgender Movement, I spend some focused time digging until I clearly see what the driving forces and beliefs are. When new stories arise, I glance at them to see if there is a major development--but seldom is there a seismic shift. Occasionally, a story takes a major turn that I spend a little more time reviewing.

With COVID, even though the directors of the play were not immediately obvious, I could tell right away from the heavy reliance on the PCR test, and what I knew about it, that the data was likely to be lousy, and that all of the testing, tracing, trending, isolation, lockdowns and public health would not be based on solid data. Similar illuminating clues included Neal Ferguson's history of awful modeling and overprojection; and the conflation of dying FROM COVID with dying WITH COVID. I knew from following the work of Drs. Shallenberg and Brownstein that the virus was easily treatable when caught early (and Kory and McCulloch and others found other methods) that the "vaccine and only the vaccine" statements were pure theater. These became core principles with which I could sift through news and government directives, and see how the larger pile of lies was constructed. The rest of the story (sad, bad and wrong--or Badong, as they say in the movie Kung Pao) was easy to follow and often even predict based on those paradigmatic fundaments.

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I have personally reached the point where I don’t trust any medical or government officials. Or the lying weathermen who have a gag order on them not to expose the geoengineered weather warfare. If they really don’t know what is going on they should just resign rather than lie. These people have no morals whatsoever. All they want is money and material things. They will gladly murder others as long as they get paid to. Absolutely disgusting what our country has become.

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Exactly this! Even if some aren’t “aware” of all the BS they’re surely feeling it on an energetic level. As well as being physiologically compromised by infections and/or injections.

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I think a big part of the plan is to keep piling up small and big worries in peoples' lives, so that many will reach the target destination of Learned Helplessness. At that stage, the mental backbone is gone, and anything goes, since the spirit is broken.

"Some ideas for preempting Learned Helplessness"


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The lying and gaslighting are seemingly endless. Is there more than one honest Democrat in the country?

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Is there one?

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Jul 23Edited

As if the Republican's don't lie? They all lie.

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Who is it?

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I agree the problem isn't information overload, but a deliberate use of stage craft and manipulation to manufacture consent. A book I am reading, "One Idea to Rule Them All" by Stiles, explains how the lies are set up, the basic structure the brain uses to create settled belief, and why it is mostly impossible to change someone's mind using facts and data. It is highly readable. It goes on to discuss Operation Sheepskin, which is wolves in sheep's clothing, Operation Spider's Web, and more such as how bo be a "propaganda detective." The long-term planning and actions to which these liars go to create conditions that appear to be regular events leading to public belief and consent is astonishing.

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Media lying? Say it ain't so! Viz. Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?).

And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators.

More recently, here https://twitter.com/i/status/1651188180790517761 is activist Jose Vega confronting the mainstream media powerhouses in some fake open forum, for their warmongering narratives and blatant disregard for the truth. Vega is, of course, promptly escorted out by security for asking simple, basic questions based on demonstrable fact.

And don’t forget Vietnam reporter Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – except that this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it. Or perhaps you prefer Charles Jaco of CNN “reporting live from Saudi Arabia” in the 1990” Iraq war…. or should I say, in front of a fake green screen. If you need a refresher, from a linked clip is a video of the broadcast (which I saw myself) or see here as well. The fake news doesn’t care if you see this now (which is why it is allowed on co-opted Youtube), as this has already gone down the Orwellian memory hole of the general public so they don’t care. Only I suggest you should care, as they continue to do this stuff today, only even more. Of course, the whole Iraq gambit was pushed by the media, including the famous Nayirah al-Sabah, aka ‘Nurse Nayirah,” who told us in no explicit terms, that the Iraqis were murdering babies in cold blood. (Perhaps if she had said the babies were “aborted” rather than “murdered” the media would have lauded Saddam. Certainly the left thought Maryland bill 669 was just fine: Maryland Senate Bill 669 Legalizes Infanticide Up To 28 Days After Birth (and California bill AB 2223 not that far off from this, although they “largely” removed the text decriminalizing infanticide.) And behind the Iraq war mongering? None other than Hills+Knowlton, who also did the playbook for throw the public off the scent over the dangers of tobacco back in the day. H+K presented an “Nurse Nayirah” who testified that Iraqi soldiers were taking babies out of incubators in the hospital and throwing them onto the freezing floor. In reality, of course, she was the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador and the whole story was complete fiction, a a PR stunt designed to create outrage and support for the war effort in Iraq

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As a Christian, Jesus never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). What the Word of God said 2,000 years ago is still relevant today. What was sin 2,000 years ago is still sin today. There is nothing new in our Culture that the Word of God cannot address and answer.

As a Christian I do not look to Conservative and certainly not Liberal sites for truths and facts. We mature Christians have learned to hear the Holy Spirit who lives within us. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth (John 16:13). Not just spiritual truth but ALL truth. I can actually tell when I'm being lied to.

What you fail to realize and what we Christians see and know is that we are in a spiritual war (Eph 6:12). People think this is a war between Conservative/Christians against Democrats/Socialists/Communists. It is NOT!!! This is not a physical war but a spiritual war "we do not war against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph 6:12).

Take for example the war on abortion. We Christians see abortion as murder because God is the author of life and life begins at conception. The Left does not see it that way. Why? Because "the god of this world (satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ". The unbelieving cannot see the truth. They are blinded and ONLY Jesus can remove those blinders. This is true with all sins. The unbelieving sees nothing wrong with lying, stealing, adultery, fornication, lust, murder, etc. Just as satan deceived Eve in the garden, satan today deceives the unbelieving.......Genesis 3:4-5 "The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! 5 For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”"

This life as we know it is coming to end. Scripture is being fulfilled before our eyes and we Christians know the return of Christ is near. Give you life to Jesus, because the only other option is eternal death aka hell..............

Matthew 25:31-46

31 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44 Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not [a]take care of You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

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Agree. The filters are also known as human "pride/ego." The filter of all filters. To remove such filter requires humility. The spiritual war has, is and will always be human pride/ego versus Holy Spirit.


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I believe that the mind-body connection is not well understood and impacts disease states both positive and negative! Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, and there are gate keepers to maintain this information on Wikipedia to promote their bias agenda! Good example is the information on vitamin D, which under plays the true role that this hormone has in maintaining good health by being essential for the expression of over 3000 Genes! The breastmilk gene can’t be turned on, if deficient in D. Also, the. E-cadherin gene that prevents meta-stasis can’t be turned on if D is deficient. Two examples! The allopathic mindset is that we can improve treatment of disease states via external applications only. mRNA is just the latest profitable treatment path! What is ignored is how to improve health through prevention and reversal of negative life style issues. My hero, Dr Matthews took a 600 Lb man off

Heart transplant list by motivating dietary changes that reduced weight in half. Just an example. Finally, I’m guessing 80% of the information overloaded is designed to create a change in purchasing or prescribing habits! Consumer Rx should be banned!

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Au contraire on the last sentence. Repeal and repudiate Durham-Humphrey. But advertising something the recipients of the advertising can't legally buy makes no sense.

WickedPedia had good articles about Myers-Briggs personality types. All gone. You need to use the Wayback Machine https://archive.org/ to read them.

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thanks for the link!

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Couldn't agree more on the mind-body connection. I often find quotes from physical culturists that talk about the importance of our mental outlook when it comes to health or fitness.

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A non-medical professional might call the recticular activating system (RAS) an individual's "personal antenna" resonating feedback or reacting to a specfic environment, while filters are a subjective interpretation of stimuli based on specific life experiences.

Be that as it may, I posted a comment today on another writer's Substack which might be apropos:

So you want to know why the US has devolved into an "open-air mental asylum?" Well it wasn't easy. In fact, it was a multi-decade project. Some of the more renowned shrinks responsible for constructing this asylum was Sidney Gottlieb, the "psycho chemist" who directed MKUltra by deploying a smorgasbord of concoctions to "mind-control" his victims. Some jumped out of windows after getting a dose of his LSD. And then there was the sadist shrink Donald Ewen Cameron another CIA employee who developed the concept of "social contagion" by psychologically victimizing subjects. It was his belief that mental illness can be "contagious" when the right mix of variables are put into play. And the Scottish born psychiatrist appears to be correct. Now lets add another ingredient to this diabolic recipe-- SSRIs anti-depression medication, which often strangely enough causes anxiety, depression, and rage...Interesting that.

I bet, you didn't know more than 37 million Americans are consuming antidepressants. And were you aware there's more than 2 million Americans who abuse Opioids. Now getting back to "psycho-psychiatry," I personally believe, programs like MKUltra never ended and unwitting populations are being used in "mental collateral damage experiments." However, the most obvious manifestation of mind-control is the demented fabricated myths spewed out from the mouths of mainstream media news commentators and those on supposedly Independent social media platforms. The power of this type of mind-game can't be underestimated, as it's been a decades long psychological warfare operation against the American population compounded by a deliberate dumbing down of public education. And that's why you're left with so many confused, disorientated, and emotionally disturbed folks ready to accept help from charlatans and pharmaceuticals. If the "pyscho-sadist security state" didn't hold all the keys to the open-air asylum the mental health of millions would immediately improve.

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It always surprises me how much certain medications influence people's personalities.

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Especially, the emotionally vulnerable. It's hard to believe big pharma is not aware that antidepressant medications are so deleterious. But, then again it would cut into their enormous profits and ultimate objective of ensuring that everyone is a chronic addicted user of either oral medications or injections. In effect, the pharmaceutical industry is run by "legalized drug lords" protected by the security state.

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Yes, and far more people on legal drugs than illegal I imagine.

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I'm sure a ton are consuming both. When the prescriptions runs out, or it gets too expensive to refill they'll resort to illegal stuff and often the fentanyl or heroin is cut with poisonous chemicals resulting in death.

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I like to think I enjoy the information overload but my wife disagrees. She thinks it’s damaging my brain. At some point, I may just have to become a bulldozer operator and play in the dirt all day. It’s been a dream of mine.

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You definitely have to find a balance!

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Bless you and the long sentences! Yes, continuity and rhythm in writing!

I am greatly saddened by all the short pieces and sentences that don’t get to the substance of things. Please keep you style and your nuanced ideas.

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Thank you.

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It is very easy to do long pieces with short sentences, I do it on my posts. One can still retain nuance.

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I used to use lots of long sentences until an editor suggested "unpacking" them. Short sentences have more punch. Variety in length gives the brain a rest. It can also improve interest. I know one writer I admire who uses mostly very short sentences, which makes me fill in the blanks: I ask myself how I see what he's talking about all around me, the concrete examples. Now I test my sentences to see if I can shorten them without losing the connections I'm trying to make, and only leave then particularly long if the alternative would make the reader work harder to get the points.

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Quite right.

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The example of those brainwashed by CNN, their information comes from a narrow focus. They have blinders on to reject any other information. But to be open minded and seek out information from as many different sources as possible that's to be enlightened and knowledgeable, even though it's information overload, it's for the better.

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I am not disagreeing with you, but, I don’t watch CNN and probably never will again. I find it an insult to my intelligence and believe EVERYTHING they say is a lie. Common sense tells me it is not all lies, but it would be a waste of time to try to sort through for small snippets of truth.

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You are missing a key point: who controls the narrative, why and how.

Not explainable through money, power and corruption

“What makes a person want to control and hoard? What makes a person choose wealth or power or accumulating “stuff” over supporting each other thrive? Why would members of our own species want to destroy all life on this planet?

We aren’t dealing with your average Joe’s. They are multi-generations of inbred, disconnected, mentally unstable psychos whose entire existence has been destruction, murder and chaos.” 1

Think about it. If you were a billionaire: when is enough, enough? Is enough never enough? Instead of enjoying life with your loved ones, why would you spend most of your billions with a mafia obsessed to cull humans, risking a revolution and being jailed or executed? This is way larger than a psychonspiracy.

Why would Facebook Zuckerberg give 450 million away to rig the 2020 elections in favor of Biden and democrat governors when he didn’t get that money back from the government? Think: even if you were a billionaire fanatic of the Democratic Party, why would you spend 450 million dollars in bribery, risking jail? And 450 million doesn’t even count on what the Zuck Bucks bought in prior elections and 2024.

Why would a foreigner like Soros, who doesn’t even visit the USA, give away billions to the Democratic Party?

In 2010, masons Warren Buffet (who funded Microsoft) and Bill Gates founded The Giving Pledge to manage the money of any billionaire who, just like them, was a figurehead of the masonic mafia and had to return them the dirty money made from monopoly, usury, insider information, sabotage, moles, government grants, contracts and arranged bids, stolen patents, mason or corrupt judges favoring them (e.g. when Zuckerberg stole Facebook), counterfeit money and laundering, drugs, etc.

That’s why masons pushed for prenup agreement laws in most countries. Still, masons arrange “bad” divorces and recover control by diluting capital and increasing debt. That’s where funds like Berkshire Hathaway or Blackrock get in. Another way, is to agree on transferring billions to charities (Giving Pledge) and to create trust-funds for the kids (“trust fund babies”), and guess who is going to administer the funds: masons, thus keeping control of the companies (it’s not about the money, but about control).

• After an affair with Elon Musk in 2021, the wife of Google founder Sergey Brin, Nicole Shanahan got her secret divorce: Mason convenient: “California permits private judges as a way to reduce the load on the public legal system. These judges have all the rights and responsibilities of public judges but don’t operate through the public court system. The only documents that become public are the initial filing and the final decree. The decree can reference separate documents, keeping the actual details of things like child custody agreements or asset division private. This is significantly better for your privacy than public courts, where everything stated in court becomes a matter of public record, accessible by anyone interested.” It was Brin’ second divorce with a prenup, thus keeping his status of being the top 10 richest man on earth and saving (scamming?) over 50 billions in divorces. 2

• Melinda French (ex Gates) walked away with a couple of liquid billions after being duped for 50 billion in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 3 She still thinks it is a legit non-profit.

• Something strange happened with Bezos, who kept 16% more of Amazon than his ex MacKenzie Scott, 100% (not 50%) of the Washington Post, and 100% of the his space company, Blue Origin. 4

Figurehead money had to be put to use under the mason agenda. That might explain why “400 highest tax-paying Americans donated between 8 percent and 11 percent of their income in 2010”. By 2019, the Pledge had raised more than 500 billion from 200 out of 2000 global billionaires. 5 It could now be over a trillion dollars (1000 billion), considering that the 2 founders gave over 100 billion, then it’s less than 1 billion for the rest, if we discount the top 5 donors.

Living Pledge hall of shame: Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft), Michael R. Bloomberg, Elon Musk, David Rockefeller (d. 2017), Jeff and Marieke Rothschild, Carl Icahn, Michael Milken (junk bonds scam), ...

They are not philanthropists (from greek, human-friends) but misanthropists (human-haters). They are not giving away their money: they are returning to Satan the stolen money to programs designed to exterminate us. Thank you but, no thank you! Their power is so obvious: their money is not taxed even if it’s destined to the common bad instead of the common good.

Why is it that so many billionaires are evil? It’s hard to believe s that money corrupts everyone: there are many examples that prove it doesn’t.

It looks like there is a rigged system that searches to corrupt them (Epstein) and only allows the most evil to become billionaires by destroying the competition with unchecked illegal practices.

If it wasn’t for the freemason cabal, why would IBM masons give pimple college-dropout Bill Gates monopoly to IBM PC, who didn’t even have a software and stole/“bought” it from a Seattle programmer?

The luciferian mafia pays you well: “Gates’ home, which he’s dubbed “Xanadu 2.0” as a reference to the movie Citizen Kane (note: you can’t make this stuff up!), was estimated to be worth $127.48 million in 2017. Add a large car collection and a $130 million art collection including a Leonardo da Vinci manuscript. The family also has a private jet worth almost $20 million and owns a private tropical island in Belize called Grand Bogue Caye, valued at about $25 million.” … just in exchange for eternal hell fire.

It's not the neo-cons6, reps or dems. It’s not the Feds, DoD, CIA, NSA, HHS, NIH, CDC, FDA. It’s not the USA, China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel. It's the MASONS and satanists in there! They promote hatred based on categories, political parties, races, religions, so we keep busy against each other while letting them destroy us all, blinded by identity fights. Divide and conquer. Factioning for ruling. Think about the concept of intersectionality: it was designed to multiply factions to the infinite, so that in the end, each person becomes a faction for himself!

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t cherish and nurture from your national, religious and cultural roots. Yet those roots should be used to enrich your community, nation and mankind, not to quash the rest of them, based on a narcissist pride that only leads to fight, while strengthening your enemy and weakening your identity: they have succeeded in creating a rootless de-familized global citizen, easy to be manipulated in a nationless global government.

Communists, Zionists, Islamic fundamentalists, Gaia worshipping environmentalists, UN, WEF, etc. All evil groups seem to be working for their cause only, yet they are all precisely coordinated. On top of the puppet groups there are the different mason sects, and on top of them, the satanist sects (all groups work for Satan, but those upper sects have direct worship).

There's no deep state, just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. Freemasonry is THE most lethal virus. Freemasonry is THE enemy of “the people”, that destroys a nation from within. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry.

Cicero (in Taylor Caldwell’s fiction): “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” 7

Some say: “they want you DEAD or SLAVE!“. Wrong: they want you a dead slave… just like we let them treat the unborn babies: a person called a thing (definition of slavery), which could be killed at will.

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!

Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


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I have often wondered about this. A few people I know have spent times in the homes of the oligarchs of society and have found they are very unhappy people who are constantly tearing each other apart and can't love each other.

Power in general tends to be very addictive, and when people get it, they tend to just want more.

My belief, assuming there isn't say some type of demonic force possessing them is that their internal world is such a mess they have no issue destroying their external world, and that because they fundamentally are so unhappy, they get hooked to needing to get more money and dominate more things as their meaning and purpose for being alive. One early documentary on Bill Gates showed he had this tendency and basically always needed to win and beat everyone else at any cost.

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One of the scariest times of my life was being in the WH surrounded by "leaders" of both parties. The depth of the insecurity on display was not just palpable but almost overwhelming to me.

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Pride. The root of all evil.

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Just the same as crime gets all the news attention instead of happy people doing good deeds, the criminal billionaires get all the attention and the good ones are never mentioned.

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AMD has decided there are no “bad guys,” and that the government mistakenly, (and certainly not purposely), killed people with the vaccines by their incompetence. (Ooops! Silly us. We’ll try harder next time!)

Meanwhile, there are some great Substacks today focusing on the real problems the world is facing. There are many truth tellers out there who respect your intelligence, your intuition and your point of view. For example, Naomi Wolf has an excellent piece on King Charles’ coronation. And the remarkable Matt Ehret writes about the history of the Great Reset, part 3, that discusses the role Cecil Rhodes played in its most recent inception. He is brilliant.

Both writers seem to respect your ability to filter in the Age Of Information.

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Just to be clear, that is not my position.

My position is:

1) Power structures tend to favor corrupt sociopathic individuals rising to the top.

2) In most of the government agencies, there are good people with bad people in charge of them who dictate policy.

3) You cannot accuse someone of being evil without solid proof, and in a lot of cases the proof is not there so I am not willing to make the accusation.

I have however made it for many people such as Fauci.

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Lord Acton (19th century historian): “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Power structures tend to favor corrupt sociopathic individuals rising to the top.”1 Usually when a corrupt clique gets power, they cover for each other and repel any outsider which would cast light on their dark deeds. It isn’t a rule that any power structure breeds the most corrupt, but this particular power system is rigged to select the most evil puppets. Proof? the reaction to outsiders like RFK2 and Trump.

Why is it that so many billionaires are evil? It’s hard to believe s that money corrupts everyone: there are many examples that prove it doesn’t.

It looks like there is a rigged system that searches to corrupt them (Epstein) and only allows the most evil to become billionaires by destroying the competition with unchecked illegal practices.

If it wasn’t for the freemason cabal, why would IBM masons give pimple college-dropout Bill Gates monopoly to IBM PC, who didn’t even have a software and stole/“bought” it from a Seattle programmer?

How would you explain this level of unchecked corruption?

Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


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It continues to amaze me how I am watching the history I read about play out in front of me now.

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Not only does power corrupt, but power attracts the corruptible.

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Many people are not bad so much as they are week and fearful. How many of us would have told Hitler’s or Stalin’s goons to take a hike, or opened fire on them? If you pray, always ask for wisdom, strength a courage.

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This is one of the biggest issues. Assuming you can handle reading something really dark and disturbing, the strongest example I've seen of this point was how the chinese in nanjing (detailed in the Rape of Nanjing) allowed small numbers of Japanese to mass execute them without anyone fighting back.

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It would be really cool if you could elaborate on this, since what you are describing, the overloading of working memory--I always say "bandwidth" despite being opposed to machine analogies to refer to humans since that is what we are trying to escape---by design on the internet, and the use of preexisting brain mechanisms to cope, is coupled with the inability to comprehend the level of evil we are up against. Your mention of The Rape of Nanjing made me think of Iris Chang, who was overwhelmed by it, and the suicides of Holocaust survivors.. Jordan Peterson says to stare into the abyss until you see past the atrocities and realize what you could become, but not everyone is constitutionally able to do that. All of our cognitive abilities are being compromised by all sorts of factors, mine mostly by age and being less flexible in making a map, This is a wonderful article, though, and explains a lot of what I'm experiencing with others, which is in itself comforting. I think the overwhelm is by design though, like cognitive shock and awe. Thank you for this---I'm sending it to everyone!

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It is a good point. In part this is because the Chinese were not naturally aggressive. They were farmers mainly, unlike the Mongols who invaded. They have been subjugated for centuries.

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There are so many threads to pull together over the decades. I had a difficult time understanding the public medical gaslighting until I read the extensive legal research done at bailiwicknews.substsck.com. This information allowed me to open up other avenues of thought based upon my own remembered experiences and my RAS.

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an "a" needs to be added to the url (substack not substck).

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Just read Diana West’s books. So informative. Step by step how we got where we are.

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I click on your link and get a screen telling me that me phone has been hacked.

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Can you confirm the link that you listed here?!!!!!

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Katherine Watt bailiwicknews.substack.com

You might like:J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


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I like to follow you because you affirm the way I think.

I wonder a bit if it means You are dumb like me or that I am smart like you?

As for malice all round, it is improbable because the management would have been too hard. Instead the malicious used tools as required to steer the leaders into directing the actions in the way they wanted.

I recorded a deep observation I had a while back, before covid but it is still very apt.

"Sadly, the easiest way to subvert any important system, with leaders, is through the leaders." - Kalle Pihlajasaari, 2015

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Thank you. I often wonder that too.

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I have done deep research on the freemasons. They are Luciferian and so are Theosophists (the official religion of the UN) -- and even Muslims at the highest level (a recent discovery of mine).

I agree that this network is probably behind the current global takeover.

But I vigorously protest including "Zionists" with your list of the "evil groups".

This is an example of the simplistic (too-easy) analysis that AMD was writing about so eloquently in this article.

You need to resist the filter that the media has incessantly been conditioning the world to accept with their unbalanced coverage of Zionism and double standards about the Israelis, which are not applied to any other group but after so much repetition they seem 'reasonable'.

You need to factor in the missing nuance: Yes, there are fifth-column leaders within the Zionist movement, trying to promote the masonic goal. It's proper to view them as the NT does: "the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews but they lie". Emphasis on "THEY LIE." They have repudiated any Jewish identity they may have inherited - except when useful to infiltrate our ranks or set up the Jews as the fall-guys to be blamed for their manipulations.

Tip: They can be identified by their total HATRED for the Jewish and/or Christian Bible and faith -- and especially their hostility towards the Jewish State which embodies all of these.

If you believe the Bible, you must leave room for the Zionist goal in its pure form, which is to restore the Jewish people from exile to their ancestral homeland, as promised by GOD over and over for the Last Days.

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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment. I'm sorry, I used such a confusing term as Zionism. There are different definitions. For example, the one held by World Zionist Organization which in 1919 claimed the whole Palestine at the Paris Peace Conference.

Even Pope Francis said that the Palestine nation deserves to be recognized as such with their piece of land.

God promised Abraham the Holy Land to his descent, but his bio-descent includes Esau and Ishmael. What the scripture is referring to, as heirs to the Holy Land, is his spiritual descent: those sharing the faith and belonging to the People of God. And the New Testament indicates that the followers of the Messiah, Jeshua/Jesus Christ, are also Abraham's spiritual descent.

What I was referring to as Zionism is the notion that Jacob/Israel's biological descent should have all the Promised Land and rule the whole world from there. What would be the correct term for that type of Zionism?

What do you think about the Khazar story of infiltrating Judaism/Zionism?

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Well, you've asked a lot of questions, and I'm in danger of pulling this thread off-topic, but I will try to be brief. I do consider them signs of mental-spiritual "filters" that are worth looking at.

God's promise of the Holy Land didn't stop with the "descendants of Abraham". The covenant of the Land was passed on to the "descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob", and then to all Israel, and then to Israel-and-Judah repeatedly, even after the Babylonian exile.

Ishmael was explicitly ruled out by God (Gen. 17:21-22).

Esau's descendants were given Edom - i.e. modern Jordan (Deut. 2:5).

God actually condemns Edom for claiming ownership of "the mountains of Israel" - i.e. Judea-Samaria (Ezek. 36:1-5).

I would say that "the notion that Jacob/Israel's biological descent should have all the Promised Land and rule the whole world from there" is the basic Zionism described in the Bible. But your phrasing needs a few adjustments:

1- More emphasis on "SHOULD". Bible-literate Jews agree that only God can fully implement the Zionist hope. From the beginning, Israel has only fought defensive wars - we gained control of new territory because our enemies attacked us from there. And if God were not involved, we would not have won those either....

2- It's the Messiah who WILL "rule the whole world" from Jerusalem - aka Zion. Not the Jews, the King of the Jews.

3- Biblical Zionism was never limited to "biological descent" - there were converts from other nations joining Israel in every generation since the Exodus. That continues until today - at least 1 in 5 Israeli citizens are not Jewish.

It's risky to condemn the expectation of ruling the world from Zion, because you've named Christians as the new heirs to that future. I can grant you the idea of co-heirs with Israel, as the NT says, but that won't help you here.

Zionism is either God's plan and that makes it good for the world, or it's against His plan and that makes it evil. And if evil, it's just as evil to say that Christians "should have all the Promised Land and rule the whole world from there." You can't have it both ways.

I'm always puzzled by how Christians justify dividing up the good/bad promises -- the Christians get all of Israel's blessings, while the Jews get all of Israel's curses. What do you do with all the prophecies showing that the curses and the blessings come to the same people?

Two examples from just one chapter (Jer. 31):


"Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of mankind and the seed of animals. And just as I have watched over them to uproot them, tear them down, ruin, destroy, and bring disaster on them, so I will watch over them to build and to plant them,” declares the LORD.


This is what the LORD says: “If the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out below, then I will also reject all the descendants of Israel for everything that they have done,” declares the LORD.


You can't miss my point here, unless you use a filter that keeps you from seeing any of the words that challenge your settled idea.

Regarding the Khazars, scholars agree they were Turkish-Persian nomads. So even if some converted to Judaism, they weren't ancestors of European Jews, as anti-Zionists like to claim.

Interestingly, the Khazars were allies of the Byzantine Christians. So if they "infiltrated" any religion, it would have been Christianity.

I hope you don't see any of this as belligerent - they are just factual responses. Feel free to prove me wrong.

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Thank you for your well documented and argued answer. It's clear that Israel's descent has a God given right to live in the Holy Land, but that doesn't give them the right to suffocate to extermination the Palestine nation, right? Have you seen their shrinking map along time?

Though with different expectations, Jews, Muslims, Christians (63% of the world population?!) are all waiting for the same Messiah, how about living peacefully with Palestine, until He peacefully decides what to do?

What about those believing in a non-divine human-powered Zionism: that they should subjugate the world and hand it over to the Messiah? How would you call that type of extreme-nationalistic Zionism?

I'm not criticizing, I've got friends in Israel from all the 3 creeds and I'm VERY worried about the PATENT masonic plot to exterminate Israel through pushing its neighbors.

Both the Old and New Testaments teach us that "salvation is from the Jews" and that the coming of the Messiah won't happen until all the Jews accept Him as savior.

A famous modern Rabbi found out that the name of the Messiah is encoded in the Old Testament: Joshua, the Hebrew name for … Jesus! “Joshua” means “God saves”, including the concept “salvation”. “Salvation is from the Jews” could also be interpreted as “Jesus will come back again thanks to the Jews”.

Think about the Pfizer holocaust in Israel. Think how the Nazis, who had a satanic cult, wanted to destroy all Jews in all countries (not only in Germany).

Satan wants to destroy the Jews as depository of God’s promises to Abraham according to biological descent but also, because Satan thinks that by killing all Jews, it means no coming of the Messiah.

Real Christians defend the Jews not only because charity requires to defend any human being but also because it ’s defending the second coming of Jesus. That said, real Christians also defend the right of Palestinians to their land.

Ungodly Zionists are evil not because of true Judaism, but in spite of it. Many are evil because they are masons (so are many baptized Christians). Judaism isn't the problem, but masons. The Jews are the only solution to the second coming of Christ!:


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Again, you have listed a lot of issues. I will respond to a few that can be answered simply and briefly.

"how about living peacefully with Palestine..."

The Palestinians define peace as the elimination of Israel and the expulsion of the Jews.

According to Palestinian law, not one Jew will ever be allowed to live in their state. They deny all Jewish history in this Land. And "normal" relations with a Jew from Israel is already a punishable crime.

So no, Israel cannot "live" with that.

Oddly, you write as if the Oslo peace accords never happened. After 30 years of giving them a chance to show that they want to build a state, what do we see? A group of lawless thugs, who are siphoning off billions in humanitarian aid for their own pockets, suffocating their own people, rewarding the slaughter of our people, and getting preferential treatment at the UN.

Those abusers are funded and protected by the masonic groups you claim to oppose.

"real Christians also defend the right of Palestinians to their land."

Are you not familiar with what they consider "their land"? Do you not know their chant?

"From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine will be free!"

On their maps they have already erased Israel and all Jewish cities.

You CANNOT support Palestinian demands without destroying Israel.

"Though with different expectations, Jews, Muslims, Christians...are all waiting for the same Messiah."

Have you never heard Muslim messianic beliefs from their own preachers?

Their "mahdi" is destined to conquer both Jews and Christians. He will offer them conversion, enslavement, or death -- with the approval of Jesus who is also Muslim. "First we deal with the Saturday people, then the Sunday people."

I'm not going to address the rest of your statements, and here's why:

Twice now I challenged you to remove your anti-Zionist filters, which are based on a faulty reading of the Scriptures and bad spiritual logic.

In response, you have retreated behind a set of new filters based on a faulty reading of the political realities and bad human logic.

That's a pattern that cannot bear fruit.

There is no point in continuing this exchange.

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Thank you! I've never heard of your perspective. Maybe it's not faulty reading but just not having the same input data as you had. History proved over an over that we should never generalize about people living in a country based on their authorities. Think about it, do you really think your authorities always represented your people? I'm sure there are people of good will in the Palestine population.

I'm confident that when the Messiah comes, He will correct all those who are wrong. In the meantime, it's complicated, but we should all strive for peace in the middle east: there's no other way around it, unless you like a blood bath.

I do believe the masons are behind most of the attacks on Israel. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Yet, I also believe that masons also controlled your government the last years: just think about the Pfizer holocaust. No other country was so viciously targeted as Israel. Have you seen Steve Kirsch data from Israel proving how many people the haccines killed ?

You wrote you didn't want to answer anymore. Don't feel obliged.

Have a nice life full of love! Let's pray for each other! we share the same G-d!



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You Sir are one of the most sagacious physicians I have had the pleasure of reading. Your articles are always fascinating and illuminating.

Thank You, Sincerely

Steve Velez DDS

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Thank you, I appreciate that.

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The world has changed.

People have not.

Good and evil have not.

Principals provide clarity.

Memory fades, impressions do not.

Correction of false impressions, require new Memory.

Human instinct dictates quick assumptions.

Assumptions based on current impressions and held fast principals is our only guide.

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A lot to “unpack” here, but worth the effort as always with your articles.

My undergrad nursing school’s curriculum in the late ‘70s and grad curriculum in the mid-80s were definitely different from the med school curricula. As nurses, we were taught to see the patient as a whole person with many things that could impact their health and recovery. Knowing the side effects of pharmaceuticals was one thing, because in a hospital (or even a clinic setting), we were the doctors’ eyes and ears and the patient’s advocate. I can’t count the number of times my nurse colleagues and I helped change the course of treatment positively, but it only worked with physicians willing to see past their filters. The patients did well when there was a multidisciplinary practice model. Such a model compensated for the filters each discipline had. And we all continued to grow professionally.

Thank you for your insight and analysis that helped me understand in a deeper way my own practice, including my shortcomings.

Have you considered compiling your articles in a book? You can count on me buying a few copies…

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Thank you. At some point I will, but at this point that would prevent me from writing here and I don't want to do that.

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My former doctor, recently retired, was a lone internist. He gave patients ample time to explain themselves. He praised, didnt hector his patients. He also showed his human side in return. He was calm, but ready to refer to a specialist as necessary. His belief system was probably opposite mine, but, oh how I miss him!

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We all miss those days.

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After struggling with my church's decision to acquiesce and buy into the ad infinitum lockdown narrative, I cannot underscore the importance of this statement enough:

"I do not support rewriting the Constitution, I also do not support revising the classic religious texts. However, there is also an alternative solution to this dilemma. Teach people to focus on grasping the timeless essence of those teachings by allowing their minds to expand enough to see the nuances within those texts rather than having a superficial reading that fixates on specific simplistic phrases and then rearranges them to support whatever the agenda is of the reader."

I was part of the unpersuasive minority that could have and should have been more vocal. Damn it. The texts were right there in front of us. Will I have the strength to demand that they be considered the next time crimes against humanity are committed?

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Life is the process of making mistakes, learning from them, and doing better the next time around!

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I'm not nearly as good as you are at this, but I too have learned to try to connect with someone who is disagreeing, but once it becomes clear they aren't interested in pursuing truth (like they never take a point no matter how obvious) I move on. We just have to find those who are searching, who are waking up. It's not possible to reach those who aren't looking. Great piece as always.

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My experience was realizing over and over I was wasting my time by doing that and gradually recognizing I had a responsibility to be more responsible with how I was utilizing my time.

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Doc, I enjoy your writing. Please allow me to add a comment: attachment to ideas is an aspect of attachment to the mental construct of self, ie: the identification with the small self (some call it ego) which we created in our youth to survive (psychologically and emotionally as well as physically). What we agree with and disagree with is part of the definition of this "self." For those who have learned to disengage from this identification, information can be collected and stored, waiting for corroboration. After enough corroboration, the information can be "suspected" to be true, without attachment.

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Thank you.

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