I got the 2nd #Pfizer shot on 8/26/21 & immediately started having an adverse reaction. At the time my daughter was only 4. At the time I slept in bed with her every night. She was starting Preschool on 9/1 & a few days after school started she was the sickest she had been in her life & I was so scared I took her to the ER. She had a 104…
I got the 2nd #Pfizer shot on 8/26/21 & immediately started having an adverse reaction. At the time my daughter was only 4. At the time I slept in bed with her every night. She was starting Preschool on 9/1 & a few days after school started she was the sickest she had been in her life & I was so scared I took her to the ER. She had a 104 fever, she was extremely weak like a limp noodle & she had a rash on her face & trunk. The ER told me she had an unknown virus but she would be fine in a few days. I know she had just started school but before she was exposed to the vaccine through my breathing & skin, she had a very robust immune system but after that she started getting sick for 5-7 days, every other week for YEARS. Keep in mind during this I’m near death from my own extremely serious #vaccineinjuries that I now know was EBV, Dysautonomia, MCAS & extreme inflammation. We have a genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which I believe puts us at a higher risk of having serious complications from the gene therapy #vaccines Heartbreakingly it reawakened my dormant EBV which I gave to my then 5 yr old & my 9 yr old nephew in March/April 2022. My daughter was misdiagnosed with a sinus infection & had the worst side effects to Amoxicillin I’ve ever seen in my life! That was the first antibiotic she had ever needed but she has now had so many different types of infections that she’s been prescribed many different kinds since. I was convinced she was a victim of shedding as soon as I saw the Pfizer docs & saw they were investigating it during the trial. I would be happy to share medical records & tell you our story if you’d want
the 1st two photos are from the initial ER visit post shedding exposure & the last two pictures are from the reaction during her Mono. I did an interview with Stew Peters about this a few years ago.
I got the 2nd #Pfizer shot on 8/26/21 & immediately started having an adverse reaction. At the time my daughter was only 4. At the time I slept in bed with her every night. She was starting Preschool on 9/1 & a few days after school started she was the sickest she had been in her life & I was so scared I took her to the ER. She had a 104 fever, she was extremely weak like a limp noodle & she had a rash on her face & trunk. The ER told me she had an unknown virus but she would be fine in a few days. I know she had just started school but before she was exposed to the vaccine through my breathing & skin, she had a very robust immune system but after that she started getting sick for 5-7 days, every other week for YEARS. Keep in mind during this I’m near death from my own extremely serious #vaccineinjuries that I now know was EBV, Dysautonomia, MCAS & extreme inflammation. We have a genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which I believe puts us at a higher risk of having serious complications from the gene therapy #vaccines Heartbreakingly it reawakened my dormant EBV which I gave to my then 5 yr old & my 9 yr old nephew in March/April 2022. My daughter was misdiagnosed with a sinus infection & had the worst side effects to Amoxicillin I’ve ever seen in my life! That was the first antibiotic she had ever needed but she has now had so many different types of infections that she’s been prescribed many different kinds since. I was convinced she was a victim of shedding as soon as I saw the Pfizer docs & saw they were investigating it during the trial. I would be happy to share medical records & tell you our story if you’d want
the 1st two photos are from the initial ER visit post shedding exposure & the last two pictures are from the reaction during her Mono. I did an interview with Stew Peters about this a few years ago.