Thank you for fascinating and useful content. Thank you also for demonstrating what I admire and wish for in a trusted doctor. I believe many of us want a physician with broad perspective, deep humane concern, intellectual autonomy, scientific curiosity and rigor, and courageous commitment to supporting the health and autonomous self-care of every patient above conflicting interests.

Society is also sick, and we live in a messy real world. It is because of this, not in spite of it, that professional ideals exemplified and propounded by leaders are so important.

Signed, a Midwestern patient.

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I'm just grateful all the assorted things I've read through in my free time ended up having a purpose.

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I just LOVE these history lessons. So many people could benefit from knowing this--the public has been so propagandized into thinking everything about vaccines is simple and straightforward.

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Along with the general public, physicians and med students could really benefit from knowing this history. My immediate family has three physicians, and it is disturbing to me how much more I know about the history of infectious disease and inoculation/vaccination than they do. Their egos are so volatile and fragile, I have to be very careful when I talk to them about this kind of stuff (and, for the sake of peace, I usually don't even try), or they will literally break down and accuse me hurting their feelings, disrespecting their education, and/or they will stomp out of the room. I'm not kidding... I'm describing actual reactions I have received in-person and via text and email from my family members. When I sent "Vaxxed" to my little sister (a resident training to become a pediatrician) and told her how profound and alarming I found it and urged her to watch it, rather then taking the 1.75 hours to watch it, I had to endure hours and hours (spread out over days) of her talking, via text and email, about how offended she was that I would even send it to her and how hurt she was and that I don't understand how to read medical/scientific studies (I am a legal researcher and often perform complex financial analysis). I told her, instead of spending hours talking about how she already knows everything there is to know about all there is to know, she could humble herself, admit she doesn't know what she doesn't know and just watch the doc. Then she could discuss it with me (including all the things they got wrong) from an educated position. It's clear she daren't do anything to threaten the indoctrination of her modern allopathic medical education. When she said she would never risk offending me by sending a documentary about law to me, I told her, "That's bizarre. If you watched a documentary about a practice in law that was hurting children, I would hope that you would share it with me, along with your thoughts, and I would make it a priority to watch it." I just don't think people realize how little doctors are taught in medical school about certain topics. Hell, I don't think many doctors understand how little they're taught about certain topics.

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Pediatricians tend to be the most fanatical about defending childhood immunizations, and the responses you get are not that different from telling a fanatic outside of medicine their god doesn't exist. If you think about it, it makes sense.

Unless you are a pediatric hospitalist (which is a minority of pediatricians) the entire medical practice of pediatrics revolves around vaccinations, and in almost all cases, it's basically impossible for it to be financially viable to practice pediatrics unless you are fully vaccinating all your patients (and even if you don't want to, clinics that hire you will force you to so they can remain financially viable). The only other field I know of that's like this is general veterinary practice.

Given that that is the case, 3 dilemmas form.

1) Unless you force yourself to believe what you are doing is 100% good, it becomes very difficult to live with what you are doing. Most people when presented with this scenario choose the cognitive dissonance response and ignore evidence of harm. Similarly, after investing so much into learning this approach, its very hard for most people to let that go and admit it was a scam.

2) If you don't do the practice, especially as a pediatrician you're basically screwed financially, and doctors have a lot of debt (and income expectations).

3) As a pediatrician, you will see a lot of signs what you are doing is wrong, and those sink in at an unconscious/subconscious level, leading to a lot of internal conflict over what you are doing, and the most common defense mechanism to that is to attack the source of the cognitive dissonance.

What's fascinated me in medicine is that I feel Pediatricians are amongst the nicest and most caring of the specialities (not counting the few bad apples) you can come across. Conversely, I've seen a lot of things come up with pediatricians throughout my training and time in practice where I've just watched what happened and thought wow...I get this is happening and why...but it's still hard to believe it actually is.

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Nailed it! I sent the documentary to my sister exactly because I consider her to be a deeply compassionate person and, therefore, she would want to know what has been going on. You are exactly right about comparing these types of reactions to religious fanaticism. I felt I was dealing with someone in a cult during the interactions with her I describe above. I often compare myself to Leah Remini, who was raised in Scientology only to realize as an adult that she was in a cult. I (along with so many of us) was raised in the Temple Alopathia. Covid has awoken many of us and for others it has cemented the programming. It's fascinating. I think the best antidote against the propaganda is what you're providing... simple factual history and data. Thanks so much!

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I have heard a lot of interesting stories about scientology over the years but I'm going to not going to go there in this substuck...

In my previous post I forgot 2 points.

In Law you are required to argue against opponents and win, whereas in Medicine you just have the privilege to be "right" and not have to do anything besides refer to authority win arguments, so there's a very different attitudes in each profession towards challenging arguments.

Also, I omitted to mention there are often legal sanctions if you do not tow the line and vaccinate your patients as a pediatrician.

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This is so true, and it has become obvious during this pandemic that many physicians can't even read a medical study critically--they have no idea how to spot bad science and bad design in a study. This has now been pointed out by numerous older physicians who WERE taught how to read a study.

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"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" - no reason the practice of medicine should be immune from this, especially allopathic medicine, enamored as it is of the latest shiny molecule. Appreciate the lesson.

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Pardon me if you've already referenced this document, but old as it is, given the author's stature, I find this document very interesting and thought you'd like to see it. It is by Alfred Russel Wallace about smallpox vaccinations being useless. One of the great scientific minds of his time, he speak out against vaccinations: https://archive.org/details/b2136140x_201805

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This is great. I will need to add this in.

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Your work is terrific; thanks for what you are doing.

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This being easily available online is really helpful for people who can't get the main book

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Thank you for the reference.

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Thank you for this and all your work, this is fascinating.

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Excellent work Doctor.

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I truly appreciate your writing. Bring on as much of it as you can. I'm not a doctor (ok, I'm an internet doctor lol), but covid has grabbed my attention like nothing else. As an engineer and IT data wrangler, it has been pretty obvious from the start something was wrong. And the explosion of cases and deaths (despite the 2 week free pass after each vax) whenever a country rolled a bigtime vax push, was clear as a bell. Thanks again.

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You should reach out to Dr. Zelenko in New York of HCQ and Ivermectin infamy. In a recent interview, he spoke of researching pre-Rockefeller medicine to see what our current "medicine" has hidden from us and physicians. Of particular note related to this great post, he said he was saved from a terminal illness from a treatment that emphasized assisting the body's temperature to rise for an extended period to expel is disease. He was supposed to have been dead several years ago.

Dr. Zelenko has a powerful platform and a similar interest. We would all benefit from doctors such as you and Zelenko and Mercola and Tenpenny shedding light on true health and healing.

Thank you for taking the time to research and write (and edit) this. Respect!

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Thank you for all the hard work! Most interesting and revealing. God bless you.

A reader from Portugal

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Marvellous work, congratulations. I came across the concept of stagnant qi while conversing with a patient with fatty liver disease, who was otherwise healthy, no alcohol, no stress, no obesity. While I was please with the diagnosis, short of "drink more water," what does one do for blood stagnation?

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That's kind of complicated... if you are interested in the longer explanation I'd be happy to explain over email

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"Secondly, it was thought that the direct administration of the pathogen into the blood stream rather than typical routes of exposure heavily disrupted the natural mechanisms for developing immunity, thereby creating a wide variety of issues"

This is an interesting statement. Could the same reasoning also apply to taking a vaccine targeting more than one virus or bacteria? If you take MMR for example, I doubt that many people in the past had all three illnesses at the same time, so it is not natural for the body to confront them all at the same time in a vaccine. Don't you run the risk of confusing your immune system if it has to develop a long-term memory for all three viruses at the same time? It would be like driving a car, eating lunch, and checking your phone at the same time. You could probably do it if no one else is on the road, but none of it would be done well.

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Thank-you so much for this very valuable research. It is so easy for those with a vested interest to keep the false narrative going while society keeps getting sicker and the "powers that be" keep profiting off their misery. Thankfully there are some noble health care practitioners out there like yourself, who are trying to expose the deceptions and save lives ..... often at great cost to their careers and their own lives because the truth is very "inconvenient" to the official agenda. Godspeed in your work.

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When people ask me what books I read I tell them mainly books from the 1800’s or that are no longer in print. It’s amazing the knowledge that is gained from doing so, thank you for this article, I was so impressed that I subscribed!

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If homeopathy works, how come a glass of tap water doesn't cure every disease? Surely it has once been contaminated by some effective medicine in an inordinately small concentration?

What kind of water is used for dilution and how does the process work?

Up to now I've never taken the concept seriously, but I'm trying to understand.

Also a specific question: if one has psoriasis (skin flakes) and finds that topical vitamin D helps against itching and may even temporarily clear up rashes locally, is it a good idea to use it? From this article I understand maybe the skin MUST flake and show all the symptoms to get rid of toxin? Why then does it persist for years?

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1) I have heard a lot of theories, but I don't really know. The quality you get from a homeopathic remedy is very distinct and different, and likely arises from the repeated dillution process being combined with the succussing (shaking process) at each dilution. If you'd like to know more about all of this, I'd suggest reading the final articles Luc Montagier wrote on (they were on digital biology).

2) I have no idea; I don't use topical vitamin D. The skin clearing process really varies, because sometimes it persists indefinitely as a result of another problem that is not being resolved, and other times it is a temporary process that happens in response to the body eliminating something.

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I always appreciate when my ideas are challenged so I can re-examine them, but almost all of that is ad hominem attacks rather than points against the arguments in the book. America likely would not have industrialized or been in a position to win WW1/WW2 without what the Robber Barons did (so in that aspect we owe them immensely), but that doesn't change what they did. Additionally, what's written that account of their behavior is nearly identical to what happened afterwards, which means there is some external validation for it.

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What they did was improve the lives for the masses. Rockefeller single-handedly reduced the price of energy so that the poorest people benefited the most. Vanderbilt reduced the price of traveling by ship against his subsidized competition. I believe that on some lines re reduced the price to "Free" and made money serving food and drink. Please point out a single ad hominem in the article.

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Tesla offered free energy to the world over a hundred years ago. America was in great shape before the Federal Reserve Act was rammed in while most of the Reps went home for Christmas. Rotten$child agents all. Took them twenty years to cause the Great Depression and FDR the Soviet agent in the White House becomes a great guy because he got the gold and gave us pennies--"Social Security". The Corbett Report did excellent coverage of John D.

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Thank You Thank You! I am thoroughly enjoying your series. I have learned so much and plan to share this far and wide.

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Thank you, really appreciate that.

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