A Major News Service Finally Covered the Epidemic of Sudden Deaths
This segment may red-pill those still committed to the vaccine narrative, pulling back the curtain on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Ed Dowd was recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson (see below) about his book “Cause Unknown,” which I previously reviewed on Christmas Eve. Since the time that article was written, public opinion has continued to turn against the COVID-19 vaccines and more and more people are recognizing there is a wave of sudden deaths sweeping through the country (presently around half of America believes the vaccines are causing a wave of sudden deaths).
In 2021, the first year the vaccines entered the market, more safety signals than I can count had emerged that provided evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines were dangerous and needed to be immediately pulled from the market. However, rather than this happening, Biden (illegally) mandated them upon America, and now in 2023, the vaccines are still being pushed upon the population.
This dynamic illustrates a situation I first heard coined by Scott Adams—“facts don’t matter, persuasion is everything.” The COVID-19 vaccines were marketed with the most aggressive propaganda campaign any of us had seen in our lifetime (ironically illustrated by Adams finally admitting he fell for it), and as a result, regardless of what we said, for many, facts indeed did not matter.
Since nothing seemed to be sufficient to sway the opinions of those hypnotized by the narrative, each of us began looking for other ways to do so. Steve Kirsch for example, since 2021 has relentlessly pursued collecting as much data as possible to prove from every single direction that the COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous and need to be banned.
I recently (and Jikkileaks for a while) have focused on compiling the evidence showing Pfizer committed fraud (e.g., in the clinical trials, its regulatory submissions, and its manufacturing process) since we believe fraud is something the legal system will actually pursue. Additionally, fraud provides a way for those who previously supported the vaccine program to flip sides (as they can blame their previous errors on being lied to rather than needing to admit their own deficits in critical thinking).
Ed Dowd has focused on utilizing a narrower set of evidence and tying it to one of the most persuasive arguments currently available for shifting the narrative. A statistically impossible spike in sudden deaths has occurred in the healthiest segment of the population and has happened in tandem with a spike in disability (this is why we are now having labor shortages).
This spike correlated to the mRNA vaccines being deployed, particularly when Biden mandated it upon our workforce. Large economic costs are ensuing from this wave of death and disability, and recognizing it is critical for protecting your investment portfolio.
I believe the message Dowd has put together is one of the best approaches available to us for red-pilling the public. This week, Ed Dowd was interviewed by Tucker Carlson and was able to broadcast that message to the general public in an extremely persuasive manner. As far as I know, this is the first time the sudden death subject has been broached by a major media company, and Tucker to his credit, provided the best platform possible for Dowd to present his case.
I would thus highly advise watching this segment and then sharing it with those you know who are still on the fence about the vaccines:
The most important part of this article is the above interview—please watch and share it. For those interested, I would also like to make a few other comments about Dowd’s presentation.
The Importance of Critical Thinking
Dowd’s experience provides critical lessons in critical thinking. The current education system has been structured to make everyone believe critical thinking and intelligence are a product of chaining together the most “valid” pieces of available evidence to substantiate one’s position. Because of this, people will instinctively default to parroting the position of an authoritative source and the crowd around them (that also follows the same authority) rather than the individual trusting their own observations.
This is a huge problem because fraud is so common in our culture (Dowd for example built his career around identifying when CEOs were lying so he could predict what would actually happen to their stocks). To that end, a foundational principle in marketing and propaganda is to buy out the trusted authoritative source and then have it parrot a message that supports the sponsor rather than the public good. In public relations, this is known as the “third party technique” and it was relentlessly utilized throughout the pandemic (a detailed summary of the technique can be found here).
Although the majority of the population (including very intelligent individuals) seeks safety in the herd and requires social proof to make their decisions, a minority of the population will always defy the experts if things don’t seem to add up. I can empathize with Dowd because like him, I have developed an innate sense of how often things typically occur around me and I immediately recognize if one of those baseline trends has changed.
In Dowd’s case, this sensitivity has allowed him to repeatedly notice the early warning signs a stock would rise or crash, and because he acted upon these early warning signs (while the rest of his peers were still afraid to break from the herd that had not recognized it) Dowd was able to make a lot of money, while those who stayed with the herd did not (and often lost a lot of money). Although I’ve never entered the financial markets, spotting similar warning signs has allowed me to make numerous accurate calls within the political and medical fields.
In the case of the vaccines, both Dowd and I had numerous reasons to be suspicious of them (e.g., the many signs of fraud and deception reminiscent of those found throughout previous well-known corporate scandals that decimated the stock market and were a result of waiving previous regulations that had prevented these catastrophes). Because of this, we both adopted a highly controversial position and avoided taking the vaccines or recommending them to anyone else since Operation Warp Speed (the rapidly accelerated production of experimental vaccines) was a disaster waiting to happen. However, I (and I suspect he) did not anticipate how dangerous the vaccines would ultimately be.
Once the vaccines entered the market, we both immediately began hearing numerous reports of severe complications from the vaccines in our immediate circle. Given my understanding of toxicology, this was a huge red flag because an injury rate like that was unheard of, and given how reactions to a toxin tend to distribute (minor ones are much more common than severe ones), this meant I was likely only seeing the tip of the iceberg and many more were still below the surface. Dowd similarly felt the high number of athlete deaths (something previously unheard of) was a red flag and hence a key focus of his book Cause Unknown.
Dowd in the interview noted that many he warned against getting vaccinated experienced significant injuries from the vaccine, while those who chose to not vaccinate have been completely fine and have not had any issues with COVID-19. I thought this over and in my similar comparative groups (which I suspect is larger than Dowd’s since I do not live on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean):
Prior to the vaccines, one person I am close to almost died from COVID but we were able to successfully treat her at home.
Once the vaccines were available, four people I know who did not vaccinate got significant cases of COVID.
Of them:
•One ended up having to go to the ICU where it was necessary to ventilate him, and although the experience was quite harrowing, he survived.
•One was fairly ill at home and likely would have gone to the hospital had I not treated him at home.
•One was somewhat ill at home and may have gotten worse if I had not treated him.
•I was intensely ill for 2 days and then fatigued for a few more (I did not have access to any of the therapeutics I normally utilized for treating COVID-19 and was alone when this happened so I had to use a different treatment protocol).
Note: All five of these individuals have since made a complete recovery (I actually felt better after the illness than before I had it).
Conversely, almost everyone I know who experienced a symptomatic case of COVID-19 (including the four of those mentioned previously) developed it after the vaccines entered the market and most of them were vaccinated.
As the vaccines were coming to market, I tried to convince many of my peers to avoid vaccinating (or least wait to do so) and many listened to me. Of those who nonetheless chose to vaccinate, 40% experienced significant side effects (note: many others I know did as well, but they are not part of this sample and thus not possible to estimate the rate of injury from).
•Moderna: Had a tendon rupture immediately after vaccination that required urgent surgery and developed a chronic debilitating autoimmune disorder she has still not recovered from.
•Pfizer: Had a week-long period where he felt as though he was going to die, had some heart issues and then very slowly recovered.
•Pfizer: Had a three-day period where he felt as though he was going to die, and then mostly recovered but has difficulty tolerating airplane flights now.
•Pfizer: Developed a permanent irregular heart rhythm and myocarditis.
•Pfizer: Has developed occasional seizures, along with a few other issues such as chronically getting ill circulating respiratory viruses (e.g., the flu), something she never experienced before.
•J&J: Had severe chest pain indicative of myocarditis, fatigue, and other issues that disabled him for over 6 months.
•J&J: Developed POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), which has prevented him from being able to exercise or do many of his duties in the military. He gradually but not fully recovered over the course of a year.
•Novavax: Developed headaches, chest pain, and a racing heart that has persisted since vaccination.
Conversely, 60% to the best of my knowledge did not experience any acute side effects from vaccination:
•Pfizer: Had some small changes in health, but was unsure if she could attribute them to the vaccine.
•Pfizer: Does not believe the vaccine created any adverse effects.
•Pfizer: Does not believe the vaccine created any adverse effects.
•Pfizer: Does not believe the vaccine created any adverse effects.
•Pfizer: Does not believe the vaccine created any adverse effects.
•Pfizer: Unsure if the vaccine created any adverse effects.
•Pfizer: Unsure if the vaccine created any adverse effects.
•Pfizer: Has not reported any side effects to me (but I did not push the subject).
•Pfizer: Has not reported any side effects to me (but I did not push the subject).
•Pfizer: Has not reported any side effects to me (but I did not push the subject).
•J&J: Did not experience any adverse events but told me they did subsequently catch COVID-19 which they experienced side effects from.
•J&J: Did not experience any adverse events but told me did subsequently catch COVID-19 which they experienced side effects from.
Note: a few of the vaccines I labeled as Pfizer may have actually been Moderna.
A 40% acute injury rate from a pharmaceutical product forced upon the country is completely unacceptable, especially when you consider this metric fails to recognize long-term consequences of vaccination (e.g. cancer) or sudden deaths that would not be shared with me. Additionally, a recent survey by Rasmussen reports found an almost identical result: 41% of respondents were concerned they experienced a side effect from vaccination (34% reported a “minor” one, and 7% reported a “major” one).
Once Dowd saw the early warning signs that predicted this trend, he then hypothesized that he would see the data substantiating it in the life insurance data and earning reports from both that industry and the funeral homes. This in turn was exactly what happened and became a key focus of his message, since, while a complex array of symptoms is difficult for many to fully comprehend, deaths and money are not. More importantly, these losses have huge consequences for the upper class which sustains itself by profiting off the American workforce, which is important since the upper class is the primary party that decides public policy in America.
Previously, our culture rewarded bold innovators who went against the crowd and succeeded by doing so, but in recent decades this behavior has become much rarer (in the early 2000s warnings began coming out that if America did not address its creativity crisis, it would lose its competitiveness in the global marketplace). Since Obama’s presidency (which emphasized basing federal hiring on one’s degree rather than their experience along with censorship of politically incorrect viewpoints), this creativity crisis has significantly worsened and our culture has begun to look down upon anyone who goes against the crowd.
Because of these dynamics, it is now surprisingly difficult to find critically thinking individuals who will trust their own observations over those of their peers and then act upon them. It is my sincere hope COVID-19 will serve as a wake-up call on the necessity of fostering genuine critical thinking within our nation.
Affected Demographics:
Another concerning aspect of the vaccination program was who it affected. Typically the healthiest members of society are the least likely to die or experience disability. However, since the COVID-19 vaccines were pushed on America, the exact opposite has happened. The healthiest members of society (the employed that our economy depends upon) have suffered the greatest impact from the COVID-19 vaccines.
One commonly unrecognized complication of pharmaceutical injuries is the permanent disability that comes with it. I have observed this in friends of mine (who were consigned to a life of pain and inability to function within the workforce or public sphere despite desperately wishing to).
Similarly, when I worked as a physician responsible for certifying individuals for disability, I found many of those I saw had a disability that was the result of poor medical care or an adverse reaction to a medical product. In each case, I saw these people were living a life of anguish they did not want to follow and had no avenues left to them besides staying at home (assuming they weren’t homeless) and receiving a small amount of governmental support.
Unfortunately, there is very little public recognition of the plight of these people (they mostly remain out of sight and out of mind). I can thus only imagine what will happen once the public realizes where the workforce we depend upon has gone. Additionally, one of the saddest things about this dynamic is that the Democratic party has repeatedly branded itself as the party of the working class. Yet, when the greatest assault in modern history happened to the working class, instead of standing up for the working class, the Democrat party became the leading advocate for closing small businesses and mandating a deadly vaccine on a workforce that did not want to receive it.
Additionally, as Dowd’s data shows, the greatest impacts are on women (whom the Democratic party has also branded itself as an advocate for). In my assessment, one of, if not the most common side effect of vaccination is menstrual irregularities (which a recent large review of 78,138 vaccinated women found occurred 52.05% of them). This is important because until recently, every health authority denied vaccinations could affect the menstrual cycle (despite it having been proven the mRNA vaccines concentrate in the ovaries, the organ responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle).
One of the major challenges the conventional medical field has had to face over the centuries is that its pharmaceuticals are often highly toxic, and were the public to become aware of these issues, it would likely stop supporting the medical profession. One of the most common approaches the medical field has taken to address it (medical gaslighting) has been to convince patients the injuries either aren’t real or are due to pre-existing psychologic issues rather than the doctor’s pharmaceutical (e.g., I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard of someone being told their vaccine-induced myocarditis is just “anxiety”).
Medical gaslighting is a cruel practice many of us have come face-to-face with during COVID-19. One of the least appreciated facets of medical gaslighting is that it is done disproportionately to women (as within our culture, it is easier to write off their symptoms as the product of existing emotional issues). In previous eras, this took the form of diagnosing legitimate illnesses (e.g., mercury poisoning resulting from a doctor’s prescription) as female “hysteria.” Female hysteria in turn, as difficult as this might be to believe now, was often viewed as a result of unresolved sexual needs and treated accordingly.
Fake Vaccine Cards
One topic Tucker touched upon I have not discussed previously was the subject of fake vaccination cards (which I know many offered or received), and the question of it was ethically justified. Although many supported this practice (and I periodically see articles on those who were caught making fake cards being viewed as heroes) I held a different perspective on all of this.
The vaccine roll-out we witnessed was structured in a manner that tried to get as many people as possible to vaccinate with a soft incentive, and then once that market saturated, a stronger incentive was rolled out, and then once that market saturated, a stronger incentive rolled out, as so forth. For reference we went through:
•Only healthcare workers could get it and needing to wait your turn in line).
•Prizes and incentives for receiving it (e.g., getting a gift card, junk food, alcohol, a donated hour with a prostitute or being entered into a vaccine lottery).
•Soft mandates (e.g., you can’t go to a restaurant or concert without vaccinating).
•Harder mandates (you need to be vaccinated to travel internationally, work forces you to test daily and wear a mask if you are not vaccinated).
•Harder mandates (you will be fired or kicked out of school unless you are vaccinated).
•The first boosters was mandated.
•The second booster was mandated.
Going from each of these to the next stage required a sufficient percentage of the population to be vaccinated for their to be the social proof necessary to institute a more draconian mandate (this is also why I suspected those in charge didn’t really care if people faked their vaccine records during the roll-out). For this reason, I felt it was unethical to pretend to vaccinate because it contributed to the quota necessary to justify mandates on the entire population.
Since I fortunately had the choice not to vaccinate (it made my life quite difficult but there were no insurmountable obstacles created for me), I made the choice to not create a vaccination record. Simultaneously, I am fully aware many others did not have that choice and I fully empathize with why they may have had to do differently (likewise I know individuals like some of those listed above who did not want to, but had had to vaccinate for work and subsequently become severely injured from the vaccines).
I also feared that if one committed to faking a vaccination, it would create significant issues in the future once the inevitable boosters were mandated, as at that time, it would most likely become harder to get fake vaccination cards. Additionally, the strongest argument for an exemption (the religious option—medical ones are almost impossible to get) would become much harder to get at that point in time since by the individual previously vaccinating effectively serves as a legal admission they do not hold deep seated religious objections to injecting experimental gene therapies into their bodies.
Additionally, AB-1797, passed into law last year created a state immunization registry many suspected would be used to identify fake vaccination records. This was something many of us expected would be enacted once the fake vaccination records no longer were needed to facilitate advancing the vaccine mandates.
From the start of COVID-19, I felt something very bad was going to happen, and rather than give into despair, tried to do my best to prevent it (my full story is summarized here). Nonetheless, for most of that time, I felt like I was a grain of sand on the shoreline that knew exactly what the ocean's waves would do to each of us and the absolute futility of trying to oppose it. Eventually, Steve Kirsch decided to help build me a platform, and now, after 2.3 years of work, something I never imagined could happen happened and fate gave me the opportunity to make a difference through this Substack.
Dowd likewise has a very similar experience and said that once Biden mandated the vaccines upon the American workforce, he felt he had to do something and prayed to God to be of service. Not long after, he met Robert Malone who decided to support his endeavor and allowed him to make a real impact on all of this—something many activists in this movement have observed can be incredibly isolating as most of our peers were so invested in the vaccine narrative near the end of 2021.
Now, that we are moving into the next stage of public awareness on this issue, larger figures are starting also to bring awareness to this issue, and I am immensely grateful to Tucker Carlson for leading that pack.
Although there were many noteworthy quotations from the interview (e.g., they also discussed many of the issues with conventional medical and psychiatric care), there were two, in particular, I wanted to share:
[Tucker]: Well it’s totally North Korean like. You have a 40% increase in deaths and no one knows? What kind of media environment do you have?
[Dowd]: To put this into something people can sink their teeth into: the people who have died from COVID, vaccine deaths and early treatment denial is greater than all the worlds wars we have experienced as a nation. It’s much larger than World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War. This has been a war.
[Dowd]: You cannot rationalize facts to someone whose position is based on emotion.
Because our economy is driven by greed (e.g., adult vaccines have a large profit margin for the manufacturer and Pfizer’s vaccine is now the most successful pharmaceutical product in history), our system naturally incentivizes debacles like this one (as profits are always valued over human lives).
This issue also extends far beyond the pharmaceutical industry, however. Consider for example how much Silicon Valley (which profited handsomely off of the new stay-at-home biosurveillance economy) aggressively censored anything dissenting from the narrative online. Similarly, the mainstream media (which was paid large amounts of money by both the vaccine manufacturers and the federal government to promote the vaccine narrative), except for a few episodes on Fox, never aired any of the public’s concerns about the vaccines.
Due to the interconnected nature of everything, the medical industry’s profiteering has now affected every sector of the economy, and many parties who would have previously ignored what is happening have a strong self-interest in preventing further damage from the vaccine program. We owe Edward Dowd an immense debt of gratitude for the work he has done to publicize this facet of the COVID-19 fiasco and Tucker Carlson for giving a fair platform for it to be heard on.
Please consider watching and sharing this interview with those you know who are now on the fence about the vaccines as this is something that can get through to them. Please also consider directly supporting this excellent piece of journalism (it can be viewed on Fox Nation here), as supporting those willing to go against the narrative is the only thing that can incentivize the rest of the media to do so as well.
The freedom movement and its eternal base of Truth is doing just what it was expected to do. Kill tyranny. One step, one flag, one salute to a trucker and farmer at a time. One legal notice to a fake MD, pharmacist, nurse, government-hired poison injector at a time. The tide turns, and its a tidal wave of truth. And demons can’t swim. 🙏🏽
Excellent! Thank you so much. I bought Ed's book (Cause Unknown) as soon as I first heard about it. Robert Malone has arranged for us to get the Kindle version free through the end of February. Also free are his own book, Lies My Government Told Me; as well as Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Check it out on Amazon.