A shot was fired - inside the arms of those who believed the lie. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny for this is a global genocide. Life Free or die with honor. In GOD we Trust ... May every single participating doctor, nurse and the manufacturers be tried for genocide. How can any sane human being trust the medical esta…
A shot was fired - inside the arms of those who believed the lie. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny for this is a global genocide. Life Free or die with honor. In GOD we Trust ... May every single participating doctor, nurse and the manufacturers be tried for genocide. How can any sane human being trust the medical establishment again after Covid is beyond me!!!
October 28, 2023
A powerful, in-depth look at hospitals’ deadly ‘COVID protocols’
By Andrea Widburg
Stella Paul wrote a series of articles for American Thinker exposing the terrible things that happened in American hospitals because of the new “COVID protocols”—things that the American public is already forgetting. Several days ago, she sat down for a long interview with an investigative reporter at the Epoch Times to expand on the information she provided to American Thinker readers.
You are probably already familiar with what Ms. Paul wrote, but here’s the list of those essays:
• What Happened in Hospitals During Covid?
• Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families
• Exposing the COVID hospital protocol
• 'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move
• The Death of Informed Consent
Backed by facts, Ms. Paul exposed how hospitals used COVID to ride roughshod over patients’ rights to information, their care options, and their treatment choices, all while isolating them from friends and family. It’s a truly horrifying tale, made worse by the fact that hospitals were driven not by fear (although many were) but by financial incentives.
For those who prefer listening to reading, you’re in luck. On October 17, Epoch TV published Ms. Paul’s 48-minute-long interview with Jan Jekielek, during which they discussed one of the greatest medical scandals—perhaps the greatest medical scandal—in American history. As of this writing, over 150,000 people have watched the video.
The interview opens with Ms. Paul explaining that, for her, it’s personal. Her husband was one of those people who was in a nursing home to which Governor Cuomo sent COVID-infected patients. He did this despite knowing that elderly people were the ones most vulnerable to serious COVID complications. As she says, “That was an extraordinarily dangerous thing to do, and that was medical arson. You are throwing the lit match of these COVID patients into direct contact with the most frail and vulnerable people.”
Ms. Paul’s husband, thankfully, was treated with hydroxychloroquine, recovered, and went back to the nursing home. However, his suffering didn’t end upon his return. He lived for another ten months in total isolation, without ever seeing a family member or, because of masks, seeing another person’s face. Desperate for human contact, when the vaccine came along, he took it, only to have a heart attack eight days later.
Ms. Paul, an experienced journalist who had spent years researching and writing about medical issues (under her real name, for “Stella Paul” is a pseudonym), decided to research what had happened. After all, this didn’t just affect her husband. It affected hundreds of thousands of mostly elderly, helpless Americans who were sucked into the maw of a healthcare system that, thanks to government policies and lots of money, was making bank on useless, torturous, often deadly treatments.
You can see the video or read a transcript at Epoch TV. With COVID retreating in the rearview of the American experience, it’s very important that people remember the political and medical malpractice visited upon them. With another election coming up in a year, it’s very reasonable to believe that Democrats, having succeeded so well with the last health panic, will try again.
A bogus virus did not kill people.........The Medical establishment DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 7, 2023
The Death of Informed Consent
By Stella Paul
Here's what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, "You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53% of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down. And you'll notice here in Remdesivir's fact sheet, it says, 'Not a lot of people have used Remdesivir. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen.' Or we can give you ivermectin, a safe and effective drug that's been successfully used for decades, and send you home. Which do you prefer?"
The reason that conversation never happened is that it would have cost the hospital too much money. If the hospital gave you ivermectin and sent you home, the federal government paid the hospital $3,200. If the hospital gave you Remdesivir, the federal government paid the entire hospital bill, plus a 20% bonus. So the hospital executives' choice was to receive $3,200 or $500,000, which was the average hospital bill. No contest. Patients were going to get Remdesivir — whether they wanted it or not.
Informed consent died a grotesque death in the hospitals during COVID, and we need an autopsy. There was no information, and there was no consent, and without them, patients are reduced to helpless victims, exploited for corrupt financial gain and immoral experiments.
Informed consent has been enshrined in numerous judicial rulings as the foundation of ethical medical practice and seared into the public's conscience from the Nuremberg trials. Seven Nazi doctors were hanged in Germany by an American military tribunal for "murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed in the name of medical science." Yet murders, tortures, and other atrocities are exactly what was committed by medical staff in the hospitals against thousands of Americans during COVID.
Take, for example, Ray Lamar, who arrived in the emergency room with a message written with a black sharpie pen on his arm: "NO VENT NO REMDESIVIR." On his other arm, he wrote the same message and added his wife's name and phone number. Yet the doctors gave him Remdesivir anyway, without ever informing him. His widow Patti told me she constantly wonders what she could have done to save him.
Christine Johnson told the doctors that she discussed all her medications with her daughter, who is a nurse, and she concluded that she didn't want Remdesivir. It didn't matter. Christine was given Remdesivir while she was sleeping, and now her daughter Michelle doesn't have her mother.
Rebecca Stevens was an avid reader of Epoch Times, where she learned about Remdesivir's dangers. She declined Remdesivir on five separate occasions, as her hospital records confirm. But the medical staff didn't care what Rebecca wanted. She was given Remdesivir without her knowledge, and now Rebecca's five grandsons are bereft.
I asked Michael Hamilton how it's possible to give Remdesivir to patients without them knowing. Hamilton is a lawyer for several families who are suing California hospitals for the murder of their loved ones, and he's heard thousands of victims' stories. "They would lie right to your face," he said. "You'd tell the nurse that you didn't want Remdesivir and she'd say, 'Fine. But you're a bit dehydrated, so let's get some fluids in you.' And she'd hook up the IV, but it wasn't fluids. It was Remdesivir."
Hamilton told me that another favored tactic was to knock out patients with sedatives like morphine and fentanyl. While they lay there in a stupor, they were injected with Remdesivir.
If secret injections of Remdesivir weren't enough to kill you, the hospitals had more torture lined up. After all, the federal government paid hospitals a big bonus to ventilate patients — so patients were going to get ventilated, whether they wanted to or not. A lot of patients turned down being vented, because the whole process is a nightmare. You're painfully intubated, rendered unable to talk; your lungs start shredding, and you may acquire bacterial pneumonia, which the hospital will refuse to treat.
But "no" is not an acceptable answer when the hospital has money at stake. The medical staff's preferred method for gaining "consent" was relentless bullying, screaming, coercion, and threats until the patient finally caved. Patti Lamar, Ray's widow, told me that when she refused to let them ventilate her husband, the doctors screamed at her over and over, "You're killing him! You're killing him! You're killing him!" When she couldn't take it anymore, she reluctantly gave in. Ray died shortly thereafter, and Patti lives with the trauma of that moment.
A shot was fired - inside the arms of those who believed the lie. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny for this is a global genocide. Life Free or die with honor. In GOD we Trust ... May every single participating doctor, nurse and the manufacturers be tried for genocide. How can any sane human being trust the medical establishment again after Covid is beyond me!!!
October 28, 2023
A powerful, in-depth look at hospitals’ deadly ‘COVID protocols’
By Andrea Widburg
Stella Paul wrote a series of articles for American Thinker exposing the terrible things that happened in American hospitals because of the new “COVID protocols”—things that the American public is already forgetting. Several days ago, she sat down for a long interview with an investigative reporter at the Epoch Times to expand on the information she provided to American Thinker readers.
You are probably already familiar with what Ms. Paul wrote, but here’s the list of those essays:
• What Happened in Hospitals During Covid?
• Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families
• Exposing the COVID hospital protocol
• 'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move
• The Death of Informed Consent
Backed by facts, Ms. Paul exposed how hospitals used COVID to ride roughshod over patients’ rights to information, their care options, and their treatment choices, all while isolating them from friends and family. It’s a truly horrifying tale, made worse by the fact that hospitals were driven not by fear (although many were) but by financial incentives.
For those who prefer listening to reading, you’re in luck. On October 17, Epoch TV published Ms. Paul’s 48-minute-long interview with Jan Jekielek, during which they discussed one of the greatest medical scandals—perhaps the greatest medical scandal—in American history. As of this writing, over 150,000 people have watched the video.
The interview opens with Ms. Paul explaining that, for her, it’s personal. Her husband was one of those people who was in a nursing home to which Governor Cuomo sent COVID-infected patients. He did this despite knowing that elderly people were the ones most vulnerable to serious COVID complications. As she says, “That was an extraordinarily dangerous thing to do, and that was medical arson. You are throwing the lit match of these COVID patients into direct contact with the most frail and vulnerable people.”
Ms. Paul’s husband, thankfully, was treated with hydroxychloroquine, recovered, and went back to the nursing home. However, his suffering didn’t end upon his return. He lived for another ten months in total isolation, without ever seeing a family member or, because of masks, seeing another person’s face. Desperate for human contact, when the vaccine came along, he took it, only to have a heart attack eight days later.
Ms. Paul, an experienced journalist who had spent years researching and writing about medical issues (under her real name, for “Stella Paul” is a pseudonym), decided to research what had happened. After all, this didn’t just affect her husband. It affected hundreds of thousands of mostly elderly, helpless Americans who were sucked into the maw of a healthcare system that, thanks to government policies and lots of money, was making bank on useless, torturous, often deadly treatments.
You can see the video or read a transcript at Epoch TV. With COVID retreating in the rearview of the American experience, it’s very important that people remember the political and medical malpractice visited upon them. With another election coming up in a year, it’s very reasonable to believe that Democrats, having succeeded so well with the last health panic, will try again.
A bogus virus did not kill people.........The Medical establishment DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 7, 2023
The Death of Informed Consent
By Stella Paul
Here's what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, "You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53% of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down. And you'll notice here in Remdesivir's fact sheet, it says, 'Not a lot of people have used Remdesivir. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen.' Or we can give you ivermectin, a safe and effective drug that's been successfully used for decades, and send you home. Which do you prefer?"
The reason that conversation never happened is that it would have cost the hospital too much money. If the hospital gave you ivermectin and sent you home, the federal government paid the hospital $3,200. If the hospital gave you Remdesivir, the federal government paid the entire hospital bill, plus a 20% bonus. So the hospital executives' choice was to receive $3,200 or $500,000, which was the average hospital bill. No contest. Patients were going to get Remdesivir — whether they wanted it or not.
Informed consent died a grotesque death in the hospitals during COVID, and we need an autopsy. There was no information, and there was no consent, and without them, patients are reduced to helpless victims, exploited for corrupt financial gain and immoral experiments.
Informed consent has been enshrined in numerous judicial rulings as the foundation of ethical medical practice and seared into the public's conscience from the Nuremberg trials. Seven Nazi doctors were hanged in Germany by an American military tribunal for "murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed in the name of medical science." Yet murders, tortures, and other atrocities are exactly what was committed by medical staff in the hospitals against thousands of Americans during COVID.
Take, for example, Ray Lamar, who arrived in the emergency room with a message written with a black sharpie pen on his arm: "NO VENT NO REMDESIVIR." On his other arm, he wrote the same message and added his wife's name and phone number. Yet the doctors gave him Remdesivir anyway, without ever informing him. His widow Patti told me she constantly wonders what she could have done to save him.
Christine Johnson told the doctors that she discussed all her medications with her daughter, who is a nurse, and she concluded that she didn't want Remdesivir. It didn't matter. Christine was given Remdesivir while she was sleeping, and now her daughter Michelle doesn't have her mother.
Rebecca Stevens was an avid reader of Epoch Times, where she learned about Remdesivir's dangers. She declined Remdesivir on five separate occasions, as her hospital records confirm. But the medical staff didn't care what Rebecca wanted. She was given Remdesivir without her knowledge, and now Rebecca's five grandsons are bereft.
I asked Michael Hamilton how it's possible to give Remdesivir to patients without them knowing. Hamilton is a lawyer for several families who are suing California hospitals for the murder of their loved ones, and he's heard thousands of victims' stories. "They would lie right to your face," he said. "You'd tell the nurse that you didn't want Remdesivir and she'd say, 'Fine. But you're a bit dehydrated, so let's get some fluids in you.' And she'd hook up the IV, but it wasn't fluids. It was Remdesivir."
Hamilton told me that another favored tactic was to knock out patients with sedatives like morphine and fentanyl. While they lay there in a stupor, they were injected with Remdesivir.
If secret injections of Remdesivir weren't enough to kill you, the hospitals had more torture lined up. After all, the federal government paid hospitals a big bonus to ventilate patients — so patients were going to get ventilated, whether they wanted to or not. A lot of patients turned down being vented, because the whole process is a nightmare. You're painfully intubated, rendered unable to talk; your lungs start shredding, and you may acquire bacterial pneumonia, which the hospital will refuse to treat.
But "no" is not an acceptable answer when the hospital has money at stake. The medical staff's preferred method for gaining "consent" was relentless bullying, screaming, coercion, and threats until the patient finally caved. Patti Lamar, Ray's widow, told me that when she refused to let them ventilate her husband, the doctors screamed at her over and over, "You're killing him! You're killing him! You're killing him!" When she couldn't take it anymore, she reluctantly gave in. Ray died shortly thereafter, and Patti lives with the trauma of that moment.