“Now the opening ceremony to the 2012 London Olympic Games makes sense.”
I had to look up images from this event as I was unaware; I don’t watch these kinds of things. OMG! That was creepy! Kinda like the creepy artwork I saw in the Denver airport in December 2013. Why would that kind of artwork be in an airport?!? I have the same questio…
“Now the opening ceremony to the 2012 London Olympic Games makes sense.”
I had to look up images from this event as I was unaware; I don’t watch these kinds of things. OMG! That was creepy! Kinda like the creepy artwork I saw in the Denver airport in December 2013. Why would that kind of artwork be in an airport?!? I have the same question after seeing the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony; why, what the hell?!?
Have you ever watched the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games, I want to say from about 2 years ago? Bizarre. I got the feeling that people in the stands were thinking "WTH? I just wanted to see some track and field."
In addition to that particular piece of predictive programming, and the Johns Hopkins 'Event 201' pre-show rehearsal, there were all the contagion movies, the 'Project Runway' model in April of 2019 who just happened to be named "Kovid" and came out wearing a face mask matching her outfit, an obscure rapper named Dr Creep who, in a 2013 song, mentions "2020 corona virus, bodies stacking", the scene in Tom Clancy's video game "The Division 2" (released March 15, 2019) with the words "The virus is a hoax" scrawled on a wall.
These people can't help themselves.
Insider knowledge it seems is difficult to not brag about.
“Now the opening ceremony to the 2012 London Olympic Games makes sense.”
I had to look up images from this event as I was unaware; I don’t watch these kinds of things. OMG! That was creepy! Kinda like the creepy artwork I saw in the Denver airport in December 2013. Why would that kind of artwork be in an airport?!? I have the same question after seeing the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony; why, what the hell?!?
Have you ever watched the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games, I want to say from about 2 years ago? Bizarre. I got the feeling that people in the stands were thinking "WTH? I just wanted to see some track and field."
CGG….OMG! WTF!!🤯 Those ceremonies look crazy!! And creepy too! Interesting that “Commonwealth” nations “used to be” part of the British Empire.
Actually, not all members of the British Commonwealth were ever part of the Empire. Mozambique, Rwanda come to mind but there are several more.
Why? No idea - probably lots of freebies, all expenses paid ' fact finding missions' & maybe a nudge from the WEF.
I know right. Quite the production.
In addition to that particular piece of predictive programming, and the Johns Hopkins 'Event 201' pre-show rehearsal, there were all the contagion movies, the 'Project Runway' model in April of 2019 who just happened to be named "Kovid" and came out wearing a face mask matching her outfit, an obscure rapper named Dr Creep who, in a 2013 song, mentions "2020 corona virus, bodies stacking", the scene in Tom Clancy's video game "The Division 2" (released March 15, 2019) with the words "The virus is a hoax" scrawled on a wall.
These people can't help themselves.
Insider knowledge it seems is difficult to not brag about.