As a retired Health Care Practitioner, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, who has held Advanced Registered Nurse-Anesthetist License in Washington State for a period of some 6 years, including the last 4 years prior to retirement, I am not surprised at the pressures and unfairness Dr. Miller experienced in Washington. ( A Blue State).

I also held a Washington Bar Card as an Attorney in Washington for those last 4 years as well as Advanced Registered Nurse-Anesthetist License in several other States and a Bar Card in a Red State as well. I retired from both professions, thankfully, prior to the Covid debacle.

There is a saying; "Truth Hurts". That said, there are many beautiful people in Washington State and many locations that surpass the scenery in other States. However, there is an "idiocy" that resembles nothing i have ever experienced in my working career, which covers a stint in the U.S. Army, and either health care positions in 8 different states and Attorney positions in 2 States over a period of some 52 total years. In each profession I have worked in both red and blue States.

However there was/is a hubris present in Washington State that defies all reason and sanity when it comes to healthcare and the almost iron clad control that State has exhibited over Independently Licensed Health Care providers such as Physicians, Advanced Care Nurses and Physician Assistants.

The Washington State Medical Board, Washington State Board of Pharmacy and to a lesser extent the Washington State Board of Nursing have controlled the respective professions with an iron hand and a completely unreasonable dictate of practice rules so very eloquently described in this article by Dr. Miller who is a true physician who puts his Oath of Care for Patients ahead of monetary goals and has been shown to have the Ethics woefully lacking in the aforementioned Washington State Boards of Practice governing Health Care Providers.

More than one Washington Provider has come to me during Covid and asked for advice as to what to do. To all, I have advised that, if possible, they obtain professional license in another State now and be ready to exercise their options to move their practice site out of Washington while they could still get good references from within Washington.

The caliber of a person is shown by the choices they make when there are severe pressures placed upon them that directly affect their ability to do honest work, support their family and know they are true to their inmost feelings that trump those severe external pressures.

Sadly, I can tell you, honestly, that the vast majority of Health Care Professionals I know in Washington violated their Oath to do a patient no harm and committed actions only showing a coward like response in the face of pressures exerted on them by their Practice Boards during Covid.

The true hero's are few and far between in the Covid era.

Dr. Miller, my hat is off to you and I applaud you for being true to your Oath and for placing suffering humanity ahead of financial gain. You are, in my humble opinion, a real MAN as well as an Excellent Physician among thousands of mere petulant children who claim to be Physicians or Health Care Providers but their actions show them to be otherwise, slaves to an uncaring, pompous board of Practice.

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All of this was ultimately predictable if you watch the history of what some call Rockefeller Medicine. When the rich and wealthy decided to redesign healthcare, and steer it toward drugs and shots and surgery, and away from herbology and homeopathy, the extremely hierarchical power structure which Rockefeller et al designed was pointed at this kind of end game from the start. A major landmark was the Flexner Report. Look this up and ponder what their ultimate goals were.

Perhaps the society cannot learn from history, but we as curious individuals can if we wish to. It's time to vote with our dollars and our feet, let go of (unrealistic) expectations of the Pharma Machine, turn to (and protect) the true healers whether they are the shining few of allopathic medicine, or practitioners of natural, functional, integrative, holistic healing arts.

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Yes, agreed. first read the Flexner Report some 30 years ago and have known about the turn medicine took when Rockefeller came on the scene.

There is a side of "modern" Medicine we still need to understand and accept. That is Trauma and a lot of surgical care. This is an area that when needed, is definitely lifesaving and not an area that natural, functional, integrative, holistic healing arts can fill.

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True BUT...trauma and surgical care are just a small part of the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System and the ‘Medical care’ it delivers. And as a consumer for most of my adult life of the services of naturopaths, acupuncturists, Chiropractors, functional medicine doctors, they will be the first to say that in a trauma situation you need a skilled trauma surgeon. But besides those few medical emergencies requiring that kind of ‘medical care’ the rest of the system sucks, and promotes Big Pharma drugs, sickness, extensive & expensive diagnostic testing, (some of which include radiation) & invasive treatments like chemotherapy & radiation, which actually do more harm to one’s health than cure cancer.

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I am a licensed attorney in WA too. My spouse and I have a very small law firm so we were able to eschew the jab. We went to work everyday while the state stood still. Our county in SW WA is still doing Zoom Court hike it’s neighbor directly north has opened up the court rooms and it is back to pre-Covid. WA is nuts. Heard about two concentration camps Inslee built, one in Lewis County and one in Klickatat County. No surprise that both counties are conservative. Those will be ready for the next Gates-fueled plandemic.

You forgot to include the WSBA in your list of corrupt organizations. We missed by a hair having Limited Licensed Legal Practitioners take over the professional practice of law just before TSHTF in 2020. Sanctioned in secret meetings by our own WA SC, these people with only two years undergrad education were being licensed to perform every task of an attorney, include own a law firm, share fees with lawyers, have attorney trust accounts, litigate a trial, advise clients, prepare court documents, appear in court for clients. There are still a few short of fifty in the state, grandfathered in when the program was shut down by a revolt of the attorney bar members, who also forced the termination of the bar association’s executive director, who was a key player in this debacle. The program began with well intentioned purposes, to provide low income legal assistance, but before it was rolled out in final form, all restrictions on income levels of clients or limits on fees charged were removed. Some LLLPs were charging more than attorneys, discovered when they moved the court for awards of “attorneys fees.”

I am so glad Dr. Miller got out of WA. We will soon be leaving. My spouse already has his TX bar card. I will be sorry to leave my doctor. I met him when I started Medicare and was able to escape Kaiser. He was a Resident at a fascist clinic downtown (Went in January of 2021 and was greeted at the door by a Karen at a podium, who asked me if I “had been tested.” I said, “For what?” She scowled and said, “For Covid, of course!” I replied, “ Why would I do that? I haven’t been sick in two years!”). He finished his training and moved out to East County. I followed him in 2022. I went for my annual checkup this winter and he was gone. I got my prescription renewed and prayed I could find him. By chance, I picked up a local paper at the post office in the county north of me and there was his photo in an advertisement by a local family medicine clinic, as one of two new docs who had joined their practice. I have a new patient (LOL) appointment next month. Good doctors are hard to find. This one wrote me a doctor’s note to excuse me from wearing a mask in court last year when we went back to live court in this north county where I do public defense work. I can’t wear masks. I pass out. I am so grateful for this good doctor.

I wish Dr. Miller well in Florida. It isn’t perfect but it is light years better than WA. Despite our beautiful scenery, no matter where one goes here, Jay Inslee is still the Governor.

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I'm glad you found that good doctor again!

in my opinion, the best part of Texas is in the Texas Hill Area. Not mountains, but at least not flat and nary a tree to mar the view.

I have spent some time in Texas several years ago talking at small meetings where the goal was to educate average citizens so they could see past the Main Stream News.

The "idiocy" I mentioned in the post you responded to above has a first name that is Jay..,enough said about that.

I was born and raised in Tennessee but have lived in several other States. When I had the Washington Bar Card, I actually lived in the edge of Idaho, north of Spokane. The scenery is the same as Eastern Washington and the average person is essentially the same. the benefits are better as far as laws and living conditions go.

We have decided it is very likely the place we will stay in for retirement.

Best of luck to you and your husband. May you find the happiness and sanity in Texas you have not found in Washington.

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Sadly, I was born in the PNW and while I lived many places in my life, this will always feel like home. I used to sing to my kids my made up song, “I Left my Heart in Portland, Oregon . . . “ but like my younger two children who think they are the opposite sex, Portland no longer exists and neither do Lisa or Rob. Ideology has destroyed everything wonderful.

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I used to live in Astoria, OR and was in Portland many times. Also am married to a lady from Salem, OR for the best 40 plus years of my life. When I lived in Oregon I was proud to be from Oregon. It was sort of a magic place, especially the Oregon Coast which I really loved.

Still have many friends and relatives in Oregon. Was there for a week not long ago. Like Washington there are many beautiful people and much gorgeous scenery.

But the ideology there has made a real mess out of a once great State. In fact so much of a mess that, if I remember correctly, 13 Oregon Counties want to leave Oregon and join Idaho.

When the ideology, whether in Washington or Oregon makes the State more like Kalifornia, it is no longer ideology, it is destructive tendencies.

I hope Lisa and Rob outgrow their thinking they are the opposite sex.

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I am so sorry😥

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WA state continues to march deeper into hell. The state Senate passed a bill last week that would allow the state to seize the children of any parents who denied or impeded their transexual mutilation.

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I am reading two different news account of this now, the second is the bill in the state House which would forbid WA state agencies from telling parents where their children are if the child claims their runaway is due to trans issues, even if relocated to state home.

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My wife is an RN with 24 years of experience - everything from Geriatric Psych to post operative recovery, to terminal child oncology, and much more. We lived in Seattle and Snohomish County during this same period of time (we left the West Coast and our beloved Emerald City for exactly the same Stalinist treatment that Dr. Miller describes.)

If anything, Dr. Miller's testimony here slightly underplays the Stalinist hospital / healthcare system we experienced on a daily basis.

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I worked in a hospital for many years going room to room floor to floor

never masked even in the "infectious disease " rooms- doctors never masked or gloved when patients arrived with rashes all over body and "flu like symptoms" not knowing what from...

and not one staff EVER got the same "illness" or brought home ANY illness to family.

If "contagion was true" Hospital staff and their families "pre covid and pre flu shots etc would be a revolving door of illness and would not exist very long- they should be the FIRST to get sick and die. You DONT CATCH disease, You build it. Hospital "acquired infections are from doctors overdosing patients with meds ie antibiotics-. mersa staph etc- are pharma poisoning once you enter the hospital. this is why employees dont get it. bec they are not "medicated". those who come out better after acute illness- likely only given saline drips to rehydrate a dehydrated body , which helps "flush out toxinz" and min antibiotics if any. www.VirusTruth.NET Viruses are NOT cause of Disease- How many decades must pass before people catch on? no pun intended. SCURVY took over a hundred years to figure out NOT from a VIRUS NOT CONTAGIOUS but simple malnutrician lacking enough fresh fruit and veggies with Vitamin C. Most illness is likely subclinical SCURVY.... www.VirusTruth.NET

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You are absolutely correct. My wife has never been vaxxed and as a result is the "go-to" replacement to work the shifts for all her vaxxed and boosted nurses.

Her 2022 was the highest grossing ever - even though she only worked 11 months of that year.

When someone questions her refusal to vaxx, she just says "I've got a functioning immune system, so I don't need to."

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I know Dr Miller's story is true because I know exactly which hospital and healthcare systems he is talking about.

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I encourage people like Disillusioned to name the hospital and administrators. This is not doxxing, if I were not so lazy I could look at the Snohomish system and figure out the involved parties.

Nevertheless, public officials must be identifiable, and held accountable by name. Whenever we write " the hospital", "administration", or "the government" without identifying the decision-maker or the mouthpiece we have conceded defeat.

One of the flaws of Substack is that it is difficult to communicate personally with those of similar interests. I understand that authors have access to email addresses of their subscribers, and I always get a small dopamine surge when any of my comments is acknowledged by an author.

I have been considering sending your essay on the neurological outcomes of infant vaccinations to a friend whose infant had an "unprovoked " seizure at age 2 months. Thank you.

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Apr 19, 2023
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Could you write something that's 1-4 paragraphs and leave it as a comment? I'm writing a final part on Dr. Miller's story I was planning to send out tomorrow or thurs. If it fits with it, I'd be happy to post it.

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Apr 19, 2023
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Hmm actually I can't.

Can't you email amidwesterndoctor@substack.com?

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I find it astounding that this man's expertise and knowledge were discarded. Unfathomable, really. Two things struck me as I read. 1. The covid protocols were centralised, insidious, and malicious. 2. The majority of people live under a veneer of civility. Scratch beneath the surface and you find vicious, self-interested, and spiteful bullies. The minority - like Dr. Miller - are decent humans.

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Communists and fascists always purge their enemies. Always. And in our current socio-political environment, willful blindness and hypocrisy are not just intellectual and moral failings. They are survival strategies.

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You beat me to it. I'm reading I’m currently reading “The truth that killed” by Georgi Markov a Bulgarian engineer and writer who described life in Stalinized Bulgaria as filled with brutish, immoral, envious, mediocrities that depended on the state for their positions The book is filled with vignettes that Dr Miller would doubtlessly recognize. Markov escaped from Bulgaria but was later assassinated in London for criticizing a completely corrupt and hideous system. It pays to remember that Roosevelt recognized the USSR in 1933 and supported Stalin to the max until about 1945, so it’s not surprising that our vultures are coming home to roost.

“Todor Zhivkov’s personal meetings with representatives of the creative intelligentsia not only failed to promote understanding, mutual confidence and lasting ties, but led to the exact opposite - the division of ‘ours’ and ‘theirs’, the growth of intolerance, the crushing of almost everything decent and, at the same time, the encouragement of bureaucracy, mediocrity, lack of personality and corruption. The meetings with Todor Zhivkov played an important part in setting writers and artists against each other. The few principled and honest people amongst the leaders of the cultural front were thrown out and replaced with unworthy but ambitious mediocrities.

- Markov, Georgi, The truth that killed. P242

Also, with few exceptions, there are probably few life forms lower than hospital administrators. Too bad most docs probably never heard of such creatures before attending medical school or most of them would probably had second thoughts about entering the profession. A lot of them couldn't make the grade, so wound up in postions of power over their betters, just like the Bulgarian Commies.

My suggestion for improving the situation is to get rid of mandatory insurance and the medical bureaucracy. The former raises prices for health "services" while the second complicates life for doctors so they, wanting to practice medicine, are happy to become employees so someone else can deal with the administrative foolishness.

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Hey! Not all of us hospital administrators are bad.

I spent much of my own career with the NHS from the mid-1980's onwards in trying to reverse the damage of institutions here in the UK: we worked very hard to build relationships with not-for-profit housing and social care agencies, and to help transition some of the most damaged human beings from these ghastly asylums to decent, supported homes in their own communities.

I'm still engaged with this process, as an unpaid Trustee of a major Scottish charitable care provider, and also as the proud father of a son with Down Syndrome who mainstreamed all of his life, and does not consider himself as having a disability.

We are not all shits - though many are.

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"We are not all shits - though many are."

Thank you for confirming my suspicion!

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The rot started with Margaret Thatcher: up to that point we were decent, rather low paid, honest professional public administrators: she wanted a command and control NHS, run by Yes men (and they nearly all were men).

In the space of just 18 months, I saw an honourable cadre of decent career administrators be wiped off the face of the planet and replaced with incomers and careerists on twice the salary - none of whom had clinical experience or had ever wiped a bum. (I did - I spent two years as a nursing auxiliary caring for the frail and dying elderly patients before getting a rung on the ladder of postgraduate training in public health). Thats what right wingers do. (think about what Musk has done to Twitter recently - rule by fear).

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"...replaced with incomers and careerists on twice the salary - none of whom had clinical experience or had ever wiped a bum."

Right wingers do that but so do left wingers. All variations on a fascist theme.

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You may like the book "Mao. The Unknown Story" Which I am currently reading.

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When I was a kid, you could write to the Chinese Embassy in London and get a free copy of his Little Red Book! We all did, obviously, it was a status symbol in the Peoples Republic of Sheffield in 1972. Along with the poster of Che Guevara on the bedsit wall over the bed, and the smell of weed.

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Yes, I probably would. Does it mention that Mao was a Yali?

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I remember one very attractive student activist hippy type being interviewed by a rather serious bespectacled BBC journalist back in 1966 or 67.

Maybe it was at Kent State University, where the pigs had just shot up the campus.

Are you a Maoist? she was asked..

No, I'm a Mau Mauist! she said!

The kids these days would have absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

I'll help you out:


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That is quite an expensive book to get a copy of. I'd certainly take other recommendations.

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It isexpensive. I was lucky enough to get a copy from a library. (The local library had to order it from some system they're part of). The intenet archive has a digitized copy that may be "borrowed."

Here's a link.: https://archive.org/details/truththatkilled0000mark/page/152/mode/2up

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I found it for loan through the library!

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That is helpful! While I was looking for that book, I found a lot of other great ones too.

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This takes me into a login screen. I certainly wouldn't have login.

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I think my favorites are the communist’s fellow travelers who believe they won’t be put up against the wall because they fervently supported the cause.

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Or as Jacques Mallet du Pan wrote about a similar Bolshevik revolution, the French Revolution, in “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” – Like Saturn, the revolution eats its children. (Mallet du Pan aptly refers to the Greek myth of a titan who ate his children upon birth to prevent them succeeding him.)

Think Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's NKVD police chief... who later fell out of favour, was dragged out of a meeting, a rag stuffed in his mouth as he whined, and shot dead. THESE LEFTISTS HAVE **ZERO** MORALS, ZERO HUMANITY, zero anything. All they have is a lust for p-o-w-e-r. Trotsky was eliminated, Kamenev, and in fact almost all the people who brought Stalin to power were eliminated. In China, Lin Piao (or Biao) was eliminated.

Or as Che said - which might apply in one manner to the doc above - “We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation; it has the obligation to triumph." and "And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredón [execution wall].” ― Ernesto "Che

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And a lo of people think that it couldn't happen in the USA. I got news for 'em!

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If people do not want a violent revolution, then they need to consider how to prevent one from taking place. Simply beating up poor and weak people is generally rather counterproductive, because there are more of them than there are of you.

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How very well said!

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Yes! I'll give you an example of a recent experience.

My mom went to the hospital for some tests and while she was there, she was "encouraged" to take the PCR test for Covid. When she said she didn't feel sick, all of the health care staff mocked and bullied her. She reluctantly submitted, but fortunately tested negative. These people were ready and willing to throw her into the ICU (since she's 92, they figure she won't fight back. They don't know my Mom!) and give her Midzalopam and other dangerous meds!!!

Then to add to this horror show, my sister who is an RN and helps care for my mother said the doctor wants her on Digoxin for her heart. I immediately blurted out "NO"! I had just read horrible info about this drug and I was horrified. Luckily she respects my ability to research and I found so much about the terrible side effects and dangers from Rumble and Twitter of course, not from Google and even Brave - I see censorship of this info too and it's all so horrifying.

What you wrote just struck a nerve that all these health care providers, from Nursing Assistant, to RN's to doctors all felt free to bully and gang up and probably kill a 92 year-old-woman.

What have we come to?

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Kaiser bullied my mother into a second CV shot while they had her captive in the hospital for congestive heart failure (did the first shot cause the CHF?). She told them "No" but they took advantage of her fragile state and made it sound like she wouldn't be able to leave the hospital if she didn't. And they topped it off with a flu shot in the other arm... I was so livid. I am amazed she is still with us... God's will be done is all I can say.

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I believe my afib/heart failure was caused by shot. Sorry about your Mom.

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She also has afib now... I'm sorry to hear about your suffering. I learn a lot about health from this channel https://www.youtube.com/@drekberg I was having pretty serious HBP and circulatory issues (not jabbed) that I can only guess began with too much unrelenting stress. I learned about fibrinolytics and proteolytics and taking them has helped me so much. Everyone is different but this seems to be working for my condition. I had also read that for those that are struggling with vax injury these therapeutics seem to be helpful. Not medical advice, just floating an idea that you might want to research. Best to you!

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The bioweapons do transfer or "shed". This is why we started seeing the unjabbed dying suddenly, also. Did you touch or were very close to someone jabbed right before your symptoms? Dr Anna on Maria Zeee has done a couple of interviews and shows that "pure blood" isn't pure anymore and the creators of this lie knew they would transfer. That is a good place to start, as well as Dr Lee Merritt, Todd Calender and, of course, the Queen of All-things Covid, our Heavenly Warrior and Angel, Karen Kingston and her Substack. I hope you get better soon. Mr Renz has also made the discovery that they are injecting our dairy and meat livestock with mRNA. Then, of course, there's the spraying of Graphene Oxide to top us off. There is no escape anymore. Now, we wait for the Good Father to burn it all down. Remember what happened the last time God's Children's DNA was messed with?

We're gonna need a bigger boat...

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Yes, I was living with my brother who was forced to get the shot or forfeit his job. His first jab landed him in the ER with heart and BP issues. The second jab put him in bed for a few days not feeling well. Ironically, they let him go this year after he injured himself on the job... Also, my mother received the second jab and came home where I care for her every need (so very close contact). I have wondered about the possible connections... I am a very health conscious person in my 50s and I can still do cartwheels (lol)... We are being poisoned from the inside, from the outside, and every other way they can come up with. I think the next time the earth is cleansed it will be by fire but not in our time. Anyway, just have to keep living and loving each other until our last breath. That's all that really matters. Take care, Danna, and thanks for the info!

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If you are in the US they are not using mRNA jabs in dairy livestock and not in cows, sheep, or goats. The RNA products they have been using in pigs since 2018 is different than the mRNA technology in the Covid jabs.

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Thank you. I really like this substack where we can share info.

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Qigong for blood pressure. There are specific exercises which help. But it would help to have a practitioner choose the best set for you. Lacking a practitioner, here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-jSBBwr8Ko

Qigong is easy, gentle - and effective. When I was younger, more athletic, if you'd told me that these gentle movements would improve my fitness, I would've scoffed.

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This is so heartbreaking to hear! Thankfully your mother has a very strong immune system. I was hospitalized with Sepsis/used to be known as Blood Poisoning a month after my Flu shot!

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Just... wow. I have never received a flu shot in my life. I had a friend that nearly died from it and still suffers from the damage that it did to her. Did they ever admit the blood poisoning was a direct result of the shot? I hope you made a full recovery!

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No. They didn't admit it. The doctors both looked like they were being deceptive with me and said the reason I had Sepsis was because of a Urinary Tract Infection (which I've had before and had absolutely no symptoms for this). I could just tell both of them were lying: they looked at each other before stating the "cause".

And yes I made a full recovery, thanks for asking. Luckily I recovered fairly quickly, due to me being obstinate and insisting I get out of that awful hospital, that incidentally scored a failing grade on it's last survey. Four years previous it was quite a good hospital.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's experience. It was so uneccessary; I got the Flu shot to protect others, so I was told. In essence, did I almost sign my death warrant? Sepsis is fatal for most people, I hear. I'm just a real tough person, hard to kill, I guess!

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You really have to be strong willed and not be afraid to push back to survive this world. I have had several infections and swollen lymph nodes, etc.. that I managed to heal on my own. There comes a time when you just know that if you want to live you better use the intelligence you were born with to understand your own body and how best to keep it functioning. There are so many brilliant healers out there that are willing to share their knowledge with us. It always inspires me to hear people's stories so thanks for sharing.

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Great post!

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This double shot thing is worrisome. As if the shots were well tested as single products - they certainly haven't been tested in tandem. Sheee-it. And why I'm terrified to go to hospital - what if I go for colonoscopy, and come out vaccinated?

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Midzalopam... kinda sorta, as you know, is a med used to bump people off.

We live in an amoral world now. As GK Chesterton wrote, "When men cease to believe in God, they don't believe in nothing, but *anything.* And money is their new "god."

Russian philosopher Nicolai Beryaev similarly wrote "If God doesn't exist, man does not either." Where we are today. Fellow Russian Dostoyevski similarly wrote "If there is no God.... everything is permissible."

And speaking of Russians, Solzhenitsyn while in the gulags (modern version might be the ventilator camps of vile Guv. Cuomo) , one person asked about the Stalinist hell, "Why has alll this happened to us?" One inmate replied "It is because we have forgotten God."

Make of the above what you will. But for me and my house, we will indeed follow the Lord.

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Sounds like what is happening to my mother who is in long-term care. It is unbelievable - we have to be as on top of her care as possible. Upside down world...

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I'm a 22yr practicing paramedic with 37 yrs total in EMS - NEVER trust LTC facilities!!! Anyone who thinks a hospital health care system is bad has never intimately dealt with any of the long-term care facilities... They're only job is warehousing people until they manage to kill them off! The only way to keep your loved one healthy is to stay on top of them. You have to visit everyday, call every day. Talk to the providers on every shift.... As much as I hate to say it, bribery of bringing coffee in or snacks type things to help the staff personalize your family member helps because we all spend more time taking care of people we care about.... It CAN be navigated but not easily. Don't ever give up!

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I had my Mom live with me after retirement. I used to work in a pharmacy and, God and Humanity, forgive me, I held Vaccine Clincics for businesses in my community, including Early Learning Childhood Centers. I was never informed about the true dangers of the medical establishment. Unfortunately, I was the highest grossing Wellness Ambassador. Yes! That's what they called us! Kind of like the Wellness Visit waiting rooms for babies and children who are coming in for shots. The audacity! But, back to my original thought. I noticed that at every single Retirement Center or Long Term Housing for seniors, the Communication Companies started putting up HUGE cell towers less than 25 yards from the buildings. I have been awaken about 5g (means "Penta" "Gram" by the way) and so when I saw those, she started living with me. We made a bedroom out of our formal dining room 🙂

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Two millenia, Christians rescued abandoned babies and started hospitals. Ever see an "Atheist Memorial Hospital?"

Christians need to restart new hospitals

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Thank you and yes, we have unfortunately found this to be true and try to stay on top of her care. They can't seem to wait to get her onto the hospice rolls. Her visit to the hospital recently resulted in the hospital doc removing the mind-altering meds and as a result our Mom was her old self, participating with occupational therapy and showing off her abilities - next day social worker advised when she asked Mom if she was depressed that she responded yes - she is hard of hearing and I wonder if she knew what she was saying yes to - I doubt it. They have orders not to put her back on the mind-altering drugs.

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GOOD!! Honestly, facilities use the antidepressants in the sedatives to turn the patients into zombies so they can just ignore them and they stay in bed all day because they don't have the staffing to care for people properly

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Exactly - unfortunately...

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For those who think they can sit this one out: You CAN'T.... you WON'T... and they NEVER INTENDED FOR YOU TO BE **ABLE TO**

Or as Jacques Mallet du Pan wrote about a similar Bolshevik revolution, the French Revolution, in “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” – Like Saturn, the revolution eats its children. (Mallet du Pan aptly refers to the Greek myth of a titan who ate his children upon birth to prevent them succeeding him.)

Think Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's NKVD police chief... who later fell out of favour, was dragged out of a meeting, a rag stuffed in his mouth as he whined, and shot dead. THESE LEFTISTS HAVE **ZERO** MORALS, ZERO HUMANITY, zero anything. All they have is a lust for p-o-w-e-r. Trotsky was eliminated, Kamenev, and in fact almost all the people who brought Stalin to power were eliminated. In China, Lin Piao (or Biao) was eliminated.

Or as Che said - which might apply in one manner to the doc above - “We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation; it has the obligation to triumph." and "And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredón [execution wall].” ― Ernesto "Che"

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Oh do stop being silly. At least Che tried to explain the realities of revolutionary justice: his predecessor was a ghastly dictator who deserved his overthrow:


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Silly. Your shilling for the Bolsheviks is truly a joke, right?... and like other Bolsheviks, once they come to power, they cull people exactly like you. We all know Batista was no angel. On the other hand, it still was one of the richest countries in the hemisphere, unitil your darlings came to power. Che specifically said he wanted to nuke NYC. And all you leftists would have been at ground zero. Not that you have the intelligence to be aware of this, right?

The Black Book of Communism, Harvard Univ. Press, said your communists MURDERED 100 mm last century. Dr. RJ Rummel, Univ of Hawaii said up to 170 MILLION were murdered by mostly leftists last century https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/LONGVITA.HTM

I'm sorry, but your post is actually funny. Like the Castros (Forbes at one point put Fidel in the top 20 or so richest men in the world. So much for your idiotic comment) Go somewhere else.

The utter ignorance of your post is not to replace Batista with someone worse, but someone better. Not that you, sir, have thought that far

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Clean up your own city, Blaise, and maybe then you might be able to export your own revolution. Right now, nobody wants to know. About the only thing every free citizen in the entire world does NOT want to hear is this: "I'm from the US Government, and I'm here to help you" !!

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Tried to explain? Staggering there would be someone like you who can to this and be able to read. Tried to explain? Yes, as in "We execute out of revolutionary zeal" and "justice is a beaugeois artifact," wanted to NUKE MILLIONS of innocents in NYC, etc.

As noted, you, sir, disgust me.

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Hi there. A Canadian citizen. Canada was a nice country to live in until globalism took over, 80s onward. Now these globalists have garnered so much power and riches (which we helped them gain) that they think it's OK to turn it back on us now (ala WEF and the One World Government/WHO cabal). It's recognizably corporate fascism. We had great health care once, good jobs, affordable housing. Now the system (government and health) is so corrupt- the pharma mafia being the main problem. Lobbying just like in the US - the same corruption. The same ties to corrupt American corporations and individuals. Laws are no longer being followed, judges are corrupt, and regulating bodies are ruling like masters outside of their mandate. Our government at all levels are infiltrated with WEF agents aiming to break down what good is left...so all can be Built Back Better with a China-style social credit system, mass surveillance, and medical tyranny. You folk argue about all these labels, but it really comes down to one thing in my view: totalitarianism rearing its ugly head again. Better we come together at least on that and unite.

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So true! My wife's cousin was Trudeau's nanny, and we were friends with his health minister, who used to be a good person, but then went over to the dark side. But even she couldn't stand the fraud at 24 Sussex, and quit. And corporate fascism is spot on. In fact, in Mussolini's definitive work The Doctrine of Fascism, in 1932, he just notes that fascism is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz

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I don't think you have the faintest idea why ordinary workers and peasants can be driven to violent revolution: here is a taster:

"Facing certain electoral defeat, he led a military coup against President Carlos Prío Socarrás that pre-empted the election.[6]

Back in power and receiving financial, military and logistical support from the United States government,[7][8] Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.[9] Eventually it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land.[10] As such, Batista's repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships both with the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinational companies who were awarded lucrative contracts.[9][11] To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions. These murders mounted in 1957, as socialist ideas became more influential. Many people were killed, with estimates ranging from hundreds to about 20,000 people killed.[12][13]

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This note to others reading here, not to the poster, who is, by any measure, part of the communist cabal that MURDERED approx. 100 million people last century, then acts here as an apologist for this, which utterly nauseates me

This response is to others, not this evil - yes, evil - communist cabal. Personally, this Rob dude disgusts me as much as anyone I have ever met online with leftist ignorance, misanthropy and lies. Ignorance? I am a dual US/Canadian citizen (in fact, a family member was vile Trudeau's nanny), but born in in San Francisco. Apparently this guy is too dense to know that San Francisco is as socialist as Venezuela... which is precisely why it is violent and covered in feces. Same thing with my Vancouver, BC.

The hallmark of socialism is poverty, misery, tent cities and the inability for the common man to accrue capital and move up, as I did (e.g., I worked FULL TIME at night at university, went to school full time during the day; another year in grad school I literally lived in an unheated basement in Vancouver BC, and woke up one morning - as the window didn't completely close - with a snowdrift perfectly formed over my sleeping bag (snow in Vancouver is not super common; temp usu. around 5C/40F or so)

The 100 MILLION murdered by the vile communists figure? From the book Black Book of Communism from none other than Harvard Univ. Press. The late Dr. RJ Rummel, Univ. of Hawaii, put the figure as high as 170 MILLION people MURDERED. Verify here: https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/LONGVITA.HTM THIS, mes amis, is what communism does, and has done everywhere it goes. How many did Mao murder? 20 mm? 40 mm? How many did Pol Pot murder? 3 mm? When they opened the Soviet archives in 1991, they reported there were 61 million 'excess' deaths. Better word? Murdered.

This poster, whom no one will confuse with Einstein, praises Castro, dissing Batista, being too ignorant to know that replacing one evil with an even greater evil is... umm... not exactly Einsteinian. But he is too dense to figure this out it appears. The evidence of Castro's monstrousness was available more or less immediately after his victory. Fulgencio Batista's supporters were shot en masse -- some in a carnival atmosphere in front of stadiums of people making the "thumbs down" gesture. Former revolutionary allies were next to mount the scaffold for the modern equivalent of the guillotine. Independent newspapers were closed. Unions were forbidden to strike. Religious colleges were closed, and priests were forced into exile (they had plenty of company). Those who resisted the regime were arrested, denied medical care and sometimes tortured. Their families were harassed. Castro promised free elections within 18 months. That was decades ago. Cubans are still waiting.

This this non-Einstein has the temerity to invoke "the workers." For the rest of you, not this dude, here are the facts:

Thin, about what has socialism/communism done for Venezuela, which has taken one of the richest countries in S. America to the poorest. Caracas, Ciudad Bolivar, and Ciudad Guayana ARE IN THE TOP 10 MOST VIOLENT CITIES IN THE WORLD. Nice job "for the workers," leftists. Of course, the connected STILL have a lot of money there, as they always do in socialism. The USSR was called "a Chad (the country) with missiles in its USSR days, and the Poles under communism used to say "When socialism comes to the Sahara, there will even be shortage of sand." Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa until socialist Mugabe came to power. Then people were literally starving to death. So much "for the worker." And also relative to the workers, the vile Che Guevara, this non-Einsteinian poster is oblivious to, once wrote "I know the campesinos (peasant workers) support us now, but when we come to power, they, too, will have to be liquidated." Yeah, for the workers indeed. It is hard to believe people can be this utterly stupid, but so it is. Che also wanted to nuke New York City

Castro? In Forbes, May 5 2006, "Fortunes Of Kings, Queens And Dictators," Forbes put Castro in 7th place in a group of 10 world leaders with "lofty positions and vast fortunes." Estimating Castro's personal wealth at $900 million – which was almost twice the $500 million of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and a tad below Monaco’s Prince Albert II estimated $1 billion. Did our Einstein poster know this? Of course not. And now that he does, anyone care to bet that he has the intellectual honesty to look at the facts? Castro had economic control over a web of state-owned companies including a convention center, a retail conglomerate and an enterprise that sells Cuban-produced pharmaceuticals. And his hero Che? Here's one dandy quote they repress from Che: "The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities and drink, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.” And gays to Che? In his Man and Socialism in Cuba, anyone who deviated from their new new man” was seen as a ”counter-revolutionary.” Such was the case of gay men —whom Guevara referred to as “sexual perverts.” Both Guevara and Castro considered homosexuality a bourgeois decadence. In an interview in 1965, Castro explained that “A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant communist should be.”

But for the rest of you here, we have know since the French Revolution that, as Fredrick Bastiat (1801-1850) wrote, "Socialism (lit. gouvernement) is the great fiction whereby everyone endeavours to live off of everyone else." The rest of you reading this, tell me how, exactly that will work.

Truth is, it has never worked (cf French Revolution) can never work (see Mao's China, Venezuela, the USSR, Zimbabwe, etc.) and will never work. But we'll get it right this time is their whine. They've been saying this EXACT same thing since the French revolution. The result? As they used to say in the USSR, "we pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us," and a situation where Bill Bonner, visiting the USSR, sat next to a woman flying across the country to buy a TOILET seat (flight was subsidized, but no toilet seats for a thousand miles.) Nice work, socialists.

Truth is, as Churchill observed, capitalism is the best idea in a world of even worse ideas; at least it recognizes man's fallibility and works, as Adam Smith wrote, WITH our fallen nature.

The story goes that Leonid Brezhnev had his 100 yr old grandmother visit him in Moscow in the 1960s. He proudly took her around his offices as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. showing her his Italian marble private bathroom with solid gold sink handles and the like, showed her his multiple well appointed dachas, all outfitted with the latest in Parisian fashion, the 10 Zil limousines he had waiting for him at all times; showed her the giant mahongany desk with solid gold handles, the chandeliers which incorporated real diamonds, and proudly boasted about the 20 attendants he had at his beck and call for every and any whim.

Finally, the end of the day came, and he dismissed his servants.

His ancient granny, born before the Bolshevik Revolution, frantically and furtively looked around to make sure absolutely NO ONE was around. She then, very, very carefully, sidled up to Leonid and, in sotto voce, whispers so no one else could hear:

"This is all very well Leonid. But... WHAT IF THE COMMUNISTS COME????"

I stop here. I will not respond further on this thread, as I simply don't have the time to interact with any people who are intentionally ignorant and intellectually dishonest.

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Che Guevara: "I know the campesinos suppport us now. But we come to power, they too, will have to liquidated"

Capitalism's vice is the unequal sharing of blessings, socialism's vice is the equal sharing of misery. But at least with the former there is a way out. With the latter is Venezuela, which turned the richest country in SA, where my brother lived and worked for decades, into the poorest.

You are an ignorant, vile, evil man. Get a clue

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Thanks for the apologia for and even greater evil.

Now I understand better how people with a modicum of knowledge become evil and stupid. As noted, your leftists murdered from 100 mm to 170 mm.

You sir, disgust me. The goal should have been to replace Batista and Castro. But leftist IDIOCY is far, far, FAR greater evil. And then you have the temerity to whine about wide scale violence, torture and executions.

You are either here as a comedian, or maybe posting for Raul, who has done 10x that number.

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Are you an American? You claim to be born in the drug and crime-ridden hellhole of San Francisco. If so, perhaps you are also an apologist for a US regime that slaughtered and destroyed millions of native Americans, and exported your horrid genocidal practices to innocent countries like Vietnam, Chile, and Iraq that had nothing to do with you. Do not DARE to preach to me. I note that you have the third highest murder rate in the world. Does that not bother you?

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I certainly DO have the DARE to preach to a fasco-Marxist fraud like you. I am actually a dual US/Canadian citizen.

You are, sadly, too stupid to know America has been taken over by fasco-Marxists JUST LIKE YOU. If Trump were in power, there would be no Ukraine, no war with China, etc.

Genocide? You are truly a vile, despicable, evil man paired with complete and utter ignorance. The Black Book of Communism said that YOUR Marxists MURDERED a hundred MILLION people last century. Dr. RJ Rummel, Univ of Hawaii, put the number possibly as high as 170 million.

And the highest murder rates? YOu are too utterly STUPID to know that the top three highest murder rates in the world, three of them are in your dear Venezuela. Anyone with intellectual honesty would look that uup. And San Francisco is just as Marxist as Venezuela.

You are a vile, evil, ignorant man, exactly what all socialists like you are. Get a clue You might find one on EBay

And yes, I WILL DARE to preach to a lying, evil fraud like you that supports the greatest evil the world has ever seen.

Go away. You are a vile man.

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Oh look at you.

Go back to your haggis.

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Batista sucked. Che sucked. Castro sucked. Does that not bother you?

The Cubans deserved better.

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Have you ever read Dostoevsky’s “The posessed?” (Some translations:” The devils”) He speaks truly.

And Che was an evil man. Murderer and rapist. Batista was a powerful tool, who committed great evil. But, the “revolutionary spirit” is from the pit of Hell.

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Oh. You seem very sure.

But didn't the Revolutionary spirit help the USA and France defeat despotic monarchs, too?

And isn't it easy to absorb massive CIA misinformation and learn to hate people you never actually met?

Have YOU read Che's motorcycle diaries? I don't get a feel for evil: Idealism, sure. But as a doctor, Che was deeply committed to human improvement, and in the face of the USA colonial powers, he was smart enough to actually win. Are you just a bit miffed by that?

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Thanks for your thoughts. Hmm, I ought to have have used clearer language. I was speaking of the spirit which infused the French Revolution, quite different in nature than our own. Very different animals I would say. France was anarchist; ours was based on law and reason, demonstrating a great respect for God and the Bible, with many being strong believers. They persued Natural Law, God’s laws.

In the book, Dostoevsky somehow, chillingly, opens up to us the distorted mind of a proto-anarchist. I’m no intellectual by any stretch, and others have illustrated this better than I could. i wanted to point to the book, because IT makes the point.

No, I’ve not read Señor Doctor Guevara’s book. However his actions would appear to belie his book’s philosophy and his commitment, as you describe it, which makes him a rather untrustworthy self-reporter.

In reading your prior post, it’s clear your reaction presumes too much and is way out of kilter, and your quickness to hostility in reacting to my post demonstrates that further. If you can’t be civil, please know that I will not engage further.

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His actions were to quit the Revolutionary Cuban government when he fell out with the Castro brothers. Tag teams are always a bad idea in politics, and I think he did the right thing to quit, the way things were going.

However, put yourself in the broader political context - the revolutionary regime had a slim hold on power, with numerous CIA plots to overthrow them, including the testing of exploding cigars as a means of assassination !! And supporters of the old regime were fizzing - they had lost their fancy houses and opulent estates - they were keen for revenge. The CIA was training counter-revolutionary forces, and doing their level best to destroy the Cuban economy.

This all called for some incredibly harsh measures, and by any standards, Castro was the right man for the job, proven by his ability to stay in office throughout his life.

Sure, revolutions are brutal and messy. I don't see many here weeping for the victims of the French terror - the guillotines did busy work, night and day, and the revolutionary courts were notoriously brutal and arbitrary. But what was the alternative, when the country had been driven to destitution by an insanely remote and affluent aristocracy?

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I concur, wholeheartedly. But these stories are not only in the field of family or hospital physicians. As a lay person after losing my NP and RN career for refusing the vaccine in British Columbia, Canada, I no longer have dental insurance. Thus, I only wanted to have my teeth cleaned by a hygienist. The manager was called to my chair before the hygienist would start and she insisted that for reasons of malpractice purposes, I must have a dentist check my teeth after cleaning. I was told, it was apparently mandated by the College of Dentists in BC. I forked out an extra $125 for nothing as my teeth were in great shape (which I knew because I take great care of my teeth!)

Later I spoke with a niece who is a dental assistant and she told me that there is no mandate for a dentist to check teeth. It is recommended but not required. I was educated to learn that I should call ahead and stipulate what I wanted prior to sitting in the dental chair. Once in that chair, they've got you right where they want you!

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The office had scheduled you in for both, so yes, best to tell them ahead. The College can mandate anything to it's dentists, but that doesn't mean the patient has to go along. In theory you could have stood your ground, you were bullied by nice people in white coats. The scheduler could have given you the option when you made the app't. Informed consent right?

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My post fell under the last couple of posts. I did not intend to concur with those posts! My concurrence was in support for Dr. Miller's brave position.

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Unbelievable story. I’m a physician too. I’ve found it hard to truly believe these horrible stories about what happened behind the walls of the hospitals but this story has made me a believer. I left corporate medicine too after being told I could not prescribe ivermectin. I refused to turn my back on people that were sick. I saw the vaccines pushed on employees without informed consent and spoke out. I was disgusted. I’ve started a direct pay practice. I’m a sub specialist but considering changing to primary care. This story also speaks into that consideration. Thank you Dr. Miller for upholding your oath. We need to rescue our noble profession for the sake of humanity.

Gayln Perry, MD

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I switched to a terrific direct primary care doctor in 2021.

Just this year I terminated my health insurance and went with a health sharing account (my DPC Dr uses the same company).

In all, I could not be happier with the results.

Thank you for making the switch to direct pay and giving us patients more choice. I pray you’re successful! 🙏

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BubbyBelle - if possible, could you please share which health sharing company you went with? Thanks!

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Happy to! It’s Christian Health Ministries. My doctor has been using them to cover his practice for years. Head nurse had her hip replaced with them last year and it worked great.


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Do you know if you must be Christian to use them?

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Many do require church attendance. But there are others that just require a commitment to liberty - just do a web search, as I know for fact those ones are out there too. And by all means, if using Google, please consider stopping with them, as they are part of the problem. Brave.com is a good browser (brave.com) and has their own search engine, or use search engines Swisscows, presearch or freespoke.

And BTW, since you are not a Christian, might I respectfully suggest the lawyer, former legal editor, Pulitzer prize (if I recall rightly) for the Chicago Tribune, and former atheist Lee Strobel and his book The Case for Christ? Details his investigation into the veracity of the claims of Christ. Erudite, well written, compassionately written.

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I was raised Catholic but it hasn't been my path for decades.

I know Google is a tracking nightmare but it's still better than fruittech and microspawn.

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They’re using religious freedom to skirt federal healthcare requirements.

This one is Christian. Here’s a link to member requirements:


If you are not Christian, I would recommend searching for your religion+health sharing to see if they have something similar. I doubt Christians are the only people doing this.

Hope that helps!

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Liberty Health Share in non-religious, but the same concept.

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We use Liberty Health share. When I went into consulting, COBRA was $1,000/month for my wife and me. We went to health sharing, deciding on Liberty Health Share. Cost was 1/3 of COBRA, with BETTER care. There are others, Medishare, Christian HealthShare, Samaritans, etc. but, as noted, we actually got BETTER coverage. They do this by not allowing smoking, drugs, minimal drinking, some require church attendance, and they negotiate the rack rate (e.g, that aspirin really shouldn't cost $100 for the nurse's 3 min. of time, the backround infrastructure, etc.

We went with Liberty as they have yearly checkup for free, but I'm sure the others are good too. When we phone, you actually get a human being who knows what he is doing, and you don't have to press 1, ;press 3, press 8, press 9,768 a thousand times to get someone, who then answer in the old Gilda Radner-esque "We're Bell Telephone; we don't care. We don't HAVE to" type of voice. .

9 our of 10 people have never heard of health sharing This staggers me. I slept thru jr. high math, but 350 dollars month vs. 1000.... even **I** can do that kind of math!

Many do require church attendance. But there are others that just require a commitment to liberty - just do a web search, as I know for fact those ones are out there too. And by all means, if using Google, please consider stopping with them, as they are part of the problem. Brave.com is a good browser (brave.com) and has their own search engine, or use search engines Swisscows, presearch or freespoke.

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We use Liberty Health share. When I went into consulting, COBRA was $1,000/month for my wife and me. We went to health sharing, deciding on Liberty Health Share. Cost was 1/3 of COBRA, with BETTER care. There are others, Medishare, Christian HealthShare, Samaritans, etc. but, as noted, we actually got BETTER coverage. They do this by not allowing smoking, drugs, minimal drinking, some require church attendance, and they negotiate the rack rate (e.g, that aspirin really shouldn't cost $100 for the nurse's 3 min. of time, the backround infrastructure, etc.

We went with Liberty as they have yearly checkup for free, but I'm sure the others are good too. When we phone, you actually get a human being who knows what he is doing, and you don't have to press 1, ;press 3, press 8, press 9,768 a thousand times to get someone, who then answer in the old Gilda Radner-esque "We're Bell Telephone; we don't care. We don't HAVE to" type of voice. .

9 our of 10 people have never heard of health sharing This staggers me. I slept thru jr. high math, but 350 dollars month vs. 1000.... even **I** can do that kind of math!

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Thank you for healing humanity

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Bravo to you!!!

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I automate hospitals for a living, and I think you are spot on - concierge medicine, which is in many ways a return to the old system before the mega-insurance and mega-hospital systems took over.

Interestingly, when I went into consulting, COBRA was $1,000/month for my wife and me. We went to health sharing, deciding on Liberty Health Share. Cost was 1/3 of COBRA, with BETTER care. There are others, Medishare, Christian HealthShare, Samaritans, etc. but, as noted, we actually got BETTER coverage. They do this by not allowing smoking, drugs, minimal drinking, some require church attendance, and they negotiate the rack rate (e.g, that aspirin really shouldn't cost $100 for the nurse's 3 min. of time, the backround infrastructure, etc.

Anyhow, good on ya for what you are doing!

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I think these types of stories are very important. They are both sobering and inspiring. Thanks for sharing it.

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I say exactly the same. My heartfelt thanks to both A Midwestern Doctor and to Dr. Miller.

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I agree. We need more of this and less of the MFM take....need to get real, down and dirty, explain it how it is and was for the unsung heroes. Then maybe people will pay closer attention. Too many Americans still labor under the illusion....it happened to somebody else, not me....so why would I care or even inquire as to truth?

Sad state of affairs. Would rather have Miller’s and others like him as my hero or friend because they were not afraid to get their hands dirty when it counted. Putting people over politics and fame. Thank you Dr. Miller.

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Dr. Miller is a true hero. So glad he found a better situation in Florida.

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As a former ICU nurse, I find this story heartbreaking. I am wondering how many doctors, when they hopefully wake up, will have terrible regrets about their behaviors that facilitated the deaths of hospitalized Covid patients. I cannot describe my shock and bewilderment about what transpired these last three years. Thank you for sharing this brave man's story.

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I am a former dialysis nurse in Canada. I was placed on unpaid leave because I wouldn't take the shot. I opted to retire as I was in my 60's (my health history includes extreme vertigo & fainting after one & only flu shot,ultimately leading to brain surgery 😶) I couldn't believe how all my colleagues & physicians bought into the press stories on Covid & were very into lockdowns, etc due to fear. None of our patients got Covid in 2020, though they all remained out & about in their community & some had community health workers who became ill with Covid(!). Our patients had (as dialysis patients do) many cardiac issues & other comorbidities, but all were part of a vitamin D study & we tracked their D levels q 6 weeks & changed their supplement if needed. They only started dying after the vaccines ☹️☹️☹️ - of clotting (we had never seen d dimers so high in some of our post vax patients who ended up hospitalized), gangrene, sudden cardiac arrests, etc. The consent forms they had to sign for their shots were extensive - freely admitting the vaccines weren't tested on those in kidney failure, but were "advised" anyway. Most patients did not want me to go through the whole consent form, they were so frightened by the press reports & bought into "safe & effective". I was ultimately glad to retire (all unvaxxed staff at my hospital were fired the day I got my first pension payment) - as I was having serious ethical issues staying in the system.

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Great to hear your story.

I was one of three employess at a nursing home who quit in Nova Scotia. I think around 100 plus employees. I watched lots of jab injuries and deaths until I left. Horror stories with staff and family members too, post jab...but few ever made connections...or figured the reactions were good.

I have never witnessed such mass insanity from such a group before.

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they need more than regrets, they need jail time - or worse.

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A great many do. For sure.

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I am heartbroken as well. When do all wake up from this ongoing nightmare!

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I have lost hope that this will change. Most people are terrified of what they've done to themselves and would rather bury their heads in the sand than be brave and tell their story. The denial is absolutely stunning. For the life of me I will never understand.

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"The third is the doctors need to be much more aggressive in taking their power back (e.g., they should unionize)."

Unions have mostly pushed the hysteria, not resisted it. The union that represents teachers in my local school district responded to the school board's decision to return to in-person school by taking out full-page ads in the local newspapers denouncing the school board members as murderers. The doctors who went along with all of the madness and cruelty will not become more courageous because they have a union -- they'll use the union to push the madness and cruelty.

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How would you propose they band together so the hospitals can't jerk them around and have to do what the doctors believe is appropriate?

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I don't think there's a solution in institutional structure - banding together - that can solve a problem of bad culture and weak character. I'm not a doctor, but the problem in medicine is the problem in academia and media, and I've worked in both. The problem is the culture of personal complicity, professional cowardice, and preference falsification.

With that said, if I understand this correctly, the Obamacare-driven transition in which many doctors became employees rather than business owners seems to have robbed physicians of their independence and the cultural habits that went with it. So my best guess, which you can talk me out of, is that corporate consolidation and regulation-driven industry should be addressed by regulatory changes to incentivize independence, and by devolution to independence rather than dependence.

I agree with you about the problem, and see it spreading through *every* institution, but my experience has been that unions mostly work, these days, as just another captured institution.

EDITED to add that my daughter's new pediatrician, after the one who unsuccessfully demanded that we accept the mRNA injections for our child, runs a cash-only independent clinic with no employees and no insurance rules or administrative protocols.

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Cash pay seems to be the only way to get a good doctor these days.

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As a retired RN I have been giving this a lot of contemplation....why should out-of-pocket cash payment for a good high-quality physician be any different than paying for a top quality auto mechanic or plumber or repairman? Something absolutely has to change to correct this mess! Sixty plus years ago a good family physician made house calls if needed, didn't order MRI's & CAT scans, etc & was able to provide excellent care for his patients. And most folks lived well into old age! Perhaps it's time to go back to that model of care.

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IF you can afford it!!! I depend on one expensive drug every month and see my Dr once a year as required by protocol. I belong to a HMO which includes all Dr visits, tests and pharmacy (only $5 copay). I figured for the amount of money I pay for this coverage I could just pay full price for my prescription, but that’s all. I wouldn’t be able to pay for a cash Dr, and heaven forbid I really need one. Basic lab tests are exorbitant, what happens if you need an MRI or other expensive diagnostic tests? It’s not just the Dr’s fee. Bankruptcy from medical issues is common.

Unfortunately my experience of unions is that they are as compromised as other institutions. The doctors would have to form their own organization rather than join an existing one.

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San - try PharmStore in Canada for your medication. We have saved a great deal on our prescriptions by using them.

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Thanks, will look into it!

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I see a functional medicine doctor. Totally independent. Cash but Medicare covers most blood work. On her desk the last time was Ed Dowd’s book “Cause Unknown”. I feel safe there and she herself is unvaxxed. I stay away from hospital affiliated doctors like the plague other than my orthopedic surgeon who fixed my hip after a fall in our local small hospital last fall. I let doctors touch me for those reasons. All the rest of my family is stuck in the rabbit hole.

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“cash-only independent clinic with no employees and no insurance rules or administrative protocols”

In all likelihood - THIS is the solution. I’d gladly support a practice like this.

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We support such a practice with our health care dollars...and are much happier with the care we get. Our Doc also provides telehealth which means we are much less exposed to Hospital Germ Factories...

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This is the way. Deregulation. Over-regulation is a fascistic enterprise. Rewarding behavior that conforms to authority, rather than implements solutions.

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a true free market is the answer.

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Very much so.

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This issue of weak character and ideological poisoning permeates throughout all the sciences now - it's not just medicine and academia.

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Interesting. I just posted a similar comment before I read the suggestion for unions. Unions would be one approach if they were controlled by decent people but they seem to suffer the problem of getting run by big money for their own interests. Just the opposite of what they should be doing. Same thing with government.

This seems to be an age old problem.

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Anybody know how to go about finding local docs that are trustworthy? Is the DPC the only option in people's experience?

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Perhaps doctors should be like law firms where at certain point they become vested owners of the hospitals and clinics. Other very experienced doctors could buy in when they come to work at the clinic or Hospital. My own family doc works in a concierge clinic that consists of several doc, several chiropractors, physician assistants, and physical therapists. He was originally a pediatrician and family practice doctor in a medical clinic bought by a hospital and the clinic moved to the hospital. He was always at odds with management because he continued to make house calls , primarily to the Amish community He was eventually pushed out of the hospital and helped create the concierge clinic which expanded to five clinics. Appointments cost $39 very reasonable costs for thing like blood panels. PS: These are clinics are in the Midwest.

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I have seen a lot of doctors owned hospitals that got bought out by corporate medical systems but I have never seen doctors buy a hospital. Unless legal incentives are put in place to support doctors owning hospitals (which will most likely never happen) I feel the market forces make this very unlikely to happen.

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That is sad, but in the current state of large corporation buying smaller corporations, you are right. I always thought the same thing about sports teams. The athletes make huge money in their active careers but you don't see them getting together to but a team.

My uncle had a classic doctor's office in the 1950s though about 1972. There was him and a nurse receptionist. He had privilege s at several hospitals and also did employee yearly exams at several large area companies. He retired pretty well off. Medicine was sure different back then, but I think that most all the run of the mill medical issues could still be handled the same way.

My best friend is a Veterinarian. He always ran his practice the same way. He is 75 now and, while he has stopped doing large animal works some years ago, he still has great surgical skills and does not want to retire yet.

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Yep. My first doctor had his own practice with just a receptionist. Small old office. I would go back to that in a second if they were still around. As it is I avoid any medical establishment like the plague. I see my dentist and eye doctor. They stopped with the stupid masks way before others.

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Would love to see that happen in NE VT, and NH. At this point I never visit a doctor because ai know they cannot practice medicine. I dutifully pay for Medicare, but do not use it. I would rather pay a monthly fee for concierge care rather than waste it on Medicare.

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Before Covid I paid Medicare out of superstition---Murphy's Law---but never once used it. Now I'm afraid I would turn into a Valkyrie or Roman candle if I darkened the doorway of a medical facility, unable to not excoriate them, and I've said for 2 years that if I need ICU care, I'll just take an Uber to the Neptune Crematory and sit on the curb as I have a better chance of getting well there. I also have read that there is a whole new tranche of vaccine noncompliance codes that go in your record even if you just go to Urgent Care. A subscription service sounds brilliant! Thank goodness for these brave doctors! Every article like this facilitates our ability to internalize this reality, which often feels like a Life on Mars episode or a sci-fi novel.

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I totally share your concerns.

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Love it!

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A new, separate health care system paid for via subscription, with branches in every state.

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This was done in the past, and was very successful. Ergo it was demonized and destroyed by big insurance. Please look up the book "Crusading Doctor" by Michael Shadid, MD.

I am a medical historian - this is the only way I know this ever happened. The entire concept was ground into dust decades ago and no one in medicine even knows this happens. But indeed, at one time, there were entire states that used a "subscription model" - the home state of Dr. Shadid, Oklahoma, being the vanguard.

Like anything else, there were problems here and there, but it was largely very successful. And the very idea that it worked has been buried forever by Blue Cross and all the other members of Big Insurance.

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There are many citizens and residents who do not have private insurance as it is prohibitive in cost. A plan like this could work very well for those people and IMHO they would welcome it. We are seeing the current sickcare system lose TOTAL incredibility with their murderous incentives for C19 care and hospitalizations....just my 2 cents

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I think insurance incentivizes bad health care so you need an alternative option.

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Thank you for sharing! I need to look this up!

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Looks like that book needs a re-print!!! Hope it happens.

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"The entire concept was ground into dust decades ago and no one in medicine even knows this happens."

I am not an historian, but have done a lot of reading and I never knew that. Thank you so much! And another book to add to my reading list! : )

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Massive walkout across the nation! Create community health care system which rejects massive regional corporate control! Decentralize health care that focuses on treating the whole person!

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Unions are not the answer. We are in the midst of a union trying to organize house staff because they do not want to spend any time with patients (seriously) and it is ugly.

When I was a medical student, AAPS was leafletting and we used to look at them askance as we all joined the student section of the AMA. (This was a very long time ago, sadly.) Now that I continue to follow AAPS, they seem like a place where some of us like-minded folks (you would fit well in there, AMD) could begin to build a non-union framework upon which a broader constituency could come to depend.

Would be interested in your thoughts if you look into it.

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They need some way to collectively organize; I'm not completely sure what the best way is.

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In Australia a new union has formed in response to the failure of the usual regulatory bodies and medical groupings - the “australian Medical Network” who are also looking at offering indemnity insurance as the usual insurers are now refusing to insure doctors that have been reported to the medical council. I work in New Zealand and hope an offshoot of AMN becomes available here.

Unfortunately we dont seem to have reached the 10% tipping point within medicine yet to encourage more doctors to speak out. New Zealand medics are very docile and brain washed by enlarge.

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Many doctors in the UK are unionised and junior doctors are on strike for 96 hours asking for a 35% pay increase. I agree with you that they use the union to push madness and cruelty.

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Doctors in the UK are paid very poorly and overworked, so it's understandable why they would ask for this.

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They are poorly paid relative to the USA but not relative to other European countries. They can expect a pension of 75% of their salary. Unlike the USA, there is no competition for patients. We have little choice in our general practitioners and they have no incentive to service their patients. Our NHS is falling apart and the strike at this time will speed up the process. The strike us a political move against the Conservatives rather than a real issue about money. All is not what it seems as with so many things these days.

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Agree! Our nurses union supported every Covid mandate and still are forcing Covid jabs.

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Truly valuable testimony from a truly honest doctor. Of the many valuable points he mentions, one of the most important ones is the crime of unvaccinated patients getting inferior treatment in hospitals: there is a plethora of evidence of this, and at least some mainstream HCW have had the courage to admit it, such as https://aacnjournals.org/aacnacconline/article-abstract/33/2/220/31764/Nurses-Ethical-Obligations-Toward-Unvaccinated and https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2022/04/13/coronavirus-pandemic-antivaxxers-health-care-burnout-sourik-beltran.

Of course this inferior treatment ends up biasing the death statistics to conveniently make unvaccinated patients more likely to die, totally unrelated to any so-called "vaccine protection". But much more important is the fact that giving inferior hospital treatment to unvaccinated patients is an unfathomable crime against humanity. I would thoroughly support (including monetarily) a full-blown investigation into the medical records of COVID patients treated in hospitals in late 2021/early 2022 (the height of discrimination against the unvaccinated). I would bet my last dollar that we would find:

1) the vaccinated were more often given beneficial treatments early on that actually IMPROVE survival odds, like monoclonal antibodies, melatonin, famotidine, aspirin, occasionally even vitamins and zinc, etc. Similar to what Trump got in 2020- he went from low oxygen levels to up and running in 3 days.

2) the unvaccinated were usually deprived of those treatments at least until they're very ill, and they were just given remdesivir, antibiotics, etc., plus actively harmful things like proton pump inhibitors, excessive and unnecessary painkillers and sedatives, and of course inappropriate use of ventilators

3) the unvaccinated were much more likely to be victims of deadly hospital negligence including sepsis, immobility complications (e.g. pressure ulcers, blood clots), fluid overload, etc.

4) the family members of unvaccinated patients were much more often hastily counseled into inappropriate DNR orders and ultimately the premature termination of life support

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One of my good friends died in a hospital due to no treatment of covid in the early days. She simply suffocated with a lot of pain. They gave her nothing - no medicine. She was punished for not taking this vax therapy. She had researched it , then caught, went to FL for monoclonal treatment. She was unaware there was a three day wait. She got sicker and went to a non- profit hospital in Florida. Her husband had no control and had to remain outside of course. All of her valuables including soiled diapers were put in same bag and given to her husband after she died. Absolutely horrendous. An investigation absolutely needs to be conducted on all of the hospitals that followed those protocols. I think her husband is still in shock.

As to Dr. Miller’s story - yes, it is past time we hear all of the stories like his. I would like to hear the details of the fraud he uncovered that brought on the attacks.

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It's little known fact that 'The Patients Bill of Rights' was suspended for Covid-19 patients. This allowed hospitals to set any rules they wanted. Remdesivir was first used for Ebola, but was discontinued when it was clear that it was killing patients. So how the Hell did it get prescribed for use for C-19 ? Hospitals were paid a subsidy by the US government for every Covid death. Something between $30-70K. Between not allowing patient choice, Remdesivir & Ventilators... tens of thousand of unnecessary deaths happened in hospitals. Maybe hundreds of thousands. COVID wasn't the killer. HOSPITAL TREATMENT was.

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Fauci made that decision, like he did for AZT. In both cases he picked the very worst deadly one. That man is evil and should rot in a corner--withholding food from him and listening to the names of those he has murdered beginning from the AZT days to right now. Loud and on a loop.

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It wouldn't faze it (I refuse to call it a him.)

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Do you have a source for this? ( that 'The Patients Bill of Rights' was suspended for Covid-19 patients)

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Hi Doc... I did read it somewhere. I'm not sure where. Another Substack ? But clearly, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. Hospital patients cannot choose their treatment modalities. They are refused Ivermectin and other modalities, even when prescribed by a physician. And they're not allowed to choose to leave. No choice there. And much more. Clearly the anecdotal evidence is clear. As far as Covid and hospital treatment go... the 'patients bill of rights' was and is suspended.

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At the Centracare in rural MN they ask you to sign for appointments a statement which includes that you agree to the treatment the doctor recommends (need to check on exact wording). I told them that right on the wall is a patient bill of rights stating that patients can decide to take the treatment or not, not doctors. They are completely un phased, as though this has no significance. It's just a signature! I am trying to figure out how to change this. Appreciate any suggestions. Rural area. Local press does not do investigating nor potentially controversial pieces.

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If you don't sign, 'agree'... do they allow you to see a Doctor ? Forcing you to agree before you know what's prescribed has got to be illegal ?

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Exactly- an investigation as to why this was done needs to occur. Why remdesivir was used when it was already known to be harmful- the whole thing...needs to be investigated and the public needs to be made aware.

Watching a hearing in a New England state the other day on lifting several of the restrictions on rights to choose, or rights to receive a letter from a doctor exempting patients from this medical experiment, I was astonished and frightened to begin to understand how many on that subcommittee of legislators knew almost nothing about the harms of this worldwide experimental gene therapy. I think it was Maine. At least they began to ask questions but a little late!

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This is not meant to be in defensive of ventilators but at the beginning of covid circa March/April 20, HCP really had no idea what the right treatments were... A lot of the patients that ended up dying late summer and fall were patients who had been on ventilators since March and April. Anybody who decided to use ventilators after we had the data from spring of 2020? Absolutely! I don't know what they were thinking! But at the beginning, it was an honest effort to treat an unknown problem to the best of their abilities.

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I can forgive some of the VERY early decisions due to "fog of war," but I also remember an article basically saying that the primary reason for ventilator use was to contain the virus within a closed system so as not to put others at risk. I don't think patient care was the first consideration - it was the fear of infecting others.

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I’ve seen medical professionals admit to their hospitals using ventilators to contain the “virus“. If put on 2 or 3 - maybe ok not sure - not a doctor, but these same people said the machines in some cases were set at 7. My experience with my mother tells me that is way too high esp with an illness in the lungs. But, so did the medical professionals speaking out.

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This comment takes my breath away. I think I have heard every terrible story associated with Covid and the last three years, and then I stumble onto a post like this and its associated comments and find myself horrified. Truly. I am a nurse who used to work in the clinical setting (I did not during Covid) and know I would not have lasted within this corrupt system. It is rotten to its core. No. Worse. It is sick. The lawsuits cannot start fast enough. Let's lance these abscesses and let the infection drain.

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Had Covid twice! No injections! My fear was to be hospitalized and become a fatality due to being locked into the deadly Fauci treatment protocol! This is where the focus should be! Prosecute the perpetrators of this deadly medical treatment.

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The too recent past's "unvaccinated" were the Third Reich's "Untermenschen"--emblematically typified by the plurality and most condemned for extinction of that designated class of sub-humans, Europe's 11,000,000 Jews'--so discriminated against in the "early, pre-extermination days" of the Holocaust for all their neighbors to see: the German "Jude," emblazoned into their required, sleeve-worn, yellow Star of David.

For all her behavioral kookiness and eccentricity (she's not, in my view, an oddball per se, but only in relation to the context of such a corrupt, depraved, dysfunctional Legislative Branch), GA Rep MTG got it right (as did, though focusing on cause and effect and the slippery slope toward the loss of democracy, but no less insightfully and accurately, the always philosophical and physiological Dr Vinay Prasad; https://vinayprasadmdmph.substack.com/p/how-democracy-ends) on this very analogy in the terrible year of 2021--as she usually does, so logically and sensitively. Naturally, the establishment--including the disgraceful and repugnant "human rights organization," ADL--grossly and slanderously mislabeled her keen and constructive observation "ahistorical, vile, and anti-Semitic to the core". It was, to be sure, anything but, in fact.

Just as the unvaccinated were ignorantly, unscientifically and reprehensibly marginalized in our time, so were the mid-European Jews--in particular as the most saliently identified and circumscribed plurality, but certainly among millions and millions of other ethnic, "sub-human" Europeans--treated likewise, 85 years ago, in the late 1930s. Is there a common thread in this redux of history?

See Vera Sharav's remarkable, new documentary, "Never Again is Now Global" at https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global/

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Curiously, we never ever hear about...the death of ~10 million Germans... EISENHOWER’S DEATH CAMPS: The Last Dirty Secret Of World War Two – Saturday Night Magazine Sept. 1989 – (Internet Archives Large Print.pdf)


As soon as the Second World War ended in 1945, Canada and the United States began shipping food to the hundreds of millions of people who were facing starvation as a result of the war. Unprecedented in world history, this massive program fulfilled the highest ideals for which the Western Allies had fought. Their generosity seemed to have no limit. They fed former enemies — Italy and Japan — as well as a new enemy, the Soviet Union.

Only Germany was left out.

It is well-known in the West that the Allies hanged Nazis for crimes — the murder of Jews, the brutal mass expulsions, the deadly forced-labour camps, the starvation of entire nations. What is not generally known is that these occupying Allied armies carved off 25 per cent of Germany’s most fertile land and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling about 16 millions people into what remained. It has also been forgotten — or hidden — that the Allies forbade emigration and kept millions of prisoners in forced-labour camps. International charitable aid to Germany was banned for another year, then restricted for more than a year. When it was permitted, it came too late for millions of people...

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Apr 12, 2023
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Used to be able to trust doctors & hospitals. So sad your Husband was murdered by the medical establishment.

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Wow. Even though I knew this was happening, it is chilling to read Dr Miller’s first hand account. How wonderful to know that there are (and always will be) people like yourself, Dr Miller, Dr McCullough and others who refuse to let integrity die. Thank you.

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I was run out of Saint Thomas Ascension Hospital after I was run out of the local School Board Meeting. I have come close to throwing in the towel and just waiting tables.

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Just work at a holistic clinic as an IV nurse!

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I semi retired and work PRN, in the afternoons, Managing Home Care Cases, trying hard to keep the elderly out of the ER. I walk, bike, swim, or go the gym in the mornings, and then I got see those who don’t. 😂😇

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Perhaps you could find a good MD similar to Gayln Perry with a practice in your area that needs the services and skills that you have? Blessings

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Thank you for taking a stand! You have done more for your soul and those around you than you can possibly imagine <3

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This has happened everywhere. A surgeon from my hometown of Fergus Falls, MN was ran out of town by his own MEDICAL GROUP for speaking at a local school board meeting about how masks were not needed on kids. Imagine your own colleagues living this lie and then voting to fire you. Message sent loud and clear. Anyone with half a brain in their head has ZERO trust in our institutions.

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I believe that is part of the Globalists’ plan or one of the numerous strategies is to make the public lose faith in govt agencies & hospitals.

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I am by Osakis. I didn't know about him at the time. I would have showed up in any way I could.

I remember when they tried to go after Zajac.

Do you know of any good efforts that I could get involved with here in Central MN? The first year I didn't even hear about the Freedom Summit in Alex in time to go. I went the next year but was disappointed at a lack of local networking opportunities for us to work together better. I used FB for a time until I got stopped, and we did manage to try to organize businesses to stay open, though they were too scared to follow through, but did secretly open. We have a pastor in Alex who openly refused to close and offered a forum, and he was terribly demonized by the safety people.

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Not to sound too defeatist, but I do not participate in any organizing anymore. The country to too far gone. Network with like minded people. Know/lean more useful skills. Live your life and don't get bogged down with it, but I honestly think the country is about to fall. This is unsustainable. There are not enough of us left to have an impact for change. It has to eat itself. Just prepare yourself and your loved ones the best you can for hard times.

If you haven't read Atlas Shrugged, you should. It will blow your mind how much of it parallels what is going on now. It is time for the Men of the Mind to go on strike.

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Well, I really worked on this, but then I figure my efforts were misdirected if they did not yield, trying to do something that is not fit to the situation.

I do think they're are many fruitful fronts to assist. Looking to establish independent medical providers. Making homeschooling doable and attractive for more people. Problem solving local food and food networks. Legal education and advocacy for those navigating the courts, and voluntary options that keep regular people out of court. Local government and ways of doing things independent of the current structures.

Basically, I think there is a very worthwhile long view to disestablishing the major institutions such that it is more and more doable and attractive to live life without those structures being tools themselves to be used against people.

I am inexperienced and don't really know the best way, but I do feel like I'm on a track that I cannot give up, whether or not I am capable. I feel like people need to be free to do whatever meaningful good is suited to each of us.

I think prepping is important, building the community and networks also to survive wtshtf, as they say, but I am sort of stuck and devoted to work on this, even if it will not yield to me in ways my limited understanding might desire.

I think, if it eats itself, as you say, I see that as the correcting of an imbalance, which tends to open up space for movement that might not be possible until then.

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Apr 18, 2023
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I am on a farm. I do need to improve my garden.

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Every physician in an employee relationship within a corporate medical system should read this account! I commend Dr. Miller for not folding to the medicine by the numbers that is driving a

Bloated expensive ineffective medical system that is treating disease states for profit. The bright side is our surgical procedures! Time Big Pharma is eliminated from shaping the education of our physicians!

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Have you or Midwestern Doctor heard about the effort to organize local micro hospitals for urgent care that are independent and linked to other independent self pay practices as an extension for more intensive care needs? Some might even be made mobile units.

When I drive by conventional hospitals, which sprawl all over our Midwestern city, and the billboards proclaiming their compassionate care I feel disgust and alienation. They are giant bloated industrial compounds. We have an enormous university based cancer center complex that sucks down people's money with little results in the end. All of these entities overspend money with no improved result on every procedure and service imaginable once you are inside. Individual medical necessity is not the principle but rather the protocol that you are on is adhered to like a rule book not a guideline of possible ideas and suggestions. Not an easy check in, I imagine being booked into prison has similarities. Look at the hospital settings in old movies and footage. They are clean, spare, attractive and some even charming. Not technological, with emphasis on people involved in the care. We need to bring back those basic ideas of a sanctuary. A fun entrepreneurial project would be involvement in building of some of these alternatives.

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We have one in Chandler Arizona that was independent and cash only and did not take Medicare. Their ability to survive dictated that they accept Medicare now they have the issue of having to follow the rules and regulations of Medicare that preclude medical procedures, not recognized by the allopathic medicine model.

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So we need robust business models and networks to support these alternatives.

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Yes..but the extensive insurance and medical legislation is a road block. All created by Congress with the imput of the medical community to control health initiatives for profit.

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Thanks to you and to Dr. Miller for sharing his experience. I was shocked to learn my doctor of 10 years was on this "wrong side of medicine" and when I refused to get the jab actually told me "well if you get Covid, don't call me!". My wife & I did get it and we followed the "good" docs protocol with Ivermectin and the rest, but if either of us had submitted to the jab, I can't say we would still be among the living. This proves evil still abounds and we must pray to God to push back against it. Thanks again!

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My husband's doctor would not see him during Covid, of which he had and his O2 sat was falling and he was real sick. Thankfully, a PA in an urgent care ordered the antibiotic and steroid which turned it around for him! Praise God. Never in my wildest dreams did I think in America a doctor wouldn't treat a sick patient. I thank Dr.Miller for sticking to his principles and ethics, he can sleep at night .

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In Aug of 21 I caught the virus and of course passed it on to my husband. We had IVM and hydroxy at home as well as D, C, NAC, etc. I am an RN (who left the profession) so I aggressively treated us at home but hubby was having a hard time breathing due to wheezing. His O2 sats were a bit low and I knew he needed a nebulizer.

Our primary MD would not see him in clinic since he had COVID symptoms and would not order nebs without being seen, so we reluctantly went to ER/Urgent care (our only option) where we were treated HORRIBLY. Mind you I KNOW healthcare (or at least how it USED to be) and once they did the PCR (which came back +) he was immediately harangued and mocked for not having received the 'vaccine' "The shot was made for people like you" and "I am willing to answer any questions you have and discuss any disinformation you have heard regarding the COVID-19 vaccine". They gave him ONE oral dose of steroids, one nebulizer treatment (which helped immensely) and then REFUSED nebs for home stating "This is an emergency room, we don't prescribe meds for home". The next day his primary DID prescribe a home neb treatment which I immediately picked up and he thus recovered uneventfully.

However, a friend who was about the same age as my husband (late 50's) also got COVID at the same time, was unvaxxed (and was previously healthy) went to the ER where he was promptly admitted and given all the 'approved' treatments for almost two weeks (and only 'approved' treatments were allowed).

He continued to decline and they suggested he go on a ventilator 'to give his lungs a rest for a few days'. Within 48 hours he was med-evac'd to the Twin Cities so he could be put on ECMO where his organs began to shut down and died 8 days later. NO family was allowed to visit in the local hospital (he was there almost 3 weeks) and once he was on ECMO and his organs were failing they did allow family to visit though he was by then unresponsive.

NO Alert and Oriented patient who is breathing on his own should be encouraged to 'go on a vent to give your lungs a rest'. What utter malpractice and malfeasance. It is too bad he and his family placed so much trust in this world renowned Midwest medical system which subsequently TERMINATED ALL UNVAXXED staff.

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And the very frustrating part about all of this from a legal standpoint, is that doctors and hospitals will be able to argue that there is no long-established "standard of care" when it comes to Covid and that they were just following CDC guidelines. No one will be held to account. But I think filing the suits and trying to get to the discovery stage - if only to expose hospital treatment protocols and get the EMR documentation of individual patients into the public record - would be worth it.

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In central MN

I get so mad every time I hear another story of this. With so many in my family bought in, I was always hoping they wouldn't go to the hospital, because I knew they'd insist on doing whatever the doctors say.

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It is maddening and it appears pervasive. These hospitals didn't come up with these death protocols on their own. Healthcare institutions were incentivized by the federal government via stimulus funds and Medicare reimbursement and these previously 'trusted' institutions turned a blind eye to the consequences.

Sadly I think millions were killed directly by deadly protocols or indirectly by prohibiting effective off label pharmaceuticals and or neutraceuticals of which the failure to advocate Vitamin D supplementation on a nationwide scale is one glaring example.

The chickens have yet to come home to roost for these 'healthcare' institutions. Locally one major medical system is laying off over a thousand employees next month. One Ortho MD who I had seen on and off for years just announced his retirement. The word is he has developed rapid onset terminal cancer. When you take in the loss of staff through termination, burnout, attrition and disability coupled with public loss of confidence, these systems are not sustainable.

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I think South Dakota might have escaped the health protocols from on high by not accepting the bribe money?

Mercola was persecuted for talking about the vitamin D.

I feel betrayed by this big medical companies, and I don't want anything to do with these people who went along and did not discern what was happening and reasons.

I am really trying to formulate picture of what needs to happen to change all of this. Independence is a huge one. I do much want to see a disestablishment of these institutions.

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