Jul 4·edited Jul 5Pinned

I just received these 2 emails from readers:

1) "This is the first article of yours I read. I struggled with Lyme disease for years and getting back in the sun and reconnecting with nature was huge in me becoming symptom free."

2)"I remember my seventh-grade health book very well. There were pages and pages about healthy living, and on one of those pages was a picture of teenagers, lakeside, having fun in the sun. The text encouraged us to get plenty of sun in order to maintain our health. I was 12, so that was in 1960. Suntanning was a “national sport”. Everyone laid out in the sun to get nice dark tans. Baby oil was a hot item! Moms would get out their blankets and sun while we were in school. That was 1960, and the craze lasted until the 1980s.

Now we’re all pasty white. I have recently purchased a lawn chair that allows me to lay flat and get a tan. 20 minutes per side. It feels so good, and at 75, I’m done worrying about wrinkles, and I don’t really have any except a little crepey skin on my legs. I’m so relaxed after a session in the sun!"

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Great emails. The person sunning in the lawn chair might consider sunning while also touching the earth (“grounding”). There is so much benefit from tapping into the negative charge of the earth, just as there is from receiving sunlight.

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Thanks for this excellent piece. Could you please correct the link for alternative BCC therapies (it just links back to itself). I’m seeing a Dermatologist next week for suspected BCC and would like to arm myself with info. Thanks

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

That's a link to the article, not to the modalities (OOPS, I mean therapies!), though. Or maybe they're farther down, behind the paywall?

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Found this: "Imiquimod is used to treat sunspots and superficial basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). Your doctor will explain how to apply the cream and how often. For superficial BCCs, the cream is commonly applied directly to the affected area at night, usually 5 days a week for 6 weeks."

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Same situation here. I also asked for the link yesterday - no response yet.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Penny, if you're a paid subscriber, then maybe they're farther down? I'm not, and went looking, hoping to find them -- and then hit the paywall. Tried, as I was hoping to find the info, too!

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They don't want us to be healthy! "There's no profit from healthy people" = Big Pharma motto!

Do Moderna really need to plunder tax payer's money when they make over $150k every month selling their useless but DEADLY poisonous mRNA Covid injections.

Surely, they'll make the same as soon as Fauci and friends complete their Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) experimentation. GoF means To maximise the deadly potential of a dangerous Virus. Then Moderna can launch the next depopulating injection they've had prepared for years.

Since 2020, the English dictionary has been destroyed with new meanings for many words and expressions, like 'Rare' , which now means 'Frequent'.

'Vaccine' used to mean an injected substance that included a part of a disease that would encourage the human body to build a natural resistance to that disease. The new DEADLY mRNA injections do not warrant the term 'VACCINE'.

Perhaps mRNA injections ('Vaccines') should now be described as a Depopulate Plan?

'Safe & Effective' now means 'Dangerous and ineffective'

'Safety Trials' means 'Pay the FDA sufficient to avoid such inconvenient pretend activities'.

There are so many new expressions that have become everyday expressions, such as 'Myocarditis', which seems to impact young boys and young men. This new dangerous post-mRNA injection phenomena is played down as 'rare' and a non-deadly occurrence. The reality is that those youngsters are now advised to "avoid strenuous physical exercise for at least 28 days".

The DEADLY mRNA jabs cause Heart attacks, strokes, palpitations, chest pains in youngsters who gain zero benefit from being injected with poison for a man-modified disease that has zero health consequences to them. Any heart damage, if not immediately 'terminal', is serious and is likely to compromise humans at some point in the future. The best a Covid or Bird Flu recipient can expect from an mRNA injection is a SHORTENED LIFE EXPECTANCY!

And still Pfizer, et al, continue to enjoy massive profits from their depopulating injections which carry NO LIABILITY for side effects, health injuries, or even directly related vax induced DEATHS. Insane?

Unjabbed Mick. (UK) I'll live longer to get 'Full LIABILITY' re-introduced for all Big Pharma products!

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It is important to moderate one's sun exposure, so I keep it to 15-20 minutes per side at "solar noon", and additional bike riding and gardening at off-peak times, to good effect. ;-}

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Why? We've just been given compelling evidence "skin cancer" from sunlight exposure is an over-hyped, revenue driven creation of "Modern Advertising". We've also been told melanoma is NOT caused by exposure to the sun. As noted, MWD properly emphasized melanoma must be cared for immediately and by a competent, non-venture capitalist driven dermatology or cancer treatment center.

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How long does it take YOU to get a sunburn?

Go out a little bit less than that.

Not complicated.

Texas midday summer sun is strong.

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I live in the Utah desert; today it was 108°. Since I moved here nine years ago I stopped using sunscreen, and I don't avoid the sun. I haven't had a sunburn yet. About the same time I moved I also stopped using seed oils. There's an increasing amount of evidence that those oils contribute to sun damage as well as obesity and other things.

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Good on you with the seed oils. They are poison. I no longer have all the aches and pains since we stopped using them. I read every label and it is shocking just how much of it is in everything.

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Avoid getting sunburn. Got it.


Apologies for the curt reply.

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Thank You.

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It’s kind of difficult to not give a curt reply since the last four years have been a traumatic experience for people who thought they could trust their physicians. Now we have to try and figure out who is speaking truth and who is still wearing a mask and pushing the death shots.

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Totally agree but trying to do better these days. Can't win anyone over w/o inducing thought. It's not easy to respond in truth AND brotherly love...

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People words can also be mis-interpreted.

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I have Lupus. My doctor is constantly telling me stay out of the Sun. I walk an hour plus each day but in morning hours.

Thanks for this piece. I try to use wisdom balanced with research and well ignoring some medical advice from my doctors.

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Except for wrinkles, pain burns, and possible FDA vendettas, why the warnings? I say if it feels good on your skin and body, do it. But to avoid pain, it's better to ease into it.

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Same here. My mother liked coconut oil. I still think of her when I smell it.

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I'm an American of Irish descent, worshipped the sun, and never wore sunscreen growing up. In my late 20s I bought into the anti-sun hype and began wearing sunscreen/avoiding the sun - two years later I had three melanomas. I upped my vitamin D after that, went back into the sun, and never wore sunscreen again - zero issues to this day 20 yrs later. The US medical "system" is an absolute joke.

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I've had squamous and basal cell cancers on my face. I have that Nordic white skin with green eyes and dark hair and have been told that's a type that's prone to skin cancer. I once was treated for actinic keratosis with Effudex and it was like undergoing full chemo. I had to quit it. Then I started thinking about what's in the sunscreens and decided nope, not using them because I know how permeable our skin is to the stuff we rub on it. I seem to be managing the actinic keratoses with plain coconut oil and avoidance of skin doctors.

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Good for you and I wish you well with this approach - our bodies can heal themselves when given the right conditions. Keep listening to what yours is saying (and coconut oil is amazing).

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I've come to a similar summation! The AMA - US Medical propaganda system is not interested in healthier people. What a joke and the joke is on US.

Here is a more accurate AMA mission statement:

The AMA will stop at nothing to ensure no one questions their authority or alters their ability to generate more revenue and increase profit.

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Couldn't agree more.

Ha - your revised AMA mission statement is spot on. Sadly.

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Green eyed Irish, perhaps? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG8FFJQYoTM

Ireland is green in the summer, with long days, and I confirmed that it is possible to get a sunburn there bicycle touring ;-}

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Green-eyed Irish, indeed. And having cycled all throughout Ireland, I can confirm it IS possible to get sunburned there. (Great song, by the way....)

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We bike toured the Burren and Inishmore, going to Poulnabrone dolmen for summer solstice; Mom, Dad and 4 teenagers on loaded bicycles Summer 2005.

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Jul 4Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Just to share -- I actually got my first sunburn in a decade this year! (I'm pregnant, which makes it easier to burn, and I'm not used to easily burning because I have Mediterranean ancestry and olive skin so was a bit reckless). It wasn't a bad burn, but pretty red; I treated it with frankincense essential oil and it healed within about six hours. Hot tip.

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I hope you appreciate me using your comment! : )

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Anytime! I love your Substack.

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Cold whole milk is very soothing to sunburns. I had a horrendous one on my shoulders many yrs ago after unknowingly exposed myself to sun while using lactic acid cream. Twenty yrs later, melanoma.

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Another hot tip: aloe vera gel. Slice an actual fat leaf open. Rub it on your skin. Good stuff.

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Oh yes, I have an aloe plant which I harvest when needed. VERY useful. Hello from a fellow Canadian!

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Jul 4Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

You know what else dermatologists have discovered? Cosmetic procedures. I’ve recently tried a couple of new dermatologists and their offices are just blanketed in advertisements for lasers, fillers, etc. Between the skin cancer scam and cosmetic procedures, it’s no wonder it’s a highly desired specialty.

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I felt it was a cheap shot to take so I didn't go into it in the article, but one thing that has always rubbed me the wrong way about dermatology practices is how many advertisements they have within the offices which are designed to amplify and cater to people's physical insecurities.

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Even veterinary offices and exam rooms are now stuffed with brochures from pharma for pet meds. One of my neighbors has her dog on Prozac and trazodone. Pets are going to be a huge market!

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This is something that deeply saddens me. Recently read of small dog given neurontin for pain for luxating patella. Spaying her cat cost my friend $450. And they wonder why ppl can't afford it and shelters are at full capacity. 😿

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The RX for

neurontin/Gabapentin is now sadly one of the most common treatments for dogs and cats now. People have no idea what that drug can do on humans much less little animals. Vet’s Best has a products called Aches & Pains that works very well naturally. My dog had a “possible” CL tear. Thankfully I had time to research it and we went the conservative brace route (one company customizes a brace). Worked beautifully.

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Pets already suffer from "human" diseases, most likely from exposure to chemicals, particulary to weed killers as they are always sniffing the ground and poor quality food.

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Yeah, I've started supplementing my pup's chow with food I cook. She knows it's so much better than the kibble/canned glop.

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My precious little one was killed by an ignorant landlord who refused to give up his Roundup. 😿

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So terribly sad.

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Dr Andrew Jones is a great resource on his website and YT channel for natural remedies and the truth about what has happened to the vet “industry.” His YT channel is “Veterinary Secrets.”

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It’s also a lucrative specialty because so much of it is self-pay. We know a resident dermatologist and it’s one of the hardest/most competitive residencies to get into. Alongside plastics.

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I agree 100%.

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I always said that if I were a doctor, I’d like to be a dermatologist. They render high-priced cosmetic treatments, but unlike other specialists, they are never called to the emergency room at 3 am. And in Florida, where I live, dermatologists’ offices are standing-room-only with old folks sporting dark spots that worry them (benign solar lentigines, called age spots or liver spots). Ka-Ching!

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I know of a dermatologist who was in internal medicine and switch to dermatology for that very reason.

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Likewise, dental offices are awash in teeth whitening treatment ads.

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And they still use fluoride treatments!

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And you can't find a new dentist without having received a new full set of dental x-rays whether you need them or not. I don't and still without a dentist.

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Dr. Ellie Phillips has a dental care system - all with cheap OTC products - that will eliminate the need to go for cleanings. She will happily tell you for free, on YT or on her website. (yes, there is fluoride involved, but she will teach you about the different types of fluoride)

I'm pursuing this because of knee replacement - I have to take ABX every time I go for a cleaning, and I'm sick of it.

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Jul 4Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Your thesis, Midwestern doctor, was immediately proven to me during Covid when we saw the Sunbelt experience huge Covid spikes during the summer. It was quite obvious this was due to their staying indoors in the air conditioning. And in the Northeast, the spikes were during the winter, when people shelter from the cold. Also, many of our old family letters from the 1930s end with the admonition to “get plenty of fresh air and sunshine”! This makes governor Newsom’s prohibition of outdoor eating and enjoyment of the beach all the more criminal.

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Washington Governor Inslee criminalized fishing in 2020.

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Oh, wow!

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Skin type matters a lot in the sunbelt. More melanin = less vit D, generally.

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I noticed a couple of summers ago after dutifully applying sunscreen on my child at the pool, my gel nail polish began peeling off. This type of polish only comes off with acetone at a nail salon! Makes me wonder what sunscreen is doing to our bodies. Literally, everyone in the pool is swimming in it.

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I never followed their advise. After exposing myself freely for decades, my intermittently exposed areas (the back) have much more nevi than the regularly exposed areas (face and hands) and the never exposed ones. Never exposing ourselves to the sun is not a solution. I eat carrots during the days of sunbathing so as not to burn. A diet high in vitamin A helps against sunburn.

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Tomatoes and watermelon (lycopene) are also great for natural sun protection!

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Coconut oil. The BEST.

Ask any South African. It's the only thing I used when I lived in Durban and was on the beach every day.

I don't "sunbathe" in bathing suits these days. I DO sit in the sunshine, with as much skin exposed as I dare, out on the patio.

I walk during sunlight hours.

What more can I say? Am a 🌞 and coconut oil fan.

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Coconut oil is awesome! It's a great natural deodorant, dry-skin and callous treatment, and more. And it's good to eat.

Note: Some people's skin is sensitive to coconut oil.

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Lycopene is good for prostate glands, too, though not everybody has one.

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Have you looked at toxicity studies of vitamin A?

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Toxicity of vitamin A is another scam, as they refuse to differentiate between natural A and synthetic. The synthetic one is toxic!

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There are several different natural sources of vit A and several different chemicals all called "vit A."

What is the name of the "synthetic one"?


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My natural source of vitamin A is called liver. I try to get most of my nutrition from whole foods (and not the Bezos owned one - lol).

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I don’t buy it.

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Some people don't do science and that's Ok.

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Spot on! The Dermatologists are not alone in denying the true value of Vitamin D which is not a vitamin in it's active form, but a hormone which is required to be in ample supply within the body to turn on about 3000 gene expressions, from having the breast milk gene turned on after the birth of a newborn to have the E-Cadherin gene turned on to surround cancer cells to suppress metastasis until the special immune system cells can destroy the cancer cells. My first experience was in 2010 learning at a Vitamin D conference in La Jolla California sponsored by www.grassrootshealth.net about the true value of vitamin D. The general consensus was that 9 out of 10 dermatologists would have to find a new line of work if we tested all patients for Vitamin D blood deficiency and corrected it. . If we embraced the NIH recommendations which were really created in 2011 by IOM, now called NAM and is a pseudo medical government agency controlled by corporate interests, we would fall short of having everyone have a blood value over 50 ng's. The issue of blood value is confused when they quote values from a secondary measuring system. Consequently, there is a continued stream of anti-Vitamin D research papers and articles produced to create fear of overdosing on vitamin D. It keeps the Corporate Medical Companies growing in profitability. Go to my friend Henry Lahore website called ww.vitamindwiki.com to learn much more. Also grassrootshealth.net which was created by a Carole Baggerly who discovered the truth about by Vitamin D. Well done Midwest Doc. You will keep Big Pharma PR guys up at night figuring out how to counteract the truth that you have expressed about Vitamin D.

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My father was a dermatologist in the 1950s to 1990s & I grew up in the 1960s to 1970s. He never once told me the sun was bad or to wear sunscreen - & this was in the days when we actually applied OIL to attract more sun & deeper tans. He DID tell me chocolate causes zits & I believe it because every time I did or do eat too much chocolate, I break out & I’m 65 now 😂

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Part of the issue with chocolate is the sugar within it and the processing of it. I finally eliminated most chocolate from my life. I do use raw cacao powder.

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Can’t completely give it up

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I did and best thing ever for me, I don't miss it at all.

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Caffiene is also a worrysome ingredient.

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Jul 4Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Would love to see articles about blood pressure and DMSO.

The sun articles have changed my life.

Many thanks!

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Appreciate this article by the Midwestern doctor. My one question is the end of it that notes a continuation for the solutions to the questions posed. Is this to be a separate article?

What I can share here is my direct experience with both BCC and SCC skin conditions on my face. Had them biopsied about 4 yrs ago to see what these long term conditions were and was told 1) needed MOH surgery and 2) these conditions would return again. When asked why they occur constitutionally the answer was --no answer. Then was told by one of the doctors, an osteopath, there was no holistic or naturopathic solution for healing. I said goodbye and went home to do some research.

Used a topical of baking soda and castor oil/coconut oil paste for a bit but then switched to EOs including Frankicense, Myrrh and a couple of others in castor oil/jojoba oil as a carrier. Within a few weeks all was gone. As predicted there have been some other outbreaks on my face and they have been treated similarly. Recently I did a detox using gum turpentine for a couple of weeks at the end. All seems good and a few funny symptoms that I had (not skin) also healed so feeling the detox/turp routine was very helpful.

Over the past few years I wound up seeing some allopaths for diagnositic information. Mentioned to one, an integrative practitioner she said, the BCC & SCC. Her immediate response was to stay out of the sun. I kind of snapped back that sun is critical for natural Vit D. This was one of 2 MDs that tried to challenge me about getting Vit D testing done to check my levels. The first one told me flat out that "a" test was done on Vit D with hair and vision and it showed no benefit--she did not want to order the blood test. I told her she was dead wrong and Vit D was needed for 2000 body processes and she needed to so her homework. Refused to ever see her again. The integrative MD does osteopathy which is why I see her and she has learned to not order me to do anything but will make some suggestions. But her entire demeanor is to always be looking to find something wrong to gain control over me is how I interpret her. I have given her information that she seems to take in but here major identity is so bound with the allopathic model that it would be quite a bit of success to get her to open to the information I try to share with her.

This set of experiences I share to confirm the real life ones we actually have that this article addresses.

The Economic goal of the medical industry as its beginning and use of marketing tactics is one I have also studied with the Flexner report designed to 'prove' Homeopathic colleges were not acceptable being one of the dramatic examples of pure fraud created to control the industry and while promoting what we call a co-dependency of the public on the industry that functions like abusive addicts! This is another corollary to what this doctor writes--the way the public has been stripped of its independence, made co-dependent, and suffers from major Cognitive Dissonance which is why it is so hard to break that relationship.

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Correct, it's a separate article.

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Australia quit paying for Vit D tests over COVID (interesting, that), unless you had mitigating factors, like dark skin, or wear hijab or something. So - you have to fight your doc if you want one, and plan on paying. Often the labs don't have much facility for accepting payment - so if your doc prescribes it - even if they have to get special Authority Request - you may not have to pay - the hard part is getting the doc to order the lab because it's not covered.

We use Vit D tests a lot in psych drug recovery - it is so vital for mood, and most of the psych drugs deplete it.

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Not that different in the US. In my area where there is a high level of awareness about Vit D, medical people are not so aggressive about refusing to order tests. In my State you must go thru a medical person--not all States have this limitation and mail order testing is allowed in most of them. But I have personally experienced efforts by MDs to question my wanting this test done and been told absolute stupidity to justify their resistance. And then there are the MDs who prescribe Vit D as if it were a drug sensing people to chemical pharmacies for the synthetic form of the supplement. I have come across at least 2 people who were told their D level was dangerously low (way below 20!) and given prescriptions. They were shocked when I told them this was not a prescription drug and they should head to our local health food store for natural Vit D3 and to take with the Vit K2 which doctors never tell them. I see this resistance and lying as part of the FDA march towards implementing the Codex alimentarius treaty agreement signed by Obama when it was attached in the middle of the night to the CAFTA treaty. He was not aware nor was most of Congress as to what this was all about. And neither are most people which is scarey as Codex has been around since 1962 I believe and getting pushed by all the corporate interests of Big Ag, Big Chema and Big Pharma!

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I'm sorry that business-persons have come to run medicine, using a mass-production model and "public relations" manipulative practices.

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“Standard of Care” is a problem. In Canada , the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons are private corporations and run by lawyers.

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In psych drugs, we've battled "standard of care" for decades. If you have a horrible reaction to an SSRI and kill someone or yourself - well, the drug was "standard of care," and there is very little recourse. Even harder to prove that your permanent disability is truly iatrogenic. Because, "standard of care."

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They lost a Physician-free-speech case recently, I believe. The court held against "muzzling" the truth about "vaccines", and upheld individual expert advice.

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John--historically what you say has always been the case. It just wasn't as developed and overpowering as it is today. They went after the holistic practitioners and schools and threatened even the allopaths if they talked about or referred people to holistic practitioners. The reality is that legally people are held accountable for using this system and its drugs or can be charged with crimes. Parents have been losing control of their children for years when they chose other than drugs for treatment, not just vaccines. Medical records contesting the need for drugs are not considered important in these cases, only obedience to the industry.

The bottom line, simply said, is we have a drug based medical industry for profit and control and all health care is decried as illegal and fake.

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It was different when doctors were running hospitals and medical organizations. Autonomy was respected. Now administrators have multiplied their numbers and influence by 20X since the late 1980s, and everything is "compliance driven", without individual practitioners and patients having much to say, except to be sanctioned and cut out. After treating COVID with ivermectin-based treatments for over a year, to excellent benefit, I was fired for vaccine-refusal in October 2021 as "non-compliant". I am no longer a problem to the system, except for this blogging thing I do,

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You make my point to some degree as I have noted the medical industries increasing controlling power. Even when doctors had more say in how treatments were developed and meted out, doctors were trained in schools controlled by the drug industry which has been ongoing for 100 yrs. I just think most doctors/nurses/other allopathic workers are not aware of how their thinking was begin controlled by this drug controlled business model. For example nutrition was not taught and even denied its powerful role in health and healing. Holistic practices were not taught until very recently when incoming students were demanding some information and then very superficial information was provided. But again the motive was not open mindedness and curiosity about what could be done without toxic drugs/surgery. The motive was business--how to keep people coming when they wanted something different than drugs. I have talked with medical people and read articles that discuss this very concern. While most people go into medicine out of interest to heal they get caught up in the industry way of thinking without realizing how propagandized they are. And even when practitioners begin to see how they are being controlled they rarely step up to push back. You, to your credit, obviously did and paid a big price. This is how people are controlled: fear of loss of income, social status, reputation and this economic and social assault is then used to strike fear into others to keep them 'in their place.' Of course if people weren't so individualistic they would realize that collective actions is what is needed. So when the Bush people wanted to push universal small pox injections again at least 30% of practitioners refused outright knowing the harm from this drug as well as the uselessness of it. The govt dropped that campaign asap. If doctors with nurses and other medical techs stood together and refused these toxic drugs and their uses this whole imposition of fake science and toxic drugs would have been brought to a dead halt. And if the medical people actually sought collaboration with the public, at least 50% of whom did not want these mandated drugs or toxic treatment there would have been a huge outcry and pressure to stop this whole debacle.

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Definitely a project in itself to read all of this information. However, did run thru the time chart and a one of the articles on the killing of holistic practitioners for cancer. Did like the positive mention of homeopathy in healing small pox. Homeopathy has a shining history in many epidemics including the 1918 Flu which everyone seems to dredge up to justify allopathy and vaccines!

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Yes it is amazing what went on. I have been using homeopathics for years. I first discovered it when a dog I had years ago got tick fever and lost the use of her back legs. A lady who I met gave me some ledum and next day she was walking and fine again. Homeopathics can work wonders if you get the right remedy.

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I once used ledum with a dog who had a torn miniscus, if I recall correctly and it was very healing. Studied Homeopathy for about 20 yrs and found it the most profound healing protocol. I learned many years ago that all major healing protocols in the world are energy based along with nutrition. And while some easier protocols are often preferred for a quick grab, I always go back to homeopathy. Just recently, with a seriously infected tooth pulp that was diagnosed as a failed tooth needed extraction, I began with golden seal/echinaccea daily mouth wash and low level laser along with cloves held against the gum, until my remedies arrived. The first 3 treatments kept the infection under control but the healing was very slow. The Hx remedies seem to have done the trick in 4 days and I can now eat on the tooth and the gum is not sore/bleeding. Years ago had an abscess with a root canal priced at $1500.00!!!! Used low level laser and Hx Mercurius. This is another condition 'they' say cannot be healed as they are enclosed and the body cannot eliminate the toxins. Well, here we are with both conditions healed beautifully. Absolutely no sign of the abscess which was at least 15 yrs ago. I call that cure!

Your last sentence is one I often use myself as it is the challenge of Hx--to chose the right remedy. It works in the garden so well as well on house plants. And of course on humans: mental, emotional, spiritual as well as physical conditions. That is why the allopaths went after it so hard--too much successful competiton showing up the failures/harm of allopathy.

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Been happening for ever check out ahealedplanet.net:


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Once is information. Twice is enthusiasm. Three times is spam. I would've maybe checked it on the first one - if you'd told us what it was.

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I was replying to comments, sorry.

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so - when you post a link - what is it? We are all time poor, and have to choose where our attention goes.

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If you are time poor than you might not want to read it, I found that it was easier to the website page open and read bits and pieces, and I still have not had tiime to get back and read more, it is a wealth of information.

This is what is on the home page:

The Home Page of Wade Frazier

Welcome to this website. If you are interested in free energy, cancer cures that are harmless, cheap and effective, or how this planet might be healed and what some of the obstacles seem to be, you might find these pages of interest. To readers from the past: welcome back. To those new to my work, I hope that you find something worthwhile on this site.

The information on this website is freely given. Several pieces of it, and other writings of mine, have been published elsewhere. If you want to reproduce some of these writings, I ask that you also provide a link to this site and tell your readers that what you have reproduced is a small excerpt of it. Also, since this information is freely given, I do not want anybody to charge for it. Please reproduce it in the spirit in which it has been given to the world. Thank you.

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Wow! I grew up in the 60’s no sun screen back then.. Tanning lotion yes.. All we used as teenagers was baby oil to tan and we loved it.. As children we played outside in the sun all day and came in when the street lights came on.. Never used sun screen on my children either.. There was no skin cancer back then... There were dermatologists and I knew a few kids in high school that went to them but for their acne..

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Same here. The smell of Hawaiian Tropic 0 SPF tanning oil will forever remind me of Huntington Beach. 🏝️

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I had an extended-storm event camping in the mountains about 37 years ago, hiking out with soaked gear through mountainous mud for 13 miles the next day. Hawaiian Tropics coconut sunscreen was part of it all, and that is my parting memory of it.

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Baby oil and iodine!

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"Barbecue sauce!"

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We had a thing called "barbecue sauce" = baby oil + a small amount of iodine.

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Funny that, I met someone at my outdoor pool today before my workout. I asked her which lane she wanted, and she said the one in the shade...she did everything possible to avoid the sun. And then I came home to your article. A real life demo of your post.

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I will make a comment on the Mohs surgery for removing "skin cancers":

My Father-in-law is 93 years old. Less than one year ago he was diagnosed with "skin cancer" by a young, pretty, female Dermatologist. She convinced him to have Mohs Surgical excision of the Cancer.

It was done in her office under local anesthesia and took several hours to complete. Later that evening my brother-in -law went to check on Dad and found a large hematoma in the lower edge of the incision. The Dermatologist was called and told him to put pressure on the area for 5 minutes and change the dressing but in no circumstances was Dad to be taken to an Emergency Room because the Emergency Room Doctor would want to redo the incision and they were not trained to handle that problem. Just keep the pressure there, change the dressing and everything will be fine.

My brother-in-law did what was asked, but made a cell phone picture of the area before placing a new dressing over it. He sent my wife and I the picture via text so we would know what was happening. There was an area of approximately 1.5 inches in diameter with a Q like incison line running downward past the lower lobe of the ear. (the lesion had been removed from in front of the ear. We later learned the lesion was a BCC that had been completely removed.

I am a retired Health Care Provider and Attorney with 40+ years experience in Emergency rooms, Surgery, and Intensive Care Units. I have seem General Practitioners remove skin lesions of that size, with clear margins, and no post excision bleeding many times over those years.

We asked Dad why he went to that doctor and he replied "she is pretty and I like her."

I tell this story to emphasize that not only have Dermatologists rebranded their practice but it appears that some are of minimal skills and cover up for their lack of skills by "flirting" with their elderly patients.

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Melanoma rates in the US have increased from 1982 to 2018 by 180% for males and 80% for females.

The proposed reason is use of sunscreen that blocks UVB, which produces vitamin D, but not UVA in the US. The FDA thinks that compounds that block UVA might be harmful. Europeans disagree and block UVA in transparent sunscreens. Vitamin D protects against many types of cancer including melanoma. The situation is discussed in detail in this open-access article.

Grant WB. Cancer Incidence Rates in the US in 2016–2020 with Respect to Solar UVB Doses, Diabetes and Obesity Prevalence, Lung Cancer Incidence Rates, and Alcohol Consumption: An Ecological Study. Nutrients. 2024; 16(10):1450. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16101450

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Jul 4Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A friend had melanoma and reversed it rapidly by boosting his blood value of Vitamin D.

Chicken eggs 60 years ago were a rich source of Vitamin D until they put them all into dark tin barns and out of the sunlight. Now eggs may have 1 ng. Maybe or none. The first thing that happened when they put chickens in tin barns, 25% of them broke their legs and they had to add the active form of Vitamin D to the chicken feed! Stupid is..Stupid does. Who said that?

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This is a really good point I need to mention whenever I discuss eggs.

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Aldi’s basic white eggs have gone from 1$ a dozen a few years back to 2.50 per dozen. Maybe they are adding additional cholecalciferol to the eggs so the consumer is healthier? I doubt it. Gave my analysis one time to a Professor of Animal Husbandry for his viewpoint. Never got a response but with in 30 days a puff piece appeared nationally extolling the virtues of eggs. Eggs tell me inflation is accelerating!

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Thanks Dr. Grant . Solar D sunscreen from Australian allows Vitamin D production to take place and at the same time prevent the skin from being inflamed from the sun. It's all about common sense in sun exposure management. I never use sunscreen since the active ingredients in most have never been tested to make sure they don't contribute to the development of skin cancer. If the dermatologist had the patient's self interest first in line they would demand that it be done!

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Wow - Due to the USE OF SUNSCREEN!!!!

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What about the chemicals in the sunscreen? I recently read that in pregnant women (biologist here, lol), they can penetrate inside the placenta. Then I went to the FDA webpage and I read something like:

- They are safe.

- We are not sure if they are safe.

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All bases covered: Safe! Use them! We're not sure! Be cautious but use them all the time!!

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I linked to the EWG's report. You can read that one.

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Solar D is the only safe one I know. Most of the chemicals in sunscreens have never been tested to make sure they don't contribute to the development of cancer. Research it and learn.

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As I understand regulations there is no requirement to test the chemicals used in body products including sunscreens. We can barely get testing on the chemicals used in processed foods. Forget about fertilizers and pesticides!

Of significance is the fact that many independent studies are done and even many by the manufacturers of the chemicals and those using them but the if the government does not fund the studies they claim there are no studies! This is fraudulence against the public's interest but since people are not aware of this there is little hew and cry. Those who do raise a voice are trashed publicly with highly funded propaganda efforts as this article has noted in part

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