Thanks for bringing this great documentary to my attention. It is excellent. Watching it was emotional for me as I started treating people early with hydroxychloroquine and lived through the propaganda and had colleagues tell me I was a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for prescribing it. Later I learned of ivermectin….. and then came the ivermectin saga we all endured.

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Thank you for all you have done for humanity throughout this nightmare, Doctor. You have been a strong and clear voice of reason throughout this period of worldwide gaslighting and insanity. It is only because of you and a few others--a handful, no more-- that I don't have utter contempt for those in your profession.

I've followed your writing from the very beginning and have come to realize that medicine seems more of a calling for you, than a vocation. You are a genuine healer. I am forever grateful that you were not captured by Big Pharma like most of the world's medical "professionals".

I struggle to find the right words to tell you just how much I appreciate your gift of communication. The very special way that you approach and expound on all of these important topics is so helpful to us laypeople. You go deep, and you are brilliant, yet you remain humble and are always seeking more answers, yourself.

You are not just an excellent doctor. You are a true friend to us all.

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It's more that I identify as a healer and a student of nature rather than a doctor; I view being a doctor as a title I have that makes it easier to get things done in the world.

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You no doubt know that long ago Chinese barefoot doctors got paid when their "patients" didn't get Ill, but were not paid when patients did get ill. Very bad business model to those who only see health as something to be exploited...One of the tragic by-products of this monstrous crime is that the gulf between orthodox medicine and complementary therapies (where the knowledge and know-how bases grow year on year) is wider than ever, despite many physicians' openness to - for example - energy medicine. But, again, (arguably) helping to make people healthier and more resilient to disease at a fraction of the cost is a very bad business model.

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In my collection is an English translation of the 'manual' for Chinese barefoot doctors. This translation was generated around the time that the U.S. and China were opening up business relations in the 70s. I wonder how a system could be built to pay only for wellness care, and what would motivate doctors to treat the sick for free.

Medicare is already starting to refuse to pay for lack of success. It won't reimburse for patients returning to the hospital within 30 days after certain certain cardiovascular visits, for example. They also use payment to enforce treatment protocols and quality standards. and the threat of losing all medicare reimbursement is what has driven the vaccine mandates for health care professionals. The courts have upheld these mandates for health care professionals, even while ruling against mandates of other employers.

When "success" is defined by the single payer, then any sweeping agendas of the single payer are thereby enforced.

One price of "equity" is having someone outside you to determine what treatments you can access, and which ones are mandatory. The other price is lack of innovation, because the financial rewards are given for adherence to existing protocols and standards. For example, employee providers who can't get a specific percentage of their clientele to accept jabs, miss out on a great deal of their pay. This is why many of them refuse new patients who won't be jabbed.

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That sentiment reminded me of Dr. Richard Bernstein, the best diabetic doctor in the world. He was first in it to help diabetics (like himself) instead of status and willingly took ridicule for decades without flagging in telling diabetics to go low sugar. Something as simple as saying diabetics should lower their sugar intake was enough to get exiled!

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Healing takes many forms, not all of them physical.

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Dear MMA, the gaslighting starts with the claim that viruses exist and are contagious and pathogenic. Our friend AMD keeps ignoring the HOLE in the elephant in the room. Best

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of course they exist! We know how they do what they do, how they first have to attach themselves to a cell wall, then soften the cell wall in order to get inside, once inside they cause the cell to form a vacuole around them so they won't be detected, etc. We know this about them and we know that certain herbs have biochemicals that interfere with one or more of those processes. Fresh ginger and licorice root, for example, interfere with the process that a virus uses to attach itself to a cell wall. Take a look at Stephen H Buhner's excellent book Herbal Antivirals. In the book he explains the biochemistry and the research that's been done on viral replication and how various herbs interfere with that process.

A normal human body houses 3 trillion bacteria and 30 trillion viruses. We have evolved amidst a sea of bacteria and viruses, and we thrive while swimming in that sea.

Here's what a medical doctor has to say about the covid virus:


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Dearest PC: I know the dogma of virology. If you consider the claims, they are contradictory and unfalsifiable.

What is your source for the definition of virus? Are you using Summers (2009), the Encyclopedia of Microbiology?

Again, if you have reason to believe that 30 trillion viruses exist in the human body, what is the source, do they develop ONLY post exogenous infection? That aside, what is the basis for the claim that so few cause illness? Have you analyzed the probability that any particular virus, or even a class or family of viruses, causes illness?

And how is it that cell culture processes, showing so-called cytopathic effects (CPE), could be attributed to a SINGLE particular virus, while you claim that trillions are in the tissues, and in any sample? By your numbers, there should be millions of viruses. Thus, what is the basis to declare that a SINGLE type or class is responsible for CPE? Again, Lanka (2022) created the so-called CPE without using any material from a person; that is, he generated CPE in a TRUE control.

Sorry, but Meryl Nass has refused to address all the evidence showing that viruses do not exist. As staff of, and or paid by CHD, she agrees with or follows their policy, which is to declare that viruses exist, and that YOU must be afraid ... (and do not forget to send them money, victory is within their grasp, and they are winning, any day now).

Have you not seen how Lanka falsified Enders cell culture method?


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Viruses re real and do go around. See the Woke Mind Virus.

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Is this an Edelman "grassroots" campaign?

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele...... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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I enjoyed this and can't wait to watch the documentary. I've become convinced one or two key PR firms are serving as quarterbacks for this whole propaganda operation.

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And the PR firms gave us "safe and effective." (Perhaps some of us remember hearing that phrase?)

My counter to that is we should just show pictures of the horrifying worm-like clots the embalmers are routinely finding. Then ask: Does this look like the picture of "safe" to you?


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I have tracked this phrase back to the polio vaccines and I am not sure if the modern PR industry existed then.

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May 2·edited May 2

Just like the intentionally-duplicitous nature of naming a private company "The Federal Reserve", the phrase "Safe and Effective" was nothing more than an Ad tag line, intended to deceive.

Its true meaning was completely irrelevant to the product.

In essence it was just marketing spin - like "most doctors prefer Camels" or "Finger-lickin' good".

It was always deceitful in its design, and malevolent in its intent.

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Dear AMD, "modern" PR in the United States, began with the Creel Commission, pushing Americans to support entry into WWI.

Mein Kampf (1925) details tactics in mass propaganda. Edward Bernays (Freud's nephew), who learned from Walter Lippmann (and others on the Creel Commission), wrote Propaganda in 1928. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.275553 - see more about modern propaganda in "The Century of the Self" (part 2 - engineering consent - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEsPOt8MG7E).

Ergo, the PR industry was well-established, and the use of propaganda by government and large corporations was WELL known before the polio vax campaign.

In fact, the drive to find both the "viral cause" of polio (infantile paralysis) and a "vaccine" started as early as 1909. In 1949, Howe attacked the enterprise. And in 1949, Klenner published that vitamin C is a cure for "infantile paralysis". (Klenner used both IM and IV vitamin C - said that it cured measles too). By 1951, Scobey decried the scam that was "polio science."

(I am glad that you have this forum that we might share history and references that are otherwise unknown to so many).

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I've seen old video of Fauci using the same 'safe & effective' message for AZT back in the AIDS crisis. And look at how panned out. I can't believe he's used it again!!!

(For those who don't know: the AZT treatment was highly toxic and mimicked the progression of the so called AIDS disease - Practically everyone put on it DIED. He killed over 300,000 mainly gay young men.)

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Is there any chance you could get me those clips? That would be a great thing to make go viral.

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"The reason that only one drug has been made available, AZT, because it's the only drug that thus far has been shown in scientifically controlled trials to be safe and effective"

(You only need to watch the first 11 seconds)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKWwEkBZjhM

I uploaded to some mirrors:



Be patient with the above mirror links as I just now uploaded them

Another Fauci clip I really like is this 30s clip of him in a 1999 NOVA episode warning that if we aren't careful "12 Years after vaccine all hell breaks loose"


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Interesting! But anyway, "safe and effective" was quite the mantra.

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"no one is safe until everyone is safe"

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Let’s talk about the VA and the ACOG still recommending the jab. It doesn’t matter if democrat or republican …they knew and they still know … it’s a Bioweapon to maim and kill.

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“Stay Home, Save lives”

“Together Apart”

“Social Distancing”

“My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me”

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Good examples. There's too many slogans that quickly became omnipresent for this not to be coordinated. Who/what organization could have come up with all the right slogans to use to manipulate the masses? Answer: An advertising/PR agency.

I can't remember the firm they are using, but I have read an article or two about the agency that is probably quarterbacking all of this. And this firm isn't just focussed on screwing us over with Covid protocols. They are working their dark magic on all the key issues the Deep State wants to implement.

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Good examples. I well remember, what a stinking ton of utter baloney.

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Even reading these slogans provokes a visceral disgust in me.

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I still see idiots in their cars, by themselves, wearing masks while driving.

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Oh yeah, that was super cuckoo.

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The Event 201 Planning Events also outlined a lot of how this would be rolled out - for example, the importance of influencers and the Censorship Industrial Complex to kill "disinformation' and "vaccine hesitancy."

Those planners were told - use doctors and doctors groups to send this message - "everyone trusts their personal doctors."

Those planning events were probably concocted at the advice of this key PR/Advertising Firm. Basically, I think some super advertising and PR agency created the whole plan. They assigned all the parts and wrote all they key scripts.

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Yep. And funny how it is -- it might have once been true that "everyone trusts their personal doctors." Now, in May of 2024, the people who still trust their doctors are either:

A. Very lucky and grateful to have a doctor who honors his or her Hippocratic Oath


B. Not connecting dots and still taking jabs, and in addition, a lot of other prescription medicines

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Is "influencer" a euphemism for "psychopath"?

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Yes. What they are really saying is, "We need to recruit as many of our psychopath or sociopath colleagues who are in the best position to influence the rest of the population."

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I'm sure they didn't invent the phrase, they just told their clients - use this phrase.

And, per my belief, this firm created a detailed game-plan - "this is how we are going to pull this off and make this happen."

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I once worked for the Fleishman-Hillard PR form when it was biggest in the nation. I guarantee a mega PR firm, likely Edelman, came up with “safe and effective” ~ as well as many other slogans of 2 or 3 words in recent years. Flatten the curve!

You know what the mega PR firms hate? Getting called out publicly for their shit.

They belong before a Congressional committee.

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I've even seen the "safe and effective" slogan used on the front of shampoo bottles. They know what sells.

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Funny, though, since I've seen what I've seen about these covid jabs and I can't unsee it, now when I see the words "safe and effective" applied to anything, absolutely anything else, I want to burst out laughing. Like, barge pole, please. As in, "I wouldn't touch with it a — "

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"Congressional committee"? There have been lots of those over the years. Most were useless (but expensive) theatre.

How about substituting "Firing squad"?

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I fully endorse the firing squad. I won’t be happy until I see Fauci, Edelman et al swinging by a tree by their neck.

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Up there with brilliant advert: Rinse and repeat

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May 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

That would be Edelman, which is connected at the hip with DNC AND WEF; and Weber Shandwick.


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Dear KJ, I did not see any reference to Edelman in the Substack article you posted. Can you give me some guidance on researching this PR firm? Thanks

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Read One Idea to Rule them all by Michelle Stiles to see how PR firms have and continue to twist the truth and manipulate people

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A shot was fired - inside the arms of those who believed the lie. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny for this is a global genocide. Life Free or die with honor. In GOD we Trust ... May every single participating doctor, nurse and the manufacturers be tried for genocide. How can any sane human being trust the medical establishment again after Covid is beyond me!!!

October 28, 2023

A powerful, in-depth look at hospitals’ deadly ‘COVID protocols’

By Andrea Widburg

Stella Paul wrote a series of articles for American Thinker exposing the terrible things that happened in American hospitals because of the new “COVID protocols”—things that the American public is already forgetting. Several days ago, she sat down for a long interview with an investigative reporter at the Epoch Times to expand on the information she provided to American Thinker readers.

You are probably already familiar with what Ms. Paul wrote, but here’s the list of those essays:

• What Happened in Hospitals During Covid?

• Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families

• Exposing the COVID hospital protocol

• 'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move

• The Death of Informed Consent

Backed by facts, Ms. Paul exposed how hospitals used COVID to ride roughshod over patients’ rights to information, their care options, and their treatment choices, all while isolating them from friends and family. It’s a truly horrifying tale, made worse by the fact that hospitals were driven not by fear (although many were) but by financial incentives.

For those who prefer listening to reading, you’re in luck. On October 17, Epoch TV published Ms. Paul’s 48-minute-long interview with Jan Jekielek, during which they discussed one of the greatest medical scandals—perhaps the greatest medical scandal—in American history. As of this writing, over 150,000 people have watched the video.

The interview opens with Ms. Paul explaining that, for her, it’s personal. Her husband was one of those people who was in a nursing home to which Governor Cuomo sent COVID-infected patients. He did this despite knowing that elderly people were the ones most vulnerable to serious COVID complications. As she says, “That was an extraordinarily dangerous thing to do, and that was medical arson. You are throwing the lit match of these COVID patients into direct contact with the most frail and vulnerable people.”

Ms. Paul’s husband, thankfully, was treated with hydroxychloroquine, recovered, and went back to the nursing home. However, his suffering didn’t end upon his return. He lived for another ten months in total isolation, without ever seeing a family member or, because of masks, seeing another person’s face. Desperate for human contact, when the vaccine came along, he took it, only to have a heart attack eight days later.

Ms. Paul, an experienced journalist who had spent years researching and writing about medical issues (under her real name, for “Stella Paul” is a pseudonym), decided to research what had happened. After all, this didn’t just affect her husband. It affected hundreds of thousands of mostly elderly, helpless Americans who were sucked into the maw of a healthcare system that, thanks to government policies and lots of money, was making bank on useless, torturous, often deadly treatments.

You can see the video or read a transcript at Epoch TV. With COVID retreating in the rearview of the American experience, it’s very important that people remember the political and medical malpractice visited upon them. With another election coming up in a year, it’s very reasonable to believe that Democrats, having succeeded so well with the last health panic, will try again.


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A bogus virus did not kill people.........The Medical establishment DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 7, 2023

The Death of Informed Consent

By Stella Paul

Here's what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, "You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53% of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down. And you'll notice here in Remdesivir's fact sheet, it says, 'Not a lot of people have used Remdesivir. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen.' Or we can give you ivermectin, a safe and effective drug that's been successfully used for decades, and send you home. Which do you prefer?"

The reason that conversation never happened is that it would have cost the hospital too much money. If the hospital gave you ivermectin and sent you home, the federal government paid the hospital $3,200. If the hospital gave you Remdesivir, the federal government paid the entire hospital bill, plus a 20% bonus. So the hospital executives' choice was to receive $3,200 or $500,000, which was the average hospital bill. No contest. Patients were going to get Remdesivir — whether they wanted it or not.

Informed consent died a grotesque death in the hospitals during COVID, and we need an autopsy. There was no information, and there was no consent, and without them, patients are reduced to helpless victims, exploited for corrupt financial gain and immoral experiments.

Informed consent has been enshrined in numerous judicial rulings as the foundation of ethical medical practice and seared into the public's conscience from the Nuremberg trials. Seven Nazi doctors were hanged in Germany by an American military tribunal for "murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed in the name of medical science." Yet murders, tortures, and other atrocities are exactly what was committed by medical staff in the hospitals against thousands of Americans during COVID.

Take, for example, Ray Lamar, who arrived in the emergency room with a message written with a black sharpie pen on his arm: "NO VENT NO REMDESIVIR." On his other arm, he wrote the same message and added his wife's name and phone number. Yet the doctors gave him Remdesivir anyway, without ever informing him. His widow Patti told me she constantly wonders what she could have done to save him.

Christine Johnson told the doctors that she discussed all her medications with her daughter, who is a nurse, and she concluded that she didn't want Remdesivir. It didn't matter. Christine was given Remdesivir while she was sleeping, and now her daughter Michelle doesn't have her mother.

Rebecca Stevens was an avid reader of Epoch Times, where she learned about Remdesivir's dangers. She declined Remdesivir on five separate occasions, as her hospital records confirm. But the medical staff didn't care what Rebecca wanted. She was given Remdesivir without her knowledge, and now Rebecca's five grandsons are bereft.

I asked Michael Hamilton how it's possible to give Remdesivir to patients without them knowing. Hamilton is a lawyer for several families who are suing California hospitals for the murder of their loved ones, and he's heard thousands of victims' stories. "They would lie right to your face," he said. "You'd tell the nurse that you didn't want Remdesivir and she'd say, 'Fine. But you're a bit dehydrated, so let's get some fluids in you.' And she'd hook up the IV, but it wasn't fluids. It was Remdesivir."

Hamilton told me that another favored tactic was to knock out patients with sedatives like morphine and fentanyl. While they lay there in a stupor, they were injected with Remdesivir.

If secret injections of Remdesivir weren't enough to kill you, the hospitals had more torture lined up. After all, the federal government paid hospitals a big bonus to ventilate patients — so patients were going to get ventilated, whether they wanted to or not. A lot of patients turned down being vented, because the whole process is a nightmare. You're painfully intubated, rendered unable to talk; your lungs start shredding, and you may acquire bacterial pneumonia, which the hospital will refuse to treat.

But "no" is not an acceptable answer when the hospital has money at stake. The medical staff's preferred method for gaining "consent" was relentless bullying, screaming, coercion, and threats until the patient finally caved. Patti Lamar, Ray's widow, told me that when she refused to let them ventilate her husband, the doctors screamed at her over and over, "You're killing him! You're killing him! You're killing him!" When she couldn't take it anymore, she reluctantly gave in. Ray died shortly thereafter, and Patti lives with the trauma of that moment.

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May 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

To show how far back all of this goes, I just ran across a dissertation from 1731 written in Latin called Dissertatio medica de Laudationibus Nimiis Medicamentorum Arcanorum Venalium Was von denen Artzeneyen zu halten, welche als Arcana, mit vielen Lobes-Erhebungen öffentlich feil gebohten werden. The rare book seller who is making this available translates the title to Mysterious Medications and says the writer closes his work calling for "more effective scientific forms of determining the effectiveness of medicine based on the experience of doctors rather than endorsements." https://funkebooks.com/lists/dissertations-and-theses/#page=25

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May 2·edited May 2Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thanks for this, I appreciate so much what you do. I will be sure to watch this documentary.

Re: as you write— "While this is terrible, the alternative was what we had already been watching, a continual and sustained increase in corruption of all our institutions (which amongst other things is what allowed COVID-19 to happen) and I believe had something extreme as COVID not been pulled on America in 2020, we instead would have seen something similar to it anyways 10 years down the road—but unlike now, it would not have been as stark a contrast to what people were already habituated to and hence not as widely protested."

I would very much agree. Hmm, that's really something to contemplate.

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I agree. Thought I was completely over beliefs before 2020. Then every week another blowup happened in medicine, media, science.

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Please, someone tell the Secretary of Veterans Affairs!

The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans even though they had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot rollout for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot. A VA employee, Fran Cunningham, emailed the CDC with the data. Info was obtained by FOIAs received by The Epoch Times.

The VA still forced their employees to take the shot.

The VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

...more insanity...

VA policy was updated on 20 March 2024, with the VA now recommending an "additional dose" of the covid DeathVax for veterans 65 years and older.

Can you say death panel?

Please warn every veteran that you know.


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Thanks KJ … don’t stop talking about it . 👍🏼

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I am outraged and distressed that the VA is still pushing the covid DeathVax on veterans.

Was at my VA hospital yesterday, and there was a very large sign (at least 4 feet tall) still by the elevator recommending the shots. At the bottom it read, "the gift of hope."

More like hope you don't die.

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Yes they are so captured. Disgusting 🤮. But maybe they are so stupid . The doctors around me are so busy with side effects from the jabs , I don’t think they even care 💰…. Wait till it’s them or their family member who dies . Such cold and callous people. Although I saw a lady , in the office on Nattokinase that her doctor told her to get !

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Dear KJ, are you under the impression that heads of the military do NOT want to kill off high numbers of personnel? Consider, nearly everyone in the military is trained to follow ANY order: torture in Gitmo and Afghanistan; execution of innocents in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc.

And they are supposed to get a pension? Those people (i.e., military) are some of the worst on the planet.

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DoD and the Pentagon want to purge the conservatives from the military.

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Dear KJ, most of the people in the military call themselves Christian (between 70-75%) - and over 70% of all military are WHITE. And they take ALL the vax, ALL the time. And they happily bomb innocent people; torture innocent people; break stuff and kill people.

Just because some self-mutilating men are in the officer corps, that does NOT make the military "liberal" or anti-conservative. They are SUPPORTING genocide in Israel; bases in Africa, occupation and theft of petroleum in Syria ...

Men are still being tortured and imprisoned in Gitmo - by US military personnel. Are you really thinking that those imprisoned in Gitmo carried out the 9/11 demolitions?

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Yet, you make no comment about the J6 political prisoners who are being mistreated in jails and prisons around the US.

Denied medical care, unable to see their loved ones, punished with solitary confinement, threatened with excessively long prison terms.

Have you no bleeding heart for them?

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Dear KJ, not sure what you are trying to say. Definitely J6 was an instance of NO crime, by the vast majority - those who just walked around. The violence was started by the cops shooting at the crowd and the FBI informants and provocateurs.

As a LIBERAL, I am all for freedom and protest. As an anarchist, I realize the futility in trying to reason with State agents (cops/military/prosecutors) or even demand that State agents adhere to the Constitution. (Have you read Howard Zinn?)

That the state (DOJ) sought to crush dissent, well, that is a NORMAL action of the State. Remember when a guy held a "No blood for oil sign" and was imprisoned during the regime of GW Bush?

And the worst part of J6 is that Trump COULD have pardoned everyone, for any and ALL acts prior to the Congressional certification, and or PRIOR to the swearing in of Biden.

Oh well. I guess we should realize that Trump either does not think; has bad lawyers; or just does not care about those voters who want to laud him. That is, Trump is PART of the duopoly and ruling class ... even if many of his brethren hate him. Like he said, HRC took his money - no complaints then.


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Disturbingly, I watched a video posted with a link to Dr Sam Baily of NZ who has done a great deal of research and is a published author on the topic of viruses and toxins and similar ilk. She has made me rethink a great deal and as a non-expert on the subject I can only point you in its direction so that you can make of it what you will.....she posits that the Ivermectin option that was so widely known and shut down - and recommended by Joe Rogan. Dr Pierre Kory etc....is not nearly as helpful -or necessary- as they promote and in fact was a counter-thing from Big Pharma to persuade folk to in fact take it as a remedy when in truth it is anything but. ( She reminded me of a recent advert from the Ozempic makers who 'begged' people to refrain from taking their wonder drug that brought about amazing weight loss in celebrities ....they explained it was intended for diabetics and not those desiring to lose weight...so please leave it for those who are health compromised. Nice tactics ! ). As I say, I found this disturbing and can make no comment other than to suggest you read and listen to this young and highly knowledgeable doctor.

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May 2·edited May 2Author

I wrote a detailed series addressing their points because they were repeatedly raised.

Part 1 is here: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/thoughts-on-the-existence-of-viruses

Part 2 is here: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/nuanced-ideas-and-simplistic-truths

The key things to understand about these people are:

•They are misrepresenting terrain theory (I utilize it a lot in medical practice).

•Many of their core arguments are easily disproven (see the previous articles).

•They have consistently refused to publicly debate or defend their points and will not listen to any of the arguments raised against them (hence why I spent days writing the previous articles).

•Most of the people promoting this lost their medical licenses and hence are financially dependent upon doubling down on this theory to be true to maintain their following and hence economic livelihood.

•This whole thing originally started as a prank/trolling campaign to fracture the vaccine safety movement (igor chudov tracked it down).

•Some of what they are saying is indeed true, but they are overextrapolating from it (hence why I needed the context of the above articles).

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Agree and thank you for taking the time to write those two posts. You pointed out the main reason I no longer pay to much attention to those that deny the existence of viruses: "They have consistently refused to publicly debate ..." which is what I also experienced when raising questions in the comments.

When people ask whether viruses exist, I reply "Do electrons exist?" akin to debating the existence of God. While I do not deny that living a healthier life or having certain genetics or environmental factors can help you not get sick or not feel sick or not think you are sick, it is less important what we call or name the ability to transmit sickness than it is to recognize it is happening. I do not see it as an either-or situation, but rather a complex and-situation in which most of what biology and life is. It is the complex miracle of the human body, in combination with heart/mind/soul/spirit over matter, which some may have success in imitating or unraveling parts of it, but will never be able to replicate, reproduce, explain the whole as we are each unique individuals every millisecond of the day.

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The inability/unwillingness to communicate uncertainty is another tell when it comes to fraudulent “experts”. I want experts to tell me what they know, but also what they don’t know or they aren’t sure of. Humility matters.

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Dear AMD, uh, yeah-no. Core critique of viral contagion theory is the utter lack of ANY evidence of a so-called infectious particle being found in tissues of a sick person; AND subsequent proof of transmission. Even Montagnier conceded that he NEVER found HIV.

How about you demonstrate that ANY contagious and infectious virus exists. Dang.

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What's your refutation on the rabies bit? It was fairly persuasive in

1) Having been identified with, supposedly, pictures

2) Having consistent unique symptoms generally not attributed to poisoning or health decline

3) Being able to be reliably transferred from animal to animal in a laboratory setting

4) Consistently being caused by exposure (dog bite) to a rabies carrier as opposed to people getting rabies from being bit by random non-rabid dogs.

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Dear Dave, thank you for your question.

I am not sure that you have read some of the original papers of Pasteur and others in the 19th century. See e.g., BMJ 1887 of March 5: 532-534.

Let us start with the premise that a bite from a dog, or other mammal, results in a specific set of symptoms. Why would we attribute said symptoms to a single, never isolated, never replicated, agent? Further, I do not suppose that you claim that EVERY bite from a so-called "rabies infected" animal results in the same symptoms. How many never reported cases are there?

Pasteur was injecting material into the brains of rabbits and dogs, and making biological soups and claimed that if he injected that material, he would cure or prevent rabies.

About those "lab" settings. Can you send me a paper?

In sum, as the term is conceived at present (Summers 2009), I am credulous to believe that there is a rabies "virus".

(Summers (2009) claims that “viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that can exist as potentially active [sic], but inert [sic] entities, outside of cells”. Encyclopedia of Microbiology: 546–552).

Recall, before the 1900, "virus" simply meant "disease." (Have you seen the Lanka presentation on the evolution of the term virus?)

Hence for Pasteur, rabies virus (aka, hydrophobia - do you really believe that any dogs feared or had an aversion to water to the point of death?) was "rabies disease".

Pasteur claimed that the disease was transferred by a bite. But that begs the question, "what caused the FIRST case?"

And what were the pictures of "rabies" before 1933 (before the electron microscope)?

Thank you for your thoughtful replies.

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I found one about cats and rabies.


I do not claim that every bite would cause rabies symptoms. I don't think virologists even claim 100% infection rate upon exposure to viruses. The premise of a single agent is pretty consistent with the standard description of rabid dogs every now and then. A flu, rabies or ebola have fairly consistent symptoms with victims in very different local circumstances, such as importing a fellow who causes a man in another country to have the disease. It's a challenge for no-virus terrain theory, I think, to explain the importing of a disease without importing the environment a man with the disease lived in.

In regards to hydrophobia and the appeal to incredulousness, yes I do believe it's possible to be so mentally damaged for whatever reason that you would avoid drinking water. There are stories of stranger and I've visited quite a few mental institutions myself to give me the belief that behavior can become very warped. If a virus, let's say, induced an extreme fever then their thinking would become incredibly strange after a while.

That's not to say that modern theory is pristine. It's incredibly flawed and hard to study because people are so damaged by environmental things like vaccines and pollution and diet. But the original terrain theory said that the microbes appeared when the terrain was weak, not that the microbes didn't exist at all. The specific nature by which a weak diseased man dies is going to be determined by the microbe that can take advantage of it and those produce reliably consistent damage that can be treated or at least supported until the person's health can be restored.

As to what caused the first case, while I can speculate, logically there's no need to explain where a virus originated to determine what it does and how to treat it. I don't need to say where the first human heart came from in order to treat a heart attack. A mechanic doesn't need to tell you who invented the car to fix it.

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Dave, I only see the abstract. Can you access the full pdf? Thanks

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Dear Dave,

(This is short - I will read the article and respond later)

Thanks for the reply but ... with VIRAL theory, the claim is that a virus exists and then is TRANSFERRED to another body. If Rabies is ONLY caused by virus; AND that virus MUST be transferred by a bite, then how did the FIRST case of rabies come to be?

Heart attack and or car troubles are not analogous.


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He did. You're psychotic!

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I still have faith that one day John will give up on this.

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And this attitude here is why I come back to your Substack - unfailing charity and good will.

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Dear SaHiB? He did what? AMD demonstrated that a contagious, pathogenic virus exists? Where is the published paper?

Are we ignoring that Montagnier was given the NOBEL for "discovering" HIV, yet he declared that he never purified?

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I think the link for Part 2 is the same as Part 1. Could this be the Part 2 link that you intended? https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/nuanced-ideas-and-simplistic-truths

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👍Thanks again so much for a Substack that has legs and legacy!

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Dear AMD,

I am reviewing some lectures by Tom Cowan. He cited a paper from 2003, by Carolyn Buxton Bridges et al (https://sci-hub.se/10.1086/378292). They offered:

"Our review found no human experimental studies published in the English-language literature delineating person-to-person transmission of influenza. ... Thus, most information on human-to-human transmission of influenza comes from studies of human inoculation with influenza virus [sic] and observational studies." See page 1097.

Nevertheless, the authors conclude: "Evidence exists to support the transmission of influenza viruses by direct and indirect contact and by droplet and droplet nuclei

(i.e., airborne) transmission." (page 1099).

Last week, someone who purported to be Christian admitted they never saw God, never felt God, but there IS evidence that God exists. Oh well, dogma trumps falsifiable evidence every time ... in Wonderland.

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There's plenty of evidence of God: demonic possession of people and places, miracles and prayer, other spiritual phenomenon, and after death experiences when people are resuscitated from the dead, to name a few examples. (Yes, there are also misinterpretations, stretching of the facts, monetization of "ghost stories," other "spiritual phenomenon" or even hoaxes. But, there's also very real phenomenon.)

The evidence for evolution appears to be anything but compelling: https://www.hoover.org/research/mathematical-challenges-darwins-theory-evolution-david-berlinski-stephen-meyer-and-david. But, even if evolution were true, God could easily create the process of evolution. I suppose one argument for evolution might be there is no God and so we must have come from somewhere except there's plenty of evidence for God as stated above.

My explanations could be wrong of course, but I am more than happy to place my bet here for these reasons and more.

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Dear Doug,

Yep, I am with you. However, I get terrified at the notion that I might be making a HUGE mistake (mortal sin) when choosing between white clam sauce vs tomato sauce on my linguini. That Flying Spaghetti Monster is a jealous god, and does not take lightly to the wrong sauce. My go to is to say that the "devil made me do it."

As for evolution, I think that we have evolved passed the White supremacist ideals of Darwin and those inbred Brits of the 19th century. But to paraphrase what you said, "my claims could be wrong, of course." Now where and when shall we bet?

Oh I know. I bet you are completely wrong about evidence of God being "demonic possession." It is like saying that proof of unicorns are fairy folk. (Even if I saw the fairy folk, that does not mean that unicorns are out there - but I digress).

Here is the bet/contract. I bet you that do not really believe in God/Devil heaven/hell. So in exchange for ALL your present and future worth and money, after we die, I will volunteer my soul to take your place in hell. Deal?

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John, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I think there's multitudes of evidence and ways of getting evidence.

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"Is protest culture just a search for community by those who feel alienated?"

No, it's an attempt by students who are "still human" objecting to the slaughter of Palestinians.

A barbaric military

operation is being conducted by Israel and the US against defenseless women and children. More than 50,000 were burned alive not including the skeletal remains in the rubble which has not yet been retrieved.

By the way, the grisly intention is to use the Gaza rubble to build a port, which when all is said and done will be deployed to extract more wealth for the usual hoodlums. And maybe then, Kushner, will be able to build his long awaited waterfront luxury condos.

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You're right, this is a terrific and very professional documentary. Well done to John!

The same criminal fraud applies to ivermectin, Vitamin D and all successful protocols developed by Dr. McCullough, Dr. Zelenko, Front Line Doctors and many other physicians who successfully treated covid.

(As an aside, I don't believe 1.1M Americans died from covid. I believe the actual number is well under 500,000, with the vast majority of those over the age of 70. There is as much fraud surrounding "official" covid hospitalization and death counts as there is with HCQ, ivermectin, etc. I also don't believe over 7M people died from covid worldwide. The UK, Germany, Canada and other nations also lied about "official" covid deaths for political and financial purposes.)

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The excess mortality numbers shared by Ed Dowd and other researchers support your assertion of much lower COVID death numbers. And many who started out PCR positive for COVID — assuming they even had it since PCR tests were not reliable — ended up dying not from COVID but from deadly, financially incentivized hospital protocols, which were the only ones that medical professionals could administer liability free. It was their way or the highway, and that highway often led to the morgue instead of home.

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Censorship is NOT "consensus".

Silencing voices you fear will expose your crime is NOT "consensus".

Criminally suppressing life-saving medications is NOT "consensus".

Despite Ron Johnson's aversion to the word - this absolutely was a Conspiracy, a decade in the making.

Now the opening ceremony to the 2012 London Olympic Games makes sense.

As ruthless, extreme, and horrific as it is to accept that Governments the world over, under U.N direction, all agreed to a global cull and the murder of their own citizens - Covid, if nothing else, unmasked those who had (until now) largely stayed under the radar, and it clearly revealed the depths of their depravity.

Eugenics. Plain and simple. Concealed behind a facade, masquerading as public do-gooders.

This film was damning.

To quote a favoured MSM catch-cry "the walls are closing in".

This has been the biggest crime in human history, simply by virtue of its extreme callousness and the breadth of its global reach, on a par with war crimes.

And, like prosecution of war crimes, we need to make examples of every head of this depraved hydra.

Science and Medicine have been dealt a lethal and fatal blow. We need to reciprocate in kind.

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“Now the opening ceremony to the 2012 London Olympic Games makes sense.”

I had to look up images from this event as I was unaware; I don’t watch these kinds of things. OMG! That was creepy! Kinda like the creepy artwork I saw in the Denver airport in December 2013. Why would that kind of artwork be in an airport?!? I have the same question after seeing the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony; why, what the hell?!?

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Have you ever watched the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games, I want to say from about 2 years ago? Bizarre. I got the feeling that people in the stands were thinking "WTH? I just wanted to see some track and field."

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CGG….OMG! WTF!!🤯 Those ceremonies look crazy!! And creepy too! Interesting that “Commonwealth” nations “used to be” part of the British Empire.

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Actually, not all members of the British Commonwealth were ever part of the Empire. Mozambique, Rwanda come to mind but there are several more.

Why? No idea - probably lots of freebies, all expenses paid ' fact finding missions' & maybe a nudge from the WEF.

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I know right. Quite the production.

In addition to that particular piece of predictive programming, and the Johns Hopkins 'Event 201' pre-show rehearsal, there were all the contagion movies, the 'Project Runway' model in April of 2019 who just happened to be named "Kovid" and came out wearing a face mask matching her outfit, an obscure rapper named Dr Creep who, in a 2013 song, mentions "2020 corona virus, bodies stacking", the scene in Tom Clancy's video game "The Division 2" (released March 15, 2019) with the words "The virus is a hoax" scrawled on a wall.

These people can't help themselves.

Insider knowledge it seems is difficult to not brag about.

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May 2·edited May 2

The covid-19 fraud opened up my eyes on the fraud in medicine.

Only some in my peer group - roughly NYT readers -- have yet to acknowledge the instructional fraud

I was carrying signs at Berkeley in the 1960's because of the evil being done by our government in Vietnam

The genocide in Gaza is even more extreme and visible and a moral failing of the US and Israel

The student protests on campus are being covered rather than the genocide

The Zionists trained police and US military are enacting Gaza in the US

My hunch is that the protests will get larger and larger as the attempt of raw force shows that the governments are attempting to hide their war crimes

In summary, while I surely was aware of government lies during Viet Nam, I still though that the government overall was a force for good and a moral case could change the government's path

The genocide on Gaza today shows that all along the government has been lying and the attempt to wipe out a people is being done right in front of our eyes because of: beach front property, gas and oil resources, and a canal that would rival the Suez canal.

I see this is another major failure of the last stages of Colonization which the US has done through over 800 military bases around the world, "The Rules Based Order", sanctions and finance.

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I plan to share this article — as I always do — with my (sadly, very few) free Substack readers.

I also will send it to one of my liberty legislators who so far has unsuccessfully tried to get Idaho’s government to investigate the state’s actions during the last few years in order to prevent a repeat performance.

Many good health freedom bills were proposed during Idaho’s 2024 legislative session, but were defeated or drawered by those who represented corporate, big Pharma, big hospital, and big government interests over ”we the people’s“ interests. Here’s a link to that list of very good bills that couldn’t get through what many (falsely) believe is a “red” leaning legislature (URL shortened): https://tinyurl.com/2s3ve6dp

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Thank you so much for continuing to fight the good fight!!!!!

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' it was viewed as “untreatable” and those who went to the hospital with a severe case of typically died.'

If the medics didn't kill you with vents, midazolam or remdesivir I think most people would have got over it themselves (whatever the hell it was if anything at all).

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