Many "Intelligent" people grow used to the positive attention and awards and praise that come from succeeding within the narrow framework of A, B, C or D government-approved teaching and testing. I was one of those, but luckily I escaped. I was in consideration for a Rhodes Scholarship, never suspecting that it was the gold standard for …
Many "Intelligent" people grow used to the positive attention and awards and praise that come from succeeding within the narrow framework of A, B, C or D government-approved teaching and testing. I was one of those, but luckily I escaped. I was in consideration for a Rhodes Scholarship, never suspecting that it was the gold standard for trapping and turning bright minds to become part of the cabal.
If you get hooked on that kind of reinforcement, if you blindly follow the positive reward system in place, then you have to detox and reset, give up the drug of outside authority-based approval, and live according to a new, healthier paradigm, or you may be led by the nose (IQ-test based programming) for a good part or all of your adult life.
This is an insidious way to siphon off the most intelligent people and essentially use their gifts against them, the way a skilled martial arts fighter uses the weight of his opponent to throw/kick them to the mat. I view allopathic Medical School similarly, with the sleep deprivation and very narrow way of looking at health and healing. You have to break out of the drug-only paradigm and face the disapproval of your peers for using your own true, creative, right brain intelligence and embracing a broader paradigm such as AMD has done.
Many "Intelligent" people grow used to the positive attention and awards and praise that come from succeeding within the narrow framework of A, B, C or D government-approved teaching and testing. I was one of those, but luckily I escaped. I was in consideration for a Rhodes Scholarship, never suspecting that it was the gold standard for trapping and turning bright minds to become part of the cabal.
If you get hooked on that kind of reinforcement, if you blindly follow the positive reward system in place, then you have to detox and reset, give up the drug of outside authority-based approval, and live according to a new, healthier paradigm, or you may be led by the nose (IQ-test based programming) for a good part or all of your adult life.
This is an insidious way to siphon off the most intelligent people and essentially use their gifts against them, the way a skilled martial arts fighter uses the weight of his opponent to throw/kick them to the mat. I view allopathic Medical School similarly, with the sleep deprivation and very narrow way of looking at health and healing. You have to break out of the drug-only paradigm and face the disapproval of your peers for using your own true, creative, right brain intelligence and embracing a broader paradigm such as AMD has done.
In my case, I got really bored with it.