We fulfilled our family dream of traveling around the world with bikes and backpacks, mom and dad and 4 teenagers in 2005-2006.
We visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, Dachau concentration camp in Germany, and Tuol Sleng Prison in Cambodia.
In every place, we found that ordinary people had been victims, perpetrators and heroes, often the perpetrators were themselves consumed by the killing machine.
I taught our kids that this happens recurrently in history, and one will need to see it immediately when it starts.
When I saw the depersonalization of "the unvaccinated" begin in the early summer of 2021, I recognized it for what it was.
I had been treating patients with repurposed antivirals at our public health clinic, and had been 2-3 months ahead of CDC pronouncements, which kept being counterfactual. I had considered it to be "political", but when I saw the creation of "untermenschen", I recognized it as more evil than that.
I declared to the clinic that "I would stand naked with the Jews", to which some took offense, but I saw that it was exactly that, and explained to anybody who would listen, as I had in my emailed written statement to the clinic staff.
I was summarily fired, but it happened in the vegetable garden I grew for my clinic coworkers, which was nobody's plan. I was planting the fall/winter vegetables on my day off.
Everybody saw, and I insisted on staying until I was finished planting, and on clearing off my own desk, even though my access-key had been inactivated as I gardened.
I did not escape what was happening, but saw it early and stood openly in resistance.
It has not come to pass as designed.
I remain unemployed. I remain human. I will resist.
If you ever want, I'd be happy to publish your account of what happened to you during COVID-19 (provided we can polish it and make it easily digestable for this audience).
Treat the infection before sepsis develops - treat COVID while patients can breath. Like so many Germans in the 1930s, so many doctors in 2021-2022 were lead by and lied to by Dr Unscientific- Fauci and his band of conspirators.
I tried to explain this concept ("this is our yellow star" meaning the unvaxxed with no rights without a vax card) to my epidemiologist double-masked quadruple-vaxxed Jewish sister-in-law who worked at NIH at one point - very intelligent, yes, but no comprehension of this masquerade (and a bit offended at me offering the analogy). They always say "never again" - well here it is.
We've all been played, so at least you have company. I myself admit to having been thoroughly duped for a long time. In that sense the covid farce has been greatly liberating.
In the world of reality, as in baseball, one cannot bat 1.000. I don't doubt he had a zillion warts and flaws; however, the mode of approach, or that of MLK, these two, among others give us a model to follow in this world of 5th generation warfare.
I'm OK with MLK, but Churchill, never. A complete fraud (and terrorist) but that's another rabbit hole that won't be settled here or on any forum like this.
Sadly it's obvious that brainwashing has been highly effective.
I've learned to question everything, especially orthodoxy. I do not see how "historians" and "academicians" could possibly be more trustworthy than a large portion of the physicians of today. From my perch, the whole system is utterly corrupt, has been for a long time, and the closer I look, the more apparent that becomes. I used to believe the standard pabulum, but no more, since covid has cured me of that.
For those interested in the subject, but who have little time to spend, a good source is Pat Buchanan's website. For those with a little more time, his book, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War, (though it does not bat a thou), is a reasonable intro.
Henry Makow , who claims his own grandparents perished at the hands of Nazis, has a good and very brief article about these thing as well, and the link worked when I just checked. https://henrymakow.com/000369.html
Dr Day, the communists initiated the age of extermination in the russian revolution in the early 1900s. And if you want a point prior to that, try the Jacobins and the Illuminists with the wanton destruction during the French Revolution (the precursor of communism) where ten thousand+ were murdered, many of whom were not political resisters but priests and catholics who refused to bend the knee to these Jacobin revolutionaries.
I think we are in a new age of extermination. I think the owners would like there to be under a billion in the human herds. The Age Of Extermination link is here:
It refers to our current age, and to the series by Professor Ugo Bardi, one of which I included the first. If you go to the top left corner at The Seneca Effect site, and type Age of Exterminations into the search engine, you will find all 9 in the series.
The Age of Extermination (I) : Who Are The Typical Victims? Professor Ugo Bardi
If you think of the story of the witch hunts of the 16th-17th century in Europe, you may be under the impression that the typical witch was an old hag living in a hut at the margins of the village, alone with a black cat.
But no, that wasn't the case. Maybe this kind of marginal people were occasionally killed for being witches, but they were not the usual victims. In reality, witch hunting had a strong monetary component and it was often carried out with a view on making a profit on the confiscation of the assets of the victims. They were not poor and destitute women but, rather, members of the growing mercantile class in Europe.
The profit-making facet of witch hunting has been often ignored by historians, but it is being reappraised and highlighted in recent times, for instance by Johannes Dillinger (2021) and by Shmakov and Petrov (2018). Both articles are highly suggested and provide a remarkable wealth of data about the financial mechanism that led to witch hunts: in short, there was no (or very little) witch hunting where the government didn't allow the assets of the victims to be confiscated. Killing witches, then, was just one of the many forms of legalized robbery in history,..
Without going into the details, we can say that all these exterminations have several points in common.
1. A relatively wealthy subgroup of society that can be identified by physical, linguistic, or cultural traits, sufficiently large to give a good revenue if defeated and spoiled of its assets.
2. A strained economic, social, or military situation that leads the dominant groups to look for new resources.
3. The lack of effective military defense capabilities on the part of the subgroup...
It has happened so many times that it is unthinkable that it won't happen again. There is no doubt that we are in a difficult moment, both economically and militarily. So, the temptation is strong for the elites to identify one or more subgroups to exterminate and rob of their assets.
Thanks for that. I had no clue, but it's consistent with a lot of past (unorthodox and unknown) history.
"So, the temptation is strong for the elites to identify one or more subgroups to exterminate and rob of their assets."
That's a nice capsule summary of what happened in South Africa (which is mentioned in the article), in fact. The bugaboo of apartheid was a pretext for destroying the civilization that had been built there.
The history of Cecil Rhodes is interesting as well as informing. Here's an article referring to him and it's applies to what's going on globally today.
It was also about removing "spirituality" from religion and making the people controllable. Talking in tongues, would be an example of threatening behavior.
One layer deeper, as the investigation goes, it can be discovered that the Jesuit Order within the Catholic Church was behind all of these things. This secret society was hatched as a counter to the "hurt" that Luther caused the "mother church." Few realize the efficacy of the "Society of Jesus" which is in full operation today; how it has declared war on the God of the Bible in EVERY country on the planet, and is complicit in the creation of revolutions and wars over the centuries. The "big three" Churchhill, Stalin, and Roosevelt, were 33 Degree Freemasons! Freemasonry was founded and is controlled by the Jesuit Order. This is all history. Factual.
There are people within some of these organizations who are fighting the Evil. I'm not Catholic, but I wouldn't miss an article this Archbishop writes. He's fighting for all of us and the church is deeply divided, in fact, all of them are. He's not afraid to call out names.
Fourteen U.S. presidents have been Freemasons, meaning that there is conclusive evidence that these men received the Master Mason degree: George Washington; James Monroe; Andrew Jackson; James Polk; James Buchanan; Andrew Johnson; James Garfield; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt; William Taft; Warren Harding; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Harry S. Truman; and Gerald Ford.
Nine of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons during their lifetime, though not necessarily in 1776: William Ellery; Benjamin Franklin; John Hancock; Joseph Hewes; William Hooper; Robert Treat Paine; Richard Stockton; George Walton; and William Whipple.77_75_6DI1
Things get a little less clear when it comes to the Constitution. It seems that at least nine of the signers can be conclusively documented as Freemasons: Gunning Bedford Jr.; John Blair; David Brearly; Jacob Broom; Daniel Carrol; John Dickinson; Benjamin Franklin; Rufus King; and George Washington.
On the other hand, I did not know this until a few minutes ago...
"During the summer of 1934, after Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich completed their takeover and centralization of the Gestapo, the German police forcibly closed down many Masonic lodges and branch headquarters of the Masons and confiscated their assets, including their libraries and archives.
The big 3 certainly were mephitic, and it pays to remember that Mao was a Yali (a "missionary"run skool), while Yale itself was founded by an opium trader.
Early on in Covid the local hospital had people entering the building that had appointments wear a yellow dot on their clothes to identify them as patients. Boy, was I angry. Many people complained and that technique didn't last for long. I don't know what non-brilliant mind came up w/the idea but it was offensive.
But Jews can be Leftist. I agree 100% that Leftism is a religion and people unto itself. They are a cult like no other, well, except for Communism, it is all the same. Warped DNA.
She is a “useful idiot”, or as I like to call them a “useless idiot”, because from my perspective she is not contributing anything positive in this little war on humanity we find ourselves in the midst of. Useless idiots cross all demographics and are not limited to one race, religion, age or occupation. The ones I find the most anger-provoking are the ones who should know better, given their level of education and knowledge of science/history.
My Jewish friends scolded me heavily for the comparison.
It's true, it is not *my* story, what happened in WW2. But MY story echoes and rhymes with that story. (and I'm one of the lucky ones, losing lucrative nursing home contracts was my only loss)
Here's the thing, Doc. Recall the juggernaut the Soviet Union was, primed to take over the world. But their **internal inconsistencies** kept eroding their idiotic, unworkable foundation. One week in Leipzig ***the rank and file soldiers refused to fire on peaceful demonstrators*** and the rest was history... including the Berlin wall.
And for those Stasi types monitoring this (yes, we know you are there. Do you really think your grandfather who fought fascism would be proud of you, and selling out American freedom? Tell us HOW you actually look your wife and kids in the eye as you do this), we are 100% committed to peaceful protest...
Ghandi, also committed to 100% peaceful resistance like me, knew that “a hundred thousand English businessmen” could not keep down 350 million Indians, if those “350 million Indians refused to cooperate with the British.” Non-violent boycott was a part of his plan. Today, in 2023, it would also not be possible for less than a hundred thousand global business men to keep down 7.8 billion people around the globe, if those 7.8 billion people refused to cooperate. Non-violent boycott is the plan.
Curious... could you take your training overseas? Maybe God has another adventure for you?
OMG-Dr Day - live near Austin and know of your story and do hope you will be employed one day and my family your patients! Had wanted to pen you a letter that as soon as you hang your shingle out again- let me know! God bless you!
Wanting to get rid of the 2nd has been going on for years, and slowly they have brain washed the youth, and set up so many false flags it isn't funny, that it is getting more intense. You are right, their anxiety has increased, but remember they have all the big toys and gadgets, and they are crazy enough to use them on us if need be. They had no qualms killing us off w/Covid.
A few people here on Substack have written about the connection between psychotropic medication and school shootings. There might be a connection that makes the school shootings part of the medical body-count.
Others have commented on what you did. And to be sure, every time these fasco-Marxists step on a truth teller, they create a thousand progeny. And THIS is what they fear (and rightfully so): There are more of us than them, and we are growing by the day as people are red pilled (ooops! Guess that put me on some Stasi list somewhere, right?) and wake up.
One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world." Alexander Solzhenitsyn cited this Russian proverb in his 1970 Nobel Prize for Literature acceptance speech
There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
It may well be that the greatest tragedy of this period of social change is not the glaring noisiness of the so-called bad people, but the silence of the so-called good people.”–Martin Luther King. Jr.
To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” — Abraham Lincoln
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, during times of great moral crisis, maintained their neutrality.” — Dante
The British Empire once seemed unstoppable too. “The sun was never to set on it,” but set on it, it did.
BTW, can you join Dr. McCullough's gig? What about Dr. Pierre Kory? FLCCC? Can you interview with Mike Adams at Natural News (I just heard his total audience exceeds ABC!), or former SOCOM officer and DEA agent Jeffrey Prather (he turned whistle blower). Wonder if Sayer Ji at GreenMedInfo.com could use you, or at least get your story out?
I believe it was Tertullian who said the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church almost two thousand years ago. And the arrogant STILL have not learned that lesson; indeed, ipso facto, by virtue of their arrogance, they **cannot** learn it. And therein lies their fatal flaw... similar to Hitler ordering Operation Barbarossa, Napolean's Grand Armee ordered into Moscow, the lies that got us into Vietnam, etc.
Fact is, as Swiss philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote, there is a God, and He is not silent. Every oppressor in history has had reality, and the reality of the God who is there, deal with them. Mssrs. Schwab, Harari, Soros, etc. have now, like Nietzsche, proclaimed God dead, and they have buried him. Unfortunately for Friedrich, history shows he went insane, and God continued to move his truth forward, even if not on the timeline we might want.
CS Lewis put this all in his prescient That Hideous Strength fictional work around 70 years ago. Would that the global elite read this book, and took it to heart. But again, they won't, and they can't, as that would be to admit something that can never be admitted... that they are fallible.
God bless you. I am one of the unvaccinated. We have social “friends” who made it clear they were not happy to be around me. My husband and I agreed they would have been the first ones on the bandwagon to abandon the Jews during the Nazi regime.
this is going to reverse I suspect. I was noodling with my wife the other day (we are both unjabbed)--how would be feel if some friends coming over tonight had mentioned on the phone they just got their booster today. do I want them shedding on us? could be be harmed by their "off-gassing" or whatever it is? this is only a bit tougn-in-cheek.
Interesting story there about your firing. I sincerely trust you've found that character building! We have gardening in common, and I myself grow a lot of garlic and leeks as well as many other things.
As for Tuol Sleng, decades ago my wife and I were in Cambodia with a group of friends and declined the offer to visit the school where people were tortured and we decided to go our own way instead because we had no appetite for gawking at such things. We came upon a convenience store and were soon surrounded by a pack of charming little urchins who got a kick out of trying to teach us to count to ten in Khmer. Anyway, I got up and began walking around an old lychee orchard which I soon found was littered with shallow depressions that were full of bits of clothing, pieces of leather, bone shards, and teeth!
Turned out these were obviously shallow, unearthed graves full of what were undoubtedly human remains. I had stumbled on the killing fields. Later I also stumbled upon the ossuary where the bones of the disinterred are stored.
What a horror show, especially since I intended to avoid experiencing it because I'd had enough just hearing about it, and had long been quite aware of what humans can be capable of.
Now, after covid, nothing surprises me regarding human behavior!
May you have a bountiful harvest this season and always!
Thank you, Dr. Day. I only wish more doctors had your courage and moral fiber to stand up to the abuses/atrocities of these past few years. Thank you for standing strong. You are an inspiration to all of us.
I hope you are having nice weather in Cornwall. We had some heavy rains last evening and night here in Central Texas. Not bad at our Austin place, but somebody is bound to have had flash flooding.
Dear John Day, proper respect to you. If you know and care to share it would be instructive to many if you could share the human rights atmosphere of your previous place of employ more recently? Did anyone learn anything from your self immolation or does it count as much as saying nothing in this twisted reality we inhabit?
You have the family name of a Finnish island and advocate for vitamin-D, I see.
I was working at a public health clinic, where I had worked 18 total, non-continuous years. I had spearheaded the testing for COVID in adult and Pediatric clinics, had been very closely keeping up with all COVID news since mid December 2019, and had tested more patients than any other provider, spending as much time as I could in person, not telemedicine.
I did not "self immolate", but took a principled stand, which I had always done, including my prescribing of early antiviral therapies from the outset of the pandemic.
I gave away over 40,000 doses of 5000IU Vitamin D3 to staff and patients at my clinic in 2020, beginning very early that year.
I got the clinic to stock up on HCQ before it became political. Then I was forbidden to prescribe it that summer. Fortunately, the first good information about ivermectin/Zn/doxycycline came out that August, and I began prescribing that combination, always with vitamin-D, including a loading dose for those not taking it yet, typically 200,000 -300,000IU, based on single dose data long studied after WW-2. D2 nd D3 are what is available in the US. Calcifediol would be better, but it's not available.
The nurses and most patient-care staff that I worked with were aware that the patients got better quickly with the treatments I prescribed. The clinic always kept it a secret that I was doing so. It gets Federal funding. I don't think there has been an institutional change. Numerous providers left shortly after I was fired, but I don't know of any formal protests by them. Some nurses left.
The clinic had a long history of service to the poor, but when it became a Federally Qualified Health Center in 2016, I knew what the course would be. The Federal Government is an abuser in any marriage.
Thank you for your explanation, my use of self immolation was not intended to criticize you it is my euphemistic way of saying that resigning in protest has had very few upsides in this plandemic or otherwise. Editors resigned from the Lancet when honest people are driven out and what results is that the less noble and easier to control people remain and usually the environment does not improve. Reading your description of your principled departure I was hoping it resulted in great enlightenment for those who remained but see that aside from small effects the big picture has remained. I am humbled by your actions and would have hoped that those who remained behind would have gained bravery or curiosity enough to change the direction of the organisation, I did not have much hope and was not much upset.
The financial pressure that was exerted via investors compromised almost every hospital and clinic with institutional investors.
I am also delighted that you have made use of the benefits of Vitamin-D. I have collected my selected studies into a small wiki that you may gain some insight from if you have time to look, I have extracted parts I thought were relevant with links to the full papers.
I could have resigned, and I could have requeted a religious (consceince) exemption, but I did not. I was fired, and they fired me 2 weeks before what had been agreed.
I took the moral position that I was opposed to the vaccine mandate on principle, as it created an underclass, not that I had a personal reason to be excluded from it.
I just stood in the line that had no rights. Anybody could look and draw their own conclusion.
Several people in the hierarchy tried to convince me to change my mind. Most ignored me, would not meet my eyes. A few struggled internally.
I have skimmed over your vitamin-D compilation. It is somewhat like my own.
This is a really really excellent post. I could easily agree with almost all of it- the only thing I believe I disagree with is "Most doctors are remarkable human beings; they care about others". Even before COVID I had unfortunately seen too many terrible red flags to tell me that this statement just couldn't be true (sadly, of course- I really do wish that statement were true). But during COVID, the behavior of a large percentage of doctors was far worse than I would have ever imagined even based on the many terrible red flags I had seen prior to COVID. So again, very regrettably, I simply cannot believe that most doctors are remarkable human beings who care about others, I sincerely wish I could. But overall, this post is really powerful and excellent all around.
Thanks. I completely understand how it looks like that from many patient's perspectives; I've trained with these people, saw how they were when the started and then how they evolved overtime because of the medical system. That's why I hold the belief I do.
That makes sense and it definitely helps me to understand your perspective. But what makes it so difficult for me to accept their behavior is exactly what you mentioned in your original post above: doctors ARE very intelligent overall (that I don't doubt for a second). They absolutely DO understand scientific evidence and how to evaluate it, gold-standard randomized clinical trials, "first, do no harm", risks and benefits, etc.
Therefore, just as a key example, it is totally unfathomable that the vast majority of doctors go around saying "mRNA vaccines save lives but ivermectin doesn't", when the gold-standard evidence from randomized clinical trials clearly shows the EXACT OPPOSITE. The Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials showed a net result of "4 killed for every 3 saved" even under prime conditions, while the totality of randomized clinical trials on ivermectin show a significant overall reduction in deaths https://c19ivm.org/meta.html#fig_fprd even IN SPITE OF most large trials being obviously designed to fail. So to conclude, exactly as you said, doctors are intelligent for sure, which means THEY KNOW BETTER.
When I was younger, this really upset me too for the exact reasons you are citing. When I spoke with one spiritual teacher he said something I have never forgotten.
Why are you getting upset about this? Intellectual intelligence has NOTHING to do with the capacity to resist mind control.
Appreciate this comment. Mind control took over many, not just the doctors. Unfortunately, medical schools are too invested in DEI rather than recruiting the best minds. These universities are conducting drug trials and not allowing gender or race to be used. Male and female, different races, will naturally have different outcomes. A drug used for sickle cell anemia must be tested as the race it effects, but now it’s not allowed. These newer doctors are being indoctrinated, not educated. Then when recruiters look to fill by race or gender, or now trans, the best and brightest are left out.
Astonishlingly, many of my doctor friends are still stuck on covid mania as well, while on the other hand, most of the people I know who never even went to school beyond high school saw through the fraud from the start and remain unjabbed.
It might have to do with life experiences. The homeless people I know just don't trust government when they claim to to be trying to help them. It's not like government gives a shit about the public. They don't.
So true! Most of the people in my world that went all no-jab-witchhunt were what I would consider intellectually oriented and previously I had enjoyed conversing with them. Obviously an intellectual mindset is not a viable defense to mind control! It just requires different triggers...
To wit: Look at the qualifications of the Nazi leaders. E.g., Dr. Karl Brandt; or recall that the Nazis had the first jet fighter in the air, the Me-262; they also had deuterium oxide for an atom bomb pretty much before anyone else (but it got blown up in Norway).
CS Lewis talks all about this in the Abolition of Man. Would that people might glance at this incredible work.
They clearly are NOT very intelligent overall- as defined by their actions. Revise your outlook. You remain in awe of a physician's intelligence - in spite of their actions. Nonsensical.
Intelligence is problem solving ability. Not solving that the Jab riddle was total bull shit shows the esteemed doctors are not nearly as bright as they think they are.
They were "Just following orders".. Sorry, not buying this part at all. I used to work in the healthcare field and left many years ago. I left long before all of this but what I often saw disgusted me. Abusive and neglectful treatment of patients is more common than people think.
As a patient I have had some truly horrendous experiences especially since 2020 but even before then. In VT, the Chief Epidemiologist actually went on TV at one point during the scamdemic and stated that the Hippocratic Oath was just a suggestion, kind of like the Pledge of Allegiance. A revealing and sickening statement to be sure. It showed his disdain for all patients AND this country. When my husband wanted a vax exemption, our doctor said we had to go to him for an evaluation. We knew then that we were completely screwed. Fortunately, he got a religious exemption.
The Presbyterian Church USA states on its website "the theological commitments do not support such [religious] exemptions...to the contrary, as already stated, our theological commitments compel us to urge that all people be vaccinated against Covid 19"
Crazy. During the height of the scamdemic, there was a priest who was booted from his church in VT; this was a Catholic Church. The reason was that he resisted the mask mandates. I am not sure if the jab was out yet when this happened. The story was featured on LifeSiteNews. I am not sure what happened to this priest. But I did research on the bishop (Bishop Coyne) and it turns out he has a Hollywood connection. In addition, about a year after this happened, he went to DC to speak at an event with Biden. Not surprised at all.
I found this a few weeks ago (I think). Wondering what made them come out with such a strong statement. An infusion of FedCash or a thinly veiled threat about their 501c3 status? I really started to give up on them in 2014; haven't officially cut the tie but haven't occupied a pew for 8 years.
I guess I am just surprised that the church took such a strong stance on pushing vaccines. I would be really curious to know what made them take such a stance. Maybe, the leadership/people in charge of making decisions were simply decieved....
Check out the BioLogos Project. Many religious leaders were lied to by Francis Collins. He portrayed himself as an ethical Christian scientist - the man who is perfectly fine scalping unborn babies and transplanting their scalps onto mice for research. Or cutting lungs out of these babies and putting them or cells from the lungs into mice. So called “humanized mice.”
In general the PCUSA takes whatever position the mainstream power group holds. There are breakaway Presbyterian groups that don't - they're a bit heavy on the Bible thumping, but at least they don't endorse the fads of the day. I'm waiting for the liberal Protestant churches to start pushing acceptance of transgender pastors. They've endorsed everything else.
I'm in your camp. There's an Orthodox Presby near-ish me, but .....(I looked into this about 4 years ago)--yes, when PCUSA removed from the Book of Order the chastity requirement for pastors--I was pretty much done with them. As in, if you aren't going to listen to w the Bible says (God, in Genesis/ Paul in Romans), then how do you call your denomination Christian? And the new hymnal which I experienced at another congregation--all about God being a woman....that was one of several 'final' nails. Requiescas in pace, PCUSA.
In my experience (as a patient, and working in medical IT), there's an elevated level of narcissism, psychopathy, and general arrogance among doctors, relative to the average person. And many of them *are* extremely intelligent. But they really like to play God. For those inside the system, it's probably hard to see that.
I used to work at a medical teaching institution, I was often appalled by what I saw being forced on as expected performance from Medical Students and Residents.
I always felt bad for the patients being treated by someone w/only one eye open because they were so exhausted, and not to mention abused by the Attending, Nurses, and others. It is like military style boot camp, these people got zero respect. I felt like I was in a nut house being run like a machine.
And on the flip side there were some amazing awesome people that saved lives, had incredibly strong ethics, always had compassion and their wits about them, never lost their cool, somehow remained polite to every one, and had a wicked sense of humor. Those are the people I would bend over backwards to help do whatever I could to make their life easier.
"The ones who come through unstressed are the hooked up ones, who are already sociopathic." This is the truth.
the entire medical system is one of compliance. all those decades of compliance building in the medical establishment was tested during covid and it worked remarkably well in silencing dissent and enforcing lockstep. it is a perfect circle of self-protection scheme. A self-affirming echo chamber propped up by the media and duplicitious slimy paid-off patrician class.
It's impossible for me to care about their "remarkableness" when they're incapable of rising above the nonsense they've been taught. To me there is a line - let's call it the line of bullshit - that you either have the smarts, courage or morality to cross or you don't. Those that don't, even if they are remarkable, represent a barrier to us moving forward.
Funny two of my doctors pushed the mRNA vaccine on me which they took. I laughed at them. I knew more about how mRNA vaccines worked and why it was inherently dangerous then they did. By January 30th I'd found Fauci's groups Aug 21, 2005 research report noting HCQ + Zinc stopped SARSCOV1 replication. By April 2020 I'd received HCQ from India, and IVM by about May.
Can I ask your approximate age range or generation you are from? Just curious, I am a Boomer. Growing up as a kid, as well as working for numerous years in the medical field this was not the criteria for doctors. There was a point where the tide started to turn and it became what you are saying, but it has not always been this way. It seems you missed out on the good old days when doctors were doctors.
They believe they are serving patients by following the guidelines set forth by the various agencies. They have zero awareness of how those agencies are actually funded.
Most doctors enter medicine with a desire to help patients. It is inconceivable to them that they (the doctors) would be being used as tools of the pHarmaceutical companies and the three letter agencies who are, as we all know, aligned and entwined with pHarma. It truly is unimaginable to them.
I got to know thousands of doctors when I was a pharma rep. Like most anything, the 80/20 rule applies for doctors too. 80% are diligently trying to do the best they can do and they are intelligent caring people. 20% not so much. But that percentage has changed over the last 40 years as more and more doctors became employees of hospital systems controlled by a lot of unethical money sucking administrative people who had no patient contact. Most doctors today work for these institutions and that is why so many of them stayed quiet. They had to keep their jobs.
As I am sure you know as a rep, so much work goes into coming up ways to make doctors comply with the pharmaceutical industrial complex and I continually marvel at how many different things are structured to support that goal.
While reps delivered millions of pens, pads, samples as well as catered many an office luncheon, the worst part of the dirty pharma business is IMS. Thank Dr Sackler for that as well as technology to do it. The pharma companies know which docs are writing scripts because pharmacies are paid to transmit that data to IMS. IMS collects the info and sells it to pharma companies. Companies know who is writing what drugs and can develop strategies to better manipulate their market shares. Dirty business! Not many docs knew this info back in the 1980s and early 90s when I was a rep and a hospital district manager. The pharma house always had the advantage- just like casinos. Only in medicine, casino chips are the patients. Disgusting.
Yes. I've known doctors who left the country (Dr. Jennifer Daniels is one) because it was notedthey don't prescribe enough. Of anything. Dr. Daniels kept getting hounded because she wasn't "practicing medicine." (writing scripts) Of course, she was trying to serve an underserved population - the neighbourhood in which she grew up - and so she needed hospital privileges. Those were the first to go. Eventually, after the hounding she ended up in - Costa Rica? Central America somewhere.
The bell curve also applies. I think there is a small percentage of excellent doctors, a little larger percentage of very good doctors, followed by a very large group of mediocre doctors. The business model that you described helps to keep it that way.
How many free umbrellas, samples, and lunches did you provide? Not to mention ink pens, note pads, cups, magnets. We were told to keep Pharma Reps at bay. LOL!
I just don’t understand why doctors would be incentivized by ‘free’ pens, pads of paper, lunches, even fancy dinners or out-of-town conferences. These things seem so paltry.
"The scarcity of medical resistance to the Nazi regime has been explored, but remains a troubling mystery."
Not a mystery. The well paid intellectual class are cowards and sell-outs, by and large. A plumber or a mason who is politically disobedient will always find comparable work. The member of the intelligencia knows he or she will not; once the privileged position is lost, it is very hard to regain.
This was notable under communism as well. There have of course been brave exceptions.
In addition, those placed undeservedly into powerful positions as done in communist regimes and is happening across America today, are fiercely loyal to the regime as they would be jobless and penniless if left to their merits.
Well said, SEF. I totally agree. Another doctor Substack writer that I respect said something similar--doctors are remarkable (or perhaps "superior") because they are so intelligent. I think we have learned that intelligence isn't the most important characteristic. In a recent interview, another physician said that the young doctors he works with go blank when asked about the morality of a procedure or treatment. I come from a family of physicians, and none of us trust the medical establishment, or most doctors. If they really cared about patients they would have done their own research and protected the patients who trusted them. Instead, they became agents of harm and death. I don't know how old A Midwestern Doctor is, but from what I understand the profession accelerated its downward spiral in the eighties.
A friend's son, age 40, took his medical training in israel, now practices in northern CA. According to my friend, her son was taught that the new (hippocratic or whatever) oath which has replaced "First of all, do no harm" is: 'You have to do some harm to do good'.Or is that just the israeli (pfizer-sponsored) version?
These days, med school admissions committees specifically screen out anyone who appears to be a free thinker, regardless of their grade point, MCAT scores (which I understand are being phased out and history of volunteerism. No independent thinkers need apply.
A dear friend of mine was in medical school in the 80's-90's.
As she got to the anatomy labs and started taking things apart and putting them back together again -
She opened to an insight. That the desire to *know* in medicine was evil, and led to evil actions. It called for doing things to animals and people, to "see what happens," it required dissection and dissolution and all manner of breaking it down, taking it apart, to see what it is. "Curiosity killed the cat" comes to mind. Even on the atomic level, smashing atoms to "see what happens." At what point does curiosity, the desire for knowledge, go too far?
it wasn't a religious dilemma, like the medieval Church trying to stop grave robbers (though, grave robbing, too, contributed much to science!) - but a moral one. How far will you go - to KNOW?
I was a little shocked at the time, when she tried to describe it to me. But over time, as I watched the masses fall to Prozac (one tiny example) I realised what an evil experiment it is. "Medicine." I'm not even sure if I'm describing her insight very well - it was her insight, after all.
Human beings are hard-wired to survive. When we find ourselves in the unfortunate position of being forced to choose between self-preservation and maintaining spiritual integrity, most will choose physical, financial, or egoistic survival. The more intelligent among us simply fabricate more convincing rationalizations for acquiescing to evil.
I couldn’t agree more. I understand that this claim has to be made in a context where an MD criticizes other MDs to soften the blow, a little bit, but the truth is the truth A handful of MDs are remarkable human beings. The rest, not very smart, definitely not very compassionate, most seem quite unhappy and very unreliable as they neither like their patients nor keep up with science. Most know less than zero about health, or medicine outside of their narrow area of expertise.
In a culture where becoming an MD offers a portal to social status and financial wealth, the profession draws it’s fair share of psychopaths, and the rest seem to be composed mostly of individuals with less than admirable personality traits. The Covid era only removed all doubt.
Many hospitals did murder COVID patients with their COVID treatment protocols. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin would have helped a lot of them, especially if taken early. HCL saved my wife's cousins life in March 2020. But after Trump mentioned HCL as a treatment, the word came down, and many hospitals would not allow doctors to use those treatments for COVID. Nor would many pharmacies distribute it. The "conspiracy theory" being that people like Dr. Fauci needed the fear driven propaganda effect of media reported mass deaths to induce people to want to get the new experimental "vaccines". For which they had to re-write the definition of vaccine because they are actually gene therapies. But whatever. There are too many lies to list here.
An elk hunter friend of mine (I didn't know him very well, but he seemed pretty healthy and spry) died in a hospital in Spokane on November 20, 2021 at 61 years of age with these causes listed on the death certificate:
A: Acute respiratory failure with hypoxemia (Me: ventilator - well known by this point to be a deadly treatment)
B: Acute respirator distress syndrome (Me: again from the ventilator)
C: COVID-19 Pneumonia
Other Conditions Contributing to Death: Septic shock, left lower extremity deep venous thrombosis, atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response, acute kidney failure.
Me: kidney failure is a well known side effect of Remdesivir
Not being medical, I can't say for sure, but I would be willing to bet several of the "other conditions" are also downstream effects of the "treatment protocols".
One thing people don't realize is that when Trump publicly mentioned HCQ, Fauci was stonewalling it being used from within the NIH and that was the only way to break Fauci's embargo. Trump is blamed for what happened with it, but if he'd done it is likely very few would have heard of it.
Wife and I had heard of French doctors using HCL very early. Wife’s cousin in law was saved by it in March 2020 at my wife’s urging her cousin to beg doctors to give it. Crazy story I won’t go into. Then shortly after heard Dr. Zelenko using it with zinc and Z-pack. Apparently Zelenko was doctor to some Trump family friends and that was how he found out. Saw an interview of Zelenko by Mercola. Dr. Z found out about zinc and HCL as a treatment from a paper by Dr Ralph Baric. It’s on Pubmed. Or was…
I apparently concur. Ivermectin did nothing for me when I had Omicron, but that was 2 weeks into it - i.e., not "early". A sister (whose pharmacist son refuses to fill scrips for it and HCQ - boo!) traveling in Europe took it at the first sign of Omicron, and it promptly abated.
An extended family member of mine died from a drug overdose (self administered) and it was recorded that she died from covid. We're pretty sure that she wasn't virally sick at the time and there was no mention of her even being tested for it. It was blatant. They weren't even bothering to cover their tracks because they knew that no one would question it.
Read this article that came out today. It about made me sick to my stomach. Just more evidence of why I WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN A DOCTOR'S OFFICE AGAIN...........NEVER!!!
I suppose I've known hundreds of doctors in the course of my career, and been intimately acquainted with many of them. Some have been students, residents, clinical colleagues, administrative associates, medical directors and CEOs. Sadly, I can not count a single one as a close friend today. It is the rare physician today who puts his oath and ethics before his enthusiasm for financial gain and social status. The profession's lockstep conformity with the despicable policies of the past three years has demonstrated to me that the reasons are characterological and not simply educational. The only caveat to the last statement is that medical education in the US today actively solicits and recruits applicants who proffer the requisite degree of obedience to institutional authority while weeding out otherwise talented individuals displaying evidence of conscience or compunction.
I have a niece with a degree in mechanical engineering who got accepted with an unimpressive MCAT score while a nephew who did some medical missionary work and had an impressive MCAT score was rejected. Same thing happened to a friend's extremely well qualified son.
Same with legal education, starting in the Sixties.
The Gramci march through academic institutions began with the schools of journalism which indoctrinated and trained the Goebbels-types in our ministries of truth (hence today's Fake News) and proceeded to the law schools, where a huge breakthrough was made by which law students were radicalized and became skilled lawyer advocates, trained, armed and aimed at achieving cultural revolution through the courts and Congress. That is where the war for the country's soul was lost and where it must be retaken.
Obama was one of the most rhetorically and actively divisive leaders we’ve ever had in this country. Just as much of a gaslighting troll as Trump, if not moreso. There are too many examples to count. It’s just that the media didn’t focus on that aspect of his communication, and people that liked him refused to see it anyway. We conservatives were mocked and gaslighted for pointing it out.
I fell for him, though KPFA was trying to out the fact that the Pritzgers were behind him. That's the Pritizgers who are funding trans surgeries and trans propaganda. Now, looking back, I really wonder what the Obamacare insurance change was designed to accomplish. Biden, then, is also a Pritzger (and Pfizer) shill. But to assume that anyone in politics is actually for the people, save perhaps RFK jr,, is a trap. Technofeudal banana republic, criminals from top to bottom.
What would be wonderful, in terms of trustworthy medical professionals, would be a certification from the doctors we do actually trust. Dr. Joseph Varon is my north star! Lots of others in that constellation, but I'd hitchhike to Houston if I had to to see him.
I've thought a lot about Obamacare and its impact on our health care system. I think its main purpose was to escort in corporate healthcare and uniformity of care with groups being the patient v. individuals. That explains why all the hospitals and insurance companies were on board.
I have regularly claimed that if one ever wondered how one would behave in (and/or survive) Nazi Germany... just look in the mirror at how one acted during the past 3 years.
I admire your grace, in not criticizing your peers.
I agree with your article. I disagree with one portion about the change that started at the end of Obama's presidency. A change started during his presidency. The division within our country started then. The weakening of our military from within started then. I was still serving at that time. All the movements started at that time that are strong now that are dividing our country with this group against that group. The same people in Obama's administration are in Biden's and continuing his work toward Socialism in this country supporting all the values that Obama started.
The one biggest thing I have heard no one say that really bothers me is segregation that is returning to this country. MLK was mentioned. He fought hard with others for desegregation. I lived through it in my life. Now they are erasing history in schools and teaching CRT. Now segregation is being asked for after people gave their lives to end it. How did this happen and who is doing it? The same people who originally created segregation in this country. It failed originally, so they changed the tactics. Change our history and tell it a different way. It is clever in a way, but someone needs to shine a light on this. They can't get segregation through white people anymore because the majority don't want it. They are going after the non white people now and instilling the desire in them to be segregated from whites. The evil democrats pushing this Critical Race Theory are taking this country decades back and succeeding in some places. It all ties in to the divide and conquer agenda.
I changed the wording on that. It became worse throughout his presidency and really noticeable for me in 2015. Since I was in a more conservative area of the midwest I might not have seen as many of the early warning signs though.
Jaron Lanier, in Ten Reasons to Delete Your Social Media accounts right now (I think that's the title) said a secret change was made to the social media algorithms in 2014. It was in 2017 that I first noticed, in Silicon Valley, how absolutely everyone was staring at their phones outside, even in parks.
Even further back, but yes, things escalated dramatically at that point. It was a turning point for sure. They are playing a long game. But they won't win.
My son is an experienced ER nurse. My son describes the difference between new dr. Vs older. He has had younger docs (not to mention the mid-level providers) that are good following the algorithms. Knowing what to order when its obvious in the protocol but relying on the experienced nurse when choices are needed. This is not necessarily unusual, as nurses have always had a role in educating the newer physicians. But most non health care folks don’t truly see the level of teamwork involved in good patient care. I guess my point is that as experienced nurses and physicians leave the profession, the shitshow will only get worse. Everyone left will be the product of the flawed protocol driven education system.
Correct. I think the emphasis on protocols is part of a push to replace doctors with AI. I also initially read your comment as "Everyone left will be the product of the flawed profit driven education system." which does also describe the state of medical education today.
I was in Boston at RFK's announcement event and it was really surprisingly inspiring. People of all ages, and even lots of children, many of whom had travelled some distance to get there. I had gone in thinking, he'll never win, but maybe he'll at least bring some of these issues to a wider audience. I left with a small glimmer of hope, that maybe he actually could win. His message will make sense to a wide array of people, if they only get a chance to hear it!
The mantra used to be "Never Forget!" Holocaust remembrance is founded on the notion that when these atrocities occur, it is key to see the signs in time to prevent it. This is how it was taught in the synagogue, that it was our duty to remember the Holocaust, and to defend any group that was treated this way, because that would have saved so many lives.
Comparing the recent political climate to the early days of the Third Reich, there are too many points of commonality to ignore. Many back then wished they'd heeded the warning signs while they were able. We are grateful that we had this context to comprehend what was happening to the world. It spared us the needle, and may have saved our lives.
To attack those who point out the parallels is actually a form of Holocaust denial. It was all done on a public health pretext, and the excuse of crowded hospitals was used then as now to justify mass medical homicide. It's all very stark and resonant. It's a frighteningly congruent situation. That's the direction this was all headed, and if unchecked, we can't know where it would lead. When the state imposes segregation, limits on free movement, suspends civil rights, and practices mass murder by policy fiat, at what point do we say, "Enough! We remember this!"
So, we will never forget this episode of global tyranny, for the sake of not being caught unaware when the next iteration rolls out.
Excellent article and the propaganda video was well worth watching. It made me look at our current administration and see so many parallels, especially when Biden gave that talk with the red curtains in the background and using two Marines to stand on each side behind him. He yelled and screamed nonsensical, as usual, but with much anger. It was disturbing then and still is when we see clips of Hitler. Biden yells a MAGA supporters constantly, as if we are subhuman. Obama/Biden has caused great harm to this country and the similarities are stark to what we’ve seen before when a country is ruled by divisive ideology.
Was unaware of the Nazi regime using phony disease as part of their scheme, or had forgotten. The horrors of that are so awful, that it take guts merely to talk about it. I keep wondering if all of those who pushed and mandated the Covid vaccines knew the magnitude of people they were injuring and killing, but rationalized it as a necessary collateral damage? Did this group know the contents of the Pfizer data that showed the vaccines didn't work, that the 3rd bad side effect was catching Covid? That hundreds died, babies died? Let's assume the group was unaware of the Pfizer data, maybe, but Pfizer executives knew, those individuals are just as criminal as any mass murderers.
They knew but they didn’t care. They still don’t care. In fact most are still unaware of what was done to them and sadly the assault on humanity continues.
Would like to get Pfizer executives on the witness stand and ask them how could they approve the "vaccine" that didn't work and killed hundreds? Have copies of the documents in hand so they couldn't lie about it.
Sure. But, then what meaningful action is actually taken? I don’t see Congress doing anything other than now and then ‘talking’ while continuing to rake in the lobbying money. Regardless of which political party they belong to. Action, not words.
I contributed to Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, I trust them. Hope they follow through. From what I can tell, very few in Congress are interested, a national shame.
1/ Why just Pfizer? I’m afraid Americans and most of the world have been kept in the dark about this “vaccine”. The actual owner is the German firm BioNTech; Pfizer is just a contract manufacturer that produces it on BioNTech’s behalf. It says so right on the label. See below. https://edv1694.substack.com/p/read-the-label-its-biontechs-vaccine
2/2 Furthermore, BioNTech’s main production facility in Marburg was formerly owned by IG Farben and was used during WWII to produce an experimental vaccine - precisely a typhus vaccine, by the way - that was tested on concentration camp inmates at Buchenwald. Many of them died. See my thread here: https://twitter.com/EdV1694/status/1538530338384883712?s=20
Truly they're all guilty. I was using Pfizer as an example since we've seen the Pfizer trial documents showing disastrous results of their deadly "vaccine"
Wry clear historically accurate information. Thank you for the info as we are blessed to have it. Knowledge can be power - it depends on how it is used. Use it for God’s glory.
I tried to explain this concept ("this is our yellow star" meaning the unvaxxed with no rights without a vax) to my epidemiologist double-masked quadruple-vaxxed Jewish sister-in-law who worked at NIH at one point - very intelligent, yes, but no comprehension of this masquerade (and a bit offended at me offering the analogy). They always say "never again" - well here it is.
Georg Kareski was a Berlin banker who was president of the Zionist Organization of Germany…and as a Zionist he was concerned, above all with promoting the migration of Jews to Palestine. …in 1938, Direktor Kareski advocated that Jews be forced to wear the Jewish star.
“In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials…
distributed the Yellow Star badges, and sometimes, as in Warsaw, 'the sale of the armbands became a regular business; there were ordinary armbands of cloth and fancy plastic armbands …”
Goeff - thanks - strange - i did not know and always thought/heard the Jews were forced to wear the yellow stars by non-jewish authorities....? For some reason, neitherof your links would go thru for me.
I'll check out the links; they are admittedly old so I'll see if I can find better ones.
Much is made of the yellow star, but the marking of humans by others goes back to antiquity. I don't remember the details, but I believe that slaves were marked by having their ears pierced in antiquity, and of course slaves were sometimes even branded like cattle.
In British America, the Brits required Indians to wear some sort of copper pass to come near a fort, but I'll be danged if I can find my source. This is yet another fascinating rabbit hole that I've only scratched the surface of.
I have long contributed to archive.org. If they're playing games with Arendt's book, I'm going to need to reconsider. Too bad, both the site and the book have been great resources.
As a white male I faced discrimination throughout my professional career which started in 1984. Woman had just begun to enter the auditing profession. So there were too many white Caucasian males in management so we faced discrimination as they attempted to get the same number of woman managers percentage wise as there were worker bees. Merit played no role. Next various minorities entered the auditing field so they received an advantage over white men. I finally got promoted merely because their was no one else that could do the technically demanding area I specialized in, and that area landed in court frequently and having someone who couldn't actually do the job would look bad for the agency.
My oldest son graduated near the top of his class in air traffic control. The top 10% traditionally were automatically hired by the FAA. Obama didn't want the best ATC, he wanted minorities no matter how poor of an air traffic controller they were. After all the expense and effort expended the racial profiling won out and my son joined the navy and then went on to get a computer science degree. At the time he graduated ESG wasn't that common so he got hired in the area of AI.
Now retired I guess I'm a dissident. I immediately concluded our government was lying through their teeth about the mRNA vaccines. Having been an auditor for 32 years and having worked many fraud investigations I can spot lies easily. My machinist skills tend to frame how I view things and I concluded the mRNA technologies disclosed manner of working would destroy or seriously damage ones immune system as NK cells spotted spike proteins attached to ones lymphocytes. I wasn't vaccine hesitant, I was in the hell fking no category and began to carry a sidearm 24x7 out of fear they would attempt to force that crap on me. If they attempted that it was not going to end well for them.
Dr Miller was from Everett WA as best I can tell from your articles. As a WA resident we found out covid camps were being set up and for awhile their was fear Jay Inslee would mandate that the unvaccinated be placed in those concentration camps. Trying that would have resulted in way more deaths than covid and patient mistreatment ever caused.
I've spent the last 40 years in this country targeted by our government continuously. Just this month our idiot state has decided that if a parent has a child that is confused about their gender and as their parent you don't support their sexual mutilation our state will take your child and mutilate them and give them this house of horrors medical "treatment" that as a parent you are "denying" them.
Then the UW Medical Center is currently refusing organ transplants to the unvaccinated. Heck the parents of one ill child did not want vaccinated blood used on their child's operation, and made all the arrangements for nonvaccinated blood and a hospital behind the parents back used vaccinated blood killing their ill child.
I don't believe we can vote are way out of this mess. It's too far gone and the idiots control everything. But 95% of those living in Seattle took the mRNA jab and given their immune system damage they will find out the hard way that a non-merit based system they fought for has consequences. Their deaths being just one of those. Sorry not sorry.
Excellent work! Proud to be a colleague of yours.
You've done way more than I have! Hopefully this ties together the other points you were trying to make but couldn't quite get at.
We fulfilled our family dream of traveling around the world with bikes and backpacks, mom and dad and 4 teenagers in 2005-2006.
We visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, Dachau concentration camp in Germany, and Tuol Sleng Prison in Cambodia.
In every place, we found that ordinary people had been victims, perpetrators and heroes, often the perpetrators were themselves consumed by the killing machine.
I taught our kids that this happens recurrently in history, and one will need to see it immediately when it starts.
When I saw the depersonalization of "the unvaccinated" begin in the early summer of 2021, I recognized it for what it was.
I had been treating patients with repurposed antivirals at our public health clinic, and had been 2-3 months ahead of CDC pronouncements, which kept being counterfactual. I had considered it to be "political", but when I saw the creation of "untermenschen", I recognized it as more evil than that.
I declared to the clinic that "I would stand naked with the Jews", to which some took offense, but I saw that it was exactly that, and explained to anybody who would listen, as I had in my emailed written statement to the clinic staff.
I was summarily fired, but it happened in the vegetable garden I grew for my clinic coworkers, which was nobody's plan. I was planting the fall/winter vegetables on my day off.
Everybody saw, and I insisted on staying until I was finished planting, and on clearing off my own desk, even though my access-key had been inactivated as I gardened.
I did not escape what was happening, but saw it early and stood openly in resistance.
It has not come to pass as designed.
I remain unemployed. I remain human. I will resist.
If you ever want, I'd be happy to publish your account of what happened to you during COVID-19 (provided we can polish it and make it easily digestable for this audience).
Treat the infection before sepsis develops - treat COVID while patients can breath. Like so many Germans in the 1930s, so many doctors in 2021-2022 were lead by and lied to by Dr Unscientific- Fauci and his band of conspirators.
I do appreciate, and did understad the offer in context. Thank You, again.
I'm just another contributing participant in the spontaneous movement for Truth.
Oh, this is a wonderful idea. John's story is very moving. All of these stories of resistance should be read by as many people as possible.
I tried to explain this concept ("this is our yellow star" meaning the unvaxxed with no rights without a vax card) to my epidemiologist double-masked quadruple-vaxxed Jewish sister-in-law who worked at NIH at one point - very intelligent, yes, but no comprehension of this masquerade (and a bit offended at me offering the analogy). They always say "never again" - well here it is.
I’ve been amazed myself how easily people went with vaccine passports.
I'm so used to seeing people get played nothing surprises me anymore.
We've all been played, so at least you have company. I myself admit to having been thoroughly duped for a long time. In that sense the covid farce has been greatly liberating.
Thank You. It seems that we have entered the Age Of Extermination.
As Churchill observerd, "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.”
A critical review of history does not show Churchill in a good light. He was bought. Lives were needlessly sacrificed.
You nailed it. Thanks.
He was speaking from experience. He did a lot of appeasing himself.
In the world of reality, as in baseball, one cannot bat 1.000. I don't doubt he had a zillion warts and flaws; however, the mode of approach, or that of MLK, these two, among others give us a model to follow in this world of 5th generation warfare.
I'm OK with MLK, but Churchill, never. A complete fraud (and terrorist) but that's another rabbit hole that won't be settled here or on any forum like this.
Sadly it's obvious that brainwashing has been highly effective.
I've learned to question everything, especially orthodoxy. I do not see how "historians" and "academicians" could possibly be more trustworthy than a large portion of the physicians of today. From my perch, the whole system is utterly corrupt, has been for a long time, and the closer I look, the more apparent that becomes. I used to believe the standard pabulum, but no more, since covid has cured me of that.
For those interested in the subject, but who have little time to spend, a good source is Pat Buchanan's website. For those with a little more time, his book, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War, (though it does not bat a thou), is a reasonable intro.
Henry Makow , who claims his own grandparents perished at the hands of Nazis, has a good and very brief article about these thing as well, and the link worked when I just checked. https://henrymakow.com/000369.html
Dr Day, the communists initiated the age of extermination in the russian revolution in the early 1900s. And if you want a point prior to that, try the Jacobins and the Illuminists with the wanton destruction during the French Revolution (the precursor of communism) where ten thousand+ were murdered, many of whom were not political resisters but priests and catholics who refused to bend the knee to these Jacobin revolutionaries.
I think we are in a new age of extermination. I think the owners would like there to be under a billion in the human herds. The Age Of Extermination link is here:
It refers to our current age, and to the series by Professor Ugo Bardi, one of which I included the first. If you go to the top left corner at The Seneca Effect site, and type Age of Exterminations into the search engine, you will find all 9 in the series.
The Age of Extermination (I) : Who Are The Typical Victims? Professor Ugo Bardi
If you think of the story of the witch hunts of the 16th-17th century in Europe, you may be under the impression that the typical witch was an old hag living in a hut at the margins of the village, alone with a black cat.
But no, that wasn't the case. Maybe this kind of marginal people were occasionally killed for being witches, but they were not the usual victims. In reality, witch hunting had a strong monetary component and it was often carried out with a view on making a profit on the confiscation of the assets of the victims. They were not poor and destitute women but, rather, members of the growing mercantile class in Europe.
The profit-making facet of witch hunting has been often ignored by historians, but it is being reappraised and highlighted in recent times, for instance by Johannes Dillinger (2021) and by Shmakov and Petrov (2018). Both articles are highly suggested and provide a remarkable wealth of data about the financial mechanism that led to witch hunts: in short, there was no (or very little) witch hunting where the government didn't allow the assets of the victims to be confiscated. Killing witches, then, was just one of the many forms of legalized robbery in history,..
Without going into the details, we can say that all these exterminations have several points in common.
1. A relatively wealthy subgroup of society that can be identified by physical, linguistic, or cultural traits, sufficiently large to give a good revenue if defeated and spoiled of its assets.
2. A strained economic, social, or military situation that leads the dominant groups to look for new resources.
3. The lack of effective military defense capabilities on the part of the subgroup...
It has happened so many times that it is unthinkable that it won't happen again. There is no doubt that we are in a difficult moment, both economically and militarily. So, the temptation is strong for the elites to identify one or more subgroups to exterminate and rob of their assets.
Who could be the next victims?
Thanks for that. I had no clue, but it's consistent with a lot of past (unorthodox and unknown) history.
"So, the temptation is strong for the elites to identify one or more subgroups to exterminate and rob of their assets."
That's a nice capsule summary of what happened in South Africa (which is mentioned in the article), in fact. The bugaboo of apartheid was a pretext for destroying the civilization that had been built there.
The history of Cecil Rhodes is interesting as well as informing. Here's an article referring to him and it's applies to what's going on globally today.
It was also about removing "spirituality" from religion and making the people controllable. Talking in tongues, would be an example of threatening behavior.
One layer deeper, as the investigation goes, it can be discovered that the Jesuit Order within the Catholic Church was behind all of these things. This secret society was hatched as a counter to the "hurt" that Luther caused the "mother church." Few realize the efficacy of the "Society of Jesus" which is in full operation today; how it has declared war on the God of the Bible in EVERY country on the planet, and is complicit in the creation of revolutions and wars over the centuries. The "big three" Churchhill, Stalin, and Roosevelt, were 33 Degree Freemasons! Freemasonry was founded and is controlled by the Jesuit Order. This is all history. Factual.
There are people within some of these organizations who are fighting the Evil. I'm not Catholic, but I wouldn't miss an article this Archbishop writes. He's fighting for all of us and the church is deeply divided, in fact, all of them are. He's not afraid to call out names.
All roads lead to the money conjurers. Scions of the cats JC drove out of the temple.
Fourteen U.S. presidents have been Freemasons, meaning that there is conclusive evidence that these men received the Master Mason degree: George Washington; James Monroe; Andrew Jackson; James Polk; James Buchanan; Andrew Johnson; James Garfield; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt; William Taft; Warren Harding; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Harry S. Truman; and Gerald Ford.
Nine of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons during their lifetime, though not necessarily in 1776: William Ellery; Benjamin Franklin; John Hancock; Joseph Hewes; William Hooper; Robert Treat Paine; Richard Stockton; George Walton; and William Whipple.77_75_6DI1
Things get a little less clear when it comes to the Constitution. It seems that at least nine of the signers can be conclusively documented as Freemasons: Gunning Bedford Jr.; John Blair; David Brearly; Jacob Broom; Daniel Carrol; John Dickinson; Benjamin Franklin; Rufus King; and George Washington.
On the other hand, I did not know this until a few minutes ago...
"During the summer of 1934, after Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich completed their takeover and centralization of the Gestapo, the German police forcibly closed down many Masonic lodges and branch headquarters of the Masons and confiscated their assets, including their libraries and archives.
The big 3 certainly were mephitic, and it pays to remember that Mao was a Yali (a "missionary"run skool), while Yale itself was founded by an opium trader.
So, she didn't get it? Yikes.
You might try quoting Santayana's dictum about those who forget history, but she'd probably be offended at that, too.
Early on in Covid the local hospital had people entering the building that had appointments wear a yellow dot on their clothes to identify them as patients. Boy, was I angry. Many people complained and that technique didn't last for long. I don't know what non-brilliant mind came up w/the idea but it was offensive.
Your SIL is not intelligent, she is a fool.
Seems she is a Leftist. As a Jew myself, I don’t believe Leftists to be Jews. Leftism is a religion and a people unto itself.
But Jews can be Leftist. I agree 100% that Leftism is a religion and people unto itself. They are a cult like no other, well, except for Communism, it is all the same. Warped DNA.
She is a “useful idiot”, or as I like to call them a “useless idiot”, because from my perspective she is not contributing anything positive in this little war on humanity we find ourselves in the midst of. Useless idiots cross all demographics and are not limited to one race, religion, age or occupation. The ones I find the most anger-provoking are the ones who should know better, given their level of education and knowledge of science/history.
Your sister-in-law may be very intelligent but has no wisdom in the matter. Wisdom is of infinite value compared to intelligence.
My Jewish friends scolded me heavily for the comparison.
It's true, it is not *my* story, what happened in WW2. But MY story echoes and rhymes with that story. (and I'm one of the lucky ones, losing lucrative nursing home contracts was my only loss)
God bless you for your courage and integrity.
Thank You. I was pre-blessed.
I'm trying to keep up.
You're a real physician, parent, and leader. I salute you.
Thank You.
I'd like the Hee Haw SaLute, please :-)
SA...LUTE (heehaw)
I had my 4 boys watch a little hee-haw… ages 14 to 22… THEY thought they were going to die… lol 😝
Personally, I thought it was a wonderful homeschool moment… 🤣🤣🤣😇
Thanks doc… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Your young gentlemen would be exceptionally well informed if they studied the source of this quote.:
Dr. Kastein's presentation is typical: he says the Inquisition persecuted
"heretics and peoples of alien creeds" and then adds, "that is to say, principally
Jews", and from that point on he conveys the impression of a solely Jewish
persecution. (In the same way. in our century. Hitler's persecution was through
four stages of propagandist misrepresentation transformed from one of
"political opponents" into one of "political opponents and Jews", then of "Jews
and political opponents", and last, "of Jews").
Meanwhile, the uproar about Hitler grew and, as I have shown, his
persecution of men was subtly transformed into a "persecution of Jews".
-Douglas Reed, “the Controversy of Zion,” p 318-9 (written ~1955 but unable to be published until 1978) https://archive.org/stream/TheControversyOfZion/TheControversyOfZion_djvu.txt
Courage is the rarest value. Thank you for displaying it!
I saw what was happening, and knew that waiting to act lets the worst develop.
Courage is contagious. Fear is contagious.
So true.
“For a time in the world, tyrants can seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall.
Think of it. Always.” –M.K. Gandhi
August Landmesser and his refusal to do the seig heil salute here https://www.csmonitor.com/World/2015/0701/What-happened-to-the-man-who-refused-to-give-a-Nazi-salute One picture, and 10,000 words.
Here's the thing, Doc. Recall the juggernaut the Soviet Union was, primed to take over the world. But their **internal inconsistencies** kept eroding their idiotic, unworkable foundation. One week in Leipzig ***the rank and file soldiers refused to fire on peaceful demonstrators*** and the rest was history... including the Berlin wall.
And for those Stasi types monitoring this (yes, we know you are there. Do you really think your grandfather who fought fascism would be proud of you, and selling out American freedom? Tell us HOW you actually look your wife and kids in the eye as you do this), we are 100% committed to peaceful protest...
Ghandi, also committed to 100% peaceful resistance like me, knew that “a hundred thousand English businessmen” could not keep down 350 million Indians, if those “350 million Indians refused to cooperate with the British.” Non-violent boycott was a part of his plan. Today, in 2023, it would also not be possible for less than a hundred thousand global business men to keep down 7.8 billion people around the globe, if those 7.8 billion people refused to cooperate. Non-violent boycott is the plan.
Curious... could you take your training overseas? Maybe God has another adventure for you?
OMG-Dr Day - live near Austin and know of your story and do hope you will be employed one day and my family your patients! Had wanted to pen you a letter that as soon as you hang your shingle out again- let me know! God bless you!
Thank You, Judy. There is something still slowly in development.
I'll put details on my blog, should it ever work out.
At this point it must be completely right and honorable.
Hence the attacks on the Second Amendment. After all, people will not willingly get in the boxcars.
They have simply taken the boxcars to the people.
True, but they seem awfully anxious to disarm the people anyway.
Wanting to get rid of the 2nd has been going on for years, and slowly they have brain washed the youth, and set up so many false flags it isn't funny, that it is getting more intense. You are right, their anxiety has increased, but remember they have all the big toys and gadgets, and they are crazy enough to use them on us if need be. They had no qualms killing us off w/Covid.
Medical mistakes kill way more people than guns every year.
They call it the “practice ”of medicine for a reason.
A few people here on Substack have written about the connection between psychotropic medication and school shootings. There might be a connection that makes the school shootings part of the medical body-count.
That is a truth that should be more widely realized.
Sadly, many were coerced into lining up to get the injections....
Others have commented on what you did. And to be sure, every time these fasco-Marxists step on a truth teller, they create a thousand progeny. And THIS is what they fear (and rightfully so): There are more of us than them, and we are growing by the day as people are red pilled (ooops! Guess that put me on some Stasi list somewhere, right?) and wake up.
One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world." Alexander Solzhenitsyn cited this Russian proverb in his 1970 Nobel Prize for Literature acceptance speech
There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
It may well be that the greatest tragedy of this period of social change is not the glaring noisiness of the so-called bad people, but the silence of the so-called good people.”–Martin Luther King. Jr.
To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” — Abraham Lincoln
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, during times of great moral crisis, maintained their neutrality.” — Dante
The British Empire once seemed unstoppable too. “The sun was never to set on it,” but set on it, it did.
BTW, can you join Dr. McCullough's gig? What about Dr. Pierre Kory? FLCCC? Can you interview with Mike Adams at Natural News (I just heard his total audience exceeds ABC!), or former SOCOM officer and DEA agent Jeffrey Prather (he turned whistle blower). Wonder if Sayer Ji at GreenMedInfo.com could use you, or at least get your story out?
I believe it was Tertullian who said the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church almost two thousand years ago. And the arrogant STILL have not learned that lesson; indeed, ipso facto, by virtue of their arrogance, they **cannot** learn it. And therein lies their fatal flaw... similar to Hitler ordering Operation Barbarossa, Napolean's Grand Armee ordered into Moscow, the lies that got us into Vietnam, etc.
Fact is, as Swiss philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote, there is a God, and He is not silent. Every oppressor in history has had reality, and the reality of the God who is there, deal with them. Mssrs. Schwab, Harari, Soros, etc. have now, like Nietzsche, proclaimed God dead, and they have buried him. Unfortunately for Friedrich, history shows he went insane, and God continued to move his truth forward, even if not on the timeline we might want.
CS Lewis put this all in his prescient That Hideous Strength fictional work around 70 years ago. Would that the global elite read this book, and took it to heart. But again, they won't, and they can't, as that would be to admit something that can never be admitted... that they are fallible.
Touching- and I pray for you and your excellent caring ways for man.
God bless you. I am one of the unvaccinated. We have social “friends” who made it clear they were not happy to be around me. My husband and I agreed they would have been the first ones on the bandwagon to abandon the Jews during the Nazi regime.
"By their works ye shall know them.." :-(
this is going to reverse I suspect. I was noodling with my wife the other day (we are both unjabbed)--how would be feel if some friends coming over tonight had mentioned on the phone they just got their booster today. do I want them shedding on us? could be be harmed by their "off-gassing" or whatever it is? this is only a bit tougn-in-cheek.
Interesting story there about your firing. I sincerely trust you've found that character building! We have gardening in common, and I myself grow a lot of garlic and leeks as well as many other things.
As for Tuol Sleng, decades ago my wife and I were in Cambodia with a group of friends and declined the offer to visit the school where people were tortured and we decided to go our own way instead because we had no appetite for gawking at such things. We came upon a convenience store and were soon surrounded by a pack of charming little urchins who got a kick out of trying to teach us to count to ten in Khmer. Anyway, I got up and began walking around an old lychee orchard which I soon found was littered with shallow depressions that were full of bits of clothing, pieces of leather, bone shards, and teeth!
Turned out these were obviously shallow, unearthed graves full of what were undoubtedly human remains. I had stumbled on the killing fields. Later I also stumbled upon the ossuary where the bones of the disinterred are stored.
What a horror show, especially since I intended to avoid experiencing it because I'd had enough just hearing about it, and had long been quite aware of what humans can be capable of.
Now, after covid, nothing surprises me regarding human behavior!
May you have a bountiful harvest this season and always!
Thank You, Geoff.
You are on your path, and you were called back to it when you sought to divert a bit.
There is a whole lost generation in Cambodia.
It is already beginning in the west. Growing vegetables is part of the path out.
Thank you, Dr. Day. I only wish more doctors had your courage and moral fiber to stand up to the abuses/atrocities of these past few years. Thank you for standing strong. You are an inspiration to all of us.
Thank You, Blair.
It is a human thing. I happen to have had a career in medicine, primarily in underserved populations.
Blessings on you, good doctor! ♥️🙏
John, Good to hear from you again. I remember you! Your story is utterly inspirational. Very Best wishes.
I hope you are having nice weather in Cornwall. We had some heavy rains last evening and night here in Central Texas. Not bad at our Austin place, but somebody is bound to have had flash flooding.
Dear John Day, proper respect to you. If you know and care to share it would be instructive to many if you could share the human rights atmosphere of your previous place of employ more recently? Did anyone learn anything from your self immolation or does it count as much as saying nothing in this twisted reality we inhabit?
You have the family name of a Finnish island and advocate for vitamin-D, I see.
I was working at a public health clinic, where I had worked 18 total, non-continuous years. I had spearheaded the testing for COVID in adult and Pediatric clinics, had been very closely keeping up with all COVID news since mid December 2019, and had tested more patients than any other provider, spending as much time as I could in person, not telemedicine.
I did not "self immolate", but took a principled stand, which I had always done, including my prescribing of early antiviral therapies from the outset of the pandemic.
I gave away over 40,000 doses of 5000IU Vitamin D3 to staff and patients at my clinic in 2020, beginning very early that year.
I got the clinic to stock up on HCQ before it became political. Then I was forbidden to prescribe it that summer. Fortunately, the first good information about ivermectin/Zn/doxycycline came out that August, and I began prescribing that combination, always with vitamin-D, including a loading dose for those not taking it yet, typically 200,000 -300,000IU, based on single dose data long studied after WW-2. D2 nd D3 are what is available in the US. Calcifediol would be better, but it's not available.
The nurses and most patient-care staff that I worked with were aware that the patients got better quickly with the treatments I prescribed. The clinic always kept it a secret that I was doing so. It gets Federal funding. I don't think there has been an institutional change. Numerous providers left shortly after I was fired, but I don't know of any formal protests by them. Some nurses left.
The clinic had a long history of service to the poor, but when it became a Federally Qualified Health Center in 2016, I knew what the course would be. The Federal Government is an abuser in any marriage.
Thank you for your explanation, my use of self immolation was not intended to criticize you it is my euphemistic way of saying that resigning in protest has had very few upsides in this plandemic or otherwise. Editors resigned from the Lancet when honest people are driven out and what results is that the less noble and easier to control people remain and usually the environment does not improve. Reading your description of your principled departure I was hoping it resulted in great enlightenment for those who remained but see that aside from small effects the big picture has remained. I am humbled by your actions and would have hoped that those who remained behind would have gained bravery or curiosity enough to change the direction of the organisation, I did not have much hope and was not much upset.
The financial pressure that was exerted via investors compromised almost every hospital and clinic with institutional investors.
I am also delighted that you have made use of the benefits of Vitamin-D. I have collected my selected studies into a small wiki that you may gain some insight from if you have time to look, I have extracted parts I thought were relevant with links to the full papers.
Thank You, Kalle.
I could have resigned, and I could have requeted a religious (consceince) exemption, but I did not. I was fired, and they fired me 2 weeks before what had been agreed.
I took the moral position that I was opposed to the vaccine mandate on principle, as it created an underclass, not that I had a personal reason to be excluded from it.
I just stood in the line that had no rights. Anybody could look and draw their own conclusion.
Several people in the hierarchy tried to convince me to change my mind. Most ignored me, would not meet my eyes. A few struggled internally.
I have skimmed over your vitamin-D compilation. It is somewhat like my own.
I posted D Saves The Day in December 2020 https://www.johndayblog.com/2020/09/d-saves-day.html It does not have extensive vitamin-D data, but to the point of saving lives and improving health.
This is a really really excellent post. I could easily agree with almost all of it- the only thing I believe I disagree with is "Most doctors are remarkable human beings; they care about others". Even before COVID I had unfortunately seen too many terrible red flags to tell me that this statement just couldn't be true (sadly, of course- I really do wish that statement were true). But during COVID, the behavior of a large percentage of doctors was far worse than I would have ever imagined even based on the many terrible red flags I had seen prior to COVID. So again, very regrettably, I simply cannot believe that most doctors are remarkable human beings who care about others, I sincerely wish I could. But overall, this post is really powerful and excellent all around.
Thanks. I completely understand how it looks like that from many patient's perspectives; I've trained with these people, saw how they were when the started and then how they evolved overtime because of the medical system. That's why I hold the belief I do.
That makes sense and it definitely helps me to understand your perspective. But what makes it so difficult for me to accept their behavior is exactly what you mentioned in your original post above: doctors ARE very intelligent overall (that I don't doubt for a second). They absolutely DO understand scientific evidence and how to evaluate it, gold-standard randomized clinical trials, "first, do no harm", risks and benefits, etc.
Therefore, just as a key example, it is totally unfathomable that the vast majority of doctors go around saying "mRNA vaccines save lives but ivermectin doesn't", when the gold-standard evidence from randomized clinical trials clearly shows the EXACT OPPOSITE. The Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials showed a net result of "4 killed for every 3 saved" even under prime conditions, while the totality of randomized clinical trials on ivermectin show a significant overall reduction in deaths https://c19ivm.org/meta.html#fig_fprd even IN SPITE OF most large trials being obviously designed to fail. So to conclude, exactly as you said, doctors are intelligent for sure, which means THEY KNOW BETTER.
When I was younger, this really upset me too for the exact reasons you are citing. When I spoke with one spiritual teacher he said something I have never forgotten.
Why are you getting upset about this? Intellectual intelligence has NOTHING to do with the capacity to resist mind control.
Appreciate this comment. Mind control took over many, not just the doctors. Unfortunately, medical schools are too invested in DEI rather than recruiting the best minds. These universities are conducting drug trials and not allowing gender or race to be used. Male and female, different races, will naturally have different outcomes. A drug used for sickle cell anemia must be tested as the race it effects, but now it’s not allowed. These newer doctors are being indoctrinated, not educated. Then when recruiters look to fill by race or gender, or now trans, the best and brightest are left out.
In the end that will bite them.
"Intellectual intelligence has NOTHING to do with the capacity to resist mind control."
Bingo. Get 'em outside their special areas of expertise, and someone with street smarts could run circles around 'em effortlessly.
Most homeless refused the jabs in WA. They knew better.
Astonishlingly, many of my doctor friends are still stuck on covid mania as well, while on the other hand, most of the people I know who never even went to school beyond high school saw through the fraud from the start and remain unjabbed.
Sorry I don't by that. Every genius I know saw all the propaganda for exactly what it was. Not one fell for it.
I'm no genius. I saw many people "smarter" than myself take and defend it. I know many people "less smart" than myself who didn't.
It might have to do with life experiences. The homeless people I know just don't trust government when they claim to to be trying to help them. It's not like government gives a shit about the public. They don't.
So true! Most of the people in my world that went all no-jab-witchhunt were what I would consider intellectually oriented and previously I had enjoyed conversing with them. Obviously an intellectual mindset is not a viable defense to mind control! It just requires different triggers...
AMD, do you have any guess on the percentage of physicians who know the truth, but remain silent?
if you believe Mattias Desmit's work, 25-30% resist.
25-30% don't buy in, but go along. And they are swayable.
It's the 40-50% that go along who are the problem.
I don't see why doctors would be any different to the rest of humans.
To wit: Look at the qualifications of the Nazi leaders. E.g., Dr. Karl Brandt; or recall that the Nazis had the first jet fighter in the air, the Me-262; they also had deuterium oxide for an atom bomb pretty much before anyone else (but it got blown up in Norway).
CS Lewis talks all about this in the Abolition of Man. Would that people might glance at this incredible work.
They clearly are NOT very intelligent overall- as defined by their actions. Revise your outlook. You remain in awe of a physician's intelligence - in spite of their actions. Nonsensical.
Intelligence is problem solving ability. Not solving that the Jab riddle was total bull shit shows the esteemed doctors are not nearly as bright as they think they are.
They were "Just following orders".. Sorry, not buying this part at all. I used to work in the healthcare field and left many years ago. I left long before all of this but what I often saw disgusted me. Abusive and neglectful treatment of patients is more common than people think.
As a patient I have had some truly horrendous experiences especially since 2020 but even before then. In VT, the Chief Epidemiologist actually went on TV at one point during the scamdemic and stated that the Hippocratic Oath was just a suggestion, kind of like the Pledge of Allegiance. A revealing and sickening statement to be sure. It showed his disdain for all patients AND this country. When my husband wanted a vax exemption, our doctor said we had to go to him for an evaluation. We knew then that we were completely screwed. Fortunately, he got a religious exemption.
The Presbyterian Church USA states on its website "the theological commitments do not support such [religious] exemptions...to the contrary, as already stated, our theological commitments compel us to urge that all people be vaccinated against Covid 19"
Wonder when they will pull this from the site?
Crazy. During the height of the scamdemic, there was a priest who was booted from his church in VT; this was a Catholic Church. The reason was that he resisted the mask mandates. I am not sure if the jab was out yet when this happened. The story was featured on LifeSiteNews. I am not sure what happened to this priest. But I did research on the bishop (Bishop Coyne) and it turns out he has a Hollywood connection. In addition, about a year after this happened, he went to DC to speak at an event with Biden. Not surprised at all.
I found this a few weeks ago (I think). Wondering what made them come out with such a strong statement. An infusion of FedCash or a thinly veiled threat about their 501c3 status? I really started to give up on them in 2014; haven't officially cut the tie but haven't occupied a pew for 8 years.
I guess I am just surprised that the church took such a strong stance on pushing vaccines. I would be really curious to know what made them take such a stance. Maybe, the leadership/people in charge of making decisions were simply decieved....
Check out the BioLogos Project. Many religious leaders were lied to by Francis Collins. He portrayed himself as an ethical Christian scientist - the man who is perfectly fine scalping unborn babies and transplanting their scalps onto mice for research. Or cutting lungs out of these babies and putting them or cells from the lungs into mice. So called “humanized mice.”
Find a new denomination. The right pastor and fellowship can make a huge difference in our spiritual journey. 🙏
In general the PCUSA takes whatever position the mainstream power group holds. There are breakaway Presbyterian groups that don't - they're a bit heavy on the Bible thumping, but at least they don't endorse the fads of the day. I'm waiting for the liberal Protestant churches to start pushing acceptance of transgender pastors. They've endorsed everything else.
I'm in your camp. There's an Orthodox Presby near-ish me, but .....(I looked into this about 4 years ago)--yes, when PCUSA removed from the Book of Order the chastity requirement for pastors--I was pretty much done with them. As in, if you aren't going to listen to w the Bible says (God, in Genesis/ Paul in Romans), then how do you call your denomination Christian? And the new hymnal which I experienced at another congregation--all about God being a woman....that was one of several 'final' nails. Requiescas in pace, PCUSA.
I agree about doctors in general.
In my experience (as a patient, and working in medical IT), there's an elevated level of narcissism, psychopathy, and general arrogance among doctors, relative to the average person. And many of them *are* extremely intelligent. But they really like to play God. For those inside the system, it's probably hard to see that.
The worst serial killer was a doctor, after all.
It's a result of having to compete for years in schools run by half wits.
After that, there's military style boot camp mentality doing an underpaid and overworked internship.
The ones who come through unstressed are the hooked up ones, who are already sociopathic.
I used to work at a medical teaching institution, I was often appalled by what I saw being forced on as expected performance from Medical Students and Residents.
I always felt bad for the patients being treated by someone w/only one eye open because they were so exhausted, and not to mention abused by the Attending, Nurses, and others. It is like military style boot camp, these people got zero respect. I felt like I was in a nut house being run like a machine.
And on the flip side there were some amazing awesome people that saved lives, had incredibly strong ethics, always had compassion and their wits about them, never lost their cool, somehow remained polite to every one, and had a wicked sense of humor. Those are the people I would bend over backwards to help do whatever I could to make their life easier.
"The ones who come through unstressed are the hooked up ones, who are already sociopathic." This is the truth.
Such a stupid system. It does NOT have to be like that.
the entire medical system is one of compliance. all those decades of compliance building in the medical establishment was tested during covid and it worked remarkably well in silencing dissent and enforcing lockstep. it is a perfect circle of self-protection scheme. A self-affirming echo chamber propped up by the media and duplicitious slimy paid-off patrician class.
Well that didn't serve them well given virtually every doctor in WA state took the jab. But hey, they're the smart ones.
So smart they took the vax 'cause they didn't examine the fax (sic).
"The worst serial killer was a doctor, after all."
If yer talking Fauci, count me in.
It's impossible for me to care about their "remarkableness" when they're incapable of rising above the nonsense they've been taught. To me there is a line - let's call it the line of bullshit - that you either have the smarts, courage or morality to cross or you don't. Those that don't, even if they are remarkable, represent a barrier to us moving forward.
It is striking that doctors were among the first prominent people to sign up with the Nazi’s.
Doctors are given the power and privileges they have in society for three separate reasons:
1) The public trusts them to be upstanding individuals they can trust.
2) They are agents of the state the state can use to enact its policies.
3) They serve as the capstone that makes the entire pharmaceutical business model possible.
Most doctors are not consciously aware of all three of these.
Well, looks like reason #1 is (deservably) on it's way out. And the other 2 have just become more obvious.
They are smart enough that they should be aware.
4) they were "initiated" (aka. went thru medical boot camp hell) and further paid out huge sums of money for said degree
5) they where white lab coats which bestow prestige and sanctity (like a priestly class)
6) make a lot of money and are so elevated in the eyes of public deserving of trust.
Funny two of my doctors pushed the mRNA vaccine on me which they took. I laughed at them. I knew more about how mRNA vaccines worked and why it was inherently dangerous then they did. By January 30th I'd found Fauci's groups Aug 21, 2005 research report noting HCQ + Zinc stopped SARSCOV1 replication. By April 2020 I'd received HCQ from India, and IVM by about May.
That is a truth also.
“Not consciously aware”. But among the best and brightest, nonetheless! There but for the grace of God, go I….
Can I ask your approximate age range or generation you are from? Just curious, I am a Boomer. Growing up as a kid, as well as working for numerous years in the medical field this was not the criteria for doctors. There was a point where the tide started to turn and it became what you are saying, but it has not always been this way. It seems you missed out on the good old days when doctors were doctors.
Just as most police forces do not understand that they are there to protect corporate assets, not the populace.
Most doctors are not aware f these three.
Exactly. They truly aren’t.
They believe they are serving patients by following the guidelines set forth by the various agencies. They have zero awareness of how those agencies are actually funded.
Most doctors enter medicine with a desire to help patients. It is inconceivable to them that they (the doctors) would be being used as tools of the pHarmaceutical companies and the three letter agencies who are, as we all know, aligned and entwined with pHarma. It truly is unimaginable to them.
God Bless You. I hope the answers will come, most of us want out of the system and miss the old days of medicine.
For me, the trust will never return.
of all the professions, nazi party membership was highest among doctors
I say yes, most doctors are remarkable; remarkably stupid. I call them other things as well but not here.
I got to know thousands of doctors when I was a pharma rep. Like most anything, the 80/20 rule applies for doctors too. 80% are diligently trying to do the best they can do and they are intelligent caring people. 20% not so much. But that percentage has changed over the last 40 years as more and more doctors became employees of hospital systems controlled by a lot of unethical money sucking administrative people who had no patient contact. Most doctors today work for these institutions and that is why so many of them stayed quiet. They had to keep their jobs.
As I am sure you know as a rep, so much work goes into coming up ways to make doctors comply with the pharmaceutical industrial complex and I continually marvel at how many different things are structured to support that goal.
While reps delivered millions of pens, pads, samples as well as catered many an office luncheon, the worst part of the dirty pharma business is IMS. Thank Dr Sackler for that as well as technology to do it. The pharma companies know which docs are writing scripts because pharmacies are paid to transmit that data to IMS. IMS collects the info and sells it to pharma companies. Companies know who is writing what drugs and can develop strategies to better manipulate their market shares. Dirty business! Not many docs knew this info back in the 1980s and early 90s when I was a rep and a hospital district manager. The pharma house always had the advantage- just like casinos. Only in medicine, casino chips are the patients. Disgusting.
Yes. I've known doctors who left the country (Dr. Jennifer Daniels is one) because it was notedthey don't prescribe enough. Of anything. Dr. Daniels kept getting hounded because she wasn't "practicing medicine." (writing scripts) Of course, she was trying to serve an underserved population - the neighbourhood in which she grew up - and so she needed hospital privileges. Those were the first to go. Eventually, after the hounding she ended up in - Costa Rica? Central America somewhere.
Wow. So obvious and never questioned. Yep, the drug reps (pushers) had their ‘marks’ and knew what freebies were required to bribe which doctors.
“Standard of care” comes to mind.
The bell curve also applies. I think there is a small percentage of excellent doctors, a little larger percentage of very good doctors, followed by a very large group of mediocre doctors. The business model that you described helps to keep it that way.
How many free umbrellas, samples, and lunches did you provide? Not to mention ink pens, note pads, cups, magnets. We were told to keep Pharma Reps at bay. LOL!
I just don’t understand why doctors would be incentivized by ‘free’ pens, pads of paper, lunches, even fancy dinners or out-of-town conferences. These things seem so paltry.
It’s probably not so much an incentive as it is keeping the name of the drug in front of the doctor.
Well, then the doctors are idiotic saps.
"The scarcity of medical resistance to the Nazi regime has been explored, but remains a troubling mystery."
Not a mystery. The well paid intellectual class are cowards and sell-outs, by and large. A plumber or a mason who is politically disobedient will always find comparable work. The member of the intelligencia knows he or she will not; once the privileged position is lost, it is very hard to regain.
This was notable under communism as well. There have of course been brave exceptions.
In addition, those placed undeservedly into powerful positions as done in communist regimes and is happening across America today, are fiercely loyal to the regime as they would be jobless and penniless if left to their merits.
There it is. Winner, winner chicken dinner!
Well said, SEF. I totally agree. Another doctor Substack writer that I respect said something similar--doctors are remarkable (or perhaps "superior") because they are so intelligent. I think we have learned that intelligence isn't the most important characteristic. In a recent interview, another physician said that the young doctors he works with go blank when asked about the morality of a procedure or treatment. I come from a family of physicians, and none of us trust the medical establishment, or most doctors. If they really cared about patients they would have done their own research and protected the patients who trusted them. Instead, they became agents of harm and death. I don't know how old A Midwestern Doctor is, but from what I understand the profession accelerated its downward spiral in the eighties.
A friend's son, age 40, took his medical training in israel, now practices in northern CA. According to my friend, her son was taught that the new (hippocratic or whatever) oath which has replaced "First of all, do no harm" is: 'You have to do some harm to do good'.Or is that just the israeli (pfizer-sponsored) version?
These days they are not intelligent, they are programmed.
These days, med school admissions committees specifically screen out anyone who appears to be a free thinker, regardless of their grade point, MCAT scores (which I understand are being phased out and history of volunteerism. No independent thinkers need apply.
A dear friend of mine was in medical school in the 80's-90's.
As she got to the anatomy labs and started taking things apart and putting them back together again -
She opened to an insight. That the desire to *know* in medicine was evil, and led to evil actions. It called for doing things to animals and people, to "see what happens," it required dissection and dissolution and all manner of breaking it down, taking it apart, to see what it is. "Curiosity killed the cat" comes to mind. Even on the atomic level, smashing atoms to "see what happens." At what point does curiosity, the desire for knowledge, go too far?
it wasn't a religious dilemma, like the medieval Church trying to stop grave robbers (though, grave robbing, too, contributed much to science!) - but a moral one. How far will you go - to KNOW?
I was a little shocked at the time, when she tried to describe it to me. But over time, as I watched the masses fall to Prozac (one tiny example) I realised what an evil experiment it is. "Medicine." I'm not even sure if I'm describing her insight very well - it was her insight, after all.
This is irrespective of intelligence.
Human beings are hard-wired to survive. When we find ourselves in the unfortunate position of being forced to choose between self-preservation and maintaining spiritual integrity, most will choose physical, financial, or egoistic survival. The more intelligent among us simply fabricate more convincing rationalizations for acquiescing to evil.
Sad but probably spot-on
I couldn’t agree more. I understand that this claim has to be made in a context where an MD criticizes other MDs to soften the blow, a little bit, but the truth is the truth A handful of MDs are remarkable human beings. The rest, not very smart, definitely not very compassionate, most seem quite unhappy and very unreliable as they neither like their patients nor keep up with science. Most know less than zero about health, or medicine outside of their narrow area of expertise.
In a culture where becoming an MD offers a portal to social status and financial wealth, the profession draws it’s fair share of psychopaths, and the rest seem to be composed mostly of individuals with less than admirable personality traits. The Covid era only removed all doubt.
Many hospitals did murder COVID patients with their COVID treatment protocols. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin would have helped a lot of them, especially if taken early. HCL saved my wife's cousins life in March 2020. But after Trump mentioned HCL as a treatment, the word came down, and many hospitals would not allow doctors to use those treatments for COVID. Nor would many pharmacies distribute it. The "conspiracy theory" being that people like Dr. Fauci needed the fear driven propaganda effect of media reported mass deaths to induce people to want to get the new experimental "vaccines". For which they had to re-write the definition of vaccine because they are actually gene therapies. But whatever. There are too many lies to list here.
An elk hunter friend of mine (I didn't know him very well, but he seemed pretty healthy and spry) died in a hospital in Spokane on November 20, 2021 at 61 years of age with these causes listed on the death certificate:
A: Acute respiratory failure with hypoxemia (Me: ventilator - well known by this point to be a deadly treatment)
B: Acute respirator distress syndrome (Me: again from the ventilator)
C: COVID-19 Pneumonia
Other Conditions Contributing to Death: Septic shock, left lower extremity deep venous thrombosis, atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response, acute kidney failure.
Me: kidney failure is a well known side effect of Remdesivir
Not being medical, I can't say for sure, but I would be willing to bet several of the "other conditions" are also downstream effects of the "treatment protocols".
Mass genocide.
One thing people don't realize is that when Trump publicly mentioned HCQ, Fauci was stonewalling it being used from within the NIH and that was the only way to break Fauci's embargo. Trump is blamed for what happened with it, but if he'd done it is likely very few would have heard of it.
Wife and I had heard of French doctors using HCL very early. Wife’s cousin in law was saved by it in March 2020 at my wife’s urging her cousin to beg doctors to give it. Crazy story I won’t go into. Then shortly after heard Dr. Zelenko using it with zinc and Z-pack. Apparently Zelenko was doctor to some Trump family friends and that was how he found out. Saw an interview of Zelenko by Mercola. Dr. Z found out about zinc and HCL as a treatment from a paper by Dr Ralph Baric. It’s on Pubmed. Or was…
I believe it was available over the counter in France until just prior to the lockdowns. It should be available to everyone. Ivermectin as well.
Trump did a huge public service by proclaiming the effectiveness of HQC
I apparently concur. Ivermectin did nothing for me when I had Omicron, but that was 2 weeks into it - i.e., not "early". A sister (whose pharmacist son refuses to fill scrips for it and HCQ - boo!) traveling in Europe took it at the first sign of Omicron, and it promptly abated.
I've had a lot of success with ivermectin. A few times I was coming down with something and it nipped it right in the bud.
An extended family member of mine died from a drug overdose (self administered) and it was recorded that she died from covid. We're pretty sure that she wasn't virally sick at the time and there was no mention of her even being tested for it. It was blatant. They weren't even bothering to cover their tracks because they knew that no one would question it.
Read this article that came out today. It about made me sick to my stomach. Just more evidence of why I WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN A DOCTOR'S OFFICE AGAIN...........NEVER!!!
April 25, 2023
What Happened in Hospitals During Covid?
By Stella Paul
I suppose I've known hundreds of doctors in the course of my career, and been intimately acquainted with many of them. Some have been students, residents, clinical colleagues, administrative associates, medical directors and CEOs. Sadly, I can not count a single one as a close friend today. It is the rare physician today who puts his oath and ethics before his enthusiasm for financial gain and social status. The profession's lockstep conformity with the despicable policies of the past three years has demonstrated to me that the reasons are characterological and not simply educational. The only caveat to the last statement is that medical education in the US today actively solicits and recruits applicants who proffer the requisite degree of obedience to institutional authority while weeding out otherwise talented individuals displaying evidence of conscience or compunction.
Correct. The whole system is designed to create this outcome.
I have a niece with a degree in mechanical engineering who got accepted with an unimpressive MCAT score while a nephew who did some medical missionary work and had an impressive MCAT score was rejected. Same thing happened to a friend's extremely well qualified son.
Same with legal education, starting in the Sixties.
The Gramci march through academic institutions began with the schools of journalism which indoctrinated and trained the Goebbels-types in our ministries of truth (hence today's Fake News) and proceeded to the law schools, where a huge breakthrough was made by which law students were radicalized and became skilled lawyer advocates, trained, armed and aimed at achieving cultural revolution through the courts and Congress. That is where the war for the country's soul was lost and where it must be retaken.
Obama was one of the most rhetorically and actively divisive leaders we’ve ever had in this country. Just as much of a gaslighting troll as Trump, if not moreso. There are too many examples to count. It’s just that the media didn’t focus on that aspect of his communication, and people that liked him refused to see it anyway. We conservatives were mocked and gaslighted for pointing it out.
media was too busy worshipping him
I fell for him, though KPFA was trying to out the fact that the Pritzgers were behind him. That's the Pritizgers who are funding trans surgeries and trans propaganda. Now, looking back, I really wonder what the Obamacare insurance change was designed to accomplish. Biden, then, is also a Pritzger (and Pfizer) shill. But to assume that anyone in politics is actually for the people, save perhaps RFK jr,, is a trap. Technofeudal banana republic, criminals from top to bottom.
What would be wonderful, in terms of trustworthy medical professionals, would be a certification from the doctors we do actually trust. Dr. Joseph Varon is my north star! Lots of others in that constellation, but I'd hitchhike to Houston if I had to to see him.
I've thought a lot about Obamacare and its impact on our health care system. I think its main purpose was to escort in corporate healthcare and uniformity of care with groups being the patient v. individuals. That explains why all the hospitals and insurance companies were on board.
Uniformity of "care" is easy to enforce in a top-down socialised medicine system.
Something I didn't think much about until COVID.
Obama just had a more refined vocabulary and the press reminded us every day of his gift of oratory. /sarcasm off
I distinctly recall him, in campaign speeches, promising to eliminate lobbying and to never hire lobbyists into the government. The joke was on us.
I have regularly claimed that if one ever wondered how one would behave in (and/or survive) Nazi Germany... just look in the mirror at how one acted during the past 3 years.
I admire your grace, in not criticizing your peers.
I agree with your article. I disagree with one portion about the change that started at the end of Obama's presidency. A change started during his presidency. The division within our country started then. The weakening of our military from within started then. I was still serving at that time. All the movements started at that time that are strong now that are dividing our country with this group against that group. The same people in Obama's administration are in Biden's and continuing his work toward Socialism in this country supporting all the values that Obama started.
The one biggest thing I have heard no one say that really bothers me is segregation that is returning to this country. MLK was mentioned. He fought hard with others for desegregation. I lived through it in my life. Now they are erasing history in schools and teaching CRT. Now segregation is being asked for after people gave their lives to end it. How did this happen and who is doing it? The same people who originally created segregation in this country. It failed originally, so they changed the tactics. Change our history and tell it a different way. It is clever in a way, but someone needs to shine a light on this. They can't get segregation through white people anymore because the majority don't want it. They are going after the non white people now and instilling the desire in them to be segregated from whites. The evil democrats pushing this Critical Race Theory are taking this country decades back and succeeding in some places. It all ties in to the divide and conquer agenda.
I changed the wording on that. It became worse throughout his presidency and really noticeable for me in 2015. Since I was in a more conservative area of the midwest I might not have seen as many of the early warning signs though.
Jaron Lanier, in Ten Reasons to Delete Your Social Media accounts right now (I think that's the title) said a secret change was made to the social media algorithms in 2014. It was in 2017 that I first noticed, in Silicon Valley, how absolutely everyone was staring at their phones outside, even in parks.
This goes back even further than Obama but definitely escalated once he was in.
Even further back, but yes, things escalated dramatically at that point. It was a turning point for sure. They are playing a long game. But they won't win.
My son is an experienced ER nurse. My son describes the difference between new dr. Vs older. He has had younger docs (not to mention the mid-level providers) that are good following the algorithms. Knowing what to order when its obvious in the protocol but relying on the experienced nurse when choices are needed. This is not necessarily unusual, as nurses have always had a role in educating the newer physicians. But most non health care folks don’t truly see the level of teamwork involved in good patient care. I guess my point is that as experienced nurses and physicians leave the profession, the shitshow will only get worse. Everyone left will be the product of the flawed protocol driven education system.
Correct. I think the emphasis on protocols is part of a push to replace doctors with AI. I also initially read your comment as "Everyone left will be the product of the flawed profit driven education system." which does also describe the state of medical education today.
What a great post. Thank you for that.
I was in Boston at RFK's announcement event and it was really surprisingly inspiring. People of all ages, and even lots of children, many of whom had travelled some distance to get there. I had gone in thinking, he'll never win, but maybe he'll at least bring some of these issues to a wider audience. I left with a small glimmer of hope, that maybe he actually could win. His message will make sense to a wide array of people, if they only get a chance to hear it!
Thank you so much or going. That's what I am hoping will happen and why I am trying to promote him.
The mantra used to be "Never Forget!" Holocaust remembrance is founded on the notion that when these atrocities occur, it is key to see the signs in time to prevent it. This is how it was taught in the synagogue, that it was our duty to remember the Holocaust, and to defend any group that was treated this way, because that would have saved so many lives.
Comparing the recent political climate to the early days of the Third Reich, there are too many points of commonality to ignore. Many back then wished they'd heeded the warning signs while they were able. We are grateful that we had this context to comprehend what was happening to the world. It spared us the needle, and may have saved our lives.
To attack those who point out the parallels is actually a form of Holocaust denial. It was all done on a public health pretext, and the excuse of crowded hospitals was used then as now to justify mass medical homicide. It's all very stark and resonant. It's a frighteningly congruent situation. That's the direction this was all headed, and if unchecked, we can't know where it would lead. When the state imposes segregation, limits on free movement, suspends civil rights, and practices mass murder by policy fiat, at what point do we say, "Enough! We remember this!"
So, we will never forget this episode of global tyranny, for the sake of not being caught unaware when the next iteration rolls out.
and the whole crowded hospital issue was a total hoax by the media. Let's also not forget all those mass graves they were digging for us unvaxxed.
That's a great point.
Also, no more free Wacos.
This is why the selection of Israel as Pfizer's massive test was extremely puzzling to me.
It was one of the pieces which didn't fit in this scenario.
Excellent article and the propaganda video was well worth watching. It made me look at our current administration and see so many parallels, especially when Biden gave that talk with the red curtains in the background and using two Marines to stand on each side behind him. He yelled and screamed nonsensical, as usual, but with much anger. It was disturbing then and still is when we see clips of Hitler. Biden yells a MAGA supporters constantly, as if we are subhuman. Obama/Biden has caused great harm to this country and the similarities are stark to what we’ve seen before when a country is ruled by divisive ideology.
Was unaware of the Nazi regime using phony disease as part of their scheme, or had forgotten. The horrors of that are so awful, that it take guts merely to talk about it. I keep wondering if all of those who pushed and mandated the Covid vaccines knew the magnitude of people they were injuring and killing, but rationalized it as a necessary collateral damage? Did this group know the contents of the Pfizer data that showed the vaccines didn't work, that the 3rd bad side effect was catching Covid? That hundreds died, babies died? Let's assume the group was unaware of the Pfizer data, maybe, but Pfizer executives knew, those individuals are just as criminal as any mass murderers.
They knew but they didn’t care. They still don’t care. In fact most are still unaware of what was done to them and sadly the assault on humanity continues.
Would like to get Pfizer executives on the witness stand and ask them how could they approve the "vaccine" that didn't work and killed hundreds? Have copies of the documents in hand so they couldn't lie about it.
Fantasy/wishful thinking. Waste of time. Won’t happen.
Maybe, maybe not, Let Paul Rand interrogate them
Sure. But, then what meaningful action is actually taken? I don’t see Congress doing anything other than now and then ‘talking’ while continuing to rake in the lobbying money. Regardless of which political party they belong to. Action, not words.
I contributed to Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, I trust them. Hope they follow through. From what I can tell, very few in Congress are interested, a national shame.
1/ Why just Pfizer? I’m afraid Americans and most of the world have been kept in the dark about this “vaccine”. The actual owner is the German firm BioNTech; Pfizer is just a contract manufacturer that produces it on BioNTech’s behalf. It says so right on the label. See below. https://edv1694.substack.com/p/read-the-label-its-biontechs-vaccine
2/2 Furthermore, BioNTech’s main production facility in Marburg was formerly owned by IG Farben and was used during WWII to produce an experimental vaccine - precisely a typhus vaccine, by the way - that was tested on concentration camp inmates at Buchenwald. Many of them died. See my thread here: https://twitter.com/EdV1694/status/1538530338384883712?s=20
Pfizer is likely to take the fall. Get slapped on the wrist, go down, re-org, new name, new "image."
It's happened before after major pharma lawsuits. (and financial ones, too, iirc)
Truly they're all guilty. I was using Pfizer as an example since we've seen the Pfizer trial documents showing disastrous results of their deadly "vaccine"
Wry clear historically accurate information. Thank you for the info as we are blessed to have it. Knowledge can be power - it depends on how it is used. Use it for God’s glory.
I tried to explain this concept ("this is our yellow star" meaning the unvaxxed with no rights without a vax) to my epidemiologist double-masked quadruple-vaxxed Jewish sister-in-law who worked at NIH at one point - very intelligent, yes, but no comprehension of this masquerade (and a bit offended at me offering the analogy). They always say "never again" - well here it is.
Speaking of the yellow star...
Georg Kareski was a Berlin banker who was president of the Zionist Organization of Germany…and as a Zionist he was concerned, above all with promoting the migration of Jews to Palestine. …in 1938, Direktor Kareski advocated that Jews be forced to wear the Jewish star.
“In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials…
distributed the Yellow Star badges, and sometimes, as in Warsaw, 'the sale of the armbands became a regular business; there were ordinary armbands of cloth and fancy plastic armbands …”
- Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem^ pp. 59-61
Goeff - thanks - strange - i did not know and always thought/heard the Jews were forced to wear the yellow stars by non-jewish authorities....? For some reason, neitherof your links would go thru for me.
I'll check out the links; they are admittedly old so I'll see if I can find better ones.
Much is made of the yellow star, but the marking of humans by others goes back to antiquity. I don't remember the details, but I believe that slaves were marked by having their ears pierced in antiquity, and of course slaves were sometimes even branded like cattle.
In British America, the Brits required Indians to wear some sort of copper pass to come near a fort, but I'll be danged if I can find my source. This is yet another fascinating rabbit hole that I've only scratched the surface of.
I attempted the Arendt link and this is what I got...
"The item you have requested has a problem with one or more of the metadata files that describe it, which prevents us from displaying this page.
Items may be taken down for various reasons, including by decision of the uploader or due to a violation of our Terms of Use."
Fortunately you can access the Arendt quote here (pdf pg 58),
I have long contributed to archive.org. If they're playing games with Arendt's book, I'm going to need to reconsider. Too bad, both the site and the book have been great resources.
It appears that Kareski has been well scrubbed from the internet since I can find only a little about him.
Try this (which I have not yet read). http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v13/v13n4p29_Weber.html
I did a search and this came up. I have not "vetted" it but there seems to be some interesting info.
As a white male I faced discrimination throughout my professional career which started in 1984. Woman had just begun to enter the auditing profession. So there were too many white Caucasian males in management so we faced discrimination as they attempted to get the same number of woman managers percentage wise as there were worker bees. Merit played no role. Next various minorities entered the auditing field so they received an advantage over white men. I finally got promoted merely because their was no one else that could do the technically demanding area I specialized in, and that area landed in court frequently and having someone who couldn't actually do the job would look bad for the agency.
My oldest son graduated near the top of his class in air traffic control. The top 10% traditionally were automatically hired by the FAA. Obama didn't want the best ATC, he wanted minorities no matter how poor of an air traffic controller they were. After all the expense and effort expended the racial profiling won out and my son joined the navy and then went on to get a computer science degree. At the time he graduated ESG wasn't that common so he got hired in the area of AI.
Now retired I guess I'm a dissident. I immediately concluded our government was lying through their teeth about the mRNA vaccines. Having been an auditor for 32 years and having worked many fraud investigations I can spot lies easily. My machinist skills tend to frame how I view things and I concluded the mRNA technologies disclosed manner of working would destroy or seriously damage ones immune system as NK cells spotted spike proteins attached to ones lymphocytes. I wasn't vaccine hesitant, I was in the hell fking no category and began to carry a sidearm 24x7 out of fear they would attempt to force that crap on me. If they attempted that it was not going to end well for them.
Dr Miller was from Everett WA as best I can tell from your articles. As a WA resident we found out covid camps were being set up and for awhile their was fear Jay Inslee would mandate that the unvaccinated be placed in those concentration camps. Trying that would have resulted in way more deaths than covid and patient mistreatment ever caused.
I've spent the last 40 years in this country targeted by our government continuously. Just this month our idiot state has decided that if a parent has a child that is confused about their gender and as their parent you don't support their sexual mutilation our state will take your child and mutilate them and give them this house of horrors medical "treatment" that as a parent you are "denying" them.
Then the UW Medical Center is currently refusing organ transplants to the unvaccinated. Heck the parents of one ill child did not want vaccinated blood used on their child's operation, and made all the arrangements for nonvaccinated blood and a hospital behind the parents back used vaccinated blood killing their ill child.
I don't believe we can vote are way out of this mess. It's too far gone and the idiots control everything. But 95% of those living in Seattle took the mRNA jab and given their immune system damage they will find out the hard way that a non-merit based system they fought for has consequences. Their deaths being just one of those. Sorry not sorry.