This is one of the taboo stories that might have detonated the “safe and effective” narrative … IF this story had been allowed to reach the mainstream public.

Your article correctly notes that Richard H, an embalmer who lives less than an hour from me in Alabama, almost single-handedly made this “strange clot” story go viral - at least in the alternative media.

To provide evidence that the “mainstream” press won’t touch this story, I sent story links to several of the major news organizations and newspapers in our state, telling reporters and editors that one of the most important Covid whistleblowers in the world was a resident of our state.

None of the news organizations (including al.com, The Dothan Eagle and The Montgomery Advertiser) replied to my emails and my suggestion that reporters should write their own story and look into this phenomena.

I also did the same thing with another important Covid whistleblower (Dr./Lt. Col. Long- a flight surgeon from Ft. Rucker in Enterprise Alabama), who went out on a ledge and said the vaccines were harming Army helicopter pilots.

She also made headlines in the alternative media and spoke at some of the whistleblower panels organized by Sen. Johnson.

Once again, the best-known news organizations in our state took a pass on writing an important story about an important and very brave citizen in our state.

Needless to say, the watchdog press is 100-percent captured. Not 98 or 99 percent captured - 100 percent captured ... And the mainstream news organizations wonder why they're now “Dead Man Walking.”

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Lt Col. Long and her whistleblower colleagues have been sadly neglected even by the so-called medical freedom movement.

She showed that 'reportable events' ie SAE's in the cohort of military pilots went up from an historic average of c250 per annum to 4,000 post-vaxx. Bombshell stuff.

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My son was considering taking a commission in the service. He has since pulled his application. I don’t blame him.

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Great comment! Good job in sending the story of Richard H to media outlets. Totally confirms that MSM is fully captured by the ruling "elite" so they do what they do best: Lie by omission. They certainly lie outright, but I believe their lies of omission are the most egregious lies that they tell. No reporting on these clots, no reporting on sudden deaths, no reporting on huge increase in disability filings in the US, no reporting on excess deaths, no reporting on the architectural analysis of Dr. Leroy Hulsey, professor emeritus of structural engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, regarding the collapse of Bldg 7 and the Towers, no reporting on Biolabs in Ukraine, no reporting on the CIA backed 2014 coup in Ukraine and subsequent shelling and bombing of Ukrainian civilians by Ukrainian military... I could go on and on. This is why so many Americans are uninformed. They believe MSM is telling them all the important stuff they need to know, so when they hear about a topic MSM hasn't reported on, they think, something this important, surely MSM would be talking about it, so they conclude it's fake news.

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Yep. It's all the stories they could and should report but don't that allow all the false narratives to take hold ... and then harm so many people when the mandates and policies to "save us" follow.

Another one of my maxims is "Never investigate that which you don't want to confirm."

This applies to alleged scientists and to alleged journalists.

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Aldous Huxley observed in the 1930's that suppression of the truth ('supressio veri') , lies by omission, are the most effective propaganda techniques.

Totalitarian governments understand that the truth can indeed be suppressed, suffocated and extinguished.

Once the totalitarian regime is fully in place, successful rebellion is almost impossible.

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What scares me is my strong conviction that our Shadow Rulers aren't done yet. They haven't come close to completing all the parts of their unfinished agendas.

They created this Censorship Industrial Complex for a reason ... and that reason wasn't only to get mRNA vaccines. They have other plans ... but they all require "no dissent allowed."

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If it's any conciliation, they are failing on multiple fronts, most recently in Syria and Ukraine, and now even tiny Yemen is giving them major grief.

A lot depends on whether there's a single point of control, or if multiple interests have converged to execute a master plan. I suspect it's the latter, since something of this scale and magnitude is unlikely to originate from a single source. More likely a convergence of interests I would say. Bankers, intelligence agencies, governments, corporations, foundations, wealthy families, etc.

If I'm right I expect increasing failures will cause divisions, resulting in a mad scramble by each party to distance themselves from responsibility while throwing their erstwhile collaborators under the nearest bus. I don't think we'll have long to wait to see if that's the case.

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Your scenario rings true to me. Everything they hoped to achieve will backfire in the end.

I just hope the collateral damage or fall-out doesn't result in, say, a global nuclear war ... in which case the fallout will drift over my house - which is within 50 miles of three major military targets of Russia.

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Quite so, there is no single mastermind, but various interest groups have co-ordinated and converged over several decades - creating a kind of 'group mind'.

And this has, clearly, created a kind of general Plan to which they re working, often with the help of 'useful idiots' - all the 2030-50 targets, etc.

But none of them at the top can trust fully their current allies. They will be at one another's throats in a trice after too many reversals or hold-ups. An alliance of thieves, liars and murderers.

But how much damage can they do in the meantime?

For instance, the plan to destroy small farms, move solely to GMO's, bugs, to wipe out livestock of all kinds, etc, is perhaps the greatest threat. These things are very hard to rebuild once gone.

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Bill, here’s a theory of mine: Our behavior is constantly being directed—even the behavior of “patriots” and “white hats.” I’ve been awake since the 1990’s but I was still out buying two years worth of toilet paper when Covid first started. That’s one of many examples. I’ve since learned to not buy into fear.

A lot of the “future events” they’re broadcasting is just fear mongering that is useful because it directs our behavior. They’ll put crickets in favorite foods so you won’t buy them. They’ll make the cost of housing insane so you won’t buy a house. They’ll raise airfare to vacation spots so you won’t travel. And they’ll have a man like Donald Trump pretend he’s here to save us but it’s just a ploy to keep us quiet and to squash rebellion.

Entertain the idea that Trump is a release valve. Eight years of Obama the Great Reset starts in earnest. Tension builds at the end of his crooked reign. Trump steps in. Release of built-up steam. Then Biden—he’s there to push hard on the Great Reset—harder than we’ve experienced to date. Trump steps in next—release, a very important release of steam because the pressure cooker that is humanity is ready to explode. See his rallies as releasers of steam throughout the process, too.

It is a somewhat subtle process of implementing the Great Reset without pushing it in a way that would result in widespread death and destruction. Watch to see what Trump does if he wins back the presidency.

We know the end game on a very deep level. The world’s population will be reduced in a systematic way. We are seeing it already. The young will be indoctrinated and will serve some kind of purpose. The earth will be returned to some sort of “nirvana” like place, with no highways, no sprawling cities and all of the other Klaus Schwab wet dreams.

There are times I, on some level, understand their vision, while not agreeing with it and feeling repulsed by it. But drive through a ghetto in Chicago, or walk a street in India, or pick any experience that helps you tune into the sheer desperation of mankind. How do you fix it? How do you stop the suffering, the want, the abuse, the mental illness, the sprawling rot in every direction, the endless garbage, the polluted rivers, the decimation of trees and nature, the new generations of consumers being born, how will it ever end? Especially with freedom and democracy standing in the way of ever making big strides in a concerted direction. That is what they are thinking. It’s really not all that complicated.

So, you assign yourself the title of God, or at the very least a privileged father of the earth, and you make your children do things they don’t want to do. The planners then set out with certain tasks: depopulate, clean up, centralize people, start the evacuation of cities you have plans for like San Francisco by making them unlivable, have fewer products available to stop the dependence on consumerism, raise prices for the same reason, direct behavior toward certain goals and standards…etc.

Interesting that this is the world the elites are directly responsible for creating and now they don’t like it. They’ve used us to make their money, and having accomplished that, they’re hoping to claw back time and create some sort of Utopia here with fewer people, more beauty, less consumerism. More control. More technology.

And they must know something we don’t. It must be something big and convincing that is capable of getting just about anybody they share it with on their team. A natural earth catastrophe? Who knows?

But this is all scripted. As a writer, I can tell a good script when I see one. The end has already been written. We’re just watching the plan in action. Interesting time to be alive, isn’t it.

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It is scripted, but there is always the chaos factor - one element which shifts the whole narrative. I like ebear's idea that the predators will eat each other (but your concern that collateral damage will be horrid). Keep looking for those butterfly wings, and pray for peace.

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I concur Bill, and the prospect is alarming.

They seem to be thinking in decades, and this has long been in preparation.

Anyone who thinks this is just about greedy Big Pharma is deluded.

But they are not all powerful, and their precious dgital control system is not fully in place.

It went wrong for them with Omicron, after which most people concluded that Covid is no big deal, and so they abandoned the scare campaign and relaxed things - but only temporarily, 'Disease X' looms.....

Good motto for these times:

'Hope is born of lack of hope'!

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They are desperate now. Their teeth showing, soon demanding our blood lest someone demand theirs.

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what I call When Dracula's Fangs Come Out. but how does Drac. go these days drinking clotted Frankesntein blood?

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Witness what has happened to Gaza.

75 years to genocide.

We are next.

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I think it's important to note that a number of alt-media organizations and personalities have also been captured, or were originally set up for the purpose of misdirection. There's a proliferation of these on YouTube which begs the question of why they're still operating while others have been de-platformed and have had to move to other venues, like Rumble or Substack.

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They would still leave some honest alt media channels in place, as they can use them to assess current public opinion from the comments.

That's why Musk was allowed to open up twitter to some extent: the censorship was counter-productive, being so heavy.

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Agreed, although identifying which is which can be a bit challenging as captive agencies will play to our biases as a way of gaining our confidence.

I have a different approach to research that doesn't depend on the English language press. Here's how it works:

I construct a compound search string for the topic I'm investigating. I then translate the string into several languages, such as Hindi, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese and so forth. Then I do a search using that string and translate what I find back to English if it's a language I can't read. This way you get a cross-section of world opinion, bearing in mind that national press in some countries have similar controls as ours, which is why I avoid most European and British sources. That said, it seems like less attention is paid by Western censors to content in foreign language, so a lot of good information gets through, even on platforms like YouTube.

Thus far I've found the countries with the least bias to be India, Indonesia and Brazil, followed by most of the Arab world once you filter for political or religious affiliations. Surprisingly, Japan is also a fairly good source. In addition, I monitor Russian, Chinese and Iranian press to see what their official positions are, but also a 'read between the lines' can be helpful there as well.

It sounds tedious, but it's really not that bad, and it goes fairly quickly once you get some practice at it.

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Excellent points and great work. Thank you, from an AL neighbor (up near Huntsville).

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Thanks, Lisa. If you can, send me some more subscribers from your neck of Sweet Home Alabama!


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I am in Dothan! Also I communicate with Richard & he is a wonderful man.

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Bill - I've always thought that we should do what they did way back in the day. Drop leaflets from airplanes. Include pics of the clots and QR codes for all the sites speaking about them. I rarely have opportunities to show people my vial of clots, but when I do, I take full advantage!

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Great idea - Back to the future! We need to raise money and put these photos on a couple of billboards with the headline: "Does this look SAFE to you?"

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I have a friend who has 35 years of experience in aviation mechanics specializing in helicopters. He correctly predicted years ago, pilot emergencies during flights.

He was exactly correct. The FAA breached their own rules by mandating unapproved drugs

for pilots under their jurisdiction. Let the finger pointing continue...

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Bill - agreed (I just use the term calculatingly “corrupted” $$$$)

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goes with Engineered Militant Ignorance of the masses.

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Hats off to you for doing this.

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Well, the Gulf Coast was getting pretty crowded. Maybe this will keep the Yankee population down?

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I forwarded all this stuff to a popular online local news source in Dothan 2-3 years ago and all I heard was crickets.

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next to that new Restaurant/TakeAway?

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I forwarded all this stuff to a popular online local news source in Dothan 2-3 years ago and all I heard was crickets.

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Doc - I know I can speak for Tom Haviland as well in that we are so very grateful that you published the results of our latest survey.

Richard Hirschman texted me a photo of he and Tom getting ready for their interview with Del. This boulder of truth is rolling downhill and gaining momentum. There is NO STOPPING IT.

God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏

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Richard is one of the more important whistleblowers of the past three years. I'm going to track him down and try to interview him too. He lives 40 minutes from me.

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Bill - do you mind giving me your email address? I can get you in contact with Richard.

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yes, thank you. It's:


Interviewing Richard has been on my "stories-to-write" list for many months. This story will get me to finally do it. I think Richard does freelance embalming for a funeral home in my town.

I've already did a short interview with Col. Long, but we had to cut it short and I never circled back and finished our interview. It's amazing to me she's still a flight surgeon in the Army (or was about seven months ago).

The silver lining of our captured mainstream press is that Substackers get all the great scoops and exclusives!

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Just sent

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Just replied. Many thanks!

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You're absolutely right Laura - there's no stopping the truth boulder enlightening those who have the courage to see...and there's certainly a lot to see! Keep up the faith and the positivity - IT’S HAPPENING!!! 💜

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Thank you for your hard work and your courage, dear Laura.

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Just doing what God has called me to do. 🥰

As are you in providing transcripts of this time in history that must not be forgotten. 😘❤️

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Thank you for your relentless efforts to expose the corruption

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This is the saddest part - "I corresponded with one embalmer who privately shared that she was seeing these clots but did not feel safe publicly speaking out about them." Free speech is withering on the vine.

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He'd take the expression dead man walking very seriously, were he to tell.

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I want to share this with my sister, she's a covidiot who needs to see this. I love her dearly and I wish she would stop getting injected with poison, she's 73 and I wonder if she has any of the things mentioned in this post, God I hope not. She's had 4 or more jabs.

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I’m so sorry Hannah. Same with my two brothers. Although we no longer speak. 😢


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Lucky you and Hannahlehigh. My siblings won't even tell me what boosters they have and haven't had.

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has the had covid? The only people I know getting covid these days are the double, triple, and quadruple jabbed.

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Hannah - check out my suggestion to Linelle MacDougal in these comments.

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God bless her ignorants, so sad. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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After reading your extensive and well researched articles ,I find myself wondering how I can send this and others articles to many of my long time friends who think I'm crazy for not getting this injection. Is there was way you can suggest sending these articles that doesn't" scare them to death" since they bought into this stuff hook, line , and sinker many times.; it's easy to send these to like minded souls who know something wasn't right all along .

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Just pick the ones that are less scary first. I try really hard to avoid making things frightful or shocking in how I approach the topics here.

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It is pretty much what i try to do , however ,when you don't accept anything other than safe and effective , it's all too shocking. I am having a visit with a pediatric Dr , who is an old friend , from those before times, and his "mentor" is Paul Offit. I was sending things in those early days to this friend, and basically he said I was a cynic and that these injections are wonderful and perfectly safe and to stop reading all the "crap" that is against them . It'll be interesting to hear his thoughts at this point in time . His wife is very ill with heart issues... since the first roll outs .

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I think the one that broke my heart the most was my cousin. I had the discussion with him - we'd been on a health path together for a decade - following Mercola, losing weight, getting fit, improving our stats. When I asked him, he said "I took Moderna, 'safe & effective,' most tested product in the world."

I haven't spoken with him since, nor has he spoken with me.

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Sorry for this late reply. Such sadness created by such divisiveness. It is like a death of humanity as we knew it . Ten years on the road to good health together and like most things in life there are forks in the roads we travel.

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I would like to say that they are learning from the expensive school of experience, but I don;'t think that dying is a learning experience. it is getting out of our way.

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Big Pharma corruption, huge fines paid for misdemeanors , the revolving door with regulators, is a good entry point for the innocent.

But sooner or later one has to broach the hard fact of deaths and injuries, which is terrifying, and makes them shut down, understandably.

The only person who listened to me was a former SF sergeant who knew the Gulf War syndrome story.

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regarding the shots, excess deaths and the huge increase in disability filings in the US since 2021 is possibly a place to start. Rancourt's analysis is thorough and his conclusion as of September, 2023, was that 17 million were killed globally from the jabs. He's criticized for "cherry picking" the countries, but he deliberately chose countries in the Southern Hemisphere because it was not flu season there when those excess deaths started showing up.

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If any of your friends are readers and would be willing to read a book, Rising From the Dead by Suzanne Humphries might put a dent in their faith in our modern medical system. It was written before covid, so it doesn't address all the covid lies. It's an autobiographical account of an MD slowly waking up to the biases that are very deeply ingrained in most medical doctors. As a nephrologist she saw first hand how doctors might suspect this drug or that drug as being the culprit in causing their patient's kidneys to shut down and send them into dialysis. Doctors saw that a lot. But if it was a vaccine (e.g. flu shot) that sent a perfectly healthy person into dialysis, the doctors wouldn't, couldn't, even entertain the possibility that the vaccine might be the culprit. She heard too many times "We know it's not the vaccine".

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I liked that book and I think I've cited that story here.

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yes, I believe it was your recommendation that had me get the book. Thank you. It's a great read. Real eye opener to the incredibly difficult years of study (more like a decade) that doctors have to submit to in order to become a doctor, and how that process itself creates doctors who are more like technicians following protocols instead of using their experience and critical thinking skills to help their patients.

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I read that book at the suggestion of Charles Eisenstein. I am an MD too, and I am writing about my experiences and looking for others like me who are looking for support as we understand and integrate this information that can lead us to question the foundation of our training and our profession. More info here: https://waterbird.substack.com/p/healthcare-workers-anonymous

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Unfortunately, belief in the unassailable, unquestionable perfection of vaccines begins even before medical school, it's a deep cultural bias.

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Thank you, I would like to read it.

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here is one of a medical student unable to get her qualifiactions, she came to call them Zionists , but I just say jews, cause I know better. big wake up call for her, parents lost their home paying for the court costs, which case she lost. judge was 'on the level, brother'. https://archive.org/details/UNITEDNATIONSFINALDOCUMENT1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/gBjrXuuZW95Q/ Helen Tsigounis QLD Australia. one day I hope all of us refuseniks will coagulate. (white clots, lol)

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Linelle - you might want to start with educating them on the lies around IVM and HCQ as early treatments. Do you follow Dr. Pierre Kory on substack?

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Thank you Laura , I do follow him and I also follow JJ Couey who questions even more regarding the medical establishment . I did see Dr Kory when he was here in Canada along with Ryan Cole and others . I remember him saying : You guys in Canada are starved for a doctors love . There are so many lies from our government , it is overwhelming sad to think about the corruption . I am noticing , however , some are becoming a bit more " aware " but can't get too far down the path most of us here on these sites, have worn down deeply.

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Oh my. What a beautiful thing for Pierre to say. Here are the two articles from him that I had in mind. I know if we come at these people with a fire hose, it will just shut them down. It's too overwhelming - even for us, right?

Part One:


Part Two:


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Thank you Laura -tending to be quite blunt on the best of days I need to read my audience ; I love having the company of people who aren't afraid of my views. At this point , I am in the process of distilling whose reading I resonate with and so far I like JJ Couey who knew right from the start something didn't add up . I am having some issues with those who went along without questioning in those early stages. Not sure how I knew ,it didn't make sense ?

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I am thinking about this too Linelle. I had friends over last night for a bonfire, and I realized what a huge gap there is between what I read about everyday through sources on Substack and Twitter, and what they have heard. It's understandable, they are busy parenting and working, but when they want to come over and relax on a Saturday night, I find it hard to relate with them without wanting to get on a soapbox about these issues.

My personal hope is that the Kennedy campaign can be a galvanizing force for community building, and that it can naturally encourage people to do their own investigations prompted by their curiosity rather than us being in the position of articulating this fear-inducing material. It is a challenge!

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It is a challenge for sure . I like Kennedy and I have his book The real AF . I also liked the fact he said he has so many skeletons in his closet - he is at least honest and seems comfortable in his own skin ; I believe just getting out there might have woken up some people to the nefarious agenda .

I also have CJ Hopkins book that has gotten him in trouble with the German authorities. - he is another remarkable man.

It is easy now for me to say to people - do a little research .

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I would rather trust a recovering addict who has done the hard work. I'm not unlike RFK2, wasted youth in hard places - but hard work to come back to Human. Who he was is not who he is.

He knows, between himself and his Higher Power, that he MUST speak Truth, otherwise he is not honouring his Higher Power. He's said as much, and his drive to campaign is coming from a spiritual place.

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Sadly, I've talked to my left-leaning US friends about RFK2, and they proclaim he is a "nutjob."

Indoctrinated is indoctrinated. They listen to the Teevee.

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As freakish as they are, I think the "coffee grounds" blood may end up being the issue that's most pervasive. I surmise that these blood abnormalities could be responsible for a whole host of health issues that 'baffle' doctors...

"long COVID" could very well be mostly caused by these 'calamari clots' and micro-clots... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/calamari-clots-the-frightening-phenomenon?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I think the microclots are the greater issue too. They just aren't as easy to visually comprehend.

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we need a remake of Fantastic Voyage in the covid era to help with the visualisations... Raquel Welsch might be a bit past her prime though for the antibody molestation scenes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO5E4wkg0hA&pp=ygURZmFudGFzdGljIHZveWFnZSA%3D

then a remake of that, Fantasticer Voyage: The Anals of the AMA.

turbo4 eye cancers might be a problem for the ejection of the module though .

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As awful as all the short-term deaths are, SAE's and the submerged iceberg of sub-clinical damage are the big story, likely leading to vast numbers of early deaths and incapacity.

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That’s interesting. Do you think they keep growing in the body until the person becomes disabled or can some peoples bodies dissolve them?

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Why have we not heard from other people who cut open dead bodies - like those to do autopsies? How come the people who do autopsies have not reported the strange blood clots?

And of course, the years long question: why are there so few autopsies being done on people who supposedly died of Covid or Covid shots ?

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There were autopsies done in Germany which verified very unusual pathology in the victims.

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There's a great comment highlighted above from a pathology assistant explaining their ME never considers the shots. Short answer is they have likely been instructed to maintain the narrative. But you are right, where is the concern for public health when young people are dying in crazy numbers and no medical examiners are considering the possibility of the experimental shots. They will sooner blame covid infection than the injection - and as luck would have it, most of those injected also get the illness, so there's cover for them. What we need is a decent bank of forensic pathologists who have open minds and are not controlled by a governing board.

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fine then tell them the Covid and all it's variants are a lab created bioweapon . Japan study (thru rense.com) https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=68540 . I got a look of nonplussed from the doctor when I told him it was an experiment. Doctors are Ba££led and dazed and confused and scared and sickos themselves,

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If you ask that question you are opening a huge can of worms, like why for instance aren’t more Drs in general speaking up? My dad had to have emergency surgery to remove TONS of clots throughout his body and my guess is the dr doing that surgery is seeing an unprecedented uptick in these surgeries but these people ain’t saying shit about it!

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That doc is probably putting his children through University.

He got paid. Why should he stick his neck out?

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ALERT! ❌ When I clicked on this link about Fauci No Autopsies, I received an “VIRAL NOTICE” which locked my phone. Had to close and reroute.

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As a FYI, I am not responsible for verifying the safety of links in the comments and I am quite selective with what I visit to avoid my computer getting filled with malware.

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Of course! No worries Doc, all is well. Onward!

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Apologies for cluttering the comments on your excellent article with this discussion of my link access issue. I'm working on troubleshooting now since I am every bit as concerned about sharing resources that are clean and safe. 🙏

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It may be something on my end if no one else had an issue? It didn’t seem to mess anything up except freezing that page. I just closed it and looped back around. No worries.

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Very good to know, Lisa. Glad the "hack" was just a false alarm. One other user did get a message saying she need Chrome to access the link (which should never have been an issue, either) ~ so my help request (along with your screenshot) has been sent to WF support. Hopefully they will be able to shed some light on these weird issues!

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@Original Lisa ~

That's really weird. I created this link just 2 hours ago and it is hosted on a reputable 3rd party platform called Workflowy.com. I've been using this platform for years and have never run into anything remotely related to "viral" contamination.

May I ask: Are you using one of Google's Android phones?

Google is infamous for blocking content it deems to be "misinformation".

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If Android doesn't like a link, it will do strange things.

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Thanks, LL! Appreciate your input.

Since I don't use a smart phone, the behavior of mobile devices is pretty much a mystery to me. . . .

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Hey, no, I’m on an iPhone. I can do it again and send you a screenshot, if this is allowed.

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That would be great, Lisa. I'd like to send the screenshot to Workflowy to let them know about the issue. You can email the screenshot to me at the following address:

> beyondc19@substack.com

Thanks for your willingness to help with this! Much appreciated. 👍

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Yes, on its way. Thanks 😊

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I'm also wondering: Has anyone else had a problem with this link?

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Android here.

Link took two minutes to think about it B4 it loaded a page.

Sez it wants CHROME.

I use Firefox.

No go. :(

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Thanks for letting me know, Catherine. The slow page loading is due to the size of the library, and since it is hosted on a 3rd party platform, there is, unfortunately no way for me to optimize the page loading speed.

Very helpful information about the Chrome request. It's odd, though b/c I use the Brave browser, and I've never received a Chrome request. Will definitely report this to Workflowy, too.

Thanks again!

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Happy to help. :)

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I know 15 people who suddenly perished after COVID jabz.

No autopsy for any of them.

All doctors declared that

The Vax didn't cause the...



I have personally observed that not vaxxed people have experienced

ZERO sudden, catastrophic decline to their health.

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Early on, autopsies were forbidden by CDC. They said it was "infectious and dangerous" to do autopsies on the COVID dead, and that protocol seems to have stayed in place for the Sudden Adult Deaths....

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Excellent review. Since the SP production has no off switch, expect this to continue. Fibrinolytic agents such as Lumbrokinase as well as IVR can help remove SP from blood and mitigate against the damage. This is deliberate malfeasance by big pharma and it partners/puppets in government and media.

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My spouse started on lumbrokinase beg of January to see if it would help with high BP(controlled by supplements, but tired of so many pills/day). What a diff after half a week - 10 pt drop in both sys and dias! Dropped one supplement, BP stayed down, now has cut another in half, still staying down. So at least in my spouse's case, it's cleaning something out of his blood vessels.

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While lumbro works very well against those big clots, I would suggest taking enteric-coated natto/serra, as there's much more synergistic and additional benefits. Serra enabes much better internal healing, including blood vessel walls, and is often included as official protocol as part of Japanese post-surgery recovery protocols.

Serra can break the biofilms caused by the spikes to form around the body, which allows huge bacterial buildup and ends up causing sepsis if they get big enough before bursting. Jeff Childers (coffeeandcovid substack) did an analysis of news articles about sepsis deaths, which is essentially doing the narrative shift to blame doctors for not properly diagnosis sepsis (even when there's no standard test for it). He uncovered a real gem buried within those MSM articles - that sepsis deaths are now higher than a number of prominent cancer deaths combined. Even the unvex can acquire spikes via shedding, so n/s every 2 days is sufficient to keep this risk factor in check.

Serra also crosses the blood brain barrier easier than natto. Spikes can get into the brain via the CNS... so this should be part of the detox protocol for people living in highly-vexed areas.

I was able to use really high dose N/S, twice a week, to get my BP from 150/100 down to sub 120/80 in just over a month. Just fyi.

Nowadays, everyone in the family takes it daily - on an empty stomach (2 hrs after food and 1 hr before food) - to increase the zeta potential. Very noticeable health benefits, especially for the elderly.

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Natto/ Serra, has worked very well for my wife and I as well.

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A friend in my freedom group experienced chest pains in the early morning, almost classic signs of heart attack as the BP goes up in the morning when the body kickstarts all the processes. That was due to shedding from a freshly boosted colleague and not having enough protection before going into the office. 2 days of high N/S cleared it up... Lesson learnt - assume shedding is happening unless we're only hanging out with family members that we know are unvexed.

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Thx for the info, which I had not heard before.

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John Campbell on YouTube has a video on this. I know it was observed in the States a good while back. I sent references to the top person in the UK Embalmers society (can't recall their actual nomenclature) and asked if this had been reported. "No" was the response. Which is odd, as UK embalmers John O'Looney had seen them way back as well.

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Always appreciate your work! Thank you for highlighting Tom and Laura's study. Go team Haviland!!!

Greatful this work is gaining more traction now to wider audiences - this is an important issue that continues to need as much exposure as possible.

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That is just insane, those responsible for so much death and suffering must be held account for their monstrous actions.

Thank you for sharing

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they will be held accountable. We just don't know when or where. But ultimately the bill will come due.

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here or in the hereafter. or both.

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Thank you very much for reporting on this. Readers, especially those who have a hard time with looking at the clots and blood, may be interested in transcripts of some related videos.

* * *

Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey: Dr. Joseph Sansone Interviews Thomas Haviland and Laura Kasner

(two excerpts)

Source video:

Interview - Thomas Haviland and Laura Kasner

josesansone, posted September 4, 2023



Laura Kasner on her efforts to present evidence of mass murder to Ohio officials (first excerpt)

"I had a connection to one of the state senators who's in a county near me and I met with her back in April, presented her with a 400, almost 400-page binder. Didn't have to convince her of the dangers of the shot, she was well aware of them. She didn't, and her family didn't get the shots."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/111455.html


Thomas Haviland on the Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey (second excerpt)

"We had 179 embalmers responded worldwide to the survey. And of those that responded, 119 of them, almost exactly 66%, two-thirds, are indeed seeing the white fibrous clots"

— Thomas Haviland

"The clots almost look like large night-crawler worms. They are usually very long. They kind of branch off from the main clot. I started noticing them after the covid vaccine came out. I've been embalming for the last 13 years and I've only started seeing these clots in the last year or two."

— Embalmer from Missouri who participated in the survey

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/111760.html

* * *

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole on What's in the Strange Fibrous Clots

"that's fibrin, it's reticulin, it's a bunch of amino acids, but more importantly, there's a material that the body doesn't break down very easily called amyloid"

Source video:

"Foot-Long Blood Clots" From mRNA, Says Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

December 1, 2022


Transcript of brief excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/34860.html

* * *

Dr. Jane Ruby and Embalmer Richard Hirschman Look at Rubbery Clots

"I want to warn people, this is going to be a bit graphic"

Source video:

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

DrJaneRubyShow Published January 31, 2022


Transcript of brief excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/34602.html

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One more transcript on the clots:

Laura Kasner Confronts Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost

"How many more Ohioans... will die before your office conducts an investigation?"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97884.html

Source video:

Shocking! Ohio Attorney General Claims 'No Authority to Investigate' C19 Deaths and Injuries from C19 'vaccine' (AKA Bioweapon)

joesansone, posted September 3, 2023


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And yet one more:

John O'Looney Presents Latest Clotting Evidence in the Vaccinated



June 30, 2022


DESCRIPTION ON ODYSEE PAGE: "In this 2-hour video, Informed Consent Researchers (I.C.R.) whistleblower funeral director John O'Looney in Milton Keynes U.K, retired neurosurgeon & pharmacist Dr. Daria Schooler of the U.S., host of Rumble's The Fifth Doctor (https://rumble.com/c/c-1060561) Dr. Sam Dubé of Canada, and former European forces member Maverick Black discuss breaking news - the latest post-mortem discovery in the blood vessels of some vaccinated people."

Hat tip: frankploegman




JOHN O'LOONEY: It does take its toll on you. The, just the misery of it all. I mean, the last 3 weeks I've looked after 3 people under 30, and on Friday I looked after a guy who died suddenly and he had a post-mortem. So we were kind of waiting for a sudden death in a youngster that had had a post-mortem to take a closer look.

Now the post-mortem process, I don't know if you're aware or not, but they basically take all the organs out and they do whatever they need to do with the organs, weigh them, take slides and blocks, and then they put them back in the bag and the bag is put back in the cavity, sometimes with the brain, and then they sew the cavity up.

Now, obviously the arterial system in that person has been compromised, so you can't do a traditional embalming, it's quite invasive. So you have to open the cavity, take the organs out, and source the individual arteries that have been severed. So the femoral arteries down the legs, the radial ones down the arms, and the carotid, [indicates his neck] both sides.

And it was straightaway the embalmer saw all this crap hanging out of this person's arteries.

And I'm going to hold it up. [he holds up a glass filled with white clots] This is a glass of formaldehyde with just some that were pulled out of the arteries to get the pump in, because it was blocking. I don't know if you can see it very clearly.


JOHN O'LOONEY: Yeah, let me turn, turn the background blur off, one second.

DR. SAM DUBÉ: Sure, yeah.

JOHN O'LOONEY: That should be better. So you can see there—

DR. SAM DUBÉ: [inaudible] Daria, are you looking at this?

DR. DARIA SCHOOLER: Yeah. [inaudible]

JOHN O'LOONEY: So you see, see the thick, the thick one here?


JOHN O'LOONEY: This one, this one here came out of the aorta. From the heart. They take the shape of the vessels that they're growing in, totally, and they gradually fill the vessels as they grow. And, and these, obviously, that's what's killed him.



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Last one, for the record:

Canada's National Citizens Inquiry: Embalmer Laura Jeffery

"it is horrifying."

Source video:

Canada's National Citizens Inquiry


Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI

April 1, 2023


My transcript of selected excerpts: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/79912.html

Official full NCI transcript (not made by me, made subsequently) : https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/laura-jeffery/#1689907599657-fefa385c-a7e7e099-ba84

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Another brilliant exhaustive assessment with all the the components illustrated.

After 33 years of practice, have seen no evidence that anyone changed behaviour based on evidence regardless of how compelling. That defies logic and rational thought.

We are witnessing the destruction of a structural leg of the tripod holding up modern medicine.

Can not fathom a way forward without watching it crumble whether from the perspective of chaos avoidance or efficiency.

As illustrated by MD, people have become conditioned to trust the medical profession despite breaches that are egregious. Covidiocy has only escalated this scenario. We have an intermission.

The way forward is uncertain.

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Thank you for reporting truth. The MSM is captured and we’ll never hear the truth from them. I pay for as many subscription as I can afford , and they are worth every penny. Unfortunately, those that need to hear it, don’t. Today I was sharing what I had learned about the COVID vaccine and injuries with my dental hygienist, and she was surprised to learn there were injuries from it. It seems so obvious, yet many are unaware.

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jeff rense provides his dentist with his own equipment. too much risk with prions (which are coming to the fore as an issue for him) that autoclaves do not kill.

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I have always held the belief that it is one’s individual’s choice to make their own decisions. After 17 years in medicine, studying, researching (No letters behind My name); but, many hours with patients and in the medical library) I opted out. Some of the suspected adverse events I am seeing are horrific/catastrophic. Ed

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