My hope is that I can stop writing about Peter Hotez here. The remaining topic I haven't covered are the unethical vaccination experiments he was involved in and how they relate to the much larger vaccine grift many academics are involved in.

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I am going to Church on Sunday and I will pray that there is in fact a special place in hell for Peter Hotez. Sorry Jesus Christ, I am doing what I can to fix these societal problems, but I am in fact flawed.

Michael Sweeney

Autism Father

Son of an Infectious Disease MD

Hiking Leader to Dustin Sweeney & Friends

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At Mass tomorrow, I will pray that he converts. If just one guy like Hotez could have a conversion and be humble enough to retract their viewpoints, it would be more powerful than a million anti-vaxxers.

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I pray the Lord enters their hearts and they change their ways as well.

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Yes, and I would always take Peter's daughter on a "Hike with Mike". She did nothing wrong - https://outsidein51.substack.com/p/dustin-sweeneys-4-year-anniversary

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Please continue, say your prayers, but don’t hold your breath until you see this change. I expect that you would soon pass out.

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Thank you!

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Dr. H has the Fauci complex! My way or the highway!

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Hotez seems to exhibit classic narcissist traits.

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And borderline personality disorder.

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Borderline and narcissism are hand in glove. Some say they are a spectrum with the borderline turning on themselves, and the narcissist turning towards others. But narcissists need borderlines in order to have complete control over another.

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My daddy called it, “Little man’s disease.”

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Cataloging the unethical experiments may provide further enlightenment for some, much like the sandfly dog experiments by Fauci.

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Thank you for reading Hotez's book so we don't have to.

I just heard a fascinating interview with Michael Nehls who works in neurodegenerative diseases. He said that in addition to Vitamin D, exercise, sleep, healthy life style, micro amounts of lithium help the brain and immune system, and that together these can stop Alzheimers. He also discussed the impact of the vaccines on the amygdala (IIRC) and personality and that they found that Li also shortened covid illness. He has written and now translated what looks to be very interesting book called The Indoctrinated Mind where the effects of the jab mess with one's identity. That along with fear porn apparently makes people more pliable to outside influences and control.

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I saw him interviewed on The Highwire. Haven’t looked into his book yet, but I would like to.

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I saw it on Solari Report. I ordered the book but it takes forever because it is self-published, so my guess is it actually has to be printed to be sent as it is a small order.

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Ecclesiastes 8:11 KJV

[11] Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

In the end, we ALL stand before Jesus in Judgement. My hope is these people may be brought to shame and poverty, it may be what they need to Repent to God with broken hearts. Because God, through His Son Jesus Christ, THE perfect Sacrifice given by God, gives us ALL a chance to repent and believe Him as long as we are given breath. We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. He indeed, LOVES His creation, if He did not, we would not even be doing this, we wouldn’t know anything because we would not exist. God owns it all. He hates iniquity..sin! Period. Liars, Gossipers, feet that are quick to destruction, thieves, murderers, haters of good, vain imaginations. These people are not “playing God”, they believe they are god!

Otherwise, who really wants to be told, while already dead, standing before THE KING of kings:

Matthew 7:21-23 KJV

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

In the end, things are going to go as they will because the world rejects God and His Son Jesus Christ. This is NOTHING compared to what is coming, and already here. We MUST Believe the Gospel and Repent.

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Proverbs 30:7-9 ESV

{7) Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die : {8} Remove far from me falsehood and lying ; give me neither poverty nor riches ; feed me with the food that is needful for me, {9} lest I be full and deny you ...

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THRE IS NO VIRUS. COVID is a hoax. You don't understand virology. Contagion is a myth.

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For ignorance there is treatment and cure...

Stupidity is usually terminal.

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My hope is that the next James Bond extravaganza will feature PH as the super-bad guy.

"science been hijacked by corporate interests"

not only science, rapacious capitalism is hijacking everything where a buck can be made. It seems to be the natural progression of capitalism from its beginnings as Industrial Capitalism, through to Finance Capitalism, and now Rapacious Capitalism (aka melt-down, end-stage capitalism).


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Reading Hotez would make me gnash my teeth and tear my hair out. Thank you, Sir, for your sacrifice! 😀

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Well said! I'd just add I would rather stick a needle in my eye. Everything else, bullseye.

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Indeed. It was difficult just to get through the excerpts presented here by AMD.

Hotez IS a clown, but he's well-funded and well-protected. And he's quick to block on Twitter (he blocked me long ago), to stifle dissent.

I wish we could share memes here on Substack. I have a wonderfully nasty hotez meme, saying "TRUST THE SCIENCE" with a close-up of hotez's smile, featuring his nasty plaque-covered teeth.

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Am I the only one who reads this Substack in a female voice? I think AMD is a woman. I can't remember which one I read it in, or what the exact words were, but it was something related to something else involving a monthly cycle. Ever since then, I have it in my mind that AMD is a woman, and that's kind of how I've read her stuff ever since. I know a lot of people think gender doesn't matter, but I disagree. I think gender is a beautiful thing!

That's my tinfoil hat theory. I'll see myself out :-p

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I’m with you. :). My Substack reader has a pleasant female voice, and if I may say so. (pun fully-intended) she’s quite easy on the eyes. ;). Honestly, I could (and do) listen to her for hours – as long as she is not reading a whole slew of links or a near-endless barrage of underscores which I don’t love so much but thankfully don’t get from the Doc. Oh – and I too have wondered whether our favorite Midwestern Doctor might be a female. Regardless, I hope he/she knows how very much appreciated he/she is. <3

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Who knows, he/she might be like Virginia Woolf's Orlando, who is a woman who turns into a man (or vice versa--I read it many years ago), but perhaps, I suggest, we could not act like National Enquirer readers trying to unmask her/him and instead judge he/or she for his/her scholarship and alignment with the highest spiritual principles. This person is so brave and brilliant that perhaps she/he has metempsychosed from another planet or from the future.

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Due to AMD's request for anonymity, even though I think I know, I always refer to him/her as s/he.

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Wow! Not at all. This is excessively manly writing. I would, though, be pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong!

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Not to mention that I refuse to pay for his book. I guess I could try to check it out from the library, but still, yuck!!!

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If it’s at my library, I may disappear it. I worked one for years. I know where the dark dusty dead poet’s book’s molder.

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What a wonderfully luscious idea! Might try it myself.

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Wear gloves ;-)

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In a mask, probably wouldn’t hurt either. I thank you for this comment. It made me lol.

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The problem with this is it counts as a "circulation" and might mean that the library keeps the book a bit longer, because it is circulating.

Where I am, they cull the non-circulating ones very quickly, rather than store them.

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There was enough mendacious irrationality in those few quotes from that book to make me pop a blood vessel somewhere. AMD you are a better man than me.

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I think the good doctor may be a madam.

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About 5 decades ago, while in nursing school, I listened to an hour long audio tape of cries of babies/children and how to tell what is occurring. I remember DISTINCTLY the sound of the cry of a baby with CNS (central nervous system) damage. If Hotez could not identify that STAT, then he is NOT a competent doctor, by any means.

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I fully agree.

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A whole host of people can't own up to the consequences of their decisions to jab up their kids to the max. So they'll continue to refuse to see side effects of the jabs.

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Probably far too distressing, but would-be parents--the brave ones-- could profit from just such aural information

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Indeed, any parent with awareness would realize something is very very wrong

Not expecting them to comprehend the CNS, vagus nerve insult, and worse.

Unfortunately children are often raising children.

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Children rearing children is a significant problem. However, I’ll venture that chronological adults who are still, emotionally, children, rearing children, is a bigger one.

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Especially even without training-your own child/baby

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What's terrifying is how megalomaniacs like Hotez, Fauci, and I'll throw in, Biden, get in positions of power.

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Read "That Hideous Strength" (C.S. Lewis) or Heinlein's "Gulf" and you'll know.

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Awesome thank you so much for the suggestion. I love another book from CS Lewis.

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While I love many of C.S. Lewis' books, "loving" the Perelandra trilogy seems difficult. It's a horror story, but serves as an apt warning.

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Who else would want it? Normal people just want to live eat and raise their children to be decent and give back to their community.

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Read "Snakes in Suits." They're all Dark Triad (narcissism, psychopath, sociopath) personality disorders on full display.

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A group in comparison to population, terrorizing and abusing, maiming, destroying their fellow men. They are monsters.

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Unelected, I might add. (possibly even including Biden in that one)

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it is called election theft for the later, installments all, there is evil and it is pervasive

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Well, Biden got his position of power by being elected to it by the American people.

Fauci was appointed to his position as director of NIAID because he made many fundamental contributions to the fields of immunology and infectious disease in the 1970s and 80s, and kept it for decades because he’s loved by everyone he works with (as I can personally attest to).

Hotez doesn’t really have any “power”. He’s simply a doctor with a sizable Twitter following, mainly because he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast a couple of times. I suppose someone like Dr. Oz would be the closest analogy?

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Fauci is a cold blooded murderer who should be jailed for life.

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More than jailed!

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Dear God, I hope you are joking.

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Even mafiosos are religious family men who might seem like "nice people," when you meet them.

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Update for Rob Woder: Biden lost the 2020 election.

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Biden was installed. See the proof in the Let My People Go movie

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NO that is not true, the election was stolen in the wee hours of the night

The evidence is irrefutable, how is it that you do not know this???

The other were installations.

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Rob Woder - ??? What is wrong with you?

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Narcissists can be very charming. It's a survival skill they develop, and this helps them manipulate their way to the tops of many organizations.

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This has got to be sarcasm. I feel gas lighted

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I am glad that you see the Gasslighting too, as do I. Indeed, it is obvious from my point of view, as our hair is decidedly on fire. 😁🔥

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Pretty sure Dr. Judy Mikovitz didn’t love him…

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I would like to see this article adapted: edited for length, and far more brutal.

I consistently appreciate AMD's insightful writings. But I feel he was far too gentle and generous to Hotez in this one.

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"In turn, one of the remarkable themes throughout the book is how often Hotez accuses the other side of doing what he is doing."

It's an old trick and there's even a name for a lot of it. It's called "projection," and it's a great signal for detecting liars as well as the guilty parties, so look for and pay attention to that especially if it's repeated endlessly or by some mediocrity or worse in a position of power.

"Blame others for your own sins."

-J. V Stalin, Anarchism Or Socialism ? December, 1906 — January, 1907


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I saw that in Hillary all the time.

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I see it all the time. It's a well used card of warmongers. One can usually ascertain who the guilty party is by how loudly they howl about the "eneny."

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I think Peter Hotez is vaccine injured.

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Could also be that he was dropped on his head as a baby.

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That’s what my mother would’ve said.

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I believe he has the demeanor and thought processes of an Asperger's patient.

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I think the causes for his craziness are irrelevant. What matters is turning off the money and power spigots he currently enjoys.

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More likely Cainabis injured.

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What's up with his hair?

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Yet another, lol for me tonight. Thank You!

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Murdering psychopaths

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Another invaluable masterpiece. THANKS!

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MwD... Thank you for this vivisection (as Dr. Peter is still among the living, I think). Masterfully done.

I have very mixed emotions about this man and vacillate between loathing and pity for him. He certainly has sociopathic tendencies and is an obviously small-minded man who lacks self-awareness on an astonishing scale. He has been coddled throughout his career as he has been such a useful toady for his Corporatist masters.

I firmly believe that he knows how irrational his behavior and comments are deep down in his soul and much of what we see is denial of his failures in life as a father, researcher and physician. He understands deep inside that vaccines ARE linked to and responsible for the explosion in autism in the US (yes, there are other contributing factors, but this is #1). He can never admit that HE is complicit in his own daughter's ASD (if, indeed, this is what she has).

His entire life and character have been built around questionable - often fraudulent - "science" and he can never publicly admit that HE is at best an incompetent and at worst a murderer.

A very sad individual. I don't think that he will end well and I hate that for him and his.

PS: This paper popped up today: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11064-023-04089-2

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There is the conscious mind and the super conscious. The later cannot be lied to, the former seems to thrive on false beliefs. The man is a criminal

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I don’t think you have to VACATE BETWEEN loathing and pity for him. I think he has earned BOTH our LOATHING AND OUR PITY, and should receive them equally and consistently, not in a vacillating manner.

You also stay above , “A very sad individual. I don't think that he will end well and I hate that for him and his.” I suppose I do feel sympathy for his relations, as they are completely innocent to his decisions, and his doings. But honestly, I don’t consider myself a coldhearted person, but I can’t say that I have the least little bit of sympathy for him. Conversely, I can honestly say that if things don’t end well for him, that I would genuinely feel, that that would suit me just fine. I DO NOT HOLD ANY SYMPATHY IN MY HEART, For someone who has perpetrated, by his own actions, such harm on so many.

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Or, as said by ‘Unacceptable Jessica’: “We must collectively focus on stopping 1. illegal bioweapons reseach and 2. vaccine authorization without appropriate trialing and 3. the modified mRNA platform - especially this saRNA crap and 4. total lack of control/transparency in health policy decision-making from unelected organizations and NGOs is key.”

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Agree, but the rot is so deep and so widespread that removing a NGO or regulatory agency or even government will not be enough to stop this insanity. Unless there are meaningful arrests, trials and executions (yes, executions) of the guilty, there will be no change and mass murder will continue.

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Hey! I didn’t even notice that you are a TNDoc.! 😁 if you live anywhere near the eastern end of the state, absolutely feel free to look me up on Facebook, or Substack, or wherever you can look me up! I live in East Tennessee, and would love to meet people with like mines that live with traveling distance. 😁

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Elizabeth... The OLD TnDoc is in North FL near Tallahassee now. Spent most of my days in ET land, but have wandered around the country since 2012. This is where life's currents washed me ashore. Still have family up that way, but do not see them enough and too many painful memories up there... And, so it goes. Peace and Hope!

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And so it goes. 😁 so sorry about the painful memories. In my experience, sometimes painful memories, mellow with time. 🙃

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TnDoc - well said. The only detail I don’t agree with is the pity for Hotez. I understand, as he is an extremely pathetic individual, with a number of mental health issues. However, I don’t think we can afford to spend any energy pitying him, as he’s proven to be very dangerous.

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While I believe that podcasts and alternative media such as Substack are important and certainly had an effect I am not sure they were responsible for the collapse of the narrative to the extent that Brett Weinstein states in the linked video. I think Omicron did more than anything to blow up the narrative. It was soo wildly contagious that everyone got Covid regardless of vaccination status and public saw this and the narrative was so obviously contradicted by actual experience it could no longer hold.

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Woot, woot, woot - let’s not quibble over this or that. A quote that my sister brought back from Florida is,”It’s hard to remember that your mission is to drain the swamp, when you’re up to your ares alligators.”

We have a world health organization (WHO) and national governments in tandem, wanting to strip us of our ABILITY to CONTRADICT THEIR NARRATIVE.

This ‘end run’ around our freedom of speech, is what we must battle. It is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE for us to bicker amongst ourselves and split hairs.

Please talk to some of your friends, today, about what the WHO is trying to do. it really is and for our sake, and the sake of our children, it must be stopped.

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I do not disagree with you, my point is that we can not be complacent buoyed by the belief that alternative media saved the day. It did not. We got lucky and Omicron just blew up the narrative. That may not happen next time. It was very discouraging that the majority could not see the blatant irrationality of the public health/govt response until we got to the point where we all got Covid. It was not until people experienced the illness in themselves or through friends and family and realized that for most it was really not something to irrationally fear. In addition, it became obvious that vaccination status was meaningless in terms of infection and severity of illness. Still most just want to get on with their lives and have little interest in doing the work required to ensure it does not happen again.

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Totally agree. Thank you. I have a pre-existing neurological condition, and was forced to take the damn vaccine to keep my job. The entire establishment scared me literally, ‘ beyond my wits’ that due to the immune suppression, I was on that I would die of Covid. I am so distressed by the mind, games that the establishment and the entire medical community subjected us to. And further beyond distressed that most of the public doesn’t seem to even observe or care.

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Thanks Midwest Doc! Now I don't have to buy the book and have a book burning. Dr. H apparently doesn't understand the biomechanics of the immune system that is central to protecting humans from pathogens. Dr. Wakefield was erased from his profession because he pointed out that the immune system reacts to the MMR vaccine in some cases by creating an inflammatory response in the GI tract! A friend lost their young one because of a severe GI inflammatory response. It is no accident that the rise in vaccine injuries and the increase in the number of vaccines administered has resulted in exponential increase in the autistic rate in the US and coincides to the 1986 Vaccine Act that absolved the manufacturers from direct liability. It OPENED THE FLOOD GATES! Early on SIDS was purposely wrongly identified as a separate disease of unknow origin. My friends first born suffocated right after having been vaccinated. Amish rate of Autism to this day is what it was for all in America in 1950: 1:10,000! Home schooling and no vaccines. Now it is somewhere around 1:50 for new parents each year that have this unforeseen burden in life. Dr. H can't admit the vaccine caused his child's problem because he would have to admit his life's work was a lie.

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The great harm that has been done will be supersede by what is on the medical horizon.

Ultimately, we will all be microchipped to have limited freedoms or be isolated. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/sci-fi-is-real

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Thomas, it is times such as these that I am thankful that my life is over half lived. 😕

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I'm sure many people besides me have noticed how exactly like Michael Mann Peter Hotez is. Absolute malignant narcissists the both of them. Only they matter; no one else has any expertise; and anyone who disagrees with them should be destroyed.

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Dr. Peter Hotez has an autistic daughter, Rachel, but has determined in his own mind it is unrelated to a vaccine injury. Cognitive dissonance or self-denial may attribute to Hotez's world view.

Rachel Hotez was diagnosed with autism in 1994 at the age of 19 months according to this article.


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My water structuring process has demonstrated increased zeta potential. Zeta potential collapse is likely a key factor in vaccine damage. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363480321_Torsion_Fields_Zeta_Potential_and_mRNA_Vaccines


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Hotez is an asset of the CIA Pharma Military industrial complex so he is handsomely rewarded for his lies.

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