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Aldous Huxley observed in the 1930's that suppression of the truth ('supressio veri') , lies by omission, are the most effective propaganda techniques.

Totalitarian governments understand that the truth can indeed be suppressed, suffocated and extinguished.

Once the totalitarian regime is fully in place, successful rebellion is almost impossible.

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What scares me is my strong conviction that our Shadow Rulers aren't done yet. They haven't come close to completing all the parts of their unfinished agendas.

They created this Censorship Industrial Complex for a reason ... and that reason wasn't only to get mRNA vaccines. They have other plans ... but they all require "no dissent allowed."

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If it's any conciliation, they are failing on multiple fronts, most recently in Syria and Ukraine, and now even tiny Yemen is giving them major grief.

A lot depends on whether there's a single point of control, or if multiple interests have converged to execute a master plan. I suspect it's the latter, since something of this scale and magnitude is unlikely to originate from a single source. More likely a convergence of interests I would say. Bankers, intelligence agencies, governments, corporations, foundations, wealthy families, etc.

If I'm right I expect increasing failures will cause divisions, resulting in a mad scramble by each party to distance themselves from responsibility while throwing their erstwhile collaborators under the nearest bus. I don't think we'll have long to wait to see if that's the case.

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Your scenario rings true to me. Everything they hoped to achieve will backfire in the end.

I just hope the collateral damage or fall-out doesn't result in, say, a global nuclear war ... in which case the fallout will drift over my house - which is within 50 miles of three major military targets of Russia.

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As the western power structures became entrenched for decades, the same pattern took hold in their vassal states (e.g. NZ, Oz, Japan, SK, SG etc). Loyalty was rewarded above all, and like the aristocracy of old, inbreeding and nepotism became prevalent and normalized. Point being - they all became senile and incompetent. And they ALL took the clotshots. Yes they are evil, but stupid evil. Hence the series of continued debacles across multiple areas that we see today, and the failures will continue to cascade. So take heart in that. They know they're losing their grip, hence the hard push to enact more draconian legislation both locally and from a ultra-national perspective (WHO). Those are just signs of desperation. . gotta keep that proper perspective in mind.

As long as you don't comply with stupid games, then you won't win stupid prizes. To paraphrase karl denniger.

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Quite so, there is no single mastermind, but various interest groups have co-ordinated and converged over several decades - creating a kind of 'group mind'.

And this has, clearly, created a kind of general Plan to which they re working, often with the help of 'useful idiots' - all the 2030-50 targets, etc.

But none of them at the top can trust fully their current allies. They will be at one another's throats in a trice after too many reversals or hold-ups. An alliance of thieves, liars and murderers.

But how much damage can they do in the meantime?

For instance, the plan to destroy small farms, move solely to GMO's, bugs, to wipe out livestock of all kinds, etc, is perhaps the greatest threat. These things are very hard to rebuild once gone.

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Russia is the world's main repository of non-GMO food crops and livestock. They also ban the import of GMO products. Their attitude towards genetic engineering is captured in this NCBI hit piece.


It remains to be seen if that attitude extends to vaccines, specifically Sputnik V, which despite claims to the contrary is just as dangerous as the Pfizer and Moderna products. Russian people are highly skeptical of vaccines, so there's some hope there, although their health agencies appear to be just as captured as in the west. That's the last of the Western chains they need to throw off IMO, and something I'm keeping a close eye on. Ironically, corruption, which is still a major issue in Russian society, has probably saved them from the worst consequences as many doctors, either for money or out of conscience, will register you as vaccinated and just chuck the vaccine down the drain.

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in the 70-80's the Russians would say to the Americans 'at least we know our goverments are lying to us'. and I'd like to say 'I hope the Russians love their children too' but as half the Australian childen are 2X+ jabbed, obviously 'we' do not.

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One of my favourite Soviet aphorisms was "we pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us." I also liked, in reference to party officials, "they like to think big thoughts."

Oh, and "in Soviet Union, TV watches you!" I'm sure there's plenty more. Anyone?

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yes that they pretend to pay us I associated (they might have said it ) with the Russian nuclear power plant operators who had not been paid in 6 months. Bill Hicks also did his being held up by his boss for not working when there was nothing to do (cue Bullshit Jobs by graeber) boss said pretend to work, Hicks said, you get paid more than i do, you pretend that I am working.

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Speaking of pretending to work, I had a job one summer with the Canadian govt. until I couldn't stand it anymore and quit. You should have seen the shock that caused my manager and co-workers. I don't think anyone had ever quit that dept. before. There were four people for a job that only required two. I was actually threatened by two of them for making them look bad because I would finish my work by noon and go looking for something else to do instead of hiding in the boiler room playing cards or ping-pong (there was actually a PP table down there!).

How about that eh? I gave up my chance to be a life-time Canadian government employee! Unprecedented! Clearly I was insane. Incidentally, those were the people who whined the loudest about the 'inconvenience' the trucker's protest was causing them. They don't call Ottawa "the land that fun forgot" for no reason. Leaving was the best move I ever made.

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I gave up my steady job too . They would have had to sack me anyway some decades later when they would have coerced me to take the death jab. People should have been paid bonuses for killing BS jobs.

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I frequently weep looking across the Oz population, watching it sicken...I know I'm in an age group which is - aging - and health events are not uncommon in this age group. It feels like MORE, but I've never been this age before. But I, too, am watching the children on tenterhooks.

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Bill, hereтАЩs a theory of mine: Our behavior is constantly being directedтАФeven the behavior of тАЬpatriotsтАЭ and тАЬwhite hats.тАЭ IтАЩve been awake since the 1990тАЩs but I was still out buying two years worth of toilet paper when Covid first started. ThatтАЩs one of many examples. IтАЩve since learned to not buy into fear.

A lot of the тАЬfuture eventsтАЭ theyтАЩre broadcasting is just fear mongering that is useful because it directs our behavior. TheyтАЩll put crickets in favorite foods so you wonтАЩt buy them. TheyтАЩll make the cost of housing insane so you wonтАЩt buy a house. TheyтАЩll raise airfare to vacation spots so you wonтАЩt travel. And theyтАЩll have a man like Donald Trump pretend heтАЩs here to save us but itтАЩs just a ploy to keep us quiet and to squash rebellion.

Entertain the idea that Trump is a release valve. Eight years of Obama the Great Reset starts in earnest. Tension builds at the end of his crooked reign. Trump steps in. Release of built-up steam. Then BidenтАФheтАЩs there to push hard on the Great ResetтАФharder than weтАЩve experienced to date. Trump steps in nextтАФrelease, a very important release of steam because the pressure cooker that is humanity is ready to explode. See his rallies as releasers of steam throughout the process, too.

It is a somewhat subtle process of implementing the Great Reset without pushing it in a way that would result in widespread death and destruction. Watch to see what Trump does if he wins back the presidency.

We know the end game on a very deep level. The worldтАЩs population will be reduced in a systematic way. We are seeing it already. The young will be indoctrinated and will serve some kind of purpose. The earth will be returned to some sort of тАЬnirvanaтАЭ like place, with no highways, no sprawling cities and all of the other Klaus Schwab wet dreams.

There are times I, on some level, understand their vision, while not agreeing with it and feeling repulsed by it. But drive through a ghetto in Chicago, or walk a street in India, or pick any experience that helps you tune into the sheer desperation of mankind. How do you fix it? How do you stop the suffering, the want, the abuse, the mental illness, the sprawling rot in every direction, the endless garbage, the polluted rivers, the decimation of trees and nature, the new generations of consumers being born, how will it ever end? Especially with freedom and democracy standing in the way of ever making big strides in a concerted direction. That is what they are thinking. ItтАЩs really not all that complicated.

So, you assign yourself the title of God, or at the very least a privileged father of the earth, and you make your children do things they donтАЩt want to do. The planners then set out with certain tasks: depopulate, clean up, centralize people, start the evacuation of cities you have plans for like San Francisco by making them unlivable, have fewer products available to stop the dependence on consumerism, raise prices for the same reason, direct behavior toward certain goals and standardsтАжetc.

Interesting that this is the world the elites are directly responsible for creating and now they donтАЩt like it. TheyтАЩve used us to make their money, and having accomplished that, theyтАЩre hoping to claw back time and create some sort of Utopia here with fewer people, more beauty, less consumerism. More control. More technology.

And they must know something we donтАЩt. It must be something big and convincing that is capable of getting just about anybody they share it with on their team. A natural earth catastrophe? Who knows?

But this is all scripted. As a writer, I can tell a good script when I see one. The end has already been written. WeтАЩre just watching the plan in action. Interesting time to be alive, isnтАЩt it.

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It is scripted, but there is always the chaos factor - one element which shifts the whole narrative. I like ebear's idea that the predators will eat each other (but your concern that collateral damage will be horrid). Keep looking for those butterfly wings, and pray for peace.

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I concur Bill, and the prospect is alarming.

They seem to be thinking in decades, and this has long been in preparation.

Anyone who thinks this is just about greedy Big Pharma is deluded.

But they are not all powerful, and their precious dgital control system is not fully in place.

It went wrong for them with Omicron, after which most people concluded that Covid is no big deal, and so they abandoned the scare campaign and relaxed things - but only temporarily, 'Disease X' looms.....

Good motto for these times:

'Hope is born of lack of hope'!

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They are desperate now. Their teeth showing, soon demanding our blood lest someone demand theirs.

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what I call When Dracula's Fangs Come Out. but how does Drac. go these days drinking clotted Frankesntein blood?

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Hopefully he chokes on it.

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Witness what has happened to Gaza.

75 years to genocide.

We are next.

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