Thanks for your tireless work and the excellent data analysis you provide us with.

Whereever do you find the time to actually practice medicine, or do you toil through the night writing these articles?

As they say: sleep is overrated. I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Meanwhile there's more work to do and humanity to save.

Kudos to you, dear indefatigable Midwestern Doctor, who took the sworn oath to "First Do No Harm" seriously.

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I try to do these on weekends but I often have patient emergencies arise I need to take care of (that happened this weekend), so my timing is very intermittent. Because I have limited time, I try to only write things that are well done enough I expect to feel good about in the future and that's gradually making it easier to do this since I can link back to past written topics that are relevant to current events.

I've been working on trying to make a small difference in the COVID fiasco since Dec 2019. My overall thought process has been that while I did not expect to have any impact at all (what's happened with this substack has really taken me by surprise), given what I saw was in the pipeline, I felt if I didn't at least try while things could still change that I would hate myself for decades after the fact for doing nothing.

That all said, I nearly burned myself out completely early in the pandemic, and monitoring your sleep and energy expenditure is critical for being able to have the maximum output. What I'm doing now is much easier than what I had to do before.

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You have touched more lives than you will ever know and than you ever could as a practitioner (but the latter enables you to do the former, so don’t stop).

You may have 100 or a 1000 or whatever number of subscribers. Each of those shares with someone else, and on and on. Eventually, the mass formation will be broken. We must hope this formation breaks up before all is lost.

If EVERYONE who knows what is going on keeps talking — talking face-to-face, not just on screen — and EVERYONE REFUSES to comply with the puppet masters who are trying to manipulate and destroy us, we’ll have a chance.

Thank you, AMD! (But do get some rest.)

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I presently have 9200 subscribers, probably will have around 10,000 come July 1. Given that this Substack is 4 months old and I never expected to break 1000, this progression has been quite unexpected for me and I am trying to be as responsible as I can with what I write. My overall goal is to further the entire conversation in a productive and unifying manner.

That all said, I much prefer to see patients in person so I just do this in the gaps my schedule creates.

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Wow! I agree. The personal touch with real patients is best, but I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate you.

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Thanks for your energy and fortitude. As an engineer, used to data analysis and critical thinking, I “smelled a rat” on the push for the jabs and seeing such a skewed response to the CoVid risk. Why such a concerted effort to a virus offering about a 1/50 risk to me vs. say heart disease (reasonably fit / healthy 50 something year old)? Having been involved in new product introduction (automotive, commercial, consumer goods) I knew the “safe and effective” assertion was either a lie, ignorance or malfeasance. Watching the story unfold has been unbelievable. I would have bet my house we couldn’t denigrate the scientific method as much as we have in this past two years. Astonishing. Against that backdrop I’m so pleased that I can be on the fringe of a community like this - it’s like a lifeboat in a sea of lies, incompetence and dishonesty. Thanks again for your time and efforts and keep at it, please!

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Thank you!

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You're a credit to your profession.

Please don't burn out, but to quote a line from an 80's film:

"Better to burn out than just fade away."

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Excellent analysis. Thank you for your persistence! I find your substack to be top notch. You are setting an excellent example for your peers and all MD's and any one doubting the narrative. People are paying attention. I understand what you mean by needing to try to change things while you still can....you just can't not do what you must.

No compromising with that conviction. Keep it up. We are listening, incorporating what you teach/ reveal, and acting as able. Thank you!

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Thank you! That's why I'm putting so much effort into this.

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And imagine what the real number of searches would have been had auto search suggestions not been filtered out ... https://leemuller.substack.com/p/leave-no-question-unanswered

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That is a good point I am going to need to mention. Thank you for pointing this out.

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Exploring and synthesizing multiple data sources is fundamental to getting to the truth of any topic. Here is a great example of exploring alternate data to help connect dots and validate other findings. Great job!

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Thank you for your work friend

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One thing that will humble you is an Internet search for what you 'thought' was a super original idea. But, it's kind of sweet because it connects you to humanity and in a weird way,you feel less alone knowing other people have inventive ideas just like you. Yeah, you feel a bit less special but you also feel less weird (LOL).

Searching for common crisis and finding out humanity is def-con suffering but the news [fuck you news bullshitters, thanks for NOTHING, ya pansy asses] <--but I digressed....

So there's this HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE 'nothing to see here' gaslighting going on now.

The Jews were the canaries in the coal mine if anyone remembers some of the terrifying videos coming out of Bitchute via Israel post 'vaxxx'.

Growing up I never quite trusted our government, our hospitals and our monetary system.

Now? I KNOW not t o trust.

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What a lot of people didn't appreciate was that most of the social media in Isreal was in Hebrew so it made it possible to hide most of the adverse events from Pfizer (Israel's government made themselves be Pfizer's laboratory) being reported there. My friends from Isreal would send me stuff they found on instagram in their peer group on a daily basis, but it never made it out to most of the internet because you could not screenshot Hebrew posts in a practical way that also made them understandable in English.

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Wow. That makes terrifying sense.

We really are living in a horror movie of epic proportions.

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Very good point. I believe Alex Berenson reads Hebrew (He is a Jew.), so caught on rather quickly. Now I must go see what you wrote early in this debacle, starting in December 2019.

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Oh that would make sense.

I started this substack in Feb 2022. Prior to that (and at this time) I was doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes with my real name.

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Fear is the biggest Pavlovian bell anyone can ring.

This scientist used one of the most powerful microscopes and saw that 'matter' was a perfect orchestration of chaos and order.

Perhaps to our futility we want chaos to give us the drive for peace and order. It's embedded in us by our divine creator/s. We destruct in order to construct.

That being stated.

If these EMM EFFERS harm children with this scorched earth shizzle, I'm gonna go postal using my mind as a bullet and my brain as a gun.

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America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) posted news from Israel early on. (Founder Simone Gold is Jewish -- now sentenced to 60 days in prison for speaking out on January 6, 2021. A TRAVESTY! https://uncoverdc.com/2022/06/17/aflds-doctor-simone-gold-sentenced-to-prison-for-trespassing-jan-6/)

Here is an example of an article, from Israel, on the AFLDS website: https://americasfrontlinenews.com/post/israeli-media-report-4-cardiac-events-in-one-hour

Their World News section offers a lot of Israeli coverage: https://americasfrontlinenews.com/tags/world-news (keep scrolling down).

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Bam and double bam. THANK YOU!

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AMD - I love that you and Steve Kirsch are coordinating your articles, approaching data and ideas from various (and quite brilliant) angles — something that our “authorities” and “experts” are not doing.

These experimental shots are a massive clinical trial on all of humanity; you, Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, and others are conducting the crucial data and thought experiments that are not being done by those who should be doing them.

By explaining your thought processes, you make us all better critical thinkers. (Admittedly I’ll never become a math or data geek; however, I greatly appreciate those geeks who are kind enough to explain difficult eye-glazing concepts in ways math-challenged people like me can grasp.)

On a somewhat humorous note: I’m so grateful that the Communist State of Oregon was slow rolling these horrible shots early on. Those delays probably saved my life, giving me time to explore the facts on my own. To this day, I give thanks to a commenter in The Epoch Times for referencing some weird platform called “bitchute,” which I thought must be a hacking site due to its name. Little did I know, bitchute offered a place for video producers to share non-mainstream-narrative information with people seeking truth.

Two tiny suggestions:

1. On time lines and date references, please always include the years. As we move further away in time from the beginning of this ordeal, specifying the year is extremely helpful.

2. I found the little circles on the charts “marked below” difficult to see. If you have the time (perhaps in the future), could you include larger, downward facing colored arrows for those of us with old eyes and/or small screens ⬇️?

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Did the suggested edits. I completely forget about that being hard for people with poor eye sight (I just did the original way to save time, took me about an hour to make your suggested changes).

The vaccine safety movement was waiting for decades for a philanthropist to get their message out, so when Steve took that role up, I felt I had to do something to help him. I also feel he's coming from a very good place, and he's indirectly giving me a very easy way to make a huge difference so all around it's a good trade off.

Also, one of the things I'm trying really hard to do on here is to write out the concepts so that they make sense to people regardless of their educational background.

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“. . . to write out the concepts . . .”

That’s exactly what I love best about your approach, true in-depth analysis (how amazing you do it between seeing patients!). So much analysis today is superficial, or stops woefully short, or is simply propaganda. When I first saw your write-up on small pox vaccines, I thought oh not another going down conspiracy rabbit holes, but when you quoted Ivan Illich I knew you to be the real thing. Thanks for sharing your precious time, superb analysis and brilliant thinking with us. And how deeply reassuring it is to know there’s still good docs like you (and many others) out there. I’m already feeling better and I didn’t even see a doc!

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You are succeeding on all levels! Thank you for working with Steve (and for the edits :-)

The big red arrows are AWESOME. (Just one missed year: December 14: Health care workers and Nursing home residents are eligible for vaccination.") Again, not a big deal.

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Love your commitment to helping others around the world and your tireless detail to getting the word out to those less informed. I send all my friends this information to Farcebook Messenger, that way I don’t get put in jail from the “fact checkers”. Found this bit of info from another whistleblower who worked at Pfizer - we have snake venom as one of the adjunct, which you may already know about.


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I personally do not think the snake venom thing is true and I have not yet seen evidence that proves it. I am very careful not to post anything here I am not relatively certain of.

Also I can't click that link because it has too many ways to track be in the URL. If you can provide a direct link to the website without all the other stuff I can look.

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It's too bad there wasn't a chart/metrics for those of us who have actually witnessed people in our own lives who have had adverse reactions. As someone who knows 7 people whose lives are no longer the same after the experimental gene therapy, I have a feeling the number would be in the multi-millions. Most of us know that reactions to shots of any kind are rarely ever reported and most people won't even admit that it could have possibly been the shot that caused it. It's amazing that "vaccines" are pretty much the only product in the world that is so "safe and effective" (especially an experimental one with ingredients that are so super secret that, to my knowledge, no one even really knows what's in them) that it's impossible to have any kind of reaction to them. Unbelievable.

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That's why a lot of things in life are making the best you can with what you have, and that is what I'm trying to do here as I have like what you seen much of what you were describing in my personal circle. I agree; It's all Blind Faith.

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Thank you for all you do and all the time you invest. You're appreciated!

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I agree. Correlation is not causation but correlation means we absolutely need to research the issue further. Furthermore, "correlation is not causation" should never be used to dismiss dangerous medicine. People need to look at the facts on both sides of the issue, not just censor one side to push a narrative. And in medicine, doctors in the US take an oath to "do no harm". It seems they are ignoring their oath. I wonder if they could be sued for that. Especially since some vaccines in the US had no safety insert in the box, which is required by US law. One pharmacist found this out, posted a pic on social media, and was immediately fired. Why fire someone unless they are too close to the unpleasant truth?

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For me, the correlation-causation issue has always been very straightforward. The vaccinators must bear the burden of proof here. From the moment we saw spikes in VAERS reports, the vaccinators bore the burden of proving beyond reasonable doubt that this spike is attributable to something other than adverse events caused by the vaccine. They have completely failed to meet that burden.

Simply claiming “correlation doesn’t equal causation” doesn’t cut it. Not even close. So it is possible that the spike in VAERS reports and related Google searches may be caused by some other phenomenon. But I will continue to believe and act as though the vaccines are the causes of these spikes unless and until the vaccinators prove otherwise. That our regulators, elected officials, establishment media, establishment science, etc., reversed this burden of proof was a grave miscarriage of justice and a crime against humanity.

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Bingo. I just tried to word that more eloquently.

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Thank you for another great article. Your efforts are so appreciated. A thought just popped into my mind: we will have made considerable progress when you no longer have to remain anonymous!

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That will require in the world to become a very different place, but I am hopeful that future will emerge!

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Have you thought about starting a new medical society, not centered around allopathic medicine, but scientifically grounded nonetheless, that could one day create a state board? Maybe start in one state and grow outwards?

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"Correlation does not equal causation" is a meaningless statement. "Correlation" (say, between some variables) is an observable statistical quantity. "Causation", on the other hand, is a concept, which people hallucinate, because it is how human brain works. For example, the complement to "causation" is "randomness", which is also a hallucination - when things do not work the same way from what looks like the same initial set-up, people cope out by saying that the process is "random".

With that said, of course "correlation does not equal causation", the former is a measurable datum, while the latter is a matter of choice in a model, which is purported to predict future events from presently available data. Different people may hallucinate different models. One may include "causation" into their model, if the correlation in the available data is strong enough, so that a deterministic connection between what is now and what is in the future would still provide acceptable accuracy of the forecast. Another may choose to model the same event via a stochastic process, should they choose so for their own purposes. Any lack of accuracy stemming from the choice of the model is the problem of whoever came up with it, no more than that.

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I agree but I have to work with the models people use or what I say never will go anywhere.

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But it is already obvious that your model has much better predictive power, than a model where any adverse event is a completely random coincidence. Humans use models to predict events which will happen, to prepare beforehand (this is the primary survival mechanism). A good model must not predict events which do not happen, because it is not practical to prepare for everything. However, a model, where everything is a random event, predicts everything, and therefore it is completely useless.

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I agree but I don't think most people will get this point.

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Although nobody knows what exactly is in the “covid” vials, there are certainly severe “side effects” of the injections. In response to the popular argument that “correlation does not equal causation,” it occurred to me that certain activators may be used for a large variety of potential conditions.

Originally, it turned out that certain harmful ingredients in some batches remained dormant until they became activated by other ingredients in later batches.

Logic allows for the assumption that such activators do not have to be in the vials. After all, self-spreading "vaccines" are now probably present from person to person, so pushing the "vaccines" stopped being all that important... And the mysterious contents of chemtrails are also omnipresent...

This is just another variable that serves the purpose of plausible deniability, because the number of conditions emerging is several hundreds, if not thousands, and their emergence also comes with timed delays in order to avoid mass symptoms (that can and has been done in order to ensure the appearance of a "pandemic").

Of course, this is all conjecturing, but when everything points in the same direction, conjecturing can be quite useful, especially when access to authentic information is severely restricted.

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I've thought about later batches activating earlier ones, but logistically it doesn't work because everyone is trying to use up the original batches for boosters and no one has ordered new ones.

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Every batch contained a concoction of a few dozen harmful ingredients, probably selected by AI from 2-300 ingredients.

No need for boosters; the delivery system has changed.

Their "trying" to get rid of the available batches is for a show; otherwise, they would lose face and the theater could easily end.

It is conjecturing, but sounds logical to me...

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A lot of people will not have searched, because it would not cross their minds that there could be a link to what they were experiencing and the jabs. For example, flare ups of rheumatism and arthritis afterwards - I know of a lot of people who experienced that, inflammatory conditions that worsened, typically they got better after a few months - they didn't make the link. I would guess that few would link tinnitus to the jab. And of course when they do a Google search, they get a highly edited answer, that the vaccines are safe and effective.

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