Do the Mysterious Fibrous Clots Really Exist?
There are now numerous confirmations from around the world of the "Died Suddenly" blood clots.
People often have difficulty considering ideas that lie far outside of their paradigm, especially when they have no first-hand experience with them.
One of the major difficulties over the past year, with which people have had to come to terms is that of people dying suddenly months after receiving a vaccination. This difficulty is because you must be open to each of the following:
•Everyone who should have been responsible for preventing this (who you have trusted without question for your entire life) failed in their duty to safeguard the health of the people. Beyond the sense of betrayal that comes with this, an even more unsettling question arises—how then do you navigate life and who or what do you trust?
•A ticking time bomb exists inside you which may go off suddenly without you knowing it.
•The fact that it is even possible to create an injectable product that could create this delayed sudden death effect.
The magnitude of this problem has caused many of us who had previously been on the sidelines to feel compelled to speak out and try to do something to stop the catastrophe we’ve realized is unfolding, and I feel that we are finally starting to scale the insurmountable mountain we faced when this all started.
For example, whenever I am in public where people freely congregate to chat with each other, I have always been struck by how often people discuss problems they are having with the pharmaceuticals they are taking. Recently, I’ve noticed a shift to people discussing their concerns about inexplicable illnesses or sudden deaths, and often attributing them to the spike protein vaccines.
Not too long ago, while traveling over the weekend, I overheard a few different people talking about a total of 6 people who I was relatively certain were killed by the vaccine, along with one who developed terminal cancer that would soon be fatal (all but one of which the speaker was able to connect to the vaccine). I also made a new friend who also shared that they knew someone who was killed by the vaccine. Previously, these cases were much more difficult for me to find, and over the course of a year, I only heard of 45. Similarly, a recent poll found that 28% of the American population knows someone whom they believe was killed by the vaccine, and 49% thought the vaccines were causing a significant number of unexplained deaths. In my view, this means it’s just a matter of time before the public will wake up to this issue, and it’s just a question of how it happens.
Ed Dowd, for example, recently gave an excellent synopsis of the current situation:

Recently the documentary Died Suddenly came out. It made the case that a wave of sudden deaths was happening, and linked them to highly unusual blood clots, which embalmers all over the world are finding in cadavers. I had mixed opinions about the movie because on the one hand I felt that it was persuasive enough to break through the malaise and denial that people had on this issue (which needed to be done), but on the other hand it was unnecessarily conspiratorial, full of erroneous information, and therefore, likely to make many who saw it think the whole subject was conspiracy theorist hogwash.
Eric Burnett was one of the most vocal critics of Died Suddenly’s thesis that these clots were bad news (Steve Kirsch addressed many of Burnett’s arguments, such as the fact the embalmers who saw them did not understand what they were seeing here). I did not hold as much animosity towards Burnett as many others did because some of his points were correct, and because I sympathize with just how difficult it is for most people to accept that something radically outside their paradigm could be true, especially if they lack any first-hand experience with it.
I then decided to write a piece on Died Suddenly to address one of the central challenges to it: there is no possible way these clots could be forming, so they must not exist (when in fact significant evidence exists to support a mechanism for their formation):
Briefly my model was this:
•The spike protein causes the fibrin clots the body forms to be misfolded.
•Because the fibrin clots are misfolded, the natural mechanisms the body has to break these clots down don’t work.
•This results in the clots continuing to grow until they hit a critical size.
•Additional characteristics of the spike protein exacerbate this process.
My article took off (it ended up receiving 141,000 views), and brought a lot of attention to the amyloid (misfolded protein) hypothesis. This also resulted in gaining Dr. Burnett’s attention, and he decided to try to debunk it. I felt obligated to respond to him, to defend my hypothesis, and because I realized Dr. Burnett was demonstrating many of the common cognitive blindspots we see when members of the orthodoxy attempt to disprove dissenting ideas without actually disproving them. I mention these two articles because they provide valuable context to help understand the controversy surrounding these clots.
Since the time this topic initially emerged, significant evidence has emerged to support that they are in fact real. For example, this abridged segment from The Highwire provided some of the best evidence supporting the existence of these clots that I have come across:

Note: the full episode contains additional details on the clots which Cole has personally examined. Additionally, like Cole, I have also been contacted by an embalmer (whose credentials I was able to verify) who attested that these clots are real.
Died Suddenly featured a scene at the Ohio Embalmer’s Association meeting. It also inspired a group of readers led by Tom Haviland and his assistant Laura Kasner to survey embalmers and state funeral associations directly to see if they are seeing these clots, and they have periodically been updating me on the progress of this endeavor. In a few cases, these associations acknowledged off the record that there was a blood clot issue. I was just notified that the survey was completed, and today’s article will share their results
The Embalmer Survey
Embalmers across the country (and some outside of the United States) were contacted, with the greatest number of respondents being from the Midwest. This is an example of the letter each surveyed participant received:
When "credentials" were requested, the following was provided:
The full results of the survey can be viewed here:
These were the key results of their survey:
These were Tom Haviland’s conclusions from those above data points (which I agree with):
A few other questions were also asked:
(These results are likely reflective of where embalmers will be the most likely to observe blood clots based on the embalming process rather than their presence throughout the body)
For the reasons detailed in the above articles, I believe the spike protein (be it from COVID-19 or the vaccines) will also increase the number of more traditional blood clots that form in the body, and the survey data is reflective of this.
Chris Martenson also just interviewed two embalmers who have been noticing these clots since the start of the vaccine rollout and in that segment further discussed these survey results. This is an excellent presentation and provides further confirmation that these clots are real (I agree with his arguments).
Note: If Youtube pulls the video, it can also be found here on Martenson’s website.
At this point, I am not certain if the fibrous clots are the primary cause of sudden death in the vaccinated individuals, because other mechanisms like the extremely high rates of myocarditis that follow the vaccines could also explain what is happening. However, I believe the fibrous clots are an extremely important point to discuss because they provide a tangible way of understanding the damage these vaccines are causing to some humans, that everyone can relate to on a visceral level rather than an abstract concept that can be difficult to follow.
Corrosive Censorship
One of the largest problems in academia is that careers are now decided by the quantity of research published rather than the quality of its content. Because of this, academics default to publishing “safe” articles that conform to the existing narratives (and are thus more likely to get published), rather than important papers that push forward the boundaries of our knowledge, but are controversial in any way.
Malcolm Kendrick recently wrote an excellent article about how this is a product of systemic (and corrosive) corruption within our scientific system. He made a point to cite an important article and highlight it, stating that ‘disruptive science has declined – and no-one knows why?’
I really wonder how much worse it is now.
Although there have been systemic (and gradually worsening) problems in our scientific establishment, they all seemed to kick into overdrive with COVID-19. On the one hand, it was very easy to get papers published if you wrote the most inane thing possible (provided it supported the narrative), whereas on the other hand, it was almost impossible to get anything published that dissented from the narrative.
At this point, I freely admit the extent to which this censorship occurred has exceeded my wildest expectations, and I feel these blood clots are an excellent example of the principle. In any previous era, if there was an epidemic of sudden deaths that half of the country was noticing, every single publication would be jumping on it, and authors around the world would be actively competing to provide the best model to explain what has happened. Similarly, if highly unusual blood clots were observed around the world, this would be the hot topic everyone wanted to study and every journal would want to publish.
Instead, we are having to rely upon a few researchers across the globe publishing in lesser known journals, a few whistleblowers, and a few members of the general public conducting anonymous surveys to establish if or how this is actually happening. At the end of the day, the systemic censorship won’t matter, and all of this will get out either way, but it is still astounding that none of the parties who worked for decades to earn a position of authority and trust are willing to touch this issue.
In an earlier article, I discussed the process Western medicine normally follows when a catastrophic illness emerges, which is due to an environmental trigger no one wants to discuss:
Essentially, the medical establishment will repeatedly deny it is happening until enough time has elapsed from when the syndrome started that people will forget what caused it, and its presence is normalized in the population. After that, it will be relabeled as a “syndrome” which states what happens, but provides no explanation for what causes it. As detailed in the above article, this has happened repeatedly, and one of the saddest examples is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, something also caused by vaccination.
However, while it has been easy to hide causation of an illness in the past, as the recent shifts in public opinion show, I do not believe any amount of propaganda will be able to cover up what the vaccines are doing. I view this as a very positive development, because it illustrates that the traditional forms of propaganda which the oligarchy has relied upon to enforce their policy decisions are no longer viable due to the internet. Instead, our leaders must shift to a collaborative model where the general public agrees with their policies, not because they are forced to, but because they make sense. Put different, as this article shows, we are at the point that even if everything possible is done to suppress science we need to be conducted, it will still get done.
This new future is being made possible by members of the public taking an active role in trying to set things to rights, and I am immensely grateful for all the efforts I am seeing, such as the evolving process which created this survey. I sincerely appreciate the involvement many of you have with this Substack, and much of what I am doing would not be possible without your collaboration (quite a few of the stories here are identified and/or produced with the assistance of readers). Thank you for all that you do and helping to get the message here out to the public.
Hey doc - Tom Haviland and I are so very grateful that you've published the results of our survey. More evidence to blow the lid off all of the lies.
Step One: They released a virus. Step Two: They ratcheted up the worldwide fear campaign. Step three: they locked everything down, driving people into isolation. Step four: They shut down effective early treatment options. Step five: They provided the solution - the sacred miracle elixir, which they said would stop the spread. Step six: They censored any contradictory evidence/viewpoints from experts and otherwise that challenged the official state narrative. Step Seven: They mandated the sacred miracle elixir to keep your job, resulting in about 66%-70% of the populace (depending on what source you believe) taking the so-called cure. They created the problem. They created fear and hysteria. And they provided the "cure." Unfortunately, the cure was really not a cure. They lied.