I sincerely apologize, but for this specific topic, I had to lock this post to comments only being accepted from paid subscribers. That is because when I've posted about this, a lot of new people have appeared that tried to derail the discussion and turn us against each other (which I assumed was due to the money being spent to derail RFK's confirmation also funding attacks like these) and I do not have the time to moderate all of that (e.g., I got two comments like that within one minute of posting this article).
Our natural foods contain 10,000 to 25,000 phyto chemicals in each. Over millions of years our ancestor's bodies developed the ability to use many of these phyto chemicals in building and maintaining our bodies. Ultraprocessing can damage much of these.
I didn’t even know he smoked. I only recently learned he was addicted to heroin many years ago. Maybe he switched to cigarettes to kick the heroin. Anyway, yeah it would be great if he quits smoking but he’s still great on a lot of other things.
Smoking and likely vaping, now, too, is a fixture of the 12-Step culture (it is one of the complaints I've heard, replacing one addiction for another) The cigs & carbs & coffee with each Meeting is pretty intense. (though I have to guess that RFK2's diet is pretty good)
A little nic can be a mild, short-acting antidepressant. It is also a counter-agent to certain heavy psych drugs (neuroleptics, anti-seizure drugs, "antipsychotics") and can ameliorate some of the worse symptoms.
We don't know the path he chose to get off his addictions. In my experience at Surviving Antidepressants, using "antipsychotics" (truly, neuroleptics = anti-brain) to help someone stay clean was a common psychiatric (and GP, too) practice.
At SA, we have concerns for lung cancer, but sometimes the journey off the psych drugs is so debilitating, save the smoking for last. After you've survived antidepressants (and other cocktails), getting off the nicotine will be easier.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. We never know what is inside another human being.
yep. However, nicotine is addictive, so it's very hard to stop once you start. Also nicotine gets converted into nicotinic acid a.k.a. vitamin b3 and there's some evidence that this has a positive benefit. But there are other ways of getting B3, so smoking tobacco is generally not recommended.
Right no one is perfect. But if you’re anti chemical and the head of Maha don’t you think you maybe should smoke? Or are we only selective about our harmful chemicals?
Doc - it’s so very encouraging to see the reach you are getting on X.
I believe Embalmer Richard Hirschman is being shadow banned on X. In recent days, he has posted pics of clots and previously they would go viral. That seems to have changed.
The subject of the clots is the one thing that could break through the safe and effective narrative.
I look forward to you covering Tom Haviland’s and my recent embalmer survey. If you also posted on X a link to our substack, it could potentially blow up.
When I have time I will get to your survey. Based on everything I've observed and what you described, I need to note I do not think there is a gag order on this topic.
Received this comment via email: Anyone inquiring into these issues and capable of critical analysis becomes cynical, it’s a natural reaction. Regardless of whether or not RFK Jr gets into the HHS, I think we’ve crossed a point of no return in terms of chronic illness for the general population. Chronic illness has become acute illness before one can heal, and for most people that means going from the frying pan to the fire in terms of symptom presentation.
Thank you for the insightful and methodical presentation of information! Being able to place history next to psychology and show it’s impact on the human condition is powerful in understanding the challenges ahead. I personally have come to the conclusion that vaccines are barbaric in the intended approach to “cure”, something that is simply part of our environment and can never be cured but only treated. IMO vaccines are useful only in harming our immune systems and making money for a bloated industry. Thank you for the education and resources to help me heal my family and bring awareness to others so they can do the same. God bless all your efforts to bring light in our dark world.
Thank you MWD! I wish I could find the paper that showed I had a high titer to childhood measles(both kinds), chicken pox, whooping cough and others at almost 62 when my hospital closed and I had to move to another hospital because I was not ready to retire from nursing as an RN. At the time I was so amazed and surprised. Natural immunity works. I’m closer to 80 than 70. The Covid Debacle opened my eyes to what was happening. So glad we chose not to take the vaccine/jabs.
Thanks for the note about DMSO helping restless leg syndrome. Today, I looked at my sleep pattern from my Fitbit app. Wednesday morning data showed 7% restless. Thursday morning and this morning after using DMSO the data showed 5% restless. I am interested in watching the data for awhile from my watch to see what happens by using DMSO.
I am waiting for RFKJr to be our HHS and charge forward with pharmaceuticals’ proof vaccines work. 🙄 Remove the poisons in our foods. I like everything he wants to do. MAHA!!!
Thank you, for persevering! I just don’t have the words to thank you for exposing all you have in the medical world.
Dear Margaret - one thing to consider - wearing a Fitbit may be at least partially causal to your restlesss leg syndrome, Hopefully RFKJ will also shed light on the (huge) issue of wireless radiation damage to humans. Wishing you well.
Totally agree. Wearing these devices at night (or all day) or walking around with the buds in your ears, not healthy. Buy a grounding sheet, turn off the electronics.
Tiffany, RFKJr is just like many of us. He formed bad habits in his youth, and smoking is one of the hardest to quit. He is championing returning our country to health - that doesn't mean he's perfect. He's doing the best he can as a human being.
The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism. (This has been expanded into a full article linked at the bottom)
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
Art taps into Zeitgeist, collective stream of humanity, and in so doing, may be predictive, even prophetic. (then there's the USAID money to Hollywood...)
Additionally, the great actors love to play a disability. Tom Hanks, "Forrest Gump," Daniel Day Lewis, "My Left Foot," Sean Penn, "I am Sam," Robin Williams, "Fisher King," DeNiro, "Awakenings." (that's just off the top of my head) It's considered one of the great acting challenges that a career is not complete without.
Fabulous article, thank you. In my opinion, RKJ is walking a fine line, trying not to put too many senators noses out of joint so they will vote for him. He’s softening the blow by being conciliatory, without telling lies, before bringing in the bulldozer. If memory serves me well, after reading about Lyndon Johnson, these were the tactics he used very successfully. It’s an art if done well. There’s power in praying- let’s do it en masse for RKJ, our one big springboard into better health outcomes.
In what world is promoting the injection of children with fetal bovine serum, monkey kidneys, formaldehyde, etc. not telling a lie? How does this lead to better health outcomes?
Totally agree but I’m talking about his method of getting to the truth, not the truth itself. If RFJKj doesn’t play his cards right he will blow his opportunity to do the real work. If he gets into office he will hopefully prove by scientific analysis that vaccines are harmful, and have it displayed for example on the CDC website, then people will be able to make up their own minds if they want to poison themselves and their kids or not. Even better, if he can present the facts and withdraw the vaccines on account of them being dangerous then that would be a great outcome but remember there are diehard vaccine lovers out there who need to be proven wrong first, politely of course. Second, I think RFKj believes people should have a choice. Third, he knows that rapid change in established norms can result in a backlash from people who know no better because they feel threatened.
well Kayrne, i think your reasoning might be correct about the outcome, but still, if telling lies is the only way to get to the truth (which is a little too reminiscent of george orwell's "newspeak" in 1984) - then that would mean we have digressed to the point where the end justifies the means. I'm not sure if that is ever the right course of action because with lies one may lose the support and protection of the divine forces of light. And of humans who may no longer trust one.
Without telling lies ?? ya gotta be kiddin' me. (and I voted for him for potus!) Yes, i know, the perfect is the enemy of the good, BUT when he said in the hearings that he supports the childhood vaccination schedule??? Let's face reality.
It’s a play on words. What he supports is a safe vaccine schedule supported by ‘science’. Once he establishes through rigorous scientific research and analysis that the current schedule is injurious he’ll then be in a position to not support the existing schedule. He was bringing the future into the present. Remember, he’s an attorney so he knows what he’s saying and at the same time is covering his backside so as to not be held accountable for lying down the track. In other words, what he doesn’t say speaks far louder than what he does say.
I'm quoting an excerpt from an article written by Ginger Taylor for the Brownstone Institute on January 28th that really needs to go viral:
The 99th Congress That Called Vaccines "Unavoidably Unsafe”
"Last week Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, a scathing letter accusing him of, among other things, “dangerous views on vaccine safety” and “false hysteria that vaccines cause autism.” The letter included 175 questions that she said he should be prepared to answer at his Senate confirmation hearings. But in her letter, she exposes her own ignorance of federal vaccine policy and the laws passed by her own legislative branch.
In 1986 the House of Representatives passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (42U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) by a voice vote. Senator Warren should know that her current Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was, at the time, a member of the House and should presumably know that the bill that was passed to give vaccine makers liability protection from civil claims when a child was killed or seriously injured by a vaccine, and placed all vaccines administered to children in the legal category of “unavoidably unsafe" medical products, which means a product that cannot be made safe for its intended use."
Having helped teach a group of state legislators about GMO foods in order to get some decent labeling for about three years along with lobbying I found them to be oblivious to many of the reasons why they were and were not voting for certain bills. It was a bit disheartening.
The phrase that is used on all the studies that are cited as proof that the childhood vaccines are safe is something like...There is no evidence that this vaccine (name of vaccine) causes autism. Doctors and most people think that means that vaccines are safe. What it actually means is that there has never been a study done that either proves those vaccines do cause autism or they don't. And yet, whenever you go against the pro-vaccines individuals they always say there are hundreds of studies that say they are safe. But they all give that phrase and so it is interpreted incorrectly. Even two of our renown vaccinologists acknowledge that they have not been tested for autism. But now with 1 out of 33 children having autism, it's time to acknowledge that testing is needed and long overdue. The science needs to be settled and it is not.
i understand Nelle - as you know the whole covid vax push was supposedly "following the science", and they got nearly the entire public believing something that has never been part of actual science - that it can be "settled". That is why i called out that part of your comment - i didn't want even this forum to appear to be following that concept.
I think it's important that RFKJr be in a position where he can demand proof of the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. I suspect that there isn't much (if any) valid research proving that. He would then also be in a position to change those CDC guidelines.
Thank you for all the fantastic articles that you write, they are so empowering to non-medical people (and I am sure eye-opening to lots of medical ones!). Please write many more. I saw your posts on X during the Kennedy hearings and they were perfectly aimed, letting the facts speak for themselves.
I appreciate that you assisted RFK in many ways. I too supported him as he isn’t immune to the suffering of humanity.
I shared much of what you explained about noticing how children behaved , parents , media etc. I saw the same growing up. I notice patterns extremely well too and I think it’s not common anymore.
I also became aware of how effective repetition was and learned about PR and the best of them was Freuds nephew. I researched that extensively and never forgot how effective it is on the public.
As a child we moved often and my parents never got my records from a school when we left. I would have to get polio and smallpox vaccines repeatedly. I began to notice each time I got vaccinated I would get more warts and ring worm. I was only in elementary school and couldn’t understand why but I noticed the pattern. After 30 years working as an RN I noticed many patterns with patients and it helped me understand so much more.
I had cancer twice in my 50’s and the first time I went the conventional route and it almost killed me. I decided to become my own doctor after that and DMSO was one of my favorite tools. I was thrilled when you began to share that information with so many people. It’s very valuable as well as MMS. I BEAT CANCER MYSELF TWICE AND ITS BEEN 10 years that I am now healthy and have no chronic disease. I do have severe insomnia which I developed as a child and I also think it’s from having multiple repeated vaccines moving from school to school.
The way I see it, the medical system is based on fear. And apparently has been since the 1800s at least. Be afraid of the pathogen du jour and only big pHARMa can save you. That creates a victim/dependence mentality. It takes away every single person's individual power, if they believe that world view. The Universe isn't set up that way. The Universe is set up for everyone to be empowered BY DEFAULT.
Here's how I broke free:
I faced a health crisis. A staph infection in my finger. A dr said it was a 5/10 severity (on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being needing iv antibiotics in the hospital). The dr wrote me an rx for MRSA antibiotics, without knowing if it actually was MRSA. I got the rx filled and then I read the insert. I didn't like what I read. Then I did a quick internet search for people's experiences with this antibiotic. I didn't like what I found - quite a few people saying the infection came back, or came back worse. NO THANKS!
I had some Lugol's iodine, and I had a good friend who did scalar energy balancing. He dowsed it was staph (days before I had lab confirmation). I said balance the energy of whatever you get it is out of me, and I'm going to get aggressive with the Lugol's. I applied many layers of Lugol's, letting each one dry before applying the next one. My friend balanced me daily for 7 days, even though he said only once was necessary. The next day, the finger looked way better. I kept applying Lugol's for a couple days, just to be cautious. I healed completely. In fact, the skin turned dark red and dried out from the Lugol's and eventually peeled off, leaving perfect, pink skin underneath, no scar). I did not take antibiotics, but I let the dr think I did. When the lab results came back, it was regular staph, not mrsa. I took before and after pics of my finger.
I won't sugarcoat it, the experience was scary. I was so scared, I wanted to take the antibiotics, but something inside of me said no! This was the opportunity to put my faith in what I said I believed in, natural healing. After that experience, I was free. Free of the fear of a health crisis happening and believing that the only solution is running to a white coat to save me.
I did find the lab diagnostics helpful though, to know exactly what causing the infection.
Most of us are conditioned from a young age to assign responsibility for our health to a western mainstream white coat. Taking responsibility also means the willingness to pay for it yourself too. Insurance is a big part of the problem. They have inserted themselves as a middle man, and have the "power of the purse". Medical people hide behind this, so they do not have to be accountable to the patient for poor or bad outcomes.
Health insurance doesn't even pay for things that support health (for example UVBI or supplements). It should more accurately be called " Disease Management" Insurance. I get a better return on my money if I spend none of it on monthly premiums and deductibles,and instead put it towards paying out of pocket for things that I have either already tried and experienced benefits from or for things that I am willing to try to see what the result for me is.
After the staph infection experience, I canceled my health insurance. Haven't had it since.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I also canceled my health insurance, once I got wise to the, shall we say, prairie cookies. Canceling the health insurance isn't for everyone, though, I get that. Apart from being able to self-insure, it also requires a rock-solid knowing that, in case of a cancer diagnosis, one isn't going to freak and then cave and go to the oncologist for the usual rounds of chemo and whatnot.
I absolutely agree that canceling disease management insurance is not for everyone. Each person should weigh the risks and benefits of doing so, and have plans for the unknown what-if scenarios.
I call it “Symptom Management.” They often don’t know the disease as you so clearly stated. I, too, have had bad science inflicted on my as a result of unintended consequences of childhood vaccines. Right now the unintended consequences of poor diagnosis is probably rampant because of the adverse reactions to the shots that have no history to rely on. They are guessing and refuse to blame the shots for these new dilemmas. It’s shameful on the medical side that they are so profit driven versus trying to understand that the vaccines are causing so many new diseases and increased cancers that are terribly aggressive. They are even blaming food instead of the vaccines. it’s truly ridiculous the articles that are being written by the pharma industry to try and cover up their mistake of using mRNA in these shots. I’ll end here. Thanks for sharing your anecdotal evidence of the misdiagnosis that’s going on.
I’m always reluctant to take antibiotics and typically I don’t take them unless I feel like I’ve crossed the line where I cannot heal myself. But I also buried two very good friends who weren’t vaccinated and got covid and thought they could heal themselves. Both had underlying health issues and covid literally ravaged their bodies within two weeks. It was tough to watch because they were both very vocal against taking the covid vaccine. One was literally a highly successful multimillionaire conspiracy theorist who felt like a lot of you do. He took the gamble and died. His family now without their leader enjoying the life he had built up and was supposed to be living. I’m sad and angry for him honestly. In that moment I felt justified in having taken it. And we were seeing people dropping like flies, I’m a nurse, I watched doctors on ventilators. One died, one survived. A coworker was critical on a vent. Another high school friends young husband died. My seatmate at Saints football games for 15 years was given a small chance of survival but she survived and has some small lingering issues but overall is a walking miracle. I could go on. So anyone saying the stakes weren’t high whether you took it or didn’t take it was not living the same reality that I was seeing. I 100% agree that vaccine injuries are real as well. I’m living it although my issues started after a covid infection then I got my second shingles vaccine two weeks later. I think my immune system said oh no…you’ve reached your limits and it malfunctioned. I don’t think RFK is the answer but I’ll keep an open mind. I think this article is highly one sided and has a lot of half truths and a lot of “likely” places in it which is just a way to say whatever you want as if it is factual. He talks a lot about being brainwashed, which is what makes it so ironic and scary. Becoming a nation of zombies suffering from confirmation bias. Scary scary times. To read this article with no acknowledgement of the actual people WHO DIED FROM COVID is irresponsible. And it sucks having a probable vaccine injury but I’m healing and IM ALIVE!
I'm sorry you lost friends. Were your friends treated in the hospital or were they self-treating without using some of the protocol that seemed to have worked quite well. There's no doubt that any infection (flu, covid etc) can be devastating to those that have several co-morbidities but I haven't seen the data that actually supports that they could have been saved by the covid jab.
Because of the skepticism that was placed around Covid, my husband’s bff waited until things got too advanced before going to the hospital. Instead he went the other route of trying Ivermectin first. I think if he were vaccinated he would still be here today. But obviously neither of us can unequivocally know one way or the other. I guess my question is do you read this article as if it were 100% true, based in fact, not questioning it the same way you questioned the vaccine? If you or anyone else here can honestly say yes, than you are on the right track. But if you’re here because he tells you what you want to hear that is a whole other story. And I’m afraid that our country is on that path of confirmation bias which is a scary, slippery slope. I think it’s great to question vaccines but to present it without any balance of truth is irresponsible on his part. We’re not going to question RFK competence one iota? We’re not going to talk about any of the benefits of being vaccinated? His article fails to mention it was two children who died in Samoa bc of nurse error in mixing the vaccine. That yes Samoans were questioning if the vaccine was safe after the two deaths which had nothing to do with the vaccine itself, it was a mixing error. But RFK wrongly preyed on that opportunity to make it as if the deaths were from the vaccine itself and scared many into not vaccinating their kids for his own advantage. Do we not question these things? We just blindly follow along? That’s no different than blindly following big pharma.
You tweeted on X that Democratic senators on the finance committee took a lot of Pharma money as campaign contributions. You only listed Democrats. But didn't Republican senators also take a lot of pharma money? If they did, they voted for RFK jr. anyway. I wonder how much money the Republicans got.
I've seen a number of vaccine studies on American children showing adverse neurological effects. But these studies never seem to give data for the diseases vaccines are designed to prevent. Did the unvaccinated children suffer more from the diseases vaccines are designed to prevent? Or did they get a free ride, avoiding the risks of vaccines and also the diseases because most children got the vaccines and provided herd immunity?
The "Committee to Protect Health Care" looks like an astro-turf group of doctors. They claim to have a list of 20,000 doctors opposed to the RFK Jr. nomination. But they don't make their list public, and supposedly only sent the list to the AP. And they did not give out the actual names, only providing truncated letters to give privacy to the doctors. Anybody could add their name to this list, which was supposedly verified. The list could be fake, but major media reported it like it was real without doing any investigation into that group or the list. The group is linked to big pharma interests.
I knew this was going to happen, that the Democratic senators who went on the attack against RFK were going to be found to be taking Big Pharma money— and once outed on "X," that would be the flaming-to-a-crisp end of their reputations. And I knew that the Republicans, for the most part (with some important exceptions), were also on the take from Big Pharma, and that they (again with some important exceptions) were supporting RFK for HHS only because it was part of the deal to get Trump elected. If they didn't support RFK, there would be consequences they wouldn't like. So, yeah, I don't doubt for a nanosecond that most of the Republican senators are on the take from Big Pharma as well, but if they voted for RFK they weren't going to get bashed over the head with that fact. And now maybe they'll think twice before they take any more of that dirty money.
Senator Cassidy, a Republican out of generally conservative Louisiana, really surprised me by how ferociously he went after RFK. I knew he was a doctor who truly believed in the "safe and effective" mantra, but I later found out he also was a recipient of Big Pharma dollars. I decided to call and leave a message for him, reminding him that RFKjr also promised to make things like HBOT therapy available to more people. Oh and also, Dr. Paul Harch, who did groundbreaking work on this therapy and dedicated his book to the parents of injured children, has his Lab on LSU's campus.
I also made the call to Bill Cassidy. In a followup he said he had changed his position to now support RFK due to the many calls he received requesting he support RFK. I think all the calls and emails worked.
thanks for making the call - and yeah, i agree with your 2nd comment too - and maybe also he might worry about his constituents who don't want mandatory injections of who-knows-what
I am wondering if Cassidy's about face has more to do with Trumps threat to primary any senator not supporting his candidates. Politically it is better to claim "they listened to the Citizen's concerns".
Cassidy's attack on RFK was the most frustrating. As a MD (even one that believes in vaccines) should be willing to look at all the data (and new data) as it could prove that his trust in vaccine was justified all along. The fact that this scares him either shows me he is a terrible MD with no critical thinking skills or bought by Pharma. His insistence that RFK bow down to the religion of vaccines was demonic.
One substack reporter purposely signed the petition to show how easy faking being a doctor was for this petition. Many others probably did the same out of curiosity. How many fake doctor names are on the list is anyones guess.
Thanks for this article and all your previous articles. These are really shining a light on what is important and what needs to change and also the best methods needed to do this. I can see a real development and progress in your own learning and thinking and I am grateful for what you do so selflessly, it is so important to many people.
We are at a critical point and humanity's future direction is being shaped right now and in the next few weeks and months. There is great momentum in the US to reverse 100+years of self-interested leadership and wealth preservation. I speak from the UK and can see political leaders here observing and adapting their views.
I am reflective on Jessica Rose views on AI elsewhere on Substack. I see this as an area of incredible potential leverage for good or bad and how this plays out is vital.
Many thanks again and stay safe and anonymous. Those on the other side are sadly still out there.
There's a very good interview of Walter Kirn by Brett Weinstein, talking about senators being Liars and Actors. Walter was sat just a few seats from RFK Jr at the hearing.
He describes how Bernie was an actor just waiting for his chance, not even listening, not even looking at all, no interest in Kennedy, the themes, completely unaware even of what was going on, he was completely preoccupied with other things. When the camera switched to him you'd think that he was fixed like an eagle on the whole thing, no, he was waiting his turn to do his act, in the same way, the guy who tap dances waits behind the fat lady ....
Another Substack Author and Doctor reported that this is standard operating procedure for politicians. It is grandstanding. They monopolize the conversation and don't allow the candidate to get a word in. Then they use that film clip in the next election to show how they are a champion of Health. Works great when the politician is on the take.
Consciousness seems to run in narrow bands with many interruptions for these politicians or most of them. They don’t live in the moment but somewhere way back or way ahead.
I sincerely apologize, but for this specific topic, I had to lock this post to comments only being accepted from paid subscribers. That is because when I've posted about this, a lot of new people have appeared that tried to derail the discussion and turn us against each other (which I assumed was due to the money being spent to derail RFK's confirmation also funding attacks like these) and I do not have the time to moderate all of that (e.g., I got two comments like that within one minute of posting this article).
Can I sum up what I believe has to happen!
We need to stop being a chemical society that believes that chemicals will make us healthier !
Our natural foods contain 10,000 to 25,000 phyto chemicals in each. Over millions of years our ancestor's bodies developed the ability to use many of these phyto chemicals in building and maintaining our bodies. Ultraprocessing can damage much of these.
Important point.
I remember the 1964 commercial: Better Living Through Chemistry by DuPont
I meant to include this in the article but forgot to.
Very cringe worthy. It became a slogan for the doper generation too. Along with Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.
They quit lying to us when they understood that their mantra was a lie!
Wasn’t it DuPont who created the Love Canal cancers? Loads of chemicals were dumped into the Niagara river.
Better living through chemistry!
Isn’t vaping and cigarettes chemicals? How does one respect RFK as a health leader while he does this?
I didn’t even know he smoked. I only recently learned he was addicted to heroin many years ago. Maybe he switched to cigarettes to kick the heroin. Anyway, yeah it would be great if he quits smoking but he’s still great on a lot of other things.
Smoking and likely vaping, now, too, is a fixture of the 12-Step culture (it is one of the complaints I've heard, replacing one addiction for another) The cigs & carbs & coffee with each Meeting is pretty intense. (though I have to guess that RFK2's diet is pretty good)
A little nic can be a mild, short-acting antidepressant. It is also a counter-agent to certain heavy psych drugs (neuroleptics, anti-seizure drugs, "antipsychotics") and can ameliorate some of the worse symptoms.
We don't know the path he chose to get off his addictions. In my experience at Surviving Antidepressants, using "antipsychotics" (truly, neuroleptics = anti-brain) to help someone stay clean was a common psychiatric (and GP, too) practice.
At SA, we have concerns for lung cancer, but sometimes the journey off the psych drugs is so debilitating, save the smoking for last. After you've survived antidepressants (and other cocktails), getting off the nicotine will be easier.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. We never know what is inside another human being.
yep. However, nicotine is addictive, so it's very hard to stop once you start. Also nicotine gets converted into nicotinic acid a.k.a. vitamin b3 and there's some evidence that this has a positive benefit. But there are other ways of getting B3, so smoking tobacco is generally not recommended.
Right no one is perfect. But if you’re anti chemical and the head of Maha don’t you think you maybe should smoke? Or are we only selective about our harmful chemicals?
Yea! The deranged medicine man doesn’t want their cash cow to disappear!
And it takes longer than one minute to read and digest!!!
Doc - it’s so very encouraging to see the reach you are getting on X.
I believe Embalmer Richard Hirschman is being shadow banned on X. In recent days, he has posted pics of clots and previously they would go viral. That seems to have changed.
The subject of the clots is the one thing that could break through the safe and effective narrative.
I look forward to you covering Tom Haviland’s and my recent embalmer survey. If you also posted on X a link to our substack, it could potentially blow up.
PS - I’m beginning to think there is a gag order on the subject of the clots. Tucker knows all about them yet we’ve heard crickets from him:
Tom recently spoke to Chris Cuomo over the phone. He said he would cover our story. He has now ghosted Tom.
Something is amiss.
When I have time I will get to your survey. Based on everything I've observed and what you described, I need to note I do not think there is a gag order on this topic.
I understand. I see this happening way too much. Sometimes it takes over most of the comment sections.
Another great comprehensive article from you.
As the saying goes "you know you're over the target when you're taking flak".
Proud to be one of your followers for 2+ years now.
Keep up the amazing work, godspeed!
if they were even real people and not troll-bots.
I took your advice to heart!
Received this comment via email: Anyone inquiring into these issues and capable of critical analysis becomes cynical, it’s a natural reaction. Regardless of whether or not RFK Jr gets into the HHS, I think we’ve crossed a point of no return in terms of chronic illness for the general population. Chronic illness has become acute illness before one can heal, and for most people that means going from the frying pan to the fire in terms of symptom presentation.
Thank you for the insightful and methodical presentation of information! Being able to place history next to psychology and show it’s impact on the human condition is powerful in understanding the challenges ahead. I personally have come to the conclusion that vaccines are barbaric in the intended approach to “cure”, something that is simply part of our environment and can never be cured but only treated. IMO vaccines are useful only in harming our immune systems and making money for a bloated industry. Thank you for the education and resources to help me heal my family and bring awareness to others so they can do the same. God bless all your efforts to bring light in our dark world.
Thank you MWD! I wish I could find the paper that showed I had a high titer to childhood measles(both kinds), chicken pox, whooping cough and others at almost 62 when my hospital closed and I had to move to another hospital because I was not ready to retire from nursing as an RN. At the time I was so amazed and surprised. Natural immunity works. I’m closer to 80 than 70. The Covid Debacle opened my eyes to what was happening. So glad we chose not to take the vaccine/jabs.
Thanks for the note about DMSO helping restless leg syndrome. Today, I looked at my sleep pattern from my Fitbit app. Wednesday morning data showed 7% restless. Thursday morning and this morning after using DMSO the data showed 5% restless. I am interested in watching the data for awhile from my watch to see what happens by using DMSO.
I am waiting for RFKJr to be our HHS and charge forward with pharmaceuticals’ proof vaccines work. 🙄 Remove the poisons in our foods. I like everything he wants to do. MAHA!!!
Thank you, for persevering! I just don’t have the words to thank you for exposing all you have in the medical world.
Thank you, I try!
Dear Margaret - one thing to consider - wearing a Fitbit may be at least partially causal to your restlesss leg syndrome, Hopefully RFKJ will also shed light on the (huge) issue of wireless radiation damage to humans. Wishing you well.
Totally agree. Wearing these devices at night (or all day) or walking around with the buds in your ears, not healthy. Buy a grounding sheet, turn off the electronics.
But RFK must think smoking vape and cigarettes is ok, healthy? How does that make sense?
Tiffany, he is wrong on that!
Yes absolutely true.
Tiffany, RFKJr is just like many of us. He formed bad habits in his youth, and smoking is one of the hardest to quit. He is championing returning our country to health - that doesn't mean he's perfect. He's doing the best he can as a human being.
This may be of interest doctor:
The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism. (This has been expanded into a full article linked at the bottom)
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
Before the film few even knew what the term meant because it was so rare it was seldom reported. Much more on this here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/autism-pre-conditioning-and-normalization
wow, this may be bingo
What an interesting thought! The propaganda is always informative if we only pay attention.
Art taps into Zeitgeist, collective stream of humanity, and in so doing, may be predictive, even prophetic. (then there's the USAID money to Hollywood...)
Additionally, the great actors love to play a disability. Tom Hanks, "Forrest Gump," Daniel Day Lewis, "My Left Foot," Sean Penn, "I am Sam," Robin Williams, "Fisher King," DeNiro, "Awakenings." (that's just off the top of my head) It's considered one of the great acting challenges that a career is not complete without.
and now the autistic are in charge in many arenas . . . yikes
Fabulous article, thank you. In my opinion, RKJ is walking a fine line, trying not to put too many senators noses out of joint so they will vote for him. He’s softening the blow by being conciliatory, without telling lies, before bringing in the bulldozer. If memory serves me well, after reading about Lyndon Johnson, these were the tactics he used very successfully. It’s an art if done well. There’s power in praying- let’s do it en masse for RKJ, our one big springboard into better health outcomes.
100% agree
Let's hope RFK doesn't follow Doge and some of Trump's new policies (Gaza & Bibi???) off a cliff.
In what world is promoting the injection of children with fetal bovine serum, monkey kidneys, formaldehyde, etc. not telling a lie? How does this lead to better health outcomes?
Totally agree but I’m talking about his method of getting to the truth, not the truth itself. If RFJKj doesn’t play his cards right he will blow his opportunity to do the real work. If he gets into office he will hopefully prove by scientific analysis that vaccines are harmful, and have it displayed for example on the CDC website, then people will be able to make up their own minds if they want to poison themselves and their kids or not. Even better, if he can present the facts and withdraw the vaccines on account of them being dangerous then that would be a great outcome but remember there are diehard vaccine lovers out there who need to be proven wrong first, politely of course. Second, I think RFKj believes people should have a choice. Third, he knows that rapid change in established norms can result in a backlash from people who know no better because they feel threatened.
well Kayrne, i think your reasoning might be correct about the outcome, but still, if telling lies is the only way to get to the truth (which is a little too reminiscent of george orwell's "newspeak" in 1984) - then that would mean we have digressed to the point where the end justifies the means. I'm not sure if that is ever the right course of action because with lies one may lose the support and protection of the divine forces of light. And of humans who may no longer trust one.
exactly - (see my reply to Kayre above)
Without telling lies ?? ya gotta be kiddin' me. (and I voted for him for potus!) Yes, i know, the perfect is the enemy of the good, BUT when he said in the hearings that he supports the childhood vaccination schedule??? Let's face reality.
It’s a play on words. What he supports is a safe vaccine schedule supported by ‘science’. Once he establishes through rigorous scientific research and analysis that the current schedule is injurious he’ll then be in a position to not support the existing schedule. He was bringing the future into the present. Remember, he’s an attorney so he knows what he’s saying and at the same time is covering his backside so as to not be held accountable for lying down the track. In other words, what he doesn’t say speaks far louder than what he does say.
I'm quoting an excerpt from an article written by Ginger Taylor for the Brownstone Institute on January 28th that really needs to go viral:
The 99th Congress That Called Vaccines "Unavoidably Unsafe”
"Last week Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, a scathing letter accusing him of, among other things, “dangerous views on vaccine safety” and “false hysteria that vaccines cause autism.” The letter included 175 questions that she said he should be prepared to answer at his Senate confirmation hearings. But in her letter, she exposes her own ignorance of federal vaccine policy and the laws passed by her own legislative branch.
In 1986 the House of Representatives passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (42U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) by a voice vote. Senator Warren should know that her current Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was, at the time, a member of the House and should presumably know that the bill that was passed to give vaccine makers liability protection from civil claims when a child was killed or seriously injured by a vaccine, and placed all vaccines administered to children in the legal category of “unavoidably unsafe" medical products, which means a product that cannot be made safe for its intended use."
I always wonder how much the politicians who read those scripts actually know.
Having helped teach a group of state legislators about GMO foods in order to get some decent labeling for about three years along with lobbying I found them to be oblivious to many of the reasons why they were and were not voting for certain bills. It was a bit disheartening.
The phrase that is used on all the studies that are cited as proof that the childhood vaccines are safe is something like...There is no evidence that this vaccine (name of vaccine) causes autism. Doctors and most people think that means that vaccines are safe. What it actually means is that there has never been a study done that either proves those vaccines do cause autism or they don't. And yet, whenever you go against the pro-vaccines individuals they always say there are hundreds of studies that say they are safe. But they all give that phrase and so it is interpreted incorrectly. Even two of our renown vaccinologists acknowledge that they have not been tested for autism. But now with 1 out of 33 children having autism, it's time to acknowledge that testing is needed and long overdue. The science needs to be settled and it is not.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
And, science is never settled - that is not science!
I would agree with you. And yet, doctors are always saying the science is settled on vaccines.
i understand Nelle - as you know the whole covid vax push was supposedly "following the science", and they got nearly the entire public believing something that has never been part of actual science - that it can be "settled". That is why i called out that part of your comment - i didn't want even this forum to appear to be following that concept.
I think it's important that RFKJr be in a position where he can demand proof of the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. I suspect that there isn't much (if any) valid research proving that. He would then also be in a position to change those CDC guidelines.
Mate, you are a living national treasure. Great work.
Thank you for your kind words
I say exactly the same.
Thank you for all the fantastic articles that you write, they are so empowering to non-medical people (and I am sure eye-opening to lots of medical ones!). Please write many more. I saw your posts on X during the Kennedy hearings and they were perfectly aimed, letting the facts speak for themselves.
I appreciate that you assisted RFK in many ways. I too supported him as he isn’t immune to the suffering of humanity.
I shared much of what you explained about noticing how children behaved , parents , media etc. I saw the same growing up. I notice patterns extremely well too and I think it’s not common anymore.
I also became aware of how effective repetition was and learned about PR and the best of them was Freuds nephew. I researched that extensively and never forgot how effective it is on the public.
As a child we moved often and my parents never got my records from a school when we left. I would have to get polio and smallpox vaccines repeatedly. I began to notice each time I got vaccinated I would get more warts and ring worm. I was only in elementary school and couldn’t understand why but I noticed the pattern. After 30 years working as an RN I noticed many patterns with patients and it helped me understand so much more.
I had cancer twice in my 50’s and the first time I went the conventional route and it almost killed me. I decided to become my own doctor after that and DMSO was one of my favorite tools. I was thrilled when you began to share that information with so many people. It’s very valuable as well as MMS. I BEAT CANCER MYSELF TWICE AND ITS BEEN 10 years that I am now healthy and have no chronic disease. I do have severe insomnia which I developed as a child and I also think it’s from having multiple repeated vaccines moving from school to school.
Would be interested to hear what kinds of cancers you had and exactly what you did to beat them. Thank you!
The way I see it, the medical system is based on fear. And apparently has been since the 1800s at least. Be afraid of the pathogen du jour and only big pHARMa can save you. That creates a victim/dependence mentality. It takes away every single person's individual power, if they believe that world view. The Universe isn't set up that way. The Universe is set up for everyone to be empowered BY DEFAULT.
Here's how I broke free:
I faced a health crisis. A staph infection in my finger. A dr said it was a 5/10 severity (on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being needing iv antibiotics in the hospital). The dr wrote me an rx for MRSA antibiotics, without knowing if it actually was MRSA. I got the rx filled and then I read the insert. I didn't like what I read. Then I did a quick internet search for people's experiences with this antibiotic. I didn't like what I found - quite a few people saying the infection came back, or came back worse. NO THANKS!
I had some Lugol's iodine, and I had a good friend who did scalar energy balancing. He dowsed it was staph (days before I had lab confirmation). I said balance the energy of whatever you get it is out of me, and I'm going to get aggressive with the Lugol's. I applied many layers of Lugol's, letting each one dry before applying the next one. My friend balanced me daily for 7 days, even though he said only once was necessary. The next day, the finger looked way better. I kept applying Lugol's for a couple days, just to be cautious. I healed completely. In fact, the skin turned dark red and dried out from the Lugol's and eventually peeled off, leaving perfect, pink skin underneath, no scar). I did not take antibiotics, but I let the dr think I did. When the lab results came back, it was regular staph, not mrsa. I took before and after pics of my finger.
I won't sugarcoat it, the experience was scary. I was so scared, I wanted to take the antibiotics, but something inside of me said no! This was the opportunity to put my faith in what I said I believed in, natural healing. After that experience, I was free. Free of the fear of a health crisis happening and believing that the only solution is running to a white coat to save me.
I did find the lab diagnostics helpful though, to know exactly what causing the infection.
Most of us are conditioned from a young age to assign responsibility for our health to a western mainstream white coat. Taking responsibility also means the willingness to pay for it yourself too. Insurance is a big part of the problem. They have inserted themselves as a middle man, and have the "power of the purse". Medical people hide behind this, so they do not have to be accountable to the patient for poor or bad outcomes.
Health insurance doesn't even pay for things that support health (for example UVBI or supplements). It should more accurately be called " Disease Management" Insurance. I get a better return on my money if I spend none of it on monthly premiums and deductibles,and instead put it towards paying out of pocket for things that I have either already tried and experienced benefits from or for things that I am willing to try to see what the result for me is.
After the staph infection experience, I canceled my health insurance. Haven't had it since.
Thank you for sharing!
I appreciate your substack!
Thank you for sharing your experience. I also canceled my health insurance, once I got wise to the, shall we say, prairie cookies. Canceling the health insurance isn't for everyone, though, I get that. Apart from being able to self-insure, it also requires a rock-solid knowing that, in case of a cancer diagnosis, one isn't going to freak and then cave and go to the oncologist for the usual rounds of chemo and whatnot.
I absolutely agree that canceling disease management insurance is not for everyone. Each person should weigh the risks and benefits of doing so, and have plans for the unknown what-if scenarios.
I call it “Symptom Management.” They often don’t know the disease as you so clearly stated. I, too, have had bad science inflicted on my as a result of unintended consequences of childhood vaccines. Right now the unintended consequences of poor diagnosis is probably rampant because of the adverse reactions to the shots that have no history to rely on. They are guessing and refuse to blame the shots for these new dilemmas. It’s shameful on the medical side that they are so profit driven versus trying to understand that the vaccines are causing so many new diseases and increased cancers that are terribly aggressive. They are even blaming food instead of the vaccines. it’s truly ridiculous the articles that are being written by the pharma industry to try and cover up their mistake of using mRNA in these shots. I’ll end here. Thanks for sharing your anecdotal evidence of the misdiagnosis that’s going on.
I’m always reluctant to take antibiotics and typically I don’t take them unless I feel like I’ve crossed the line where I cannot heal myself. But I also buried two very good friends who weren’t vaccinated and got covid and thought they could heal themselves. Both had underlying health issues and covid literally ravaged their bodies within two weeks. It was tough to watch because they were both very vocal against taking the covid vaccine. One was literally a highly successful multimillionaire conspiracy theorist who felt like a lot of you do. He took the gamble and died. His family now without their leader enjoying the life he had built up and was supposed to be living. I’m sad and angry for him honestly. In that moment I felt justified in having taken it. And we were seeing people dropping like flies, I’m a nurse, I watched doctors on ventilators. One died, one survived. A coworker was critical on a vent. Another high school friends young husband died. My seatmate at Saints football games for 15 years was given a small chance of survival but she survived and has some small lingering issues but overall is a walking miracle. I could go on. So anyone saying the stakes weren’t high whether you took it or didn’t take it was not living the same reality that I was seeing. I 100% agree that vaccine injuries are real as well. I’m living it although my issues started after a covid infection then I got my second shingles vaccine two weeks later. I think my immune system said oh no…you’ve reached your limits and it malfunctioned. I don’t think RFK is the answer but I’ll keep an open mind. I think this article is highly one sided and has a lot of half truths and a lot of “likely” places in it which is just a way to say whatever you want as if it is factual. He talks a lot about being brainwashed, which is what makes it so ironic and scary. Becoming a nation of zombies suffering from confirmation bias. Scary scary times. To read this article with no acknowledgement of the actual people WHO DIED FROM COVID is irresponsible. And it sucks having a probable vaccine injury but I’m healing and IM ALIVE!
I'm sorry you lost friends. Were your friends treated in the hospital or were they self-treating without using some of the protocol that seemed to have worked quite well. There's no doubt that any infection (flu, covid etc) can be devastating to those that have several co-morbidities but I haven't seen the data that actually supports that they could have been saved by the covid jab.
Because of the skepticism that was placed around Covid, my husband’s bff waited until things got too advanced before going to the hospital. Instead he went the other route of trying Ivermectin first. I think if he were vaccinated he would still be here today. But obviously neither of us can unequivocally know one way or the other. I guess my question is do you read this article as if it were 100% true, based in fact, not questioning it the same way you questioned the vaccine? If you or anyone else here can honestly say yes, than you are on the right track. But if you’re here because he tells you what you want to hear that is a whole other story. And I’m afraid that our country is on that path of confirmation bias which is a scary, slippery slope. I think it’s great to question vaccines but to present it without any balance of truth is irresponsible on his part. We’re not going to question RFK competence one iota? We’re not going to talk about any of the benefits of being vaccinated? His article fails to mention it was two children who died in Samoa bc of nurse error in mixing the vaccine. That yes Samoans were questioning if the vaccine was safe after the two deaths which had nothing to do with the vaccine itself, it was a mixing error. But RFK wrongly preyed on that opportunity to make it as if the deaths were from the vaccine itself and scared many into not vaccinating their kids for his own advantage. Do we not question these things? We just blindly follow along? That’s no different than blindly following big pharma.
There's one difference.
There is no profit on this side of the story. There is no power or money behind this narrative to prop it up.
Good on you. It does take courage and belief in yourself to break free.
Yes, vaccines are based on huge lies and false representations of history.
However, we still cling to the germ theory obsession of disease instead of terrain theory.
Think about it. Right now you have strep A in your throat and e coli in your colon, but you aren't sick.
The bacteria don't cause disease but are a result of disease.
When the conditions of dead cells build up, they feed on that. Bacteria do not attack living tissue!!
Oh and cancer is not like some kind of infection.
It's the way your body sequesters toxins.
This is why they never seem to find a cure.
Duh, stop taking toxic shots!
So you're saying the bucket works fine until there is too much water in it?
Like fruit flies, which usually only show up when fruit is over-ripe.
And then there are "viruses" which may actually be composed of snake venom.
You tweeted on X that Democratic senators on the finance committee took a lot of Pharma money as campaign contributions. You only listed Democrats. But didn't Republican senators also take a lot of pharma money? If they did, they voted for RFK jr. anyway. I wonder how much money the Republicans got.
I've seen a number of vaccine studies on American children showing adverse neurological effects. But these studies never seem to give data for the diseases vaccines are designed to prevent. Did the unvaccinated children suffer more from the diseases vaccines are designed to prevent? Or did they get a free ride, avoiding the risks of vaccines and also the diseases because most children got the vaccines and provided herd immunity?
The "Committee to Protect Health Care" looks like an astro-turf group of doctors. They claim to have a list of 20,000 doctors opposed to the RFK Jr. nomination. But they don't make their list public, and supposedly only sent the list to the AP. And they did not give out the actual names, only providing truncated letters to give privacy to the doctors. Anybody could add their name to this list, which was supposedly verified. The list could be fake, but major media reported it like it was real without doing any investigation into that group or the list. The group is linked to big pharma interests.
A lot of Republicans who were on the fence took Pharma money which was essentially why this story was so important.
I knew this was going to happen, that the Democratic senators who went on the attack against RFK were going to be found to be taking Big Pharma money— and once outed on "X," that would be the flaming-to-a-crisp end of their reputations. And I knew that the Republicans, for the most part (with some important exceptions), were also on the take from Big Pharma, and that they (again with some important exceptions) were supporting RFK for HHS only because it was part of the deal to get Trump elected. If they didn't support RFK, there would be consequences they wouldn't like. So, yeah, I don't doubt for a nanosecond that most of the Republican senators are on the take from Big Pharma as well, but if they voted for RFK they weren't going to get bashed over the head with that fact. And now maybe they'll think twice before they take any more of that dirty money.
It seems that the impetus for getting into politics is to get rich quick. All these bags of money (lobbyists) swarming at your feet.
I think it’s more about power but they need money for power.
Senator Cassidy, a Republican out of generally conservative Louisiana, really surprised me by how ferociously he went after RFK. I knew he was a doctor who truly believed in the "safe and effective" mantra, but I later found out he also was a recipient of Big Pharma dollars. I decided to call and leave a message for him, reminding him that RFKjr also promised to make things like HBOT therapy available to more people. Oh and also, Dr. Paul Harch, who did groundbreaking work on this therapy and dedicated his book to the parents of injured children, has his Lab on LSU's campus.
I also made the call to Bill Cassidy. In a followup he said he had changed his position to now support RFK due to the many calls he received requesting he support RFK. I think all the calls and emails worked.
thanks for making the call - and yeah, i agree with your 2nd comment too - and maybe also he might worry about his constituents who don't want mandatory injections of who-knows-what
I am wondering if Cassidy's about face has more to do with Trumps threat to primary any senator not supporting his candidates. Politically it is better to claim "they listened to the Citizen's concerns".
Cassidy's attack on RFK was the most frustrating. As a MD (even one that believes in vaccines) should be willing to look at all the data (and new data) as it could prove that his trust in vaccine was justified all along. The fact that this scares him either shows me he is a terrible MD with no critical thinking skills or bought by Pharma. His insistence that RFK bow down to the religion of vaccines was demonic.
I remember a time when I liked Bernie, and Warren.
COVID so changed me. (or was it they who changed?)
One substack reporter purposely signed the petition to show how easy faking being a doctor was for this petition. Many others probably did the same out of curiosity. How many fake doctor names are on the list is anyones guess.
I think it’s time to realize there is little difference between R vs D. They’re both corrupt.
Thanks for this article and all your previous articles. These are really shining a light on what is important and what needs to change and also the best methods needed to do this. I can see a real development and progress in your own learning and thinking and I am grateful for what you do so selflessly, it is so important to many people.
We are at a critical point and humanity's future direction is being shaped right now and in the next few weeks and months. There is great momentum in the US to reverse 100+years of self-interested leadership and wealth preservation. I speak from the UK and can see political leaders here observing and adapting their views.
I am reflective on Jessica Rose views on AI elsewhere on Substack. I see this as an area of incredible potential leverage for good or bad and how this plays out is vital.
Many thanks again and stay safe and anonymous. Those on the other side are sadly still out there.
There's a very good interview of Walter Kirn by Brett Weinstein, talking about senators being Liars and Actors. Walter was sat just a few seats from RFK Jr at the hearing.
He describes how Bernie was an actor just waiting for his chance, not even listening, not even looking at all, no interest in Kennedy, the themes, completely unaware even of what was going on, he was completely preoccupied with other things. When the camera switched to him you'd think that he was fixed like an eagle on the whole thing, no, he was waiting his turn to do his act, in the same way, the guy who tap dances waits behind the fat lady ....
Great Interview, this is just a snippet https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1885861633919950955
Interesting that it's just come out that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was elected thanks to a Democrats casting call
I was debating including the part about Bernie in here, but felt it was just mudslinging.
I've posted on X about AOC's casting call before though!
Bernie helped RFK, in my opinion. That was the most ridiculous of all the other nasty senators.
Another Substack Author and Doctor reported that this is standard operating procedure for politicians. It is grandstanding. They monopolize the conversation and don't allow the candidate to get a word in. Then they use that film clip in the next election to show how they are a champion of Health. Works great when the politician is on the take.
Consciousness seems to run in narrow bands with many interruptions for these politicians or most of them. They don’t live in the moment but somewhere way back or way ahead.