Why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick—a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and long, interesting paths to nowhere—relentless discombobulation are important tentpoles of demoralization and destabilization.


Do NOT choose a contrived "side"

Do NOT get divided and conquered


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Thanks Tritorch 🎯

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Thanks Brandon is not your bro =)

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The truth is, as Charleton Heston wrote, “Modern media fills the cultural airwaves with a mist of anesthesia, so that principles and values are slowly desensitized to the coming onslaught. The new culture arrives on the heels of this propaganda. It simply moves in and takes over, like slipping a fine new glove over a numbed hand. The outcome of the war is just as devastating, but without bombs bursting, twisted bodies to bury, or rubble to rebuild. A new class, a different culture, simply takes over.”

But let’s look at specifics. Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?). And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators. And don’t forget Vietnam reporter Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – except that this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it. Or perhaps you prefer Charles Jaco of CNN “reporting live from Saudi Arabia” in the 1990” Iraq war…. or should I say, in front of a fake green screen. If you need a refresher, from a linked clip is a video of the broadcast (which I saw myself) or see here as well. The fake news doesn’t care if you see this now (which is why it is allowed on co-opted Youtube), as this has already gone down the Orwellian memory hole of the general public so they don’t care. Only I suggest you should care, as they continue to do this stuff today, only even more.

Or think the first Gulf War where the MSM showed ''thousands'' in attendance when Saddam Hussein's statue likeness was toppled by the jubilant masses who were so thrilled by the American liberators.. At least, that's what the camera angles made it look like. In actuality, there were a few dozen individuals there, possibly paid and/or crisis actors, and a rope was attached to an unseen US military Humvee that actually did the work. And of course, more recently, from the media’s “Covid lab leak is a hoax” to “Covid lab leak is confirmed,” it later came out that CNN was ordered not to look into chasing the story down. So much for the Fourth Estate. Orwell’s “We have always been at war with Oceana” to “We have always been at peace with Oceana” is now verified! In fact, in 2023 it came out that, as Defender writes in Private Emails Show NIH Officials Helped Persuade Virologists to Write Key Article Denouncing COVID Lab-Leak Theory, that “Leaders of the National Institutes of Health and the U.K.’s Wellcome Trust played an undisclosed role in persuading virologists to write an influential article asserting a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, according to a memo released by investigators with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.” And re. the Covid scamdemic, Dr. Martin Makary, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine put it bluntly “Makary told the House Oversight Committee Feb. 28, 2023 that “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”

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Alex Newman has a video of Walter Cronkite thanking Satan...All the people we thought were good guys, aren't. I don't have the exact link, but I saw this several months ago, even last year.


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Thank you. Sadly, he is with the evil one he worshipped now. He was a vile, evil, lying man then. He will find, as CS Lewis wrote about, that devils only devour one another. I don't wish evil on anyone; but they have chosen the evil to be upon themselves.

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Thanks, Tritorch!! That is the Cronkite-Satan video.....

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So much research here to absorb, thank you, takes diligent research to show what you have shown.

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What a great point Tri!!!!!

A song that always resonated with me is, “ Everybody wants to rule the world” by Tears for Fears.

“ There’s a room where the light won’t find you, holding hands as the walls come tumbling down. When they do, I’ll be right behind you. So glad we almost made it. so sad they had to fate it. everybody wants to rule the world.”

I disagree that ‘everybody’ wants to rule the world, but enough to do who are in powerful positions, that they are making life challenging.

Another song that comes to my mind is , “The final countdown.”

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"Will things ever be the same again?

It's the final countdown"

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Well said Tritorch!

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The fog of this war is thick, and we are encuraged to see all of the demons of the past in it, but this demon is different. We are to be consumed by the demon that kills humanity back to a "sustainable number", without destroying industry in the process.

I think this is hubris on the part of the owners.

Take steps to survive this, basic steps.


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Not everyone is aware that the content provider for each cable (satellite, etc.) TV channel receives fixed income from the cable (satellite) company based upon subscriptions, NOT based upon actual viewings.* This means, at least short term, that Fox could care less that they’ve fired their most valuable asset. This fact alone, I suspect, implies that profit is not the top priority at Fox, which seems very odd at least by “old fashioned” standards, where in theory at least, a publicly traded corporation’s first duty is to its shareholders. On second thought allow me to amend that: If big corporations allied with the Deep State have large, even controlling interests in a corporation like Fox, then perhaps by firing a loose cannon like Carlson, they are acting in the stockholders’ interests.

It’s worth mentioning that newer media such as Substack is fairer to both subscriber and content creator, in the sense that subscriber pays for what he wishes, and is not bound to a package plan. I hope Carlson has a stellar future on independent media

*Pay-per-view diverges from that, for obvious reasons.

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Those are really great points, thank you for sharing.

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Blackrock, one of the largest investment firms globally, has increased it's stake in Fox to %15,.1 within less than 24 hours after Tucker was let go. Coincidence?

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Even easier to control the propaganda

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The country, including the USD, is under controlled demolition. The same people who own the media, own just about everything else that moves, and they have their own program: Agenda 2030. Their progress stays unabated. By now, they are posing an imminent threat:


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I heard that too. Thanks for sharing it with us, Ray.

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It's the global Marxist project at work.

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Eugenicist technocrats.

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And, these subscriptions allow for the inflated paychecks for all the TV gleaming heads even including Tucker Carlson who was paid 20 million for averaging 3 million viewers in a country with more than 300 million people.

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Well, not many people watched him. He just drew attention to himself and intercepted the subpoena.

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Content providers receive variable compensation from their advertisers based upon how many of their ads are seen.

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You have valid points, but the in my estimation the implication that you draw, i.e., "I suspect, implies that profit is not the top priority at Fox...", is neglecting at least one critical point... that being the advertising money from corporate interests that no doubt was in jeopardy if "something" wasn't done about Tucker Carlson.... Now... which do you think is more important to FOX, ratings or Corporate Advertisement $$$ ?... And I haven't even touched the topic of the Deep State interest in shutting down a major embarrassment and threat to their agenda.

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Fox "COULDN'T care less" would be the proper phrasing.

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I too really like to stay away from politics but there are times it must be addressed. Thank you for this article. Regarding your quote:

"However, the more significant shift was because I realized it’s very easy to pivot from socialism to communism."

Now it is so very easy to pivot from socialism to fascism and transhumanism. Any "ism" that leads to less God-given freedom is not good.

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We've been encouraged to stay away from politics so the corrupt can more easily manipulate the system. A few generations back people were more actively involved in politics at the local level if not all levels. They kept a mindful watch over what elected persons where doing. Sometime between the Boomers and GenXer's they convinced us that talking politics was a vulgar act and to be avoided at all costs. One can avoid politics but politics will never avoid you.

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"We've been encouraged to stay away from politics so the corrupt can more easily manipulate the system."

True, but they'll corrupt it whether members of the productive classes are involved or not.

PS:1776 ,in fact, was co-opted out of the box. It was a rich man's war dressed up in popular garb as usual.

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But they won’t corrupt it as easily if people are engaged. It’s our money they are using after all. Is there anything more important than keeping your country intact?

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"But they won’t corrupt it as easily if people are engaged."

I understand the sentiment, but most folks are way too busy to be engaged with a process like that even on a local basis.

"It’s our money they are using after all."

You wan't catch an argument from me about that! (The *^&@)!!!)

"Is there anything more important than keeping your country intact?"

Yes. Keeping ourselves and our families intact. Ask yourself, what is a country (state) and why is it improtant?

Here's a hint.:

"For if the bulk of the public were really convinced of the illegitimacy of the State, if it were convinced that the State is nothing more nor less than a bandit gang writ large…

The State versus Liberty By Murray N. Rothbard


“The primitive state is the creation of warlike robbery; and only by warlike robbery can it be preserved.”

- Franz Oppenheimer, The State [1919] , Chap II,(d) the primitive feudal state of higher grade


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"Is there anything more important than keeping your country intact?"

"Yes. Keeping ourselves and our families intact. Ask yourself, what is a country (state) and why is it improtant?"

God, Family, Country. That's how people should approach life. Even if your not religious it's still family then country. I'd say until very recent (i.e. younger millennials and genZ) the majority of Americans followed this model. Once they ( those manipulating state actors thru bribery and or blackmail ) convinced a majority to stop caring about and or focusing on politics they were able to speed up their plans for a controlled demolishing of society so they can reset it. Problem is Trump and Brexit derailed the plan some but more importantly Trump showed 100's of millions that they didn't have to simply keep taking it. The most dangerous thing Trump did was to inspire people to stand up and say #NO to the government and its partners in teh private sector from the media to entertainment.

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Food for thought. Thanks!

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You can never know how much I appreciate your response.

I've learned that the max I can do is to encourage thought, especially since I have so few answers except for myself. You may be the first success I've ever had and I've been trying for at least 6 decades!

Bless you!

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"Now it is so very easy to pivot from socialism to fascism and transhumanism."

It's quite obvious that modern "public-private" partnersips (whether "voluntary" or coerced), invariably end up as variations on a fascist theme. So called "Communism" and "Democracy" included.

"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender's slave" (Proverbs 22:7)

We would be well advised to love our neighbors; by taking switches and driving the money changers out or our temples. Ayn Rand was wrong. Greed is not good; it's stupid and dangerous and her concept is corny.

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Ayn Rand wasn't wrong about greed. In her book Atlas Shrugged she demonstrates how crony Capitalism eventually leads to a collectivist form of governance like socialism. Greed isn't the problem, it's the corruption we've allowed to take place within the free market that is bad. Greed motivates people and most are motivated to acquire more in an ethical way. It's the few corrupt one's that if not kept in check can and will bring the system down.

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"It's the few corrupt one's that if not kept in check can and will bring the system down."

I agree with that entirely.

"Capitalism eventually leads to a collectivist form of governance like socialism."

That concept is valid as well. And it should be well known that capitalists funded, inter alia, the rise of the USSR, Red China and National Socialist Germany. It's pretty obvious why they did that as well. Orwell's "Animal Farm had a similar message.

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

― George Orwell, Animal Farm, last sentence

Then there's this, from an old and interesting article,

"Accomplishing this by virtually conscripting in the direction of a national plan, the machinery of the industrial system has been called in some quarters Guild Fascism. This ignores the fact that mechanically fascism, corporate capitalism, and communism are so closely allied as to be almost indistinguishable. A committee of Communist Commissars, a corporate board of directors, a syndicate of Fascists, all work in about the same way."

A.A. Berle, Jr., What's Behind the Recovery Laws, Scribners, September 1933, pp. 129-134


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" capitalists funded, inter alia, the rise of the USSR, Red China and National Socialist Germany" yes Capitalists did that, individuals. But the same could be done under any other form of governance because those with wealth have power & access. In China the CCP rules but you can bet those with wealth have influence and as long as they don't challenge the leadership I bet they get what they want.

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"In China the CCP rules but you can bet those with wealth have influence and as long as they don't challenge the leadership I bet they get what they want."

True, but even they answer to the globalist banking thugs. Mao was a Yali. If you look that up, you may be in for a surprise.

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I know at least 1 Chinese billionaire who got disappeared b/c he was bad mouthing teh CCCP. M<y point is if you have wealth and don't challenge the party leadership you can probably get away with more than the non-wealthy can in China because wealth always affords influence and power.

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No one is paying attention and no one is held to account. Two big problems!

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Funny thing about AYn Rand and her silly "greed is good" but long before I read any of her stuff I began pulling a "John Galt." I've done well, but thanks to our masters' greed, I've been on strike for decades. Could've made 3-10x as much money as I did, but I found out I didn't need it! Much happier staying far away from the rat race!

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That's a great point.

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I’m so happy to see you writing about Tucker. The whole “stay in your lane” nonsense is exactly that: nonsense. You’re a highly intelligent & deeply perceptive man of integrity. I want to hear your thoughts on more topics, not less. With regards to Tucker, I have no doubt that he’ll find a platform soon - and it will eclipse anything offered by the corrupt, globalist-controlled media. It’s almost comical (if it wasn’t so deadly) to watch them desperately trying to speed up their agenda - which , in turn, alienates more & more people.

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Yes, but I still want to respect people who are here primarily for medical information. That's where my expertise is, so it's important for me to focus on that.

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Have you written about cancer? People around me are suffering with this and I feel that alternative protocols would be better than the slash and burn of chemo/ surgery, but I have little actual experience with such.

I respect what I have read authored by you, and am wondering if you have knowledge on the cancer subject.

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Did a recent substack: You've got Cancer: Hope not Fear! As someone who has been into health research 62 years...I personally experienced this subject myself...and easily got rid of it naturally without medical interention. Check out: barbaracharis.substack.com

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Although I have written little on cancer, having been diagnosed with a cancer (in reality toxic poisoning) in 2020 I have an understanding I would not have done if that had not happened. This might be of interest.

Chemo/surgery and immuno-therapy are all a big pharma con. Perhaps some surgery might be desirable but it is the treatments that harm and are merely money for big pharma like the vaccines etc.



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Integrated Medical Articles...that’s what you’re providing! One cannot stay away from ‘politics’ and tell the whole story honestly.

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I think the people who follow you want you to focus on medicine. Dr. Kory is in a different situation because he was so prominent since the beginning of covid in speaking out against what was happening, and that, unfortunately, turned out to be a political act.

Your articles are incredible; I learn so much from them. Everyone in the movement for truth has their niche.

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“ It’s almost comical (if it wasn’t so deadly) to watch them desperately trying to speed up their agenda - which , in turn, alienates more & more people.”

I’ve been saying this for a while now. It really feels like whoever is pulling strings at the “top” is behind schedule and running out of time. They seem in a BIG hurry to push us to a certain place by a date certain, and I suspect Trump threw off their timeline. At least that’s the way it feels to me. Almost desperate.

The only problem is that the faster and harder they push us, the faster people wake up.

I saw a YT video a few years ago about a DARPA whistleblower who worked

on a supercomputer that gamed out human nature and humanity’s future way into the future. And as time progressed, the potential outcomes for our future narrowed, like in a chess game, and every outcome increasingly brought humanity to a point that was absolutely terrifying elites:

An awakening.

They’re racing against time to seize total control over humanity before we awaken. This, I believe, is what Armageddon is.

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This is all part of Armageddon. Or given the medical war with big pharma it is the 'Pharmageddon'. And I am not joking, this is the true war of Revelation and it's about time the Church woke up to this. Some are still asleep.



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'This, I believe, is what Armageddon is.'

Well PD, to clarify what the bible says. Armageddon is the final attack against Israel and against the return of the Messiah Jesus. It will be over in a blink of an eye. Jesus wins. Read Revelations 16.16, Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 14:1-7

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Or woman? I still haven’t figured that out. 😉

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Wisely said!

Completely agree.

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I remember the 1976 swine flu vaccine fiasco. I was a sophomore at UC Berkeley and I remember they had posters with a clip art image of a huge pig all over campus telling people where they could get their swine flu vaccine. My attitude at the time was that Gerald Ford could keep his pig flu. I didn't get the shot but most of my friends did. Of course, I didn't get the Covid shot either.

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I remember my mom and dad taking my brother and I up to our local high school to get the shot. All of us got it. Thank god we were all ok but in retrospect I shouldn’t be surprised that she then (against my advice as her daughter AND an educated pharmacist) went and got the covid shots and then the booster until it gave her intractable vertigo. She still believes that the FDA and the CDC are good people. She believes that the democrats are the party of the people and of freedom. She still watches the nightly news 5 and 10pm. She has bought her safety at the price of her freedom to live her life fully. It’s all very sad.

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Her illusion of safety.

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I am sorry she is dealing with vertigo - a truly miserable condition.

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Congrats on surviving Berkeley.

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Quite so from what I've observed. I suppose there must be a lot of Berks in Berkeley

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My sister was 6 years old in 1976 and being treated for acute lymphocytic leukemia. I remember distinctly the doctors saying she should NOT be given the swine flu vaccine. How times have changed with doctors threatening to withhold cancer treatment if people refused the COVID shot.

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That's right! I wasn't vaccinated either!

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"One point on this subject many do not appreciate is that Obama, Bush’s successor, pivoted once elected and adopted many of the warmongering policies his predecessor had."

That's pretty much SOP (standard operating procedure) for the puppets known as presidents. WIlson kept us out of ww1 until he didn't, Frankie the rich kid Roosevelt famously promised, "I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again; your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars" while plotting with the warmonger Churchill, to get the US involved in ww2, to Bush who promised a "compassionate conservatism" and a "humble foreign policy" then destroying Iraq to name just a few more.

It's clear that those in positions of power are guilty of crimes against humanity until proven innocent and it's not only false, but intellectually lazy to keep harping on "the other" while ignoring the beams in our own eyes.

As for "Tucker," since I have always thought of teevee as mind sewage, I have never owned one, so I have never seen him. Whatever is going on with him is, rest assured, part of some big game that's being played and we'll never know the truth. Myself, I would have a hard time caring less.

As for the lying media, it's nothing new; it's a given. Upton Sinclair wrote, in 1919, "The Brass Check," and in 1920, "Money Writes," both detailing the corruption of the popular press by the influence of big money.

Then there's this,

"I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. "

"He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."

-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807


Mass media exists to influence the masses and as such, is made to appeal to the knuckle draggers amongst us. Same goes for schooling.

Therefore, to avoid being suckered, doubt everything, then question it. Above all, trash the toob and all other big media. You'll see that most of what we're told comes from under the bull's tail.

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I just watched an interview last night that Tucker did with two podcasters three weeks ago and in it he said that he does not own, nor has ever had a television in his home. I agree with him and you that television and most of media today is a vile aggressive cancer on our society.

As A Midwestern Doctor has said, Tucker was really the only voice in the media who nightly spoke to the marginalized and disenfranchised in this country. His voice was not only encouragement, but validation that we, the outsiders and 'othered' were not alone.

In case anyone is interested, here is the link to the Full Send podcast with Tucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAaFEOCHE4I&t=6s

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Tucker has mentioned the "I have no TV " several times. With technology today one doesn't need an actual TV to get the same content. I'm certain he has 1 or more computing devices.

That said I imagine his point about "no TV" is that he doesn't let TV dominate his life like many do.

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I forgot to put it in my post, but I've banned TVs from every house I've lived in. I hate what they do homes once they are there.

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Same. It might be a commonality between those of us who think independently vs those that follow the herd that we who are the “more informed” do NOT as a rule watch television. I haven’t sat down and watched the news in 15 - 20 years or better. I haven’t paid for cable either. I don’t watch sitcoms or any of the other garbage. I’ve never darkened my home with either the Kardashians or Real Wives. When I indulge in watching something online it’s either a movie or documentaries. Sometimes I will get bored or can’t find a new book to read so I will binge watch something like The Peripheral (which was really good btw). I’m shocked when I go to my sons house and see a commercial because I *never* see them. Thank God too because “Got covid? Paxlovid” is vomit inducing to say the least.

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Today you don't need a TV. I have a TV in the media room and my kids play room and it's been months possibly a year since the TV in teh media room was turned on and that's because we rarely use teh TV to watch content such as scripted fiction.

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Thank you for sharing.

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There needs to be a law passed in Congress that no pharmaceutical company can advertise on any media outlet. Sadly, there is currently no will for that.

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100% agree.

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there was one. for more than half a century. until clinton repealed it

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RFK Jr. just spoke about that in this interview. He said he would not need to put such a ban through Congress. https://rumble.com/v2kgm3o-the-establishment-wants-these-men-silenced.-rfk-jr-explains-how-he-plans-to.html

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Maybe RFK Jr. could be the catalyst for change on that? Given that the mainstream networks are all cartel puppets, truth seekers are going to have to work extra hard at getting RFK Jr.'s voice out. This worries me. It's still a conspiracy to so many unless they hear it on mainstream. 🙄

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Too late. Media are bought and paid for. They control the message, so they'll propagandize against it for all they're worth - after all it actually is most of what they're worth. Politicians are just as bought, so they'll never do it. Some things, once done, can't be undone. That's why conservatism makes sense and progressivism doesn't - better be careful, not reckless, before making big changes you're likely to regret. Not that progressives were to blame for this particular mistake.

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Excellent, excellent essay today.

I am going to throw a wild conspiracy theory out there - I think Tucker's termination was known by some ahead of time such that Schumer and AOC could call for his firing and then take credit for it happening. DC is all theater, all the time.

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There are pretty much no theories I won't consider at this point.

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Not just journalism. They own the medical journals via advertising and the medical establishment through captured agencies and various bribes and grants.

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Yep. Most everything has been infiltrated and like with how the various Intelligence agencies work you don't need for everyone to be on board, just the few at the top who control everything. For the various journals you need only have coopted the person(s) who make the final call on what get's published.

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Our system is doing precisely what it was designed to do.

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I don't believe the system is doing as designed but doing as modified. I don't believe the original Republic was setup to lead to where we are. Hindsight is always 20/20 so there are some thing we can see today that they should have done at the start but I don't think they could have created a better system of governance at the time. Human nature is such that those with wealth will eventually try to capture and control governance so the best you can do is make it very difficult and very expensive for them to do that. Term limits would have been a great idea, limiting Senators to say 2-3 terms and Reps to something similar certainly would make it far more expensive to purchase congress due to turnover as opposed to today where you can purchase 50+ years of control in a single Senator. At the time the system was established I think they foresaw something like term limits as causing more ham than good because only so many Americans were in a situation where they could leave their homes to server in Congress.

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The Constitution is exactly that...

”Human nature is such that those with wealth will eventually try to capture and control governance so the best you can do is make it very difficult and very expensive for them to do that.”

That’s why the AOC (Articles of Confederation) had to be left behind (which They did in secret)...it gave too much power to the people rather than the wealthy! Well...the many attorneys who wrote the Constitution made sure that wouldn’t happen again.

Thank you https://michaelgaddy.substack.com/ for the Real lessons in US History!!

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Doc. You are brave like my pastor. Talk about the politics! In times like this, it NEEDS to be talked about! We all need to speak truth no matter the consequences. We are grateful that you do.

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Thank you as always Laura! : )

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Everything is political, it's true. Medicine, news, politics, corporatism are all one thing now.

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Sadly it is : (

That is the path of monopolization upon monopolization upon monopolization.

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I understand not wanting to be political. However much of what your substack discusses is inextricably linked to politics. Those pushing shots and suppressing effective treatment are tyrannical. It's not democrat vs republican anymore. It's liberty vs tyranny.

Not wanting to discuss politics is a big part of the the situation we are in. If we don't discuss it, the official corporate/government narrative goes unopposed. Polite non-confrontational people like I suspect many of us are, need to be more comfortable engaging in political discussions. We can not let ourselves be silenced. That is what the pushers of the narrative want.

Congrats on a great article.

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A fourth possible reason Tucker was fired now, is that they are gearing up to introduce CBDCs and they cannot have any significant peoples' resistance. Tucker was the peoples' choice for a media mouthpiece and he would no doubt, be speaking out against them and causing problems for the roll out. That's my prediction.

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That's a great point I hadn't heard mentioned yet. There are so many possibilities, he was a highly effective force against every single thing being forced down our throat. My wife and I marveled at his pharma-bashing. The old saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you explains his firing in our view, with so many other things adding to the pressure - Jan 6, Ukraine, mandates, trans madness, voting procedures, border. I mean, he was with the people and against the PTB on every issue. It's downright depressing to see him gone, but inevitable.

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He's not gone. Just recalibrating.

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That is my hope.

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No truth-teller will be allowed to remain in corporate media just like no honest politician will be allowed to make it past the primaries. And no doctors will be allowed to practice real medicine. It's been a huge purge over the last couple of decades.

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He also pointed out how completely senile our Dear Leader is...

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This was confirmed to me by a friend who knows someone in the White House.

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And by me (and many others) with my (our) own eyes and ears!

; )

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This is another reason Tucker had to be silenced. Biden will be running his 2024 campaign from his basement again. Democrats have already said there will be no primary debates so the fix is already in. Biden's campaign will consists of soundbites, videos, and fake staged rallies. He is incapable of campaigning in the traditional sense or even forming a coherent sentence for that matter.

All of msm will run cover for Biden just as they did in 2020. Biden's destructive policies will never be addressed and we will continue to be gaslit about the booming economy, closed borders, zero crime, cheap food and gas, and those safe and effective vaccines. Biden's message for re-election will solely consist of defeating MAGA terrorists. Tucker would not have played the media's forthcoming 2024 election year game so they had to take him out.

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That's also possible. I hope not.

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A fifth reason is that they had to take him off the air prior to the 2024 election. I predict that, in addition to no democrat debates (in order to silence RFK Jr.), Biden will once again run a campaign from this basement with the mainstream media running cover for him.

With certainty, Tucker would have given a voice to RFK, Jr. along with whoever the republican nominee is for President. The PWTB need to crush any and all debate and discussion of Biden's policies in 2024 because all of them are designed to destroy America and our freedoms and they can't let the people know this.

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They did cancel him right after highlighting RFK Jr.. I think you are right. That probably is priority #1. Anyone who hears what RFK Jr has to say knows he is the real deal and will fight corporate corruption. They need a Trump vs Biden because while their rhetoric is different, the direction they both take the country is the same. To republicans, Trump is the “good cop” but I think it’s clear who he works for. Pharma and the DOD is mighty powerful.

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Nothing is clear yet.

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Listening to the David Knight Show from yesterday (on Rumble) and he is saying that the reason he was fired it a lawsuit from Dominion. It’s interesting

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And yet, Tucker was the least of the problems in the Dominion lawsuit. He actually called Sidney Powell out on her "Kraken" theory much to the annoyance of his audience at the time.

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Yes, it could just be a convenient excuse to oust him. Or maybe the Dominion lawsuit has nothing to do with his sudden departure. It will be interesting to find out, if we ever do.

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MWD, you say: "and only now that almost no one is willing to take the vaccine .." Whereas it may be the case for younger people, I am sure this is what you meant - anecdotal evidence of what I have witnessed in my mother's community (over 75s) is that 90% of people are still going for their boosters and have no idea that anything could be dangerous about the vaxx. They are, I might add, hooked into MSM 24/7 and are incapable of looking further for any evidence contrary to what MSM is spouting. My mother does not have access to the internet and watches TV and reads the newspapers every day - she has followed the narrative given to her by the media all her life and has zero reason to doubt it.

She told me recently that she has been called up to take the latest booster and when I said she really didn't need to/actually shouldn't take it she was dumbfounded. She knows I am unvaxxed but my sister is staunchly pro-vaxx. This will be her fourth shot and I am dreading what may happen. It is very hard to show someone so deeply entwined in MSM another narrative.

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That's a good point. I was hasty in writing this and tweaked the wording on that part.

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I forgot to say thank you so much for this post, you write so very brilliantly.

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My mother has had FIVE COVID shots and persuaded my dad to have 5 as well, despite my warnings. Their health is crap now, but I’m a silly conspiracy theorist. (I was a left-leaning Independent prior to COVID and have been vaccine-hesitant since 2005 when it was a liberal conspiracy. At least I’m consistent.)

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In the past, I only liked non-commercial media such as PBS and CSpan, non-fiction channels that covered reality, whether nature, history or economics. Now I've grown to see that very little at this point can be trusted. Zero Hedge does cover alternative views, but it is heavily influenced by corrupted interests, such as greed-based and self-centered intellectual viewpoints or biased cold-hearted right wing propaganda. Both left and right are bigoted, closed-minded.

Last week RFK, jr delivered the only speech I've heard a politician deliver that was inspiring, even FDR and JFK in their prime were laced with propaganda, not this time. He has the right stuff, he is of the people, humbly interacting with the poor and common people day to day, attends an AA meeting every morning. This is the strongest grass roots movement I've ever seen; Maga will die out as Trump's liabilities continue to grow. The politics of anarchy, division, hate, and name calling will fail.

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That is my hope too and what I am hoping I am helping to move us towards. I love my country and I don't want to see it ripped apart and made into a feudal society.

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Go back and listen to what President Trump said in his inauguration speech; the deep-state political machine was completely floored by his words.

Your disdain for Trump and for MAGA Americans is fully on display with your post. Look in the mirror, please. MAGA is the strongest grassroots movement ever.

RFK Jr. is a good-hearted soul who is correct on the vaxx scam, but other than that, his policies on open borders, gun rights, abortion up to the moment of birth, climate insanity and everything else are 100 percent liberal. He will be ridiculed, ignored and stepped on by his duplicitous party until he finally relents and returns to the fold. Remember Bernie Sanders.

On the other hand, Donald Trump had withstood since the day he announced his campaign the most criminal, outrageous and treasonous attacks -- from both sides -- ever imagined on an American president. And those attacks continue every single day.

I still support the one person the uniparty fears absolutely and has spent the past eight years trying to silence, denigrate and destroy: Trump. 🇺🇸

Wishing that he, and us, will go away is spitting in the wind.

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trump pushed the jab. Wake up.

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Trump latched onto MAGA as a rework of the Tea Party movement IMHO. But like the Tea Party had to be demonized and trashed, so must MAGA. Still a very large fraction of citizens want some cleanup of the Uniparty and the swamp. That alone threatens the sinecures of so many. How do so many of our politicians become so wealthy on their modest salary?

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As an anagram of Robert Francis Kennedy is 'er Frankenstein cry bod' I think one should be wary of him!

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Trump is a totally selfish liar, he's gone through so many re-makes of his public persona from dilettante in NYC and Atlantic City to the announcement in 2015 with paid for actors pretending to be fans and followers! Everything about him is anti-intellectual and bogus, from Trump "University" to the poorly performing NJ casinos, to how he bilked the government out of large money to build his showy properties--the guy's very history is fake and fraudulent. Just read David Cay Johnston's books on him. www.youtube.com/watch?v=o23GASckWwQ

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PBS was always very leftist. I heard very little that was objective or fair and balanced. CSpan was a different story though

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Compared to what? TV is largely entertainment. Commercial media has to do the bidding of its sponsors. What got Carlson canned was his insubordination. He could have been more cautious, told the truth and could have matured. The silly little boy giggle is indicative that he is not all that serious at heart. On life and death matters the media personality needs to have gravitas and intellectual seriousness which almost none have. Brian Lamb has been an exception. Garrick Utley, a couple others were honest journalists..

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Midwestern Doctor, thank you for the rational care and goodness that you bring to our public discourse.

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Thank you, I try!

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"Use the previous two to push through adult vaccination mandates once a suitable "emergency" could be found to do it."

This was a primary goal of the covid pandemic, to set the precedent that during times of a public health emergency the Federal Government can mandate the drugging of the population. It was initially to be marketed as mandating a vaccine but as with all new powers the government creates for itself this would be expanded later on to include drugs not classifieds as vaccines. What National level government or more specifically those running it, wouldn't lust for the ability to drug the population? As was predicted in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, drugging the populace is how you the elite keep the peasants in control while also being productive. Once they can mandate drugging of the populace I see no way of coming back from that with later generations somehow developing immunity to the drugs being administered.

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Drugging the people is already underway with the people’s approval. Think about how many states have passed laws legalizing marijuana use, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some aren’t considering legalizing narcotics.

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WHat is your point. Your reference to marijuana is just more ignorance and prejudice. Marijuana should never have been a crime, and only in mentally twisted people do you see the desire to criminalize choice absent harm to others.

60 years I have listend to those like you babble negativity about HEALTHY, BRAIN CELL CREATING weed while there is virtually no downside to it, while so many swill back neurotoxic alcohol and really really shitty food, making them really unhealthy and fat, forcing them to pop pharmaceuticals like candy.

Weed is not a compliance drug. . Mind your business Yank. Too many years you lot have been led around with ignorance, killing , murdering, and punishing the planet for being different than you say we should be.

Putting your own children in jail, ruiining their lives, while they get aids from rape and turned into criminals for smoking some spliff. Do you not get how fucked that is ? What are you suggesting,?

The drugging of American comes at the hands of big pharma. not mother nature.

America is a nation of junkies to big pharma. I choose healthy weed, over pharma poison., ANd it is MY CHOICE, not yours.

My drug choice is not a problem, people interferring in my drug choices is all of our problem.

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I am a very boring square person. I have never tried drugs. My 80+ year old very religious Aunt was recently put on Marijuana. Helping her a lot. So, I totally agree with you...don't know why it is banned.

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I agree with you that pHarma and its allies in government and media are mostly responsible for what ails society, but I also think that your drug choice is a problem unless you sit at home and smoke it and never go anywhere or interact with anyone. If I drink alcohol and then drive a car, I’m endangering other people as well as myself. Why not try giving up the weed? I did on the alcohol. It’s good to have a discussion or debate on the merits and dangers of drug use, but I would prefer that it be civil. Thanks.

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"If I drink alcohol and then drive a car, I’m endangering other people as well as myself. "

So dont do it. Alcohol is also geno toxic, mutagenic and a neurotoxin.

"Why not try giving up the weed? " why on earth would I ? First thing weed does if you use it psychoactivley, is remove the box that was built around your brain by the establishment.


Fun fact, none of my marijuana smoking friends took the tox shot. Everyone else did.


Here is why,

Canadian Government Commission - Cannabis 1972

“Psychological, effects which are typically reported by users include: happiness, increased conviviality, a feeling of enhanced interpersonal rapport and communication, heightened sensitivity to humour, free play of the imagination, unusual cognitive and ideational associations, a sense of extra-ordinary reality, a tendency to notice aspects of the environment of which one is normally unaware, enhanced visual imagery, an altered sense of time in which minutes may seem like hours, changes in visually perceived spatial relations, enrichment of sensory experiences (subjective aspects of sound and taste perception are often particularly enhanced), increased personal understanding and religious insight, mild excitement and energy, (or just the opposite), increased or decreased behavioural activity, increased or decreased verbal fluency and talkativeness, lessening of inhibitions, and at higher doses, a tendency to lose or digress from one's train of thought. Feelings of enhanced spontaneity and creativity are, often described, although an actual increase in creativity is difficult to establish scientifically. While most experts agree that cannabis has little specific aphrodisiac (sex stimulating) effect, many users report increased enjoyment of sex and other intimate human contact while under the influence of the drug."


Marijuana is a drug, that has never, ever killed anyone, because it is an match to drugs created and used by our own bodies. Called anamdamide. Unlike toxic alcohol and nicotine. And our bodies and brains have RECEPTORS for these marijuana compounds.

(Anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain that binds to the THC receptors. It's been called the “bliss molecule,” aptly named after ananda, the Sanskrit word for “joy, bliss, or happiness.” It is considered an endocannabinoid — a substance produced in the body that binds to cannabinoid receptors.Mar 29, 2016)

Marijuana is a TUMOUR SHRINKING DRUG (It kills cells from the most deadly virulent form of cancer, those being GLIOMA tumors of the spine and brain, as well as being a treatment for LEUKEMIA), alongside others.

It is an ANTI-DEPRESSANT, an ANTIOXIDANT, a PAIN KILLING, INFLAMMATION TREATING, CROHNS HEALING, ARTHRITIS TREATING, PSORIASIS TREATING,EPILEPSY TREATING, GLAUCOMA TREATING, AUTISM TREATING, APPETITE STIMULATING, ATHEROSCLEROSIS reducing, drug. It provides relief for EMPHYSEMA, ASTHMA, and has been suggested as a treatment for OBESITY IN TYPE TWO DIABETICS, and is used by 1 in 8 FIBROMYALGIA patients for relief of symptoms.. It is used by HERPES SUFFERERS to both reduce the sores,and reduce the frequency of the herpes sores. Marijuana reduces BLOOD PRESSURE, treats iNSOMNIA, provides relief from MIGRAINES.

It is also a NEUROPROTECTANT; for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as STROKE and trauma, or in the treatment of NEYRODEGENERATIVE DISEASES, such as ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE, AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS(ALS),PARKINSON'S DISEASE, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS), and PTSD, as well as TOURETTES SYNDROME, HIV DEMENTIA, and SPINAL CORD injuries.

Marijuana is also useful in the TREATMENT AND PROPHYLAXIS OF WIDE VARIETY OF OXIDATION ASSOCIATED DISEASES, such as ISCHEMIC, AGE-RELATED, INFLAMMATORY AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, and in the final analysis, is a brain cell creating drug.

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The pharma junkies die from the garbage they are fed.

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Correct but that's a far cry from being able to mandate it without legal challenge.

That said, I am in favor or legalizing marijuana and all other consumables the Feds have made illegal because the Federal government has no constitutional right to make any consumable illegal. Once you justify empowering them to ban something based on morality it's only a matter of time before that's expanded.

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I don’t think that the ban was based on morality. Rather it is based in the fact that hallucinogenic drugs can be harmful not only for the person taking them but also to the rest of society. Many studies have shown that, and many physicians understand it and try to speak up about it, but they are dismissed because people have been fooled into thinking that hallucinogens are “safe and effective.” I live in a city with two major universities. I see the consequences of the legalization every day: erratic driving and more accidents, more violent crimes especially involving guns, antisocial behavior, an increase in domestic violence, you name it.

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I understand the reasoning but the Federal Government absolutely will abuse any power it's given and the ability to make illegal something that is consumable is a huge red flag. If prohibition isn't proof of this I don't know what is. Government should never be the arbitrator of morality no matter what the justification.

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You're right. Prohibition was a stupid idea. It ruined many local economies, wrecked lives, and it's what allowed the mafia to get its hooks into government and the burgeoning illicit and now legal (pharma?) drug trade. I still don't understand your thinking that consuming or banning drugs is a moral issue. It's a health issue. I did not say I was in favor of the government banning or encouraging drug use. It should not be involved in either side. I was trying to make a point that using drugs or alcohol has the potential for dire consequences, and the people who are trying to bring attention to that are being shouted down, cursed at, called ignorant, or canceled. Sad.

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I said moral because most people on the "War on Drugs" treat it like a morality issue. If the reason used is because it's a health issue that's even worse as it then makes the case that anything bad for your health should be made illegal. Granted that won't happen because there's too much money being made from selling humans garbage now from fast food to near beer. Abuse/overuse of a lot things can be unhealthy.

By empowering government to make drugs or any other mind alerting substance illegal we've given the corrupt within the system another money stream. Drugs are illegal (while alcohol isn't) because there's money to be made from the drug cartels keeping it illegal and keeping the price for it high. The "morality" angel is jus the marketing they use to justify it being illegal. Alcohol was simply to widely/commonly used & liked to keep it illegal so they had to concede with it but drugs like marijuana. opium and cocaine are just desired/used enough that it's profitable without being so widely used and popular that its not feasible to keep it illegal. Porn is also bad for one's health but since it tugs at a base human need and is so widespread it's not feasible to try and ban it. What should have happened is that any/all mind altering substances should have been regulated just as how alcohol and cigarettes' are. That would have provided the government a great tax source and not created a number of Drug empires (cartels) that now have devastating impacts on locals. Nothing good ever comes from allowing government to control access to something that the government was not initially created to control and regulate. With each good use of expanded power comes (not long after) the abuse of that same power. This last time they tried to get the precedent that during a public health emergency the Feds could mandate drugging of the public. Had they been successful you can bet your life that would have been expanded to include more than just vaccines within a very few years.

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How much beer, wine or other do you drink ? How many mass gun shootings have happened because of SSRI ? Yet you fixate on harmless drugs, while corporate drugs kill us en masse.

Use head before mouth.

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." erratic driving and more accidents, more violent crimes especially involving guns, antisocial behavior, an increase in domestic violence, you name it."

You babble prejudice as fact. It isnt. There is no causation here, only ignorance pretending so.

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This here. ☝🏻

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Narcotics are legal already and they are called big pharma neuro-toxic drugs. Bayer made heroin in Germany before it was driven underground.

Now they sell morphine instead. Similar problems of course, just not so strong.


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Excellent points. And they’re already drugging the population via fluoridation of the drinking water.

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True but that's still not the same as being able to mandate the drugging and with an experimental drug rushed thru development. Once they get that precedent, they're most of the way towards achieving A Brave New World scenario.

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Water flouridation is a nasty poison, genotoxic and mutagenic, it harms as many physiological process in the body as the mRNA does. But what flouride does special is in its neurotoxic capacity. It has made the population apatheitic and reduced I.Q.s It causes dementia.

With the International Health Regulations they ARE goiing to force injections, It will happen November this year, is my understanding.


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Can you elaborate on the "International Health Regulations" part?

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sure. But better still, I will send you over to THE EXPERT on this. A former medical officer at the WHO,. and a doctor.


The process is further along now. Tick tock. Combine it with the CBDC, we are screwed.

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