I am a 71 year old healthy unvaccinated post-menopausal female. I avoid all pharmaceuticals and I am not on any medications. I have been taking bio-identical hormones since menopause. I never got COVID. I am highly sensitive to environmental toxins as I have the MTHFR gene. I believe my health has been negatively affec…
I am a 71 year old healthy unvaccinated post-menopausal female. I avoid all pharmaceuticals and I am not on any medications. I have been taking bio-identical hormones since menopause. I never got COVID. I am highly sensitive to environmental toxins as I have the MTHFR gene. I believe my health has been negatively affected in the last two years by vaccine shedding.
1) I was intimate with a fully vaccinated male who ejaculated inside of me. The next day I felt flu like symptoms and I bleed vaginally for a week.
2) I pride myself on how quickly I heal, but my immune system was compromised as I had some cuts and scrapes that bruised and took months to heal.
3) Since then, I had three heavy make-out sessions with three different vaccinated men. The next day I had flu like symptoms and bleed.
4) I received a massage from a vaccinated massage therapist and the next day I again had flu like symptoms and spotted.
5) I went to a vaccinated gynecologist and received an internal and external ultra-sound and was cleared of all possible medical issues. I was dismissed and ridiculed by her.
6) I went to my vaccinated integrative doctor and got a blood test. It showed an over abundance of white blood cells (Monocytes). My hormone levels have also greatly decreased. I was dismissed by him when I shared my story.
7) I now have migraines.
8) I have noticed recently that I my eye sight is declining.
Thank you Dr. Kory,
I am a 71 year old healthy unvaccinated post-menopausal female. I avoid all pharmaceuticals and I am not on any medications. I have been taking bio-identical hormones since menopause. I never got COVID. I am highly sensitive to environmental toxins as I have the MTHFR gene. I believe my health has been negatively affected in the last two years by vaccine shedding.
1) I was intimate with a fully vaccinated male who ejaculated inside of me. The next day I felt flu like symptoms and I bleed vaginally for a week.
2) I pride myself on how quickly I heal, but my immune system was compromised as I had some cuts and scrapes that bruised and took months to heal.
3) Since then, I had three heavy make-out sessions with three different vaccinated men. The next day I had flu like symptoms and bleed.
4) I received a massage from a vaccinated massage therapist and the next day I again had flu like symptoms and spotted.
5) I went to a vaccinated gynecologist and received an internal and external ultra-sound and was cleared of all possible medical issues. I was dismissed and ridiculed by her.
6) I went to my vaccinated integrative doctor and got a blood test. It showed an over abundance of white blood cells (Monocytes). My hormone levels have also greatly decreased. I was dismissed by him when I shared my story.
7) I now have migraines.
8) I have noticed recently that I my eye sight is declining.
9) I am now unable to sleep through the night.
Please share my story....Thank you
What time did that happen? Recently or in 20021 or 22. Thats critical to know...