Now that over a million words have been written here, readers find it quite challenging to locate the topic they are searching for. For this reason, I have put together an index of this publication. It begins with an abridged index which is then followed by a more detailed description of every article which has been published here (which may be helpful to read through those summaries provide many of the key points I am trying to present here).
Causes and Treatments of Common Medical Conditions:
Acid Reflux, AIDS, Allergies [not as detailed], Altitude Sickness and Sickle Cell Anemia, Alzheimer’s Disease [and why its treatments have been kept away from the public for decades], Atrial Fibrillation, Back Pain, Breast Cancer, Cancer (in general), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Constipation, COVID-19 (over the counter treatments), COPD, Depression, Emotional Obstacles, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hypermobility, Impaired Mobility, Insomnia (and sleeping aids), Meditation, Psychosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Natural Disaster Issues, Neck Pain, Obesity and Weight Loss, Osteoporosis, Psychedelic Psychosis, Skin Cancer, Trauma, Wildfire Toxicity
Dangers of commonly prescribed drugs:
Acid Blockers (e.g., PPIs, which are also quite addictive), Antidepressants (and how to quit these addictive drugs), Bisphosphonates, Gabapentin,Lupron and other puberty blockers, NSAIDs, Ozempic and the GLP-1 Drugs, Sleeping Pills, Statins, All of the Childhood Vaccines (this articles reviews each of their risks and benefits).
Uses of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO):
•Strokes, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, developmental delay, Down Syndrome and many circulatory disorders.
•All types of pain, arthritis and acute or chronic tissue injuries (e.g., burns, scars and sprains).
•Autoimmune and connective tissue disorders.
•Eye, ear, sinus, and dental conditions (e.g., tinnitus and blindness).
•Internal organ disorders (e.g., pancreatitis and cirrhosis).
•A wide range of skin conditions.
•Acute and chronic infections including shingles and herpes.
Plus a history of the FDA’s unconscionable war against DMSO, the safety of DMSO, and over a thousand of reader testimonials on the remarkable benefits they’ve experienced from using DMSO.
Evidence of Harm from the COVID Vaccines:
•A compilation of the 135 of vaccine injuries I had documented in my social circle since they hit the market (the majority of which were severe or fatal).
•A summary of numerous polls which have found approximately 50% of America believes the vaccines are unsafe or ineffective and around 25% have either be injured by them or know someone who was.
•A summary of German insurance data which demonstrated the vaccines had caused a massive increase in many different conditions.
•What is known about the COVID-19 hot lots (along with an earlier article).
•The current evidence that embalmers around the world are finding mysterious clots in vaccinated corpses.
•A summary of Ron Johnson’s recent panel which eloquently broke down all the crimes which were committed throughout COVID-19.
Specific Issues with the COVID Vaccines:
•An overview of everything we currently know about COVID vaccine shedding.
•An explanation of what could be causing COVID vaccine shedding and what you can do about it.
•Why the COVID vaccines frequently cause cognitive impairment and an article making a strong case many prominent Democrats got brain injuries from the vaccine (plus a followup about Biden’s cognitive impairment).
•The evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines (and vaccines in general) frequently cause autoimmune disorders and the specific mechanisms which cause this.
•An explanation of what was causing the amyloid blood clots within COVID vaccine victims.
•How the COVID vaccines are creating a spike in RSV.
•How Moderna, desperate to get a viable vaccine to market, used a higher mRNA dose that what Pfizer was willing to touch, and as a result their vaccine had a much higher injury rate (but was never pulled because they paid off the US government).
•Breaking down the appalling lies Biden used to justify his vaccine mandates on 9-9-21 and foment widespread hatred against the unvaccinated.
General Issues With Vaccines:
•What are the risks and benefits of each childhood vaccine?
•What are the pros and cons of each type of vaccine?
•The suppressed evidence which shows how frequent the overt and subtle harms of vaccines are and the subtle signs we utilize to recognize vaccine injuries (which are quite sobering once people become able to see how widespread this issue is).
•Why vaccines frequently cause microstrokes through disrupting the physiologic zeta potential (along with this abridged version).
•How vaccine microstrokes have caused much of the population to no longer have symmetrical faces (whereas in the pre-vaccination era, symmetrical faces were the norm), and how the COVID vaccines frequently cause severe shingles (e.g., Justin Bieber).
•The evidence that vaccines cause autism and how they do it.
•The century of evidence that vaccines kill babies and how they are the cause of “shaken baby syndrome.”
•Why it is almost impossible for vaccines to create herd immunity and how this played out with the COVID vaccines.
•Why vaccinating when you are already infected often makes your existing infection much worse.
•How hot vaccine lots are a recurring (and almost inevitable) problem which have led to many forgotten tragedies.
•An exploration of the (surprisingly strong) link between transgenderism and vaccination along with the evidence suggesting widespread vaccinations have significantly altered human relationships (e.g., by making it harder for men to connect to women).
•The tragic story of Alexis Lorenze’s vaccine injury and how it highlights the willful blindness medicine has towards vaccine injuries that we’ve repeatedly seen severely harm individuals hospitalized for vaccine injuries.
Previous Vaccine Disasters:
•Past media coverage of numerous vaccine disasters which followed the government pushing an unsafe and unproven one upon America.
•The dark history of vaccines being developed to forcefully sterilize their recipients.
•The forgotten history of the disastrous smallpox vaccines and what it can teach us about COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
•The dangers of the HPV vaccine (also discussed in this abridged article and here and here) and the shocking number of parallels between the HPV and COVID-19 vaccine campaigns.
•How the anthrax vaccine disaster served as a beta-test for the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
•How over the decades, countless hot vaccine lots have been released onto the market, injuring many, what we know about the lots (particularly during COVID-19) and why this issue is an almost inevitable consequence of their manufacturing process.
•An attempt to answer how dangerous COVID-19 actually is and how that compares to the flu (which as it turns out no one actually knows).
•Why the approaches our leaders chose to handle COVID-19 were terrible (and conversely, those known to be effective were never used).
•A two part response to the common arguments raised to argue viruses and hence COVID-19 do not exist (part 1, part 2).
•A doctor’s riveting testimony detailing how hospitals overtly discriminated against the unvaccinated (sometimes denying them lifesaving care) and targeted the doctors who nonetheless tried to help them.
•Proof regulators in both Germany and America willfully ignored and covered up evidence the COVID-19 vaccine were unsafe and ineffective.
Important (but generally unrecognized) Aspects of Human Physiology:
•What is the 4th phase of water, how this water is the driving force behind much of the (otherwise inexplicable) vital fluid circulation throughout the body, how this water creates the structure and stability of the body and how to increase it within the body.
•What is zeta potential and why does it underlie so many chronic medical conditions?•How to restore the physiologic zeta potential (which is important for treating many different chronic illnesses and likely explains why many holistic treatments “work”).
•How to determine the healthiest water to drink and the healthiest clothing to wear.
•An explanation of the cell danger response (the CDR is a root cause of many chronic illnesses), how regenerative works by locally treating the CDR, and the systemic approaches used to treat the CDR which are often needed to treat a variety of complex illnesses (e.g., vaccine injuries).
•Forgotten Russian research that shows the heart directs different types of blood to different parts of the body and is reciprocally injured whenever an artery is damaged
•How organ transplants have been observed to transfer the donor’s personality and memories into the recipient.
•What is mitogenic radiation and how does it underlie the functioning of many regenerative therapies.
•The significance of bacterial DNA plasmids contaminating the COVID vaccines and the forgotten school of medicine which utilized healthy plasmids to cure complex illnesses.
•Why sunlight is critical for health and the immense damage avoiding it causes (e.g., under the misguided belief it is a dangerous carcinogen for the skin).
•The myriad of profound benefits created in humans, plants and animals from natural light and the health consequences of unnatural lighting or UV blocking materials (e.g., glasses) along with an abridged article.
•Why sleep is critical for health and how sleeping pills sedate you, disabling the sleep cycle.
•The century of evidence that putting ultraviolet light into human blood is a miraculous therapy for a wide range of circulatory, autoimmune and infectious diseases (along with an abridged article).
•The importance of healthy bowel movements and the factors in our society that have created a widespread epidemic of constipation.
•How to effectively memorize information and its relationship to the health of the body.
Other Major Problems in Medicine:
•A discussion of the profound decline in human vitality over the last 200 years and the key things which are causing it.
•Dermatology’s Disastrous War again the Sun, why avoiding the sunlight doubles your rate of dying (including from deadly cancers) and how to have a healthy amounts of sun exposure.
•The decades of evidence that SSRIs cause mass shootings and other forms of psychotic violence (e.g., homicide and suicide).
•The cruel tendency of the medical field to tell patients illnesses doctors can’t see are in their head (also known as medical gaslighting).
•Why doctors compulsively push dangerous pharmaceuticals on their patients.
•The many dangers of spinal surgery and the alternatives treatments for spinal pain we use.
•The importance of breast feeding and the reprehensible tactics the infant formula industry used to trick mothers into no longer breast feeding (some of which are quite shocking).
•The dysfunctional mentality which frequently causes doctors to give up on patients who could be saved and how this was responsible for many of the deaths throughout COVID-19.
•A detailed summary of the progressive decline and breakdown of America’s scientific institutions, it’s parallel to the collapse of many previous empires and a chronology of how Fauci weaponized America’s scientific apparatus against America’s people.
•How pandemics are routinely created to create financial bubbles vaccine manufacturers can profit off of.
•How there is no evidence for the current blood pressure treatment guidelines, the dangers that result from excessive blood pressure medication, and the natural ways to treat the route cause of high blood pressure (along with this and this abridged article).
•Why hospitals are frequently incentivized to have patients die and how to protect your loved one from falling into the death pipeline.
Medical Corruption:
•How big pharma bought the federal government and the extensive anatomy of that corruption.
•How far the FDA went to cover up the harms of the SSRI antidepressants.
•A detailed summary of the corruption within the CDC.
•Proof Pfizer submitted forged data to the regulators to prove their vaccine “worked.”
•The repeating gross malfeasance that occurs within pivotal clinical trials to conceal how dangerous the pharmaceutical is (e.g., for the COVID vaccines, for the HPV vaccines, and for the SSRI antidepressants) and how far the FDA will go to help in the cover up.
•A series detailing decades of testimonials from Pfizer whistleblowers who witnessed the sociopathic behavior of the company (part 1, part 2).
Medical History and Politics:
•An extensive history of how the FDA gradually became corrupted and shifted to serving the whims of industry and suppressing all natural therapies which challenged the medical monopoly (which includes many of the remarkable therapies they took from us).
•Dissecting the extensive apparatus which is trying to block RFK Jr. from becoming HHS Secretary and the deceptive tactics being used to enact this agenda.
•Proof that the vaccine industry funded (and still funds) a massive operation that recruited healthcare workers from across the globe to silence COVID dissidents online (which included targeting their medical licenses, employment and families) along with an older version of the article.
•How we can stop the WHO's horrific pandemic treaty.
•Why the bioweapons research industry is a danger to society (along with a follow up on the risky Fort Collins bat lab).
•How medicine and science have been transformed into a dogmatic faith.
•How economic feudalism has been deliberately enacted over the last 50 years (e.g., through the unjustifiable COVID lockdowns) to force us into poverty and economic enslavement.
•The story of an honest doctor who witnessed severe discrimination against the unvaccinated which was published here and then aired on national television.
•The history of VAERS (the government never wanted it to be made).
•A summary of many of the horrific population control campaigns conducted in the last century by the global elite.
•How Biden’s vaccine mandates destroyed his health and his presidency.
Lies and Propaganda:
•How medical charities often exist primarily to advance pharmaceutical industry interests.
•Some of the most ridiculous propaganda that was used to sell the COVID vaccines.
•An exposé of the vast Public Relations (propaganda) industry.
•A compilation of some of the most absurd advice released by healthcare authorities during the pandemic.
•How cults manipulate their followers and how that spiritual mind control is also used by many influential figures in our society.
•A documentary which shows how so many “independent” parties repeated the exact same unscrupulous pharmaceutical talking points throughout the pandemic.
•A dissection of the recent disingenuous (and offensive) apology by the New York Times for the wave of severe injuries caused by the (mandated) COVID-19 vaccines which attempted to earn our forgiveness without admitting fault.
•How much of the information that used to exist on the internet is being systematically replaced and now can only be found in secluded places.
Healthy Thinking:
•What drives certain doctors (e.g., the COVID dissidents) to do the right thing and truly help their patients regardless of the pressures they faced.
•How to effectively navigate overwhelming amounts of information without inadvertently filtering out the truth.
•The value of having freedom of motion in your thoughts, body and spirit.
•Perspectives on how to have a healthy emotional life and interactions with others.
•The importance of balanced intelligence.
•The importance of understanding the motivations that drive us and how these principles apply to many public figures.
The Art of Medicine:
•Constitutional archetypes and why different patients require different treatment approaches
•How to determine the correct dose for each patient (which is one of the most critical aspects of medicine) and an explanation of muscle testing.
•The unique senstivities of hypermobile patients (e.g., to vaccination, surgeries, and pharmaceutical drugs) and methods which can be used to treat hypermobility and restore the ligaments.
•How modern technology is destroying the art of surgery and how to find the safest surgeon to work with.
•My definition of “natural medicine” and how the loss of this approach (acting without force) underlies many of the issues our society face (e.g., within medicine or governance).
•A recent interview I conducted which shared my perspectives on treating illness and how to address a variety of conditions (e.g., those related to how the mind interacts with the body).
For the rest of this index, I will provide a more detailed summary of each article that was published here (including some which were not mentioned above). At this moment, the audience for that list will be restricted, but in the future it will be public.
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